basics of church leadership management part 1

  Basic Ministry Leadership Development & Management

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This study is written specifically for those who feel incompetent to do Bible College, or in their current church leadership engagement because they haven't done any pre-requisite preparation. If you're in this category, please worry not for this study is design to meet your need at your level. This is part 01 and will prepare you to continue on to part 02.


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    ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ............................................................................................................................................ 3

    INTRODUCTION TO LEADERSHIP ......................................................................................................................... 4

    LET US DEFINE THE TERM LEADERSHIP. .............................................................................................................................. 4 THE CHRISTIAN LEADER ......................................................................................................................................................... 6 THE EXCUSES OF A LEADER ..................................................................................................................................................... 8 GROUP EXERCISE ....................................................................................................................................................... 14

    LEADERSHIP IS INFLUENCE ................................................................................................................................. 16

    INFLUENCING TRUTHS ......................................................................................................................................................... 17 LEADERSHIP LEVELS ............................................................................................................................................................ 18 NEEDED QUALITIES FOR SUCCESS AT EACH LEVEL ..................................................................................................................... 23 ARE LEADERS BORN? ..................................................................................................................................................... 25 GROUP EXERCISE ....................................................................................................................................................... 26

    THE THREE LEGGED STOOL OF LEADERSHIP ................................................................................................... 27

    LEADERSHIP COMPARISON ................................................................................................................................................... 27 IMPORTANT LEADERSHIP CHARACTERS ................................................................................................................................... 30 RESPONSIBILITY & DELEGATION ............................................................................................................................................ 32

    LEADING A CELL GROUP ...................................................................................................................................... 35

    WHAT IS A CELL GROUP? ..................................................................................................................................................... 35 GROUP DYNAMICS ............................................................................................................................................................. 36 STARTING WELL ................................................................................................................................................................. 37 GROUP MEMBERS .............................................................................................................................................................. 40 OPENNESS & CONFIDENTIALITY OF THE GROUP.......................................................................................................................... 41 GODS WORD IN LEADING A SMALL GROUP ............................................................................................................................ 42 WATCH OUT GROUP LEADER ................................................................................................................................................ 44 WHAT A CELL TIME IS FOR: .................................................................................................................................................. 45 WHAT A CELL TIME IS NOT: .................................................................................................................................................. 45 HOW TO PLAN A CELL TIME ................................................................................................................................................. 46

    LEADERSHIP & UNDERSTANDING PEOPLE ....................................................................................................... 48

    INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................................................................. 48 PEOPLES CLASSIFICATION .................................................................................................................................................... 49 TIM LAHAYES CATEGORIZATION ........................................................................................................................................... 50 GOSPEL PEOPLE CLASSIFICATION ........................................................................................................................................... 53 FOUR WAYS A LEADER CAN USE TO RELATE WELL TO HIS/HER TEAM ............................................................................................ 54 OTHER MENTORING TIPS ..................................................................................................................................................... 64

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    This material has been put together to help Kingdom Workers in our local churches

    who did not have the privilege to attend a Bible College. We have sincerely tried to

    simplify many of the topics by summarizing their content in points form. We hope that

    they will do some good in your local church leadership and ministry.

    To all those who have supported us along the way by prayers and finance, we are

    greatly indebted to you. It is our prayer that you will gain much Kingdom Returns

    through these materials. May the Good Lord bless you all.

    Team Leader

    ACTS Ministry Fiji

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    Introduction to Leadership

    Jeremiah 1:5 (NLT)

    I knew you before I formed you in your mothers womb. Before you were born I set you apart and

    appointed you as my spokesman to the world.

    Leadership is one subject that is not so much talked about in many of our churches.

    Thus we have distorted views and definitions of the word. We begin to import

    secular meanings, which are good, but in the long run, they erode its true designation.

    As a result, many undertakings of the church are not being completed, many have lost

    focus, and many do not know where they are going, because those called to leadership

    have no idea what leadership is about. It is highly recommended therefore that you

    refer back to the Bible for sure guidance, direction, clarity of meaning, and

    understanding, on this subject.

    Let us define the term LEADERSHIP.

    The term Leadership can be summed up in one word = INFLUENCE

    Leadership = Influence

    Great leaders have tried to define what leadership is and who is a leader. I have

    noted some here:

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    A leader is a man who knows the way and can lead the others through that way

    with no signpost or map.

    A leader is a person who can motivate others toward a specific goal

    for the purpose of making them successful.

    Leadership is the ability to initiate change.

    Leadership is the ability to change potential force to active force by

    motivating people.

    Leadership is a pro-active state of generating energy to quicken change and

    encourage performance.

    Leadership is the ability to draw participation and commitment to

    harness diversity and build consensus.

    A Leader is a person who lifts someones personal vision to a higher sight and

    raising his/her performance.

    Leadership is the ability to gather people around a problem, to coach

    their efforts and to inspire action.

    A Leader is a person who is able to empower a team and its individual members to

    get things done.

    Leadership is the ability to make things happen.

    Leadership is the ability to take people to new levels and new grounds.

    Leadership is the ability to get his people from where they are to

    where they have not been.

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    Leadership is the ability to create a vision for the future and inspiring people to

    make that vision a reality.

    Leadership is to develop people to become successful in

    accomplishing a particular purpose in life.

    Leadership is the ability to translate vision into reality through human

    participation and dependence upon God.

    The Christian Leader

    A Christian Leader is a born again person called by God, living Godly a life, gifted with God

    given abilities to serve and influence a specific group of God given people, for a God given purpose,

    using their God given potentials, leading them on to a God given goal, and focusing them on to our

    God given eternity.

    How does God choose a Leader?

    God chooses some very unlikely people to be his leaders. People whom we think are

    incapable; people with tainted backgrounds. If they were to be evaluated

    academically and socially, they may not make the cut because they do not meet the

    standard criterion acceptable to our secular society.

    1 Corinthians 1:26-30 (Summarize)




    Although the context of the above verses is referring to Gods provision of

    salvation, the principle in my view is applicable to this study. What God wants is

    a willing and obedient heart. His choice is not dependant on education, strength,

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    or wealth. These are beneficial but not necessary. It is clear from the above verses

    that God uses simple and foolish things to shame the wise. This has been the case

    throughout the Bible. God can use anybody and anything. Nobody is

    indispensable, yet God plus an obedient person is a power that attracts


    Read Exodus 2:11-14; & Exodus 3: 7-10

    What did Moses do in Exodus 2:11-14?




