cis 590 project deliverable 6 final project plan 51

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  • 8/9/2019 Cis 590 Project Deliverable 6 Final Project Plan 51


    Project Deliverable 6 Final Project Plan

    This assignment consists of three (4) sections: a written project plan, revised bsiness

    re!irements docment, project plan PowerPoint presentation, and a finali"ed projectplan# $o mst sbmit the for (4) sections as separate files for the completion of thisassignment# %abel each file name according to the section of the assignment it is writtenfor# &dditionall', 'o ma' create and or assme all necessar' assmptions needed forthe completion of this assignment#

    hile ta*ing all bsiness and project parameters into consideration, ma*e !alit'assmptions to spport the following re!irements#

    +ection : ritten Project Plan

    $o are now in the final stage of the project plan development# &ll previos

    docmentation shold be combined into one docment that will serve as the statementof wor* for the project# $or goal is to have the project approved b' the e-ective team#The project plan shold be ver' detailed, which is designed to accomplish themonmental tas* of implementation. however, the e-ective team is onl' interested in a/01minte smmation# Therefore, 'o also mst create a compelling e-ective smmar'that is spported b' 'or detail that convinces the e-ective team that the' shold moveforward with 'or soltion#Develop a thirt' to fort' (/0140) page project plan in which 'o:rite a five to ten (210) page e-ective smmar' that provides a high1level technicaloverview of 'or project in which 'o:Describe the scope of the project and control measres#Describe the goals and objectives of the project#

    3nclde a high1level overview of all project deliverables#ive a detailed, realisticall' estimated cost anal'sis of the entire project, incldinghman capital#5elate the vale of the project plan soltion to the competitive advantage thatinformation technolog' will afford 'or organi"ation#5ecommend soltion providers who can assist with development and implementation#ombine all previos docmentation for Project Deliverables 12 in which 'o:Provide all aspects of the information technolog' implementation into the project plan#5evise the docmentation based on feedbac* from the earlier evalation of 'ordeliverable#7se at least five (2) !alit' resorces in this assignment# 8ote: i*ipedia and similarebsites do not !alif' as !alit' resorces#

    +ection of this assignment mst follow these formatting re!irements:9e t'ped, doble spaced, sing Times 8ew 5oman font (si"e ), with one1inch marginson all sides. citations and references mst follow &P& or school1specific format# hec*with 'or professor for an' additional instrctions#3nclde a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the stdent;s name, theprofessor;s name, the corse title, and the date# The cover page and the reference pageare not inclded in the re!ired assignment page length#3nclde charts or diagrams created in

  • 8/9/2019 Cis 590 Project Deliverable 6 Final Project Plan 51


    +ection : 5evised 9siness 5e!irements DocmentDocment all revisions made to the written project plan in the Docment ontrol sectionof the bsiness re!irements docment from Project Deliverable : 9siness5e!irement# 8ote: This docmentation mst otline the revisions made to the previosdeliverables re!ired in +ection : ritten Project Plan#+ection /: Project Plan PowerPoint Presentation

     &dditional to 'or detailed e-ective smmar' 'o mst present 'or findings to thee-ective team and the ventre capital grop that along with the e-ective smmar' willconvince the grop that 'or soltion is optimal#reate a ten to fifteen (012) slide PowerPoint presentation in which 'o:3llstrate the concepts from 'or e-ective smmar' in +ection of this assignment#reate blleted spea*ing notes for 'or presentation to the e-ective board in the 8otessection of the PowerPoint# 8ote: $o ma' create or assme an' fictitios names, data,or scenarios that have not been established in this assignment for a realistic flow ofcommnication#7se a professional technicall' written st'le to graphicall' conve' the information#+ection 4: Finali"ed Project Plan

    7se valate the isses and challenges associated with information s'stems integration#7se technolog' and information resorces to research isses in information s'stems#rite clearl' and concisel' abot strategic isses and practices in the information

    s'stems domain sing proper writing mechanics and technical st'le conventions#

    Table of Contents1. Project Plan Overview

     1.1 Background 1.2 Project Description

      1.3 Goals and Objectives  1.4 Scope

      1.5 oles and esponsibilities  1.! "onstraints and #ssu$ptions  1.% isks  1.& Project Deliverables

