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1 CENTRAL MICHIGAN UNIVERSITY La s t U pdated: 3/20/12 RECORD RETENTION SCHEDULE REVISED MA R C H 20 , 2012 A A cade m ic A d v i s i ng a n d As s i s t an c e ............................................................................ ............................................................ 36 A cade m ic A ff a irs ............................................................................ ............................................................................ ............. 15 A cade m ic A s si s t an c e P rogr a ms ............................................................................ ................................................................. 36 A cade m ic D epar t men t s -G e ne r al R e c or d s ............................................................................ .................................................. 14 A cade m ic S p a ce & R em o de l in g ............................................................................ ................................................................. 15 A ccoun t ing Se r vi c e s ............................................................................ ............................................................................ ....... 53 A dm i s sio n s ................................................................. ............................................................................ ................................ 37 A ffirmat i ve Ac t ion ............................................................................ ...............See Office of Civil Rights and Institutional Equity A rt D epartment ............................................................................ ............................................................................ ............... 18 A th l et i c s .................................................................. ............................................................................ .................................... 11 B B enef i t s .................................................................... ............................................................................ .. See Human Resources B oard O f Tr u ste e s ............................................................................ ............................................................................

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AA cade m ic A d v i s i ng a n d As s i s t an c e ........................................................................................................................................ 36A cade m ic A ff a irs ..................................................................................................................................................................... 15A cade m ic A s si s t an c e P rogr a ms ............................................................................................................................................. 36A cade m ic D epar t men t s -G e ne r al R e c or d s .............................................................................................................................. 14A cade m ic S p a ce & R em o de l in g ............................................................................................................................................. 15A ccoun t ing Se r vi c e s ............................................................................................................................................................... 53A dm i s sio n s ............................................................................................................................................................................. 37A ffirmat i ve Ac t ion ...........................................................................................See Office of Civil Rights and Institutional EquityA rt D epartment ....................................................................................................................................................................... 18Athl eti cs .................................................................................................................................................................................. 11

BB enef i t s .................................................................................................................................................. See Human ResourcesB oard O f Tr u ste e s .................................................................................................................................................................. 10B oo k sto r e ........................................................................................................................... See Residence & Auxiliary ServicesB u s in e ss A d m in i strat i on .................................................................................................... See Dean's Office-General RecordsBus iness Administration, College of ....................................................................................................................................... 18

CC ampus ID Off i ce ................................................................................................................................................................... 54C areer S erv i ces ...................................................................................................................................................................... 37C arls C enter for C l i n i cal C a r e and Edu c at i on ......................................................................................................................... 29C enter For A pp l i ed R e search A nd R ural Stu d ies ( CARR S ).................................................................................................... 67C enter For L e i s ure S e r v i ces ................................................................................................................................................... 22C entral H ea l t h Impr o ve m ent P rogram .................................................................................................................................... 51C harter S cho o ls ...................................................................................................................................................................... 19C hem i st r y ................................................................................................................................................................................ 32C hief Fin a n c i a l O f ficer ............................................................................................... See Finance and Administrative ServicesC larke His t ori c al L i brar y .......................................................................................................................................................... 33C M LIFE .............................................................................................................................................. See Student Publications C om m un i cat i on and D ramat i c A rts .................................................................................... See Dean's Office-General Records C om m un i cat i on and Fine A r t s, C ollege of .............................................................................................................................. 18C om m un i cat i on D i s o r ders .............................................................................See Carls Center for Clinical Care and EducationC omputer S oft w are R e c or d s ..................................................................................................................................................... 6C ontroller, Off i ce of ................................................................................................................................................................. 53Couns eling Center .................................................................................................................................................................. 38

DD ean O f S tu d ent s , O f f i c e of .................................................................................................................................................... 36D ean ' s O ff i c e - CB A .......................................................................................................See Business Administration, College of D ean ' s O ff i c e - EH S ...........................................................................................See Education and Human Services, College of D ean ' s O ff i c e - H ea l t h P r of e ss i ons ........................................................................................ See Health Professions, College of D ean ' s O ff i ces Ge n eral Re c o r ds ............................................................................................................................................ 13D ean ' s O ff i c e - S c ien c e & Tec h no l ogy .........................................................................See Science and Technology, College of


D epartment a l R e c o r ds .............................................................................................................................................................. 6D e v elo p ment A nd A lum n i R e l at i ons ....................................................................................................................................... 47Doc uments of Historical Signi ficance ........................................................................................................................................ 6

EE du c at i o n And H u m an Ser v i c es ........................................................................................ See Dean's Office-General RecordsE du c at i o n And H u m an Ser v i c e s , C ol l ege O f .......................................................................................................................... 19EH S C enter For S tudent Se r v i ces .......................................................................................................................................... 21E mp l o y ee R ela t ions and Tr a i n ing .......................................................................................................... See Human ResourcesE mp l o y ment Services …………….......................................................................................................... See Human ResourcesE n v iron m ental & S afety S erv i c e s ............................................................................................................................................ 63E qu i pm e nt In v entory .......................................................................................................................................... See PurchasingExtended Learning, College of..........................................................................................See Professional Education Services

FFac i l iti e s Ma n age m ent ............................................................................................................................................................ 49Facul t y P ers o nnel F i l e s ............................................................................................................See Faculty Personnel ServicesFacul t y P ers o nnel S e r vi c es .................................................................................................................................................... 15Finan c e And A d m in i strat i ve S erv i c e s ..................................................................................................................................... 48Finan c ial P l ann i n g & B udge t s ................................................................................................................................................. 48Fis cal Rec ords .......................................................................................................................................................................... 6

GGener a l C orres p onde n ce ......................................................................................................................................................... 7Gener a l C oun s el ..................................................................................................................................................................... 50Gener a l P ol i ci e s ........................................................................................................................................................................ 5Go v er n ment a l R ela t io n s A nd P ub l ic A f f airs ............................................................................................................................ 67Gradua t e Studi e s, C o l lege o f .................................................................................................................................................. 24Grant Records .......................................................................................................................................................................... 7

HThe H erbert H . a n d G a ce A. D ow C ollege o f H ea l th P r o fe s s i ons ...................................... See Dean's Office-General RecordsThe H erbert H . a n d G r a ce A. D ow C ollege of H e alth P r o f e s sion s .......................................................................................... 28H onors P rogr a m ..................................................................................................................................................................... 17H uman R e s o urces .................................................................................................................................................................. 50H umanit i es A nd S o ci a l & B e h a v ior a l S ci e n c e s .................................................................. See Dean's Office-General RecordsHumanities And Social & Behav ioral Scienc es, College of ..................................................................................................... 31

IInforma t ion T e chn o log y , O f f i c e of ........................................................................................................................................... 44In s titu t ion a l D i v e r si t y, O f f i c e for .............................................................................................................................................. 46In s truc t ion a l Ma t eria l s C enter ................................................................................................................................................. 22Internal A u di t ........................................................................................................................................................................... 12International Educ ation, Office of ............................................................................................................................................ 46

LLeader s hip I n stit u te ................................................................................................................................................................ 39Librari e s .................................................................................................................................................................................. 32


MMa i lr o om ............................................................................................................................................................ See PurchasingMeeti n g M i nutes ....................................................................................................................................................................... 8M i c h igan H i stor i cal R e v iew ..................................................................................................................................................... 35M i nori t y S tud e nt Se r v i c e s ....................................................................................................................................................... 46Mu s e u m O f C ultur a l & N atural H i s tor y .................................................................................................................................... 32MSA Degree Program.. ...........................................................................................................See Graduate Studies, College of

OOffi c e of C i vil R i g hts a nd I n sti t utional E qui t y ……..……………………………………………………………………………….… 12Offi c e O f R e sear c h & S po n so r ed P r ogra m s ........................................................................................................................... 27OSHA/MIO SHA and Other Regul atory Agencies ..................................................................................................................... 8

PP a y ab l e A cco u nt i ng ................................................................................................................................................................ 54P a y roll A c co u nt i ng .................................................................................................................................................................. 55P ersonn e l R e c or d s ................................................................................................................................................................... 8P oli c e ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 56P residen t ’s Off i c e ................................................................................................................................................................... 10P rint i ng Se r vi c es ................................................................................................................ See Residence & Auxiliary ServicesP rof E d ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 22P rof E d - A cad e m i c A f f air s ....................................................................................................................................................... 22P rof E d - C enter Se r v i c e s ........................................................................................................................................................ 23P rof E d - Fina n ci a l S erv i ces .................................................................................................................................................... 24P rovo s t ...................................................................................................................................................... See Academic AffairsP sych o lo g y ............................................................................................................................................................................. 31P ub l ic R e lati o ns & M arke t ing .................................................................................................................................................. 12Purchasing .............................................................................................................................................................................. 57

RR e c reatio n , P ar k s & Le i sure S erv i c e s .................................................................................................................................... 22R eg i strar ................................................................................................................................................................................. 39R eg i strat i on a n d En r ol l ment R e c ords ....................................................................................................................................... 9R e s ide n ce & A u x i l ia r y S er v i c e s .............................................................................................................................................. 60R e s ide n ce L i f e ................................................................................................................... See Residence & Auxiliary ServicesR etent i on Pe r iod ....................................................................................................................................................................... 5Ris k Management .................................................................................................................................................................. 62

