caribbean basin caribbean environment for u.s ... · the 2008-09 global financial crisis. saint...

THIS REPORT CONTAINS ASSESSMENTS OF COMMODITY AND TRADE ISSUES MADE BY USDA STAFF AND NOT NECESSARILY STATEMENTS OF OFFICIAL U.S. GOVERNMENT POLICY - Date: GAIN Report Number: Post: Report Categories: Approved By: Prepared By: Report Highlights: Despite slow growth economic conditions, the Caribbean continues to gobble up U.S. agricultural products at record levels ($1.4 billion in 2012). This report outlines the political, economic, agricultural policy, trade, and SPS regulatory environment faced by U.S. agricultural suppliers in this vast and fragmented region. Omar Gonzalez & Katherine Nishiura Katherine Nishiura Exporter Guide Promotion Opportunities Market Promotion/Competition Market Development Reports Agriculture in the Economy Agricultural Situation Caribbean Environment for U.S. Agricultural Exports Miami ATO Caribbean Basin CB1303 3/1/2013 Public Voluntary

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Page 1: Caribbean Basin Caribbean Environment for U.S ... · the 2008-09 global financial crisis. Saint Kitts & Nevis and Grenada have debt-to-GDP ratios in excess of 100 percent, while several






GAIN Report Number:


Report Categories:

Approved By:

Prepared By:

Report Highlights:

Despite slow growth economic conditions, the Caribbean continues to gobble up U.S. agricultural

products at record levels ($1.4 billion in 2012). This report outlines the political, economic, agricultural

policy, trade, and SPS regulatory environment faced by U.S. agricultural suppliers in this vast and

fragmented region.

Omar Gonzalez & Katherine Nishiura

Katherine Nishiura

Exporter Guide

Promotion Opportunities

Market Promotion/Competition

Market Development Reports

Agriculture in the Economy

Agricultural Situation

Caribbean Environment for U.S. Agricultural Exports

Miami ATO

Caribbean Basin



Public Voluntary

Page 2: Caribbean Basin Caribbean Environment for U.S ... · the 2008-09 global financial crisis. Saint Kitts & Nevis and Grenada have debt-to-GDP ratios in excess of 100 percent, while several

General Information:

General Political Situation and Trends:

The Caribbean is one of the most fragmented and diverse regions in the world. This vast geographic

area is covered by two regional FAS offices, the Office of Agricultural Affairs (OAA) in Santo

Domingo and the Caribbean Basin Agricultural Trade Office (CBATO) in Miami. The OAA in Santo

Domingo covers the Dominican Republic, Jamaica and Haiti. The CBATO covers practically all other

island markets. Specifically, CBATO islands of coverage include: Anguilla, Antigua and Barbuda,

Aruba, The Bahamas, Barbados, Bermuda, British Virgin Islands, Caribbean Netherlands or BES

Islands (Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba), Cayman Islands, Curaçao, Dominica, Grenada, Guadeloupe,

Martinique, Montserrat, Saint Barthélemy, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, Saint Martin, Saint

Vincent and the Grenadines, Sint Maarten, Trinidad and Tobago, and Turks and Caicos Islands.

* * * * *

Politically speaking, the CBATO’s region of coverage is a mix of independent states, overseas

departments or dependencies of European countries, and islands that are part of a European kingdom.

Practically all of the islands have some sort of democratic parliamentary system or internal self-

government, and they maintain political, economic and cultural ties with Europe of varying degrees of


Countries in the region also have generally good relations, including close commercial and social ties,

with the United States. In islands where there is a high dependence on U.S. tourism as the principal

source of income (e.g., The Bahamas, Bermuda, Cayman Islands, Aruba, and Turks and Caicos) this is

more evident than in those that retain close ties with Europe, particularly in the French Antilles. Canada

has close relations with its many Commonwealth partners in the region. Cuba, the largest and most

populated country in the region, maintains diplomatic relations with most of its Caribbean neighbors.