    2. Project Work Plan

      2.1 'ork Breakdo(n Structure  2.2 Sta))ing Plan  2.3 Project Sc*edule

  • 8/9/2019 Cis 590 Project Deliverable 6 Final Project Plan 51


      2.4 Project Budget  3. Solution Provider

      4. Database and Data warehousing

      5. n!rastructure and Securit"

      #. $%%enid&


    'he Project Plan de!ines the !ollowing(

    − Background

    − Project Description

    − Business and project goals and objectives

    − Scope

  • 8/9/2019 Cis 590 Project Deliverable 6 Final Project Plan 51


    − oles and responsibilities

    − #ssu$ptions and constraints

    − Project budget

    − Project ti$eline

    − +*e conceptual design o) ne( tec*nolog,

    1. Project Plan Overview

    1.1 )ackground

    -n)or$ation is a signi)icant co$ponent o) an, trusted business activit,. -n)or$ation is

    use)ul across t*e entire organiation )or nu$ber o) purposes and is stored in an

    assort$ent o) in)or$ation s,ste$s. /odi)ication to an, o) t*ese in)or$ation s,ste$s

    $ust be )ir$l, controlled and $anaged to evade t*ose loss o) i$portant in)or$ation t*at

    cannot be recovered. S,ste$ o(ners $ust la, strong e$p*asis on i$pacts and risks t*at

    are $itigated due to i$ple$entation o) c*ange. +*eir e$p*asis $ust co$prise o) t*e

    )ollo(ing areas0 

     Hardware and Technical configuration

    Software and Application configuration

    Security, Governance, policies, and procedures

     Business benefits


     End Users

     Health, safety, and euality

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    +*e policies and procedures generall, de)ine t*e tec*niue )or $anaging all so)t(are

    and *ard(are $odi)ications $ade to t*e in)or$ation s,ste$s and tec*nical in)rastructure

    o) an organiation.

    -n a globalied $arket o) toda, co$panies are )aced (it* c*allenges in eac* and ever,

    step o) t*eir business. Our anal,tics and researc* services are geared to(ards giving t*ose

    co$panies t*at etra edge over t*e co$petition. 'e process and anal,e terab,tes o) data

    and break do(n all t*e )u and c*atter around it to give our custo$ers $eaning)ul

    insig*ts about t*eir co$petition and t*e $arket t*e, are engaged in.

    B, leveraging our data collection processing and researc* and anal,tics epertise and b,

    )ocusing on operational ecellence and an industr, standard deliver, $odel (e *elp t*e

    leading co$panies $aking insig*t)ul business decisions.

    # co$pre*ensive port)olio o) our services include /arket Business and )inancial

    researc* Do$ain based anal,tics and Data processing services. Our industr, (ide )ocus

    is into Banking 6inance 6/"G -nsurance etail and /anu)acturing industries.

    +*e project (ill $ake use o) $et*odolog, (*ic* is designed to build test and assess a

     practical approac* constructing on eisting tools.

    1.2 Project Descri%tion

    +*e "o$pan, *as online database )or processing data $essages batc* and $anual data

    input processing. -t *as t(o integrations0 7ertical integration (*ere processing o) data is

  • 8/9/2019 Cis 590 Project Deliverable 6 Final Project Plan 51


    done )or o))ice area 8P and 9oriontal integration (*ere arc*ival o) data o) various

    arc*ival s,ste$ takes place.

    Databases include t*e open S:; database (*ere process values batc* data and $essages

    are stored. -t provides clients in)or$ation s,ste$

    in)rastructure (*ic* provides data collection and anal,sis services.

    6ollo(ing are t*e goals and objectives o) project0

    • +*e goal o) t*is project is to support t*e vision $ission and goals o) organiation

    *elping people realie t*eir visions t*roug* t*e use o) in)or$ation tec*nolog,.

    • +*e project s*ould *elp )ir$ to ac*ieve its goal o) outstanding custo$er service.

    • +*e )ra$e(ork deliverable o) project s*ould avoid ecess o) detail to ensure $utual

    understanding adoption and )leibilit,.

