235 - university of the witwatersrand

VIBRATION SEVERITY 235 cone vortex problem is that pressure pulsation? are unusually strong. Another identifying characteristic is that vibration affects only ducting downstream of the fan and the fan casing. Vestinghouse alto reports that the pressure wave has a frequency two and half times fan running speed. V. VANE 0PENIN6 FIGURE 8.34 The most common solution to an inlet cone vortex if, the addition of radial dorsal fins. A report published by L & C Steinmuller (50) on pressure pulsations in the discharge ducts for the draught group fani. at Duvha revealed the following. Pressure pulsations in the diacharge ducts were some 66X lower for fans fifted with dorsal fins than for fans without.

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Page 1: 235 - University of the Witwatersrand







cone vortex problem is that pressure pulsation? are

unusually strong. Another identifying characteristic is

that vibration affects only ducting downstream of the fan

and the fan casing. Vestinghouse alto reports that the

pressure wave has a frequency two and half times fan

running speed.

V. VANE 0 P E N IN 6 FIGURE 8 . 3 4

The most common solution to an inlet cone vortex if, the

addition of radial dorsal fins. A report published by

L & C Steinmuller (50) on pressure pulsations in the

discharge ducts for the draught group fani. at Duvha

revealed the following. Pressure pulsations in the

diacharge ducts were some 66X lower for fans fifted with

dorsal fins than for fans without.

Page 2: 235 - University of the Witwatersrand


There is little or no connection between bearing

vibration and duct vibration. At Tutuka Power Station

excessive vibration existed in the ducting from the two

ID fans. Vibration tests were performed by the nuilior on

the main vertical support channels, the cross struts and

on the fans bearings. Figures 8.35, 8.36 and 8.37 show

the frequency spectra that were obtained from one of the

main vertical support channels, a cross strut and from

the non-drive end bearing (horizontal direction),

respectively. The overall RMS on the main vertical

support channel was 2,83 mm/s, while on the cross beam it

was as high as 10,1 mm/s. On the non-drive end bearing

of the fan in the horizontal direction it was as low as

1,11 . As can be seen large vibration exists in the duct

work (10,1 mm/s RMS) with comparatively small scale

bearing vibration (1,11 mm/s RMS). There is little

structural tie between the two. If both the bearings and

the ducts vibrate, then there are two problems to be


8.6.6 Load Contours for PA Fans

Generally the horizontal overall RMS velocity values- are

higher than in the vertical direction for a particular

bearing. This can be expected because the fan is less stiff

in the horizontal direction than in the vertical direction.

If we consider only the normal operating conditions i.e. 722

to 943! MCR which corresponds approximately to the overall RMS

velocity values at 802 and 1002 MCR, then the percentage

change varies from 242 to 0,12. All the values obtained are

1 ess than 2 mm/s RMS except for the left hand PA fan,

non drive-end horizontal position, whose values range from

2 ,d 6 mm/s to 2,32 mm/s RMS.

Page 3: 235 - University of the Witwatersrand

HZ ______


r. 5Q0







u i



LD OJ 00 CD o GO■*rHOJ cu cn LD ID GO

CD1 -6 -3 -3 -6 -6 -61LU LU LU LU LU LU LU

• • O • •

tH CO "sT O O t-HCD • • CO m

m ID ̂ id m m























Page 4: 235 - University of the Witwatersrand



0 ^ 0

o o oID O LD

• • • OJ LD r^

OJ T )

Q _




\2 :



^ CD 00l d c n ^ r

c n m


:z. o



















0 O OJ0 LD O LD0 r^ O r^

0 cn O GOcu

c n1 cn1

cn1 LD1LU


"sT cn 0 •

r H LD 0 00• • •










c? - 0(S/kM ) A1I0013 A

Page 5: 235 - University of the Witwatersrand


8.6.7 Load Contours for the ID Pans

For the ID fans tested the variation in overall RMS velocity

values obtained are more obvious than for the two PA fans. No

clear pattern emerges from there contour lines. The

horizontal overall RMS velocity values for a particular

bearing are higher than the vertical values.

If ve consider only the normal operating conditions i.e. 72X

to 94Z MCR, then the percentage change varies from 257 to


All the values obtained are less than 3 mm/s RMS.

