cg handbook1

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  • 7/26/2019 CG HandBook1


    IV B.Tech I Semester

    Student Handbook


    Computer Graphics

    Mr.Naveen kumar Reddy


  • 7/26/2019 CG HandBook1


    Dept. of Computer Science Engineering, School of Engineering,

    Anurag Group of Institutions

    UNI I


    Introduction, Appl ication areas of Computer Graphics,

    overview of graphics systems, video-display devices,

    raster-scan systems, random scan systems, graphics

    monitors and wor stations and input devices.


    Learning about the appl icat ion areas of computer


    Learning how to display a video by using CRT, Raster-

    scan system and random scan systems.

    Learning about the moni tors to display the graphical


    Learning about the input dev ices needed to input the

    data to the graphical system.

    $ecture plan!





    &"ntroduct ion ,'ppl icat ion areas of computer

    graphics,verv iew of graphics systems.(

    ( )ideo display devices--CRT &

    * Raster-scan systems &

    + Random scan systems &

    raphic monitors(

    6 In pu t d ev ices 2


  • 7/26/2019 CG HandBook1


    Dept. of Computer Science Engineering, School of Engineering,

    Anurag Group of Institutions

    Important %uestions!

    &. hat are the merits and demerits of raster-scan CRT/

    (.L ist and e0plain the appl icat ions of computer graphics/

    *.L ist the operat ing character ist ics of

    a. Raster refresh systems

    b. )ector refresh systems

    c . ! lasma panel

    d. LC1

    &ssi'nment %uestions!

    &.'ssuming that a certain fu l l -colour 2(+-bi t per p i0e l 3 R4

    raster system has a &( by &( frame bu5 er , 6ow many

    dist inct colour choices 2 intensi ty leve ls3would be avai lable/

    (.Consider a raster system with resolut ion of 7+89+:8. 6ow

    many pi0e ls could be accessed per second by a display

    control ler that refreshes the screen at a rate of 78 frames per

    second. hat is the a ccess t ime per p i0e l/

    UNI II


    "u tput pr imitiv es # $ oin ts a nd l in es, l i ne d ra wing

    a lgor ithms, mid -point c ircle and e ll ipse a lgor ithms.

    %il led area primitives# Scan l ine polygon & l l

    algorithm, 'oundary-&l l and (ood-&l l algorithms.


    Learning the algor i thms for drawing the l ine, for drawing

    t he c irc le w it h m id po in t a lg or it hm a nd d ra wi ng t heel l ipse wi th midpoint e l l ipse algor i thm.


  • 7/26/2019 CG HandBook1


    Dept. of Computer Science Engineering, School of Engineering,

    Anurag Group of Institutions

    Learn ing about the ; l led a rea pr im i ti ves l iui red to plot a l ine us ing s imple 11'


    ( .hat are the s teps re>ui red to p lot a l ine us ing 4resenham


    *. rit e a n a lg or i t hm t o d er iv e th e s tra ig ht l i ne u sin g

    4resenham a lgor i thm when the s lope of the l ine i s less than+ degrees/


    SN T!"C N.#


    & utput pr imit ives &

    ( Line drawing algor i thms &

    * ?id point c i rc le a lgor i thm &

    + ?id point e l l ipse a lgor i thm &

    #i l led area pr imit ives &

    7 Scan l ine polygon ; l l a lgor i thm &

    @ 4oundary ; l l a lgor i thms &

    : #lood ; l l a lgor i thms &

  • 7/26/2019 CG HandBook1


    Dept. of Computer Science Engineering, School of Engineering,

    Anurag Group of Institutions


    &.Show why the point - to- l ine error is a lways AB&( for the

    midpoint scan convers ion algor i thm/

    (. "ndicate which raster locat ions would be chosen by

    bresenham algor i thm when scan-convert ing a l ine f rom screen

    coordinate2&,&3 to screen co-ordinate2:,3/



    !D-geometrical transforms# +ranslation, scaling,

    rotation, re(ect ion and shear t ransformat ions, matr i

    representations andhomogeneous coordinates,

    composite transforms, transformations 'etween

    coordinate systems


    Learn ing how to t rans fo rm a 2D ob jec t f rom one po in t t o

    ano ther po in t Learn ing how to i nc rease(Sca l i ng) an ob jec t s i ze .