SSA P ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 64S cho l a r shi p s & Fin a n c i al A id .................................................................................................................................................. 42S chool Of A c coun t ing ............................................................................................................................................................. 18S cien c e And T e chn o logy ................................................................................................... See Dean's Office-General RecordsS cien c e And T e chn o log y , C ol l ege of ...................................................................................................................................... 32S tudent A c count Se r vi c es a nd U niver s ity B i l l i n g ………………………………………………………………………………… …. 59S tudent Di s ab i l ity S e r vi c es ..................................................................................................................................................... 43S tudent Em p lo y ment .............................................................................................................................................................. 53S tudent L i f e ............................................................................................................................................................................. 43S tudent O mbu d s O f ficer ......................................................................................................................................................... 13S tudent Pub l i c a t io n s ............................................................................................................................................................... 47


TTele c o m m u n i c a t io n s .......................................................................................................................See Information TechnologyTravel and Employee Reimbursements ................................................................................................. See Payroll Accounting


U ndergradua t e Acad e m i c S e r vi c e s ...................................................................................................................... See Registrar U niver s ity C en t er ............................................................................................................... See Residence & Auxiliary Services U niver s ity E v ents .................................................................................................................................................................... 64U niver s ity H e a lth Se r v i c e s ...................................................................................................................................................... 65U niver s ity R e c ord s .................................................................................................................................................................... 5U niver s ity R e c r eat i o n/S A C ..................................................................................................................................................... 66U niver s ity S tor e s ................................................................................................................................................ See PurchasingUniversity Theatre Box O ffic e ................................................................................................................................................. 19

VV eter a ns P rog r a m ............................................................................................................... See Scholarships and Financial AidVolunteer Center ..................................................................................................................................................................... 44

WWo r ker ' s C om p en s a t io n .......................................................................................................................................................... 51



Revised July 2010


This schedule is the university's official record retention schedule. The purpose of the centralized schedule is to provide a mechanism to help ensure the university is maintaining necessary records for an appropriate length of time. This schedule includes a section for each division within the university.

COMMON DOCUMENTS FOR MANY DEPARTMENTSDocuments that are common to many university departments and offices have been

removed from the listing of records for individual departments and included in the G ene ral P o l i cies section of this schedule.

COMMON DOCUMENTS FOR DEAN’S OFFICES & ACADEMIC DEPARTMENTSDocuments that are common for a dean’s office and an academic department have been

removed from the listing of records for individual departments and included in the Office of the Dean (g e n e ral rec o r d s ) and academic departments (g e n e ral re c o rd s ) section of this schedule. However, some academic departments have specific records that only pertain to those departments. Specific listings for these departments are included in this schedule.

University Records

For the purposes of these policies and schedule, university records are defined as all records, regardless of their form, prepared, owned, used, retained by, or in the possession of an individual in the performance of an official function of the university.

Records Included in this Schedule

Records included in this record retention schedule should be original, unique or of continuing importance to the university. They should have legal, fiscal, administrative, or historical purpose.

Retention Period

The retention period should be the length of time that the record is useful or required to be kept by an external source, such as a law or an accreditation agency.


For documents listed in this schedule, there may be instances where departments are required to keep a document longer. There may also be instances where departments may elect to keep a document longer. This is a decision for the departments. However, space requirements and costs should be considered.

If any record is related to an unresolved complaint or dispute involving the university, that record should not be discarded or destroyed regardless of the provisions of this record retention schedule. Questions about whether a dispute has been resolved should be directed to the O f f i c e o f t h e G ene ral C oun s e l .

Computer Software Records

Computer software records include license agreements, manuals, diskettes, CD’s, and other documentation received with the computer software. These records should be kept by the department for the life of the software.

Departmental Records

Departments have records that do not meet the criteria to be included on this record retention schedule, however, they are necessary for departmental operations. For such records, the department should retain them for as long as they are useful to departmental operations (e.g. clinical records, contracts, alumni lists, publications, monthly reconciliation reports).

Documents of Historical Significance

Many departments maintain documents that have historical value to the university. The university has interest in keeping such documents in the archives. If a department has documents that have potential historical value and you have questions about their retention, contact the C l a rke H i s t o r i c a l L ibrar y .

Fiscal Records

Fiscal records are those records that directly pertain to carrying out the business affairs of the university. Examples of these records are: SAP accounting reports and all supporting documents, financial reports, payroll documents, invoice vouchers, paid invoices, etc.

The Fin an ce a n d A d m i n istrati v e S e r v i c e s D i v i sion departments maintain most of the basic business documents of the university. Some documents, such as departmental credit card charges, time cards and time and attendance sheets with original signatures should be kept in individual departments. Each university department is responsible for maintaining documents supporting purchases on a departmental credit card for three years (if applicable). The Payroll


office maintains payroll records, except original time cards and time and attendance sheets that contain employee signatures. These documents should be kept by the department for four years.

The basic university business documents maintained by the Finance and Administrative Services Division departments include, but are not limited to, invoice vouchers, employee reimbursement vouchers, purchase orders, insurance documentation, budget documentation and accounting reports. These documents are included in the attached schedule under the appropriate Fi n an ce a n d A dm i n istrati v e Se r v i c e s Di v is i o n department.

Departmental copies of fiscal records maintained by the Finance and Administrative Services Division departments should be retained for the greater of two years plus the current fiscal year or as long as useful to departmental operations.

Originals of fiscal records not submitted to the Finance and Administrative Services Division departments should be included in the record retention schedule with the appropriate retention period under the department responsible for maintaining them.

General Correspondence

Departments have general correspondence. Unfortunately, it is difficult to assess each department’s general correspondence files. Each department should retain general correspondence for as long as it is useful to departmental operations or is of continuing importance to the university. If the records have retention requirements due to external sources, the records should be kept accordingly.

Grant Records

Grant records are those records directly pertaining to applying for and/or receiving external or in-house grants. They include award letters, copies of proposals, copies of agreed upon budgets, reports, etc.

The O f f ice o f Res e a rch an d S p o n s o r e d P r o g ra m s is responsible for maintaining official university records. See the O f f ice o f Re s ea r ch an d S p on s o r e d Pr o g r am s ’ retention schedule for specific documents. The official financial records are kept by Accounting Services. Some departments may have grant records that the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs does not. In this case, the department should ensure that any official record, other than records of expenditures, are transferred to the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs. Other documents should be kept for the appropriate retention period usually determined by the funding source.

Departmental copies of documents kept by the Office of Research and SponsoredPrograms should be retained for as long as they are useful to departmental operations.


Meeting Minutes

Many departments are responsible for maintaining meeting minutes such as council minutes, departmental or university committee minutes, and other departmental meeting minutes. The department that stores the original minutes is responsible for maintaining the official university copy. Minutes provide a record of past decisions and how the decision was made. Therefore, the original copy of the minutes should be kept permanently. Duplicate departmental copies of minutes should be retained as long as useful to the department.

OSHA/MIOSHA and Other Regulatory Agencies

Written plans required by OSHA/MIOSHA and any other regulatory agency must be kept permanently or in accordance with the regulatory agency guidelines. Topics of written plans include, but are not limited to, material safety data sheets (MSDS), blood borne pathogens, hazard communication and evacuation plans.

Personnel Records

Personnel records are those records that pertain to the employment of an individual by the university. Examples of these documents include: applications, resumes, vitae, Personnel Transaction forms (P-3), appointment letters, evaluations, and miscellaneous forms. Employees have the right to review their personnel file and some items placed in the personnel file may be subject to release under the Freedom of Information Act.

FACULTY: Faculty Personnel Services, deans’ offices and academic departments maintain personnel files for faculty, temporary faculty and graduate assistants. The files may include teaching contracts, vitae, tenure documentation, promotion documentation, reappointment documentation, disciplinary documentation, miscellaneous records, letters of recommendation, etc. Original university documents should be transferred from the departmental and dean office personnel files to Faculty Personnel Services after the employee separates from the university. However, for temporary faculty, the files should not be transferred until three years after the last assignment. Faculty Personnel Services will be responsible for maintaining the official university personnel records after separation. See Fa c u lty P e rso n ne l S e r v ices section for further information. If you have additional questions regarding personnel documents, contact Fac u lty Pe rso n n e l S e r v ice s .

STAFF: Employment and Compensation/HR and many departments maintain personnel files for staff employees. Employment and Compensation’s files may include employment applications, Personnel Transactions forms (P-3), compensation letters, evaluations, disciplinary documentation, letters of recommendation, miscellaneous records, etc. Upon termination or change of employment assignment, the departmental file should be forwarded to Employment and Compensation/HR to be consolidated with the official personnel file. See H u m a n Re s ou rces section for further information. If you have additional questions regarding personnel documents, contact E mp lo y m e n t a n d C o m p en s a ti o n /HR .


STUDENT: Student Employment Services and many departments maintain personnel files for student employees. However, Student Employment Services' file is considered the official university personnel file. Student Employment Services' files may include documents such as job referral slips, payroll withholding documentation, evaluations, letters of recommendation and disciplinary documentation. For those departments that keep student personnel files, original personnel documents such as evaluations and disciplinary documentation should be transferred from the departmental file to the Student Employment Services' file. See St u d en t E mp lo y m e n t section for further information. If you have additional questions regarding original personnel documents, contact St u d e n t E mp lo y m e n t S e r v i c e s .

Registration and Enrollment Records

Registration and enrollment records are those records that directly pertain to carrying out the academic registration and enrollment process for students. Examples of these records are: enrollment printouts, grade distributions, class lists, course offering guides, and course scheduling information and registration materials.