8.6.8 Load Contours for the FD Fans

The load contour lines for the FD fans following a similar

pattern es the PA fans. Generally the horizontal overall RMS

velocity values are higher than for the vertical, for each


All the values obtained are less than 3 mm/s except for the

lefthand FD fan, drive end vertical position, whose values

range from 4,56 mm/s to 2,12 mm/s RMS.

8.6.9 load Contours for the Steam Feed Pump

The overall RMS displacements from the four permanently

installed proximity probes all show a similar trend. Between

55Z MCR and 75Z MCR the vibration levele tend to fluctuate

substantially. From 40Z MCR to 55* MCR the vibration levels

remain fairly constant and the same applies between 75Z MCR

to 85Z MCR. The vibration levels from the two accelerometers

Page 6: 235 - University of the Witwatersrand


mounted vertically and horizontally on the drive-erd of the

turbine fluctuate considerably.

From 401 MCR to 55X MCR the main pump ia not supplying the

boiler with water and operates on leak off. The speed of

pump during leak off only varies from 3180 RPM to 4055 RPM.

At 802 MCR and 852 MCR the pump operates at a speed of

4205 RPM jnd 4311 RPM respectively.

Taking the percentage change of the maximum and minimum

vibration levels at 752, 802 and 852 MCR for each contour,

that ia, the normal operating conditions, results in the

following:- The vibration levels from the drive end x and y

proximity probes have a percentage change of 6,62 and 10,42

respectively. The vibration levels from the non-drive end x

and y proximity probes have a percentage change of 20,3* and

18,72 respectively. The vibration levels from the

accelerometers mounted vertically and horizontally on the

drive-end of the turbine have a percentage change of 27,72

and 202 respectively.

8.6.10 Load Contours for the Electric Feed Pumps

The vibration levels from the four permanently installed

proximity probes do not fluctuate substantially. For

Electric Feed F.'mp A (F.FP A) the overall RMS displacements

from the drive end and non-drive end proximity probes vary

between 8,5 micrometers and 12,6 micrometers RMS. Fo*- F.FP B

the overall RMS displacements from the drive end proximity

probes vary between 18,4 micrometers and 19,2 micrometers

RMS, while the non-drive end displacements vary between 3,2

micrometers and 5,7 micrometers RMS. The vibration levels

from the two accelerometers mounted axially at the drive-end

and non-drive-end of main pump, fluctuate substantially.

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Taking the percentage change between the maximum and minimum

vibration levels at 75X, 80X and 852 MCR for each contour

results in the following:-

Electric Feed Pump A

The vibration levels from the drive-end x

non-drive end x and y proximity probes have a

change o2 11,82, IX, 1,21 and I,2X respectively.

Electric Feed Pump B

The vibration levels from the drive-end x

non-drive-end x and y proximity probes have a

change of 2,2X, 2,It 17,61 and 49,6X respectively

and y, and


and y, and

percent age

The vibration levels from the axial drive end and non-drive

end accelerometers have a percentage change of 5,5X and 22,41

r»*pect ively.

Page 8: 235 - University of the Witwatersrand


When formulating guidelines necessary to perform vibration

trend analysis two approaches must be considered. The first

approach is to formulate unique guidelines for each machine.

This approach accounts for the fact that every machine

exhibits a unique vibration signature. As one can appreciate

this approach is time consuming and is only economically

feasible for machines vhich are critical to the ccr.tinuul

oper* on of plant. The second approach is to formulate

general guidelines for dii:fer»nt classes of machines. For

example, a guideline for fans, pumps, turbines and motors.

This approach it practical in the sense that only a fev

guidelines exist and not one for every machine. The latter

approach was used in this discussion.

It is normal practice when formulating guidelines for trend

plots to measure the initial vibration levels and typically

allow level changes of j factor of 2,5, that is, 8 dB, for

one equality class change. This only holds provided that the

initial vibration level is classified as normal in accordance

with reputable standards like VDI 2056. The same criteria

applied to spectrum cascade trending.

It is therefore pointless and meaningless to trend vibration

data that fluctuates more than 250X due to load variations.