Within our region there are several political and economic alliances. The most notable are:

The Caribbean Community (CARICOM) is made up of 15 Member States and five associate members.

It comprises most CBATO islands of coverage as well as Belize, Guyana, Haiti, Jamaica and Suriname.

Upon obtaining their new autonomous country status, in 2011 Sint Maarten and Curacao expressed

interest in joining CARICOM as Associate Members. In February 2012 CARICOM set up a working

group to study matters pertaining to associate membership, including that of Curaçao and Sint Maarten.

CARICOM’s Single Market and Economy (CSME) provides for free intra-regional movement of goods

and a 40 percent common external tariff (CET) for extra-regional goods, among other things.

Page 3: Caribbean Basin Caribbean Environment for U.S ... · the 2008-09 global financial crisis. Saint Kitts & Nevis and Grenada have debt-to-GDP ratios in excess of 100 percent, while several

The Organization of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS) is made up of nine small, mostly developing

nations in its region. In January 2011, the OECS’ Economic Union entered into force, creating a single

financial and economic space among six OECS countries. Many elements of the OECS Economic

Union were already in place under CARICOM’s CSME. All OECS countries, with the exception of the

British Virgin Islands, use a single currency, the Eastern Caribbean Dollar, the existence of which

predates the creation of the Economic Union. The exchange rate with the U.S. Dollar is fixed (US$1.00

= EC$2.70). As a practical matter, trade in goods between OECS countries is very low.

The Caribbean Forum of African, Caribbean, and Pacific States (CARIFORUM) is made up of 16

Caribbean countries, all former colonies of European countries. They are: the CARICOM countries

(with the exception of Montserrat), Cuba and the Dominican Republic. The 2008 European Union

(EU)-CARIFORUM Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) helps to bind this group together. (Cuba

is the only CARIFORUM country which is not part of the EPA with the EU.) In 2011 a joint

Caribbean-EU Strategy was developed, which aimed at laying the groundwork for a more mature

relationship encompassing political dialogue and development cooperation over a five–year period

which began in 2012. More recently, however, CARIFORUM countries have expressed publicly their

concern at the implications of EU development policy decisions in 2012 that will direct assistance move

toward lower income countries and reduce aid for middle income countries, such as the majority of the

Caribbean countries.

Venezuela’s prominence in the Caribbean Basin has risen over the past five years. Dominica, Antigua

and Barbuda, and Saint Vincent and the Grenadines are members of the Venezuela-led Bolivarian

Alliance for the Peoples of Our America (ALBA). St. Lucia and Suriname, which were guests at the

February 2012 ALBA meeting in Caracas, have expressed interest in becoming full members. ALBA

has provided considerable economic assistance to its Caribbean members in areas such as infrastructure,

agriculture, and education (including scholarships for study in Cuba). Many Caribbean countries,

including the ALBA members and The Bahamas, Grenada, Saint Kitts and Nevis, and Saint Lucia, are

also part of PetroCaribe, an alliance with Venezuela that allows signatory countries to purchase oil from

the South American country at preferential terms (up-front payment of 50 to 60 percent of the cost of

the petroleum shipment and low interest 25-year terms to pay the balance).

See Appendix IV for a listing of CBATO island representation in selected international organizations.

Macroeconomic Situation and Trends:

According to the UN’s Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC), real

GDP for the English and Dutch-speaking Caribbean (which makes up most of the CBATO’s region of

coverage) grew by 1.1 percent in 2012, following 0.4 percent growth in 2011. The economic situation

in the United States and Europe has dampened demand for goods and services from the Caribbean. This

is especially troubling for the tourism sector, the economic engine of most Caribbean economies, which

Page 4: Caribbean Basin Caribbean Environment for U.S ... · the 2008-09 global financial crisis. Saint Kitts & Nevis and Grenada have debt-to-GDP ratios in excess of 100 percent, while several

draws roughly 50 percent of its visitors from the United States and 20 percent from Europe. While

tourist arrivals to the region continue to inch upward, , Caribbean Tourism Organization data show

aggregate spending by visitors is just now catching up to levels prior to the global crisis in 2008-09.

