automotive ·...

",':-• .*•'.!'.' < »jiiKiw'"p' i *j* », / " 4: -'"I'Ma^ Irfarch: &, 1938.,,...,,,. ,^3£w^ Auburn Events & mppm Auburn'' -- 'Ipie March meeting of the c^^-.t^aes Club of Mt. Caroiel ifgh-{School'will be heir March',% following "a pot J&eijalea; for 6^30 -Bev- Brenaaft. HOUritea Q. Cam).-, principal, is moderator- of Alje club. - Itick -supper pJ33, ' v ;. • -f* Mrs. Harold,E. Beltoer, ehafi^f mail of the committee of soph- >jnore rootherafplanttfog the meet- ing, Has announced that these attending are to bring a hot dish, salad, or .dessert. The committee 1^'lurnibi'the.rteat.' • • Members of Sirs. Bellner's com- Camel €irk Wk 4ia#etba$ Finale Anbnrn ISighr School - "Ehe WL 0arme) Girls basketball team emerged victorious in its final game of the seapsw when it defeated DeSales High School «f Geneva on Tuesday- by a score of 38-17. High scsrers .to* the Auburn girls wre Susan Com- mltt'ee are Mesfaaws ,An&oriy'lng, Patrllla Sdieftlc. Joan Ififc Slate Thomas J. Bwnnari, j^f^aj.PaWda.Wfe««w..w.4Clw» geph T. C3<%llone, Michael € e r - ' Hy e * vo, Frank J^Pahey, A Howard j>af, Leonard' A. Greene, Joseph L» lynch; .G^pi&H. Starawr afri. &avld WalleiS, Dr. Joseph- F. Kaiplnskt v?iM sbowjcolor slides to Illustrate UU talk oa Ms experience white TO* toripg through Europe- Mrs. Her- Mars. Thomas McGee, girls *th letic director, points cut that the guards-, Kathryn Cuddy, leather- ing Heverin, Carol- Atoms and Patricia- Coleman played an out- standing garhe. Other members o£ the- girls varsity for t h e season 3«st termi- nated were Mary Jerome, Carol Pesarchidkf Nancy Lavler, Anne •uL, . . > bBrt T. Anderson, president, "wiBispjQeiijr Karen " Wells, Eunice conduct huslness meeting- .OGKBmi MM ••A«birn'» Fhwfl D«Iw S^ut**** 117 llHBnirig.Av*. Dial 3-7951 '- f iw Points ^liquor Stem 51 F^lclin 5tr*«* A*Mt*,'<N. V. ' ' j . Mothers Assist In School Library MOTHERS CIX*B members of St. Alpbonsus Parish, Auburn help out aa library assistants at the school library daring school hours. In jpfioto {from left) Jponnid Tend* ©j Michael J)'AEOS« fino, 9j Mrs, Francis T. Sysa, MrS, John !F. Gls^on, Mrs, ?»«1 J. Burrow; and airs, Thoma*. 'A. Barfs, volunfeersj Barbara. Ryan, 8; Ann Brono, 8» and Mary Slahoney. & tA« G. Turby Photo.) Geneva Reports Bergeron and Kathleen Walters, ,— -0-—, , Mission Society lechny, »fc - (NC*~Amer. kan-born membeM and cancji. iates- af fee ^sdetf af -&8 ^ vine ^Verd rrfs^lowries number 1,143, it Is-*-reported in the rectory of. Heme Parishes, pub- ,_.,_ _.._ __. , , _ „ . , ^ J .„„.., J „,.^ _.„ Hshed here by the socie^r lor its l o n e i ^ , pon4« , "*Gud's love for .ttiVliisses ^itfe ChaeeSa "and personnel, uji ond ours for Him," Father tena Costa. , Achilles of the Imroaculate Heart; * ,• . «' ' " " of Xlarj- Seminary advised Gen,! Gues ^ f?- 1 - tne wu ^ ^ w ^ ev - eva Chapter, Catholic N f e t e , at Raymond F, Holan» pastor of St * Holy Bmir program' i|, the \ Stepiien's partshj Rev», |bjtn Catholic Nurses Hold §\Boiy Eguv Program Geneva—''Let each of us in our Cee*ere and Mary BaUstreti and OENSfA, t^ O'DONKELL RECTWC CO., MC „. I(*etric»t Cwitfae**n MMu*it »«»*•* 3f|«w*I-tttt. jtuWm. N.t. - HNGER UKIS / l«UrKlirf«* arid CI#arif/$ IHtJNtf SflflCK // .COMPIHS SOM; samci •k' T«Wph«Ml ?rf3*1 // Sil W«*M»fi« St, G*«*w», RY. SENECA fMLS # N.Y. aannmnnitonnnraini Gio. S. RobiRiHi OIAMONDS - WATCHfS IIM6S—SimMAMi, He. J2 FiJj.St, SMICI FaHf, N.r. I IM^MtttttttflTftttT^T CARNlVAtl'S «ws SHOP . MAOOWHATS JAIMAN SH.OK . ROCKET vwtumm 'JWH„'*W?- Gmtvi Milk Company MHJt AKB MPUJt f KttBCCTt Lynch Furniture Go. For Olrer Fifty 3?e*r* €t«sn.8v»'# Homo S t o r e 4711 Exdhang* St. semiriaiy chapel Father 'Achilles stated. ! that **lon«iness was given M Christ He, ^wnt to, join hts/AiAsstles in prayer but they wpr^lieejji and: He prajed ol«ie_iuid asked His' Heavenly Fatfier, *My God, My God, why hast Thou forsaJsen-; Mer"- . . THE SPEAKER; pointM * out that.,""We .aire alcne in human' syffertng.- there is n loneliness | in yotjih struggling to be on their own. There te loneliness in ' grown-ups- who must maive. im- portant decfelonralone. . • "There is loneliness in the- sep« Duffy aria Rev, Baymond Eihg- wood of S t Stephen's; aijd Bev. Joseph Bernier of the ^lessed Sacrament Fathers of St; Jean's Church, N*w York April S. meeting will of St J yOTfee luiiini CDI laises Eoxeip Relief Fund Ajabdrn A collection for the F*e<3-A-Famlly program of the Foreign Relief, National Council of Catholic Women was taken .at the March meeting of Auburn Catholic Daughters of America hejld "at their home. - Three pack- ages' jitf&\ he forwarded, . \ B«3fl* Clerard. ^, Culi, <rourt chapjtttn gave a short Wogrnph- le# sketch of St. Patrick. Thorn* as/^li^abb sang several Irish SQife accompanied on the piano by/Mrs, George M. Frajjk. Mrs. •Ciarence Hayden njsp sang and held ''wW aecompanied £y-Mi$s Eliz- / abettt Refedort AUXILIARIES «sslstantTpr|iicij«i!.lv^f the School of Nuribij it Craig Colony spoke ,fo jhembei^ $i ©ansviBe- CoHn-cil, 'STniEhts of , ; CoJ,urflJius Att^Hiarffdurini an assemBly. at the last meeting, jfe? topic* was. "Nurses Responsibility To- %var<j Meeting the^Spijitnsl Needs t3fthelll,« '-.