In this situtation if will be impossible to distinguish

between fluctuations caubeo bv load variations or increased

vibration levels caused by an impending problem.

Judging by the results obtained from all the draught group

fans the maximum and minimum percentage change was 51X and

0,1% respectively over the 802 MCR to 100X MCR operating


Page 9: 235 - University of the Witwatersrand


range. Tho average percentage change being 141. For the

electrj.c and steam feed pumps the maximum and minimum

percentage change was 49,62 and 2,12 respectively over the

operating range from 752 MCR to 852 MCR. The average

percentage change being 122. It can therefore be deduced

that sensible vibration trending can be performed for the

avovementioned machines at the specified operating

conditions. When analysing trend data from these machines

the fact that up to 502 variation in vibration levels can

occur due to load fluctuations, must be borne in uind.

In an article published by Piety and Magette (51) it is

demonstrated that variations in speed and load can introduce

changes in vibration exceeding those associated with defects.

Compensation for 9uch changes stimulated by control variables

is necessary for maintaining sensitivity for defect detection

and for reducing false alarms. To detect these anomolies

they suggest that each vibration signature be tested to

determine if its deviations from the baseline signatures are

statistically significant.

To recommend a time interval between the acquisition of

vib:at ion measurements so that an acceptable lead time before

failure can be achieved requires knowledge of the following:

a) The time period between the commencement of a defect to

the detection of this defect using vibration analysis


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2 U

b) The time period between the commencement oi a defect to

this defect resulting in catastrophic failure.

c) The time period between the '‘•tection of a defect using

vibration analysis techniques to this defect resulting in

catastrophic failure.

Tt is very difficult to quantify these lead times because:

a) They will be very dependent on the initial severity of

the defect.

b) They will also depend largely on the pertinent failure

mechanisms common to the machine.

c) In some cases defects will not necessarily be detected at

the onset by vibration analysis techniques alone. Other

parameters like seal gas pressure and temperature could

indicate the commencement of a defect well before

vibration analysis.

d) It is difficult to ascertain when a defect

when it will be detected and when this defect

in catastrophic failure.

The abovementioned lead times could be obtained from well

documented and detailed maintenance history files on various

machines. Unfortunately, because vibration condition

monitoring is relatively new in ESCOM this information is no*-

ava i1ab1e.

If the literature on this subject is consulted and from the

authors' experience at SASOL it i6 recommended that the feed

pumps and draught group fans be monitored once fortnightly.


will result

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If the trend plots show an increase or decrease then the tine

between measurements should be decreased so that the defect

can be raore closely monitored.

Vibration maintenance history files for the abovementioned

machines must be kept in view of setting a new or* more

practical time period between vibration measurements, if

necessitated by defects which commence and result in a

failure between vibration measurements.

After discussing the pertinent failure nechanisms of the feed

pump train and the draught group fans it is possible to

recommend a system whereby minimal vibration data acquisition

can be performed for acceptable protection against the

pertinent failure mechanisms. Generally, the direction that

is monitored on a bearing, is that direction in which the

machine is the least stiff. For example, turbo-generators

are monitored continuously in the vertical direction, while

draught group fans are monitored continuously in the

horizontal direction.

The fact that the feed pumps have large casing/rotor mass

ratios and hence generate more shaft motion relative to the

bearing or hearing housing. It is for this reason that shaft

relative motion, using proximity probes, be measured. Raving

discussed the pertinent failure mechanisms of the feed pumps

most of the problems manifest themselves in Bhaft relative


The draught group fans have small casing/rotor mass ratios,

and hence most of the vibration will be transmitted from the

rotor to the bearing casing. It is therefore suggested that

shaft absolute motion for the fans be monitored.

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IU 6

The following systems are recommended for:

A The Draught Group Fans

Vibration measurements should be taken once fortnightly in

the horizontal direction at the drive-end and non drive-end

bearings of the motor and fan. Vibration measurements should

also be taken in the axial direction at the drive end

bearings of the motor and fan. i.e. on either side of the

coupling. When horizontal measurements are taken on the fan,

these should be taken on the side opposite to which the

permanently installed velocity transducer is mounted. Since

the periodic measurements will be taken using a velocity

transducer with a magnetic base, this m.gnet could trip the

fan if it i» brought close to the p^rmanep*ly installed

velocity transducer.

