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+1 (646) 480 - 0154 (US) +44 (20) 8133 - 0154 (UK) [email protected] Blog for Magento 2

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Blogfor Magento 2

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Table of contents

Getting Around.......................................................................................................................................3

Getting Started........................................................................................................................................3

General Settings..............................................................................................................................................3



Related Products.............................................................................................................................................6

Wordpress Import...........................................................................................................................................7

RSS Feeds.......................................................................................................................................................8

Blog Categories..............................................................................................................................................9

Blog Posts.......................................................................................................................................................9


The First Post.......................................................................................................................................11

Step 1: Title, URL key, schedule..................................................................................................................11

Step 2. Images, canonical URLs...................................................................................................................12

Step 3: Short content, categories, tags..........................................................................................................13

Step 4: Content, comments, meta description...............................................................................................14

Step 5. Twitter cards, Open Graph tags, and blog post visibility options......................................................15

Commenting and Sharing.....................................................................................................................16

How to comment..........................................................................................................................................17

Managing comments.....................................................................................................................................18

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[email protected]

Getting Around

Magento 2 Blog is a holistic solution for ecommerce blogging. It adds a separate blog tab on a retail website where store admins can post product-related articles and answer user comments. With easily customizable content and SEO enhancements included, the WYSIWYG editor is designed for fawless post writing. Each post featuring related product(s) can be assigned to certain categories and store views.

Compatibility: Magento Open Source 2.3.X, Magento Commerce 2.3.X

Getting Started

Once you are fnished with installing the extension and registering the Disqus application, it is time to proceed to your Magento 2 backend to fnalize the Blog extension setup.

Before creating your frst blog post, we suggest walking through the Blog extension's settings and other options available to adjust the blog's look and behavior. This will help tobetter understand of how the extension functions and what you can expect your posts to look and feel like.

The frst step is the application of Disqus Forum Code and Secret Key in the General Settings section of the extension, which fnalizes the installation.

General Settings

This confguration section refects the extension's functional aspects. These are the settings that affect the blog accessibility, content layout, and other.

Here, you have access to the following confguration optionss

● Enabled - defnes if the Blog extension is enabled in your store;

● Route to Blog - defnes the direct link to the main blog page of your store e.g.;

● Blog Title - defnes the name of the blog page; either you want to add your company name or change the title completely, - feel free to adjust this feld as you like;

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[email protected]

● Posts per page - defnes how many posts will be displayed per a blog page;

● Quantity of related posts - defnes the number of related posts will be displayed ona page;

● Display Sharing Buttons At - defnes where the social network sharing buttons should be displayed at;

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[email protected]

● Comments enabled - defnes if customers can comment blog posts;

● Disqus Forum Code - paste here the Disqus URL from the step 3 of the Disqus setup;

● Disqus Secret Key - paste here the Disqus Secret Key from the step 2 of the Disqus setup;

● Facebook App ID - allows you to take beneft of Facebook Insights and explore the traffc from Facebook to your site;

● Default Twitter site account - the Twitter card markup required to determine the offcial company's Twitter account;

● Default Twitter post author account - the Twitter card markup required to determine a Twitter account of the post author.

You have just confgured the main blog page and access to it. Now, we suggest proceeding to the adjusting the Blog sidebar and SEO step.


This confguration section refects the Blog sidebar's functional aspects. These settings defne the post tags look, let you add a CMS block and confgure the recent posts to display.

Here, you have access to the following confguration optionss

● Number of Recent Posts to Display - defnes how many most recent blog posts should be displayed in the Blog sidebar;

● Number of Most Popular Tags to Display - defnes how many popular tags should be displayed in the tag cloud of the blog sidebar;

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● Highlight Popular Tags - defnes if the most popular tags should be highlighted with bold or with increased font size;

● Sidebar CMS Block - allows choosing a CMS block to be displayed on the blog sidebar;

● Display Categories List in a Sidebar - enables blog categories to be displayed on the sidebar;

● Maximum Number of Categories to Display - the number of categories visible above the 'Show X More' link on the sidebar.