This has kept the sector’s revenues (and thus economic growth) in check.

A second factor affecting the recovery is the high debt burden that many Caribbean islands face, which

according to the IMF by the close of 2012 was projected to average nearly 95 percent of GDP for the

tourism-dependent countries of the region. This represents a 15 percent swelling of public debt since

the 2008-09 global financial crisis. Saint Kitts & Nevis and Grenada have debt-to-GDP ratios in excess

of 100 percent, while several others in the CBATO region have ratios between 50 and 100 percent.

These countries are trying to address the problem through a combination of revenue-raising and

expenditure-cutting measures, as they face pressure from the IMF and credit rating agencies. In 2012

Barbados saw its credit rating downgraded by both Standard & Poor’s and Moody’s Investors Services.

Also in 2012, Moody’s downgraded The Bahamas and Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, while

Standard & Poor’s downgraded Bermuda.

In addition, the health of the region’s financial sector has suffered due to the aftermath of the collapse of

insurance and banking entities in recent years. According to the IMF, bank non-performing loans are

also on the ascent.

Given these circumstances, economic performance for the region is expected to improve only

marginally in 2013, with IMF and ECLAC real GDP growth projections ranging from 1.4 to 2.0

percent, respectively. However, an economic slowdown in the United States or a deepening of the

recession in Europe could cut demand for Caribbean products and services (including tourism), curtail

remittances, and exacerbate the already heavy public debt situation. The future of PetroCaribe in a post-

Chavez Venezuela may also be a source of uncertainty for participating islands.

Agriculture in the Economy:

The total land area of the CBATO islands is 23,783 square kilometers (9,183 square miles), roughly the

size of New Hampshire. Only about seven percent of this land is arable and an even smaller percentage

is actually utilized for farming. Other challenges include: scant water resources in some islands; few

economies of scale; labor shortfalls due to poor returns or wages compared to the services sector;

disease and pest issues; inadequate post harvest handling and cold chain facilities; and hurricanes

ripping through the region every year.

Due to these many constraints, agriculture’s contribution to GDP ranges from 1 percent or less in

Aruba, Bermuda, British Virgin Islands, Cayman Islands, Curaçao, Saint Martin, Sint Maarten, Trinidad

and Tobago, and Turks and Caicos Islands to 13.2 percent in Dominica. In most other islands,

agriculture’s contribution to GDP is between one and five percent. Commercial farming is concentrated

Page 5: Caribbean Basin Caribbean Environment for U.S ... · the 2008-09 global financial crisis. Saint Kitts & Nevis and Grenada have debt-to-GDP ratios in excess of 100 percent, while several

in bananas and sugarcane. However, deterioration of preferential market access to the EU has

negatively impacted production of these crops in islands such as Dominica, Grenada, Saint Lucia, Saint

Kitts & Nevis, and Saint Vincent and the Grenadines. Many of the islands produce tropical fruits,

vegetables, root crops, coconuts, and spices. A few islands also produce dairy, poultry, pigs, goats, and

sheep. See Appendix II for agricultural statistics by island.

Domestic Agricultural Policy Overview:

While most Caribbean governments devote some resources and efforts toward agriculture and rural

development, budget and staff limitations generally constrain large-scale or long-term focus on the

sector. Many islands have small extension programs. In the case of local produce, several islands have

seasonal price supports, short-lived seasonal import bans on selected items, and/or quasi-government

organizations which operate retail outlets aimed at helping farmers market their production and obtain

“fair” prices. Governments are expressing greater interest in agriculture, however, driven since the late

2000s by food security concerns (see the Food Security section for more) and the desire to reduce food

import bills.

