by andrew fling and jennifer foxx - making music funleft hand accompaniment patterns the boom-chick...

By Andrew Fling and Jennifer Foxx An Elementary Piano Library A Beginner’s Guide to Accompanying

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Page 1: By Andrew Fling and Jennifer Foxx - Making Music FunLeft Hand Accompaniment Patterns the Boom-Chick Three ways to accompany songs with chord patterns in the left hand. Each example

By Andrew Fling and Jennifer Foxx

An Elementary Piano Library

A Beginner’s Guide to Accompanying

Page 2: By Andrew Fling and Jennifer Foxx - Making Music FunLeft Hand Accompaniment Patterns the Boom-Chick Three ways to accompany songs with chord patterns in the left hand. Each example

A Beginners Guide to Piano Accompanying

Written by Andy Fling and Jennifer and FoxxIllustrated by Andy Fling

Table of Contents

Chord Chart ............................................................. 3

Accompaniment Patterns ...................................... 5

Chord Voicing ........................................................ 10

Lead Sheets .......................................................... 15

First EditionCopyright © 2016

All Rights Reserved

Page 3: By Andrew Fling and Jennifer Foxx - Making Music FunLeft Hand Accompaniment Patterns the Boom-Chick Three ways to accompany songs with chord patterns in the left hand. Each example

Left Hand Accompaniment Patterns

the Boom-Chick

Three ways to accompany songs with chord patterns in the left hand. Each example shows a

different way to play Hot Cross Buns and another song included in this book.



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The Open Arpeggio

Brahms’ Lullaby

Jesus Loves Me

Hot Cross Buns



44œ œ œ œ

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œ œ .˙œ œ œ œ

œ œ .˙œ œ ˙

œ œ .˙

Hot Cross Buns

Page 4: By Andrew Fling and Jennifer Foxx - Making Music FunLeft Hand Accompaniment Patterns the Boom-Chick Three ways to accompany songs with chord patterns in the left hand. Each example

Left Hand Accompaniment Patterns



44˙ ˙œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ

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G7 G7C C C

Alberti Bass



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Jingle Bells

Page 5: By Andrew Fling and Jennifer Foxx - Making Music FunLeft Hand Accompaniment Patterns the Boom-Chick Three ways to accompany songs with chord patterns in the left hand. Each example

Accompanying Singers and Instruments

the Boom-Chick

The Open Arpeggio

Five ways to accompany singer or instrument where the piano plays a supportive roll, and the singer or instrument takes the melody.




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œ œ œŒ ˙.˙

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Here’s Brahms’ Lullaby with the Boom-Chick accompaniment pattern. This arrangement purposefully leaves out chord members in measures 3-4 to maintain a lighter texture.



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G7 G7C C C

G7 G7C C C

C G7

Hot Cross Buns

Page 6: By Andrew Fling and Jennifer Foxx - Making Music FunLeft Hand Accompaniment Patterns the Boom-Chick Three ways to accompany songs with chord patterns in the left hand. Each example

Accompanying Singers and Instruments



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The CloneThe clone is a right hand pattern that is played when the piano is taking a supportive role. It is the most popular pattern for playing rock/pop music.The pattern is a quarter note chord followed by several “clones” of that chord. The following measures repeat that pattern with different chords, with pattern breaks at phrase points.


Alberti Bass

Jazz Waltz

Page 7: By Andrew Fling and Jennifer Foxx - Making Music FunLeft Hand Accompaniment Patterns the Boom-Chick Three ways to accompany songs with chord patterns in the left hand. Each example

Accompanying Singers and Instruments




44œœœ œœœ œœœ œœœ.œ Jœ ˙

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The Clone w/Rock BassIn this version of the clone a electric bass accommpaniment pattern is added.

Page 8: By Andrew Fling and Jennifer Foxx - Making Music FunLeft Hand Accompaniment Patterns the Boom-Chick Three ways to accompany songs with chord patterns in the left hand. Each example

A Tip from the Maestro...Never allow more than the interval of a 10th between hands.

Incorrect. Correct.

A Tip from the Maestro...Avoid “muddy” sounding chords. Never play chords in closed position lower than this one:

For inside book...

Page 9: By Andrew Fling and Jennifer Foxx - Making Music FunLeft Hand Accompaniment Patterns the Boom-Chick Three ways to accompany songs with chord patterns in the left hand. Each example

Jingle BellsLead Sheet

James Lord Pierpont


& # 44 œ œ ˙Jin - gle bells,

G œ œ ˙jin - gle bells,

& # œ œ œ œjin - gle all the


œ œ œ œOn, what fun it


& # œ œ œ œ œis to ride in a

G œ œ œ œone - horse o - pen

D ˙ ˙sleigh. Oh,

& # œ œ ˙jin - gle bells,

G œ œ ˙jin - gle bells,

œ œ œ œjin - gle all the

& # wway.

œ œ œ œOn, what fun it

C œ œ œ œ œis to ride in a


& # œ œ œ œone - horse o - - pen

D wsleigh.