The Re g istrar's O f f i c e maintains the basic registration and enrollment records of the university; however, many departments may also maintain copies. Departmental copies of registration and enrollment records that are maintained by the Registrar's Office should be retained for the greater of two years plus the current fiscal year or as long as useful to departmental operations.




Minutes of meetings, backup materials, official Permanent correspondence.



President’s Files (President’s preference to archive files 5 yearsat Clarke Historical Library – open/close) or term of President

Commencement 5 yearsUniversity Archives

Committee Reports 10 yearsUniversity Archives

Departments and Schools 10 years Correspondence, reports, memoranda, and other University Archives related materials specifically pertaining to universityoperations.

General Information Files 3 years minimumThe general information files contain a wide range of materials pertinent to the operation and interest of the President’s office. Retention values for each of the subject folders within the file range from three years topermanent. Terminal records are discarded and others having continuing importance are eventually transferred to the Clarke Historical Library or other appropriate functional areas. Because over 500 subject titles are included in the special files, they are not individually listed in this schedule.

Institutional Memberships 10 years

Retirees Permanent


MAC ItemsConference Letter of Intent 7 years


Eligibility forms 7 years National Letter of Intent 7 years Scholarship forms 7 years Squad List forms 7 years

NCAA ItemsAcademic Reporting forms 5 years Certification of Compliance forms 5 years Information and Sports Scholarship forms 5 years Student Athletic Statement forms 5 years

University ItemsApplications for Positions Permanent Budgets P ermanent Employment Records Permanent Game Contracts Permanent Grants-in-Aid P ermanent Squad List forms Permanent

Athletic Ticket OfficeFinancial Documents

Daily reconciliation reports/copies of deposits 5 years Journal entries 5 years Monthly credit card reconciliation (electronic) 5 years Over/Short reports (electronic) 5 years Annual ticket revenue per sport by event (electronic) Permanent

Ticketing DocumentsAttendance figures (electronic) Permanent Season ticket holder lists (electronic) 5 years Event ticket holder lists (electronic) 3 years Customer order forms 5 years Complimentary ticket request 5 years Complimentary ticket reports (electronic) 5 years Void and returned tickets 5 years Void and returned ticket reports/logs 5 years Ticket stubs 5 years Event reconciliation paperwork 5 years Pass lists 5 years Copies of sponsorship agreements 3 years

Employee DocumentsTimesheets 3 yearsTemporary staff payroll submissions (electronic) 3 years



Audit Reports Permanent

Audit Timesheets 3 years

Audit Workpapers and Related Computer Files 7 years or two prior audits, whichever is longer

Board Memos & Correspondence 3 years

Special Projects Permanent


Affirmative Action Plans 3 years

Applicant Searches 3 years

Complaints/Grievances Case Files 15 years

Complaint Case Log Permanent

Governmental Audits Permanent

OFCCP Audits 5 years or until another audit

Utilization Analysis 3 years

Vets 100 Report Permanent


Building Files Permanent

Faculty/P&A Biography Files Permanent

Graduate and Honors Lists 5 years

News Release PermanentUniversity Archives

Newsletter Permanent

Photos Variable based on


subjectUniversity Archives

Photo Negatives Permanent

Publications Permanent

Sports Release PermanentUniversity Archives


Student Ombuds Cases 4 years from the date of the last file activity





*Potential duplication may exist between the Offices of the Dean andAcademic Departments for these documents.

Academic Planning Documents Permanent

Accreditation Documents* Permanent

Course Syllabi* Permanent

Faculty Grievance Materials* 7 years after separation

Investigation Backup Materials for Proven Cases 7 years after separation of Wrongdoing (student papers, faculty grade books)

Program Review Documents* Permanent

Sabbatical Leave Applications & Reports* 7 years after separation

Scholarship Information* 5 years

Student Opinion Survey Results* Permanent



* Potential duplication may exist between the Offices of the Dean and the Academic Departments for these documents.

Accreditation, Certification, and Internal & PermanentExternal Assessment Documents*

Course Syllabi* Permanent

Curriculum Documentation Permanent

Deferred Grades 1 year after assignment or permanent grade

Department Policies & Procedures and Bylaws Permanent

Evidence of Academic Dishonesty 3 years

Faculty Grade Books 6 years

Faculty Positions & Search Materials (recruiting) 5 years aftercompletion of search

Graduate Assistant Applications 2 years after completion of service

Grievance Material* 7 years after separation

Incomplete Grades 1 year after assignment of permanent grade

Internship/Practicum Records 7 years

Major/Minor Files Permanent

Planning Documentation Permanent

Program Review* Permanent

Sabbatical Leave* 7 years after separation

Scholarship Information* 5 years


Student Opinion Survey Results-Summary* Permanent

Student Teacher Application 1 year

Student Teacher Final Evaluation Not less than 7 years, but at discretion of TEPD

Dissertations Permanent

Thesis Permanent




Construction Information 5 yearsIncludes drawing and specifications for building following completion projects currently being planned or under constructionand general correspondence related to the projects.

Program Statements Permanent

Master Plans Permanent


Collective BargainingAgreements PermanentBargaining minutes & associated records Permanent

Faculty Positions & Search Materials 3 years after completion(recruiting) of search

Grievance & Employee Relations MattersDatabase PermanentGrievances & associated records 7 years after separation Grievance status reports Until revised Investigation materials for proven cases of wrongdoing 7 years after separation

MedicalCertifications 30 years


FMLA records 30 yearsWork accommodation requests & related data 2 years from date of

making personnel action or record involved, whichever occurs later for active employees, or 2 yearsfrom date of involuntary separation

Personnel Files Permanent while Appointment Letters/Contracts employed and for Approvals/Denials relating to personnel matters 30 years following

reappointment/promotion/tenure termination sabbatical/leave recordssalary notices reduced assignments

Commendations (CMU Related) Curriculum Vitae (Resume) Disciplinary documentation Personnel Transaction Forms Transcripts

Policies, Procedures, and GuidelinesDepartment procedures, criteria, standards, & bylaws Permanent Department chair duties Permanent Directory of deans, chairs, and directors Until revised Domestic partnership policy & affidavits Until revised Drug-free schools & communities act amendments Permanent Drug-Free Workplace Act Permanent Evaluation form for conference for tenure-track faculty Permanent Reduced assignment plan Permanent Some academic standards & practices at CMU Permanent Temporary faculty guidelines for credit-hour salaries 7 years Temporary faculty policy, on-campus Permanent Work accommodation process for faculty, staff, Permanent

and student employees

Pre-EmploymentI-9 Form 3 years from date of

hire, or 1 year past separation, whichever is later

Labor certification Permanent while employed

ReportsAffirmative action review process for new hires Until revised


Authorized faculty positions PermanentContractual conferences for faculty bargaining Permanent

unit membersFaculty analysis and other demographic reports Permanent Faculty sick leave usage Permanent Procedures, criteria, standards, & bylaws Permanent

revision statusPromotion applications Permanent Reappointment applications Permanent Reappointment/tenure schedule Permanent Reduced assignments Permanent Sabbatical leave applications Permanent Tenure applications Permanent Utilization of non-bargaining unit members Permanent


Honors Annual Report/Program Review/Assessment Permanent

Honors Council Minutes Permanent

Honor Bound Newsletter Permanent

Historical Documents Permanent

Honors Alumni Board Minutes Permanent

Honors Student FoldersPaper files 1 year after separationDatabase files Permanent

Centralis Scholarship ApplicationsPaper files 1 year after selection

processDatabase files Permanent

Honors Course Information/FoldersClass Lists, Grade Lists, Honors ContractsCourse Syllabi, Enrollment Statistics

Paper files Permanent




Donor Files, Endowments, Gifts Permanent

Fellowships 3 years

Residential College Materials 5 years

Student Grievance Materials 7 years afterfaculty separation


Alumni List Current

CPE Credit 5 years



Exhibition Archives Permanent

Grants Archives (tied to exhibitions) Permanent

Print Collection File Permanent


Season Tickets Annual Report Permanent

Season Tickets (stubs) 4 years

Ticket Reports Permanent

Ticket Stubs/Unused Tickets 4 years




EHS Contracts Permanent

Professional Education Council Major/Minor Reviews Permanent

State Department of Education Correspondence PermanentRe: Teacher Education Program


Academy Files At least 7 years or Application 5 years after Contract Supporting Documentation reauthorization of aInsurance public school academyReauthorizationRelated Party Transaction (Conflict of Interest) School Improvement PlanSchool Safety Plan Special Education Student Assessment Yearly Files

CorrespondenceRequired Reports

Annual Education Report 15 YearsAnnual Education ReportCorrespondenceReview SheetSupporting Documentation

Board Member (active) Until become inactiveBoard applicationInterview questionnaireCMU Board of Trustees Resolution (Board nomination) Oath of Public OfficeCMU Board of Trustees Resolutions (all)

Board Member (inactive) 15 years after terminationBoard applicationInterview questionnaire


CMU Board of Trustees ResolutionOath of Public Office

Certificates of Participation At end of payment term

Contract Amendment 7 years after expirationCorrespondence of contractCSO ReviewsLegal Reviews

Contract Support DocumentationContract conditions-supporting documentation 15 yrs after expiration

of contract

Health & Safety 15 yrs after expiration of contract

Site & Facilities Life of Charter School

Deficit Elimination Plan & Correspondence 7 years after elimination of deficit

Litigation Files 6 years after reauthorization

Non-Compliance 15 years after expiredCorrespondence & supporting documentation contract