    What happened in Exodus 3:7-10?




    Why do you think people are not willing to accept a murderer as their leader?




    People have weaknesses, downfalls, and shortcomings. Even-though expectations and

    credential requirements of leadership are high; there is not a perfect person in the

    world. But it is demanded of all Christians to live a Holy Life that is worthy of their


    What is the Good News given in 1 Corinthians 1:26-30?




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    How do these verses apply to you?




    Moses was brought up in a culture and civilization that was not his own. He had

    come to accept what the Egyptians believed. They had many gods with different

    names that signified their powers and responsibilities. When he had this personal

    encounter with God (YHWH), his beliefs in these heathen deities were challenged. I

    AM simply means that YHWH God cannot be equated with any other so-called

    god. He is who He is. He is unique in His own; The Only One; The Only True God,

    and He does not recognize any other. In a world where values, morals, and laws are

    changing constantly, your leadership shall find stability and security in our

    unchanging God. YHWH God does not change. If you want to know Him; you need

    to follow Him. You dont have to take that much time to figure Him out.

    The Excuses of a Leader

    The pretext of Social Insignificance

    Exodus 3:11




    Moses asked Who Am I?In paraphrase he is saying Lord I am insignificant. Social

    status is not a problem to God. He is THE highest point of any social status and

    significance. But we can sometimes hold back from taking up leadership because we

    feel socially unimportant in view of our academic achievements and social status.

    Whats the big deal about having a university degree or being a RATU or ADI

    when God is calling you?

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    The pretext of Personal Integrity

    Exodus 3:13




    Moses argued, They will not believe me. He left Egypt as a renegade. He murdered,

    deserted, and defected to the land of Midian. The crime he committed back in Egypt

    had an eyewitness. So he is really troubled because now God is calling him back to

    the place where he has a criminal record and is considered a traitor. He is questioning

    his own integrity and even before God as he weighs his life with the mission before

    him; he feels hopeless. Past failures must not be a stumbling block to the prosperous

    future and the execution of great assignments God has prepared in advance for you.

    Ephesians 2:10



    The pretext of Divine Messengers Credibility

    Exodus 4:1




    Moses left Egypt with little or no knowledge of YHWH God. He took with him his

    knowledge of his Egyptian gods. The Israelites in Egypt know who YHWH is. They

    know that one day the Great Deliverer will deliver them. Who among them would

    have thought that God would speak to this murderer in the desert and after 40 years

    of being lost would return as YHWH Gods instrument of freedom. Moses said to

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    God, They will not believe me. Every human being has the ability to commune with God.

    God made man to be able to experience both the natural and the supernatural.

    Although the experience of the supernatural has ceased the day Adam and Eve

    disobeyed God and can only happen through divine intervention. But now we have

    the privilege of reliving that experience through our faith in the finished work of the

    Lord Jesus Christ who then commits the Holy Spirit to be our Parakelet; lit meaning

    He who walks beside us. You will definitely hear God in your Leadership if you choose

    to stick close to Him no matter what your past record is.

    Hebrews 1:1-3




    The pretext of Personal Inability

    Exodus 4:10




    Moses said he is not an eloquent speaker. In Gods strategy of selecting people for

    divine executive appointments; he does not rely on the abilities of man to reach his

    objectives. At every call The Glory of God (Not of man) is purposed to be manifested

    through his servants. So when God calls, he will also equip. God always equip those

    he calls thoroughly in his own way. Therefore Personal inability is not an issue with

    our YHWH God. Remember, Gods call is always far greater than the abilities and the

    resources of the person he called.

    It is easy for us to bring to the fore our weaknesses when God calls. We fail to

    understand that when God calls a person he will help that person get the job done. If

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    the job will involve some of our weak areas, than we can trust that He will provide

    words, strength, courage, and other abilities where needed.

    Moses gave excuses because he felt inadequate for the Mission God commanded him

    to do. It was natural for him to feel that way. He was inadequate all by himself. But

    God was not telling Moses to work alone. He offered other resources to help (God

    Himself will be with Moses; Aaron, and the provision of Gods miraculous power). When God calls

    a person to do something that seemed difficult or impossible in the eyes of man, He

    will equip us with the resources we need. We need not hide behind our inadequacies

    as Moses did but look beyond ourselves to God who is the author and Perfector of our

    faith. When you recognize His call on your life and obey, blessings will flow; not just

    blessing but abundant blessings.

    On the pretext of Passive Disobedience in view of a task too great.

    Exodus 4:13



    Looking at the task ahead can cause a potential leader to throw in his towel, back off,

    or resign. The challenge for him is too great an undertaking. The greatness of this

    undertaking overshadows the privilege and the results. Passive disobedient is an

    indirect disobedient with a compound of all the other 04 above plus other personal

    agendas. Moses reluctance to obey this command is a final summation of his

    shortcomings, which to him were beyond his own words to explain. His concluding

    answer is an understatement to Gods awesome power.

    Have you ever felt like this before? _____________

    Let me tell you about Gods awesome power. God is Omnipotent (meaning He is all

    Powerful; He has all the known and unknown powers; all powers belong to him be it physical, or

    metaphysical). Omnipotent comes from the 02 words; Omni meaning all, always,

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    forever, for all time; and potent means strong, powerful, effective, compelling, influential, great.

    This means that God is able to do what nobody thinks is possible to do. He has the

    potential to do far more than the impossible. He is the God of potential and he made

    us to be Poten-tial i.e. to have the capacity and ability to do the impossible through

    his powerhallelujah. So why do we want to excuse ourselves when the Omnipotent

    God is backing us up.

    The Pretext of Low Self Esteem

    This is a behaviour that grows out of a period of neglect, weaknesses, failures in the

    eyes of man, criticisms & bad remarks, and lack of personal development. It can cause

    a person to question Gods call on his/her life and giving a lot of excuses like Moses.

