bienvenue à la classe de français

Bienvenue à la Bienvenue à la classe de classe de français français Madame Marsh Madame Marsh La salle de classe 2405 La salle de classe 2405 Lebanon High School Lebanon High School

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Bienvenue à la classe de français. Madame Marsh La salle de classe 2405 Lebanon High School. Introductions –. Where did Mrs. Marsh study? Does she speak other languages? Has she taught before? Where did she grow up? Does she have siblings? Where did she & her husband get engaged? - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: Bienvenue à la  classe de français

Bienvenue à la Bienvenue à la classe de françaisclasse de français

Madame MarshMadame Marsh

La salle de classe 2405La salle de classe 2405

Lebanon High SchoolLebanon High School

Page 2: Bienvenue à la  classe de français

IntroductionsIntroductions – – Where did Mrs. Marsh study?Where did Mrs. Marsh study? Does she speak other languages?Does she speak other languages? Has she taught before?Has she taught before? Where did she grow up?Where did she grow up? Does she have siblings?Does she have siblings? Where did she & her husband get Where did she & her husband get

engaged?engaged? Does she have kids?Does she have kids?

Page 3: Bienvenue à la  classe de français

Introductions – qu’est-ce que Introductions – qu’est-ce que vous avez compris?vous avez compris?

•Ou est-ce que Mme Marsh a etudie?•Parle-t-elle d’autres langues?•Est-ce qu’elle etait un prof au passe?•Ou est-ce qu’elle habitait quand elle etait un enfant?•A-t-elle des freres, des soeurs?•Ou est-ce qu’elle s’est fiancee?•A-t-elle des enfants?

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ESSAYER = REUSSIRESSAYER = REUSSIRTips for successTips for success

Arrive to class on time, alert and Arrive to class on time, alert and ready to “parler”ready to “parler”

Give your best effortGive your best effort Participate (in French) and ask Participate (in French) and ask

questions whenever neededquestions whenever needed Don’t be afraid to make mistakesDon’t be afraid to make mistakes Proof-read & correct your errors – Proof-read & correct your errors –

the most effective way to learn is the most effective way to learn is through your mistakesthrough your mistakes

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Materials you will need Materials you will need EVERYDAYEVERYDAY in class: in class:

3-ring binder with 3-4 dividers: 3-ring binder with 3-4 dividers: – Homework, Bonus work, Notes, Quizzes & Tests Homework, Bonus work, Notes, Quizzes & Tests

Paper, pens, pencilsPaper, pens, pencils Textbook/WorkbookTextbook/Workbook French – English dictionary, French – English dictionary, for use at homefor use at home

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11stst infraction=warning infraction=warning 22ndnd = loss of = loss of

participation pointsparticipation points 33rdrd = detention & = detention &

phone call homephone call home 44thth = referral to the = referral to the


Page 7: Bienvenue à la  classe de français

BRAVO!BRAVO!When you do a good job in When you do a good job in

French class you could receive:French class you could receive:

– Warrior rewardsWarrior rewards– Positive phone calls or emails Positive phone calls or emails

homehome– Oral praiseOral praise

Page 8: Bienvenue à la  classe de français

Typical dayTypical day La ClochetteLa Clochette Review HomeworkReview Homework Learn new conceptLearn new concept Practice new conceptPractice new concept Start HomeworkStart Homework

HELPFUL HINT #1Take them seriously!

One La Clochette each week will be graded as

a pop quiz!

HELPFUL HINT #2Homework must be

COMPLETELY finished to receive

points. If one part is left blank it is a



If I write it on the board, you should

write it in your notes!

HELPFUL HINT #4This is a great time to

earn participation points. So, be on task


HELPFUL HINT #5I GIVE you the last

few minutes so that if you don’t understand

you can ask questions. Remember Hint #2!

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Grade SystemGrade System Combination of the following grades:Combination of the following grades:

– Tests/QuizzesTests/Quizzes 40%40%– HomeworkHomework 40%40%– ParticipationParticipation 20%20%– Final ProjectFinal Project

– Grading Scale:Grading Scale:92-100 92-100 AA

83-9183-91 BB74-8274-82 CC65-7365-73 DD0-640-64 FF

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Another note on Another note on homework:homework:

Homework assignments are checked or collected at the beginning of class each day. No working on homework during time for La Clochette. If so, you will receive a ZERO for BOTH assignments.

NO LATE homework will be accepted (even if it is finished and in your locker or at home).

Repeated failure to turn in homework assignments will result in a parent phone call.

Copying someone else’s homework is CHEATING. You and the person whose work your copied will each earn a zero.

Page 11: Bienvenue à la  classe de français

ParticipationParticipation Each time a student participates in French, Each time a student participates in French,

he/she will receive one participation point. he/she will receive one participation point. Speaking in English (or ANY other language) is Speaking in English (or ANY other language) is

STRICTLY PROHIBITED and will result in the STRICTLY PROHIBITED and will result in the loss of participation points.loss of participation points.

Every week each student’s points are added Every week each student’s points are added together and converted to a grade based on together and converted to a grade based on the class average for participation.the class average for participation.

Grades reflect the students’ frequency and Grades reflect the students’ frequency and ability to speak French in class. ability to speak French in class.

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Why is it so important for Why is it so important for us to speak only French in us to speak only French in

class? class?

When you were a baby When you were a baby and first learned and first learned English, did your English, did your parents speak to you parents speak to you in Japanese? in Japanese?

Your brain naturally Your brain naturally follows the path of follows the path of least resistance and least resistance and will not hear French if will not hear French if English is also floating English is also floating around the classroom. around the classroom.

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What to do if you are What to do if you are absent…absent… Check my website for homework and

assignments. There is 1:1 ratio for make up days. Therefore, if you missed one day, all work must be turned in one day after you return.

Upon returning check your folder for any worksheets or handouts that were not available on the website.

Copy any notes missed during your absence from a friend or the website.

Schedule an appointment to make up any tests or quizzes within 2 days. You must take them within the appropriate time. You will receive a zero for the test or quiz that is not made up. Make up work is your PERSONAL


Page 14: Bienvenue à la  classe de français

Madame Marais (Mme Marsh)Madame Marais (Mme Marsh) [email protected] Web page: Web page:

– Our schoolsOur schools

– High SchoolHigh School

– Teacher Web PagesTeacher Web Pages

– My nameMy name

– Your classYour class

Work Phone: 513-934-5123Work Phone: 513-934-5123

Page 15: Bienvenue à la  classe de français

PracticPractice with e with precisiprecisi


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NeveNever r

give give upup

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The Eiffel Tower wasn’t built in a day!The Eiffel Tower wasn’t built in a day!

Page 19: Bienvenue à la  classe de français

C'est en forgeant qu'on C'est en forgeant qu'on devient forgeron !devient forgeron !

(Practice makes perfect!) (Practice makes perfect!)