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The Cabbage Soup Diet

Family Matters

Expectant Grandparents

On the Way to Kansas City

The Nurse Practitioner is In

Father of the Year

Lauren Avery

Whats Your Schedule?


Halloween Party Invitation


MaxAttitudeOn Your AnniversaryExpectant Grandparents.

A new grandbaby is on its way.

Morgan is waiting so they can play.

Grandpa and Grandma can hardly wait

For the new babys arrival date.

A sweet new baby for them to enfold,

To cuddle and coddle, to cherish and hold.

God bless the new baby with health and joy

And a warm new home for a girl or boy.

Note to parents and grandparents on

learning the Kundingers were expecting a second child.

On the Way to Kansas City

Rain, rain, go away. Were going to Kansas City today

So come again another day.

Rain, rain. Such a pain. Gray skies and fog again.

Maybe we should a took the train or flown to Spain

Where the rain stays mainly on the plain.

Kansas is on a plain too, but it has no towns that end in ooo

From Wichita to Garden City, It may be plain but its sure pretty.

And Shawnee Mission is the best. Thats where the Mannchens built their nest.

What do you know? Weve only 600 miles to go

And the rain has gone away. I hope it comes back another day.

Now we can watch the passing scene. The rain has made the grass look green.

Theres a barn that needs some paint, with a rickety silo and house so quaint.

A lot of farms in the countryside and fields plowed with furrows wide.

Are they waiting for the farmer to plant his grain

On the sloping hills or the level plain.

We passed by Clinton on our way down. No not the President the town.

And Reagans birthplace. Boy-o-boy, did you know he was born in Illinois?

We stopped at Davenport that was a hit. There wasnt a single place to sit.

After that the rains came back, following us along our track.

Or was it the other way around? We followed the rain and the rain we found.

We need to get gas at the very next town, or maybe a nice dish of fish

Oh, oh! The next town is called Moscow. I hope someone there speaks English.

We passed lots more farms with fields of corn stubble

Lots of old barns with silos double.

Little woods here and there where deer can hide

On our Mequon to Kansas City ride.

We finally got gas and filled our bellys at one of the popular McDelis

Now were back on the road. Its 2:21; the winds very strong, making driving fun.

Gramps at the wheel, driving our scooter. Grandma Aggi is using her manual computer.

The Mannchen girls have asked for a poem to be ready to read when we get to their home.

I wonder, is a poem the same as a rhyme? I must look that up when I have time.

Can you climb higher in a warmer clime? Is salt on the edge of a glass rim rime?

Is it time to add a pinch of thyme? Curiosity is the spice of life.

It keeps the mind from getting steif.` The rains still sporadic, the fog is static

And just our luck, there is truck after truck. Purple trucks, red trucks and some not so pretty

Do you think theyre all going to Kansas City?

Ive got a strong hunch, they will be there for lunch.

Will the Mannchens be ready to feed that bunch?Were in Missouri, the show-me state, and the time is 5:06.

Wed better hurry and call Mugtown to make our football picks.

Oops, I forgot, that season went. Now soccer is the current event.

Were drawing close to old K.C. where the girls are waiting impatiently.

Their noses pressed against the pane, hoping to spot us through the rain

But the rain has stopped and once again we can see the road quite plain.

If wed taken a plane wed have been there by noon.

How long would it take if wed gone by balloon?

Soon we will be in Shawnee Mission

Will the Mannchens be home or did they go fishin?

Of course theyll be home, they can hardly wait

For Grandpa and Grandma to come through the gate

Michelle is pretending to read a book but every so often she sneaks a look.

Danielle is waiting, mild and meek restraining herself from taking a peek.

But Nikki is happy as a pig in clover;

Saying, Grandpa and Grandma, will you come over?For Michelle, Danielle and Nichole MannchenLauren AveryAfter nine long months of waiting

Came the long expected day.

Wendy said to Warren, Dear wed best be on our way.

Warren quickly grabbed the bags

And rushed our Wendy out the door

And to Mt. Sinaiwhere he waited

Pacing up and down the floor.

Waited, pacing in the lobby watching nurses hurry by.

Wait what is that sound I hear?

Can it be a babys cry?

Its a little girl and as you can guess

Shes adored by all at ZJS.

Lauren Avery Whats in a name?

Can it bring you wealth and fame?

With a name that ends in Blumenthal,

Why, she already has it all.Written for a fellow employee at Zigman-Joseph Skeen Public Relations firm.

The Nurse Practitioner is In

The baby has a temperature we hear a mother say.