-..• Two films, showing the work of Maryknoll missionaries in for. eigif lands were shown. Menibers voted to donate $100 to sponsor a Maryknoll nun Jrt her ^vofk after the Alms were jshown. The auxiliary will attend Sta- tions of the Cross at St, Patrick Church} Dansvillei Good Friday, AprHSafr^Ojhni, . * --. —»..—- r ^ r ——„ , Seton Sroups In Action &tm 1EA1CH of Seton Workers of St, Mary's Sosjital met Wednesday, March IS at the home of Mrs. Bonald A Kraft- schick in Thnrlow Drive. _ * *;* * 18TH BSAKCJK will meet at the home of Mrs, Donald An- dre»£j* Grosvenor B«ad, Satur- day, March 22,' » * * . * ,4?TH BRANCH w«l meet at the home of Mrs. Oliver D-JSisen- vhsti,- -giiis. &rtve, Wednesday, March 26, College, will give ,; the next lec- ture on March 26. SrIe~vvHl speak on nursing, as a career and the in- fluence of the Catholic mother in her home and her'conununity. •Nazareth College students formed a panel that discussed j the need of a higher education for Catholic wernen In the series first program. The panel was .made, up of Mary' Ann Wood- Ward, Joanne Brown, Mtartha Sul- livan and Moya Neville." . • Girl Scouts Marie Week. With Communion Breakfost - In oteeratlonfgoQfol H o o r Week, the Cirii Seneca, Falls of Girl Scout Scouts of St. Patrick** Parish. nours -^HOE STbBE 4 MODEBATB PBICES Auburn . Seneca Fatlf IAKER * STARK, Inc. A SMMT CI.Hii«« Sim $M<* ll« 4 1 9 EXGHANOI ST. <3ir?«va, N. If. axatien by death of husband and together with their leaders at- w?ife, and the loneliness t»f *epa- j tended' .thet 8 mm. Mass In - St ratten from family and friends, Fat rick Church on'Sunday, Mar, "We are here to let God .know* I tlJ+ , . w „. t *.. f „ „ . i . M in that His tore Is not forgotten.) wnu A breakfast was n«a..m. Dut t>t love He vas bom poor in ! &* auditorium after Mass, a huatte stable., .out of love j The tec ^ fast was arranged He worked humbly 3D years ' Huge Success Sewsca Falls'— About 15& high school age |jarisWoners of S t Patrick's parish turned out Sun* day *venlr»ir to attend the dinner and social hour held in the audi- torium. A baffet funcheon was MTH BRANCH will meetrln the Nurses Home lounge, Tues- day noon, March 23. Hostesses will be Mefdames Urban DeCoa* ick, Havmqad Hasenaner, Arthur Taylor, Alfred Wittman, S9TH IfBAKCK received Holy Commuhioh irt a body at St Mary Church. Sunday, March 16, ram Hi J •' St. Agnfes fflprSchoal nas iiiitlatea a career night gm*- ance'fHPQgrem durtog- fWs moi#, "Aspeets of various career* are given t o j t t students each Wednesday during: March ning- an assemBly. " . {: % » ' ' '' ' • Mrs kioharci Tromneter, who & aVe "porfejjn the forthcoming ».««.-» t ^ t « i - ft f ^iBTirn rt(- election and: homeroom represent Sefin S & tomSS'^ reported on 5 «ggesto fS?-^? % „"« s _£. S!^ fl^T fl offered by their homeroom class- «~ «4Cj stii fins Bot mates. The meeting closed with. a prayer., ' \ Students Perform \ ~T- J K a y Cur'ran> an English teach- er at East High School, and Mary Margaret Oong^gan, a Brighton School District JNfo,'I teacher, spoHe at- t(ie second of the series, They talfced o n the preparation needed to teach and t h e rewards of the profession. Student Council Open Meeting Piqy On Virgil StudeMs nf, S t Agnes High School performed in a play based on the.l«t.«f Ml I**to W &t > Virgfl at a Latlife, assembly iasty Monday, • • J • . " Portraying the poet was; Anna Mintqn. Others in the east in*. eluded: ffdsemary Buscio, Clceroj Mary Ann ©erg, Crassusj SMron Beedy, Fompey; Barbara SeUs, Mark Antony; Barbara -Andres, Julius Caesarj Margaret Mary Miller, Augustus Caesar^ Mary Kay Ehmaan, Saltust, and Joyce Beidecjs, Maecenae. Slaves in the play were por- trayed by Alisann Alexander* Judy Burns,' Dorcas Holmes, The St Agnes High School s t V * * 31 * « n t Lo *?J 0 ' ^^Jft J„ M * '&„,»„» ».„t-4 „„ ^„„_ , _* i waek, Kathy Rich, Mary Rich dent honse heW an open meet- ^ Kat|l #ebeR lag at the "schiool on Tuesday, j - . The open meeting was held in i Dancers for the presentation response io the student's queries; were Pat Bauer, EWka Beck, Gail on what went <oa at one of its I Bristol, Sharon Dean, -Jullanne meetings. . j Eyer, Lynn LeBlanc* Sara Me- . •"._,, ., ,. " Govern, Carol O'Brien, Nancy Anne.Minton,coMnea president. Ip^jj^j^, jvtaehie .PeJagrino,, ¥^?