Below the Sidebar confguration block, you can fnd SEO confguration with a single fled Blog Meta Description. At this feld, you are suggested to type in few words for SEO identifcation of your Blog.

The second confguration option URL structure allows you to determine the structure of your URLs either containing categories or not.

Related Products

Stores > Confguration > Aheadworks extensions > Blog

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Starting from 2.0 version of Blog extension, store administrator can add related product blocks to the blog post pages. In addition, Blog tab is added to the product pages. Under the'Blog' tab customers can fnd blog articles where this particular product has been mentioned as related.

This confguration section defnes how the related product blocks that can be assigned to the blog posts should behaves

● Display Blog Posts Tab on Product Page - defnes if the 'Blog' tab should be displayed at product pages;

● Display Related Products Block on Post Page - defnes if and where the related products block should be displayed at the blog post page;

● Related Products Block Layout - defnes the related product block's layout;

● Display "Add to Cart" Button - defnes if 'Add to Cart' button should be displayed on the products featured in the related product blocks at blog post pages.

Once done with the settings click button.

Before continuing to creating your frst blog post there is one other thing to consider - blogcategories.

Wordpress Import

Starting from 2.2.0 version of Blog extension, store administrator can import blog posts from the WordPress blog.

The process behind migration is the followings

1. Navigate to Tools > Export in the Wordpress administrator area;

2. Choose 'Posts' option and click 'Download export fle' button. An XML fle containing all blog posts should be downloaded;

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3. Navigate to your Magento backend Stores > Confguration > aheadWorks extensions > Blog;

4. In the 'Wordpress Import' section of the Blog settings upload XML fle via 'Import fle';

5. Set 'Override existing posts with the same URL' if you want the existing Magento 2 posts with the same URL overridden;

6. Click 'Import Posts' button to begin post import;

7. If imported successfully copy contents from Wordpress folderswp-content/uploads/directly to Magento folders/pub/media/wp-content/uploads/If this directory doesn't exist - create it manually. Make sure the fle permissions are set properly.

Post migration is now complete.

RSS Feeds

To add blog post updates to your store RSS feeds go Stores > Settings > Confguration > Catalog > RSS Feeds.

Enable RSS Feeds for Aheadworks Blog.

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[email protected]

Blog Categories

Content > Blog by Aheadworks > Categories

Blog Categories represent another navigation tool your customers may fnd helpful. Along with providing a navigation tool, categories ease the post management and let you highlight the post's theme.

Click button to add the frst blog category to your store. Once at the New

Category page decide on the followings

The confguration is pretty much straightforward with the options names speaking for themselves.

Blog Posts

Content > Blog by Aheadworks > Posts

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[email protected]

The Post page allows you to edit published and draft posts and contains a grid with the following columnss

● ID

● Title

● Image

● Status

● Publish Date

● Published Comments

● New Comments

● Categories

● Tags

● Author

The grid allows you to track the existing posts, delete and change their status with the provided mass actions functionality.

Now, when we are done with confguring the extension it is time to create your frst blog post.


Update to v.2.5.0 bring the GraphQL API support. Thus, the following options are available via GraphQL

● list of blog categories;

● list of blog posts in the category;

● list of tags;

● list of posts which has some tag;

● blog post and all its properties,

● and many more features that can be found in the module confguration.

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[email protected]

The First Post

This is it. To create your frst post navigate to Content > Blog by aheadWorks > New Post this will land you directly at the New Post form.

The New Post form is quite huge that is why for further convenience we will split it into three stepss

Step 1: Title, URL key, schedule

At this step you are suggested tos

● Type in the blog post title that will be visible at the top of it;

● Decide on the post's URL key;

● Schedulethetopostthe draft automatically at a time set.

Scheduling a post can prove useful in different situationss

● Startofthesale;

● New product/service release;

● Holiday greeting;

● etc.

With the scheduling functionality, you can choose the date, hour, and even second you want the draft to be published.

Whenever you tick Schedule Post box appears at the top of the page. Once

you are done with the post click it and the post is scheduled.

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Step 2. Images, canonical URLs

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Second, you need to add an image to your post and provided it with Title and Alt text. Theimage can be taken from the existing media fles or uploaded from your device.

