chpt 7 notes

Aztec Civilization Chp 7- The People of the Sun

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Aztec Civilization

Chp 7- The People of the Sun

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Who are the People of the Sun?

Who are we?In what ways do a group’s beliefs and

experiences contribute to their identity?– Traditions– Food– Celebrations– Christmas– Moving

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Who are the People of the Sun?

What do you know about them?Where are they from? mexican_flag.html

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Can you imagine an Alberta without mountains?

Without oil?What would our culture be like?

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What did the Aztecs do?

They left their old home and came to a completely new one

They built in the mountains on very swampy land

Mexico City (Tenochtitlan) is sinking now because of the land and human error

What else is sinking?

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The Leaning Tower of Pisa

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Mexico City is sinking!

Mid century: 48 cm per a year! Currently, 2.5 cm per a year on average Since 1900, it has sunk 9 meters! That’s a 3

storey building Natural springs under city were exhausted,

the soil collapsed because the aquifer under the city was drained faster than it was filled

Subway system built in the 1960’s is now more like a roller coaster track

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Needed to bring fresh water into the city for the Aztecs to survive

Built aqueductsThese were also used in Ancient Rome

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Edmonton is 668 M above sea levelTenochtitlan is 2240 M above sea level

– How could this affect their living?Flash floodsViolent weatherWhat else?

Built a dam to avoid flash floodingTerraced their fields, which kept water

from running off and made use of space

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Chinampa: “Floating islands”– In the mountains– Stakes were put into soil– Then reed mats were stacked on top and

soil was piled on top of that until it became a mini farm. Trees were planted in the corners to anchor it in place

– Then they planted flowers and vegetablesCorn, chili peppers, squash, beans, tomatos

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Make a table: Break into groups of 3

Aztec Canada

Maps and map making

War and empire



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What did you come up with?

Aztec Canada

Maps and map making

- Believed they were center of world

- North on maps, 2nd biggest country in world

War and empire

- Location allowed them to defeat neighbours- Spanish made alliance with Aztec’s neighbors

- Canada has challenges with a long undefended coastline- During Cold War, between USA and Soviet Union

Agriculture - Location allowed them to produce surplus foods

- Vast agricultural lands allowed massive agricultural sector

Trade - Trade both necessitated and made possible by limited range of food and goods available

- Connected to Atlantic and Pacific

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The Sacred Landscape

Aztec gods– Believed the gods controlled all aspects of

their lives– Looked at them for how to live– Four main gods– There was over 100 gods– Polytheistic society

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Pronounced “whets-eel-oh-POCH-tlee”– He encouraged the Aztecs to leave their

homeland and settle in the valley of Mexico

– The sign he gave them was an eagle perched on a cactus (flag of Mexico)

– He needs the blood of sacrificial victims to give him strength

– Battled with Tezcatlipoca

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Pronounced “Tez-cah-tlee-POH-kah”– Considered most powerful of the gods– Saw visions of the future– Ruler of the night sky– Often involved in creation myths– In a constant struggle with Huitz– Main temple in Tenochtitlan was for him

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Pronounced “ket-zal-COH-ahtl”– God of wind– “Feathered serpent”– Was to come back in the year “One-reed”

and this year would be the destruction of the Aztec Empire

– God of priests

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Pronounced “TLAH-lzok”– God of rain– Unleashed the floods or cause droughts– Gave life and substance, but could

destroy it easily with weather– Needed to keep him happy so they could


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Human Sacrifice

Why?– To the Aztecs, killing another person as a

sacrifice was an honor– The victim’s blood nourished the gods and

appeased them, without it, they would get angry or die: World would end!

– From 1446-1453: numerous natural disasters affected the people (droughts, early frosts, floods, etc)

Aztecs were starving, emigrated from Mexico, sold their children, anything to get food

Tlacaelel (ruler at time) announced that human sacrifice would save them. In 1453, abundant rain followed.

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Tenochtitlan: Centre of the WorldLike many ancient philosophers: the

earth was believed to be a round flat disc– In the very middle, sat Tenochtitlan,

courtesy of the Aztec gods– In four sections: connected to mainland by

three large causeways– Acqueducts and canals ran through it– Did not require animals for transport– Sat in the mountains, because they

believed it was closer to the gods

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Tenochtitlan: Center of the WorldIn the center of the city was the Great

Temple– Dedicated to Tlaloc and Huitzilopochtli– Wealth came into city because of wars

and tributes from neighbouring cities

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Expanding the Empire

The Aztecs had an attitude– Attitude to other cultures that is– Believed they were centre of the world, so

they came into conflicts– Very disciplined, independent, and

resourceful– Used conquering through war and trade to

expand their empire

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Expanding through trade

Why would the Aztecs need to trade?– Haven’t we seen their superior farming methods?– Think about what you eat on a daily basis and

what you like to eat as a luxury Tenochtitlan was high in the mountains,

2000 metres above sea level– Even with their skills, they could not produce

avocados, papayas, and cacao to name a few. These grew by the coast, something they didn’t have

– Nor did they have their colorful birds, gold or silver

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Expanding through trade

Needed to trade!– Took hundreds of slaves with them on

trading expeditions to carry everything back

– Could be gone for months!– Also acted as spies, drawing maps of

cities that could be conquered– Helped to expand

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Expanding through war

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Expanding through war

Huitzilopochtil ancient prophecy:– “We shall conquer all the people in the

universe. I will make you lords and kings of every place in the world.”

– By the time the Spanish came, the Aztecs had an empire larger than any other in North America

– Their society was more important than the individual in it.


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Expanding through war

Warrior society– Prepared from birth to be warriors (boys)– Compulsory service in military– Lack of courage threatened the state, it

was unacceptableWhat is conscription?

– Military Act 1917 in Canada– 1944: Conscription if necessary, but not

necessarily conscription (Mackenzie King)

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Expanding through war

Are young Canadians willing to die for Canada in a war?

How do Canadians respond when Canadian peacekeepers are killed while carrying out UN duties?

Would young Canadians consider it an honour to die as a human sacrifice meant to appease a violent god?

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Collected tributes from conquered groups– Gifts, taxes, food, etc.– Cotton blankets, strings of jade beans, cocoa

beans Cocoa beans were very important

– Made a drink from it with chili peppers– Used as currency– Would grind it to a paste, then mix with water:

called “xocoatl”--> Spanish changed it to chocolate, which they brought back to Europe

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Cocoa Beans