bozeman, m01tana, rll1ay, may - montana state university

ifxpnnen1 VOL. IX BOZEMAN, M0"1TANA, "Rll1AY, MAY 17. .. Hundred So diers To Be - . Sayers Takes :: The c-ross eoumry will l>e run :: Given Technical Training First Place In :: at three thirty today, weather n :: permitting. Athletic Commls· :: I :: sio ner "Joe" Bush announced :: Annual Contest :: toda,_· owing to the lack ol :: :: Sophomore men to make :: I:: up a team the race will practic- :: 1 I:: ally to !el those who have been :: I Here During Summer . . t: tralmng try for the record The :i rG S ER Leon Sayers, a .}!ember of the Freshman Class and Prominent m :: course ism good shape and some :: PROBLEM OF PLACI 'G SOLDIERS HERE FOR TECHNICAL TRAI I G DURIN UMM College Debating and Speaking Circles, is Winner of First :: of the men that have been out :: MONTHS DEFINITELY DECIDED AT CO 'FERENCE YESTERDAY AFTERNOON - · Id · !\. bl L t :: for the past three weeks have :: Place in Annual Oratorical Contest He m · ssem Y as :: been making the circuit in good :: WIRELESS, AUTOMOBILE PRACTICE AND BLACKSMITHING WILL BE TAUGHT AND Friday. Georgia Hannah of the Class of '20 Wins Second :: lime. The race will be opeu to n I TWO HOURS WILL BE DEVOTED DAILY.- 1\IEN WILL BE HOUSED IN HAl\IILTON Place in .\ddress on Subject "The Women Behind the Guns:• :: anyone that wishes to run. :: .. :: Orations .\II On Po1rnlar War Subjects and Give Evidence of :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: HALL AND STUDE TS OF SUMMER SCHOOL WILL OCCUPY PRACTICE HOUSE Al\D Much Time and Thought. Annual State Contest Will ot Be Held. The young men of the who) entered Officers Training camp at Am· I \ Lake, "\Vednesd.ay were 'fheo. FRATER 'ITY HOUSES-ARMY CAPTAi. - FAVORABLY IMPRESSED BY SITlL\TIO' AND ACCOMMODATIONS HERE. Leon or the Freshman class the of .F'rance. Reddick and Frank O Connor. I Just as this issue oi the bJxponent ---- - took 'irst place in the Nineteenth :.\lillegan spoke next on "The - . \\ent to press. the Clnal word regard· 1head anct was decided upon. Chancel· made to use the resources of the l"uture Woman of America." In a I Miss Jeann ette Kelly of the exten· 1 · r d lor rndward C. Elliott bas been in the \'arious Sl'hoo1s throughout the coun- <\.nnual Oratorical contest held at as- sion department who is stalioned at mg the Jliau to bi mg one hund e city for several days and bas been try. All the heads of the schools ti• •:nhb F'nda!- morning. ::\th;i,; Georgia well de\•eloped speech she show· I Columbus was a guest at Hamilton soldierli to Bozeman and to the col· LOnferriug with officials of the col· ad\'OC"ated that the shops and fannah 01 tho Sophomore class cap- 1 cl( u: tn a clear-sighted what hall '\\'edne::;day for luncheon. 1 · 1ege this summer was brought to a lege in refereuce to lhe maller labratories or the colleges be used if : n• luture woman of America would r1 sE.>cond plact' The other con· bl· like Yesterday, Captain Eugene Benoist l>OSsible during th e summer months. were ::\Ilss MUiegan · of the national army arrived and the The coming or the soldiers to Boze· 'Jf the Sophomore class and John I All are asking if the women oC the I contract was signed and full arrange· man will do away with the worry tha t. 11rh" of thf' Senior Cia:;s. Prof. R tnture will be liUpe r-woman. she said. 1 D l b Granted June, J 9 J 8 ments were made to bring one bun- the college laboratories will not be-- J ('1Jnningham, I 11· Choate and Roy Before the war women OCCUI>ied J>OS· I egrees 0 e <lred picked men from the army to used. Kei.!-;;ter acted as judges. itions U.!-;; teachers, )L s. c. for summer work. 1 Captain Benoist expressed a very The iroaram opent>tl by sing- fact she was found in positions raug. I HONORARY DEGREE The plan is for these men to arrive I favorable opinion of the situation and "Fair .'.\I C." and "America:' ing from lumber dealers to code ex· HC\lst. John H. .Honorary Degree or Master or Arts Juue 15 and they will be at the college accomodations at the college and be- halrmjm llave Gray explained that pens. But the war has chau.ged con· I u.nLil Augusl 15th. Sl.x.ty of them l1eved that this would be an ideal orator r <i i the oldest contest on diiions. \Yomen are now employed in i DEGREE OF c. E. will have tram1ng in automobile prac· pla(•e tor this work The dormitory It' bill. The winner of Hrst place teC'hnical. stenographic, employment, 1 t I tu 5 e, twenty, blacksmithing, and twen- JendR nself \·err well to the housing r eel Ying fifteen dollars and the win· (·herukal and many kinds of work. J Olh-er Raymond Dinsmore Degree of Civil Engineer It\ \\ ireless This mstruchou "ill of these men and lhe nearness to th£' "1 or five do11ars until \\·omen are doing publicity, food con· t I take up eight hours a day and two shops \\ 111 sa\ e a great deal of time. senation and Rect Cross work. and DEGREE BACHELOR OF SCIENCE I Th db th ofl'c1·a1 1 i ' · t le winner of this <:on test hours \\ill be giYen over to drill. . e course. a::; me y. e i s l s be('I' sent to )fissoula to partake mu!S IJear the brunt of reconstruction Irene Victoria Abrahamson. Bachelor of Science iu Home Economics These one hundred men will be will be an intensive and rigill. one and 11 •he "·onte:->t, but the state work. Xo one will think of denying Harriet .Julia Arneson Bac-helor of SC'ience in Secretarial under the direction of officer::; from will be plannl?cl to turn out men fitted ontest will not be hel<l this. year her politil:al equality and to li\'e up ;\{innie Eleanor Babbitt Bacbelor of SciencC" in Home Economks I the regular anuy who will accompany ror thP needs of the engineering de· .John Burke. speaking on '·The to her duty the fut ure woman must Ella BlanC'he Border Bachelor uf Scienc-e in Home Economics diem here. The engineeri ng faculty ll't mPnt in the war field. "°' irit 01 Franc·e·· developed his sub· tend toward co nservati sm and do her I J '.\Iary Holland Brown Bache lor of Scien<·e in Home Economics of the college will be in chargt!'of the t ii• a masterly manner. His work without partiality being shown. t J.}rcell ,Y. Bunnell Bachelor ol Science i:l. ).!eC"hanical Engineering I iust1u(·tion of them, under the leader- TENNIS TOURNAMENT MAY ec•rh \\ \\ell cleli\'ered and inter- She will still be a woman in spite of t :\Iar:r Daniel!:ion Bachelor of Science in Entomology and Zoology l ship or Dean A."·· Hichter. The plan BE REVIVED AT COLLEGE 11g- hr 1c;hout He pictured Joan her manifold duties. The future I \rarren c. Drummond Bachelor C'f Science in Mechanical ; lo t;iYe tbe!'e me11 inten&i\·e train· ii I :,:t 'mJ!. :-;pirit Ol Franc:e·.' Before the war The women of AmeriC'a mu!:it.- not be Helen Elsie nray Bachelor of Stience in Home Economics l 1 e l·oming from the drafted army and te11nis courts been in eonstant ·t\'e thought them talkative, frivolous t:ilackers; Roy Hagen Bachelor of Science in Electrkal Engineering I ha Ye been selected a[ter a careful ex- 11:-.e ,11ul lJoth meu un1l women haYe t no'- " se(' fh('IU in a differe nt Hannan spoke on "The \Yomen Beulah Christina Haller Bachelor oi Science in Home Ec·o.tomies It aniinatiou . The need for blacksmiths. been showing unusual interest in the I ght. and nwop:mze many Ylrtues in the Guns .. wirh an emotional I i\Cedra Hall Bachelor of Science in Home Economics I a 11 1nen for other departments is \'ery sport. In former year:' there n.1- thf>rn Frn.n(·e. with one-twentieth of emphasis and \·igor that impressed I Carlyle Emanuel Helstrom Bachelor or Science in Ch·il Engineering ;.;reat and it is thought that these men \•-a) s hc·en a tournament i:J. the 1 l·r territory in the ha nds of the the audience greatly. Her oration Ruby Florence HodgskisR Bachelor of Science in Home Economics will fill such places. bul the was dropped last year enemy sup1lorling !he million sol- showed c·lear-sightedness and an un· f Martha Irene Johnson BaC'helor of <:;cie:11..·e in Home Economics The plan is to house these men in with other athleticf.. :\[uc-h gooil year two and a half mil· ;landing of the needs of the times . 1 :.\{orris Townsend Kneale. .Bathelor of Science in Ci\·il Engineering llaruilton Hall as :;oon as they arri\·e, material rome to light this YNlr • on men were taken from her in· The man at the front asks today .Josephine Kountz. HarheJor of Scienc·e in Home Economics anct officers will ha\·e charge of all and a re\·i\'al or the tennb tourna- ustries. Lut the work is being done .. ,,.ill they hold out·the civilians?'' As :\lyrtle Cotherman Kuhns Bachelor or Scie::ice in Home Economics ·egulations and plans. ments seems imminent 1 r women and old men. A Frenchman muC'h depends today upon the patri· .\!argaret Louis Dache lor of Scien('e in Home Economics I The arrangements for tbe summer ProfesRor Brewer has always had holds sa<'red. abo\'e all else, bis cou otism nf those at home as upon the I HC'len s. Lund .Bachelor of Science in Applied Art I sthool work will continue as in the charge ot these contests and was mw t '. his home. and his honor. Pa trio- patri<,tbm of those in the trenches. Alice )[yrtle :\lcCone Bac·helor of Science in Home Economics past. The women who enroll for the nr the mosr arde nt fans in the <'Olleg:P • m Ji-; something more highly deve- Tho!-ie ar the fronl nm only need food John H. :\IcCabe Bachelor of Scienc:e in Electrical Engiueeri:tg I summer session will doubtless room Some of rhe men that 11layed with him Jope1l in France than in other nations. and munitions but they also need Fl('lrence· J. Noble .. Bachelor of Science in Applied Art ! at Yarious fraternity houses and also in these tour:rnments are still on the other!'l. wh·es and sweeth earts, but a problem Of the woman behind the Alger Pope Bache lor of Science in Mechanical Engineeri:ig So uth Seventh avenue. A dining room and put it through in n very r .. real suffering in th is war are support of those at home. Thus, it is I Harold F. Pippenger Bachelor of SC"ience in Electrical Engi neering I the home economics practice house on hill and could take charge of a tour":la- hr> fl"rench women have taken up gunli. The women of Belgium have f Marjorie Quaw. .Bachelor of Science in Applied Art 1 capab le of accomodating slxty will be C"reditable manner The last year that hPir hurden and born it nobly The been drlYeu from home or forceo into ! Theophilus Reddick Bachelor of Science in Animal Husbandry operated at the practise house. the held n tournament two men "• p11c·h are ref'ourceful. seH·sacrifici ng ::;Javery but the women of America C:Jadys Ritz.... . .. Bad1elor o.f Science in Chemistry IL iR thought that other accomoda· wen') sent to the l'ni\·ersity and play .. 1 1 patrnric. saiil :\fr. Burke. They I are not in thar rondition and t hey i 1 lowe Charle:; Rothwell Bachelor of Science in Ci Yi\ Engineering rions will open up before the summer ed in an interc-ollegiate tournament remarkable bravery and at· must stand behind the men. Ne'ver I .Mary A. Rowe. Bache lor of Science iJ. Secretarial 'Vork SC' hool begins. and while definite plans 1t i!'t known whether thcrt" will he rooRt Ruper-human end uran ce. Re- ha,·e lhe women had such an oppor- J. Gordon Sewell Dachelor of Science in lnclu strial Chemistry ha\'e not been completed at this any outside contests this year, but a r1emheriln.? the battles of the Marne tunity to ser\'e their country. Pres- Rubert B. Streets Bachelor of Science in Botany a nd Bacteriology writing, e\·erytbing will be arranged re,·ival of th£> c·ollege <.·ontests woul1l bf> nnd Ycrdun. men will never cease to ident '\\'ilson expects the women to Ulmont Swan Badielor of Science in :\1echaniC'al and the summe r school will be carried hailf'cl with joy hy the kec11 111> the national morale, fill pos- f out as usual. The war work in many 1 TWENTY-TWO Will ATTEND TRAINJNfi CAMP AT One Month's Training Will Be Given j Twenty-two M. S. C. Students at Camp This Summer. Tlw lir::a l·aclf'l tr: ining ('am11 u:iclC'r gO\·ernmf'nt :;uperYision. in acc·ordance wah the terms of the Xational De- itions formerly occupied by men. in- 1 TWO-YEARS SECRETARIAL CERTIFICATE •I communities has the outlook <Tease food conservation , and not for· 1 Se<'retarial I ror summer school rather slo"r. g-et .their place at home, if they would Jt;thel Gladyf' llooper. are so many activities beml, ... Aa1ed sinr the world. This was must with The name:-; of C. G. Stranahan. T . ...\. Ross. and Prank OTonnor do t on throughout the state that many the people acting as a unit with the I J of rhose who would ordinarily come women doing their utmost. The not appear on this list beeause at lhe time it was issued it not to the summer school will not do so women of today must prepa re for the ! defi:iitely known whether they wou ld he able to ht' here to rPreh·e this year. For this reason, the eol- rutiire. t their diplomaR. le.e:e is more than fortunate in being F'qllowing is a c·opy of the winning I able to these men here. During oration: tlu•i-;(' \\ ar days eYery effort is being f ContinueG on Page Four.) CAMPUS CONCERT IS POSTPONE0 1 THIRTY -SEVEN TO , SALE OF ANNUAL SENIORS APPEAR RECEIVE DEGREES OPENS THIS WEEK I IN CAPS AND fiOWNS SEDATE SENIORS CUT STRINGS AT ANNUAL PICNIC Class of 1918 Spends Enjo yable Da y In Bridger Canyon. Picnic Takes Form of Class Reunion The lu11rth a1nual picnic- of th' Senior rl<•f s wa:; held Saturday, :\I n) 't•nsp A<"t of 1!11ti is announcPd by the .June 11th. thirty-seven degrees will lVar ilepartment to open on 1he :frd The hand concert which was to have be given as shown in the list gh•eu A l'ampaign for the sale of the Jun· Last Friday < t a!:isemh!y 1 ar 11th. in f.lrich!Pr 1·nnvr.n. Tlw picnit• <"if .rmw next, at Plattsb11rg Barracks. been gh·e:i this afternoon will be gi\'en I out lliis week by Registrar \Vilsor .. \:ew York, for :tnoo cadets; at Fort next F'riday at the same hour. The I . 1 . ht d f C:.heridan, lllinob for 2,;100 radetg . a:i.d weather has been ,·ery uncerta in and This number is a s tg eerease rom l the Presidio, at San F'ran<'l::;eo. Cal.. other c·onditicms htnC' arisen so that l 1 lat of past years. but the war C"Ondi- ior Annual was L>egun this week. The triou:s l'iass made their first th:<: yf'ar '1 the nr.ture of a n reason for this ad\'U:ll'e campaign is I appeanuwe in rhe .'\ccnstomci:tl t hat on nccou nt of 11igh cost of the C'ap and gown. 'l'hey wen heart- JHlttiug ouL the book, the Junior class ily receiYed by the other and at the first appcaran1.:e of the hom1rec.I :\1. S. (' with thl!:i were inviterl lO attenil \Iotor"' took the llH.•mbt'r to the l'anyon in the morning; :-.; c·alled the one t11011t l1 s' tra1'111·ng ce1·1 ,,·11e11 11Ian11e<I. However. it is in all the co ll egei:; through- it is sure of selling. Those wishing !:'e:1iCJr!:'> l'\·eryone rose and n !:'rpat a:id re111rnerl for thPm in thr ('\·t·ning. 'or 1.noo l'adet::; o;·ficially this C'amp It will he impossible to hold this con-1 tions haYe atfectecl the number or cloes not want to print auy more than I deal of hanclcla1lIJing and look (•amp for selected members of the sen· sure that this will he ginm out con:nry, and it is gratifying to get Annuals shou ld see Georgia plac£". :\!arching in double rile :\[ud1 hown in cllmhin for nf the Reserve Officers' ::uternoon. :\lay 2·1th. at three o'elo(•k. that such a lar ge number al'e able to Knott. Russell Davis, David Gray, or C'l"Os!:ie-d the room and took their to and ins:pecting tht..' ';\T" whil'h !'raining. Cadets from .'.\lontana The time has been changed trom the finish this year. Paul Davidson The price of this lace 'll thf' 1ront whrre rt· ··v th!? or work of this 1 .. unel1 1\·ilJ to the Presidio, together with usual hour at 11 o·C'lock to three in or- the list bel0w. there are al!5o Annual will be two dollars a:u! l-' s tho:-of' from ldaho. Oregon. \\"ashing· <ler that the to\\ .. 1 people mny be able thre£> other members of the senior fut\· cents. one dollar down and a dol- during- the oratori<·al C'Olltest eon hv the yc1unJ.! ladies ion. California, Arizona. Mexico, to come up . Last year. seYeral <'On· clnsl'. C. C. Stranahan of F'ort Ben- lar.ancl a half on the receipt or thel It was most interestrni=; tol:-oet> the and rhe altPrnr..on in c:limh C'oJorado. l·1ah. Caders of the certs were out on the (·am1n1s ton \\ho is expec ted to return ror book. Thos:e who do uot order their c:las:,.\ assembled and to t ioi:;e not in g, '\ .ilking oYer 1 lte hiHs, tl1P \fontana State college are the only 'IHI were greatly enjoyed by everyone, c·on11nencement soon. 'fom Ros::; of annuab in ad,·am·c will be wild ""ligibles in the ::-tate. and a ll those and it is expected that this one w'.Jl Chinool.; arri\·ed e\· ng if they wi:h one and if tingubhing these hu.10red fe\•,. 'a program or 1\'ho signed the statement of their de- ecme up to thoRe gi\'en lat year m from tlF• n'1rthern pa1t ot the the1e a1e any extra books. It b. Yery - danc·f><: tlialPeUf'R anr1 "Ill' d1t-s wa ... sire to atte nd. se,·era l weeks I t"\'l'l'Y way. where he has been engaged in l·ou:ity I doubtful as to whPther there will be I , .,, . . .. I I ·iuent ,,. 01 -k The lhird me mber ol' the anv extra books printed so that those ( hatwellor E1l1ou spent Tl1t11.::.dJ..\ giH;ll hy :;e\t!l'al ui' th(; ::,tnionL an• ::i.go, 1a,·e be en rerommended U,· th.a •"" · · ' . . . . . . j 1 ·i 1 b r·ommanda nt. There are 22 :'\fiss llarriet Arneson relurn ed to <'lac;s is Frank v l'onnor. wbo has en· who do :l.Ol order their books in acl· J 111 Bozeman co:ifernng wnb and alternates. the entire list be- colleli?e :\fonday after spending some tered militaQ ser\'ice and who will YO nC'e are Yery likely to be. disappoint- here about the 1>l ans for the :s11111ua.•r Jl;(·niC' of the or 191 was o,·er. nc in order or merit. tlme at her home in Big- Timber. l robably receiYe h is degree. ed and be unable to obtam one.