The Canonical URL option makes it possible to determine a canonical blog post URL if the post is assigned to several categories. This option allows you to avoid duplicate content issues.

Step 3: Short content, categories, tags

In the third step, you are suggested to decide if your post should have a Short Content, setthe post to a particular category and decide on tags.

Short Content can prove useful if your post is content heavy and takes a couple of pages. What it does is instead of displaying the whole post on a Blog page it allows displaying onlythe contents of the Short Content feld, thus saving blog page space and making it look neat.

Without Short Content feld enableds

With Short Content feld enableds

Tags are one of the navigations tools provided by Blog extension. Every post is suggested to be tagged with relevant words or phrases to simplify further customer search for relevant information. All the tags are gathered in a tag cloud displayed at the blog Sidebar.

The hints provided for the image upon the question mark hover allows you to fnd out the recommended image sizes for different social media and the blog post page itself.

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The more particular tags you have the more highlighted they become.Atan image above wehave fve tagss post, lorem ipsum, frst, Grand opening, test store.

The 'post' tag has been used three times on our blog, all the other tags were used only once.As you can see from the tag cloud the tag 'post' is larger than the others.

Step 4: Content, comments, meta description

In the fourth step, you are suggested to type in the blog contents, meta description and decide if you want your customers to comment on the post.

Content feld column comes with native Magento WYSIWYG editor allowing text editing, inserting images, widgets, variables etc.

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Step 5. Twitter cards, Open Graph tags, and blog post visibility options

In order to make social media sharing suitable and attractive for your customers, the extension uses both Open Graph and Twitter Cards markups.

The Open Graph markup acts behind the scenes and includes the following tagss

● “ogssite_name” content="Store title" - store title;

● “ogstype” content="article" - the type of marked-up object. ‘Content’ in this particular case;

● ogslocale - the locale to be used;

● ogsimage - an image representing blog post;

● ogstitle - blog post title;

● ogsdescription - blog post short description;

Magento Commerce store owners are able to take advantage of the Bluefoot Magento pagebuilder provided within the extension's WYSIWYG editor.

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● ogsurl - canonical blog post URL.

The provided Twitter Card tags can be manually added from the backend. You can add them either for the whole extension or a particular blog post with 'Twitter site account' and'Twitter post author account' options.

The 'Enable post for customer groups' makes it possible to hide posts from particular customers if necessary.

That's it. Providing you are done with all fve steps you can now click the

button and your frst blog post is ready.

Commenting and Sharing

Once you have blog posts set up, your customers will probably want to leave their opinion and comment on different topics. To handle customer comments, the Blog extension introduces the Disqus forums functionality.

Disqus is a networked community platform used by hundreds of thousands of sites all over the web meaning your Blog content can potentially be interesting to people over the internet promoting your store.

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[email protected]

Here's how the post will be represented to your customers.

● Social network sharing buttons - available right after installation and do not require additional setup;

● Tags - are clickable for quick blog navigation;

● Related Products - add the related products to the blog post page to boost your sales;

● Blog post category - represents a category of the post (store only);

● Disqus account login - lets your customers log in to Disqus forums;

● Disqus forum name and link - navigates to your store forum on Disqus.

How to comment

In order to comment, customers need to have a Disqus account or log in via Facebook, Twitter, or Google+. Once logged in, they can leave comments and enter any open discussions on Disqus.

By clicking on the Disqus forum name, customers are redirected to the corresponding Disqus forum of your store. Here, all active blog posts will be represented as different forum topics that customers can join.

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Customers can like, share, fag, and reply to comments. Every customer's action is refectedon the Blog page of your store.

Managing comments

As a store admin, you can manage all customer comments to your blog posts.

Content > Blog by aheadWorks > Comments

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Сomment management takes place on the Disqus side. Here, you can approve, mark as spam, and delete comments along with managing the Disqus forum settings.

For more information on how to manage the comments and set up Disqus, read the Disqus knowledge base.

For an in-depth look visit Blog demo store at the extension’s product page.

Feel free to contact our support team with any questionss

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