Trinidad and Tobago is perhaps the country which has been most active in this regard. In March 2012,

the Government of Trinidad and Tobago (GOTT) unveiled an ambitious plan to expand its agricultural

sector and cut the country’s estimated $700 million food import bill in half by 2015. The National Food

Production Action Plan 2012-2015 focuses on boosting production of basic staples, vegetables, fruits

and livestock, as well as developing the aquaculture sector. The size of the Action Plan’s budget is not

known and its impact remains to be seen. Reportedly, the GOTT is also exploring collaboration with

the Government of Guyana (GOG) to facilitate an arrangement that would see Trinbagonian businesses

investing in farming in Guyana, namely in rice. The idea of Guyana capitalizing on its farming

resources (ample land and water) to boost its food production and help ameliorate the region’s food

security situation is not a new one. The Jagdeo Initiative, a plan originally proposed in 2003 by the

former Guyanese President, Bharrat Jagdeo, called (among other things) for the establishment of

“megafarms” in Guyana that could supply neighboring Caribbean countries with rice and other crops.

GOTT and GOG recent efforts, if successful, would be a step in this direction.

A United Nations Environment Programme/Global Environment Facility (UNEP/GEF) four-year, $13

million Regional Project for Implementing National Biosafety Frameworks (NBFs) in the Caribbean

formally got underway in 2012. The project aims to assist 12 CARICOM countries (nine of which are

part of the CBATO’s region of coverage) to comply with their obligations under the Cartagena Protocol

on Biosafety (CPB). This project may result in the implementation of new regulations affecting trade in

biotech products.

Agricultural Trade Environment:

Page 6: Caribbean Basin Caribbean Environment for U.S ... · the 2008-09 global financial crisis. Saint Kitts & Nevis and Grenada have debt-to-GDP ratios in excess of 100 percent, while several

In terms of agricultural products, the United States posted a $1.3 billion positive trade balance with the

CBATO islands in 2012. The United States imported $116 million in agricultural, fish and forestry

products from the region, with seafood from The Bahamas and Trinidad and Tobago accounting for the

lion’s share (over two-thirds) of these imports. By contrast, the United States exported a record-high

$1.4 billion in agricultural, fish, and forestry products to the region (see Appendix III), up 5.7 percent

from 2011. Consumer-oriented products alone, which account for over 60 percent of these exports, set a

new high of $874 million in the process. The top five export markets within our region are Trinidad &

Tobago, The Bahamas, Barbados, Bermuda, and Aruba. Top export products are poultry meat, red

meats (fresh, chilled & frozen), snack foods, dairy products, and wheat. Overall U.S. market share is

estimated at 55 percent, ranging from single digits in the French Antilles to as much as 95 percent in

The Bahamas.

U.S. Agricultural Exports to the Caribbean Basin

(U.S. Dollars)

Source: Department of Commerce, U.S. Census Bureau, Foreign Trade Statistics

As the data demonstrate, the CBATO’s region of coverage is quite open and receptive to agricultural

imports from the United States. Practically all the CBATO’s islands of coverage are WTO and Codex

members, or are represented in these organizations by way of being overseas territories of either the

U.K. or France. A WTO Working Party has been established to consider The Bahamas’ request to

accede to the body. The current government has announced its intent to complete its accession by the

end of 2014. See Appendix IV for a listing of CBATO Island Representation in Selected International


Page 7: Caribbean Basin Caribbean Environment for U.S ... · the 2008-09 global financial crisis. Saint Kitts & Nevis and Grenada have debt-to-GDP ratios in excess of 100 percent, while several

The Economic Partnership Agreement with the European Union is scheduled over the next 25 years to

gradually reduce Caribbean tariffs to zero for a large share of agricultural goods from the EU. The

CARIFORUM countries first and second rounds of EPA tariff reductions were scheduled for January 1,

2011 and January 1, 2013, respectively. Media reports, however, indicate that implementation of these

cuts has been uneven.