    • +*e deliverables o) t*e project s*ould be i$ple$ented organiation (ide providing

    support to $ost o) t*e assorted )unctional groups custo$ers and projects.

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    1.4 Sco%e

    #pplications < -n order to ac*ieve its goals co$pan, uses )ollo(ing tools0

    a Data collection tools

     b 'eb #nal,tics tool

    c esource tracking application

    -n)or$ation S,ste$ specialist (ill be responsible )or carr,ing out t*ese tasks.

    Sites < #t o))s*ore data collection is being carried. Data processing and anal,sis is done

    at onsite. Project $anagers at bot* sites (ill prepare t*e project plan )or t*eir respective


    Process e

  • 8/9/2019 Cis 590 Project Deliverable 6 Final Project Plan 51


    #rc*itecture = #pplication and tec*nical arc*itecture (ill be designed once t*e

    reuire$ents are approved b, t*e senior $anage$ent.

    #pplication arc*itecture0

    +ec*nical arc*itecture0

    "onversion < Since co$pan, is not ver, old so all o) t*e online data (ill need to be

    converted in ne( )or$at as per t*e upgraded in)rastructure.

    +esting < -t (ill include integration testing load testing tuning and net(ork testing

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    6unding < -t is li$ited to @1$illion

    +raining < -t (ill be include sessions on using ne( *ard(are>s so)t(are>s and

    tec*nologies. 6unctional lead (ill la, do(n t*e training plan.

    8ducation < -t (ill include Bac*elors o) 8ngineering and certi)ication in in)or$ation


    1.5 +oles and +es%onsibilities

    On stud,ing t*e co$pan,>s pro)ile it see$s t*at co$pan, *as )ollo(ing resources (*ic*

    )or$ t*e personnel o) its in)or$ation s,ste$s0

    a. "*ie) -n)or$ation O))icer < -t provides assistance to senior $anage$ent on -+

    related tasks. b. Develop and $aintain -+ in)rastructure.

    c. Develop e))icient design to i$ple$ent operations o) t*e co$pan,.

    d. -n)or$ation S,ste$ specialist < -t designs and ad$inisters in)rastructure

    develop$ent and support.

    e. Database ad$inistration < Storing data and $ining it )or )uture goals o) t*e


    ). Project /anager < 9eA S*e (ill be responsible )or $anaging t*e project issues.

    g. S,ste$ #nal,st < 9eA S*e anal,es t*e (*ole s,ste$ and conduct tec*nical

    researc*. #lso prepares docu$entation )or )uture goals.

    *. S,ste$ #d$inistrator < 9e or s*e (ill be responsible )or resolving internal

    net(ork issues o) t*e co$pan,.

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    Data collection

    a SP

  • 8/9/2019 Cis 590 Project Deliverable 6 Final Project Plan 51


    • 6unctional lead tec*nical lead database ad$inistrator are alread, been recruited.

    • Signo)) )or t*e various project arti)acts *appen (it*in 4 (orking da,s to ensure

    t*e project is co$plete on ti$e. #nd i) t*ere are an, reco$$ended c*anges in t*e

    arti)acts t*en t*ose are been noti)ied

     'he !ollowing constraints have been identi!ied(

    • +*e upper li$it )or t*e epected budget s*ould not be eceeded b, 1C. -n case

    o) overs*ooting o) budget (it*in 1C range t*e additional capital (ill be raised

    t*roug* loans or 7" )unding.

    • +*e upper li$it )or t*e epected ti$e s*ould not be eceeded b, !C da,s. +*e

    assu$ptions o) stable govern$ent policies econo$ic conditions $a, not *old

    true a)ter !C da,s.