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Page 1: BOZEMAN, M01TANA, Rll1AY, MAY - Montana State University

ifxpnnen1 VOL. IX

BOZEMAN, M0"1TANA, "Rll1AY, MAY 17. l~I,.

.. ::c:~:s:::O:N::T:Y::::i;~IOne Hundred So diers To Be - . Sayers Takes ::

The c-ross eoumry will l>e run ::

Given Technical Training First Place In :: at three thirty today, weather n :: permitting. Athletic Commls· :: I :: sioner "Joe" Bush announced ::

Annual Contest :: toda,_· th~t owing to the lack ol ::

:: enou~b Sophomore men to make ::

I:: up a team the race will practic- :: 1

I:: ally to !el those who have been :: I Here During Summer M~nths

. . t: tralmng try for the record The :i rG S ER Leon Sayers, a .}!ember of the Freshman Class and Prominent m :: course ism good shape and some :: PROBLEM OF PLACI 'G SOLDIERS HERE FOR TECHNICAL TRAI I G DURIN UMM

College Debating and Speaking Circles, is Winner of First :: of the men that have been out :: MONTHS DEFINITELY DECIDED AT CO 'FERENCE YESTERDAY AFTERNOON -· Id · !\. bl L t :: for the past three weeks have ::

Place in Annual Oratorical Contest He m · ssem Y as :: been making the circuit in good :: WIRELESS, AUTOMOBILE PRACTICE AND BLACKSMITHING WILL BE TAUGHT AND

Friday. Georgia Hannah of the Class of '20 Wins Second :: lime. The race will be opeu to n I TWO HOURS WILL BE DEVOTED DAILY.- 1\IEN WILL BE HOUSED IN HAl\IILTON

Place in .\ddress on Subject "The Women Behind the Guns:• :: anyone that wishes to run. :: .. :: Orations .\II On Po1rnlar War Subjects and Give Evidence of :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: ::


Much Time and Thought. Annual State Contest Will ot

Be Held. The young men of the colle~e who)

entered Officers Training camp at Am· I \ erica~ Lake, "\Vednesd.ay were 'fheo.



Leon ~ayer:; or the Freshman class ·aist~ the ~plrit of .F'rance. Reddick and Frank O Connor. I Just as this issue oi the bJxponent ---- -

took 'irst place in the Nineteenth :\lis~ :.\lillegan spoke next on "The - ~ . \\ent to press. the Clnal word regard· 1head anct was decided upon. Chancel· made to use the resources of the

l"uture Woman of America." In a I Miss Jeannette Kelly of the exten· 1 · .· r d lor rndward C. Elliott bas been in the \'arious Sl'hoo1s throughout the coun-

<\.nnual Oratorical contest held at as- sion department who is stalioned at mg the Jliau to bi mg one hund e city for several days and bas been try. All the heads of the schools

ti• •:nhb F'nda!- morning. ::\th;i,; Georgia Y~r) well de\•eloped speech she show· I Columbus was a guest at Hamilton soldierli to Bozeman and to the col· LOnferriug with officials of the col· han~ ad\'OC"ated that the shops and

fannah 01 tho Sophomore class cap- 1 cl( u: tn a clear-sighted ma~ner what hall '\\'edne::;day for luncheon. 1· 1ege this summer was brought to a lege in refereuce to lhe maller labratories or the colleges be used if : n• luture woman of America would

r1 sE.>cond plact' The other con· bl· like Yesterday, Captain Eugene Benoist l>OSsible during th e summer months.