I think wed better take him to the doctor right away

The office nurse says sorry, the doctors running late;

But he can see you in the office next Wednesday at eight

If we wait until next Wednesday our baby could be dead

Maybe we should see the nurse practitioner instead.

I think I sprained my ankle and its turned all black and blue.

Id better call the doctor to see what I should do.

I quickly dial the number just to hear a monotone

Doctor isnt in today; please leave a message at the tone.

I dont know why I bother; hes never at his station.

Ill call the nurse practitioner for an examination.

My secretary called in sick with sore throat and a fever.

She said she has a virus and would someone please relieve her.

I always knew that she was smart, thats why she works for me .She didnt call a doctor; she went straight to her N.P.

Her local nurse practitioner prescribed some medication;

And recommended that she take a day of relaxation.

Some things I just dont understand, Ill cut right to the chase.

Why does it take three specialists to diagnose a case?

My G.P. treated everything from pregnancy to gout.Now general practices are spurned and the family doctor out.

But there are some advantages to modern medicine;

Although G.P.s are obsolete, the Nurse Practitioner is in.

Can someone help, my wife is ill. cries an agitated spouse.


Dedicated to Kristine Mannchen upon her graduation as Nurse Practitioner (NP)Father of the Year

FYoure Fantastic, youre my FavoriteTreating all our kids the same

AAlways ready to assist with problems,or to give acclaim.

TTalented and quite Artistic, very

musically inclined.

HHonest, Honorable and proud,

Always helpful, good and kind.EYoure Everything a Dad should be

And all that I hold dear.

RIn Recognition, youre my pickFor Father of the Year.

Special to Max on Fathers DayWhats Your ScheduleOurs is a staff divided;

Scattered upstairs and down.

And to triple our trouble

The phone lines are double;

Im wearing a permanent frown.

Ours is a staff divided;

With five flights of stairs in between.

My minds in a torment

Not knowing where you went

Or when youll return to the scene.

Our is a staff divided;

Lets get it together once more.

Improved communication

Will save the situation.

Please be a co-operator.

This was written while Agnes was working as a Receptionist

at Zigman-Joseph-Skeen Public Relations firm


You silly little egg,

You broke your leg;

Jumping on the trampoline.

You bounced on the trampoline;

Trounced on the trampoline;

Oh my Stephanie, what a scene.

Your leg buckled under

And knocked you asunder.

It happened so fast!Now your legs in a cast

Way up to your hip

And you cant hop or skip.

If you really want to be in a cast

You should try acting;

Why youd have a blast.Wed come to watch

As you did the stroll.The star of the show

In a leading role.

Then if someone says break a leg;

Tell them thanks old duck

Cause its meant for good luck.

Youve got be very careful becuz

There is just one of you

And so many of us

And we love you a lot,

All your fingers and toes

Every cheek, chin and nose.

So dont break another leg,

Head, hand or foot we beg

Its very important to

keep your parts sound,

Or there may not be enough of you

To go around.Halloween Party InvitationChristmas 1994Its Christmas again where did the year go. When we were children the months went so slow. Now its time once again before the year ends, to send holiday greetings to family and friends. And of course by tradition we pay further dues, by relating to all a years worth of news. In the month after Christmas we followed convention and made resolutions, with some apprehension. Fix up the basement and yard, clean the gutter. Clear out the attic, get rid of the clutter. Move Aggis belongings and sell her abode, pay off the mortgage, the balance thats owed. Exercise and lose weight that goes without saying and some time in between we must find time for playing. We ordered a mini-van March twenty five and assumed that by summertime it would arrive. So we made plans to travel and visit relation, whatever would fit into two weeks vacation. We had plenty to do and no lack of ambition, but 94 became a year of transition. After viewing our list the first requirement was for Aggi to take an early retirement. In May we were filled with anticipation for our first anniversary and her resignation. We took several short trips; we just went with the flow. There was even a weekend in Kokomo, for an old friends wedding, plus a special grant, a personal tour of the GM plant. The summer was going according to plan except that we were still sans van. The Daousts bought a lake home in Chanhassen, Minn. We were privileged to be there and help them move in. Daughter Karen took a new post at her company, while son Mark was transferred to Milwaukee. Hes living in Brookfield would you believe and thats where well gather on Christmas Eve. Tim Mannchens job put him in the fast lane and for sure Fiskars loss was AquaPours gain. Aggis son Leonard also switched gears. He left Briggs and Stratton after seventeen years, and now heads up maintenance at Zeman Tool. Daughter Kris is still working and attending school. She will graduate soon with another degree and a Nurse Practitioner she will be. Kathy works hard, and its her intent to continue working at Johnson Garment, Robins involved both in church and choir and her songwriting talent is still for hire. The kids are all fine. We have grandkids aplenty (at the last head count they numbered twenty). On October 24 wed begun to relax, when Kathy gave birth to Tyler Max. On December 7 a memorable date, Andrew Paul was born, just a wee bit late. We give thanks that theyre healthy and compliments to; parents Kathy and Kelvin and Leonard and Sue. Just in case youve been thinking that weve been lax, we did go to the Christening of Tyler Max. As a matter of fact, we were jubilant, the van finally came so we packed up and went. Then we treated ourselves to a change of scene a seven-day cruise of the Caribbean. Well, we finished the basement and landscaped our yard; we found lots of clutter that we could discard. We moved Aggis stuff and sold her old place, we kept what possessions fit into our space. We had a big rummage with bargains galore. The rest we donated to the Goodwill Store. We found time to play and we found time to share, but as for our weight thats still up in the air. As always at Christmas we make prayerful requests for all friends and loved ones whove gone to their rest, For Aunt Lil and Joe Thurner we pray that the Lord will give them His blessing and final reward. We close now with wishes to all we hold dear, for a most blessed Christmas and a Happy New Year.Maxine