CARICOM is a party to trade agreements with Colombia, Cuba, Costa Rica, the Dominican Republic,

and Venezuela. In addition, CARICOM is negotiating a free trade agreement with Canada. So far the

two sides have concluded four rounds of negotiations, with an aim at having an agreement in place by

the end of 2013. In 2011 Canada exported $130.8 million in agricultural products to CARICOM-

member countries. Canada’s major exports to the region include wheat, fresh/frozen pork and other

meat products, pulses, potatoes and French fries, flour, malt, and dairy products.

In the medium term, China, India, Argentina and Chile are other countries with the potential to become

significant trading competitors in the Caribbean. The expansion of the Panama Canal, which is

expected to conclude by 2014, bears watching. Larger, post-Panamax vessels from Asia transiting

through the canal could possibly find it advantageous to make a strategic stop at a Caribbean port or a

southern U.S. port, from which Asian products could be distributed to the rest of the Caribbean.

Whether international distribution channels in the Caribbean Basin will be affected by the Panama

Canal expansion remains to be seen.

Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS) Issues and Regulatory Systems:

Sanitary product registration, laboratory testing, special certification, and pre-market approval are not

required to import the vast majority of foodstuffs into most islands. For products that do require import

approval or certification (mainly meat and poultry, dairy, seafood, and produce), most countries try to

follow international standards and guidelines. U.S. labels are generally accepted without a problem,

although occasionally U.S. exporters run into problems with local authorities over U.S. products not

fully complying with country of origin and expiration date requirements. These problems can usually

be resolved, at least temporarily, with stick-on labels.

In most islands, food safety responsibilities fall under the Ministry of Public Health or its equivalent.

The Ministry of Agriculture may also play a role with plant and animal products, both in terms of public

health and in terms of plant and animal health. The fragmented nature of the Caribbean has contributed

to the development of a number of differences from country to country in SPS and other regulatory

requirements and procedures. Resources available to fund regulatory systems, including enforcement,

vary widely as well.

Food Security:

Page 8: Caribbean Basin Caribbean Environment for U.S ... · the 2008-09 global financial crisis. Saint Kitts & Nevis and Grenada have debt-to-GDP ratios in excess of 100 percent, while several

Hurricanes are the number one threat to the region’s food security, and thus emergency preparedness

and response are essential to ensuring the uninterrupted flow of food trade. Other factors, such as

interruptions in transportation in the aftermath of 9/11, the 2007/2008 global spike in food prices, and

the economic crisis of 2008-2009 have heightened food security concerns in some islands.

Many island governments are making efforts, within their resource limitations, to promote greater food

production. There is also interest in addressing the food security issue at the regional level. Regional

efforts in 2010-11 resulted in CARICOM approval in October 2011 of a five-year action plan to set in

motion its Regional Food and Nutrition Security Policy. The policy identifies four overarching


Food Availability – Promote the sustainable production, processing, preparation, commercialization

and consumption of safe, affordable, nutritious, high quality Caribbean food commodities/products.

Food Access – Ensure regular access of Caribbean households, especially the poor and vulnerable, to

sufficient quantities of safe, affordable, quality foods at all times, particularly in response to diverse

socioeconomic and natural shocks.

Food Utilization/Nutritional Adequacy – Improve the nutritional status of the Caribbean population,

particularly with respect to non-communicable diseases including diabetes, hypertension and obesity.

Stability of the Food Supply – Improve the resilience of the region’s national communities and

households to natural and socio-economic crises.

While CARICOM’s Regional Food and Nutrition Security Policy and some island-specific efforts are

noteworthy, there is broad recognition in the region that efforts to boost farm output will not lead to

food self-sufficiency. Still, the objective of improving production of select priority items that can be

effectively produced and traded within the region enjoys policy and political appeal. The Caribbean

Agricultural Research and Development Institute (CARDI) is focusing its efforts upon: small ruminants

(sheep and goats), papaya, hot pepper, poultry, sweet potato, aquaculture, vegetables, coconut, cassava,

golden apple, red pea, cow pea, and marine fish. Individual islands with commercial poultry operations

are also prioritizing poultry production. To a lesser extent, meat and dairy production are also being

prioritized in some islands.