1·~1nnts were ::\Ilss ~fary MUiegan · of the national army arrived and the The coming or the soldiers to Boze·

'Jf the Sophomore class and John I All are asking if the women oC the I contract was s igned and full arrange· man will do away with the worry that.

11rh" of thf' Senior Cia:;s. Prof. R tnture will be liUper-woman. she said. 1 D l b Granted June, J 9 J 8 ments were made to bring one bun- the college laboratories will not be--

J ('1Jnningham, I 11· Choate and Roy Before the war women OCCUI>ied J>OS· I egrees 0 e <lred picked men from the army to used.

Kei.!-;;ter acted as judges. itions U.!-;; teachers, )L s. c. for summer work. 1 Captain Benoist expressed a very

The iroaram wa~ opent>tl by sing- fact she was found in positions raug. I HONORARY DEGREE The plan is for these men to arrive I favorable opinion of the situation and

"'~ "Fair .'.\I ~. C." and "America:' ing from lumber dealers to code ex· HC\lst. John H. .Honorary Degree or Master or Arts Juue 15 and they will be at the college accomodations at the college and be-

halrmjm llave Gray explained that pens. But the war has chau.ged con· I u.nLil Augusl 15th. Sl.x.ty of them l1eved that this would be an ideal

t'1•~ orator r <i i the oldest contest on diiions. \Yomen are now employed in i DEGREE OF c. E. will have tram1ng in automobile prac· pla(•e tor this work The dormitory

It' bill. The winner of Hrst place teC'hnical. stenographic, employment, 1 t I tu5e, twenty, blacksmithing, and twen- JendR nself \·err well to the housing

r eel Ying fifteen dollars and the win· (·herukal and many kinds of work. J Olh-er Raymond Dinsmore Degree of Civil Engineer It\ \\ ireless This mstruchou "ill of these men and lhe nearness to th£'

"1 or ~el·ond pla~e five do11ars until \\·omen are doing publicity, food con· t I take up eight hours a day and two shops \\ 111 sa\ e a great deal of time.

senation and Rect Cross work. and DEGREE BACHELOR OF SCIENCE I Th 1· db th ofl'c1·a1 1 i ' · t le winner of this <:on test hours \\ill be giYen over to drill. . e course. a::; ou~ me y. e i s

l s be('I' sent to )fissoula to partake mu!S IJear the brunt of reconstruction Irene Victoria Abrahamson. Bachelor of Science iu Home Economics These one hundred men will be will be an intensive and rigill. one and

11 •he ~tate "·onte:->t, but the state work. Xo one will think of denying Harriet .Julia Arneson Bac-helor of SC'ience in Secretarial \\~ork under the direction of officer::; from will be plannl?cl to turn out men fitted

ontest will not be hel<l this. year her politil:al equality and to li\'e up ;\{innie Eleanor Babbitt Bacbelor of SciencC" in Home Economks I the regular anuy who will accompany ror thP needs of the engineering de·

.John Burke. speaking on '·The to her duty the future woman must Ella BlanC'he Border Bachelor uf Scienc-e in Home Economics diem here. The engineeri ng faculty ll't mPnt in the war field.

"°' irit 01 Franc·e·· developed his sub· tend toward conservatism and do her I J '.\Iary Holland Brown Bachelor of Scien<·e in Home Economics of the college will be in chargt!'of the

t ii• a masterly manner. His work without partiality being shown. t J.}rcell ,Y. Bunnell Bachelor ol Science i:l. ).!eC"hanical Engineering I iust1u(·tion of them, under the leader- TENNIS TOURNAMENT MAY

ec•rh \\ :l~ \\ell cleli\'ered and inter- She will still be a woman in spite of t :\Iar:r Daniel!:ion Bachelor of Science in Entomology and Zoology l ship or Dean A."·· Hichter. The plan BE REVIVED AT COLLEGE

11g- hr 1c;hout He pictured Joan her manifold duties. The future I \rarren c. Drummond Bachelor C'f Science in Mechanical Engineerin~ ; ~ lo t;iYe tbe!'e me11 inten&i\·e train·

c;";~rc I~'~""•;, ~~:m;;,~e ao~d F::~:~ ;:~~n·:~ c:::o~i1~;.:'·~~t P~=~:u~u~h=~e ii ~~~~~e~1~:~~;1;,~:,~oft :~~~::~:: ~~ ~~~::~: :~ ~::: ~~~~:~::~: I :~.~; i~~d t~h~s:n :,:t ~~~~r~~t~o~~:~~: "~:~'::':" :~: ~,";~th:~u1:1:s :uo~~~·t~t~ 'mJ!. :-;pirit Ol Franc:e·.' Before the war The women of AmeriC'a mu!:it.- not be Helen Elsie nray Bachelor of Stience in Home Economics l 1 e l·oming from the drafted army and te11nis courts ha\'l~ been in eonstant

·t\'e thought them talkative, frivolous t:ilackers; Roy Charle~ Hagen Bachelor of Science in Electrkal Engineering I ha Ye been selected a[ter a careful ex- 11:-.e ,11ul lJoth meu un1l women haYe

t no'- " se(' fh('IU in a different '\Us~ Hannan spoke on "The \Yomen Beulah Christina Haller Bachelor oi Science in Home Ec·o.tomies It aniinatiou. The need for blacksmiths. been showing unusual interest in the

I ght. and nwop:mze many Ylrtues in J~ebind the Guns .. wirh an emotional I i\Cedra Hall Bachelor of Science in Home Economics I a 11 1nen for other departments is \'ery sport. In former year:' there ha~ n.1-

thf>rn Frn.n(·e. with one-twentieth of emphasis and \·igor that impressed I Carlyle Emanuel Helstrom Bachelor or Science in Ch·il Engineering ;.;reat and it is thought that these men \•-a) s hc·en a tournament i:J. the stlrin~.

1 l·r territory in the hands of the the audience greatly. Her oration Ruby Florence HodgskisR Bachelor of Science in Home Economics will fill such places. bul the tu~tom was dropped last year

enemy i~ sup1lorling !he million sol- showed c·lear-sightedness and an un· f Martha Irene Johnson BaC'helor of <:;cie:11..·e in Home Economics The plan is to house these men in 'alon~ with other athleticf.. :\[uc-h gooil

·~:·s I..1~t year two and a half mil· d~r ;landing of the needs of the times. 1 :.\{orris Townsend Kneale. .Bathelor of Science in Ci\·il Engineering llaruilton Hall as :;oon as they arri\·e, material ha~ rome to light this YNlr

• on men were taken from her in· The man at the front asks today .Josephine A~nes Kountz. HarheJor of Scienc·e in Home Economics anct officers will ha\·e charge of all and a re\·i\'al or the tennb tourna-

ustries. Lut the work is being done .. ,,.ill they hold out·the civilians?'' As :\lyrtle Cotherman Kuhns Bachelor or Scie::ice in Home Economics ·egulations and plans. ments seems imminent

1 r women and old men. A Frenchman muC'h depends today upon the patri· .\!argaret Louis Lan~ohr Dachelor of Scien('e in Home Economics I The arrangements for tbe summer ProfesRor Brewer has always had

holds sa<'red. abo\'e all else, bis coun· otism nf those at home as upon the I HC'len s. Lund .Bachelor of Science in Applied Art I sthool work will continue as in the charge ot these contests and was mw

t '. his home. and his honor. Pa trio- patri<,tbm of those in the trenches. Alice )[yrtle :\lcCone Bac·helor of Science in Home Economics past. The women who enroll for the nr the mosr ardent fans in the <'Olleg:P

• m Ji-; something more highly deve- Tho!-ie ar the fronl nm only need food John H. :\IcCabe Bachelor of Scienc:e in Electrical Engiueeri:tg I summer session will doubtless room Some of rhe men that 11layed with him

Jope1l in France than in other nations. and munitions but they also need th~ Fl('lrence· J. Noble .. Bachelor of Science in Applied Art ! at Yarious fraternity houses and also in these tour:rnments are still on the

other!'l. wh·es and sweethearts, but a problem Of the woman behind the Alger Pope Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineeri:ig South Seventh avenue. A dining room m<~nt and put it through in n very r .. t~ real suffering in th is war are support of those at home. Thus, it is I Harold F. Pippenger Bachelor of SC"ience in Electrical Engi neering I the home economics practice house on hill and could take charge of a tour":la-

hr> fl"rench women have taken up gunli. The women of Belgium have f Marjorie Quaw. .Bachelor of Science in Applied Art 1

capable of accomodating slxty will be C"reditable manner The last year that

hPir hurden and born it nobly The been drlYeu from home or forceo into ! Theophilus Reddick Bachelor of Science in Animal Husbandry operated at the practise house. the colle~e held n tournament two men

"• p11c·h are ref'ourceful. seH·sacrificing ::;Javery but the women of America C:Jadys :\f~Ttle Ritz.... . .. Bad1elor o.f Science in Chemistry IL iR thought that other accomoda· wen') sent to the l'ni\·ersity and play

.. 11 patrnric. saiil :\fr. Burke. They I are not in thar rondition and they i 1 lowe Charle:; Rothwell Bachelor of Science in Ci Yi\ Engineering rions will open up before the summer ed in an interc-ollegiate tournament

·~C>ss remarkable bravery and at· must stand behind the men. Ne'ver I .Mary A. Rowe. Bachelor of Science iJ. Secretarial 'Vork SC'hool begins. and while definite plans 1t i!'t ~lOt known whether thcrt" will he

rooRt Ruper-human endurance. Re- ha,·e lhe women had such an oppor- J. Gordon Sewell Dachelor of Science in lnclustrial Chemistry ha\'e not been completed at this any outside contests this year, but a

r1emheriln.? the battles of the Marne tunity to ser\'e their country. Pres- Rubert B. Streets Bachelor of Science in Botany and Bacteriology writing, e\·erytbing will be arranged re,·ival of th£> c·ollege <.·ontests woul1l bf>

nnd Ycrdun. men will never cease to ident '\\'ilson expects the women to Ulmont Swan Badielor of Science in :\1echaniC'al En~ineering and the summer school will be carried hailf'cl with joy hy the enthu~iast~

kec11 111> the national morale, fill pos- f out as usual. The war work in many 1


CAMP AT PRES.D~O One Month's Training Will Be Given j

Twenty-two M. S. C. Students at Camp This Summer.

Tlw lir::a l·aclf'l tr: ining ('am11 u:iclC'r gO\·ernmf'nt :;uperYision. in acc·ordance wah the terms of the Xational De-

itions formerly occupied by men. in-

1 TWO-YEARS SECRETARIAL CERTIFICATE •I communities has mn.d~ the outlook

<Tease food conservation, and not for·


Se<'retarial I ror summer school rather slo"r. 'tu~., g-et .their place at home, if they would Jt;thel Gladyf' llooper. are so many activities beml, ... Aa1ed

sinr the world. This was must with The name:-; of C. G. Stranahan. T . ...\. Ross. and Prank OTonnor do t on throughout the state that many the people acting as a unit with the I J of rhose who would ordinarily come

women doing their utmost. The not appear on this list beeause at lhe time it was issued it wa~ not to the summer school will not do so

women of today must prepare for the ! defi:iitely known whether they wou ld he able to ht' here to rPreh·e this year. For this reason, the eol-

rutiire. t their diplomaR. le.e:e is more than fortunate in being

F'qllowing is a c·opy of the winning I able to ~et these men here. During

oration: tlu•i-;(' \\ ar days eYery effort is being

f ContinueG on Page Four.)





