cdm 2015 awareness pack

CDM REGULATIONS 2015 MANAGING HEALTH AND SAFETY IN CONSTRUCTION NOVEMBER 2015 General overview & main changes in 2015 revision

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General overview & main changes in 2015 revision

• Matt Harrison BSc, IMaPS, TechIOSH, SIIRSM, ICIOB.

• Freelance PM, QS and (ex) CDM C – specialising in process industry

• Formed own company in 2011 having delivered CDM C services for 5

years on some of London's largest projects with Ove Arup and

Partners International.

• Contributor to the CIRIA publications “Work Sector Guidance” based

around the 2007 Regulations

• Much of CDM is an application of “common sense”.


Objectives of today

• Understand from where CDM comes, its objectives and principles;

• The original duties & new 2015 duties

• Client, Designer, Principal Designer, Principal Contractor,


• Key documents

• UK reflection of European Directive 92/57/EEC, and due for review

next year (so our CDM regulations may change again?)

• Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 1994, 2002,

2007 and now 2015;

• Places duties on key members of the project team.

What is CDM ?

• the construction, alteration, conversion, fitting out, commissioning, renovation, repair,

upkeep, redecoration or other maintenance (including cleaning which involves the use

of water or an abrasive at high pressure, or the use of corrosive or toxic substances),

de-commissioning, demolition or dismantling of a structure;

• the preparation for an intended structure, including site clearance, exploration,

investigation (but not site survey) and excavation (but not pre-construction

archaeological investigations), and the clearance or preparation of the site or

structure for use or occupation at its conclusion;

• the assembly on site of prefabricated elements to form a structure or the disassembly

on site of the prefabricated elements which, immediately before such disassembly,

formed a structure;

• the removal of a structure, or of any product or waste resulting from demolition or

dismantling of a structure, or from disassembly of prefabricated elements which

immediately before such disassembly formed such a structure;

• the installation, commissioning, maintenance, repair or removal of mechanical,

electrical, gas, compressed air, hydraulic, telecommunications, computer or similar

services which are normally fixed within or to a structure,.

What is construction?

Objectives of the Regulations are:

• To protect the health and safety of people in construction , and others

who may be affected by their activities.

• Requires a systematic management approach from concept to

completion: hazards must be identified and eliminated where possible

and the remaining risks reduced and controlled.

• Reduce risks through a safe by design process, during construction and

thought out the life cycle of the structure.

• Early identification of hazard and risk;

• Mitigate risk as far as practicable;

• Co-ordination of Health & Safety across design and construction;

• Improved documentation throughout the life of a project.

• CDM 2015 regulations now aimed at the small project (i.e<15) employees on site

• CDM 2015 – copy out of EU 92/57, much better regulation / easier to navigate / understand


Qu. HSE expected level of


CDM can add ‘value’ to a project by:

• Improving internal project management;

• Improving ‘buildability’;

• Reduces the cost of managing health and safety;

• Improves conditions on-site;

• Improves cost & programme certainty


The following are legally required documents

• F10 – where notification required

• Construction Phase Plan

• Health and safety file

Documents with Legal Status

• Client;

• Principal Designer (was CDM Coordinator);

• Principal Contractor;

• Designer;

• Contractor.

Duty holder


• Notify HSE (20 operatives x 30 days – or – 500 man days threshold)

• Ensure suitable management arrangements; ( A project plan?)

• Allow sufficient time and resources for all stages;

• Ensure arrangements are maintained / reviewed throughout the project

• Provide Pre Construction Information;

• Ensure adequate welfare and Construction Plan is in place;

• If it is likely there will be 1+ contractors on site; And as soon as practicable

• Appoint Principal Designer (PD); client liable if not appointed

• Appoint Principal Contractor (PC); client liable if not appointed

• Take reasonable steps to ensure PC and PD comply with their duties

• Ensure the Principal Designer prepares and issues a health and safety file;

• Ensure appointees have skills, knowledge, experience and organisational capacity (PAS 91 / SSIP)

• Retain and provide access to the H&S file;

Roles and Duties – Client

Client duties pass to;

The contractor – where only 1 on site throughout the project

The principal contractor – where 1+ contractors / sub contractors on


The principal designer where there is a written agreement

Default position;

• Where NO appointment made, the designer in control of the pre

construction phase is deemed the Principal Designer

• Where NO appointment is made the contractor in control of the

construction phase is the Principal Contractor

Roles and Duties – Domestic client (..?..)

Roles and Duties – Domestic client








• Description of project;

• Clients Considerations and Management Requirements for Health and Safety Risks;

• Environmental Restrictions and Existing on Site Risks;

• Significant Design and Construction Hazards;

• Key information from existing Health and Safety Files.