**&> She ** p * m ^M^'iMartho. Mary Proud, Carole fa^ vAth a prayer and Martha! Bmith an ^ Q , ^ TrenWer. They Siavin, eouncli secretory, read ^ directed by Diane de Coco:. the minutes of the previous meet lag. Joanne "Piro, yice president, latin class sophomores from the glee club provided the roup Miss Siavin and Sue Scheffel, g L ^ C f e SrdiSf'B i- Sharon Kelly narrated"ithe.ftro- •"./• Hospllalltf House lists Jos^phite Peggy/I^yncji, race followed. Cedartvood T h The Rev,/Harry J. Malpney, A the home of MisiiaSJ., Josetihite priest stationed' P»»f»<u>MT.Vr!f»h fodlrttnut "Ttvi .,«. T. ^-....,1.-.,,i |t„«»AW«U>' gram. Slsiers Edwmtllne Anno Virginia directed the eefleva Man mt Force Instractor Cenev* Major'William C Flannigan, USAF,,of 416 Ottawa St. Forest Heights, Md., has been selected for an assignment as., political science' instructor at the United . States Air Force Academy at Colorado Springs, Colo.--- • — -' - Major Flannigan Is the son of the late .Mr. .and Mrs. William Flannigan, 18 ; Universal ' Ave,, Geneva. He enlisted in the armed teaching , forgiving s j BS / pray . jOitnemcrn^r« ot court be«eca fJ5erted y nder lhe supenisjon 0 f forces In March, 1542, and. tw BROTfiNS 9 7 - 1 0 1 FAIL ST.' SINECA FAUS^ N.Y, CHwltty ClolMttg for Wbffltrt. and -Chifdrin tf|%IHl!IT n v i A JL> WEtJmKsKmA OViRLtiOICiNG JENECA tAKE Fanwai Cuism« Grill Rocm Afr Ceasilltfeajtf Mi'nt Piiiiiif- liar* In Hi* Hurt »f Ifci Fin|>«f t j k u JFr^e Parking teg And just a fewhours before i Fall5 » Catholic Daughters of his Passion and death. He in- i America, the ladies of the K. of stituted the great sacrament of c. auxiliary and the S, M. S. love, the Holy Eucharist' 1 Concluding, Father AehiBes ad- ! vised* let each of us in our lonell- ' ness, - poftder God's love for us and mm for Him.** The program included recita- .Jion-Gf4he Rosary, Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament and . singing by the Seminary chorte ~ters,' , " Auxiliary. About 180 Scouts and leaders were? present The ladlea who assisted in pre- the mojthers of the group, 'Very Rev. John F. Murphy, CJ5.B., president of-St John Fish- er College, Rochester, was the principal speaker. He chose as his topic. "Voeaaoris" urging his paring the breakfast, were the | audience to pray for guidance in Mesdames Nora Fomesl, Teresa their choice of way of life. OENEVA, N. ¥. S, K, NESTOR, l*r«s. GENEVA, H. t \m ...... epAan a '.fRU.tirt INSURANGi m INVESTIGATION CrTAlGI <MH ONE MiTE OF INTEKlSr - fO I0WOW $100.00 FOR ONE YEA* COSf $6.00, ^National BANK ty AUBURN t»IRS0NAt. ' tOAN DB»AHT«iNT 3rd floor i . Mrs, Anne- Walsh, R.N., was. chairman of the chapter's Holy Hour program. Court Annunciation Spaahetti Annual. public spaghetti. su> •per of -Cjau-t Armuneiatlon, Cath- 1 ollc Daughters'of America, was I held recently in the St, Stephen's.; America met last Monday eve' j School halt' Eighty-five pe*rsohs,ning in St Patrick'* School, Mary Awedutt, Mary Povero, Joan Dellafave, Ada Addona, Ann Moreland, Anita Fitzgerald, Fhil- onriina Tcdesche iand the Misses Mary p. Barbl/Olivia Salotti and Mary Salotti. Rev, John B. Kleintjes, assist- ,ant pastor, addressed the Scouts after th^.hseakf'aBt, . . * * ' * ' Catholic Daughters Hold Meeting Seneca Palis Court Seneca Falls Catholic daughters of Rev. John B. Kleintlcs* assist.- 4at pastor, waist gen^ai'chalKaan of fhC dinner* '- ~~ -o ~J ' PiH^ijurgh Chancery Pittsburgh^ Pa, — fNC) Chan- eery office? here are to be moved lo a new five-story Diocese of Pittsburgh Building located near Gateway Center at 111 Boulevard of the Allies, Pittsburgh 22. ( attended the event '" -Mrs. Alice Simeojie was chair- man-of the supper;- Assisting j were.' the Mesdames Elizabeth Seb, Rose Alvaro, Marlene.An- astasl, Helen Martino, Mary Fe- licetrj,- Caroline CaS67"EiiZabeth Tocco, Fiorenee GiKl, Angela t MAKES IT Modernize Adding improvtmant* to your home? Re- pairing? . If it'i a aueitioft ef mon»y, have ih» answer. Com* in «nd Find % out about our iow-«o*i financing plan. - TERMS ARRANGED TO SUIT Re-pay according lo ineofna on monthly installment plan. No eo-tignen naadad. Salotti, Grand Regent presiding. Rev. John B. Kleintjes,-assistant {pastor of -St Patrick's parish, spoke on.tbe tilospel of the day. Coffee was-served at the meet- ing./ Mrs; Amelia Suglia and Mary..B. J a t b l were ".on cotarSlb tee, ' . '" >• at that time assigned to the Mili- tary Police, He received his commission as Second Lieutenant at Fort Knox, Kentucky, and later transferred to the Air Corps, He served in both the European Theater- of Operations and the Far East for a time being stationed at Kara- chi, the Indian terminal of the famed Chlna-Burma-Indi'a run. Before enlisting In the •service, he was sale*' manager. for tH*e Geneva branch of the Georgian Bay Lumber Company. His Wife is the former Mary Ellen Bredesen, daughter of Normah Bredesen aiid the late Mrs. Beula. Bredesen of Seneca Castle, . . at Iimnarulate, Con,c«>p'tlon' Church, 'Ml speak at &J5 p.m. Tuesday. Mar. 2S. at St. Jo^ph's House of Hospitality, 402 South, Ave, j Father Maloncy will discuss ••The Cntftollc Church and the Negro.