ANNUAL PICNIC • Class of 1918 Spends Enjoyable Da y

In Bridger Canyon. Picnic Takes

Form of Class Reunion

The lu11rth a1nual picnic- of th'

Senior rl<•f s wa:; held Saturday, :\I n)

't•nsp A<"t of 1!11ti is announcPd by the .June 11th. thirty-seven degrees will

lVar ilepartment to open on 1he :frd The hand concert which was to have be given as shown in the list gh•eu A l'ampaign for the sale of the Jun· Last Friday < t a!:isemh!y 1 ar llln~· 11th. in f.lrich!Pr 1·nnvr.n. Tlw picnit•

<"if .rmw next, at Plattsb11rg Barracks. been gh·e:i this afternoon will be gi\'en I out lliis week by Registrar \Vilsor ..

\:ew York, for :tnoo cadets; at Fort next F'riday at the same hour. The I . 1. ht d f

C:.heridan, lllinob for 2,;100 radetg. a:i.d weather has been ,·ery uncerta in and This number is a s tg eerease rom

l the Presidio, at San F'ran<'l::;eo. Cal.. other c·onditicms htnC' arisen so that l 1lat of past years. but the war C"Ondi­

ior Annual was L>egun this week. The triou:s ~enior l'iass made their first th:<: yf'ar wn~ '1 the nr.ture of a n

reason for this ad\'U:ll'e campaign is I appeanuwe in rhe .'\ccnstomci:tl ~arlJ.

that on nccou nt of tin~ 11igh cos t of the C'ap and gown. 'l'hey wen heart­

JHlttiug ouL the book, the Junior class ily receiYed by the other classe~ and at the first appcaran1.:e of the hom1rec.I

:\1. S. (' with thl!:i clas~ were inviterl

lO attenil \Iotor"' took the llH.•mbt'r

to the l'anyon ~arty in the morning;

:-.; c·alled the one t11011t l1s' tra1'111·ng ce1·1 ,,·11e11 11Ian11e<I. However. it is ~raduates in all the collegei:; through- it is sure of selling. Those wishing !:'e:1iCJr!:'> l'\·eryone rose and n !:'rpat a:id re111rnerl for thPm in thr ('\·t·ning. 'or 1.noo l'adet::; o;·ficially this C'amp It will he impossible to hold this con-1 tions haYe atfectecl the number or cloes not want to print auy more than

I deal of hanclcla1lIJing and rhecrin~ look

(•amp for selected members of the sen· sure that this will he ginm r~riday out th~ con:nry, and it is gratifying to get Annuals shou ld see Georgia plac£". :\!arching in double rile Lhe~ :\[ud1 intcn·~t w~s hown in cllmhin

for clhision~ nf the Reserve Officers' ::uternoon. :\lay 2·1th. at three o'elo(•k. that such a large number al'e able to Knott. Russell Davis, David Gray, or C'l"Os!:ie-d the room and took their to and ins:pecting tht..' ';\T" whil'h

!'raining. corii~. Cadets from .'.\lontana The time has been changed trom the finish this year. Paul Davidson The price of this lace 'll thf' 1ront whrre rt· ··v ~•H th!? or work of this eta~~. 1 .. unel1

1\·ilJ ~o to the Presidio, together with usual hour at 11 o·C'lock to three in or- Be~ides the list bel0w. there are al!5o ,-ear·~ Annual will be two dollars a:u! l-' s ~ ~t. tho:-of' from ldaho. Oregon. \\"ashing· <ler that the to\\ .. 1 people mny be able thre£> other members of the senior fut\· cents. one dollar down and a dol- during- the oratori<·al C'Olltest eon wa~ ~erYed hv the yc1unJ.! ladies

ion. California, Arizona. ~ew Mexico, to come up . Last year. seYera l <'On· clnsl'. C. C. Stranahan of F'ort Ben- lar.ancl a half on the receipt or thel It was most interestrni=; tol:-oet> the and rhe altPrnr..on wr~s ~pt:nt in c:limh

C'oJorado. a~1d l·1ah. Caders of the certs were ~i,·en out on the (·am1n1s ton \\ho is expected to return ror book. Thos:e who do uot order their c:las:,.\ ihu~ assembled and to t ioi:;e not ing, '\ .ilking oYer 1 lte hiHs, 11ickin~ tl1P

\fontana State college are the only 'IHI were greatly enjoyed by everyone, c·on11nencement soon. 'fom Ros::; of annuab in ad,·am·c will be chnr~ed !::\i:uc~ t :;Y :ic:;~i~,t;c~:r \~1:1p~1~~r~<"~l~~~' wild fl<~~:=~·stha;:~ ::1i·~1:i:~~~g :11;~~0;:1~; ""ligibles in the ::-tate. and a ll those and it is expected that this one w'.Jl Chinool.; arri\·ed Thu~·sda~· e\· ng thr~e d~llars if they wi:h one a nd if tingubhing these hu.10red fe\•,. l~~r 'a ~hon program c·on"is•111~ or

1\'ho signed the statement of their de- ecme up to thoRe gi\'en lat year m from tlF• n'1rthern pa1t ot the ~tate the1e a1e any extra books. It b. Yery - danc·f><: tlialPeUf'R anr1 "Ill' d1t-s wa ...

sire to attend. po~ted se,·eral weeks I t"\'l'l'Y way. where he has been engaged in l·ou:ity I doubtful as to whPther there will be I , .,, . . .. I

I ·iuent ,,.01-k The lhird member ol' th e a nv extra books printed so that those ( hatwellor E1l1ou spent Tl1t11.::.dJ..\ giH;ll hy :;e\t!l'al ui' th(; ::,tnionL an•

::i.go, 1a,·e been rerommended U,· th.a •"" · · ' . . . . . . j 1 ·i 1 b

r·ommanda nt. There are 22 prin~ipals :'\fiss llarriet Arneson relurned to <'lac;s is Frank v l'onnor. wbo has en· who do :l.Ol order their books in acl· J 111 Bozeman co:ifernng wnb ~'ric1als ~~:~~n~t;'acsa;; ~~·le~r~~ndtI a~d a:~e ~~1~~

and I~ alternates. the entire list be- colleli?e :\fonday after spending some tered militaQ ser\'ice and who will YO nC'e are Yery likely to be. disappoint- here about the 1>lans for the :s11111ua.•r Jl;(·niC' of the clas~ or 191 was o,·er.

nc arran~e>d in order or merit. tlme at her home in Big- Timber. l robably receiYe his degree. ed and be unable to obtam one. se~usion.

Page 2: BOZEMAN, M01TANA, Rll1AY, MAY - Montana State University


ohe dents. ~fss Lana Daldwin who bas THE SOLDIER. !! :: :.: :: :1 !-! :: :.: :: •• t: .. •• •• :"' :' Don:ithy Rop~s spent seH•ral 1 J 'Jt eu tn char~e of the po~tt·r compel· ::; :: dny::o tins week a1 h r home in Helena. I I Ilion, and who desen es <'Onsiderable It I should die, think only this of me •• BASEBALL :.: Her br other. who is in tbt.~ na,·y de-

weekly Exponent lTl'dil fur the effort put forth by tilt' That there's SOITII!' corner or a for· :: :: partml.!'nt or tho :_.;eni<:e was at home I tudt:>nti.:., is well plea1'\cd wiU1 the t.'i~n field :: Bll::ieball practise will go o n :: on a shon furlough. I

11ustn.· 8ubmittf'd anti b sure that That is for ever England. T here shall :: a~ u~ual this week in auticipa.tion ::

1'~ 'TABL1SHED JAN. 1, 1910 '1ontsna wlll be \\t'll represented in 11,. :: of l!;amcs with the Uuh"ersit.Y :: )liss Lucille McCracken spent last

1 cOutJ.":"rowlb or Monthly Bxponent, Ea- :•• t::rour) (,'OIDP•Hitlon al l..eland In tha1 rich earth <l richer du~t :: al.lout the 27) of this month. The :: week end at her home in Livingston.




tabllshed Jan. 1, 1896.) :=::tnnrorc.J. The ~tnte tollege whi<'h concealed; :: manager of the Unh~ersit)" nine ::

()l-rt1•' Room I, Repul>llcan-Courfer comes under Clas::.; A will enter ten A dust whom England bore. !:Shaped :! h fa~, ln ot ans"D·ered the dtnst dlet.te:s :: Rol.len Smith was over from Living- I HART SCHAFFNER posters. :i.rtsi:; Leila Linfield or Boze- m:ule nware. •• o • a1m1Z"er rummon an 1t is - .•.

l•uilding. Phone 127..J. man won rlr~t placp among the teu Ga\"'· once, her flowers to love, her :-:: not known if the games will be ::: I stou Sunday nsitrng at his home. II

st ucli:nt1:< who presented po::<ters. ll'nder ways to l'Oam. :: played The las t communication :: I -- I ! I


Staff Class 11 the suc('essful sc-hools were A body of l<.:nglnnd's breathing en g- :: received lrom the Uni versity !: :\Ilss Dorthy Hopet,; speut seve ral i MARX Ed itor-Jn-Chi ef.. .. John H. Kohnen '20 lfrlena high school. :\[issoula high Jish alr. :: asker! for two games which were X d~ys at her home in He lena this ll' Managing Editor, Alfred l\lc!-""arlfn, '20 s<·hool <.1nd the Great J.~nlls hi~h school \\"ashed by the rh·ers. bl est by suns ::: to be played here but with no ::: "eek. t


Aeling Sports \\'riter J ohn Tyler, '20 l"nder ('Ins~ (' wh ich arc the eighth or home. :: return game over th er e. J.Tom ::: I I

Soclet~· Editor Dorothy Powell, ' 20 and ninth grades. the JlOSters or the :.: now on the town team will prac· :: :\li !:i~ b:dna Schreibis entertained her I :4peclal \\'riter Georgia Hannah, '20 folio" Ing schoOls will be c>nt rc>d In And think. this heart. a ll evil shed :: tise e\·ery night with the college ::: brother Chas. Scbreibis of \\"yoming 11 Acting Dusiness MgT., C. P. Carroll, '20 the \\'estern Competition nt Stanford· away, I:: team U \\"ednesday.

Clrrulation ~rgr. l-1 l\luat.zer, ·19 Lh·fngston. StcvE>nS\'ille. Billi ngs A 1n1tse in t h e ete rnal mind, no less :::: :: :: :: :t :: :: !! :: :: :: :.: ::: :: :: - - I General Reportoria l Staff '.\tiles Cit_v. Bozeman . I K'"Wi~town. I Gi\'1?8 .somewhere bnr~ lhe thought:-; 1'.liss Marguerite Lindsley returned t

1..;atherine Ruzzell - '21 Gla$J;OW The posters wh fC'h will not In F.:nf!land given . i\l iss i\larguerlte Lindsley s1>ent the :\t onday from Livingston where sh e

Lowell I"!:. Bowen .. ····--·- '21 be sent to Leland Stanford wllt be Her ~ights and sounds: dreams happy \\ eek-e:1d nt he r home near Li vi ng· spent the week end.

\\'ayne Dunbar '21 shown in rural schools Tbe~e will as her day. ston .