By taking measurements in the axial direction on either side

of the coupling, misalignment can immediately be detected.

Rotor bur defects in the mcror will also be detected by

measuring in the axial direction of the motor. This is

discussed in Chapter 6.

To improve the ability to diagnose defects the following

information should also be recorded and trended each time

vibration measurements are taken.

a) Bearing temperatures

b) Stator current

The FD and ID fans have double inlet impellers with 12

staggered blades for each inlet, and the PA fans have single

inlet impellers with 10 bladps each. The running speed of

Page 13: 235 - University of the Witwatersrand


the FD and ID is 12,33 Hz and the PA fan's running speed is

24,83 Hz. The blade passing frequencies are (12 x 12,33) and

(24 x 12,33) ■ 148 Hz and 296 Hz for the ID and FD fans and

10 x 24,83 ■ 248 Hz for the PA tans. When investigating


frequency spectra from the draught group fans a minimum

frequency range of 1000 Hz is reconuended.

B The Steam Feed Pump

TJ?S HflP Pu?P

Vibration measurements should be taken once fortnightly from

the 4 proximity probes mounted 45° from the vertical at the

DE and NDE bearings. Phase measurements from the fifth

proximity probe should also be taken, so that phase and shaft

orbital analysis can be performed. Axial vibration

measurements on the main pump should also be taken using a

velocity transducer but preferably an accelerometer. The

main pump has 7 vanes per impeller and has a maximum

operating speed of 5 228 RPM (87 Hz) and hence its blade

passing rrequency is 610 Hz. When investigating frequency

spectra from the main pump a minimum frequency range of 2 000

Hz is recommended. This frequency range has to be specified

but can be changed after some experience has been gained. It

is more convenient to have excess information and then reduce

it than to have insufficient right from the outset.

The rest of the steam feed pump train

The Steam Turbine

The turbine should be monitored in all three directions at

both the DE and NDE bearing with either a velocity transducer

or an accelerometer but preferably an accelerometer.

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The Steam Bootter Pump

The booster pump should be monitored in the horizontal

direction at the DE and NDE bearing. The booster pump has a

maximum operating speed of 1 622 RPM (27 Hi) and six vanes

per impeller. The blade passing frequency is 162 Hz.

The Steamer'» Gearbox

The steamer's gearbox should be monitored in the horizontal

and axial direction at the DE and NDE bearing. This is to

protect the gearbox from misalignment and gear problems.

C The Electric Feed pump

The main pump should be monitored int the same manner as the

steam feed pump.

The rest of the electric feed pump train.

The Voith Gearbox

The 6 journal bearings should be monitored in the horizontal

direction, and the 2 thrust bearings should be monitored in

the horizontal and axial directions.

Additional parameters that should be monitored

on the feed water pumps.

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Other parameters that should be monitored ar.d trended each

time vibration measurements are recorded on the feed vater

pvmps are:

a) Suction pressure.

b) Discharge pressure.

c) Speed.

d) Load.

e) Lubrication oil temperature,

i) Bearing temperatures.

g) Sealing water temperature.

The abovementioned information is available as a hard copy as

shown in Figures 8.38 and 8.39 for the steam and electric

steam feed pump respectively.

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1385-85-29I I 8 i ; 5 IM IT I

TU TW PO IETSTW rai. 577 HI.

m m m mE s v o m s •• sn f a ft i i esu

t U K O F F - ' 3 7 l ° C , *■+— • I .. - BLEI sr>r S'liPPLr . 2WIN Iff - ' M3cia°c n E C H /m r . . . 0 -°c ,

I I — H I & , NOE h THBI9T 31 ■1 25 3 ^ 4 - 7 * T : ^ r S C H P ^ S S ■' ct..5Hpat

t * : * . BFPt BEARINGS *6 7 •• J 1 c3 °C

a 3a ••;•••

3 17 °C • '4 4 3 ' :5 33 5C liJJR-*6 3+ «C « UH7 44'°C. *1 (Jtt8 36 *♦ Ufl’ , '

ecc m un■ U

- P O U ^ r i L - - . - ••r CONQ f U U p j l . j f l p i : 1 EXH N I K p f >

LUB OIL 2'36Koji CQND1EUEL -O IL TEMP 30°C*j • . • 3 3 ■— cu m\ .♦ cyu u t [ t o o r m " ^ ; - o 0 a ^ c ; ' ae a°c f ‘aa.7°c