** The publie Is -welcome to attend this and other, talks scheduled at the hospitality house every. Tuesday night. _—. o—»— Sale To Benefit Carmelite Ibnasleiy The Carmelite Monastery, Jef- ferson Rd, will benefit from th* sale of articles a t 200 Main St W,{<jjjaiarch 25- — Donations of clothing and other useful articles can be left at the place of the sale on March 24. Co-chairmen for the sale are the Mesdhmes John P* Sexton, Qrr M. Sixbey and. Hiram Barnes. PAIHT1KG- IHTMI6E PAPER/NG AHif REPAIRS Y>»« Senric* To K«sc|Mt*r- »B4 C«\nm««»tjf s*~f ALFRED BOB ann Sl>N i nn KUSEWOOP TKB- , MONKS «t'. 8»*SI* » HI*. S41M Execulift Placement « OwporttioB Ofa, £Mf LOYMENT SERVICE •r-**Jr AND CONSULTANTS [jir'SIni *n* Wom«» 3llt M»n *ni Wom«» Si!«f,A«*BH»B«nf ... . <ie<i»iir* . ttth* IA**r «u»l *aMtohi(rii- S.0240 * ti»n «l«ri*»l * ?15 Sifclty Tew«i tat. vk "Everything fcJnder the Sun" FOB THE OFFICE si«l * W*N) o*fk« r«Htf<i«t« - 8i»«J«n*ir SHPJsllt* >— Sl*tl 8h«I*ln* Helnrich - Seibold STATIONEBy CO. *' Stortk J» E«K**»tw, H. r. . . JI S!.u fit, 431 Wanton tU l-,iNii*ilIivl*#*iri»*li AUTOMOTIVE SERVICES SALES-SERVICE-REPAIR-ACCESSORIES BLACK: tw . CUSTdM BUItT DRIVEWAYS INbOSTRiAt ^Jt <OM»ME!RCrAt |,dtS : Recoat Your Present Drive Long Li£e Asphalt Paving Co. 191 y a Bronson Ave. BEverly 5-1482 MO LYE /CHEVROLET w RiYHONB J. BRAISTON -HMtc«r« tun; v>, MKSA'-SU- Ph.. 22s ...... -, .. .. ^ p ^, .jj §iJ . WriiM, e. ««w st 'AAA *bnHsr»k# Offldol ImpacKon Sta. #1.861 -. JSnnttil Ju&fia MONROE BRAKE A V MOtOR SERVICE 112 CHARtOttE ST. IA5-NS4 St JBROMK'S—KAST ROtiHKSTiSS Ji^M'l /CHEVROLET "«t B. COMMERCIAL ST. t,Tf S-7J73 A-fltr » P.M. JH 7-9a»« ^J^^'^&^I'— 1 */<sr£& TRACTORS MURPHY TRACTOJtCO, 7216 fittjfercf-pjlmyrj Ro>d FARMS-lNSTITUTIONS-INOUSTBIAr, tmJ—i±; l""S5g 1— Cftfw Km—I - TRUST COMPANY ^1 WWW.JfmcWF.KT. ' A Marino hMUmi Wank lUMtfi't* lr««e«-iil nrpaiiljt In»«x«»n-e C»r».. MtMher j'tiurl M^Mart* ***l<j# NEWARK, NEW YORK ST. IHCHASI.'a - NEWASK., N. T. . $arrg W. farkfr. funeral lirertor OEerfiefd U 3 2 5 5 114416 East MtHer SheeF NEWARK, NEW YORK W-i^-^s^i'^MlUj^st^ j r Newark Motors Inc. Chevrolet»Oidsmobil* Sales and Servic* LlTONS ROAD DEe*FieW 1-1O10 •>' t ,v ( m : Rl N" (>Han - k- —*-&T. Montgomery Ward Retail Slor« 209 So. Main St. DEe«rfield 1-1328 - 1-2440 Fret Delivery 25 mil* ndwi Siritlaction GuinnittA or Money ' B»ek Mother e>l Sorrcm-» Pirlih INGALL'S ATUNTIC SERVICE T»»5n« ServJc* «nd Repair ,»6r)iborhoetl ftrow Plowlnr Cor Dtnise fr Dewey CH 2 3894 •*>**« ^—»•• ST. MARY'S. CANANDAJGO* PLACIT0 BROS. Lvbrieafion Waihlng - BiUeriti Tirei . Oit Change* 267 S. MAIN ST. fhont M05W CANANDAIGUA, N. Y. ' ^ ' ^ ^ M * ^ ^ ! ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ FALCON AUTO SERVICE GAS OIL REPAIRING »*5 HUDSON A VEN OB Open « A.M. to U P.M. CO 6-9574 FHNfBALttt>ME 1795 Rfdge Road last Roy Burni HO 7-53T4S -.nw«,ti«-»m«.tu» CLAUDE W, EMERY ASSUMPTION. PARISH WNERAL'DIRECTOR -••- AMBULANCE SERVICE . AW CONDITIONED 76 so. MAIN st, FAIRP6RT;NEW YOftk H I II • nil, p! ,, l mi •-'j'" ' •'""'• ••""*•"••» .1-- -Phono FRofltler 7^83 GULF MOTOR CLINIC Dynamometer Time-Vp Generator Starter and Ignition Service CO 6-5472 1365 St, Paul St. it Ave. E. HOLY APuSTLbS GARDNER ft BADER Central Repnirlne 176 Child St. cor. Mop!. ~" 24 HOUR TOWING SERVICE AUTO ACCESSORIES BE. 5-9571 READ THE ADS Your Guide To Better Buying -ir .CdRF-OS OHRISTI,. , FUNERAL DIRECTOR 683 Main Stre-if Eost HArnilion 6-2435 - SMITH, \ UJTZE . ..FtlKErUl>'DlKECTQRS-. FTJI»iirTURE Witliin*}. ElKfirr ' Fr*nVi, Klfck : . '.'..'•• hwH O'Dti) ST. MARY'S, CANA.NDAKJUA F. H. McELWEE & SON 484 South Main St lit MAIN STREET S, Phone 562-1223 "Horn* of Quality FornlttlrV CANANDAIGUA, N. Y. Ililll i,i,i ii i i,i {nil 11111 m i 11 ru I'I.I u n m 111 m\ mi 1.1 IIN run i IUI i I>I i &Q1X FAMILV PARISH !lllllllllil!li|l|lll'li,iillill!l^ ^Mauoner ijf J^tatikneckt auoner I FUNERAL DIRECTORS I 828 JAY ST. II rt i w i I'M r.!ii i I'l i PI iii n 11 PHI i Mil 1111 H i linn 11 di'iiiii iil'imiiiii 11 Willi i I>I iii'iii'i,iiiii,i Wii.i FA. 8-2323 iHIIIIHlll'111113 A Name You C«H Ttiut Near Menjorial Bridge (Off Street Parking) i AmwMmttm{gM\\i i y ii JI II •mwii J Ma yea i f \ h -K ' \ i . /* j

