botting 101 by jogex

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Post on 01-Nov-2014




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This is a guide that will take you through all the answers that you would possibly be asking yourself then getting into the botting business.


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Hello and welcome to this HonorBuddy 101 guide. The purpose of this guide is to answer every question you might have about botting. No more searching for 10 different guides for each step of the way.

If you want to start botting, or want to advance from casual botting to actually making money, you are ready the right guide! My name is Jogex and I have been botting since 2008. Over the years I have acquired a lot of experience with botting. Now I have decided to share some of my experiences, and show you how to do some basic stuff as well. The first few pages will be a lot of basic stuff that maybe most of you already know. However I will go more in-depth of the gold industry in the chapter “How to profit”

Getting startedPurchasingPurchasing HonorBuddy can be done at www.Honorbuddy.comYou can either try it out for one day for a small fee, or you can buy three/one session. One session means you can use the bot on one character at once. One session will last way over 100 years. No subscription is needed to keep using HonorBuddy. When the purchase is completed you will find a key in your E-mail inbox. Do not loose this key, as this will be used to log in to HonorBuddy each time you want to use it (It will be saved after the first time, tho). The key will look something like this 6A5R9S2X5B1J9T4O1L4F

DownloadTo get your copy of HonorBuddy go to When writing this, there is currently also Beta release of HonorBuddy. I would not recommend for you do download the beta version. Get your latest version from the post marked with [Release]. Once the download is complete you will need a program to extract the files from the .rar you just downloaded. To do this, download WINRAR from Now create a new folder anywhere on your computer where you’d like HonorBuddy to be. You can name the folder "HonorBuddy" if you want. When that’s done all you need to do is open the .rar file you downloaded and drag and drop all the files inside (not the top folder called "..") into your newly created folder.

Additional SoftwareTo make sure that HonorBuddy will run without any issues, you will need to download and install Microsoft .NET ( and Microsoft Visual C ( Chances are that your computer already has these installed, but if you’re unsure try and install them anyways.

Now you are all set to go. If your computer has UAC enabled, running HonorBuddy.exe as Administrator can be a good idea to ensure every thing will run without issues.

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PluginsPlugins essentially works the same way for HonorBuddy that add-ons does for wow. You can find all of them on the HonorBuddy forums and there's a lot of them that can help improve your botting experience.I will only be going over the plugins that are essential to both leveling up your character and when farming for mats unattended.

How to install a plugin is very easy! Again, most of the plugins you download will be inside a .rar file. As mentioned earlier in the Getting Started -> Download section; you need WinRAR to read those files. Download WinRAR from Once you have WinRAR ready, and have downloaded the plugin you want, simply open the .rar file and drag and drop the folder inside to your HonorBuddyFolder -> Plugins. That’s it.

Enabling and configuring the plugin you just added is also easy. Once the bot is open click the "Enhanced Mode" and you will see a button called "Plugins". Click this. You will now be presented with a list of all your current plugins. To enable one, simply click the box to the left of the name of the plugin. To configure that specific plugin (not all plugins are able to be configured!) make sure the right plugin is highlighted and click on "Settings" (Some plugins change what the button is called, but you can always find the button on the bottom left corner)

Alright, so we know how to install and use a plugin. Now let’s go download some. Here is my list of useful plugins.

1. Mr.ItemRemover2 – You can set it to remove whatever item you like. If you’re farming you can set it to remove all those Life and Water Spirits.

2. AutoEquip2 is Included in HonorBuddy. This one will make sure your character always equips the best gear that is in your bags.