Con- 0/> 51EXT/P,Ps Oisch • 5 Kp3

FIGURE 8 .3 8

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\ m m BEARINGS MINGS’* ; il{28-#Cr»23*C0 2f °C .\i 29*CS 24*CB S4'aC • *13 ft K T Z 23 '5G, P/P DISCHARGE j+,/23 °C|a £ :3C|o 23 °C[ 0.3ilP»

13 i'°c 4 3a *c2 23 °C 5 21 °C j.,34- °C 8 51 °C

i?.»c .17 »C 13 «C 28 «c

18 °C LUB OIL CLR 46 °C



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1) The vibration level* obtained from the draught group fane

at 80* MCR and 100Z KCR, have an average percentage

change of 14Z, a maximum of 512 and a minimum of 0,1Z.

2) The vibration level# obtained from the main feedwater

pumps, between the ranges 75Z MCR to 85Z MCR, have an

average percentage change of 12Z, a maximum of 49,6Z and

a mini mu tii of 2,1Z.

3) Sensible vibration trending can be performed for the

abov.«entioned machines and specified operating

conditions. When analysing overall vibration trend data

from these machines an average percentage change of

12-14Z and a maximum percentage change of "50Z can be


4) To deduce conclusively, for all pumps and fans, what has

already been stated above requires similar tests to be

performed on numerous fans and pumps of different

complexities and load capabilities.

5) To recommend a time interval between the acquisition of

vibration measurements so that an acceptable lead time

before failure can be achieved, requires knowledge of the

maintenance history of the machine. Although the

vibration maintenance history of the feed water pumps and

draught group fans was unknown a reasonable time interval

was recommended.

6) To recommend a procedure whereby minimal vibration data

acquisition can be performed requires knowledge of the

pertinent failure mechanisms of the machine.

Page 19: 235 - University of the Witwatersrand


7) Baseline signatures at various loads for the machines in

question were obtained.

8) To ensure that vibration data is acquired each time at

precisely the same location and orientation on a machine,

vibration pads or studs should be attached to the bearirg

housing. These pads or studs should have an

identification number engraved on them for recording


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These include:

a) The training requirements of the maintenance personnel.

b) Continuous versus periodic monitoring.

c) Trending of vibration data.

d) Manual and computerised logging.

e) Considerations concerning the purchasing of periodic vibeation

monitoring equipment.

f) Considerations concerning the purchasing of continuous on-line

vibration monitorin/ equipment.

g) Standardised rules for measurements on rotating equipment.


9.1.1 Selection of Personnel

The selection of personnel to carry out a Vibration Condition

Monitoring (V.C.M.) system is of paramount importance. They

must be dedicated, technically competent, self-disciplined,

credible, logical, capable of writing clear and concise

reports, and above all, they must not be put off by

oppos it ion.

Page 21: 235 - University of the Witwatersrand


The unbelievets, as with any religion, are capable of

producing a formidable oppoaition. Comments like: "I have

run my plant for years without vibration condition based

monitoring, why do I need it now?" are regularly heard. This

attitude can be overcome by careful persistent logic and

proving the point with results: i.e. gaining credibility.

Management must not expect to reap the full benefits of a

V.C.M. programme immediately. I: is the author's belief that

the full economic benefits of such a programme will only

become evident two years after the implementation of the

programme. Hence, the maintenance staff must be given enough

time to gain experience and confidence, and to become

proficient in the use of the instrumentation.

The best areas of choice for the maintenance personnel who

will perform the V.C.M. lay in the skills band covering a

good engineerirg assistant to an engineer, preferably with

machinery experience. The simple reading of a measurement

and its interpretation according to predetermined vibration

severity charts and tables is not sufficient and often causes

evaluation errors. It is therefore necessary that the

operator knows how the machines are manufactured, the history

of the machines, the more recurring failures, how these

reveal themselves within the vibration frequency spectrum and

how they have been repaired.