Theres an empty place at the table

Where our sister used to be.

Her voice is gone from the choir;

And the music sounds off-key.

When she left she took the sunshine

Now the air is a trifle chill;

And a piece of our lives is missing

That only she could fill.

We will have to settle for memories

Of the life she lived to share.

God called her home to Heaven

To brighten a corner there.

MAXHe joined the Navy at seventeen,

Hoping to serve on a submarine.

It was learned he had a mechanical knack

So instead he was trained as a Motor Mac.

Becoming familiar with ship and crew

He learned to love the ocean too.

Sometimes at night, for relaxation

He studied the stars and constellations.

As the ships bugler, at night he played taps

Morning was reveille, Wake up you chaps.

When his bugle was gone from where it was stored,

He thought it might have been tossed overboard.

But no matter how many disappeared in thin air

There was a new bugle and more to spare.

Whoever tried to stop his wake up call,

Was doomed from the start - predestined to fall

Later Max was given another job,

To man the machine that put out the fog.

The fog hid the ship from the enemy force,

So they couldnt sink it or drive it off course.

Max served for five years on various boats,

Helping to keep his ships afloat.

Ferrying troops to the far off reaches

Of World War II and Koreas beaches.

Not fighting for honor or dignity,

But with pride in keeping America free.

He kept his memories all these years.

The friends that he made are souvenirs.

Staying in touch and sharing their stories,

Keeping alive all yesterdays glories.


Now terrorists are threatening our peaceful ends

Theyve come to our country disguised as friends.

Are we to give in to their evil demands?Or will we take arms to protect our fair lands.

Not fighting for honor or dignity,

But with pride in keeping America free.


I know these days are not happy for you

But God will always see you through.

You will need faith and a lot of trust.Belief in the Saviour is a must.Dont harbor grudges or dwell on the past

Unless theyre of good times, memories that last.Try to think happy and positive thoughts.Theyll make you feel better, just as you ought.

We know youre in pain, of that theres no doubt.

If possible we would just snuff it all out.

God wont allow hurt more than you can bear.

But the ache will be better if anointed with prayer.

Your nurses and aides want to help you get strong.

Doctors, friends, family will help you along.

Your health would improve with a little more honey,

Hide the sour pickles and bring out your sunny.

A for good Attitude, B for your Best.This may be Gods way of giving a test.Belief in the Saviour is a real must.Fear not, have faith and in God put your trust.Dedicated to my Daughter Robin Dockins

December 2011, Agnes ThurnerOn Your Anniversary

As you celebrate your wedding date

Think back to the day you met.

Remember the thrill of that first tender kiss

A thrill you will never forget.

Remember the day you became engaged.

The day that you walked down the aisle.

Looking forward to years of wedded bliss,

Facing those years with a smile.

Blessed with children, a boy and a girl

To share your love and your life.

Days when you thought you couldnt go on.

Days filled with hurt and strife.

Although the road wasnt always smooth;

There were pitfalls of turmoil and doubt.

Your love survived with the help of the Lord.

Thats what marriage is all about.

2013-Agnes Thurner

For Robin and Eddie Thompson on their 26th Wedding AnniversaryLeap Year Babyby Agnes Thurner

You were born on the 29th.But there is no 29th..So when do we celebrate your special day?

The 28th is not the date,

The 1st of March may be too late.

When do we call to serenade your date of birth?

The 28th you werent born yet,

So we picked March 1st and wont forget,To sing the Happy Birthday song in future years.

Heres Cheers!

Song written for Megans 30th Birthday