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Page 1: AUTOMOTIVE · mppm Auburn'' -- 'Ipie March meeting of the c^^-.t^aes Club of Mt. Caroiel ifgh-{School'will

" , ' : - • . * • ' . ! ' . '


»jiiKiw'"p'i*j* », / "

4: -'"I'Ma^ Irfarch: &, 1938.,,...,,,. , ^ 3 £ w ^

Auburn Events



Auburn'' - - 'Ipie March meeting of the c ^ ^ - . t ^ a e s Club of Mt. Caroiel ifgh-{School'will be h e i r March',% following "a pot

J&eijalea; for 6^30

-Bev- Brenaaft. HOUritea Q. Cam).-, principal, is moderator- of Alje club. -

Itick -supper pJ33, ' v ;. • -f*

Mrs. Harold,E. Beltoer, ehafi^f mail of the committee of soph->jnore rootherafplanttfog the meet­ing, Has announced that these attending are to bring a hot dish, salad, or .dessert. The committee 1^'lurnibi'the.rteat.' • •

Members of Sirs. Bellner's com-

Camel €irk Wk 4ia#etba$ Finale

Anbnrn — ISighr • School -

"Ehe WL 0arme) Girls basketball

team emerged victorious in its final game of the seapsw when it defeated DeSales High School «f Geneva on Tuesday- by a score of 38-17. High scsrers .to* the Auburn girls wre Susan Com-

mltt'ee are Mesfaaws ,An&oriy'lng, Patrllla Sdieftlc. Joan Ififc Slate Thomas J. Bwnnari, j^f^aj.PaWda.Wfe««w..w.4Clw» geph T. C3<%llone, Michael €er - ' H y e* vo, Frank J^Pahey, A Howard j>af, Leonard' A. Greene, Joseph L» lynch; .G^pi&H. Starawr afri. &avld WalleiS,

Dr. Joseph- F. Kaiplnskt v?iM sbowjcolor slides to Illustrate UU talk oa Ms experience white TO* toripg through Europe- Mrs. Her-

Mars. Thomas McGee, girls * th letic director, points c u t that the guards-, Kathryn Cuddy, leather­ing Heverin, Carol- Atoms and Patricia- Coleman played an out­standing garhe.

Other members o£ the- girls varsity for t h e season 3«st termi­nated were Mary Jerome, Carol Pesarchidkf Nancy Lavler, Anne


. . > •

bBrt T. Anderson, president, "wiBispjQeiijr K a r e n " Wells, Eunice conduct huslness meeting-

.OGKBmi MM ••A«birn'» Fhwfl D«Iw S^ut****

117 llHBnirig.Av*. Dial — 3-7951 '-

f iw Points l̂iquor Stem

51 F^lclin 5tr*«* A*Mt*,'<N. V. ' ' j .

Mothers Assist In School Library MOTHERS CIX*B members of St. Alpbonsus Parish, Auburn help out aa library assistants at the school library daring school hours. In jpfioto {from left) Jponnid Tend* ©j Michael J)'AEOS« fino, 9j Mrs, Francis T. Sysa, MrS, John !F. Gls^on, Mrs, ?»«1 J. Burrow; and airs, Thoma*.