    1. +isks

    The following ris*s have been identified as possibl' affecting the project dring its progression:

    / +isk $rea Project Impact-Mitigation Plan

    1 0cono-ic


    Unmet budgetary constraints =-denti), locations (it*in co$pan,>s location area (*ic* are c*eap and*ave less )luctuations

    2 'echnolog"


    Obsolete IT Infrastructure –

    +ake correct siing decisions b, stud,ing t*e $arket3 'echnolog"


     Increased Opportunity Cost –

     ?eed to purc*ase t*e rig*t con)iguration at t*e rig*t ti$e onl, possible b, a proper $arket stud,

    4 Project


    ilestones not achieved )udget -a" be e&ceeded  

    Ese anot*er vendor and *ave constant )ollo(

  • 8/9/2019 Cis 590 Project Deliverable 6 Final Project Plan 51


    ,hanges So)t(areEpgrades

    3 'echnolog"


    Decreasing-+ -n)ra


    /ed 9ig* 9ig*

    4 *overn-ent


    Dela, in"o$pan,egistratio


    9ig* /ed /ediu$

    5 Project


    7endors not$eeting


    ;o( 9ig* 9ig*

    +*ese are so$e risks t*at can occur during all p*ases o) develop$ent

    SO6+'#8 8:E-8/8?+ -SFS

    ;ack o) anal,sis )or c*ange o) reuire$ents

    "*ange etension o) reuire$ents

    ;ack o) report )or reuire$ents Poor de)inition o) reuire$ents

    #$biguit, o) reuire$ents "*ange o) reuire$ents

    -nadeuate o) reuire$ents -$possible reuire$ents

    -nvalid reuire$ents

    SO6+'#8 "OS+ -SFS

    ;ack o) good esti$ation in projects Enrealistic sc*edule

    +*e *ard(are does not (ork (ell 9u$an errors

    ;ack o) testing and $onitoring

    ;ack o) $onitoring

    "o$pleit, o) arc*itecture ;arge sie o) arc*itecture

    8tension o) reuire$ents c*ange +*e tools does not (ork (ell

    Personnel c*ange /anage$ent c*ange

  • 8/9/2019 Cis 590 Project Deliverable 6 Final Project Plan 51


    +ec*nolog, c*ange 8nviron$ent c*ange

    ;ack o) reassess$ent o) $anage$ent c,cle

    SO6+'#8 S"98DE;-?G -SFS

    -nadeuate budget

    "*ange o) reuire$ents

    8tension o) reuire$ents c*ange 9u$an errors

    -nadeuate kno(ledge about tools

    -nadeuate kno(ledge about tec*niues


  • 8/9/2019 Cis 590 Project Deliverable 6 Final Project Plan 51


    SO6+'#8 :E#;-+ -SFS

    -nadeuate docu$entation ;ack o) project standard

    ;ack o) design docu$entation -nadeuate budget

    9u$an errors Enrealistic sc*edule

    8tension o) reuire$ents c*ange

    Poor de)inition o) reuire$ents

    ;ack o) enoug* skill ;ack o) testing

    ;ack o) good esti$ation in projects

    -nadeuate kno(ledge about tec*niues

    ;ack o) e$plo,$ent o) $anager eperience

    ;ack o) accurate s,ste$

    do$ain de)inition

    +*e si$ulator is to be destro,ed ;ack o) reassess$ent

    -nadeuate kno(ledge about progra$$ing language

    -nadeuate kno(ledge about tools

    +*e *ard(are does not (ork (ell ;ack o) anal,sis )or c*ange o) reuire$ents

    +*e tools do not (ork (ell ;oss tec*nical euip$ent

    ;ack o) stabilit, bet(een personnel

    Personnel c*ange

    'eakness o) $anage$ent ;ack o) co$$it$ent

    Disagree$ent bet(een $e$bers #$biguit, o) reuire$ents

  • 8/9/2019 Cis 590 Project Deliverable 6 Final Project Plan 51


    "o$pleit, o) arc*itecture -nco$plete reuire$ents

    ;ack o) roles and responsibilities

    -nadeuate training o) personnel

    /anage$ent c*ange +ec*nolog, c*ange

    ;ack o) collaboration bet(een developer 

    8nviron$ent c*ange

    ;ack o) a good guideline

    SO6+'#8 BES-?8SS -SFS

    +*e products t*at no one (ant t*e$

    +*e products t*at are not suitable (it* total strateg,

    +*e products t*at sellers do not kno( *o( to sell t*e$

    6ailure in total budget

    6ailure in co$$it$ent

    6ailure in $anage$ent because o) c*ange in di))erent people

    1. Project Deliverables

    6ollo(ing is a list o) all deliverables0

    ,or%orate Data odel

    +*e corporate data $odel (ill describe t*e entire )lo( o) in)or$ation t*roug*out t*e

    s,ste$ i.e. *o( s,ste$ (orks. +*is $odel (ill give us overall )ra$e(ork )or *o( data

    is collected organied $anaged and $aintained (it*in t*e s,ste$.