    Low self-esteem happens when you look down on yourself and your inability to

    escape your mess and have come to accept that you are insignificant. One of the major

    effects of low self-esteem is that it obstructs you from envisioning the future God has

    prepared for you. Your negative attitude on yourself causes you to believe that

    nothing good can emerge from something you believed as substandard. Hear this

    great news: when you receive Christ as Lord and Saviour, He adds value to your


    Exercise-13- Check your standing Tick the appropriate column


    Level of Education

    o Tertiary

    o High Sch

    o Primary


    o No Sch

    Award [Secular or

    Theological Study] o Degree & Higher

    o Diploma

    o Certificate

    o No awards

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    o Million $$


    o Thousand$$


    o Hundred$$


    o No $$

    Community Status

    o Ratu / Adi

    o Tauvanua/


    o From a Single


    o Different


    Church Involvement

    o Deacon/Elder


    o Layman

    o Ministry Leader

    o Church


    Marital Status

    o Single Spouse

    o Divorcee

    o Remarried

    o Bachelor

    Employment Level

    o CEO

    o Manager

    o Supervisor

    o Labour

    Do you drink grog / beer? Yes No

    Do you smoke? Yes No

    Do you have any debts (Bank / House Debt/ Money Lender)? Yes No

    Do you have a stable Job? Yes No

    Do you have any weaknesses? Yes No

    Do you think the world would consider you a leader? Yes No

    Is God YHWH able to make you a leader? Yes No


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    Exercise 14 Tick the appropriate Column

    FAITHFULNESS Never Once Sometimes Always

    Church attendance

    Arrive early for church service

    100% Work attendance

    Arrive early for work

    Time out with spouse

    Time for the family

    Attend community gathering

    Attend village gathering

    Attend parents day

    Soli niyasana

    Soli 1/10 (Tithe)

    Total up the score in each column. Each

    tick is worth 10 points.


    1. Leaders are born Do you agree with this statement? Why & why not?

    2. Discuss in groups why some people are so eager to take on positions of leadership

    and why some are reluctant.

    3. What are some repercussions of running away from leadership positions and

    leadership responsibilities?

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    4. In this fast changing world, do you think modern education system contributes

    positively or negative to your cultural leadership system? Discuss.

    5. Are you a leader? Analyze yourself using the chart on pages 12 14. What do these

    charts say about you?

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    2. Leadership is Influence

    Matthew 4:25

    Large crowds from Galilee, the Decapolis, Jerusalem, Judea and the region across the Jordan

    followed him.

    I have said from study one that the one word that is able to sum up the definition of

    LEADERSHIP is INFLUENCE. It is the ability to obtain followers. And nobody can

    obtain followers unless he is good at influencing people.

    When we look back at history and observe our local

    leaders such as Rt. Sukuna, Rt. Penaia, Rt. Mara, and

    many others, we can see that all of them were excellent

    at influencing people, with the help of their Ratu

    titles, became great leaders. The Lord Jesus was the

    Master of it all for all of those leaders have come to an

    end but the influencing power of the Lord Jesus Christ is getting stronger and

    stronger as years go by.

    Name a person who has greatly influenced you?


    In what ways has he/she influenced you?




    INFLUENCE. It is the ability to obtain


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    Influencing Truths

    We all are able to influence another person

    Everybody can influence or be influenced by another person.

    We all have our groups. We join that group, whether it be in

    school, church, pubs or club, but we join because there is

    someone in there that motivates us to be there. Nobody joins

    a group of cars. Why? Because they dont talk back. We join

    people because we are relational beings and people influence


    You never really know whom or how much you influence

    People are influenced by what is said and done by other people either directly

    or indirectly. You may not know that there are people who are leaning on you.

    You may not know who is taking his queues from you. I went to a friend of

    mine to conduct a Bible Study. His son sat in a posture that seemed awkward

    to other family members. When asked to sit nicely, he replied; But uncle Joji

    normally sits like this. (Uncle Joji is his Sunday School Teacher). Thats being an

    influence and being influenced. We leave our marks on people.

    Your good influence today is an excellent investment for the future

    The good we influence people with today will touch the lives of others and

    many more after that. People change and will also be able to be Life Changers.

    Leaders are Life Changers.

    Develop your influencing skill

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    In the book Power and Influence by RobertDilnschneider, he wrote about the

    Power Triangle and the three components which increase the leadership skill

    and potential of a leader. They are;

    Communication, Recognition, and Influence.

    Excellent communication leads to greater recognition, which leads to increase

    influencing power. Effective communication is achieved when a leader is able

    to Hear what is not said, and See what is not shown. Fellowship plays a major part in

    this and when or where there is good Christian fellowship, there is good


    Leadership Levels

    In JohnMaxwells book Developing the Leader within You,

    he classified the levels of leadership into 05 categories which I

    summarized as follows:

    Level One Position Level

    This is the basic level of leadership and the main

    influencing power here is your title. People on this level have their title as their

    only source of authority. When the title is taken away their leadership collapses.

    Those who stayed too long on this level will fight for territorial right, protocol,

    tradition, and organizational chart. These things are not bad but can be

    unfavourable to development when they become the basis for your authority and


    Are you involved in a ministry right now? ________________________________________

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    Do you people follow you because youre a leader by appointment or

    because of your influencing power?



    How do you influence people?



    Identity of Leadership at this level

    Security is based on Title, not Talent;

    Leadership is gained by appointment;

    His followers will not follow him beyond his boundary of authority;

    Leaders have difficulty in working with volunteers, white collars workers,

    and young people.

    Level two Permission Level

    At this level people do not care how much you

    know until they know much you care. A person on

    this level will lead by interrelationship. He will focus

    on developing people. He will put the people and

    their need first on his priority list. He also knows that

    at this level you will need to build solid and lasting

    relationship otherwise you will not be able to sustain

    the effectiveness of your leadership. People are very

    important at this level and you cannot lead people

    without loving them. We also need to be cautioned

    not to jump stage. There are a lot of people who preferred to skip this stage. The

    permission level is very important because it is the foundation that provides the

    staying power of any lasting and effective leadership.

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    Do you think that you have reached this stage? ____________________________________

    How is your relationship your people at this stage?



    What are you doing to foster your relationship with those you are leading at

    this stage?




    What are you doing that show that youre putting their needs and interest




    Level three - Production

    Good things happen on this level but that will

    also depend on how well your have built level

    two. Your output will increase, turnover is low,

    and morale is high, needs are met and goals

    achieved. Your people will want to continue the

    momentum. So as you begin your leadership

    with level one and two, you will notice that

    people get together just because of straight

    fellowship and there is really nothing in

    common but just straight relational bond. But at the production level it will be

    different. Your people at this stage will come together not only for fellowship but

    to achieve something. When you have reached that stage, you have moved from

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    being Fellowship-Oriented to Result-Oriented. A word of caution at this stage;

    as a leader you will need to give your people projects to do and some may even be

    challenging because if they are not given any responsibility at this stage they will

    retreat back to being Fellowship-Oriented.

    Do you think you have reached this stage?


    How long have you been leading your people or your ministry?



    What is your output assessment?