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9.1.2 Training

It is the author's view that the training of personnel is

best achieved by:

a) In-house courses in basic vibration analysis techniques

and measurements.

Some vibration analysis equipment manufacturers provide

basic courses in vibration analysis and a6 such can be a

very valuable <isset to initiating a V.C.M. programme.

Unfortunately these courses can become very *le«i

orientated and hence lose their effectiveness

training programme.

It was therefore decided that ESCOM would provide its own

in-house training. The necessary expert e for this

training programme was supplied by personnel from

Dynamics & Noise and the Central Maintenance Services


b) Continuous on-the-iob training.

This part should involve the use of experienced personnel

in guiding, and encouraging the operators at the power

stations. It is during the early days of launching a

system that most mistakes are made and problems

encountered. It is vitally important that the operators

be able to rely on specialised groups such as Dynamics &

Noise, and CMS for assistance in solving their problems.


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c) Advanced training.

The purpose of an advanced training course is threefold

1) To obtain feedback so that the basic vibration analysis

course can be refined.

2) To confirm all the points that have been taught in the

basic and on-the-job training courses.

3) To upgrade knowledge concerning vibration analysis

techniques and measurements by going into more detail

concerning diagnostics.

d ) Mananerjal awareness

The maintenance superintendents and the power station

managers are row involved in problems which were quite

unknown or did not concern them. It is therefore vitally

important that the abovementioned personnel are aware of

the benefits end advantages of a V.C.M. programme.

Irrespective of the sophistication of the vibration

monitjring equipment and the comprehensiveness of the

training courses a V.C.M. programme will not succeed

unless the maintenance personnel involved are motivated

and dedicated, and top management support the programme.


On-line vibration monitoring systems must satisfy certain

requirements i; they are to provide an effective means of

detecting and diagnosing abnormal vibration characteristics

for large turbo-generators, feed pumps and draught group


Page 24: 235 - University of the Witwatersrand

25 8

With the advent of computerised real-time systems, vibration

monitoring lends itself to continuous on-1ine-monitoring.

Continuous monitoring requires a relatively large initial


capital expenditure, but once installed, cost of operation is

quite low. Periodic muiiitoring on the other hand has a lov

initial cost, but it is manpower intensive and therefore has

a relatively high continuing cost.

9.2.1 Continuous Monitoring

Continuous vibration monitoring is necessary on critical

machines that are subject to problems, or where problems can

develop rapidly and have severe financial consequences.

Continuous monitoring may be dictated by safety

considerations. Even if the cost of a failure is small,

machines should be continuously monitored if a failure will

result in hazards to personnel.

The output of a continuous machinery monitoring system must

be hi *h1y representative of the machine's condition. It must

also e responsive enough to provide warning of impending

problems in time to avoirf maior catastrophic f.iiluren.

Continuous monitoring systems should also allow for the

analysis of transient vibration data, during the run-up and

coastdown of machines so that Bode and Kyquist plots can be

generated. This is suggisted on the main turbo-generator set

for crack detection purposes.

Permanently installed velocity transducers on a FD fan and

the turbo--generator can be seen in Figures 9.1 and 9.2

respect ively.

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Continuous vibration monitoring involves mounting pf-Tcarent 1y

inrtalled accelerometer*, velocity probe*, proximity probes,

dual probes or shaft rider* to a machine. The information

from these transducers i* relayed continuously to a monitor

or atrip chart recorder or on request in a control room.

Typical *trip chart recorder* can be aeen in Figure 9.3.

9.2.2 Periodic Monitoring

Periodic monitoring is typically applied to less critical

machinery where advance warning of deteriorating conditions

will show a positive return on invetteient. Periodic

monitoring consists of logging measurements at pre-deterrained

intervals using portable hand held meters or portable d£ta

collectors. Typical analysis of the data ranges froir

relatively simple manual logging of overall RMS values to

detailed frequency spectrum analysis of dynamic data from


Signals from permanently installed sensors for continuous

monitoring can be used for periodic trending. Most

prrmanently installed sensor*, for various machines, are

connected to a common monitoring panel. This panel consists

of individual modules f-om each of the sensors. These

nodules normally have buffered outputs whereby signals from

the sensors are spectrum analysed .nd compared against

previous baseline signature* u*ing a portable data collector.