Notice to Show Compliance (if applicable) 7 years after Notice to show compliance reauthorization Plan of correctionResolution DocumentationRelease LetterShow cause meeting agenda & summarySupporting documentation

Performance Reports & Academy Profiles 15 years from date created

PSA Contracts 15 years after expired

Reauthorization 1 year after next Correspondence reauthorization CSO Reviews

State Aid Intercepts 7 years after Correspondence reauthorization Payment & Agreement


Payment ScheduleReview SheetSupporting Documentation


AACTE/NCATE Annual Reports Permanent

Admission Files (admits) 7 years fromadmission date

Application Files (non-admits) Until admitted or 2 years after last Education class, then move todrop files

Approval Documentation from Departments 3 semesters for Student Teaching

ARC Program Completers Permanent

ARC Inactive Files 3 years from drop date

Certification Recommendation Rosters 8 years

Consulting Notes 7 years

Cooperating Teacher Information Forms Permanent

Fully Certified Files 7 years from recommendation

Inactive Files 3 years from drop date

Interview Results Permanent

MDE Unit Review/Program Review Documents Permanent

Midtier Host Teacher Evaluation Surveys 3 years

NCATE Accreditation Documents Permanent

Prospective Student Teaching Coordinator Resumes 3 years

Post Baccalaureate Program Evaluation Files (non-applicants) 2 years

Post Baccalaureate Inactive Files 3 years from drop date


Post Baccalaureate Program Completers Permanent

Professional Certification Files 6 years from recommendation

School Contracts Permanent

Appeals Permanent

Legal/Criminal History Documents 7 years

Semester Student Teaching Documentation 3 semesters

Student Programs in Progress 7 years from program approval

Student Teaching Files 5 years

Title II Data Permanent


IMC Materials Circulation Permanent

Overdue Notices & Billing Information 3 years

Patron Address Information 2 years


Affiliation Agreements Permanent



Contract Payment Request 2 years

Course Advertising Database 3 years


Faculty Files 3 years after inactive

Faculty Record Database Permanent

Instructor Contract File 7 years based on contract

Instructor Payment Database 4 years

Prior Learning Application & Documentation 3 years with Evaluation Notes


Applications for Admission (non-admitted) At least 1 year

Conditional Admissions Status Review, then destroy

Final Commencement List Permanent

Hold Report – I6 3 years

I and Z Report 3 years

Monthly Admissions Download 1 year

PrintoutsLow Cum GPA list 3 yearsSemester Course List 3 semestersAll IPCD Student Listing Until run again Grade Distribution Summary 3 years Semester End Statistical Report Permanent

Student FoldersGraduated Students At least 1 year after

graduationStudents not graduated At least 3 years after

last recordingStudents in discontinued programs At least 1 year after

last recordingDeceased Students At least 1 year Admitted – not registered 1 year Academic Dismissal At least 7 years

Tentative List of Graduates 6 months once statistical report Is complete


Tuition Waiver Documentation 7 yearsUpgraded Reg. Error Report Until superseded

Weekly Admissions Download 6 months


Batch Headers 7 years

Credit Card Reports 7 years

Daily Receipts Transmittals 7 years

Journal Entries 7 years

Monthly Financial Reports Permanent

Non-Credit Files 7 years

Receipts 2 years

Reconciliation of Fund Accounts 2 years

Third Party Invoices (w/supporting documents) 7 years

Withdrawal Forms/Adjustments to Student Accounts 7 years

Year-End Microfiche Permanent


GRADUATE STUDENTS ADMISSION FILE Master’s degree grad- Admission Correspondence 1 year after graduation Application for AdmissionAuthorization of Graduate Degree Program Specialist’s Degree Certificate of Admission grad-2 years Change of Curriculum after graduation Course Substitution FormCritical Correspondence Doctoral degree Doctoral Dissertation grad-3 years Extension of Time to Complete after graduation

Degree Program


Faculty Search Materials 3 years Graduation Application Inactive student- Prospectus of Thesis, Field Study, or 3 years after last class

Doctoral Dissertation then transferred to Request for Change of Program Graduate Studies Request to take a 300 or 400 Level archives for 7 years

Course for Graduate Credit after last classStudent Application FolderTranscriptsTransfer Credit LimitationsWaiver of Credit Limitations


ACADEMIC:Academic Dishonesty 3 years

Admission Files 1 year after Graduation

Annual Reports Permanent

Class Lists 1 year

Correspondence-General As needed for Dept. use

Course Records 5 years

Curriculum Documents Permanent

E-mail At least 1 year – as needed for Dept. use- any legal issues are Permanent/don’t sende-mail for any sensitive issue—it remains permanent on computereven if deleted

Enrollment Stats 5 years

Faculty Search Materials 5 years

Grade Books 5 years

Grade Grievance Materials 7 years separation from campus


Grade Sheets 5 years

Graduate Assistantship Apps 2 years after completing service

Inactive Files 3 years after last class (Grad office puts theirs in archive 7 years afterlast class)

Internship/Practicum Records 7 years

Inventory Lists:On-Hand- PermanentDisposed-Of- 4 years

Minutes – Department Permanent

Plan B Papers Permanent2 or More Grade Differences PermanentPapers

Planning Documents Permanent

Policies/Procedures Permanent

Program Review Permanent

Registration/Enrollment Stats 2 years + Current FiscalYear

Student Opinion Survey Summary Permanent

Wrong Doing (PROVEN CASES) 7 years after leaving campus

BUDGET:Purchase Orders: Supplies & Equipment 3 years

Student Employment Send file to Student Employment Services upon discharge

Staff/Faculty employee records & grade books Send file to HR upon discharge or change of employment

This retention schedule is only for on campus MSA student data. ProfEd maintains the records and data for off campus students.



Budget Reports 3 years from thedate of submission of the final expenditure report, the date of submission of the finalprogress report, the date of grant/contract termination, or the date imposed by sponsor, whichever is later.

Contracts 3 years from thedate of submission of the final expenditure report, the date of submission of the finalprogress report, the date of grant/contract termination, or the date imposed by sponsor, whichever is later.

Copyrights Life of author, plus70 yrs

Externally funded grants 3 years from thedate of submission of the final expenditure report, the date of submission of the finalprogress report, the date of grant/contract termination, or the date imposed by sponsor, whichever is later.

In-house grants 3 years after grant termination

Institutional Animal Care & Use Committee 3 years after research completion

Institutional Review Board Records 3 years after research completion

Patents 20 yrs from filing date


F & A cost rate proposals, cost allocations plans If submitted toand supporting records federal government to

form basis for negotiation, then 3 years from the date of such submission.

If not submitted to federal government to formbasis for negotiation, then 3 years from the end of the fiscal year (or other accounting period) covered by the proposal, plan, or other computation.

For ORSP: All records related to an audit, appeal, litigation, or the settlement of a claim that was initiated prior to the expiration of the specified retention period shall be retained until the audit, appeal, litigation, or claim settlement has been resolved.



Dean’s Advisory Council Permanent

Donor Records (endowments, gifts, scholarships) Permanent

Fellowship Letters 3 years

Non-matriculated Student Applications 1 year

Residential College 5 years

Student Grievance Material 7 years after faculty separation


Administrative/Business OfficeAccident and Incident Reports 1 year (via hard

copy or scanned).


Superceded documents retained by RM/ESS

Accounts Receivable Monthly Reports Rolling 5 yearsAudits Permanent (hardcopy/

electronically in the S- drive)

Billing Records Rolling 7 years Journal legers Patient insurance and payor information Patient invoices Patient write-off waivers Vendor billing and refund vouchers

Budgets 5 years

Contracts With vendors/providers 7 years after


Carls services provided elsewhere 7 years after termination/expiration

Credit Card, Carls Center Rolling 5 years Monthly reconciliation review, Carls Center Card Month end reconciled reports, patient payments

Clinician Licenses/Permits/Registrations Current, until superseded (Academic programs keep faculty/staff records in accordance with accreditation require- ments)

Deposit records Rolling 5 years

Documents of historical significance Permanent

Employee timesheets Rolling 5 years

Expense Reimbursement Rolling 5 years Personal expenditures related to work

HIPAA Staff/Student Training Records Rolling 1 year in active files.Rolling 6 year HIPAA


training log sheet (for academic accreditations)

Insurance Policies/Contracts 7 years after termination/expiration

Legal documents, other 7 years after termination/expiration

Example, Appeal denial of admissions or continued treatment.

Licenses, Permits, Contracts Permanent

Manufacturer Invoices Rolling 5 years Hearing Aid Statements

Material Safety Data Sheets Current, until superseded

Patient Applications Current, until superseded for specialty programs; ex.-CDO’S Summer Superseded 1 year

Speech-Language Specialty Clinics (SSSC)

Petty cash vouchers Rolling 5 years

Policies and Procedures Current (S-drive), until superceded; Superceded 5 years

Purchase Orders Rolling 5 years

Routers (hardcopy of encounter forms) Rolling 1 year

Reports-Departmental Permanent(hardcopy orelectronically filed in theS-drive)

Service charges (to Patients) 5 years Service Fees and Discount Determination Scales

Statistics on Admissions and Services Destroy after year-end Daily/monthly/quarterly statistics compiled

Surveys and Inspection Reports 3 years (hardcopy or electronically in the S- drive)



Appointment Schedules Life of software system

Equipment Inspection/Maintenance Files 3 years

Equipment Operating Disks/Instructions Current All originals to be maintained by the designate Clinical

Electronics/Information Technician

Master Patient (Medical Record Index) Indefinitely/Permanent

Medical Records Indefinitely/Permanent Senate Bill 46 5—Maint enance a nd Retenti on o f Medica l Records

calls for minimum retention of seven (7) years from the last date an adult patient received services (and a retention period for the records of minors is7 years following the age of majority at 18 years), but the Carls Center will retain all records permanently for the purpose of research and education,if the file contains supporting authorization for research and education.