    If youre having low output, what do you think is the problem?




    Can you quantify your output in terms of souls saved, souls discipled, souls

    trained, souls earmarked for future leadership, souls completed the cycle

    and are now back in ministry this last three years?



    Level four People Development

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    A leader at this stage, because he/she has come through the last three stages well, is

    consistently focusing on developing people. He sees the importance of people here as his

    most valuable assets. People who will become as Paul tells Timothy;

    Reliable Men who will be able to train others also. He will be empowering others to do

    the work, either continue the work they have been taught to do or design new

    ministries to work with people from another angel. At this level there is a lot of

    loyalty shown by the followers or those whom you lead. Their loyalty is based on

    your tract record. Your tract record shows GENUINE LOVE (Thats why they loved

    you in Level 02); QUALITY PRODUCTIVITY (Thats

    why they admire you in Level 03); CONSISTENT

    PEOPLE DEVELOPMENT (Thats why they are loyal

    to you in Level 04). You win peoples hearts by helping

    them grow personally.

    A point to remember The core of

    leaders who surrounded you are those whom

    you have personally groomed, developed, touched, or helped in some way.

    These are the people who will stand by you in good and bad times.

    Do you know of a person in your church who has reached this level?



    How has this level been exhibited in his life?




    Write down 2 Timothy 2:2



    The core of leaders

    who surround you are those whom you have personally groomed,

    developed, touched, or helped in some way.

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    Level five - Personhood

    Only a lifetime of proven leadership will allow us to be promoted and sit at this

    level to reap the reward of our past years of labour. I believe you are hoping to get

    there one day. I am not just hoping but expecting the same.

    Needed Qualities for Success at each Level

    Level one Position

    Well founded in the Faith

    Practice the discipline of the Basics of Christian Growth

    Knows what is required of the position

    Be a team player

    Accept responsibility

    Strive for excellence

    Use initiative well

    Service and improvement of service

    Level two Permission

    A genuine love for the people especially those you serve

    Build up your co-workers

    Accept criticism

    Put people first before procedure

    Serve for the betterment of everyone involved

    Do not neglect the masses

    Deal wisely with difficult people

    Level three Production / Results

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    Initiates and accept responsibility for growth

    Has a Vision and Mission and follows them

    There is constant evaluation

    Focus on the things that will give high eternal return

    Communicate your vision and mission to those whom you are training

    Become an agent of change

    Understand the timing for change

    Make difficult decision that will make a different

    Level four People Development / Reproduction

    Realize that People are your most valuable asset

    Place a priority on developing people

    Set good examples for them to follow

    Expose your potential leaders to growth opportunities

    Focus those whom your are developing to a common goal

    Surround yourself with an inner-core that complement your leadership

    Level five Personhood / Respect

    Your followers are loyal and sacrificial

    You have spent years of molding and mentoring leaders

    Your have become an Assembly or church Father.

    You have great joy in watching others grow in all areas of their lives

    especially spiritually.

    You are a living model of what a Follower of Christ is like.

    Ascertain where you are now in the level of leadership and make a simple

    evaluation of your performance so far in relation to the list of qualities for that

    level as stated here.

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    Where do you need to make substantial improvement, and why?




    ARE LEADERS BORN? A good leader is not born. All leaders are made. God gives the leadership traits to a

    person and when those traits are nurtured correctly they contribute greatly to his/her

    leadership. Our individual responsibility is to fan into flame what we've got. There is no

    shortcut up the ladder of leadership. Each stage is a preparation ground for the next. You

    cannot expect to do well at the top level if you have not done well at the lower levels.

    You cannot expect to lead 30 men well, if you're still struggling with your 15 men. People

    have the tendency to rush to the top by crook of by fluke. This may work sometime but

    not all the time; and time will show who you really are. Weve got to understand that

    promotion is not dependant only on knowledge, skills, qualification, and experience but

    also on character, attitude, and spiritual maturity that are manifested in actions that seek

    to bring glory to God and service to the people; otherwise you are just filling a position.

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    1. Are your Group Members well founded in the Faith?

    2. Do they practice the discipline of the Basics of Christian Growth?

    3. What position do your Group members hold in their community, church, or place

    of work? Do they know what is required of the position? Briefly explain what each

    of their position requires.

    4. Is each group member a member ofa team? Is he/she a Team player?

    5. Do they accept responsibilities?

    6. Strive for excellence? Briefly explain their individual and Team goals for this year.

    7. Define initiative. Do they use initiative well?

    8. Has each individual member improvedhis/her service from last year? How can it be


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    The Three Legged Stool ofLeadership

    Joshua 24:15

    As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord

    Leadership Comparison

    The life of a leader in the church is like a three-legged

    stool. One of our late chiefs also invented the definition

    of the three-legged stool but I believe he was focusing

    on the Responsibility side of leadership. Our three-

    legged stool in this section is focusing on the leader &

    not on leadership. The values of a leader will determine his focus. The focus of a leader

    will define his leadership. If one of the legs we will look at is not there, the leader, and

    of course his leadership, will collapse. In the secular world you may just need two

    legs, but not in the church. So let us look at these three legs now:

    The Leader must be God Oriented

    This is very important because unless God is leading the leader, those who

    are being led may not reach their eternal goal. The goal of any secular

    institution is restricted to this earthly life. The goal of any leader in the Church

    of the Lord Jesus Christ is eternity. Therefore he must be serving the people,

    nurturing them to become like the lord Jesus, and to be in Eternity with Him.

    Being God Oriented is characterized by the following;

    The values of a

    leader will determine his focus. The focus of a leader will define his


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    i. Strong faith in God and a consistently prayer and Bible Study life;

    ii. Takes Gods purpose in his life very seriously;

    iii. He is certain about his calling and does not waiver from it;

    iv. He is not dictated by the busyness of life, but he dictates busyness;

    v. He is spiritually and physically disciplined with good bearing;

    vi. He lives out his preaching and teaching on a daily basis;

    2 Chronicles 31:21


    He must be Purpose Oriented

    Luke 2: 49


    Purpose is the reason for your existence. It defines who you are and what you

    do. Without a purpose you have no reason to live. Life is meaningless without a

    purpose. Wherever you are, you must determine

    why you are there at that point in time. When you

    know your purpose you will be motivated to stay

    the course in good and bad times. You also will

    most certainly exhibit the characters below;

    i. You have Vision (you know where you

    are going) Proverbs 29:18;

    ii. Youre a man of action (you make your

    vision a reality) 2 Corinthians 10:15;

    iii. Youre not afraid to make changes when necessary Proverbs 24:16;