• How new H&S File will be managed

• Must be satisfied they have skill, knowledge, experience and organisational capacity to undertake appointment

• Those making appointments must take reasonable steps to check competence (i.e - s,k,e,c)

• All appointees must cooperate with the team / adjoining site

• Report all matters that may effect their health and safety – or that of others.

• Provide information (when required) clearly, comprehensible and in a timely fashion.

Qu. Whose Roles and Duties ?

Ans - Everybody

• Must be satisfied they have skill, knowledge, experience and organisational capacity to undertake appointment

PAS 91 – but what happens if they / you don’t ?? …….

Qu. Whose Roles and Duties ?

Roles and Duties - Designer

Roles and Duties – Designer under HASAWA etc ’74 - reg 6

Roles and Duties – Designer under HASAWA etc ’74 – reg 6

Roles and Duties – Designer under MHSWR ‘99

Roles and Duties – Designer

• Check client is aware of their own duties

• Take into account the Preconstruction Information

• Take account of the principles of prevention to ,so far as reasonably practical,

(SFARP) eliminate any foreseeable risk to the health and safety of any person.

• carrying out /affected by construction work

• Maintaining / cleaning a structure

• Using a structure as a workplace

• If elimination is not possible to control the risk through the subsequent design

process and

• Reduce risk / control risk

• Provide information

• Add information to the H&S file

Roles and Duties – Designer

• Provide information about risks to the Principal Designer

• Ensure appropriate information is included in the H&S file

• Take all reasonable steps to provide, with the design, sufficient information

about the design, construction or maintenance of the structure to adequately

assist the client, designers and contractors to comply with their duties.

Roles and Duties – Designer

(a) avoiding risks;

(b) evaluating the risks which cannot be avoided;

(c) combating the risks at source;

(d) adapting the work to the individual, especially as regards the design of workplaces, the choice of work equipment

and the choice of working and production methods, with a view, in particular, to alleviating monotonous work and work

at a predetermined work-rate and to reducing their effect on health;

(e) adapting to technical progress;

(f) replacing the dangerous by the non-dangerous or the less dangerous;

(g) developing a coherent overall prevention policy which covers technology, organisation of work, working conditions,

social relationships and the influence of factors relating to the working environment;

(h) giving collective protective measures priority over individual protective measures; and

(i) giving appropriate instructions to employees

The general principles of prevention

E. R. I. C.

Roles and Duties – Designer

Brainstorm ideas

Talk to fellow design team members

Previous Projects


Then evaluate them:

what can be eliminated, reduced or controlled

Review your decisions

Roles and Duties – Designer

Integrated Approach – not “just” health & safety, and we can also consider

health and safety


fitness for purpose




And ……

And ……

And ..….

Roles and Duties – Designer,

So far as reasonably practicable ?

Roles and Duties – Principal Designer

• Must PLAN, MANAGE and MONITOR the pre construction phase and

coordinate matters relating to Health and Safety during the pre

construction phase to ensure that sfarp, the project is carried out without

risks to health or safety.

• Take account of principles of prevention during design, technical and

organisational aspects of the decision process and when estimating the

period of time for such work

• Identify and eliminate, or control, sfarp, foreseeable risk to any person

• Carrying out or liable to be effected by construction work

• Maintaining or cleaning a structure

• Using a structure designed as a workplace

Roles and Duties – Principal Designer

Roles and Duties – Principal Designer

• The PD must (sfarp?) ensure all designers comply with the designers duties

• The PD must ensure all persons working on the pre-construction phase

cooperate with the client, PD and each other

• Assist with collation of pre construction information (PCI) and provide it

promptly in a convenient for to all designers and contractors

• Liaise with the PC for the duration of the PD appointment and share with the

PC information about planning, management and monitoring of the

construction phase and coordination of health and safety maters during the

construction phase

• No requirement to provide H&S advice to the client

• Can be individual or company provided they have the skills, knowledge,

experience and organizational capacity

Roles and Duties – Principal Designer

Roles and Duties – Principal Contractor

• Must PLAN, MANAGE and MONITOR the construction phase and coordinate

matters relating to Health and Safety during the construction phase to ensure

that, sfarp, the project is carried out without risks to health or safety.

• Take account of principles of prevention during design, technical and

organisational aspects of the decision process and when estimating the

period of time for such work

• Organize cooperation between contractors, including successive contractors

• Coordinate implementation by the contractors of applicable legal

requirements for health and safety

• Ensure that employers / self employed apply the principles of prevention and

when required follow the construction phase plan.