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    -t is a predictable suite o) *ard(are and so)t(are t*at (ill be reuired to success)ull, run

    t*e in)or$ation s,ste$.

    Web7based a%%ing

    One o) t*e $ajor predictable co$ponent o) -S (ill be a (eb based application or so$e

    sort o) connectivit, t*at $akes t*is in)or$ation s,ste$ available over t*e (eb.

    "onnectivit, (it* t*e server is reuired.


    Pro$oting standards (ill ensure reliabilit, consistenc, and ualit, o) t*e in)or$ation

    s,ste$. Pro$oting procedures (ill also ensure a consistent approac*.

    -n)or$ation S,ste$>s data $aintenance and application develop$ent (ill reduce overall

    costs in t*e long run.

    +,pes o) standards and procedures generall, co$prise o) so)t(are standards $etadata

    standards application develop$ent environ$ent standards and data

    develop$entA$aintenance standards.

    $%%lication Develo%-ent ,a%abilit"

    -t (ill not be possible to )ul)ill all -S needs t*roug* Hco$$ercial o))

  • 8/9/2019 Cis 590 Project Deliverable 6 Final Project Plan 51


  • 8/9/2019 Cis 590 Project Deliverable 6 Final Project Plan 51


    2. Project Work Plans

    2.1 Work reak!o"n #tr$ct$re

    The wor* brea*down strctre identifies the project;s tas*s to provide a framewor* for organi"ing and managing the wor* of the project#



    Initiate Project

    Develop Projectharter 

    Plan Project

    Develop or*Plan

    Develop Projectontrol Plan

    Finali"e ProjectPlan and ain








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  • 8/9/2019 Cis 590 Project Deliverable 6 Final Project Plan 51


    Review Team Evaluate deliverables, promoteuse

    Project Managementexperience


    Sta!! $ssigned to +oles

    +*e table given belo( is a co$pre*ensive breakdo(n o) t*e genuine sta)) assigned to t*e

     project role t*e uantit, o) 6ull +i$e 8uivalent 6+8 desired )or t*e role t*e real 6+8

    acuired labor rate and unit o) labor rate )or t*e resource and t*e source )ro$ (*ic* t*e

    resource can be recruited.

    Role Name RequestedFTE




    Rate Rate#nit


    Project Team


     ?a$e1 1.CC1.CC

    @&5 *our S,ste$ #nal,singOperations


     ?a$e2 <Project/anager 

    1.CC 1.CC @&5 *our S,ste$s 8ngineeringOperations

    "ore +ea$ ?a$e3 .1C .1C @%C *our ?et(ork Services

     ?a$e4 .1C .1C @%C *our 8nterprise -nternetServices

     ?a$e5 .1C .1C @%C *our Data esource/anage$ent+ec*nologies

     ?a$e! .1C .1C @%C *our Data esource/anage$ent+ec*nologies



     ?a$e% .JC .JC @%C *our Data esource

    /anage$ent+ec*nologies and 'eb

    'eb Designer ?a$e& .C5 .C5 @%5 *our #cade$ic +ec*nolog,Solutions


     ?a$eJ .C5 .CC @!5 *our #cade$ic +ec*nolog,Solutions

    DB# ?a$e 1C 1.CC 1.CC @&C *our Data /anage$ent

  • 8/9/2019 Cis 590 Project Deliverable 6 Final Project Plan 51


    Role Name RequestedFTE




    Rate Rate#nit



     ?a$e 11 1.CC 1.CC @&C *our ?et(ork /anage$ent

    evie( +ea$ 7ariousProject/anagers

    .1C .1C @%C *our /anage and evie(Project

    'otal   5.5 5.45

    PR)&CT )R+,I,TI) C/,RT

    The project organi"ation chart is a graphical pictre of the organi"ation and reportingrelationships of the project#