    Esther 4:14.

    iv. Faithful to your responsibilities Philippians 3:21; Hebrews 12:1-2; he is


    When you know your

    purpose you will be motivated to stay the course in good and bad


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    v. Youre a reliable and responsible person Genesis 39:4;

    vi. Youre motivated and positive in the things you do Philippians 4:13;

    vii. Youre a persistent person;

    viii. Youre a good decision maker;

    ix. Youre uncomplicated;

    x. You have the ability to make others catch your vision;

    The Leader must be People Oriented

    Matthew 22:39



    I have said earlier that people are relational beings and we cannot live as lone

    rangers. We need the companionship of others around us. And leadership is involved

    in the business of influencing people. Things cannot be influenced, only people. A

    leader cannot influence people if he does not spend

    time with them. To be a people oriented leader youve

    got to mix around with people and getting to know

    them with the intention of channelling positive

    changes. A person or leader who is people oriented

    will show these qualities in his life:

    i. He is a good role model;

    ii. He is sensitive and discerning to the needs of others;

    iii. He is Trustworthy;

    iv. He is creative and always look for ways to help people;

    v. He serves with humility (John 13:3-5)

    vi. He is loyal to their course;

    vii. He is very influential;

    viii. He is flexible and allows time for people to change;

    ix. He is patient;

    A leader cannot

    influence people if he does not spend time

    with them.

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    x. He encourages people and complement their hard


    xi. He is diplomatic and tactful (He is smart at

    solving problems or issues, good at negotiating,

    find common ground to work together);

    xii. He listens to people and is a good communicator;

    The characters above might look like the ideal leader but I am not anticipating that

    you will be 100% in all these areas, yet you must grow into it with your BEST; and at

    least these will give you the fundamental idea that to be a good & effective leader, you

    needs to be first God Oriented When you are God Oriented it will cause you to be

    Purpose Oriented; and People Oriented. This is a fundamental truth in all levels

    of leadership whether you lead a Church, a Government, a Company, or a Cell Group.

    Otherwise you can be bending on working for your own gain.

    Are these 03 orientations obvious in your life?


    Which area do you still need to improve and how?


    Important Leadership Characters

    Most important is INTEGRITY

    What is Integrity? Integrity is the character of a person

    that shows him to be honest, truthful, honouring, loyal,

    reliable, and upright. All these words define integrity. It

    show who you really are. A person with integrity is a

    person who walks his talk. His words match his deeds no

    matter where he is. It is not what we do but who we are.

    Integrity is being satisfied with what I have and find pleasure and satisfaction in the fruit

    Integrity is the

    character of a person that shows him to be

    honest, truthful, honouring, loyal,

    reliable, and upright.

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    of my work. With integrity you have freedom, there is contentment, there is stability,

    decisiveness, focused, and your spirit is free.


    Prioritizing is the act of classifying your works or responsibilities in order of

    importance. Priority shows where the heart of a person is. If a man has his work as his

    first priority, he will tend to spend most of the time in it and as a result other areas will

    be neglected. If a man has fun and leisure time as his priority, than he will spend most of

    his time at partying. As a Cell Leader and a potential Christian leader for tomorrow, you

    need to follow this set of priorities in their order of their

    importance; 1. God; 2. Family; 3. Work; 4. Church; 3.

    Community. My relationship with God is indispensable

    and takes my whole time and life. It permeates into my

    other areas of life. My family comes second. All the others

    need to have a balance to be effective. When priorities are

    not in order you will not focus, and when that happens you will not be able to achieve

    your goal. If you do not set out your priorities right, there is a greater possibility of

    mixing up the URGENT with the IMPORTANT. In the end some important things are

    not done because of some unimportant urgency causing fatal repercussions. Learn to set

    priorities and set them right. Wrong priorities will make you unproductive and get you

    into trouble.

    Luke 2:49



    That was one of the Lord Jesus priorities; to be in his Fathers house in John 4:34?



    Priority shows

    where the heart of a person is.

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    This is another of the Lord Jesus priorities.

    What are your priorities?




    Responsibility& Delegation

    [The Story about - Somebody, Everybody,

    Anybody, Nobody]

    Everybody wanted to get something done. So he asked Somebody if Anybody can do it.

    Somebody forgot to tell Anybody about it. Luckily Nobody was there and took the initiative to do

    it. So it ended up that Nobody did what Everybody wanted to get done because Somebody forgot

    to tell Anybody about it.

    What does Responsibility mean?

    It is a specific task that is assigned to a specific person or

    group to do at a specific time for a specific purpose to

    contribute to the fulfillment of a specifically desired goal. I

    heard the story above a long time ago. It got stuck with

    me. Not until now, when I am in church ministry, that I

    find the underlying truth in it. When responsibilities are

    not carried out, they ended up not being done. In the end

    people suffer, the group suffers, the church suffers.

    Significant Part to Play

    The body is an excellent analogy and really brings out this fact about responsibility.

    Paul clearly explained this in his first letter to the church in Corinth chapter 12. Each

    part is significant. Each part of the body has its own responsibility, an important role to

    Delegation of task

    is not passing the buck; it is taking the initiative and

    opportunity to employ the availability and

    skills of his people so he can be free to do what he alone as a leader must do.

    Responsibility is a

    specific task that is assigned to a specific

    person to do at a specific time for a specific purpose to contribute to the

    fulfilment of a specific goal.

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    play for the whole body to function as it should according to its design. When a part is

    affected the whole body is affected. Each part works in unity and coordinates perfectly

    with the others and as a result the whole bodys mechanism moves gracefully and is a

    delight to watch. Those who know Waisale Serevi delighted in watching him running

    with the ball in a game of rugby and observe the coordinating movements of every part of

    his body. Its awesome. No wonder the Psalmist said I am wonderfully and fearfully

    made (Psalm 139:14).

    Why Delegate

    Leadership has its own responsibilities. Sometimes leaders get bogged down with

    minor things that could be done by those around them. Part of a leaders responsibilities

    is to delegate tasks. Delegation of task is not passing the buck; it is taking the initiative

    and opportunity to employ the availability and skills of his people so he can be free to do

    what he alone as a leader must do. In relation to the responsibility of delegating tasks, do

    not delegate your responsibilities. You only delegate the responsibilities of the unit or

    group that needs to be done, and not your responsibilities as a leader. Look at this


    2 Samuel 11:1



    Who usually go to war in spring?