A typical control box for permanently installed velocity

transducer* on the draught group fan* can be aeen in

Figure 9.4.

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Velocity Transducer


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The method of acquiring data used for periodic vibration

monitoring takes on many foims:

a) A semi-skilled labourer armed vith a hard held vibration

meter coupled to an accelerometer or a velocity

transducer, obtains peak, RMS or overall RMS values from

th*> transducer when it is mounted on an established

location and orientation on a bearing casing. The

measurements are usually manually logged. The measuring

points are usually marked on the machine to ensure that

measurements will correlate witV previously obtained

data. Trending of data is also done manually.

b) An operator is provided with a portable tape recorder and

he simply speaks an identification number, location and

the measured value into the microphone. later the tape

is played back and the sprken information transcribed

onto a permanent record.

c) A tape recorder or data collector is taken to a machine

and the vibration spectra from the bearings are recorded

or stored in a bubble memory. The data is then down

loaded to a mass storage device or computer. If a

computer is used, the storing, trending and signature

comparison is alt performed by the software. Thi6 method

can be seen diagramatica11y in Figure 9.5.

Disadvantages of the abovempntioned methods. The letters in

brackets denotes the method which is applicable.

1) Labour intensive (a).

2) The job becomes routine and monotonous. When this occurs

mistakes creep in and interest quickly wanes (a), (b),


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3) Efficient trending and analysis of the data becomes

increasingly difficult as the data base expanda. Aa the

vorklc»ad increases the time apent correlating and

trending data decreases so important aspects of a

machines' health ia overlooked (a).

4) No detailed diagnosis or trouble shooting can be

performed by just examining a trend plot of peak or

overall RMS values (a), (b).

Effective monitoring systemc contain a combination of

continuous and periodic monitoring. Although it may sound

abaurd, it is the author's view that a significant portion of

a machine population does not justify any form of condition

monitoring. For example, machines which operate for long

periods of time between failure, and whose failures have

little or no effect on production and can be inexpensively

repaired, do not justify the cost of conditi)n monitoring.

9.2.3 Trending of Vibration Data

Trending of vibration data is one of the most important

aspects of a condition monitoring programme. Historic

vibration measurements are an excellent reference for

severity measurements, because they are specific to the

machine in question. While discrete frequency vibration

levelB for a machine may not be known there u a high

probability that large changes in vibration level indicate a


The process of monitoring vibration levels or spectrums for

changes is referred to as trend analysis. Since vibration

levels in a good machine are variable, it is not always

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obvious h.iw much change is tolerable. A typical trend plot

can be * • in Figure 9.6 below.



9.2.4 Overall Level Monitoring


Irrespective of the complexity of the vibration,

overal1-monitoring e x p r , S8es the broad level of vibration at

a measuring point. It is the common first line of approach

to vibtution monitoring and provides basic information for

trend ton Storing.

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Overall RMS ia defined at the "energy" present in a frequency


Wher* *j ■ some frequency component in a frequency spectiut.

a) This method of treodin" an be used by inexperienced

per srnnel.

>.» The •quipment uaed to obtain the overall levels is

cheap and ccmpact. It normally contist* of a hard

held vibration monitor meter coupled to an

acce 1«. .cmeter or velocity transducer.

c) Outputi rrom permanently installed transducers can

also b* used to obtain overall RMS values.

d) It is or'y effective in detecting elementary defects

such a* unbalance, misalignment and mechanical

looser.* r.

e) Minimal data logging is required. Only one value

per measurug point is required.


. i,hemacically overall RMS •


ft » total nvmber of value*

.4.1 Adv.inr^ges of Overall Leve! Monitoring:

f) Interpretation* and appraisals of the data can be

based on well established condition acceptability


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Author Ducci PP

Name of thesis Vibration Analysis And Diagnostic Techniques, With Reference To The Implementation Of A Vibration

Condition Monitoring Programme. 1987

PUBLISHER: University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg



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