3. ItemForAuraQuestHelper (Included in kick’s profile pack. See: Profiles.) Helps HonorBuddy with some specific quests.

4. Anti Drown (Included in Kick’s profile pack. See: Profiles.) Makes sure your bot won’t drown under water.

5. Refreshment is Included in HonorBuddy. This will automatically tell HonorBuddy what food is in your inventory.

To browse for more plugins, check out

Custom Classes/Combat Routine

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I know it’s not called Custom Classes anymore. Now it is called Combat Routines or just Routines, but being the veteran that I am I still call it Custom Classes or CCs.Custom Classes are, mostly fan made, scripts that changes the way HonorBuddy fights with your wow character. If you are doing stuff like dungeons or are on a class that requires "skills" to stay alive or to slay more mobs before needing to rest for more health, you might want a good Custom Class/Combat Routine.If you are running a DK or a Retribution Paladin you might not need anything else than the standard Singular CC. But again, if you’re doing dungeons with HonorBuddy you might want one. In my experience you will be fine with Singular for questing/grinding/farming if you’re on a DK or Pally (I don’t have any experience with any other classes)If you want to install a CC, it works the same as when installing a plugin except this time you’re dragging the folder to your "Routines" folder inside HonorBuddy root folder.What kind of CC you want/need is entirely up to you. I suggest you look for one that would suite you on Don’t forget to read the entire post before you download. There's usually a lot of important information that you need to know.When the Custom Class, or Combat Routine, has been installed you can most likely do some configurations when inside the bot. To do this Click on "Enhanced Mode" and then on "Class Config"

ProfilesAs you probably already know, a profile is a must to get the party started. Knowing what you want or need is something that is required before going hunting for a profile.On The Buddy Forum there are a few people working hard to delivering good quality profiles to you guys. I will mention a few of them right now. First you need to learn about SVN, though.


SVN is in this case something that will allow you to keep your profiles constantly updated. It basically works like DropBox or Google Disk. The author of the profile you’re getting through his SVN can be updated without you having to check his forum post or having to overwrite any existing files.Before explaining further, let’s download a SVN program. I like TortoiseSVN, so let’s use that one. You can get it at


Here I will list my list of profiles that I currently use to quest and level up.Kick's profiles are the commonly used ones. They are really good, but you will most likely come across other botters using the exact same profile as you. This is in most cases not a big deal though.This is the link to Kick's SVN

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Now what you need to do is create a folder where you want his profiles to be located. Once that's done, right click that folder and you will see the option "SVN Checkout". Click this and paste the link into the "URL of repository". Click OK and it will download all the profiles.When this is done there are a few things you need to do to make his profiles run as smooth as possible. First off open the first folder called "Kick's Profiles" and go further to "1-90 Questing Profile Pack"Inside this folder you will be presented with another folder named "Quest Behaviors" and "plugins" You need to copy both these folders and paste them in your HonorBuddy folder. Don’t forget to overwrite any existing files.

Next guy is called Cava. His profiles are still under the making (as I’m writing this) but so far he has done a great job and he really adds new profiles often.His SVN: Don’t forget to SVN Checkout this in a different folder to keep things organized.Don’t forget to regularly update the profile folders as the authors may add important fixes. To update the files right click on the same folder you did the SVN Checkout on and click SVN Update. A window should open and if there are any updates you should see new files loading.


When it comes to farming I can’t really recommend any profiles to you guys. Public farming profiles are never a good idea to use. They work, but the issue is that too many are using them and that can cause problems with the safety of botting. If you have no idea how to make your own profiles and feel like it would be OK to use public ones, check out to browse them. Try and look at the thread views to get an idea on how many that is using the specific profile. I would personally stay away from anything with more than 1000 views.However I would like to share my own two private profiles with you guys, that have read this far.

Mining and Herbing - Jade Forest By Jogex

Mining and Herbing – Valley of the Four Winds By Jogex

The password for both is: 101guide

ReloggersA good relogger is a must if you’re doing unsupervised botting. What a relogger does it simply logging your character back in to the game and starts up HonorBuddy again when your wow account gets disconnected or anything like that. Most reloggers also have the options to schedule tasks. That means you can choose to, for example, bot for 4 hours take a break for 1 hour and bot again for another 4 hours.