    Whom did David sent?


    Were they Kings?


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    What was Davids position?


    Where did he go?


    Where should he be?


    He stayed home when he should be at the front line. He saw something one evening,

    which finally got him to an uncomfortable situation. What did he see?



    Chain of Command

    In any church, you will know that there is always an existing chain of command. You

    have those above you whom you are responsible to; and there are those below you

    whom you are responsible for whether you are in an evangelical denomination or a

    Pentecostal denomination the chain of responsibility stays the same. When

    responsibilities are not done, it affects the church structure both ways; those whom

    you are responsible to, and those whom you are responsible for. With responsibility

    comes accountability. Accountability is being answerable to your responsibilities; be

    it accountable to (above you) or accountable for (below you). Things can get really

    messed up when leaders are not carrying out their responsibilities; especially when

    important issues are involved. When you reduce this scale down to Cell Group or

    Bible Study Group level and the principles will still be the same.

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    Leading a Cell Group

    Matthew 5:1-2b (ESV)

    Seeing the crowds, he went up on the mountain, and when he sat down, his disciples came to him. And

    he opened his mouth and taught them

    What is a Cell Group? Cell group is method of grouping people together in a

    local church that is designed to cause numerical

    increment and spiritual development. It works through

    dispersing the core to gather the crowd. A core person

    will then pick (after much prayer, fasting, and

    observation) reliable men and women of not more than

    12 from his crowd to form the core of his own his group.

    He will then train and develop them to maturity before

    he can disperse them to gather their own crowds. This

    model is taken from the work of the Lord Jesus Himself

    when training the twelve. It is liken to the growth and development of a human body.

    Thats why it is called CELL GROUP because it is designed to multiply. As the core

    is dispersed to gather their crowd, the number multiplies.

    We have looked at leadership principles & characters and now it is time to go into

    the practical aspects of leadership. It is good therefore to start with leading a small

    group (Cell Group) whether it is a Bible Study, Discipleship, or any other group. Let us

    look at some principles that will help you in leading a Small Group.

    Cell group is a

    method of grouping people together in a local church that is designed to cause

    numerical and spiritual growth. It works

    through dispersing the core to gather the


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    Group Dynamics How can a group run well for a longer period of time? Most

    of the time I find that inconsistency is the enemy of

    sustaining and expanding a Bible Study group. Some excellent

    ministries come to a halt because of inconsistency on the part of workers. God has

    given the vision and the mandate along with his Holy Spirit to empower and guide

    us, his Word as our curriculum, but then we choose to do it our way. As a result

    God allowed us to move on BUT without him in absolute control, things will

    definitely go out of control. Dynamics reminds us of POWER. There is power

    when God is in total control not just in the group but in every individual member.

    This fact must be established in the life of both the leader and the group members.

    Matthew 18:20



    There is power when 2 or 3 are gathered IN HIS NAME; you can expect

    great things to happen.

    Acts 2:1



    They were all together in one place; the power of the Group.

    Acts 2:4



    Acts 1:8

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    Starting Well

    It is important to start well. This will give the group a good launching pad to move

    into the unknown days ahead. This will involve a lot of

    prayers and asking God for the goals of the group after

    receiving the vision of the Senior Pastor concerning Cell

    Groups. Have the goals written down; prepare and plan

    for the launching night. The followings must be established

    from the start.

    Setting the Vision

    The Vision for the Cell Groups is set by the Senior Pastor, who caught his

    vision from God after spending time in prayer and fasting. His vision is then

    transferred to Ministries Leaders who will implement this vision. The Cell

    Leader will catch the vision of where they are going from the Senior Pastor

    of the church. It is important to know this vision before starting so that all

    Cell Groups will be moving in the same direction, reaching the same

    objective, and achieving the same Goal; which is also the Goal of the church.

    If there is no vision from the Pastor concerning Cell group, then it better be


    Leaders and members understand the goal

    In starting well it is vital for the leader to understand the Goal/s. He will

    need to share these goals with the group members. The goals will give the

    group members a good idea of the leaders intention, the direction he is

    taking them, and the end results he expects, and what the group should

    anticipate benefiting from their study & fellowship.

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    Does your Cell Group have a vision? _______________________________________

    Who sets the vision? _______________________________________________________

    What do you think will happen if there is no goal or, the goal is not being

    clearly understood? _________________________________________________________


    Mark 1:17



    What happened when Simon and Andrew understood what the Lord wanted

    to do with their lives? (Vs 18)



    When goals are understood, people will be willing to follow.Is this true?



    Expectations are clear & understood

    Expectation is important. You need to clearly state that you expect the best

    from your group; or that you expect the group to change to some degree

    after a given time frame or at the completion of a study. You will also need

    to be flexible with your expectations when caliber and personal characters

    are brought into consideration. You cannot expect everybody to be the

    same, for each person is uniquely different, but you can expect the best from

    their uniqueness. This must be stated clearly to the members of the group.

    Expectation is the anticipated result of the Groups Purpose. When

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    expectations are not clearly understood or not stated at all, group members

    performance will stagnate or dwindle.

    Are you in a Bible Study Group?


    If No; Why not?




    If Yes, what is expected of you from your cell group?




    1 Peter 1:15



    What is expected of the people of God?


    Why are they expected to be Holy?




    The meeting place

    The meeting place needs to be clearly explained and known by all members. If

    there are new people who do not know its location, efforts must be made by

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    the leader to help them. A simple map of the place will be of great assistance.

    Here are a few guidelines to consider in the preparation of a meeting place;

    1. It must be comfortable with enough space for members to move around and

    stretch their legs;

    2. It needs to have enough lights to read with;

    3. It needs to have good ventilation;

    4. It must not be an isolated location and far from the members;

    5. It must be clean and well prepared before every session;

    6. Free from distractions and noisiness;

    7. It needs to have good and clean toilets that can be used by both sexes;

    8. If living in the town area, transportation availability needs to be considered

    if people are coming from afar.

    Group Members

    Remember that a group has people who have different backgrounds, feelings,

    characters, worldviews, etc. All these will need to be taken into consideration

    when the group is in session. Each life-lesson gleaned from each session must be

    applied to challenge the members different world-views to cause effective change.

    But each member may and have something to contribute to the group. But at the

    end of the day their world-view must submit to the view of the Lord Jesus Christ.