Advantages & Challenges for U.S. Suppliers:

Advantages Challenges

With little arable land and food production,

the islands of the Caribbean must import most

of their food needs.

In some markets, such as the French West Indies,

traditional ties with Europe are a constraint. Chefs

in many islands are European trained and thus

prefer European products.

Tourism continues to regain momentum and Caribbean economic well-being relies heavily on

Page 9: Caribbean Basin Caribbean Environment for U.S ... · the 2008-09 global financial crisis. Saint Kitts & Nevis and Grenada have debt-to-GDP ratios in excess of 100 percent, while several

remains a key factor in generating demand for

U.S. products, particularly in the food service

sector. The Caribbean is visited by

approximately six to seven million stop-over

tourists annually.

tourism. Hence, economies remain very

susceptible to factors that may disrupt tourism.

The United States is the source of over 50

percent of all tourists visiting the region,

boosting demand for U.S. foods.

Ocean transportation rates from the United States

can be more expensive than those from Europe.

Proximity and frequent transportation service

to the region work to the advantage of U.S.


Political interest in attaining “regional food

security” or “food sovereignty” has strengthened in

recent years, and many islands are actively

attempting to boost domestic production and

diversify food supplies.

Exposure to U.S. media as well as language,

cultural, and commercial ties with the United

States all contribute to consumers having a

positive attitude toward U.S. products.

The nature of individual island markets requires

special effort from U.S. exporters: dealing with

several small accounts; consolidation of small

orders; complying with different import

requirements for select products; ascertaining

different market characteristics in every island.

U.S. exporters, particularly south Florida

consolidators, service the market very well

and are in many ways better positioned to

supply the Caribbean than competitors.

The 2008 trade agreement between the Caribbean

and the EU has set the stage for increased

competition from Europe. CARICOM is also

negotiating a free trade agreement with Canada.

The United States has a dominant market

share in the vast majority of Caribbean

islands (estimated at 55 percent overall).

Other competitors are also targeting the Caribbean.

The expansion of the Panama Canal, which is

expected to be completed in 2014, may open the

door to greater competition from Asia.

The regulatory environment at present is

fairly open to U.S. products.

Certain products, particularly meat and poultry,

may be restricted in selected markets due to either

EU or island-specific requirements.

Page 10: Caribbean Basin Caribbean Environment for U.S ... · the 2008-09 global financial crisis. Saint Kitts & Nevis and Grenada have debt-to-GDP ratios in excess of 100 percent, while several

Author Defined:

Appendix I. Caribbean Islands at a Glance

(2012 Statistics, except where noted)

Island /











Power Parity)










Prices, %)



Debt (%

of GDP)

Anguilla 15,423 65,783 $175.4 mill3 8.5

3 $12,2004 4.5 n/a

Antigua &


89,018 241,331 $1.535 bill 1 $17,500 1.4 97.8

Aruba 107,635 871,316 $2.258 bill6 2.4

6 $21,8007 2.3 n/a

The Bahamas 316,182 1,344,189 $11.04 bill 2.5 $31,300 2.5 52.6

Barbados 287,733 567,724 $7.091 bill 0.7 $25,500 6.1 70.4

Bermuda 69,080 236,038 $4.5 bill7 4.6

7 $69,9007 2.7 n/a

British Virgin


31,148 337,773 $853.4 mill7 -0.6

4 $38,5007 4 n/a



21,1332 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a

Cayman 52,560 309,091 $2.25 bill4 1.1

4 $43,8007 1.2 n/a

Page 11: Caribbean Basin Caribbean Environment for U.S ... · the 2008-09 global financial crisis. Saint Kitts & Nevis and Grenada have debt-to-GDP ratios in excess of 100 percent, while several


Curaçao 145,8342 390,297 $2.838 bill

4 3.54 $15,000

7 2.31 n/a

Dominica 73,126 75,546 $1.035 bill 0.4 $14,600 2 72.3

Grenada 109,011 118,295 $1.471 bill 0.5 $14,100 3.2 105.4

Guadeloupe 466,400 407,300 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a