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Download aRelog here

aRelog is one of the easier reloggers. Its easy to setup and does the job. I use this relogger for WoW Auctioning in the morning. I generally don't like using the aRelog with scheduling because it has no random timer. It logs in to the game very quickly and without any hassle.You can place this wherever you like on your computer. When the program is opened, the first thing you would want to do is to add you account information. Do not worry, as there is no way the developer can access this information. Click on "Add" on the right side and start filling in the information. If you have several wow accounts on your account this would be where you fill in the "Account Name" It’s usually something like Wow1 or Wow2. HonorBuddy Path would be your HonorBuddy.exe in your HonorBuddy folder. Everything else is pretty self explanatory. I will get back to the Window Size and Window Location later. The auto start button is so that the account will start when pressing "Start All" and Act Slow is for slow computers.Now Save & Close and you're all done for now.

To add a Schedule for your account, simply select the correct account inside aRelog and click on "Schedule Selected". You'll see little window pop up. Add a task by clicking on "Add". The Bot Name is the same as the Bot Base on HonorBuddy meaning if you want to quest you would type Questing. This will force HonorBuddy to use the bot base Questing. Select your profile (if you leave it blank, HonorBuddy will automatically load the latest profile used). Add a time in hours. The Randomize Run Time Will only generate a random time for you once. If you type 1 it will change it to something like 1.38345106502387. You can do this yourself also. 1.5 = 90 minutes.

Here is an example of a schedule.

In this case the bot will first use gatherBuddy2 for 2 hours. When 2 hours have passed it will exit wow and open it back up again, but this time it will force HB to use ProfessionBuddy where you for example can sell your gold from your bank character. It’s easy to change character. After clicking on “Add” simply tick off “Change Character” and fill in the info.

Idle means that the bot will exit and wow will close and it will do nothing, in this case for 2 hours. After that the next task will execute. If “loop task” is enabled, it will go back to the top when the last task is completed. In this case it will it will start up GatherBuddy2 for 2 hours again.

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Pros and cons


Easy to use Several sessions with different settings Quick startup Act slow function for slow computers Change character feature


No active randomizing timer No pause button


Download HBRelog

HBRelog is personally my favorite relogger. It has a lot of neat features and is highly customizable. HBRelog is a very good choice if you want the bot to take breaks and generally if you want to bot without babysitting it. The reason for this is because HBRelog has two great features, the first one is a plugin that comes along with the relogger and its called HBRelogHelper. This plugin monitors HonorBuddy’s activity and notifies HBRelog if something is wrong, for example if HonorBuddy should stop working. In most cases HonorBuddy will still be a running process and therefor without the plugin most reloggers would assume that it is still running just fine. The second great feature is the “Random Minutes” feature. This allows the bot to run for a random time every day. For many people, including me, that are paranoid about being watched and getting banned for bot-like behavior this is a real nice trick up the sleeve for us.

When I first tried HBRelog, everything went smooth until I came to the Task setting. This is where it’s easy to get confused as there are so many different tasks to choose from. Don’t worry as I will show you how it’s done correctly.

This is your Tasks interface. In this case I have set up a schedule that works great over night. Since I have more than 10 accounts running from the same computer, I like to not have them all start at the same time. So firs I added an Idle task. To add something, just drag and drop from the left menu to the right. My Idle setting are Minutes = 10 Random Minutes = 5. Be sure not to have more Random Minutes than Minutes as this can

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make it bug out resulting in the bot never starting. So for example Minutes 10 Random Minutes 10+ can cause problems. After the Idle I added Logon. You can leave this blank as it will then use the settings entered in the “Account Tab”. If you want it to log in on another character you can do that as well.