    Size of the group

    It has been proved that effective learning occurs when the group has between 712

    members. The Lord Jesus knew this and he chose 12 disciples, which could be the

    maximum number for effective learning. There are some disadvantages in having a

    group that has more than 12;

    It will be difficult to control;

    Some group members will not participate or contribute to

    group discussion;

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    It will also be difficult to develop interpersonal relationship

    between group members.

    Interest of the group (FAQ)

    The major question that group members will frequently ask is: Whats in it for me?

    There needs to be something of value that captivates them to come and remain in

    the group. Jesus is and has the answer therefore the Word of God will need to be

    shared to meet the spiritual needs of all the members. People will stay when

    spiritual needs are met.

    How big is the study group that you belong to; how many members does it


    If your group has more than 12 members, how does your leader cope with the

    principle of effective learning? Is he able to spend enough time with every

    member and be able to deal with his or her queries?




    Openness & confidentiality of the group

    There is bound to be some self revelation about past behaviours and experiences;

    therefore, an environment of trust needs to be cultivated in the group because

    there is always bound to be mistrust at the initial stage. The leader can guide the

    group into sharing what can be shared and how can it be shared. This is

    important, and it must also be clarified that what is shared in the group stays

    within the group.

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    Gods Word in Leading a Small Group

    The Word of God

    Knowledge of the Word of God

    1. A leader needs to have good knowledge of the Word of God.

    2. He must be able to quote well-known Bible verses from memory.

    3. It is beneficial that he has a fair overview of the Old and New Testament.

    He must have sound knowledge of Theological Concepts in relation to

    the finished work of Christ.

    4. He is able to share the Gospel with ease at any time in any situation.


    1. A leader preparation time is also important. Good preparation leads to

    good presentation.

    2. He needs to set aside not less than two hours per week to prepare

    himself. He prepares everyday and not just a single day. Straight after he

    concludes this weeks study he is preparing again for next week.

    3. His preparation must be showered with prayer. As the leader talks to

    God, He as our great teacher through his Holy Spirit will teach and

    counsel me first before I teach others.

    4. Also remember that in preparation a leader must learn to gather good

    Christian Books as he builds up his resources.


    1. As the leader prepares he anticipates. As he anticipates he prepares.

    2. The expectation of what the group might ask in relation to the subject or

    topic of discussion must prompt the leader to prepare well. The leader is

    to expect the unexpected.

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    3. The military term in this kind of preparation is Action ON. It is similar

    to the question What IF/. So as a leader prepares in anticipation, he

    will prepare a few Action ON that he/she thinks are likely to come.


    In his preparation and anticipation the leader will have to do

    some detail research on the text or subject. His research will

    have to cover the good to know, should know, and the

    must know of what he is going to share with the group.

    His research will not be restricted to the Bible alone but the

    world and its system in general and how it relates and applies

    to the topic. The leaders knowledge of the subject must be

    broader and a step up from those he/she leads. This is not to say that he

    knows it all but at least he is able to provide an answer to most of the group

    members questions. Some good resource books are; The New Bible

    Dictionary, Walvoord and Zuck Bible Commentary of O.T & N.T,

    Systematic Theology by Grudem.

    Scripture Memorization

    With all the Bible and general knowledge a leader can accumulate during

    his time of research, he must never forget the importance of Scripture

    memorization. A leader must try to memorize a key verse that illuminates

    the subject [if he is doing a topical study] or a key verse that gives a clear

    exposition of the whole text [if he/she is doing an expository study]. But

    scripture memorization is not just for that but it first is essential to the

    leader because it will guard him/her from temptations and guide his life

    with Christ.

    Psalm 119: 9 11


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    Watch out Group Leader

    Discouraged Group Member/s

    Watch out for your group members who

    may be discourage and facing difficult time,

    or having low self esteem. The group and of

    course you as group leader need to be ready at all times to offer words of

    encouragement based on the Word of God.

    (2Tim 4:2)




    Meeting the needs

    It is important that the group not only meet the spiritual needs of the

    members but also be prepared to meet or assist in their physical needs in

    whatever way you can.

    (Acts 2: 44 - 45)






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    Your focus as leader must be on their spiritual birth and growth to maturity.

    Everything that is done in the group must support this focus. If it does not

    serve this focus, than it is a waste of time and energy.

    John 10:10




    What a Cell Time is for:

    A time to discuss

    Cell is a time of discussion. This will allow members to

    explain what they have been studying about a given topic or raise questions

    on subjects that need clarification.

    A time to meet and fellowship

    Fellowship comes from a Greek word, which means, Sharing in common.

    As the Cell meets they will share what they have in common spiritually in

    the Word and Prayer, and even a cup of tea together.

    What a Cell Time is not:

    Not a Church Service

    Do not run a Cell group like a Church service. It will lose its purpose. Have

    the Cell group in a more formal way and nurture an atmosphere where

    members can freely voice their opinions. When you start to preach, then you

    are running your Cell group like a church service.

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    Not a Classroom Teaching

    Cell group should not be run like a classroom teaching where every member

    becomes students and facing the board to be taught. The teacher is the one

    who knows everything and the group does what he says. In a Cell group we

    are all there to learn from one another and each member looks at a particular

    topic of discussion from a different approach.

    Not a One-Person Speaking

    In a Cell group, it is vital that all members are be given time to speak and

    share what she/she thinks about the subject. No one should be allowed to

    dominate the discussion that others are ignored.

    Tips for Cell Leaders during Cell Time

    1. Make your points clear

    2. Make it personal

    3. Challenge the group

    4. Expand their Thinking

    5. Encourage your group

    6. Be Creative

    How to Plan a Cell Time a. Fellowship and Worship (15-20 min)

    b. Opening & Introduction (15 min)

    c. Creative Discussion (45 60 min) relating to the subject.

    1. Small Groups activity

    2. Art work (focused art work on the topic)

    3. Buzz group (throwing in ideas about the topic being discussed)

    4. Think Tank (serious thinking / strategize thinking)

    5. Prayer (focused prayer on the topic)

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    6. Music (focused songs, hymns on the topic)

    7. Memory Verse (focused memory verse on the topic)

    d. Worship &Closing (15 min)

    e. Fellowship (2030 Min) light tea if possible but not necessary.

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    Leadership & Understanding People

    John 11:33

    When Jesus therefore saw her weeping, and the Jews also weeping which came with her, he groaned in

    the spirit, and was troubled


    In this section we will look at the subject of understanding people, which will help you as a cell leader in your work of character building. We are going to focus on

    RELATING covering the following minor subjects:

    a) Advising

    b) Reassuring

    c) Understanding

    d) Self-Revealing

    People are relational beings. This means that they need to live together with other human beings in a

    community in order to function well. If they are left

    alone, they will become lonely. This loneliness will

    affect their character, behaviour, and performance.