  • 8/9/2019 Cis 590 Project Deliverable 6 Final Project Plan 51



    #take(ol!er  Tech


    Project #ponsor 8ame 1 Project+ponsor&nal'st

    Core Team

    8ame /: 8etwor*+ervices

      ?a$e 40Enterprise"nternet#ervices


      ?et(ork andSecurit,/anage$ent

    S,ste$#d$inistrator  ?a$e 11


    Webesigner 8ameA





    DB#  ?a$e 1C


    8ameC%ata ResourceManagementTec$nologiesand &eb

    #take(ol!er perationsDirectors

    #take(ol!er 5ond Table

    Project Manager 8ame 1 Project

  • 8/9/2019 Cis 590 Project Deliverable 6 Final Project Plan 51


    2.3 Project Schedule 

    +*e project sc*edule includes $ilestones task dependencies task duration deliver, dates and

    sta)) resources assigned to co$plete t*e tasks.

      Project ManagementImpro%ement Project P(ase 1

    &ffort&stimate inays




    1 Initiate Project

    1.1 e%elop Project C(arter

    ## Define +cope4#00 C

    8ame, 1 Project

  • 8/9/2019 Cis 590 Project Deliverable 6 Final Project Plan 51


      Project ManagementImpro%ement Project P(ase 1

    &ffort&stimate inays




    !alit' team, review team/##/ 9ild web tool protot'pe 2#00 // C/ 8ameB, web developer  3.3 Test t(e 4rame"ork  

    /#/# Test sabilit' of web tool #00 A/ B/ core team, review team/#/# Test sabilit' of content #00 /0/ /0/ core team, review team/#/#/ &djst framewor* based on ser

    feedbac* #00 // // 8ameC, 8ameA

    3.5 Implement 4rame"ork


  • 8/9/2019 Cis 590 Project Deliverable 6 Final Project Plan 51


    2.4 Project )udget

    +*e project budget describes cost and budget needed to co$plete t*e project tasks. -t

    $a, include cost and budget )or ongoing support a)ter project co$pletion.

    )udget during the li!e o! the Project

    +*e budget belo( describes t*e detailed esti$ates )or $aterial labor and ot*er ite$s )or 

    t*e entire project duration.

    6ine Item 4712-13 4712-13%abor

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    3. Solution Provider

    -B/ < S$arter #nal,tics is one o) t*e $ost reno(ned anal,tical tools available in t*e

    $arket toda,. -t is developed and $aintained b, -B/ and also *as proven track record in

    t*e $arket. -t is suitable )or various t,pes o) industries and can integrate in nearl, all

     business operations.

    +ools based on "/OS tec*nolog, s*ould be used so t*at t*e data can be anal,ed at a

    )aster rate. +*ese tools are ver, co$pact in sie.

    +*e s,ste$ can be integrated (it* cloud co$puting tec*niues. -n t*is tec*niue t*e data

    is stored at a re$ote server (*ic* is $anaged b, t*e t*ird part, service providers. So

    t*ere is no need to $anage t*e data. -t is t*e responsibilit, o) t*e service providers. So it

    *elps in saving t*e cost. +*e c*arges are HPa, per useK. So t*ere is no need to pa, )or t*e

    co$plete service.

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    4. Database and Data Warehousing

    -n order to *ave a success)ul data (are*ouse design t*e -+ $anage$ent $ust closel,

    )ollo( t*e develop$ent and i$ple$entation o) ever, step along t*e (a,. +*e need )or a

    good data (are*ousing design is critical in t*e supporting t*e storage o) enor$ous

    a$ounts o) data. +*e records o) a database are speci)ic data and re)erences o) ever,

    individual transaction o) an, passing o) data in t*e database s,ste$ as a (*ole. +*is data

    needs to be readabl, accessible at an, ti$e to be anal,ed or used. -n order to $eet t*e

    needs o) t*e organiation t*e, data (are*ouse $ust be organied in a (a, t*at allo(s

    rapid access to data )or anal,sis and reporting.