All records accumulated on patients (whether filed as hardcopy, electronic or scanned) includes (but are not limited to): patient registration, most recent patient contact/demographic information, intake reviews, progress notes, discharge summary, diagnostic tests,authorizations, research waivers of authorization, disclosuretracking logs, consultant notes/reports. etc.

Refer to the Carls policy on medical record retention providing protocols for record maintenance, storage and purging.

Spending money documentation 4 years


DAC Permanent

Donor Records (endowments, gifts, scholarships) Permanent

Grievance Materials 7 years after separation


Accession Records Permanent


Certificates of Gift

Collecting Permit Reports

Specimen Data




Case Studies


10 years

Psychology Center Client Records Permanent(including billing records)



Residential College 7 yearsAdvisor Forms Confirmation Forms CorrespondenceDatabase Participation Points


Hazardous Waste Manifest Permanent

Medical Waste Manifest Permanent

Safety Inspection Reports Permanent



Automated Bill & Fine Records (NOTIS and III) 3 years

Manual Bill & Fine Records for Reserve 3 years


Manual Circulation Bill & Fine Records 3 years

Reserve Materials Lists submitted by Professors 5 years


Purchase OrdersBooks 8-10 yearsSerials Permanent

Correspondence with Publishers and Book or Serial Vendors Permanent


NPO Invoices Current, plus 5 previous years

Timesheets with Original Signatures 4 years


Acquisition Purchase Records Permanent

Annual Reports Permanent

Billing Records 2 years

Board of Directors (minutes & supplemental materials) Permanent

Budgets (reports & receipts) 7 years

Call Slips 5 years

Donor Agreements Permanent

Grant Files Permanent

Microfilming Production Records 2 years

Researcher Registration Forms 5 years


Shelf List/Location Guides/Finding Aids Until superseded


Bursar Reports Reports are shredded as soon as all issues related to that report have been addressed

Circulation Records Permanent

Correspondence Files 1 year

Fines Paid Files 3 months

Interlibrary Loan Reciprocal Borrowing Agreements Permanent

Overdue Notices Only retained where troubleshooting a problem is required; shredded once problem is resolved.

Patron Requests 1 year


Bursar Reports (printed) 1 year

Bursar Reports (electronic) 1 week

Integrated Library System Backup Tapes-Annual 1 year

Integrated Library System Backup Tapes-Daily 7 days

Proxy Server Logs Cleared first of each month

Web Server Logs Cleared at end of each month


Articles Submitted for Possible Publication 2 years


Issue copies (2 each) Permanent

Subscription Payment Records 2 years


Copyright Permission Approval Files 4 years from expiration based upon fiscal year for Copyright Clearinghouse records;7 years from expiration based upon fiscal year for all other records

Course Packs Permanent as long as the faculty member still uses them. After 3 yrs. or inactivity, they are returned to the faculty member.

Document Delivery Patron Requests Permanent. Patron name deleted on records older than 1 yr

Fines Paid Files Check copies retained until proper posting is verified.

Problem Transactions File 1 year (with personally identifiable information removed as soon as the problem is no longer actively being addressed.)


Bindery Invoices 2 years

Book Purchase Orders Permanent (since 9/89)

Monograph and Serials Invoices 5 years


Serials Purchase Orders Permanent (since 9/89)



Policies & ProceduresRecord copies of official university policies, procedures, &regulations. Examples include those relating to solicitation, freedom of information, contracting authority, investigations, and general university operations

Current PermanentSuperseded 4 years

Probation/Dismissal RecordsCurrent PermanentObsolete 5 years


Policies & Procedures Permanent

Electronic DataCurrent Permanent Orientation Database 3 years Tutoring Database 5 years

Orientation Mentor ApplicationsTemporary Employees Upon completion of

services; then forward to Human Resources

Undergraduate & Graduate students 2 years

Orientation MaterialsProgram Notebooks 5 years Reservation Cards 2 years Rosters 3 years

ReportsAnnual Report Permanent


Orientation/Enrollment Statistics 5 years

Student Files (Academic Advising)Active Until Major signedInactive 2 years

Tutoring DocumentationActive PermanentInactive 3 years

Academic Probation, Suspension, Dismissal RecordsConfidential misc. documentation

Active PermanentInactive (not enrolled or graduated) 3 years

Course Records PermanentDocumentation of EHS courses, including description and syllabus

Grade Books/Grade Lists 6 years


Undergraduate Applications For AdmissionStudent application folders-not matriculated 1 academic year

beyond the intended term of entry

High school & college transcripts for non-applicants 1 year from receipt

ACT score Profile Sheets for non-applicants 1 year from receipt

Orientation fee cards for paid applicants 5 years


Career Resource CenterBulletin listing backup 1 month after date of


Cash Register Tapes 4 years

Computer/Electronic DataRegistrant information Up to 5 years, or

discarded 9 months


after separation from the University (whichever comes first)

Correspondence (employer & general) 1 year

Credential (currently in phase-out process) < 2 years, or until phase out process is complete (whichever comes first)

Daily Payment Log 4 years

Interview Schedule 1 year

Referral Records (books) 2 years

Registration CardsCandidate 2 yearsEmployer 3 years from last visit


Computer Software Records Life of software

Confidential MaterialsClient Files (forms, notes, test results, etc.) 7 years from end of therapyBehavior Evaluation team (files/notes/tapes) Permanent

Department RecordsAnnual reports Permanent Committee records 10 years Documents of historical significance Permanent Evaluations/Research projects (data) 4 years Evaluations/Research projects (reports) Permanent General correspondence 7 years Meeting minutes Permanent Search materials/files 5 years

Fiscal RecordsCredit card statements/supporting documents 3 yearsPurchase Orders/invoice vouchers/supporting 2 years + current

documentsTravel expense vouchers 2 years + current Financial reports/Accounting 2 years + current Payroll documents/timesheets 4 years


Personnel RecordsFaculty Duration of employment

(original to FPS upon termination)

Staff Duration of employment (original to HRS upon termination)

Student Duration of employment (original to SES upon termination)

Policies & ProceduresCurrent PermanentSuperseded 4 years


Leader Advancement Scholarship Application (paper) 2 years after selectionProcess

Leader Advancement Scholarship Application Database Permanent

Leader Advancement Scholarship Recipients’ Records Ten years after separation


Registrar’s Office Forms

Athletic Eligibility Sheets by Student Online Athletic Rosters by Sport Online Attendance Records (Current Employee, Time Sheets 3 years

Payroll Info, Overtime, etc)Change of Residence Status (R-244) 2 years Purchase Requisitions, Vouchers, etc. 1 year Residence Status Appeals & Changes 3 years

Registrar’s Office Printouts

Budget Printouts 1 yearDistribution Record of Class Schedule and Undergraduate 2 years



NCAA Athletic Eligibility 8 yearsWorksheets for Statistical Reports and Printouts 2 years

Headcount, Sem. Hours, Geographic, Ethnic, etc.

Records Area Forms

Approval to Audit Card (SP10) Permanent (optical imaging) Change of Grade Card (R-69) Permanent (optical imaging) Change of Name, SSN & Birthdate Form 1 yearCompetency Cards Permanent (optical imaging) Concurrent Enrollment Applications See Student Folder Credit by Examination Card with Grade Permanent (optical imaging) Credit by Examination Application 3 years

a. Undergraduate b. Graduate

Credit/No Credit Request Card (R-272) Permanent (optical imaging)Credit/No Credit and Audit Appeal Forms 3 years Extended Learning Corrected Schedules 3 years Experiential Learning Credit Granted Form (UNV Cred) 5 years Final Class Lists – On-Campus, ECCO, EDP, Web Online Graduate – Request for 300-400 Level

Courses for Graduate Credit See Graduate FolderInterdepartmental Transcript Request (R-59) 1 yearMajor/Minor Authorization See Student Folder Permanent Record Cards Permanent (Optical Imaging) Removal of Incomplete or Deferred Grade Card (R-128) Permanent (Optical Imaging) Removal of Incomplete Exception Letters 3 yearsRemoval of Incomplete Extension Letters 2 yearsRepeat Course Request Card (R-8) Permanent (Optical Imaging) Request for Access to Official File See Student Folder Semester Withdrawal/Delete Forms 3 yearsStudent Folders

a. Regular – Not Graduated 4 years after LastRecording

b. Specials and Guests 4 years after LastRecording

c. Student Deceased Records & Registration7 years

d. Academic Dismissal 4 years after LastRecording

e. Graduated Students See UAS Section Transcript Request Forms (R-57) & Letters 4 months Transmittals 3 years Withdrawal Appeal Forms 3 years Withdrawal Request Card (R-42) 3 years