    Learn ing how to ro ta te an ob jec t a t some ang le

    Learn ing how to represen t 2D ob jec t i n the h omogenous co-

    o rd ina tes and t rans fo rm us ing homogeneous co-o rd ina tes

    $ecture plan


    T!"C N #


    &. (1 translat ion &

    ( (1 scal ing &

    * (1 Rotat ion &

    + (1 re= ect ion &

  • 7/26/2019 CG HandBook1


    Dept. of Computer Science Engineering, School of Engineering,

    Anurag Group of Institutions

    (1 shear t ransformat ion &

    7 ?atr i0 representat ions and




    @ Composite t ransforms &

    : Transformations between

    coordinate systems


    Important %uestions!

    &.r i te the general form of a scal ing matr i0 wi th respect to a

    ; 0ed point p2h,uivalent to re= ect ion re lat ive to the 0 a0 is

    fo l lowed by a counter c loc

  • 7/26/2019 CG HandBook1


    Dept. of Computer Science Engineering, School of Engineering,

    Anurag Group of Institutions


    !-D viewing# +he viewing pipel ine, viewing coordinate

    reference frame, window to view-port coordinate

    transformation, viewing, Cohen-Sutherland and Cyrus-'ec l ine cl ipping algorithms,

    Sutherland-/odge man polygon cl ipping algorithm.


    Learning how to v iew the (1 obEect .

    Learning how to c l ip an obEect us ing Cohen-Suther land

    and Cyrus-bec< l ine Cl ipping algor i thms.

    Learning how to c l ip an obEect us ing the Suther-6odgeman polygon c l ipping algor i thm.

    $ecture plan


    T!"C N # L$CT%R$S

    & The viewing pipel ine &

    ( )iewing coord inatereference frame


    * i nd ow to v iew -p ort c oo rd in at e

    transformat ion


    + Cohen-Suther land and Cyrus-

    bec< l ine c l ipping algor i thms


    Sutherland-/odge man

    polygon clipping




  • 7/26/2019 CG HandBook1


    Dept. of Computer Science Engineering, School of Engineering,

    Anurag Group of Institutions

    Important %uestions!

    &.#ind the general form of the Transformation N which maps a

    rectangular window with e0tent 0w min to 0w min in the 0-

    di rect ion and wi th y e0tent yw min to yw min in the y H

    di rect ion on to a rectangular v iew port wi th 0 e0tend 0v ma0to 0v ma0 and y e0tent yv min to yv ma0.

    (. Gust i fy that the Suther land-6odge man algor i thm is sui table

    for c l ipping concave polygon also/


    & .%s ing s teps fo ll owed in Suthe rl and-6odge man a lgor ithm

    dete rm ine the i n te rsect i on po in t o f the l i ne segment p& p(

    aga ins t a c li pp ing w indow p* p+ w he re c oo rd ina te s o f e ndpoint are p&28,83p(2*,83andp+28,(3/

    (.Let R be a rectangular window whose lower le ft corner is at

    L 2 -* ,&3 and upper r i gh t -hand corne r i s a t R 2( ,73 . "f the l ine

    segment is de; ned wi th two end points '2 -& ,3 and

    42*,:3 .1etermine

    a3The region codes of the two end points

    b3 " ts c l ipping category and

    c 3Stages i n the c l ipp ing operati on us ing Cohen-

    Suther land algor i thm.



    )-D o'1ect representat ion # $olygon surfaces, 2uadr ic

    surfaces, spl ine representat ion, /ermite curve, 3e4ier

    curve and 3-Spl ine curves, 3e4ier and 3-Spl ine surfaces.3asic i l lumination models, polygon rendering methods

    "b#ectives :


  • 7/26/2019 CG HandBook1


    Dept. of Computer Science Engineering, School of Engineering,

    Anurag Group of Institutions

    Learning how to produce real ist ic d isplays of the scenesusing *1 representat ions that model the obEectcharacter ist ics .