'A. Barfs, volunfeersj Barbara. Ryan, 8; Ann Brono, 8» and Mary Slahoney. & tA« G. Turby Photo.)

Geneva Reports Bergeron a n d Kathleen Walters, ,— - 0 - — , ,

Mission Society lechny, »fc - (NC*~Amer.

kan-born membeM and cancji. iates- af fee ^sdetf af -&8 ^ vine ^Verd rrfs^lowries number 1,143, it Is-*-reported in the rectory of. Heme Parishes, pub- , _ . , _ _ . . _ __. , , _ „ . , ^ J.„„..,J„,.^ _ .„ Hshed here by the socie^r lor its l o n e i ^ , pon4«,"*Gud's love for .ttiVliisses ^itfe ChaeeSa "and personnel, • uji ond ours for Him," Father t ena Costa. ,

Achilles of the Imroaculate Heart; „ * ,•. «' ' " • " of Xlarj- Seminary advised Gen,! G u e s ^ f?-1 - tne w u ^ ^ w ^ e v -eva Chapter, Catholic Nfe t e , at Raymond F, Holan» pastor of St * Holy Bmir program' i | , the \ Stepiien's partshj Rev», |bjtn

Catholic Nurses Hold §\Boiy Eguv Program

Geneva—''Let each of u s in our Cee*ere a n d Mary BaUstreti and

OENSfA, N» t^


I(*etric»t Cwitfae**n MMu*it »«»*•* 3f|«w*I-tttt.

jtuWm. N.t . -

HNGER U K I S / l«UrKlirf«* arid CI#arif/$

IHtJNtf SflflCK / / .COMPIHS SOM; samci

•k' T«Wph«Ml ?rf3*1 / / Sil W«*M»f i« St, G*«*w», RY.

SENECA fMLS# N.Y. aannmnnitonnnraini

Gio. S. RobiRiHi OIAMONDS - WATCHfS IIM6S—SimMAMi, He. J2 FiJj.St, SMICI FaHf, N.r.

I IM^MtttttttflTftttT^T


. ROCKET vwtumm


Gmtvi Milk Company MHJt AKB MPUJt f KttBCCTt

Lynch Furniture Go. F o r Olrer Fifty 3?e*r* €t«sn.8v»'# Homo S t o r e

4711 Exdhang* St.

semiriaiy chape l

Father 'Achilles s tated. ! that **lon«iness was given M Christ He, ^wnt to, join hts/AiAsstles in prayer but they wpr^lieejji and: He prajed ol«ie_iuid asked His' Heavenly Fatfier, *My God, My God, why hast Thou forsaJsen-; M e r " - . .

THE SPEAKER; pointM * out • that.,""We .aire alcne in human' syffertng.- there is n loneliness

| in yotjih struggling to be on their own. There te loneliness in ' grown-ups- who must maive. im­portant decfelonralone. . •

"There is loneliness in the- sep«

Duffy aria Rev, Baymond Eihg-wood of S t Stephen's; aijd Bev. Joseph Bernier of the ^lessed Sacrament Fathers of St; Jean's Church, N*w York

April S. meeting will

of S t J


luiiini CDI laises Eoxeip Relief Fund

Ajabdrn — A collection for the F*e<3-A-Famlly program of the Foreign Relief, National Council of Catholic Women was taken .at the March meeting of Auburn Catholic Daughters of America hejld "at their home. - Three pack­ages' jitf&\ he forwarded, . \

B«3fl* Clerard. ^ , Culi, <rourt chapjtttn gave a short Wogrnph-le# sketch of St. Patrick. Thorn* as /^ l i^abb sang several Irish SQife accompanied on the piano by/Mrs, George M. Frajjk. Mrs. •Ciarence Hayden njsp sang and

held ''wW aecompanied £y-Mi$s Eliz-/ abettt Refedort


«sslstantTpr|iicij«i!.lv^f the School of Nuribij i t Craig Colony spoke ,f o jhembei^ $i ©ansviBe- CoHn-cil, 'STniEhts of ,;CoJ,urflJius Att^Hiarffdurini an assemBly. a t the last meeting, jfe? topic* was. "Nurses Responsibility To-%var<j Meeting the^Spijitnsl Needs t3fthelll,« ' - . - . . •

Two films, showing the work of Maryknoll missionaries in for. eigif lands were shown. Menibers voted to donate $100 to sponsor a Maryknoll nun Jrt her ^vofk after the Alms were jshown.

The auxiliary will attend Sta­tions of the Cross at St, Patrick Church} Dansvillei Good Friday, AprHSafr^Ojhni, . *

--. —»..—-r^r——„

, Seton Sroups In Action

&tm 1 E A 1 C H of Seton Workers of St, Mary's Sosjital met Wednesday, March IS at the home of Mrs. Bonald A Kraft-schick in Thnrlow Drive.

_ * *;* *

18TH BSAKCJK will meet at the home of Mrs, Donald An-dre»£j* Grosvenor B«ad, Satur­day, March 22,'

» * * . *

,4?TH BRANCH w«l meet at the home of Mrs. Oliver D-JSisen-

vhsti,- -giiis. &rtve, Wednesday, March 26,

College, will give ,;the next lec­ture on March 26. SrIe~vvHl speak on nursing, as a career and the in­fluence of the Catholic mother in her home and her'conununity.