Records Area Printouts

Admissions Clearing List 5 years Clearinghouse Printouts 1 year Credit/No Credit Class Printout 1 semester Incomplete Grades - Alpha 5 years Misc Grade Recording Back-Up Data 1 year Probation and Academic Dismissals 1 yearRank in Class (no longer generated after Spring 2006) 10 years Repeat Report 1 year Semester Honors List (Dean’s/President’s Lists) 6 years Verification Forms 1 year

Registration AreaAcademic Load Appeals 3 years Address Changes 1 year Class Lists OnlineClass Schedule Worksheets (all cycles) Month after semester

beginsCourse Catalog Card File PermanentCourse Catalog List Online Drop Appeals 3 years Drop/Add/Change Forms (class schedule) 1 year Drop/Add Correction Cards (orange & white) 3 years Final Building/Room Usage PermanentFinal Class Schedule Permanent (online) Non-Attendance Reports 1 yearPIN Resets (no longer exist) 3 years (will be

destroyed July ’09)Repeat Attempt Appeals 3 years Room Reservations 2 years Schedugraph Cards (stop using Summer ’08) 5 yearsSection summary printout (final) 20 years (now online) Senior Citizen Audit Application PermanentSpecial Topics Adds Permanent (optical imaging)Special Topics Exceptions (shadow system) PermanentStudent Drop/Add (department requests) 1 yearTime Conflict Exception Requests 1 year


Appeal for change in Graduation Honors 6 yearsApplication for Graduation (R-61a) See Student Folder Diplomas – Returned Undeliverable Until Claimed Diplomas – Students who did not graduate 1 yearGraduation Audit Sheet (R-70) 1 yearRemoval from Graduation List (Off Letter) See Student Folder


Student Folder (Students Graduated) 1 year after graduationTransfer Recommendation Sheet (R-129) See Student Folder


Combined Graduation List Permanent Final Commencement List – Alpha Permanent Transfer Credit Equiv by School Permanent


College Catalogs Permanent Commencement Program (bound copy) Permanent Commencement Programs (5 Copies) Permanent Diploma Order Permanent Diploma Order by Degree Permanent Graduates in Honors Program Listing Permanent Graduation “OFF” List Book Permanent Graduation Honors List Permanent Graduation Statistics Book Permanent Master Certification List 3 years Majors/Minors added After Graduation 3 years


Institutional Student Information Record Current aid year, plus5 previous aid years

ReportsApplications for funds, reports, and annual fiscal Permanentactivity reports per the financial aid program and University Archives federal audit reports

Short-Term Loan Applications 5 years from academic year loan was given

Student File Current aid year, plus5 previous aid years

Veterans ProgramAudit Records and Computer Printouts 3 years from report


Federal Audit Reports Permanent

Registrar’s Drop List 3 years

State Approval Correspondence Permanent


Student File 5 years

Student Employment Files 3 years after employment expires


Records of Students with Disabilities 5 years


Absence Reports (original) 1 year

Correspondence 2 years

Discipline FilesRecords of disciplinary actions 1 year after graduation

or 3 years after last enrollment

Records of students with disciplinary holds, Permanent suspensions, or dismissals

Records of disciplinary referrals for students not Until graduation or cited, records of students banned from campus, 3 years after last and disciplinary incidents not covered above enrollment

Electronic Data (copyrighted software & data disk files)Current PermanentObsolete, unused, duplicate 2 years

Fundraising FormsFundraising request forms & backup 3 years

Policies & ProceduresCurrent PermanentSuperseded 2 years

Student Organization FilesRegistration forms, constitutions and by-laws, and any disciplinary information

Current Permanent


Superseded 2 years


AB Site Specific Hold Harmless 1 year

Alcohol/$50 Deposit Form 1 year

Driver Affidavit 3 years

Medical Release Forms 1 semester

Release of Liability 7 years

Volunteer Center Partnership Agreements Permanent



Billing and Utilization Records 1 year after issue

Contract-Working CopyThese are written agreements between CMU & a vendor 1 year after term of NOTE: Purchasing should have original, except contract, or 1 year after when no purchase order is issued. it is superseded

Copyrighted Software Per contract agreement

Data Files and Backups Per application specification

Dayfile Access Log 5 years after occurrence

Documentation Current-discard Hardcopy or machine-readable instruction manuals superseded pages for the use & maintenance or hardware or software

Service RecordsService repair orders & student/faculty sales agreements 5 years from issue date

Central domain Security Logs 14 days

E-mail Logs


-Inbound 7 days (working on upping to 30 days)

-Outbound 30 days-Exchange 20 days-ListServ At least 5 years

Backup-Altiris 15 days-TSM (backup) Less than 30 days

Networking-Bradford Connection Log 60 days-RADIUS Logs (wireless/dial-in) 60 days

Intrusion Detection System 21 days

Validations (Account Activity) Indefinite

Web Access Logs 6 monthsTELECOMMUNICATIONS

Billing Records 2 years

Blueprints/Switch R & Outside Plant Permanent

Completed Work Orders 2 years

Database Printouts 2 years

Employee Schooling/Training Certificates Permanent

Legal Documents 7 years

Outside Vendor Construction Bids 2 years

Outside Vendor Requests (GTE, Sprint, MCI, etc) Duration of service

Repair Work Orders 1 year

Station Message Detail Recording (SMDR) 2 years

Training Schedule for SL-100 1 year

Vendor Records 2 years




Committee RecordsOfficial PermanentReference 2 years

Personnel Records (staff) Permanent

Policies & Procedures (current) Permanent

Upward BoundFinancial Records & Student Records 3 years from date of

submission of final expenditure report or date from last time funds are drawn for a particular fiscal year


Exchange Agreements Permanent

Faculty International Development, 5 years after completionGrant Applications & Correspondence of grant project

Handbooks Permanent

International Faculty Until citizenship is effective

International Student & Study Abroad Statistics 5 years

International Student Files 2 years after graduation or leaving

Memorandums of Agreement/Memorandums Permanent of Understanding


Policies & Procedures Manual Permanent

Study AbroadStudy Abroad Student Files 5 years after

completion of programFinancial Files 5 years

Study Abroad Handbook Information all on-line.

Statistics 2001 – forward.



Advertising Invoice 3 years

Classified Ad Invoice 3 years

CM Life-Bound Edition Permanent

CM Life-Daily Edition 1 year

Display Advertising Invoice 3 years

Legal Documents (advertising contract, advertising 7 years after insertion termination order, and instruction sheet) termination

Student Advertising/Sales Payroll 4 years

Student Reporter Payroll 4 years


BudgetEquipment purchase orders PermanentMaintenance contracts Permanent

FilesAlpha Subject (no longer created) 10 years


Biographical Permanent Board, Committees, etc. Permanent Campaign Permanent Constituency-based Program Permanent Corporate Permanent Endowment Permanent Estate Planning Permanent Gift Club Permanent Life Endowment Permanent Loan Fund Permanent Matching Gift Companies Permanent Obituaries Permanent Scholarship Permanent

Publication SamplesAnnual Report (discontinued after 92/93) Permanent Brochure Permanent Centralight P ermanent Donor proof sheet (discontinued) Permanent Gift card, reply envelope & mailing envelope (discontinued) Permanent President’s Report Permanent Yearbook Permanent

Receipts, Reports & FormsContribution listing (kept indefinitely on computer) 1 yearMonthly report

July-May 2 yearsJune Permanent

Numeric donor receipts (no longer created) 7 years Payroll deduction 7 yearsPre-fund historical giving printouts Permanent



Committee RecordsMinutes and related records pertaining to officialFinance & Administrative Services division committees

Official Records PermanentReference and courtesy 2 years

Policies & ProceduresRecord copies of official university policies, procedures, and regulations. Examples include those relating to freedom


of information, contracting authority, investigations, and general university operation.

Current PermanentSuperseded 4 years


Operating and Capital Budget RecordsBudgets approved by Board of Trustees 7 years

University Archives

Budget Revisions 3 years after fiscal year-end

Original Allocations 4 years after fiscal year-end

Position Control Permanent or 7 years after position elimination, whichever comes first

State Budget Requests 5 years

University Fees Permanent


Accident Reports 5 years

Apprenticeship Records 3 years after employee termination

Bids & Quotes (and related documentation) 4 years

Contracts (all) Permanent

Employee Time Cards and Sheets (staff & student) 4 years

Funded Grant Files 5 years after grant termination

Grant Applications 3 years

Maintenance Work Order Reports (hard copy & microfiche) 7 years


Maintenance Work Orders 7 years after expiration

Material Safety Data Sheets 3 years

Overtime Authorization Sheets 3 years

Plan Evaluation Schedules Permanent

ProceduresCurrent Until supersededSuperseded 3 years

Utility Bills 7 years

Utility Consumption Records Permanent

Utility Consumption Records (summarized) Permanent


Legal DocumentsDeeds, easements, titles, legal opinions, active Permanent contracts, etc.

Expired or cancelled agreements, contracts, insurance 7 years policies, and related terminal documents

Property Records PermanentMaterials pertaining to: land acquisition, negotiation papers, correspondence, agreements, options, deeds, surveys, purchase contracts, legal opinions, specifications blueprints, and related materials that are pertinent to the property and structures that are university owned.