    $ecture plan


    T!"C N #L$CT%R$S

    & !olygon surfaces, >uadric

    sur faces


    ( Spl ine representat ion &

    * 6ermite curve &

    + 4eIier curve curveand 4-Spl ine



    4eIier and 4-Spl ine surfaces (

    7 4asic i l luminat ion models &

    @ !olygon rendering methods (

    Important %uestions

    &.State the 4lending funct ion used in 4-spl ine curvegenerat ion. $0plain the terms involved in i t/ hat are the

    propert ies of 4-spl ine curves/

    (.1etermine the blending funct ions for uni form per iodic 4-

    spl ine curve for dB7/



  • 7/26/2019 CG HandBook1


    Dept. of Computer Science Engineering, School of Engineering,

    Anurag Group of Institutions

    &.iven the plane parameters ',4,C and 1 for a l l sur faces of

    an obEect , e0plain the procedure to determine whether any

    speci; ed point i s ins ide or outs ide the obEect/

    (.$0plain the procedure fo l lowed in 4eI ier Js methods for

    curve generat ion/

    *.L ist and e0plain the procedures fo l lowed in di5 erent smooth

    shading algor i thms. 'nalyIe the computat ional comple0 i t ies

    in each/



    )-D Geometric transformations# +ranslation, rotation,

    scal ing, re( ection and shear transformations,

    composite transformations.

    )-D viewing #7iewing pipel ine, viewing coordinates,

    view volume and general pro1ection transforms and



    Learning how to t ransform a *1 obEect us ing techni>ues

    l iues.

    $ecture plan


  • 7/26/2019 CG HandBook1


    Dept. of Computer Science Engineering, School of Engineering,

    Anurag Group of Institutions



    +"$IC :"."%


  • 7/26/2019 CG HandBook1


    Dept. of Computer Science Engineering, School of Engineering,

    Anurag Group of Institutions

    (.1er ive the >uaternion rotat ion matr i0 for rotat ion about an

    arbi t rary a0 is in three-dimensional domain/

    *.iven a uni t cube wi th one corner at 28 ,8 ,83 and the opposi te

    corner at 2& ,& ,&3 , der ive the t ransformat ions necessary to

    rotate the cube by theta degrees about the main diagonalfrom 28,8 ,83 to 2& ,& ,&3 in the counter c loc< wise di rect ion

    when loo er, scan-l ine, depth sorting,

    3S$-tree methods, area su'-division and octree




    Learning how to remove the sur faces or l ines which arenot to be displayed in a *1 scene using v is ib le sur facedetect ion procedures.

    ;ecture plan#


    T!"C N.#


    & Class i; cat ion, &

    ( 4ac

  • 7/26/2019 CG HandBook1


    Dept. of Computer Science Engineering, School of Engineering,

    Anurag Group of Institutions

    @ 'rea sub-div is ion and octree



    Important ?uestions#

    &.6ow does K-bu5 er a lgor i thm determine which sur faces are


    (.$0plain 4S!-Tree method in deta i l/

    * .Compare and contrast depth-bu5 er and depth-sort methods/


    &.' polygon has a plan e>uat ion a0FbyFcIFdB8.Suppose that


  • 7/26/2019 CG HandBook1


    Dept. of Computer Science Engineering, School of Engineering,

    Anurag Group of Institutions

    Learning general funct ions needed for animat ion ofscenes.

    Learning the languages to bui ld the animat ion scenes.

    Learning the categor ies of animat ion.

    ;ecture $lan#


    T!"C N.#


    & 1es ign of animat ion se>uence &

    ( eneral computer animat ion

    funct ions


    * Raster animat ion &

    + Computer animat ion languages &

    Mey frame systems &

    7 ?ot ion speci; cat ions &

    Important ?uestions#

    &.hat are the issued involved in design of a story board

    layout wi th accompanying

  • 7/26/2019 CG HandBook1


    Dept. of Computer Science Engineering, School of Engineering,

    Anurag Group of Institutions

    &.List and e0plain about the steps of animat ion and var ious

    types of interpolat ion used in a nimat ion/

    (.1e; ne the techni>ue morphing. $0plain how s imulat ion

    accelerat ions wi l l be considered in