•Nazareth College s t u d e n t s formed a panel that discussed j the need of a higher education for Catholic wernen In the series first program. The panel was .made, up of Mary' Ann Wood-

• Ward, Joanne Brown, Mtartha Sul­livan and Moya Neville." . •

Girl Scouts Marie Week. With Communion Breakfost

- In oteerat lonfgoQfol H o o r

Week, the Cirii Seneca, Falls

of Girl Scout Scouts of St. Patrick** Parish.

nours -^HOE STbBE

4 MODEBATB PBICES Auburn . Seneca Fatlf

IAKER * STARK, Inc. A SMMT CI.Hii«« Sim $ M < * l l «

4 1 9 EXGHANOI ST. <3ir?«va, N. If .

axatien by death of husband and together with their leaders at-w?ife, and the loneliness t»f *epa- j tended' .thet 8 mm. Mass In - S t ratten from family and friends, • F a trick Church on'Sunday, Mar,

"We are here to let God .know* I t lJ+, . w „ . t * . . f „ „ . i .M in that His tore Is not forgotten.)w n u A breakfast was n«a..m. Dut t>t love He vas bom poor in ! &* auditorium after Mass, a huatte s t ab le . , .out of love j The tec^fast was arranged He worked humbly 3D years '

H u g e Success

Sewsca Falls'— About 15& high school age |jarisWoners of S t Patrick's parish turned out Sun* day *venlr»ir to attend the dinner and social hour held in the audi­torium. A baffet funcheon was

MTH BRANCH will meetrln the Nurses Home lounge, Tues­day noon, March 23. Hostesses will be Mefdames Urban DeCoa* ick, Havmqad Hasenaner, Arthur Taylor, Alfred Wittman,

S9TH IfBAKCK received Holy Commuhioh irt a body at St Mary Church. Sunday, March 16,

ram Hi


•' St. Agnfes fflprSchoal nas iiiitlatea a career night gm*-ance'fHPQgrem durtog- fWs moi#, "Aspeets of various career* are given t o j t t students each Wednesday during: March

ning- an assemBly. " . {: % » ' ' ' ' ' • Mrs kioharci Tromneter, who &aVe "porfejjn the forthcoming

».««.-» t ^ t « i - ftf ^iBTirn rt(- election and: homeroom represent S e f i n S & tomSS'^ reported on 5 « g g e s t o fS?-^?% „"«s _ £ . S!^ fl^T f l offered by their homeroom class-

«~ «4Cj

stii fins Bot

mates. The meeting closed with. a prayer., ' \

Students Perform \ ~T-J

Kay Cur'ran> a n Engl ish teach­e r a t E a s t High School, and Mary M a r g a r e t Oong^gan, a Brighton School District JNfo,'I teacher, spoHe a t - t(ie second of t h e series, They talfced o n the preparat ion needed to teach and t h e rewards of the profession.

Student Council

Open Meeting

Piqy On Virgil StudeMs nf, S t Agnes High

School performed in a play based on the . l« t .« f Ml I**to W&t> Virgfl at a Latlife, assembly iasty Monday, • • J • . "

Portraying the poet was; Anna Mintqn. Others in the east in*. eluded: ffdsemary Buscio, Clceroj Mary Ann ©erg, Crassusj SMron Beedy, Fompey; Barbara SeUs, Mark Antony; Barbara -Andres, Julius Caesarj Margaret Mary Miller, Augustus Caesar^ Mary Kay Ehmaan, Saltust, and Joyce Beidecjs, Maecenae.

Slaves in the play were por­trayed by Alisann Alexander* Judy Burns,' Dorcas Holmes,

The S t Agnes High School s tV** 3 1 * j £ « ntL o *?J 0 ' ^ ^ J f t

J„ M * '&„,»„» ».„t-4 „„ ^„„_ , _* i waek, Kathy Rich, Mary Rich dent honse heW an open meet- ^ K a t | l # e b e R

lag at the "schiool on Tuesday, j - . The open meeting was held in i Dancers for the presentation response io the student's queries; were Pat Bauer, EWka Beck, Gail on what went <oa at one of its I Bristol, Sharon Dean, -Jullanne meetings. . j Eyer, Lynn LeBlanc* Sara Me-

. •"._,, ., , . " Govern, Carol O'Brien, Nancy Anne.Minton,coMnea president. I p ^ j j ^ j ^ , jvtaehie .PeJagrino,,

¥^?**&> S h e **p*m ^ M ^ ' i M a r t h o . Mary Proud, Carole fa^ vAth a prayer and Martha! Bmith a n ^ Q , ^ TrenWer. They Siavin, eouncli secretory, read ^ directed by Diane de Coco:. the minutes of the previous meet lag.

Joanne "Piro, yice president,

l a t in class sophomores from the glee club provided the roup

Miss Siavin and Sue Scheffel, g L ^ C f e S r d i S f ' B — i- Sharon Kelly narrated"ithe.ftro-

•"./• Hospllalltf House lists Jos^phite

Peggy/I^yncji, race followed.