Office of the Associate Vice PresidentPolicies/Procedures/Guidelines Current/until


Benefits and WellnessClaims (self insured) 7 yearsDeposit Receipts 2 years

Disclosure of Protected Health Information 6 years


Employee Enrollment Records Active employee only

Insurance Policies/Contracts 7 years post termination

Plan Documents Permanent

Reconciled Invoices 3 years

Salary Reduction Agreements/Maximum Calcs 7 years posttermination

Summary Plan Descriptions Current

Tuition Waivers 7 years

Utilization Data/Insured Programs 3 years

Central Health Improvement Program Facility / Worker’s CompensationBy-laws, Policies, Procedures Current

Equipment Inspection and Maintenance Records 3 years

Equipment Operating Instructions Current

Licenses and Permits 30 years post termination

Medical Records/Case Files 30 years post termination

Employment Services1-9 Forms 3 years from date of

hire or 1 year past separation, whichever is longer

Applicant Searches 3 years

Annual Adjustment Records 3 years

Apprenticeship Records 2 years from date apprenticeship received

Criminal History Checks 1 year post term, unless there is a criminalhistory then record is


kept 30 yrs post term

Compensation Surveys 3 years

Driver Qualification Files 30 years

Exemption Issues Permanent

Exit Interviews 2 years

Higher Classification Pay & Special Assignment Pay 3 years

Independent Contractor Forms 7 years

Reference Check questions and documentation 3 years

Job Content Summaries 7 years

Job Descriptions and ADA Data 10 years

Labor Condition Applications 30 years post term

Longevity Records 7 years

Medical Records (pre-employment physicals, ADA, 30 years postFMLA, etc) termination

Mercer Position Information Questionnaires/Evaluations 10 years

Position Creations & Eliminations 2 years

Resumes/Applications – Solicited 3 years

Special Rate Adjustment 7 years

Staff Personnel Files (hard copies) 10 years post term

Staff Personnel Files (optical disk) 30 years post term

Seniority Lists 2 years

Temporary Employee Records and any notification 3 years post term

Unemployment Records 5 years

Union Notification of Personnel Transactions 1 year


Vacancy Reports 1 year

Wage Rate Tables/Schedules 10 years

Employee Relations and TrainingArbitration (briefs, exhibits, transcripts/notes) & Grievances 10 years

Bargaining Notes and Proposals 10 years

Collective Bargaining Agreements Permanent

Contracts with Outside Vendors 7 years post term

Disciplinary Records 30 years post term

Investigations 7 years post term

Student EmploymentStudent Employment Personnel Files 5 years after filing of

Federal Fiscal Operations Report pertinent to file

College Work Study fiscal year-end balancing reports 5 years after filing of Federal Fiscal Operations Report pertinent to file


Accounting Services

Cash DisbursementsCancelled checks (Accounts Receivable, Accounts 5 yearsPayable, and Payroll)

Cash Receipts (old system); includes receipts 5 years issued to document cash received by anyuniversity activity and corresponding billinginvoices where applicable (including UC cash receipts)

Endowment Files Permanent

Escheats 5 years

Financial Statements & Reports PermanentYear-end detailed report of transactions by account University Archives and public financial statements (detail availablesince 1975)


GrantsFinancial reports, supporting documents, statistical 5 years after grant records, and other records pertinent to a grant termination

Journal EntriesIncluding corresponding backup documentation, 5 years monthly development spreadsheets and audit files

Legal Documents (general revenue bonds and trusts) Permanent

Scholarship Files Permanent

Campus ID Office

Additional Meal Forms 3 years

ID Card Replacement Forms 7 years or more

Meal Plan Change Forms 3 years

Misuse of ID Forms 3 years

Passport Style Photos Forms 3 years

Temporary ID Card Forms 3 yearsPayable Accounting

Account Reconciliations 7 years

AP Reports – includes Vendor Maintenance 7 yearsCreate/Changes, Debit Balance Vendors, Open Encumbrances, GR/IR Analysis, Bookstore Material Returns/Vendor Credits, IC New Hire Reporting (and related supporting documents)

Cash Disbursements-includes hard copy of check 7 years registers, invoice vouchers and vendor invoices/creditmemos, (general and non-employee travel with related supporting documents)

Form 1099 MISC (payer’s copy), electronic and hard copy 7 years forms/records for IRS, State and Michigan City reporting

IRS CP2100-A (B-Notice) Reports (and related supporting 7 years documents)


IRS Form W-9, Substitute Form W-9 and other documentation Permanently of Vendor Tax Status

IRS TIN (Taxpayer ID Number) Match Request/Verification PermanentlyForms

Unclaimed Property/Escheated Check Reports Permanently

Payroll Accounting

Account Reconciliations (concerning liability accounts) 3 years

Credit card applications As long as individual has card

Deposit Receipts-EFT or ACH for payroll funding depositsFunding 3 yearsTax Deposits 4 years

Employee FileIncludes retirement system information (except the plan selection record), personnel transaction form, salary letters, faculty/staff transmittals, and payroll deduction authorizations

Active Until terminatedTerminated 3 years Retired 3 years Deceased 3 years

Retirement Plan Record 3 years after retirement, death,or until person reaches70 years old

Investment RecordsCash receipts-State appropriations 3 years Investment confirmations 3 years Investment Reports 3 years Investment work sheets 3 years

NRA 8233 (Treaty Agreements) 4 years

Payroll Audit Registers 3 yearsBy check numbers (kept in Accounting Services) Payroll has the ability to run SAP reports for 3 yrs

Payroll Reports (1042, 941,MI Withholding,TIAA-CREFF,MESC) 4 years


Retirement Reports Permanent

Time Sheets and Time Cards (staff & students) 2 yearsReport of employee name, social security number, leave balances, organization number, earning code, hours paid each pay period. (Time cards are kept in department where employee is paid, and most departments alsokeep a copy of timesheets on file)

W-2 Forms (employer’s copy) 3 years

W-2 Forms (returned undeliverable) 3 years

W-4 Forms (cancelled) 4 years

1042 (employer’s copy) 4 years

Financial Information SystemsDocumentation Data Permanent or life of


Security Data Permanent or life of system

Travel and Employee ReimbursementsAll Reports and Expense Vouchers 6 years


Arrest Book Permanent

Bicycle Registration Permanent

Complaint Book Permanent

Complaint Cards 1 year

Delinquency Notices 1 year

Financial Summaries 5 years

Lien Information and Tests 5 years

Officer Daily Reports 5 years

Parking Ticket Appeal Forms 3 years


Parking Tickets – Paid, Void or Unused 3 years

Parking Tickets – Unpaid 5 years

Police Reports Permanent

Property Records 7 years

Returned Decals 1 year

Shift Summary Reports 5 years

Temporary Vehicle Permit 1 year

Traffic Tickets (open & closed) 7 years

Vehicle Registration Cards 5 years

Warrant Worksheets 5 years

Weapons Registration 7 years


Bids and Quotes (and related documents) 4 years

Legal DocumentsDeeds, easements, titles, legal opinions, active Permanent contracts, etc.

Miscellaneous RecordsInvoices and supporting documents for purchases 4 years from State of Michigan-Federal Property Section

Cost reports of federally funded buildings & equipment 7 years

Equipment sales records 4 years

Policies & ProceduresRecord copies of official university policies, procedures, and regulations relating to solicitation.

Current PermanentSuperseded 4 years


Purchase Orders (Supplies & Equipment) 4 years

Equipment InventoryCapitalized Equipment Purchase Orders Permanent

CMU Take Sheets (tagging new items) 3 years

Documentation of additions, deletions and intra-university 4 years from relocations of equipment inventory transaction

Equipment Inventory Reports 3 years

Tag Number Sequence Book 1 year

Year-End Inventory Report (microfiche) 3 years

MailroomExternal Retention Schedule

US Postal Department-Delivery Receipts Current fiscal yr+1 yr US Postal Department-Receipts Current fiscal yr+1 yr United Parcel Pick-Up Summary Current fiscal yr+1 yr

Internal Retention ScheduleLarge Distribution Samples Current fiscal year

Small Distribution Samples Current fiscal Year

Management ReportsDaily printouts Current monthFinal edited monthly printout Current fiscal yr+1 yr Meter money spend (1/2 sheet copies) Current fiscal yr+1 yr Work load reports Current fiscal year (on

paper) +4 years(on disk)

Meter Reading Books Current fiscal year

University StoresInventory and Adjustment Reports 3 years

Monthly Report (and related backup material 3 years

Purchase Orders (Receiving) 6 months, except equipment POs

Reports-PaperworkAudit Trails

Date 3 years


Type Code 3 years Part number 3 years Daily Work File 3 years Inventory Value Report (biweekly) 1 year Inventory Value (monthly) 1 year Management Report (monthly) 3 years Purchase Orders 3 years Reconciliation Sheets (monthly) 3 years Stores Requisitions 3 years Usage/Usage Summary (monthly) 3 years Usage History Report (monthly) 3 years

Stores Requisitions Current fiscal year plus 2 years

Student Account Services and University Billing

Bankruptcy Files-Dismissed 11 years

Cash Receipts-SLCM System 3 yearsIncludes receipts issued to document cash received through university departmental activity and corresponding billing invoices where applicable.In addition, the SAP-FI cashier’s checkout reportis maintained to record all other cash receipts

Collections (all documents) 7 years

Email Account-RECACCT Correspondence 3 years

Quickpay 3 yearsCredit card payments, reports, and documentation

Invoices, memos, data entry Scanned and then destroyed immediately after scanned

Perkins Student File 1 year after account is paid in full

Receivables-Legal Accounts (Bankruptcy & Judgments) 4 years after accountPromissory notes repaid or cancelled (including is closed cancellation, postponement & deferment forms anddischarged bankruptcies)

Returned Checks Permanent


Student Files PermanentAll activity maintained on SLCM system. Archiving maintained within SCLM.