Page 10: By Andrew Fling and Jennifer Foxx - Making Music FunLeft Hand Accompaniment Patterns the Boom-Chick Three ways to accompany songs with chord patterns in the left hand. Each example

Jesus Loves MeLead Sheet

Bible Song


& 44 œ œ œ œJe sus loves me,


œ œ ˙this, I know,

& œ œ œ œFor the Bi ble

F œ œ ˙tells me so;

C œ œ œ œLit tle ones to


& œ œ ˙Him be long,

œ œ œ œthey are weak, but


œ œ ˙He is strong.

G7 C

& ˙ œ œYes, Je sus

C œ .˙loves me,

F ˙ œ œYes, Je sus


& œ .˙loves me,

G7 ˙ œ œYes, Je sus

C œ ˙ œloves me, The


& œ œ œ œBi ble tells me

C G7



Page 11: By Andrew Fling and Jennifer Foxx - Making Music FunLeft Hand Accompaniment Patterns the Boom-Chick Three ways to accompany songs with chord patterns in the left hand. Each example


Hot Cross BunsLead Sheet



2) If you have no daughters,Give them to your sons.One a penny two a penny,Hot cross buns!





& 44 ˙ ˙Hot cross


& ˙ ˙Hot cross


& œ œ œ œOne a pen - ny,

œ œ œ œtwo a pen - ny,

& ˙ ˙hot cross


Page 12: By Andrew Fling and Jennifer Foxx - Making Music FunLeft Hand Accompaniment Patterns the Boom-Chick Three ways to accompany songs with chord patterns in the left hand. Each example

Baby BumblebeeLead Sheet



& # 44 œI'm

œ œ œ œ œ œbring ing home my ba by


- - -

& # œ œ ˙bum ble bee,

G œ œ œ œWon't my mom my


- - -

& # œ œ œ œ œ œbe so proud of me? I'm

œ œ œ œ œ œbring ing home my ba by


- -

& # œ œ ˙bum ble bee,


- - Spoken: Ouch! it stung me!

2) I'm squishing up the baby bumblebee,

Won't my mommy be so proud of me,

I'm squishing up a baby bumblebee,

Spoken: Ooh! It's yucky!

3) I'm wiping off the baby bumblebee,

Won't my mommy be so proud of me,

I'm wiping off the baby bumblebee,

Spoken: Now my mommy won't be mad at me!

Page 13: By Andrew Fling and Jennifer Foxx - Making Music FunLeft Hand Accompaniment Patterns the Boom-Chick Three ways to accompany songs with chord patterns in the left hand. Each example

Mary AnnLead Sheet



& c ˙ ˙All day,F

˙ ˙all night

œ œ ˙Ma ry Ann,


& ˙ œ œDown by the

˙ ˙sea shore

œ œ ˙sift ing sand.

w- -

& œ œ œ œEv en lit tle

œ œ ˙child ren love

œ œ ˙Ma ry Ann,

w- - - -

& ˙ œ œDown by the

˙ ˙sea side

œ œ ˙sift ing sand.

w- -

Verse 1

Oh, when she walks long the shore people all she greets,

Wild birds fly her over and fish come to her feet.

In her heart there's love but I'm the only man,

Who's allowed to kiss my, oh Mary Ann.

Verse 2

Oh, when we marry we will have the time we ever thought,

I would be so happy, I'd kiss my mother-in-law.

All the little children running in the bamboo hut,

One for every palmtree and the coconut.






Page 14: By Andrew Fling and Jennifer Foxx - Making Music FunLeft Hand Accompaniment Patterns the Boom-Chick Three ways to accompany songs with chord patterns in the left hand. Each example

Brahms’ LullabyLead Sheet

Johannes Brahms


& 43 œ œLul la

˙ œ œby and good


˙ œ œnight, with- - -

& œ œ œros es be

œ œ œ œdight, With


œ œ œ œli lies be- - -

& ˙ œ œspread is

œ œ œ œba by's wee

˙ œ œbed; Lay thee



& ˙ œ œdown now and

F ˙ œ œrest, may thy


œ œ œslum ber be



& ˙ œ œblessed. Lay thee

C ˙ œ œdown now and


˙ œ œrest, May thy


& œ œ œslum ber be


˙ Œblessed.



Page 15: By Andrew Fling and Jennifer Foxx - Making Music FunLeft Hand Accompaniment Patterns the Boom-Chick Three ways to accompany songs with chord patterns in the left hand. Each example

Simple GiftsLead Sheet

Joseph Bracket


& b 44 œ œ'Tis the

œ œ œ œ œ œ œgift to be sim ple, 'tis the

F œ œ œ œ œ œgift to be free. 'Tis the



& b œ œ œ œgift to come down


œ œ œ œ œ œwhere we ought to be. And


œ œ œ œ œ œ œwhen we find our selves in the



& b œ œ œ œplace just right, 'Twill

Am œ œ œ œ œ œbe in the val ley of

Gm C7

œ œ œ ˙love and de light.

F Bb F

- -

& b ˙ .œ jœWhen true sim

F œ œ œ œ .œ jœpli ci ty is gained. To

C7 F œ œ œ œ œbow and to bend we


- - -

& b œ œ œ œ œshan't be a sham'd. To

Gm C7

˙ .œ jœturn, turn will

F œ œ œ œ œ œbe our de light, Till by


- -

& b œ œ œ œ œtur ning, tur ing we

Gm C7

œ œ ˙come round right.

F Bb F

- -