    God saw that Adam was lonely and concluded that

    it is not good for man to live alone, so he separated

    the feminine side of the male and created another

    human being calling her woman (meaning taken

    out of the man), so he (Adam meaning Man) can relate with another human being

    People are

    relational beings. This means that they need to live together with

    other human beings in a community in order

    to function well.

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    like himself (Man relating to Taken out of man). The Bible also says that we are not to

    give up the habit of meeting together (Hebrews 10:2425). As we meet together and

    begin to relate to one another, hearing our brothers and sisters experiences will

    definitely encourage us.

    Business houses, non-governmental organizations, government departments, etc; have Public Relation Officers portfolios. Their job is to find ways whereby their companies

    or departments can have good working relationship with members of the public.

    Public Relation also involves the projection of an image that looks real and favourable

    to the public. But whether we are in a more complex institution or just a simple Bible

    Study group, the challenges are similar since they both involve people.

    Relating to people can sometimes be hard work as people are different. Some psychologists have classified people into the following categories to help us

    understand their character:

    Peoples Classification


    These are people who think a lot. In most situations they would think, analyze,

    trying to understand the surrounding circumstances. They need thorough

    planning before undertaking any project. They are also perfectionists and one

    little blunder can really put them off.


    These people are very emotional. They sympathize a lot with people and really

    feel for them in difficult or trying situations they face. They can be very caring.

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    These people are very active and outgoing. They are always on the go. They

    need little planning and are quick to see the big picture. They are starters and

    have the tendency to move on to another project before they finished one.

    Which one of the categories above do you belong to? ________________

    Have you met people like these in your local church? _________________

    Do you think these groups can work together? _____________ Why?




    Tim Lahayes Categorization I also noted the categories of people, which Tim LaHaye stated in his book Spirit

    Controlled Temperament. These categories are provisional to the temperament that

    an individual possesses. Temperament is the combination

    of inborn qualities that subconsciously affect a mans

    behaviour. These qualities are affected by the persons

    gender, race, nationality, and other inherited factors. Let

    me describe them simply:


    This group of people is known to be warm, lively, enjoying, and receptive by

    nature. Always happy and does not like solitude. Good and fun to be with.

    Attracts a crowd; easily befriends people; can easily break the ice in an

    environment where people do not know each other; can be noisy sometime;

    quick to speak before thinking; people feel welcome where he is; no stranger in

    their midst; his friendly way makes him appear more confident than he really is;

    A good teacher, salesman, speaker.


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    This person is quick, active, strong-willed and practical; self-sufficient; can be

    very independent; very decisive and dogmatic about what he believes; he can

    make decisions for himself and others. He thrives on activity; he is not

    frightened by adversities; he likes challenges; he hates tears; he does not

    sympathize with others easily; he does not cry; he is quick to recognize

    opportunities and how to take advantage of

    them. Sometimes he does not like people

    standing in his way when he is focusing on his

    goal; he does not appreciate art; he is

    considered an opportunist; he can be difficult

    to reach for Christ in adulthood; he has

    difficulty in trusting Christ for his daily

    supplication; but he is a good leader.


    This person is analytical, self sacrificing, gifted, perfectionist type, with a very

    sensitive emotional nature. He likes fine art. He can sometimes prefer to alone

    and quiet but other times noisy, outgoing, and moody. When the situation

    seems very depressed and gloomy he is withdrawn and can be quiet aggressive

    (antagonistic). He does not make friends easily but can be a very faithful friend;

    he does not push himself to people but allow people to come to him. He is not a

    shirker or a slacker and others can depend on him. He has a great desire to be

    loved by people; disappointing experiences make him reluctant to take people

    at face value. The analytical ability makes him a good planner. His greatest

    satisfaction in life comes through personal sacrifice. He is very thorough and

    persistent. The melancholy is a good musician, artist, educator, and



    This person is calm, easy going, cool, and well balanced. His life is happy,

    although unexcited, but pleasant. He avoids as much involvement as possible.

    people come in

    different shapes, sizes, characters, attitudes, worldview, and church views. They do things


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    He is not easily moved or alarmed. He is not easily angered or explodes in

    laughter. He hides his fears beneath his calm and cool. His emotions are always

    concealed. He enjoys people and has a dry sense of humour (may never laugh

    but only smiles when around people). He has a good memory; sometimes takes

    things lightly. He is a spectator and is not easily motivated. But he is kind-

    hearted and sympathetic yet does not always show it. He can be a good

    diplomat, teacher, leader, accountant, and scientist.

    Which of these groups do you see yourself in? ______________________________________________________________________

    Do you have people like these in your church or cell group? ______________________________________________________________________________________

    What is so significant about their differences?




    The categories above proved that people come in different shapes, sizes, characters, attitudes, worldview, and church views. They do things differently, they have

    different preferences, taste, hobbies, and are attracted to different people and styles of

    worship. People are also on different commitment levels. The question is; How do

    you relate to these different groups of people?

    Lets take this down to a simple and manageable group level. When you lead a group, as we have already studied, you will need to understand the fact that people are

    different with different experiences and backgrounds. Relating brings into

    consideration these aspects of life because they play a vital part in communication.

    When you grasp this truth, you will be a step closer to positively affecting and

    influencing their lives. If not you will do more harm than good.

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    Gospel People Classification Let me show you another kind of groupings. I came across these groupings when I

    was doing Ian Malins Discipleship Course, Come Follow Me. He categorizes

    people following the Lord Jesus as:


    These people followed the Lord because they

    wanted to see miracles and wonders and be

    awed by his teachings but they dont want to

    make any real commitment.


    These people followed because they felt

    accepted when they are with him but they dont

    want to leave their old way of life and dont want to make any real



    These people followed because they felt indebted to the Lord Jesus for their

    physical restoration.


    These people followed because they were called and have committed

    themselves fully to learning from Him.

    The Camp Builders

    I want to add another group here which exists a lot more today than in days of

    the Lord Jesus. I called them the Camp-Builders. These are the people who

    It is the leaders

    responsibility to give quality and influencing

    advices, which will build up his followers

    in their ways and learn to place their trust in


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    are willing to follow the Lord Jesus but only on a temporary basis and learn

    from Him; but when tough times come they will immediately back-away. They

    have no solid foundation and the credibility of their commitment is


    Which of the above groups do you belong to?
