blogwell san francisco social media case study: pepsico, presented by josh karpf

How Big Companies Use Social Media Josh Karpf PepsiCo San Francisco | June 23, 2009 “Connecting On and Offline Using Social Media”

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BlogWell is the only conference where social media executives from large companies come together to share their case studies, offer practical how-to advice, and answer your questions.To learn more about BlogWell, visit the BlogWell San Francisco case study presentation, "Connecting On and Offline Using Social Media," Manager, Digital and Social Media Josh Karpf describes how PepsiCo has integrated new media including FriendFeed and Twitter into campaigns to connect with consumers in new ways.Measuring ROI, managing teams, legal issues, B-to-B, working with agencies and creating great content are central themes at BlogWell. This event is the best opportunity available for anyone looking to get started or improve their corporate social media efforts. Learn more at


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How Big Companies Use Social Media

Josh KarpfPepsiCo

San Francisco | June 23, 2009

“Connecting On and Offline UsingSocial Media”

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Harnessing the power of digital

@PepsiCo Josh Karpf

Mgr, Digital Media -----------------------------------------

@jkarpf @pepsico

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•  Drive digital collaboration, innovation, and education across the global communications discipline. –  Launch PepsiCo wide initiatives –  Creation of common platforms/services –  Build connections to new influencers –  Connect complementing ideas and programs –  Operationalize process and policies –  Share education and best practices

PepsiCo Digital and Social Media

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We need to shift our thinking

Shift from impressions to connections

Move from one-off content creation to editorial planning

Static to editorial (think like a media company)

Leverage digital storytelling and conversational marketing to drive news creation

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PepsiCo Wide Initiatives – Digital Power of One

Must Meets •  SxSW – Digital super bowl •  Internet Week •  BlogHer – Connecting with Mom

Must Participate •  Embassy Strategy

- The Pepsi Cooler - Twitter

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Must Participate Establishing Embassies

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Must Participate --- Twitter

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Syndicating Content

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Must Meets

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Playing @ The PepsiCo Playground

PepsiCo Podcast Playground was a major destination for broadcasting and connecting

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PepsiCo Turns Trends into Art PepsiCo Zeitgeist

•  The PepsiCo Zeitgeist monitored the pulse of SxSWi by mining and aggregating SxSW Twitter conversations and presenting trends in real-time

•  The PepsiCo Zeitgeist was the talk of Austin and beyond generating over 4 million impressions on blogs and websites, 1,600 Diggs and 1,500 Tweets

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PepsiCo’s SxSWi Immersion

•  PepsiCo selected 10 employees from across the Company to participate in The Social Experiment

•  Using a variety of social media tools and networks, the participants recorded their experiences and brought the best of SxSWi back to PepsiCo

So what is it that I like so much for this program? Why should other brands follow the example of PepsiCo? Because PepsiCo is learning by doing and that is at the heart of Social Media

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PepsiCo Celebrates Internet Week

• Target online and social media plus select national print/broadcast outlets with tailored pitches to promote Internet Week activities

• PepsiCo search for social communicators who will employ digital media skills to cover Internet Week news

• Announced via AdWeek exclusive on May 15

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PepsiCo Digital and Social Media

Building into culture

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A Tool for the Trusted Advisor

PepsiCo Digital Compass

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S.C.O.R.E. Decision Support Tool

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Digital Strategy Framework

Open Communication

Open Collaboration

Controlled Communication

Controlled Collaboration

Communica)on  Collabora)on 



•  Viral Video •  Blogs/Twi:er •  Social nets

• Wikis 

•  Podcasts •  Search mktg •  SEO •  Widgets 

•  Video contests •  Social nets  

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The Journey Continues..

•  From impressions to connections •  Define the “cohorts” •  Lift and shift •  Collaboration •  Experiments

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How Big Companies Use Social Media

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