    0ntit"7+elationshi% 907+:( See #ppendi #

    Data ;low Diagra- 9D;D:( See #ppendi B

    5. n!rastructure and Securit"

  • 8/9/2019 Cis 590 Project Deliverable 6 Final Project Plan 51


    ,lassi!ication o! Data

    #n, co$pan,>s user *aving aut*oritative access to data o) t*e co$pan, $a, $odi),

    data>s classi)ication. +*e user $a, be in a position to c*ange classi)ication o) data i) t*ere

    are su))icient and justi)iable reasons o) doing so. esources doing so (ill be *eld strictl,

    responsible )or t*eir c*anges. '*en a ne( data is created it s*ould be classi)ied as

    H"o$pan, Onl,K data till it user reclassi)ies it as per one>s $odi)ications. Esers are *eld

    strictl, )or an, c*ange in classi)ication t*e, do.

    "lassi)ications )or eisting co$pan,> data are given belo(0

    "o$pan,>s business in)or$ation $e$os )inancial docu$ents planning

    docu$ents etc s*ould be classi)ied as L"o$pan, Onl,LI

    • "o$pan,>s custo$er data contact details contracts billing in)or$ation etc

    s*ould be classi)ied as L"o$pan, Onl,LI

    •  ?et(ork $anage$ent data -P addresses pass(ords con)iguration )iles etc.

    s*ould be classi)ied as L"on)identialLI

    • 9u$an resources in)or$ation e$plo,$ent contracts salar, in)or$ation etc.

    s*ould be classi)ied L"on)identialLI

    • Publis*ed in)or$ation pa$p*lets per)or$ance reports $arketing $aterial etc.

    s*ould be classi)ied LS*aredLI

    • 8

  • 8/9/2019 Cis 590 Project Deliverable 6 Final Project Plan 51


    1. esponsibilit, o) t*e user to0

    o Fno( one>s o(n clearance level and to understand (*at are t*e rig*ts

    and li$itations associated (it* t*at clearance

    o 8nsure all t*e data one>s going to (ork on is correctl, classi)iedI

    o 8nsure one is )a$iliar (it* t*e restrictions associated (it* t*e data

    one>s (orking on and

    o 8nsure all t*e data one (orks (it* is protected properl,.

    2. esponsibilit, o) all s,ste$ o(ners and s,ste$ ad$inistrators to0

    o Deter$ine t*e securit, level )or all users.

    o Proper veri)ication o) t*e euip$ent user is going to (ork (it*.

    o -nstallation o) t*e euip$ent.

    3. esponsibilit, o) eac* divisional $anager is0

    o Getting approval on clearance )or e$plo,ees.

    o "lari),ing t*e classi)ication o) data on s,ste$s.

    o "lari),ing t*e classi)ication o) euip$ent.

    o Enderstanding and i$ple$enting t*e polic,.

    4. esponsibilit, o) t*e Securit, O))icer to0

    o approving all classi)ications

    o /aintaining a list o) all classi)ications

    o #pproving t*e )inal la,out o) t*e co$pan,>s net(ork.

    o controlling and $anaging all trusted points


  • 8/9/2019 Cis 590 Project Deliverable 6 Final Project Plan 51


    1. #n, unaut*oried user accessing data device euip$ent or a location (it*

    insu))icient privileges can )ace disciplinar, action.

    2. #n, user (*o is allo(ed to access a s,ste$ t*at *eAs*e controls on be*al) o)

    so$eone else (it* insu))icient clearance can )ace disciplinar, action.

    3. #n, person (*o is tr,ing to connect to an euip$ent )or (*ic* one is not

    classi)ied to access t*e net(ork (it* an inappropriate part o) t*e net(ork can

    )ace disciplinar, action

    4. #n, person (*o is trans$itting data over t*e net(ork (it*out speci)ic

     privileges can )ace disciplinar, action.

    -D#/ can be i$ple$ented in t*e organiation. -D#/ stands )or -dentit, and #ccess

    /anage$ent. +*is is i$ple$ented $ainl, )or increasing t*e securit, o) t*e organiation

    and )or t*e ad$inistration purpose. +*e routine (ork ad$in jobs can be easil, $anaged

    (it* t*is tec*nolog,. -ts $ain bene)its are as discussed belo(0

    1. Eniue user

  • 8/9/2019 Cis 590 Project Deliverable 6 Final Project Plan 51




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