'21 lb" •."nt out this we k This roll eclion l.nd Ju ug-lltcr. learnt of triends ; and ' ' I :\liss Helen Swan returned the first C'onsists of posters which were con· gent leness. ,\liss Katherine Kearns spent Sun- or thP week from Butte where she

Au~ust :\I. Scbnictler I




Subscriptio n Rate. I tr1buted by a numbe r or "chools ror In hearts a l peace. under an I <lay a t her home in Townsend. !' ? 00 )ler yenr - Ten CC'nts Per copy this pu r11ose. l<";nglish heaven .

Students become s ubscribers upon -Rupen Brooke. 1'he freE;hman cooki ng c lass are

payment of the re~u lar nctivity fee BUNK WORDS ANO DEEDS. givin g a series or dinners in the home H I

Sam e Treatmen t. "Uo<•tor. my hus- 1 olloway's : band 1, troubl ed wi1h a buzzing noise I I spent the week end-

The \.\'eekl.Y E:l.ponent Is strictly a NtudPnt en terprise. It's chie! purpose hs to present to its readers. each .. eek, an accurate and romplete rec· orcl of the developments in college af· fairs during that period and to exer t its Influence for the upbuilding of Montana State co11cge. The paper is the r esult or voluntary effort put forth by the student~ who compose the sta ff.

By Gauche ec:onomic~ room. Tuesday evening By ·wait Mason .

I on13 section or the c lass entertained at a delightru1 di nner . Miss Jessie

1 may use language till 1 make De- Hoover, .Miss Jeannette Ke lley and mosthen e~ look like a fak e. 1 may ~tr~. Georgia Roose\·elt were the

in bis ears." _ 'Q 1· C 'I "Better have bim 10 go lO the sea.- UQ zty Orner I

sh{lre for a montb.'1 I lls rt great lif~

Thal is "But he can't get away." '-------------

If you don·t weak en Well.

renr nil some nin e feet high , and tell ··Then rou go. "-Boston Trans- I;;----------------

Published eYery Ji,riday ot the col· Jege year by a staff chosen from the "\ CU <lents of the Montana State College or A~rlcnlture and Mechanic Arls, of

This rug (: oes to tlres.s On Thursday afternoon 11" the ed itors an• Luc-k~· and The ('ttlls get in Their do11e and Thf'rc i~ lots or >.'€"\\'!-'

gu sts. cripl. how I would bleed a nd die, if I were ----- - --- ------- ___ -----

!not so old and gray and <:rippled u p -------------~~~~~~~~~~~~~


FLOWERS Is the best ever shown in Bozeman

I t hC' rniYerslty of ' fontana, Bozeman, : \for.t.nna

Entered as serona-da8~ matter at Bou·n~an. "'.\1onrana. under Act cf COD·

j!re~~ of :\larrh :.:, 18'i9.

Hut ~ometimes

1.;,·erything gop~ \\" rllng a nct ye ~ua ff 1~ 5lwrt oodles or :\'rw:-; at the JlrC'ss hou r .\nd then ~nlllt' pnterprisin[: (~uu ,-mnps hesidP n


nnd full of hay. I may deuounee tbe foreign loe and tell how gladly l would go to wield a shotgun in the S<'rap a nd ~hoot the kaiser orr the I mai>, 1.lut 1 think more of my wad than

of my country and my God, the I thi ngs I say won't cut mu C'h grass: my words a re merely sounding brass. 0111· l'nt'le Sam is needing men: he's 1u~ediue: rhino by the 1011; he ca n 't (OIHilH't a hig:h-dass scrap without a let of doug:h on tap. To raise the dn~t hr a~k~ all lads to Jeud him all thel :-;nrplu:-; scad?;. to huy his bonds

Langohr's 1!

in whf'm the sole power of approving


The E~ponent hi~ \\ t'l)J, lost Ont' o, the 'uluable manager~ oC the staff m Theodun• Red~lkk \\ho hat' heen

:reulation mauap:l'l' throughout this 1•11tin· rollq:;iata yt>ar. During this

time "Bud" ha::; be~u one of the hard consistent '' orkers of the staff and has al\\ .1) s had a helping: hand in any mo\·ement for tht• imprO\ ement of the JlilJlt-r or n.lllegt:>. His eflons have

.\nd writct-1 a lot of

Bunk Likt• this w 1 h \\ell \Llyht.~ he will tread On till' \il•dal t•xtrC'mitic::1

Of sollll' hunorl'd mE>mbcr Ot the rac:ulty

SC'('\lrity th!:? safest ('Yer man will :--pe .\nd if I do not gambol u p, as .;l\' anrl friskl:1; as J pup nnd buy the bonds I ill I ~o hroke. my loyal ~l>il'ls arf' merely ~moke. Oh boy:; most any tin-horn skote can work his Jawhont.~~ and orate. most any bick <·an rhe'' the rag and say nice things ahou1 tlh~ flag; but when we rome ri~ht down to tncks, th(' patriot who's ~mooth as wrn: b he who comes an ardent ~oul, for Liberty bonds to hl<l\\ hb roll.


Phone 95-W 315 So. Tracy.

D. H. BUDD & CO. 1



Cafe in Connection

Rates Rea onable

madt.' tht::' dreulation dep:ntment the mnst effirient 011 th<' paper In his

And ni.tyhe be is

(';llkd lO 3C<'OUnt And maylle he isn·t

Hut !::>U(h h; the life of





NIGHT new work at the J.'ourth Training 1

t'am11 at Camp Lewis The 1.;xponent E::\tC'ndo to him its best wisheR for bi:; !->Ul't'ess_ His phl('e will be fi1led by llenry !\funtzer who has been assis·

A news11aper man H) Gravy, AND STUDENT'S LAMPS

Pr0fe. s;ol' C. X. Arnett. head or the f drpanme:\t or Animal I l11sbandry of 11 ~he Staie <·olleg('. who now is in '----­J.'rancp with the Amerkan Red Cross,

Opposite Chronicle

THE DEAD tellt-> of the.' iwportam·e of a~ri<:ultural

lant dn·ulation manager and has Blow out. you buglt>s, over ihe rich re-education ror the wounded men from IJTO\'ed himself a <'ompetent m3n Dead! the hospitals. Mr Arnett states that


\\'hen the bugle sounded. tbe stu· dents in the colleges and unive r sities were the fi r st to respond. The higher insritutions of learning in Indiana and throughout the nation ha\'e sent into military i;ervice from twenty·five to rorty per rent ol' their men. This noble response. however, must lead

There·~ none of thetie tiO lonelv and industrial re-education has been suc-po~r of old. · l'essfully carried on for some time by

Hut dving bas made us rc.1.rer 5?:ifts j F'rench agencies but their attempts in

t h-crn gold. I ~he a~rlrultural line. have failed. It l~hei-.c laid the world away: poured ti:. estimated that sixty per cent of

out the red the men i:1 the trenrhes at the pres-

S\\ eH wine of youth; ga\'(' UJl the I ent time are from the farms and un-years 10 be less these men return to the soil e,·en

or work and jo~•. and that unhoped though crippled and so greatly handi· ca1>ped. the future of French agricul­ture Is threatened . The Red Cross

serene, Thal men call age, and those who

us to think 1bat t hese who (;Onliuue would have been, ha,·e the refore established n centre

thl•lr eduC'atioo until called by th e Their sonis. t hey gave. th e ir immortal- tor the re-education or French mutlles i:m·ernment are less brave or IJatriottc ity. and ~e lected ro r this purpose a five

1han the ones who enlisted The need hundred a<'re farm. The organizing,

or the country is not m11<:h for men Blow. bugles. blow! They hrought us. equipping a:id employing the teachin g :1s ro1· trained men. The sC'hools a nd for our death, and working personnel Is under the

t·olle~e~ are the trai ning stalions in Holiness, lacked .i-;o long, and Love. , direction or Professor Arnett "The

which the future officers of the army nnd pain . Interesting phase of the work," says

and navy are being trained. This is Honor ha!'> <'Orne bat~k. ns n king- lo Mr. Arn ett. ·' is not in the praC'tical

pr(' P.mine:nly an t:'duc;HPd man's. earth . I farmin g but in the r e-education of the

war Srien('e and tech nical skill are Anrl paid his ~ubjects with a roy-al muti les for their fu ture work. Th i ..:;

at the front. The high patriotic duty. wage; is goin g to be one of the great prob·

tl1ererore, of every man fs to continue And Xobleness wa lks in our ways lems in ou r ow::i. country in tbe very in th(' high l:'Chools ancl coll eges until again ; near future and the longer the war

thP governm ent calls him, in order/ b . lasts the greater will be the problems. And wc> have come int o our erit·

that be may give his best to his cou n- a~e - Rupert Brooke. It seems to me that Montana is the

try's cause. j prol)er place to bring the :\1ontaua

Some youn,:: men and women are STENO'S AND FACULTY boys for any. training they are to re-Lc>i ng tempted Uy unusual financial I ceive in agricultural re-education" rHlm·ements to lea\"e school !'or em· PLAN ' 'SPRING DRIVE."

11loynH:"nl Tu do this is short-:-;ighted; HOME DEMONSTRATION

1ur th<' cli:$ciJ>llne oi th l!t 1 1 1 1 .1 That there is a strong I. \\". \V. or·

~urest g:uarnntcP ot 1wr111~rnt:'nl 1111~· J'.Hnizntion 011 1he hill was shown "'ed· WORK IS GROWI NG

i'lt'H!-1 and professional su<'c·ess. \\'e 1 ne>sclay e\·ening. when the members ot Severa l additions have bPen made

n111~1 do lhin~s. fir~t. \\'C' must win tl1i:-; order bold!~· took possession of recently to the start of the home elem­

• t' war To do thl~ we must gh·A tht· ..\ ~Ti<·ultural hall a nd h e ld a meet· onstration d epartm ent ln the ex ten·

< ·r b~st !11 phy:-.kal resources, in in~ in tlH.• short course reading room. sion ~en•lce at the State c·ollege. Those

~'e give you service and

Good Lumber.

fiAL. LUMBER CO. Phone 20 Opp. Court House

CREDIT A bank a ccount helps your cred­

it A lrblrty man can always bor­

oow at his bank. Payin g by checlc:

creat es a good impression. Pe­

m em ber us when you ha,•e money and we will rememher you when you need mone y. Open a n ac­count. wtth

Gallatin Trust &


Capital Stock .............. $150,000

Surplus and Profits $250,000

J. H. Baker, Cashier.

Bozeman Mon an a


by getting coal of quality



Roundup Monarch

Bear Creek Sheridan




Savings Bank 12 So. Black

\V . S. Davidson , Caasbler BOZEMAN MONTANA

ntc>lle(·1ual tr.tinin~. anct in personal lt is rumored that severa l prominent em ployed to h e lp in the home demon· -------------------------------0\\ 1• $t·t·o1HJ, we mu~t gt>t ready fn1·ulty members have heen bavi:ig s tration departm nt are MI S!-! Eli7.a·

ro rf'huiltl the world after t he war. hnsi ness dealings witli this orimniw· be th Plel<'her, Miss Gladys Dawson.

l,nr that st1111endous task all our ac- tlnn \\'hether or not thiA body is a Miss Kate \\Til son . Mls8 Mad ge S\\it·

nuirPcl sklll anrl wisdom will be de- branch of tile national I. \Y. \\'. organi- zer and MisA Mina \Villis. Miss F'lt>-l·

1 .. antlecl Youn~ men and women of ~ation hns not ye t been dl ~<'overed . che r , ~n ss \Vlhw:i, and Mi ss Sw itzer

Au.Pril"a. siny in ::.<'hool till the gm·ern- but H is e\'ident from the foll owi ng are all graduates from th e home eC'O·

n1 1~nt calls you noticP whh.·h wa~ recehecl by thirt~· nom irs department of t he State tol-

1 By Gror~e- R Grose, Presiden t ne- hahilUNI or th(' Ae;~k Building. that lege.

1 a11" l"nher~it~·)


Thc> 11ostel'H \\hf ch ha\ P bP<"n df'si~11·

~··l hy thr· students in the ~(·hoo l s ot the stntf! \\f'I°(' {'Xhihi1ed Friday fn thP itrt departmrn1 of tht~ Srntp Cnlle~P.