Martinique 408,700 489,000 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a

Montserrat 5,146 5,396 $43.78 mill5 3.5

4 $8,5005 3.3 n/a



7,332 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a

Saint Kitts &


50,726 94,000 $890 million 0 $15,500 0.7 144.9

Saint Lucia 162,178 312,404 $2.234 bill 0.7 $13,300 4.4 78.7

Saint Martin 30,959 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a

Saint Vincent

& The


103,537 73,866 $1.301 bill 1.2 $11,900 5.1 68.3

Sint Maarten 39,0882 424,340 $794.7 mill

4 1.64 $15,400

4 0.73 n/a

Trinidad &


1,226,383 427,900 $27.12 bill 0.7 $20,400 8.7 35.7

Turks &


46,335 n/a $216 mill8 4.9

9 $11,5008 2.5 n/a

TOTAL 3,864,685 6,791, 589 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a

1. 2011 estimate; 2. 2010 estimate; 3. 2009 estimate; 4. 2008 estimate; 5. 2006 estimate; 6. 2005 estimate; 7. 2004

estimate; 8. 2002 estimate; 9. 2000 estimate.

Source: Population data from CIA World Factbook, Euromonitor, and Central Bureau of Statistics of the Netherlands

Antilles; Tourist arrival data from Caribbean Tourism Organization and Euromonitor; GDP & inflation data from CIA World

Factbook, debt figures from IMF, Regional Economic Outlook: Western Hemisphere.

Appendix II. Caribbean Agriculture at a Glance

Island / Country

Land Area

(sq. km.) /

% Arable

Ag %



% of


Force in


Crop Prod.

Index 2010








= 100)2

Agricultural Products

Anguilla 91 / 0 2.2 4 n/a n/a Small quantities of tobacco,

vegetables; cattle

Antigua 443 / 18.2 2.1 7 101.2 106.1 Cotton, fruits, vegetables,

bananas, coconuts,

Page 12: Caribbean Basin Caribbean Environment for U.S ... · the 2008-09 global financial crisis. Saint Kitts & Nevis and Grenada have debt-to-GDP ratios in excess of 100 percent, while several

cucumbers, mangoes,

sugarcane; livestock

Aruba 180 / 10.5 0.4 n/a n/a n/a Aloes; livestock; fish

The Bahamas 10,010 /


2.1 5 110 110.6 Citrus, vegetables; poultry

Barbados 430 / 37.2 3.1 10 94.7 100.1 Sugarcane, vegetables, cotton

Bermuda 54 / 20 0.7 3 115 110.9 Bananas, vegetables, citrus,

flowers, dairy products, honey

British Virgin


151 / 20 1 0.6 n/a n/a Fruits, vegetables; livestock,

poultry; fish



322 / n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a Very limited agriculture

Cayman Islands 264 / 3.9 0.2 1.9 102.2 103.2 Vegetables, fruit; livestock;

turtle farming

Curaçao 444 / 10 0.7 1.2 n/a n/a Aloe, sorghum, peanuts,

vegetables, tropical fruits

Dominica 751 / 6.7 13.2 40 112.5 108.6 Bananas, citrus, mangoes, root

crops, coconuts, cocoa

Guadeloupe 1,628 /


15 15 n/a n/a Sugarcane, bananas,

vegetables, plantain, cocoa,

flowers, root crops

Grenada 344 / 5.9 5.2 11 88.4 93.5 Bananas, cocoa, nutmeg,

mace, citrus, avocados, root

crops, sugarcane, corn, veg.