Now the rest it pretty much up to you. But if you’re interested in my settings they are:

M = Minutes - RM = Random Minutes

1. Idle M: 10 RM: 102. Logon3. Wait M: 290 RM: 304. Idle M: 60 RM: 155. Logon6. Wait: 250 RM: 407. Idle 9999 (Until I wake up and close HBRelog)

On the “Bot” tab the Bot input would then be the botbase you’re using. If for example you’re farming, you type GatherBuddy2. If you don’t have a special Custom Class you can type in Singular or leave it blank.

HBRelog also has a nice Pause button. This can be very useful if you are running into trouble with HonorBuddy and have to stop it or temporarily close it down. If the bot is set to Paused in HBrelog, it won’t be starting up automatically and bugging you while you’re resolving whatever issue you were having.

Pros and cons


Easy to use Quick startup Change character feature Pause button Plugin Helper


Only able to have one instance with same settings.

I feel like I may have to clarify what I mean by “only able to have one instance with same settings”. Maybe there is a workaround, but so far I have had no luck doing this.

If you have a lot of accounts and want to have one HBRelog with all the farmers and one HBRelog with all the Auction characters, there is no way of doing this. If you make another folder with another copy of HBRelog all the previous setting will show up there as well. This is because the setting are saved within your Appdata folder, thus making it difficult having more than one instance of HBRelog with different data in it.

Nevertheless this is still in my opinion the best relogger you can get at this point of time.

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Window Location

If you are like me and want things to be in order and have structure, you will most likely want to have your WoW windows organized. If this is something you’re interested in I will gladly share my little template for this.

Check out my image hereThis template is based on two 1920x1080 screens with all WoW windows having 300x200 sizes!

This is how it looks on my screen nr.2

How to profit!Now lets move on to the more serious part. You now know how to setup your bot and make it run. But there are still loads more to know. This part is only for those that are interested in using HonorBuddy for something more than grinding honor, or just making enough gold to buy that mount you always wanted. This is for those that are looking to make some real profit! Sounds nice, huh?

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Realm and raceThere is no real answer to how to do it right, as there are so many opinions. But I will share with you what I think is the best way to do make some real profit. My current goal on how to do it right, is basically just to make profit. This is also a good goal if you’re just starting off. If you live in a country like Norway, there is no real chance of making enough money to be able to live off of it. That’s why in my situation this is something I do on the side, but still make decent cash as a hobby.

Choosing realm

Something that you definitely have to do first is some recon. If/when you want to expand to more realms you NEED to know what realms has some good activity, what the prices are, and how easy it is to sell mats. There are numerous ways to do this, but your best option is to simply take a look at Basically any of the top realms would be a great choice for you.

I would advise you to ignore the realms written in a foreign language as I have absolutely no idea how good the gold demand is on those Russian realms.

However any of the other realms you se here would be a good option for you and me to start farming on.

Check it out yourself!

It’s always a good idea to log in on the server and take a look yourself also. Keep an eye on the population. Look at Outland for example. There is almost twice as many on the Alliance side compared to Horde. It would be the best choice to choose Alliance for this realm, obviously.

Class and race

When selecting a class and race it’s important to pick something than will level up without having to sit down and eat/drink after every kill. I usually level with a retribution paladin or a

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death knight. The reason for this is because they both have very good self healing and they also both have talents to fly 10% passively faster. This is two things that will serve you well.

When choosing a race, it can be easy to go for the tauren as horde because it herbs faster. STOP! If you are looking for a nice leveling up experience with quest-botting, I would strongly advice you NOT to choose a tauren or any other big boned race. They tend to get stuck VERY often. Go for a Gnome as Alliance or a Goblin as Horde (They can both play as DK). If you are starting out on a new account, you can’t make a Death Knight before you have another character at level 55 or higher, unfortunately. A good class to level up to 55 with would be a shadow priest. As of 5.1 they are very strong.

What you needThere are a few things you need before getting started. First of all you need a computer, and obviously HonorBuddy and World of Warcraft as well. I will quickly show you a few places to buy these!

HonorBuddy can be purchased from If you are low on cash you can always try different forums to buy used keys. I personally won’t recommend this as the original owner has the right to take back the key whenever they feel like it. If you should decide to do this, make sure that you’re trading with a legit person.

