bulletin march 27 2016 easter sunday

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  • 8/19/2019 Bulletin March 27 2016 Easter Sunday



    1500 East Rio Road  

    Charloesville, VA 22901 


    [email protected]



    Twier @CVAUMC  

    Esr Sy 

    Mrc 27, 2016 

    T Ar rs today are given to the glory of God. 

    This Week at Aldersgate

    Today, March 27 —  Easter Sunday9:00 am Worship (S)9:45 am Friendship Class (208)10:00 am Children’s Easter Celebration (RR) 10:00 am Coffee and Refreshments (RR)10:00 am Agape Class (108); Seekers (FH)10:00 am Sermon Scripture Discussion Group; Sisters in Scripture (RR)11:00 am Worship (S)

    Monday, March 28— 

     Easter Monday  Church Offices Closed6:00 pm Credo Confirmation (YR)7:00 pm Boy Scouts Troop 119 (FH, 106,107,K)7:00 pm Families Anonymous (108)7:00 pm Outreach and Missions (HR)

    Tuesday, March 2910:00 am Quilters Guild (FH)1:30 pm Alzheimers sppt grp (208)5:30 pm Exercise group (FH)6:00 pm Handbell rehearsal (S)

    Wednesday, March 309:00 am Food Truck Greer Elementary12:00 pm Lunch Bunch Bible Study (208)1:00 pm Staff Meeting5:15 pm Cov. Discipleship (Parlor)6:00 pm Backpacks Greer Elementary6:30 pm Moonlighters Quilters (FH)7:00 pm Women’s Bible Study (YR) 7:30 pm Chancel Choir Practice (S)

    Thursday, March 3111:00 am Busy Hands Fellowship (RR)6:30 pm Sweet Adelines (FH)6:30 pm Stephen Ministers (208)

    Friday, April 1

    Saturday, April 28:00 am Men’s Group (208) 11:00 am LBT Choir (108) 

    If you have a prayer concern,

    there are several avenues for

    sharing with the Aldersgate


    You may submit your requests to

    the Caring For One Another e-

    mail prayer chain. Contact Jeanne

    Hamlin ([email protected]). 

    The detachable portion of this

    bulletin includes a space for

    written prayer concerns that you

    may place in the offering plate.

    Also, please check out the “Prayer

    Wall” at www.cvaumc.org. 

     Key: CR = Choir Room FH = Fellowship Hall 

    HR = Hospitality Room K = Kitchen 

    RR = Reed Room (Old Sanctuary)  

    UFH = Unfinished Fellowship Hall  

    WC = Welcome Center  

    YR - Youth Room 

    Write your prayer requests here

    If you would like your prayer request to

    be included on the Caring For One

     Another daily e-mail prayer chain,

     please check here.

  • 8/19/2019 Bulletin March 27 2016 Easter Sunday




     27 2016 E






    W Gr fr Wrsp

    Pr “Easter Mashup”

    Wc Acs Rev. Scott Davis, Lead Pastor 

    *Opg Sgs  “Christ the Lord is Risen Today” (Hymn 302 vs. 1,2,3) 

    “You Are My King (Amazing Love)” 

    *Opg Pryr  Billie Campbell 

    Leader: This is the good news — the grave is empty; Christ is risen. 

    Pp: Hj! 

    Leader: This is the good news — the light shines in the darkness, 

    and the darkness can never put it out. 

    Pp:  Hj! 

    Leader: This is the good news — once we were no people; 

    now we are God’s people. 

    Pp: Hj! 

    Leader: Christ is our peace, the indestructible peace 

    we now share with each other.

    Pp: Hj! 

    Cr’s Mssg  Rachel Miller, Dir. of Min with Young People 

    Scrpr  Luke 24:13-33 

    W Hr Wr 

    Sr  “Lean In” Rev. Scott Davis 

    Pryrs f Pp 

    T Lr’s Pryr 

    W Rsp Wr 

    Offrg Sg f Rsps 


    C “Because He Lives”

    W G Fr Srv 

    Csg Sg  “Forever”

    *Bc  Rev. Scott Davis 

    *please stand as you are able 

     Additional information is projected on the screens 


    Please take a momen

    card, then tear at the

     place it in the o

    Name: ____________


    Email: ____________ __________________

    Phone: ___________


    I would like to: 

     Learn more about

     Be added to weekl

     Join Aldersgate 

     Be bapzed 

     Receive a call from

     Volunteer to help w

    Bible Scho



     27 2016 E





    11 AM WORSHIP 

    W Gr Wrsp 

    Pr “Jesus Lives! The Victory’s Won!”  A.W. Leopold 

    “Ode to Joy” Beethoven 

    Instrumental Ensemble 

    Wc  Rev. Scott Davis, Lead Pastor 

    *Opg Hy 302 “Christ the Lord is Risen Today” EASTER HYMN 

    *Opg Pryr  Kay Ansell 

    Leader: This is the good news — the grave is empty; Christ is risen. 

    Pp: Hj! 

    Leader: This is the good news — the light shines in the darkness, 

    and the darkness can never put it out. 

    Pp:  Hj! 

    Leader: This is the good news — once we were no people; 

    now we are God’s people. 

    Pp: Hj! 

    Leader: Christ is our peace, the indestructible peace 

    we now share with each other.

    Pp: Hj! 

    C N Cr 

    Cr’s Mssg  Rachel Miller, Dir. of Min. with Young People 

    A  “Risen Indeed” Joseph M. Martin 

    Chancel Choir  

    *Hy f C 310 “He Lives” ACKLEY 

    Scrpr Lss Luke 24:13-33 

    Sr  “Lean In” Rev. Scott Davis 

    Offrg Pryr 

    Offrry  “You Raise Me Up” arr. Josh Groban 

    Instrumental Ensemble 

    Iv C 

    Cfss Pr 8 

    T Gr Tsgvg 23 (Msc Sg D) 

    Brg Br 

    Gvg Br Cp 

    T Lr’s Pryr 

    *Dxgy 94 


    *Ps “Halleluja h Chorus” Handel 

    Chancel Choir  

    Those in the congregation who wish to sing with us may join us on stage 

    *please stand as you are able  

     Additional information is projected on the screens 

    Sr Ns 
















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