The theme of all the J>O~ter-.; w:\~

.. thrift"_ The 1>oster~ were Judged at tt·n o'clock in the morning· an1l th ose "lnnlnj.: in the Htale t·ompt-ltltion will l ,. ~t:'nt lo the t hai r mnn or the west-1·rn group or !:'tales, "ho 1::. l'roree.sor ~ rt1rnr C"lnrl< or LPTanrt Stand to rct The rt. ll'r~ 1•'.\bibhed F'riday showed e:x­t 111111 w<'rk on the nart of the s tu·

ii hns great strength and iH n much w bt• 1eare<l orga:tlzatlon


You nrf' notlriecl to he.' prP:;,ent ;:t ;.111 I. \\". \\' . ··Mess .\( ~(,~ ting · · to p!Hn a <·nmpalgn ror th e · ·sp r l n~

Drin•. ·· .\ "\\·ar Tux" o r 40e must be

paid at the r~xtension Offk<', ror the benefit of the "~"'ood Admin· lstrntl on" on or before 1'ue~day,

Mny Hth . at 5:00 o'clor k sharp. In cirder to get your name ln th e "' Pnt '' l>'i••wdl TllE ~rnss S l'1lGEA'.'IT,

By order ot Thi• f'onnni~san (", 1wr~ ..

Miss Lulu Cbestnut, who grndmned rrom the h ome economics department or thei State college a year ago wm work a long th e line exclusively o! dc>monstratlons or cotta~e cheesr, a

I product which the food administ1 u· tion Is seeking especially to 1rn ~!t this yPnr RR an imJlortant rood a nd s11'l..:!i

1 nite ror ment.


1 n r; ngll • h- M r Dnddy lO Marga ret Doe:

"Miss Doe. what Is your idea 01 th e h e reafter ?'.

~li ss Ooe-"Mr Duddy, I truly be­

if've that your nftPr life And mine .rjll ill;' In different pla"·es:·

You can always enjoy a shave or hair c11t with us. 5 CHAIRS-ALL EXPERTS

Ramsey & Williams 28 W. Main St. Bozeman

j Loose EVL;;; •• Books 1


Y. and E. FILING SYSTEMS. :.._~~~~~·~~~~--~----~-!

COLLEGE SEAL JEWELRY In blue and gold enamel, sterl­ing silver- in rings, pins, cuff buttons, hat pins, tie holders, and souvenir spoons, 25c to $3.00.

LESLIE E. 6A6E Jeweler and Optician.


parked in a sanitary packagt:.

One of the most popular lunch·

eon and picnic cheeses on the


2 Packages for 25c.

A fresh lot just recein,<l


No matter what the holiday, good clothes help make it or mar it.

See that your wardrobP i~ 1 ready for


and then


"Value First"



All at Economy Prices

L_ __ w_A L_S_ H_'S __ r


Hair Cuts a Specialty COMBS' BARBER SHOP

132 w. Main .


Every Flowu in Season

Bouquets and Designs a Specialty

Three Cheers for the Best Shoe Shop in Montana

Sl\tisfled customerit have g1\.'en us

a WOJldPrful hU!:linee ~ Tirio~ UI

:your shoe repair "'tYOrK: and you


wlll he satls lled too.


J . Komar, Prop. East Ma in St. I

Page 3: BOZEMAN, M01TANA, Rll1AY, MAY - Montana State University



Sold Qnly By



I ~ _ -_so_t_i¢t_v __ Al_~. Ray Cameron, Yictor Large and Fred 1 esUc science department Tuesday

Steel were dbner guests at Hamilton evening. The guests were )liss Hoo-


Montana State College of Agricul­ture and Mechanic Arts

Practical courses in Civil, Electrical and Mechanical Engineer ing, Mechanic Arts, Agriculture, Dair y, Hor­icultural, Home Economics, Industr ial Chemistry, Economic Biology, Music and Art.

l Hall Sunday. ver. Jeanette Kelley and ;\trs. Roose·

!.--------------- Leo Humphrey enjoyed dinner and ---- l'·ett. WHEN you v..-ant tosay something

Beautiful grounds, commodious buildings, complete wood and iron shops, extensive laboratories, model kitchen and sewing rooms, mus;- and art studio.

J. M. Hamilton, President ---------------: 3 pleasant evening at the Phi Gamma The Chemistry club or the college

I house Tuesday. had a pic::iiC' up Middle Creek canyon nice in the nicest JX>ssible way






Stylish Spring Suits,

Coats and Dresses

Made by


in Girls and Young

Women's Apparel

Just out of New York

Every good time is a good time to


Add to the pleasure of ~our vacation by taking plrtures of the places and people that interest you.

Everyting for photograph y at our store. Let us show you how simple It Is to take pictures the kodak way.

R 0 S E D R U fi G 0.




A committee of five Hall­mark jewelers, each an expert watchmaker , made up the spe­cifications for t he Hallmark watch. They thoroughly in­vestigated different American and foreign makes, incorporat­ed every des irable feat ure found in these, and added others from their long practi­cal exper ience in handling and selling watches.

The resu lt- you can't beat the Hallmark Watch ; you can't equal it at the price.

15 and 17 jewel movements, in gold filled and 14 karat gold cases.

$16.50 to $125.00

H. A. PEASE & CO. Jewelers and Optometrists.

206 W. Main St. The Hallmark Store.

__ \Vednesda:r afternoon. T he afternoon in a letter, you ca n add a lot to t he pleasant impression your letter makes

1 by writing it on

Bozeman, Montana. Miss Hoover and .Jeanette Kelley

1 w~s spent climbing ar~u nd ~he moun­

were dinner guests at the practice tatns, after which a fme picnic sup­per was served around a roaring house \\>edn~sday evening. I camp fire.

The ThetG Xi sorority gave an . in· 11

~rrs. Terry, th~se mother at the formal party at ~he home of Miss O. B. house, gave a most delightful

I Evelyn Seeley Frie.Jay evening. party at Chico Hot Springs Su:1day 111GAHLAlf D -

1 --F}-E~-~1-~-L~-J~-~ -~~~-~A-~~-Rc-~~~TY L JN EN A NICE LINE OF __ CIGARS, CANDIES and TOBACCO

-- for the mem bers of Omega Beta fr a--Cbancellor Elllott and President ternity and l.1eir friends .• Five cars

Hamilton were guests at the prac- took the yuung people to the springs tlce house for dinner Thursday night. by way of Ll\-i ng!Hon . After lhe long

ride ever yone \\as hllngry for Lhe t in e

lt ·s always so dainty, so f'f'esh a nd clean; it helps you say nice things in the YC' ry nicest way. )fay we show you M>me <Jf the new styles ?



The ~!1sses Abolme Montgomery. Pl<'nJC lunch ser·;ed lo them .•• soon r.ALLATIN DRUr. ro I Deliciusly frbesuht at·haeiryK1psreo1·dautcttshfeor every one

~tel~:;,a~~PJP:ne~~ ~~~~e";:: ~~-:~:j::e~l~e~na •;~:·~ lu~g:e a:~~n~~:~:,:; ll u u lJ •. BOZE1MAN FARMERS' CREAMERY Tuesday I around over th e beautiful country

-- around the springs.

Dorothy and Pauline Powell enter· 1 ... ---------------!I Judevine & Sons tained :1!iss F'ranres Kyle. Henry I The Phi Gamma fratern ity entertain· EVERYTHING IN MEN'S


'hone 143 Nor t h Central Avenue ;\fiche!, John Kohnen and Packy Mc- etl at a dancing party Satu rday given :...------------------_:;.~;:_:~.:.:..;~;:_:~~~:._~

r 1

Farlin at db.ner Thursday evening at their chapter house on Men denha ll WEAR

~lisses .Jeanette Kelley and Muriel tifull:r decorated with ban gi ng ''i nes Ceretana Means Quality j street. About twenty-five couples I

:\frs. ::\1uget of Livingston and the were pres~nt. The house was beau· HATS I

I Pease were entertained for dinner at and spring flowe rs whHe the prevail- SUITS 'i 1 the Phi Gamma House Monday even- ing color through ou t was the lave:i·

Ing. dar ot the fratern ity. Several ravor The Company -- I c!ances were the features of the even· The Kappa Nu frater:-11tJ ent.ertamed m~. The m11s1c was furnished by Lhe SHIRTS ...,-------------------------------~

In Flour and Rolled Oats-Try Them Today.

Hilling at a delightfully informal dancing par· Hutton orchestra To accord \\1th lhe 1- -- - ·· ...... _....-. tv at the Knights of Columbus hall requests of the food aclmm1st1at1cn no

I 1~-t f'r1day evening. The Hutton or· rP!reshments were served The pat- TIES I Ga 11at1· n Grocery 'h('Str.i t11rn1sbed the music I roncsses. Mrs T B Story, Mrs Stew __ art ~hss Quaw, M1ss Balhnger, I

The freshman l'ookmg class ga,·e a 2\l1s!-> Gold and P1·es1dent Hamilton SHOES duner m the dmrng room of the dom "ere the guests G I G



GIG 515 1


· Alumni and

Students Ex- MANY STUDENTS CL~~~1~ip~~:~;giG




I The officers for the Alumni assoc\a· Miss Za da Sales Scores Hit With Audi·

lion for the corning' year are: Louis 1

ence at Her Reci t al Las t K. Hartman. ·01. president; Geo. 1\Ior· Nig ht. gan, '12, ,·ice-president; Annie Brene· man. 'Oi. secretary·trea~urer; Grace K:rk. ·11. <:vrrespondir:g sec:retar), EJ· Thur8day e\'emng at i;, a latge mund Burke. '07. Madge Switzer '14. < ro" d greeted :\hss Zada Sales who I Jack Ta) lor. ·12, exef'11t1ve committee. ga\ e a recital m the assembly hall of The retiri:lg president, Chas. L. Draper j the college ::U1ss Sales 1s very well ·12 has been an acuve and consistent known here as a m usician. a nd her l booster for M. S. C. \Ve are confi· friends and acquaintances were very dent that Miss Hartman will carry on the work of the association just as efficiently and well.

The Alu mnae c lub met Tuesday

I eveni ng with Mrs. Edna T racy W hi te. '08. A number of visiting alumnae were i1rese:i.t an d an enjoyable evening was spen t. T h e out of town mem bers

eager to attend her i·ecital. Tl1ey were I well rewarded for the rPcital was one I ,

ot' the best that has ever bee:i pre- ! sented by the department of mu sic. Miss Sales· interpretation of her selec· 1 tiom; was splendid, and her technique is excellent. She is in deed a fi n e rep­resentative of t h e depar tment of music of M. S. C.