World of Warcraft gives us a lot more options about where to purchase it. The first rule is basically not to buy it from Blizzard Store. Since prices changes all the time I can’t really link you the cheapest one. My best and only solution would be to link you the ones I know and can vouch for. They also have good/decent prices. is very popular. You also gain points for each purchase. is also a well known site. You also gain points for each purchase. are known for having great sales. Other than that the prices are OK.

A computer is also, of course, required to get all this started. It’s important that you know what your computer can handle before you go ahead and purchase more bots. Basically RAM and CPU is something that you should prioritize. In experience you can get a computer for 500-700 Dollars that can run anything from 1-7/10 bots. Keep in mind that 1 bot +wow consumes about 1GB of RAM and anything from 10-20% of your CPU.

How to botWhen starting of there are several approaches that can work. I will only tell you about the two methods that I have used and have experiences with myself. You have the standard way and you have the high-risk/high-gain way. Ill tell you about them both.

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The safer approach is basically when you start off with one ore more accounts and bot it for 6-9 hours a day. You grab your mats sell it on AH or COD them to other players. At the time of writing this (5.1) this will make you about 5-9k per day (very realm dependent). At the lowest price of 0.3$ per thousand gold, it will take you about a month before you will have earned enough to purchase your next account if you were starting out with one account. If you consider botting a hobby this might be acceptable to you.

If not, the high-risk/high-gain way might be something worth doing. I personally have done several test with 24/7 accounts and it looks to be working very well. However you never know when the bans will hit you, thus making this method high-risk. Botting 24/7 will increase the ban risk by a lot, however it will also increase your gold earnings but a lot. If you’re on a decent server you can make about 20+k gold a day which enables you to make about 40$ a week. I am currently running 4 bots 24/7 that have been up for more than a month now. But like I said, you never know. The ban can hit you the second you purchase Mist of Pandaria. It’s a risk we all take.

What method you want to use is completely up to you. I myself started with one account botting over night about for about 8 hours. This is also the way I would recommend for you to go. The gold earnings are of course less but by doing about 8 hours a day you can have your account for as much as a year before the first ban hits you. My oldest botting account is about 18 months old and I have been doing 8 hours on it every night (except Wednesdays of course).

How to store the goldStoring gold can also be a challenge. The method that I, and probably many others, use is very safe and will also keep your gold safe at all costs. What you need is a guild bank for your bank character. Name it something real (not asd) and maybe also add new titles, some guild info, and a MOTD. Basically do whatever to make it look legit. Now you do need another account. I know it sucks to spend more cash on a new account you will most likely never use, but trust me on this. When the ban hammer strikes you, you will thank me. Now invite your new level 1 guy and give him proper permissions to withdraw gold (100k per day is max) It can also be a good idea to give the rank under him enough permissions as well so you can still invite gold buyers and let them withdraw gold from that character. Using this method will keep your gold safe, but if a GM does a personal investigation of your botting account its common that they delete the entire guild, unfortunately.

When the ban strikes

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If you don’t have any experience with appealing to Blizzard. I suggest that you don’t appeal the ban right away. Instead you should contact someone that knows their stuff. There are people selling unbans for reasonable prices and they have very high success rates. Keep in mind that the chance of getting unbanned if you already have tried to appeal, and failed, are low. Personally I only know one guy that does this that I can vouch for. You can find his thread on OwnedCore here.

Fishers unban service

Game Cards or RAFOne of the options you will come across is how you want to pay for your accounts game time. First rule is to basically stay away from blizzard store (as I mentioned earlier) as this is the most expensive place to get game time.