Martinique 1,128 /


6 n/a n/a n/a Sugarcane, bananas,

pineapples, cut flowers,

avocados, citrus, vegetables;


Montserrat 102 / 20 1.6 n/a n/a n/a Cabbages, carrots, cucumbers,

tomatoes, onions, peppers;

livestock products

St. Barthélemy 21 / n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a No significant agriculture

St. Kitts & Nevis 261 / 19.4 1.6 n/a 19.1 29.3 Sugarcane, rice, yams,

vegetables, bananas; fish

St. Lucia 606 / 6.5 2.7 21.7 108.4 110.9 Bananas, coconuts,

vegetables, citrus, root crops,


St. Martin 54 / n/a 1 n/a n/a n/a No significant agriculture,

limited fish

St. Vincent &

the Grenadines

389 / 18 6.5 26 124.2 116 Bananas, coconuts, sweet

potatoes, spices; cattle, sheep,

pigs, goats; fish

Sint Maarten 34 / 10 0.4 1.1 n/a n/a Sugar

Trinidad & 5,128 / 0.3 3.8 64.1 89 Cocoa, rice, citrus, coffee,

Page 13: Caribbean Basin Caribbean Environment for U.S ... · the 2008-09 global financial crisis. Saint Kitts & Nevis and Grenada have debt-to-GDP ratios in excess of 100 percent, while several

Tobago 14.6 vegetables; poultry

Turks & Caicos 948 / 2.3 1 20 n/a n/a Corn, beans, cassava (tapioca),

citrus fruits; fish

1. Crop production index includes all crops except fodder crops.

2. Food production index covers food crops that are considered edible and that contain nutrients. Coffee and tea are

excluded because, although edible, they have no nutritive value.

Source: CIA World Factbook, World Bank (World Development Indicators), Euromonitor & CBATO research.

Appendix III. U.S. Agricultural Exports to the Caribbean, CY2012

(Thousands of Dollars)

CBATO Islands


D.R., Jamaica

& Haiti

All Caribbean


Bulk 171,881 199,824 705,029 1,076,734

Intermediate 167,665 79,465 477,316 724,446

Consumer 874,337 181,123 681,358 1,736,818

Forest Prod. 151,059 0 89,795 240,854

Seafood 35,942 0 17,048 52,990

Total 1,400,884 460,412 1,970,546 3,831,842

Source: Derived from U.S. Bureau of the Census trade data.

Appendix IV. CBATO Island Representation in Selected International Organizations


Page 14: Caribbean Basin Caribbean Environment for U.S ... · the 2008-09 global financial crisis. Saint Kitts & Nevis and Grenada have debt-to-GDP ratios in excess of 100 percent, while several

Country/Island WTO




Member Member Member Member

Anguilla 1/ 1/ Associate




Antigua & Barbuda Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

Aruba 2/ 2/ Observer

The Bahamas Observer


Yes Yes Yes Yes

Barbados Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

Bermuda 1/ 1/ Associate


British Virgin


1/ 1/ Associate






3/ 3/

Cayman Islands 1/ 1/ Associate


Curaçao 2/ 2/

Dominica Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

Grenada Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

Guadeloupe 5/ 5/

Martinique 5/ 5/

Montserrat 1/ 1/ Yes Yes

Saint Barthélemy 6/ 6/

Saint Kitts & Nevis Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

Saint Lucia Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

Saint Martin 6/ 6/

Saint Vincent & The


Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

Sint Maarten 2/ 2/

Trinidad & Tobago Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

Turks and Caicos


1/ 1/ Associate


1/ - As an overseas territory of the U.K., it is indirectly represented thru the U.K.; 2/ - As an autonomous country within

the Kingdom of the Netherlands, it is indirectly represented thru the Kingdom; 3/- As overseas municipalities of the

Kingdom of the Netherlands, the Caribbean Netherlands are represented by the Kingdom; 4/ - The Bahamas is in the

process of WTO accession. The first accession Working Party meeting for The Bahamas was held on September 14,

2010; 5/ - As an overseas Department of France, it is represented by France; 6/ - As an overseas collectivity of France, it

is represented by France.

Source: CBATO research.

Page 15: Caribbean Basin Caribbean Environment for U.S ... · the 2008-09 global financial crisis. Saint Kitts & Nevis and Grenada have debt-to-GDP ratios in excess of 100 percent, while several