Role and Duties; Principal Contractor

• Provide a suitable site induction, exclude unauthorized persons, provide


• Liaise with the PD for the duration of the PC appointment and share with

the PD information about planning, management and monitoring of the

construction phase and coordination of health and safety maters during

the construction phase

• Consult and engage with workers

Role and Duties; Principal Contractor

Roles and Duties – Contractor

• Check client awareness of duties

• Must PLAN, MANAGE and MONITOR construction work carried out by the

contractor or by workers under his control to ensure, sfarp, it is carried out

with out risks to health or safety.

• Check skills, knowledge, training and experience of appointments

• Provide each worker under their control appropriate supervision,

instruction and information so that work can be carried out without risk to

health and safety (induction, emergency plan, information regarding H&S

form their, or others activities, information for statutory compliance)

Role and Duties; Contractor

• Where there is more than 1 contractor comply with directions from PD or

PC, and/or the applicable elements of the construction phase plan

• Take account of principles of prevention during design, technical and

organisational aspects of the decision process and when estimating the

period of time for such work

• If the only contractor on site – prepare a construction phase plan

• Exclude unauthorized access

• Provide suitable welfare

Role and Duties; Contractor

Upon appointment (or before) the Principal Contractor / Contractor

will prepare a plan that identifies HOW he will manage or address the

requirements and hazards associated with the project as identified in

the Pre Construction Information.

Construction Phase Plan

Description of works and who has been engaged;

The Management of the work including;

• Health and safety aims for the project

• Site Rules;

• Arrangements to ensure cooperation and coordination within the team

• Arrangements for liaison with workforce;

• Site induction

• Welfare;

• Fire and Emergency Procedure.

• Control of specific risks (schedule 3)

Whilst no longer within the guidance the following are also recommended for inclusion;

• Contractors team, structure, responsibilities;

• Permit arrangements;

• Extent and location of records / plans;

• Design and H&S Information exchange;

• Design change information;

• Selection of Sub Contractors;

• Site Security and Induction;

• Training;

• Reporting and investigation of accidents;

• Production and approval of Risk Assessments;

• H&S File

Construction Phase Plan – Content

• Work which puts workers at risk of burial under earth fall, engulfment in swampland, falling from height

• Work which puts workers at risk from chemical or biological substances constituting a particular danger to H&S or a legal requirement for health monitoring

• Work with ionizing radiation

• Work near HV power lines

• Work exposing workers to drowning

• Work on wells, underground earthwork and tunnels

• Work requiring divers and a system of air supply

• Work in caissons with a compressed air atmosphere

• Work involving explosives

• Work involving the assemble/dismantling of heavy prefabricated components

Construction Phase Plan – Schedule 3 work with particular risks

Ans. DO NOT LOSE IT ……..



• Required for all projects with 1+ contractors

• Prepared by the PD and passed to the PC on completion of PD appointment

• Kept available by client for anybody subsequently working on the structure

• Prepared by the principal designer during pre construction phase, reviewed updated and maintained.

• If PD role finishes before end of project the file passes to the PC to complete

Health and safety file – Requirements

• Description of the works

• Hazards not eliminated by design or construction process & how addressed

• Key structural principles (bracing, stored energy, working loads for roofs/floors)

• Hazardous materials used (lead paint / specialist coatings)

• Information about removing / dismantling plant & equipment

• Health and safety information about equipment provided for cleaning or maintaining a structure

• The nature, location and markings of significant services (gas / fire fighting etc)

• Information and as built drawings its plant and equipment

Health and safety file – Contents

CDM 2015 – Löfstedt

Further careful analysis and consultation with the industry

will be required to decide the best approach. For example,

whether amending the regulation, perhaps to amend the

requirement ‘to take reasonable steps to demonstrate

competence’ is necessary or if it is possible to achieve the

desired outcome by amending the ACoP.

It is vital that any changes do not result in a diminution of

current standards which may have unintended

consequences for effective health and safety regulation of

the construction industry

Review of today

• Understand from where CDM comes, its objectives and principles;

• The original duties & new 2015 duties

• Client, Designer, Principal Designer, Principal Contractor,


• Key documents

• Preparing / advising on CDM management arrangements for client / designers / contractors

• Preparing / assisting with clients briefing documentation

• Gathering and providing PCI reports

• Construction phase plan review and recommendations for acceptance

• Audits of both Principal Designer and Principal Contractor activity

• Principal Designer design reviews and design risk management

• Checking skills, knowledge, experience and training (all appointments)

• Drafting / reviewing / updating construction phase plans

• Preparation / and or approval of Health and Safety Files

• CDM training and mentoring

• Undertaking the Principal Designer role


CDM Consultancy – Services

MHPSS LTDMatt Harrison Project Support Services Ltd

104 Royal Crescent

South Ruislip



020 8845 0915

07540 827170

[email protected]