There are many reasons why the RAF future is a bad idea, but at the price I can easily see why so many choose to use it. If you don’t know what the RAF method is, it is basically a service you pay someone for to RAF you. Why the service is so cheap is something id rather not speculate about, but personally think it in most cases are stolen credit cards or something similar to that involved. However buying RAF will at this point not get your account, or you, in any trouble. But a lot of times your account will loose the free month after a period of time. It can happen after 1 day or after 29.

If you have a lot of accounts to keep track off, I would recommend Game Cards as you don’t have to pay attention to the status of the RAF all the time. On the other hand, if you are running 24/7 account(s) I would personally use RAF.

Keeping trackIf you’re looking to make money, it’s important that you keep track of your income and outcome.

I find it useful to have an Excel sheet with all my gold sales on. This allows me not only to see how much I have made, but also what realms are good. This is a part of my Excel sheet. If you like statistics and such there is a lot you can do with the data from Excel.

I also find it very useful to have one PayPal/MoneyBookers account dedicated only to World of Warcraft. I buy all my game time and new accounts from that account and whenever I sell gold, I get the payment to that account.

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Where to sell the goldSo your farming is going great and the gold is coming in. Now what? Basically there’s three ways to get rid of your gold. The on demand way, the sell in bulk way and the sell it yourself way (which I will not get in to). When selling to on demand buyers you will in most cases get a good price, however this is not the case for bulk selling. The price can be as much as 50% lower when selling gold in bulk. I myself try to sell as much as I can to on demand buyers, but when the gold stacks up to over 2-300k gold on one realm, I spend a few days looking for the best bulk buyer. Let’s take a closer look at what these two methods can offer you and how to contact them.

Selling in bulk

This option, like I said, should always be “last resort”. When you got more gold than you are comfortable having is basically when you should consider selling it all, or most of it. The best part of selling in bulk is of course that you can get rid of as much gold as you want and get paid instantly. If you are trading a lot of gold, especially with buyers from china, I would advise you to trade the gold from a battlechest account. The reason for this is because accounts playing from China are in most cases flagged the second they log in as “suspicious”. If an investigation is set in motion and a GM is assigned to check it out, you don’t want the trace to lead back to your farmer. Getting the gold from your guild bank has always worked for me and has always left my farmers safe.

Here are a few buyers Skype name that I personally have sold to without any issues. Ask them for their OwnedCore thread to read their feedback.

Gold4Key Lee.Liu6 Gold4Money2010 IdeasForGame Selltousok

On demand

This option is the best way, but it requires you do always be close to your computer or have setup something like TeamViewer with your smart phone. The best thing about on demand selling is that the price is so good, but you will most likely not be able to sell as much gold as you gain. Here is a list of places where you can sign up and add your gold to a sell-list. - This site buys your gold for a great price. He can pay you with either MoneyBookers or PayPal.

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Page 15: Botting 101 by Jogex - This site offers great price and they have very good demand. If you have good realms you can sell about 10-100k per day to them. - This site is the most popular one. There is, however, no list for you to enter your realms or gold amount on. The only way to sell to OffGamers is to check their list of gold demand, which makes it hard to sell much gold to them. But when you do sell some gold, the price is very good.

Please do note that gold prices changes all the time and can be VERY unpredictable.

Avoid scammers!

There will always be times when the price is not where you want it to be. In those times it can be easy to be attempted to go look for better buyers on forums like OwnedCore. This is something I would strongly advise you not to do. Unless the person buying your gold has good reputation and/or feedback from someone reputable, stay away. I know it can sound harsh and that maybe some of the people are probably legit, but it’s just not worth the risk. Also remember that if it’s too good to be true, it probably is.

Personally I have encountered more scammers than I wish I had. All of them seems very polite and will do whatever it takes to befriend you before the trade goes down. Some will also actually buy some small amounts gold from you at a good price to earn your trust before they “buy” a large amount from you and then block you. If you are using PayPal, make sure you get paid as a gift and check if he is PayPal verified by using this link:[email protected] Replace the [email protected] with the PayPal email to the person you’re dealing with.

Take care, people!

Written by Jogex

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