1 were Rhoda Dawes Seamans , '15, 1'Jdna She was assisted by Professor Cur· Vreeland P lues. '09; Ines Dusen berry, rier and Miss June Hartman who play­'12; ~fiss Quaw sent in her resigna· ed the aC'companiments. Professor Cur­tion as presid ent a nd Olive Clark, 13. rier's songs were well re:idered a nd who has been vice·pr esident this year much appreciated by the a udien ce. was made pr esiden t. The club voted The program in fu ll fo llows:

I to hold it's aun uaJ Juncheo ·1 Tuesday, l\fay 2 I. Program

Toccata and F ugue transcribed for

"'· B. ( .. Kin ney") freem:m, ·o~. is J the piano from that written for pipe organ.

wilh the engi neers in F ra nce. MISS SALES

F'lorem·e Gray . , Hi, a:J. ins tructor Les Cloc:he, Debussy (French). . of mathematics in Libby high school Si mes Ye rs, Hah n (Fren ch ).

I is home for t he summer. MR. CURRIE R

I Chas. M. Fisher, 'OS, w ill arr ive in

Boze ma n Su nday fr om Spokane. Ht will be associated w ith h is father in the Owe:i. house Hardware Co.

)fr:;. A. L. P lues. for merl y ~1.i ss Edn a 1 Vreeland. '09. is vis it in g with her

/ mother.

Humoreske. 'fsrhikoffsk i (Russian ). Scherzo, A. J. Adams (American L P lay of th e Wate r s, Ravel (French). \Vith Sweet Lavender. MacDowell ,

Concert Study (Amer ican .

MISS SALES 0Pep Rh·er. Burleigh (Amer ican). I Hear a T hru sh al Eve. Cadman.



CHAVEY & JACOBS Proprietors.












International Transportation

Office Tracy a nd Main Street

I ;\lri:-; . A. K Seaman is visiting in th e

city with relat ives.


Andan te Spta nato Cl10pin (Poli sh).

and Polonaise,

fKeep Warm



WINTER'S BREAKFAST TABLE WITH FRESH EGGS Also next winter's dinner table with healthful delicious meat. With our Queen and Treasure State Incubators your t r oubles are over. TRY THEM.

Sold by

Owenhouse Hardware Co.

If It's For Your Automo­bile


Anti-Freeze for Radiators-Engine and Radiator Covers Robes-Hand Warmers-Foot Warmers

Story M.otor Supply


lheSugar DO YOU GO?



(Orehestral pa r u; on second pian o) Inez Dusenberry, ·12, is home in ).Liss Sa les. ,_--------------I Bozeman from C'alirornia.

.June Philpot , 'Jl, is with the bureau 1 of Standard s, ' Vasbi ngton, D. C.




CRANES LINEN LAWN The Correct Writing Paper


Not only attractive in appearance but unmistakably real In Quality

George H. Willson & Co. Aimee Piedalue, '15. is at home with

an attaC'k of measles.

(An Answer)

(By C. B. Galbreath, State Libra­rian, ('ol u mbns, Ohi o.}

• COLLEGE WOMEN IN DEMAND In I"landers' fie lds the cannon boom


Whether you sha ll need a Trunk, Bag or Sui tcase, You Can Depend Upon this store to supply you wit h the most Dependable Luggage that is produced and sold by anyone.

Our Prices too are "Ju t Right" for the Qua li t ies we sell.

1 THE W I LL S 0 N CO. I 1866 1918. i Buy t hr ift Stamps F. very Day.


There are fiftee:i young women who I And fitful flas hes light the gloom. v.i ll be gr!lduated from the h om e eca. ' Vhile un above, like eagles fly nomic~ department of the S tate coll ege T he fie r ce destroyer s of t h e sk y; at the commencement in J un e. A I \\'ith stams the earth wh er e in you lie n umber of these women have been Is 'edder than the 110p11y bloom placed 111 positions as teachers of h om e In Fla ndets' Fields econ om ics in high schools Miss Myr · ti e Kuhns of Kahspell h as been ten · ! SlePp on ,.e llrA\'e The sh nekmg de red a position as in s t r uc tor in h ome shell. eco:wmics in th e Univer s ity or Ne- T h e q u arki n~ trench . the s tartled ye11, bras ka. The oft'er ca m e through Mi ss Thf> fury of t h e battle h ell Alice Loom is, head of the h ome eco- Shall wake you not , for a ll is well. n omics de pa r tmen t in th e Univers it y S leep peacefu lly for a ll is wel l of ~et. raska who vis ited t h e S ta te coll ege recen tl y. Miss Loomis is t ern· Your flaming torch aloft Vl'e bear, poraril .r emp loyed as in spector for all I \Vith b urni ng h_eart an. oath. we ~w ear western states for th e work of voca· To keep the faith. to fight 1t th tough. tiona l ecJucat ion and she ts now v isi t · To c rush the roe or s leep wi th you In~ ~uue institu tions in thiE; section. l a Flanders' 1ield.

I Kenyon-Noble Lumber Co.

320 West Main . Phone No. 4

Pink George


Worth Your While If you have some clothes that you have hung away be·

cause you were tired of them now is the time to get them out. and have them cleaned and pressed. It is popular now to wear old clothes as well as to save food.

Call 185 and we will call for and delh-er.


HAVE YOU BOUGHT A BOND YET ? !___ __________ _


Page 4: BOZEMAN, M01TANA, Rll1AY, MAY - Montana State University

TH;:: \\"EEKLY EXPO:'-/ ENT FIUDAY, ;IJA Y 17. 1918.


lie~ure and conteutwent bere at home. tra>el \':ith me a(-ross the ocean to lJ U most intercst1ng to note that tile MANY rHANf.[S IN tion n.t the back or the catalog it is

Americans as they pass on their way c giHratit-n ·1 1917 wns 1.0~0. and that to the front line>. \'le" them OS they I g 17 18 ATALor. although war ('OllditiOn~ haYe prevail· accupy the first line a.:nd Jive under .. U ed. the registration for 1917-191 is

Rev'iew those thousands of I Bozeman 1

Hotel I I conditions t.hal it was thought impos- l.l!G. an increase 01 l:l students oYer !

Uurfng the ""'talt. Coiit'!:)C Sumruer sible for d''ilization to create. See the prN·eding year. It b also inter-::-.f'~ 10 ,\ bich u:

0 .. J, .e 17t~1 ,,ar the men of that heroic army of Fram.:e New Catalogue Now ln the Hands of esting to note that thlrty-seYen 9! the

·ou .. ~t !ii will be u( l' r a Th~ •IJricfu and I3rirnn as they grimly march away Regis~:::·ra~d~::n~o~~:~i~le of·~1ru6neii·~::~c.uow in some form or mi1-

' ! Modern Moderate Cornf ortable I I nntrs( :- ' llf tlw FPrn1 Arlminlstr::ticm to their J)Osts Cast a glance at the .... ,. \\ill ruabl~ home e<onomii·s te 11.:her~ steacl.r line of wounded arrh-ing from to ada1H U1eir work tu foo<l conserLl..· Lhe battle, to await their tui·n to re- Copies of the new catalog Soon after J·:ngland declared "·ar 1Jon requirements. The ''College ceiYe meili<'!:'!.l trentrnent. \\'atch the years 1 ~ 17 _1 $1 18 are uow 011 h:lo:d ti~: Rupe1 [ Brooke. a brilliant young En­<'rn1r"e·· of the Foud Admiu!~traliun ntll ses nnd doctors doing what th~y the He~istral''s oHke. Some very glish 11oet. Yoluuteered, and arter rl1'al:s. with food c.' on ... t;>najion anrl cot'.- C'::?.n for the men who haYe dun~ t ~ striking dlanges ha\'e bee·l made as training at une o[ lhe camps was as­IL.g o.nd leacb lo a certHkate. Plans best they could in the h fight.

1 J~rol regard~ the preYious ecHticm. Probnb· signed to seni<'e with th~ Gallipoli

·1rP befng made for .l strong cvursc iu out O\'er the hills nenr t e batt e mes ex1Jedittouary forr.e. He died before ed Cross nursi:1~ A cnun•l· in \\-ar lu F'ranee aud obsene that vasl.. neld ly lll08t important to the srndeuts are I' aching Gallipoli peninsula and was

history will run throu~! the six weeks or white crosses that mark the resting the new rnles for regh;tration fees. ~essiC111. places of OYer a million men. Hegi~tration fees( including ~ummer l>uried u11on the island of Scyros. "\Ve I Return home and again look at the I quarter registration, lnte registralion. pi·int tbis week l_wo poems which he


SAYERS TAKES FIRST P L AC E men wasting their time by strikes an(l B.pecial attendance fees) will not wrote after enlisting in lhe army. I N A NNUA L CO NTEST and walkouts in the mines .. shipyords, be reruuded un<ler any dl'<:nmst:iaces. I I

and factories. and see if it is possible Heretofore R ret"\lnd was given on t I t "all 'he u llte. tlia the enemv late re,g-istralion if an ample excuse I I

<Continued rro1u Page Oue.) Coa; Lhe;e 'rue~ st1ill l>en our friend~: was presented. but this year no part

TodHY there is Olli? one 4

uest.ion, j whe~ they are willi~g t~ sacrifice of the ree will be returned. Another I ! tme sulijeet that ls worth consider· I nothmg.' not e've_u. their leisur e mom· change is that students withclra1\ring atiou. That il:i the war. Due to the en ts fot the "elfa1 e or some one else. by the beginning ol' the l:irst week I ·onfusjou of wnr, il becomes uecessar,:. C'nn we e'len call them Americans will recei\'e u reru::1d or 90 per cent of


I may Jrnow what part, what task has :''ery man .. woman an 1

Gallatin Laundry Co. Corner Bozeman and Babcock Sts.

Everything New and UP-to-Date. Special

at tention given to students. Try us with

your next package of laundry


foi· us lo secure our beariug, that we when ther turu their backs on the their lriboratory fees. 'l'hose wi th· ~ moy !mow where we stand; lhat we call of sacrifice as it comes from drawing by the hegiuning of the sec- 1 ~~ I lJeen assigued to us as citizens of Europe. A bitter sense of shame and Three new registration tees a re $2.0U lhe country Uiat hi at war. So todll.j' humiliation should take possession of 11er nuarter for adults not regularly G II • L d Co

le'.er). true Amet.icall "'ll:n

Ct:l-~d ma·: ot1cl week will receive onlv. JO per cent. A ~'" '\ ,':, I •t is for us to first le•ru against register~d but attending oiasses a• I a abn aun ry . v. horn we are contending( who are of Lhe shlp:"ards fail to answer the listeners or for special sLtnlents re- , I I I uiemtes are. Pnless we know the call of brotherhood of tbe1r awn Am- gislering for not more than two I ~~ . , ! '-------------------------------! ~~nemy, bow and where he worl{s; un· e11can brother as he fights, thousands comses Also a fee for $3 00 11er quar


.---------·--------------------Iess we ure al> le to recoguize him at o[ miles n" ay in France Are they I ter as a library deposit will be reqmred


once. until then we must work under men al all if they can hear and heed 01 all students 'Tlns "111. o[ course. 1

OF NEW GINGHAMS 0erious aut! abo\'o all a dangerous tbe appeal .ts it comes back froru he t efnntierl tf ' 0 l\nes ha,·e been 1 •

1 Our imm ence stock includes IS OUR MIDDLE NAME AND WE ENJOY SHOWING

I o,·et' there·, Are '.'Ou "oing \,•our part? made YOU OUR STOCK. <iisadrnutnge. " ' · 127 and 30 inch domestic weav- I ·'\Yho then ar our enemies and Stld it is that. this nation of ours A n1uch longer ~alendar ,is. fo~md i1.1 es a~ well a~ a varied an~. ex-