Cedartvood T h The Rev,/Harry J. Malpney,

A the home of MisiiaSJ., Josetihite priest stationed' P»»f»<u>MT.Vr!f»h f o d l r t t n u t "Ttvi .,«. T. ^-....,1.-.,,i | t „ « » A W « U > '

g r a m . Slsiers Edwmtllne Anno Virginia directed t h e

eefleva Man mt Force Instractor

Cenev* — Major'William C Flannigan, USAF,,of 416 Ottawa St . Forest Heights, Md., has been selected for an assignment as., political science' instructor at the United . States Air Force Academy at Colorado Springs, Colo.--- • — -' -

Major Flannigan Is the son of the late .Mr. .and Mrs. William Flannigan, 18 ; Universal ' Ave,, Geneva. He enlisted in the armed

teaching , forgiving s j B S / p r a y . jOi tnemcrn^r« ot court be«eca f J 5 e r t e d y n d e r l h e supenisjon 0f forces In March, 1542, and. t w

BROTfiNS 97-101 FAIL S T . '

SINECA FAUS^ N . Y , CHwltty ClolMttg for

Wbffltrt. a n d -Chifdrin

t f | % I H l ! I T

n v i A JL> WEtJmKsKmA

OViRLtiOICiNG JENECA tAKE Fanwai Cuism« Grill Rocm

Afr Ceasilltfeajtf Mi'nt Piiiiiif- liar*

In Hi* Hurt »f Ifci Fin|>«f t j k u

JFr̂ e Parking

teg And ju s t a f e w h o u r s before i F a l l 5 » Catholic Daughters of his Passion and death . H e in- i America, the ladies of the K. of stituted the great sacrament of c . auxiliary and the S, M. S. love, the Holy Eucharist'1

Concluding, Father AehiBes ad-! vised* let each of us in our lonell-' ness, - poftder God's love for us and mm for Him.**

The program included recita-.Jion-Gf4he Rosary, Benediction

of the Blessed Sacrament and . singing by the Seminary chorte ~ters,' , • "

Auxiliary. About 180 Scouts and leaders were? present

The ladlea who assisted in pre-

the mojthers of the group,

'Very Rev. John F. Murphy, CJ5.B., president of-St John Fish­er College, Rochester, was the principal speaker. He chose as his topic. "Voeaaoris" urging his

paring the breakfast, were the | audience to pray for guidance in Mesdames Nora Fomesl, Teresa their choice of way of life.

OENEVA, N. ¥ . S, K, NESTOR, l*r«s.

GENEVA, H. t \m . . . . . .

epAan a • • ' . f R U . t i r t INSURANGi


fO I 0 W O W $100.00 FOR ONE YEA* COSf $6.00,

^National BANK ty AUBURN

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• 3rd floor

i . Mrs, Anne- Walsh, R.N., was. chairman of the chapter ' s Holy Hour program.

Court Annunciation Spaahetti

Annual. public spaghetti. su> •per of -Cjau-t Armuneiatlon, Cath-

1 ollc Daughters'of America, was I held recently in the St, Stephen's.; America met last Monday eve' j School halt' Eighty-five pe*rsohs,ning in S t Patrick'* School, Mary

Awedutt, Mary Povero, • Joan Dellafave, Ada Addona, Ann Moreland, Anita Fitzgerald, Fhil-onriina Tcdesche iand the Misses Mary p. Barbl/Olivia Salotti and Mary Salotti.

Rev, John B. Kleintjes, assist-,ant pastor, addressed the Scouts after th^.hseakf'aBt, . .

* * ' * '

Catholic Daughters

Hold Meeting Seneca Palis — Court Seneca

Falls Catholic daughters of

Rev. John B. Kleintlcs* assist.-4at pastor, waist gen^ai'chalKaan of fhC dinner*

'- ~~ -o ~J '

PiH^ijurgh Chancery

Pittsburgh^ Pa, — fNC) Chan-eery office? here are to be moved lo a new five-story Diocese of Pittsburgh Building located near Gateway Center at 111 Boulevard of the Allies, Pittsburgh 22.

(attended the event

'" -Mrs. Alice Simeojie was chair­man-of the supper;- Assisting

j were.' the Mesdames Elizabeth Seb, Rose Alvaro, Marlene.An-astasl, Helen Martino, Mary Fe-licetrj,- Caroline CaS67"EiiZabeth Tocco, Fiorenee GiKl, Angela



Modernize Adding improvtmant* to your home? Re­pairing? . If it 'i a aueitioft ef mon»y, w« have ih» answer. Com* in «nd Find %out about our iow-«o*i financing plan. -

TERMS ARRANGED TO SUIT Re-pay according lo ineofna on monthly installment plan. No eo-tignen naadad.

Salotti, Grand Regent presiding. Rev. John B. Kleintjes,-assistant

{pastor of -St Patrick's parish, spoke on.tbe tilospel of the day.

Coffee was-served at the meet­ing./ Mrs; Amelia Suglia and Mary..B. J a t b l were ".on cotarSlb t e e , ' . ''" >•

at that time assigned to the Mili­tary Police,

He received his commission as Second Lieutenant at Fort Knox, Kentucky, and later transferred to the Air Corps, He served in both the European Theater- of Operations and the Far East for a time being stationed at Kara­chi, the Indian terminal of the famed Chlna-Burma-Indi'a run.

Before enlisting In the •service, he was sale*' manager. for tH*e Geneva branch of the Georgian Bay Lumber Company.

His Wife is the former Mary Ellen Bredesen, daughter of Normah Bredesen aiid the late Mrs. Beula. Bredesen of Seneca Castle, . .

at Iimnarulate, Con,c«>p'tlon' Church, ' M l speak at &J5 p.m. Tuesday. Mar. 2S. at St. Jo^ph's House of Hospitality, 402 South, A v e , j

Father Maloncy will discuss ••The Cntftollc Church and the Negro.** The publie Is -welcome to attend this and other, talks scheduled at the hospitality house every. Tuesday night. „ •

_—. o — » —

Sale To Benefit Carmelite Ibnasleiy

The Carmelite Monastery, Jef­ferson R d , will benefit from th* sale of articles a t 200 Main S t W,{<jjjaiarch 25- —

Donations of clothing and other useful articles can be left at the place of the sale on March 24. Co-chairmen for the sale are the Mesdhmes John P* Sexton, Qrr M. Sixbey and. Hiram Barnes.



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