Third Party Invoices 3 years

Residence & Auxiliary Services

Committee RecordsOfficial 4 yearsReference 2 years

Policies and ProceduresCurrent PermanentSuperseded 2 years

BookstoreCash Register Tapes Current + 1 prev. year

General (copies, purchase orders, invoices, credits, etc) 3 years

Student Charge Slips 3 years

Office of Residence LifeActive & Cancelled Application and Agreements 4 years

Apartment Contracts - Canceled 4 years

Cash Count Sheets from Desk After May closing

Copy Center Receipts After fiscal year

Credit Card Records – Business After fiscal year

Credit Card Records – Social/Agency Accounts 3 years

Damage Statements 1 year after processed

Desk Receptionist Applications 3 years

Desk Employment 5 years after termination

Discipline & Incident Reports 4 years

Fire Drill Reports 2 years

Guest Meal/Room and Cash Deposit Statements 4 years


Guest Registration Cards 4 years

Off Campus/Contract Breakage Approval Letters 1 year

Overnight Guest Waiver After May closing

Package Log Fall of the next year

Phone Bills 1 year

RA/MA Applications 3 years

RA/MA Employment 5 years after termination

RA/MA Reflections After RHD reflection is written

Residence Life Policy Acknowledgment Sheet August after academic year

RHD Reflections After May closing

Room Inventories 2 years

Roommate Agreement Workbooks After May closing

Rosters 4 years

Voucher Copies 4 years

Printing ServicesCopy Center Work Request Orders 2 years

Duplicate copies of original work order showing specifications, charges, and payment

Invoices-Accounts Receivable 3 years

Job Envelopes 3 yearsContains production procedures, supplies used,all labor & supply costs, billing figures, proofs, delivery receipts, delivery dates, and proofing information. Used for reorder reference and related administrative purposes.

Receipts (duplicate copies of cash sales) 3 years

Thesis Order Forms 5 yearsDuplicate copy of Graduate Studies Thesis binding approval forms showing dates, price, delivery dates,


and settlement information.

University CenterBusiness Office

Cash bank deposit slips & daily records 2 years

Dining Services & University Center BuildingAccounts Receivable Invoices 4 years

Alcohol Records 4 years Banquet Service Orders/Room Reservations 2 years Grocery Bids 3 years Inventory Reports 3 years Licenses, Permits, Contracts Permanent Purchase Orders 2 years Student Manager Incident Reports 1 year

Risk Management

Accidental Injury Forms 4 fiscal years-then transfer toEH&S permanent files

Bonds: Notary & Liquor 10 fiscal years

Certificate of Insurance – Issued by CMU Current policy year + 1 previous policy year

Certificate of Insurance – Outside Groups & Vendors Current fiscal year + 1 previous policy year

Educational Trip Forms 1 fiscal year + the current year

Claims:Auto-Motor Vehicle Accident Reports 4 yrs. from close of claim General Liability 7 yrs. from close of claim E&O (Errors & Omissions) 7 yrs. from close of claim Property 7 yrs. from close of claim All others (Sports Camps, PA, PT, etc.) 7 yrs. from close of claim

Incidents:Auto 4 yrs. from occurrence

dateGeneral Liability 4 yrs. from occurrence

dateE&O (Errors & Omissions) 4 yrs. from occurrence

dateProperty 4 yrs. from occurrence


dateAll others (Sports Camps, PA, PT, etc.) 4 yrs. from occurrence

dateInsurance Coverage Summary

Risk Mgmt. schedule depicting summary of policies Permanent – transfer toGeneral files

Motor Vehicle Inventory Most current

Motor Vehicle Record (MVR) Reports 4 fiscal years +current year

PoliciesAuto 7 policy years General Liability 7 policy years E & O (Errors & Omissions) 7 policy years Property 7 policy yearsAll Other Policies Permanent Record

Property Artwork of Other Forms 2 policy years + current year

Room Reservation FormsVendors & Off Campus Groups Current fiscal year

RSO – Low Risk Academic Year Waiver Current fiscal year+ 1 previous year

Environmental & Safety ServicesAppointment Calendars Current fiscal year

Accident Reports Current fiscal yearAll accidents involving faculty, staff, students, and visitors + 30 years

Building Department Industrial Hygiene Safety Life of buildingEnvironmental Files +30 years

Records pertaining to the operation of the facilities, departments, safety/industrial hygiene investigation, safety/industrial hygiene inspections, industrial hygiene environmental monitoring, and fire/fire alarm testing

Environmental Policies (Pollution, UST, etc.) 7 years after expiration

Committees 5 yearsMinutes & related records in correspondence pertaining to official safety committee and subcommittee

Electronic DataDepartment policies & procedures (separate disks) Current fiscal year


Attendance record, testing & training materials+ 30 years

for all safety training Permanent

Equipment Instructions & Maintenance Logs Life of instrument

Formaldehyde Test Results Length of employmentPlus 30 years

HIPAA Training Records 6 years or length of employment, whichever is greater

Industrial Hygiene Environmental Training and ResultsPersonal monitoring Length of employment

+ 30 yearsArea monitoring 30 years

Material Safety Data Sheets Most currentOutdated will be kept30 years

Respiratory Fit Testing Documentation Duration ofemployment + 30 years

Work Orders-Special Service RequestsMaintenance, repair or installation of safety Current fiscal year related items + 30 years

General Current fiscal year+ 1 year

SAPHR and FI Information Systems

SAP Security Logs 1 yearDaily security logs of changes made to security profiles

University Events

Artist/Speaker Contracts 7 years from event

Artist/Speaker Files 3 years

Facilities Use Contracts 3 years from use date

Room Reservation Information 9 years on computer


University Center Box Office Records 7 years

University Health Services

Administrative OfficeAccident (or incident) Report 7 years (then scan

to optical disk)

Bylaws, Policies, Procedures Permanent

Communicable Disease Report to State & 3 yearsLocal Health Departments

Licenses, Permits, Contracts Permanent

Permits – Alcohol & Narcotics Permanent until superseded

Reports – Departmental Permanent

Statistics on Admissions and Services (daily & monthly) Destroy after year-end statistics compiled

Surveys and Inspection Reports 3 yearsUniversity Archives

Business OfficeBudgets 5 years

Charges to Patients 5 years

Timesheets 5 years

ClinicAppointment Schedules 3 years

Medical Records Hard copies-7 years Records accumulated on patients (e.g. progress notes, from last date of service, laboratory, x-ray reports, consults, etc) then scan to optical disk

Electronic medical records –permanent

Patient Registration Permanent


Patient’s Name Index Optical scan after 7 yrs

EngineeringEquipment Operating Instructions Permanent

Equipment Records on Inspection & Maintenance 5 years

Work Orders 2 years

Personnel-Employee Health Record Optical scan after 7 yrs

Pharmacy (Controlled Substance)Inventory and Order Form 1451 2 years

Narcotics Dispensed Permanent

Narcotics Inventory 5 years

Prescriptions 5 years

InsuranceAccident Reports (Worker’s Comp) 6 years

Laboratory, Therapy, and X-RayAppointment Logs 3 years

Index to Patient Records Permanent(where not duplicated in medical records)

Register of Tests 5 years(chronological until statistics are compiled/daily log)

Requests for Tests 2 weeks

X-RayNegative chest films 10 yearsRoentgenograms 5 years


Copies of Invoices (from credit card 3 years purchases), journal transfers, purchaseorders, business credit card statements

Daily Cash Logs & Cash Register Tapes 4 years


Daily Guest Pass Forms/Signed Waivers 7 years

Discipline/Incident Reports/Sanctions 4 years

Facility Safety Check Reports 7 years

Facility Usage Waivers 7 years

Injury/Accident Reports 7 years

Intramural League Results Do not retain

Intramural Registration Forms 5 years

Membership Applications 7 years

Personal Training Client Records 4 years

Safety/Lifeguard/CPR Course Records 5 years

Safety/Lifeguard/CPR Course Registration 5 years

Score Sheets 5 years

Sports Results 1 year

Student Employee Personnel Records 4 years

USwim Registration Forms 5 years


Budget Requests PermanentUniversity Archives

Capital Outlay Budget Requests PermanentUniversity Archives

Copies of Appropriation Acts and Other Legislation of PermanentInterest to CMU

Michigan Manuals, 1961-Present Permanent

State of Michigan Public & Local Accounting 1951-Present Permanent



Account Reconciliation-Monthly 4 years

Contracts 5 years from expiration

Credit Card Receipts/Statements 3 years

Data List of Names & Addresses Kept per IRB approval

Electronic-CATI Lab Questionnaire, results, compilations of data Permanent

Employment Applications – Student (not employed) 2 years

Equipment Inventory Reports 3 years

General Information Files 10 years

Graduate Assistant Applications 2 years after completion of service

Grants 5 years after grant Financial records, supporting documents, statistical termination records, and other records pertinent to a grant

Institutional Review Board Approval 3 years after research completion

Payroll-Original timesheets & attendance (staff & student) 4 years

Purchase Orders 3 years

Research Data Permanent

Research Final Report and Support Materials Permanent

Returned Written Copies of Surveys 2 years