\Yhy?" must learn that there are men among the new :dition. £be ne". [~111 qu~1- I tensive choice of t he finest Id I Furniture Co. German~ antl those with whom they sader still is the lrno,vledge that these tending to the autumn quarter of 1919. ch eck".s and wonder·f til e"'fect s T. P . Be11ed1'ct A. C. Kelty

us who at'e usiug liberty as a means ler pl•.". IS pres.e.ut~-d heg· m·ntng Wtlh. ! quality of Sc_otch and Fre_nch •, ea At once the answer comes. "Tile to gain their own selfish ends. But the .piesenl sp1 rng quai te1 and ex- zephvr s , pla1n colors, stripes, I

:lre alliet.1 are our enemies.'' \Ve call f h ' " few men without a thought o t e -.·\::a o. utlin.e of a new (to. u.rse ror nurses 1 I·n plai'ds . them enemies because they fight that k I -----------------·-------·------.! iiberty ~bnll no longer exist. They ~1:~1~~:u:t~l~ ~ll~:~r::il~ia,:'x~es:~~·e t~iT::rt~ is gn·eu m the new ed11..1~n. Last ye~r I Prices r ange f r om 30 to 45c I fight to so imiwess upon tbe people a graduate course was o1fered but this of the "arid. the fea.r of the Kaiser. for al~. is now discontinued aillf in its place I l'f:.ih. "}l,f""P~ r D: ~4SH -R©· that they will ne\'er again attempt L'nltl the men of the fields. the will he s11us1ituleti a preparatory ~".I 5 UL;{_, ~ . t I

sl.lipyard.s .. the mine~ .. hear lbe call tourse. 1t is also Lermed "A \\'ar - .... L\<vAYS Rfllflo.BLr:-- ! rn determine their own des(inies. We 1 f I \ call them Pnemies because they ha Ye ot sacnfn·e. ans" e1 the appea o Bmergem·y Course" and sUould prc'•le

Jnothe_rhood. a1.Hl work for the pr.e· 1 Yaluable in bringing about a reserve

1 forgotlen the limits of civilization h I ~\?'J\at1on of ltheTtY through t eir suppl~ al nu1 ses The Tracie!'; f and Jrn.'e <:ommitted acts, the shame different oc·cupat10111..; until then they I lncluslr" course although of[ered be- FASHION BARBER SHOP t nf whkh shall hhJt these nations as l a I a1e om enemies and they have c ose toie 1s round 111 outl1·1l" foru1 the same A I ·t I h ~ong a:::. time shall last. tbat bright and glorious road to as th~ othe1 standa;·cl l'OUlSe!'=. ulr I c ean, san1 ary p ace \V er e t

Young Shoes I \

Ladfos' Army in the Munson Last



But cherP are other enemies. No nctory and left onl)' that Hlt [11led Jel·ts wlnch ate not closel) ie lated to you get good service I, longer <"an 1he J)eo11le or this country t I I ·arry 1>11 "itlt itnl[ closed eyes. the roe\,\' palb or defea I tile stunrlartl courses sur\1 ,1s Ettgflsh vVe appreciate your pat r onage l a<'tivitie-~ antl of this nation, SUMMER O(IARTER ~: 11~~~~t:~1;~:cle:~·1.~:t11bs::n11~~:~::.~~~ i I LETTS & MARQUIS I Exclusive Shoe Store

LANG BROS. fm· i[ they do they will fai1 to see the ~ .

1 • J '.\'ote •s made ot the rec·ellt w1lhclra"al 1' I men iu (lisguise as Americans. who ~-- & S B l BOZE.l\1AN

years a.l?:l) saw the shores of America "- nt t 11.e GP1 man c·ourse. I• Under G. T. . a n (

NOT A CERTA'NTV Ry means ot a summary ur registm- ------------!


1c:: tho~e of thf' promised land; a. lanrt 1pen '0 all thosP in pursuit .of prosper-

11 y. happine~s and freedom. America, '' ith all that ~he had to offer, let hem in. They enjoyed and are en- Faculty Has Not Yet Decided Whether

1 lug all the free institutions tbat Number of Students Desiring Sum· '~ll and I enjoy. Little more Lhan a mer Work Will Warrant Its Adop-

tion This Summer.



~::::u:u!::::::::::::::::::u:::::um::uu=--1-.++:n:::::u:nm: 11 : 11111111: ' 111 ' ' '' 11' J

i Harness---Harness---Harness l ~ MADE IN OUR OWN SHOP I ; Collars--Pads--Strap Work :: Full line Grass Seeds-Clover, Alfalfa, Timothy-Our stock ii ~ now in. F ill your needs promptly as supply will be shor t. H ·ear ago, America issued the call to

11 her citiiens to join in the fight g-ainst the comm.on enemy of rnan·

dud. Dul es}lecially did sbe issue 11 o <'all to lhose wbo had adopted

Ame1ica as tbeir bome and countJ·y, •hat they might haYe the opportunity ,f fighting for lbe things they longed ur auct tlitl secure To the German I the enited State5. ::)bould come the

The quarter plan i$ heing tried for I the first time at the '..\lorirnna Stat.e College. As a result or Uris arrange· ment qollege i8 to c·ontinue dnring pan of lht> summer months.

Your go\·ernment desires that e\'erybody be gi\'en an op­portunity to learn aU facts about the war· E\·ery American should knO\\' why we entered this war. EYery American should know why we must fight on until the high ideals of Americanism and Democracy are attained.

President Wilson created the Committee on Public Infor ­mation to tell the people t he truth. As a part of its work this committee ha prepared a series of thirty-se\·en book­leb. each dealing with a vital war problem. These book­lettr will be furnished free upon request . Fill in coupon below.

:: Wool Sacks ii :_~ Ours are in. Better look these up at once Hii : A very large line of builders Hardware. ii Let us make you figures. ii

'.all with double fOrC'e, to awaken him hat he might enroll in that army that ill secure for the generations that

•. de to C'ome, for those less fortunate, the thin2's that he possessed.

A shOJ'l time ago a meeting was llelcl in Professor's Tallmcm·s room to tlncl out how 1wmy students desired to ha \·e college woTk during the summer quarter. Twenty-fh·e students were pre!:>ent and expre!ised Lheir wish to carry o:t Lhe sC'l10ol work. A number 1

'Let us once again searc:h this land of courses were asked for. Six \"\'anted of our~ to s t:' if we have not in some Ec<rl\Olnic:s. nine F'rench. four English mknnwn "H) J. ft un.:>earched some three ;\lathematies. fiye Home l~couo~ spot. some place Lhat shelters or pro· mic:s. nine Chemistry, two Physics. eels those who :J.rC' in sympathy with 1u11r St·H·retarinl, seYen Klecl rical En-1

0ur euemies. Yes we have another gineering. four Civil Engineering, t>nemy, an enemy 1hat can if be will twe\\~ J\ledianic·al

1J.:ugineeri;1g. anrt

two wantl:id ~econdary \VOrk to Ilel'mit tht>m to regbter as regular student" next October

nook let Ko. :i

Booklet ~o. fi

Contents: Hundreds 1l quotations rom the writings o[ leading German stace~men. professors. and publicists, reveali:lg the Prussian idea of world conquest. 0~1 •ection is clPYoted to Germany's designs upon the United States with s1;ecial refel' nee to the 1ilom·(I(' nnc·t· l'ine. 160 pages with comprehensiYe map.

GHJRMA~ ".AR PRACTlC!TIS. Prussianism in all its honor. :.\fethutls or the German Military Machine. Uo<'ttmeutary proofs of German official brutalities \l}JOll ti\'ilians. )Janating instances O[ frightfulness Htl•\~n directly from German sources .

l~~=-~~~~~I I I






l I I


l he as desu uctive, as relentless, as ;,ffedi\'e here i11 A mericn as though he ·"''e"e figptiug side hy side with the . s:;erman troop. in Europe. From these figu.rl:;!s one eau see tbal

The !:lUCCCl:iS oi thr:> war rests on the one ~tuclent might want work in twl' ,.iforts put forth lJy the man of the 01 thr'°~e d'iferent c:onrsl't'. T'he fac· mines, the fit:lds, the shipyards, the ully was highly i>lesaed to find such faC'tories. From the~e different OC· 1.irgC' nnmhPr llesir'1ng: work dud.1g

l'J a lions come the materials. which thl• ;>;lllllllH r The~ feel sure that man~ 1


:'\o. 11;1

\\'llY A?>fER.l('A ~'IGH1'S GlciDIA:\\". A •latornent wlt~ America entered the war. Deals with offen.ces of German)· against America and against thu WOTld. The l·as(' in n nut shell written h t)iain lnng·uage.




u lheir prn11e1 fort:ns go forward to nthPr ~tude:1ts would alt.end from tl1e I ~u:·oJif' to ·a11y on the fight. Stop stute at lnrg-e H school is lwld. As ·ur a time the sn11ply of materials t:.'t tht college au1horlties. are unabl<' ml th~ hopl' of Yll'lory and pcaC"e to i;.ay whether s(·lwol will ('onlinue

Yill \·anish from 011r sight. for the ~1l111111er Inn will renc:h a con· ~oday, in the shiprards of America, , Ju<;illn \C'r)' :->t.on. Definite plans are

thousands or men remain idle, They being worked out for the summer n1 e 11ot lurninJ:: a hanli. they are not qnnrlP!'S work or lhe next ('Ollege 1111tling forth a. single effon, they are yt• r doing nothiug to tarry out the great -hip building program lhat ls to de- THE FOUR T H OFF IC ER S

T RAINING CAMP 1Pat tbe submarine. They are not roducin.e: shitis lO carry

.-wross the ,;pa. nor ship~ to carry Tlleodore Reddick, F'rank O'connor. "'ood to the ~tanlng: people of our autl :\Ir. !!are \il Butte, the successful :1lli'es. \\'hy. bel'nn:::.e their lO\'e of tancliclates ror the l•~ourth Offkers' mone)·, their desire for wealth, their Tralnin~ ('amp, to be held at Camp 'tnwillinf:!;ness to al·c.·ept terms that Lt'wis tie~inni11c; thP l:ith of May, leCt lo not me<.H1 a material gain, have here \Yeclnesda) "Bud" Reddicl' and suC'h a hold on their mind~ and ideas.1 F'r:w]{ O'("onnor are both prominenl that thC'ir e)'es dosed to lbe con· nwrnlrers ot' 1he SQnior class and will

1 itions that (.'Onfront the world. So he mbRed hy the enth·e school .. 'Bud" .t is the mines, (he factories, the ReddiC'k \\as rlrcul<uion manager or fields. All expect soon lo be rich at t.hc> l•!xponent and one or lbe most ·he expense or the world. efficiPnt and hard worki11g members

l~ven the follrs al l10me are grumbl· of th staff. He was on Lhe Mexican I n~ and ('Omplaining betau~e their border last summer and was for a

food :sUJJlllY has been limited and re· time (·apt:tln ut the Student Corps ~11lated Some wonder yet why their here. l<'rank O'Connor was 1wesident :-ons ha'"e heen drafted to fight. "'hy of t his year$ Stags and was acti\•e

The abo\·e mentioned are but three of a serieti of thirty-seven authentic war publications. Fill in coupon below and these tha·ee booklet~ will be sent you together with a complete cata­logu~ from which you may select other booklets.


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