august - september 2020 message · christians are story-telling people whose lives have been shaped...

The Scroll Church: A Methodist and United Reformed Church Local Ecumenical Partnership MESSAGE August - September 2020 @ScrollChurch The Scroll Church

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Page 1: August - September 2020 MESSAGE · Christians are story-telling people whose lives have been shaped by the biggest story of all, of God’s immense love for us and all creation. Hearing

The Scroll Church: A Methodist and United Reformed Church Local Ecumenical Partnership

MESSAGEAugust - September 2020

@ScrollChurchThe Scroll Church

Page 2: August - September 2020 MESSAGE · Christians are story-telling people whose lives have been shaped by the biggest story of all, of God’s immense love for us and all creation. Hearing


The Scroll Church Vision and Mission StatementsEcumenical Vision StatementIn the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, North Watford Methodist Church and St Thomas’ United Reformed Church, covenant together to serve better God’s mission in our neighbourhood and beyond by praying together and for each other, sharing worship, sharing resources and ministry, and making and nurturing Christian disciples, as far as the disciplines of our Churches allow.Vision StatementServing God, serving community, serving each other, every day.Mission StatementWe believe that we have been called to serve God’s mission in our neighbourhood and beyond through:• Worship • Discipleship • Service and Caring • Action

Worship – we will seek to offer worship that is pleasing to God and open to all. It will draw on the depth and breadth of our traditions, be relevant to our world and be actively inclusive of all God’s people. We will aspire to worship God every day through our lives, our prayers and our actions.

Discipleship – we will seek to bring the good news of Jesus Christ to our community, and share in the Church’s mission to God’s world. We will study the Bible together and equip people to interpret it for themselves. We will actively encourage each other in faith and prayer. We will make our work with young people a priority.

Service and Caring – we will seek to care for our community and one another in God’s name. Our building will be used for ourselves and for others. We will exercise pastoral care over one another, having special regard for the sick, the sorrowing and the dying.

Action – we will seek to be God’s instrument in our community and in His world. We will challenge injustice, and speak out for fairness and equality. We will support the work of those seeking to further God’s kingdom in this country and overseas, through our giving, campaigning and prayer.This statement is to be reviewed at least every three years.Agreed by the first Congregational meeting on Saturday 23rd September 2017 and endorsed on Sunday 8th October 2017 by:Rev. Dr. Andrew Prasad,Moderator, United Reformed Church, Thames North SynodRev. David Chapman,Chair, Bedfordshire, Essex & Hertfordshire District of the Methodist Church

Page 3: August - September 2020 MESSAGE · Christians are story-telling people whose lives have been shaped by the biggest story of all, of God’s immense love for us and all creation. Hearing

Rev. Donna Fowler-Marchanta message of greeting from our new minister


Grace and peace to you from hot, humid North Carolina! I am excited about coming to the UK to be your minister, even with the strangeness of these “corona-times” and the way that has changed our lives so dramatically. Christians are story-telling people whose lives have been shaped by the biggest story of all, of God’s immense love for us and all creation. Hearing each other’s stories is

the best way to really get to know someone, so I thought I’d share a little of mine with you.

I have a doctorate from Wesley Seminary in Spirituality and Story and enjoy discovering the ways all our little stories connect and are made whole in that big, over-arching story of the Triune God.

I am originally from a little town of around 2,000 and grew up Baptist, but there were many Methodists in our family as well. After my undergraduate degree, I attended a Methodist seminary,

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“Mothers in Israel: Methodist Beginnings Through the Eyes of Women”, which is due to be published by the end of the year. Early Methodism, the Wesleys, and the women preachers/leaders of that period are of particular interest. I also enjoy reading murder mysteries, especially British ones, and Scott and I are great fans of Harry Potter and the Endeavour series on TV. I have visited the UK many times and look forward to discovering new places and getting to know new people as we learn to be the Church together. I spent the summer of 2017 on sabbatical in England and Scotland, and last summer I spent five weeks preaching in the Heylipol (Church of Scotland) parish of the island of Tiree.

Since I learned that I was coming to you, I have held you in my prayers, and I anticipate learning with and from you as we discern the holy nudges of the Spirit and embark on ministry and mission in our local communities and into the world. I am confident that we will grow to love each other in an atmosphere of grace and Christ-like humility, and I thank God for this opportunity to labour in the Lord’s vineyard with you.

The best of all is, God is with us!


Duke Divinity School, and though I was ordained in 1992 in a Baptist church, I eventually became Methodist, mostly because of the Wesleyan emphasis on grace and love. In 1999 I became an elder (presbyter) in the United Methodist Church, and I have served a variety of churches in an urban area of approximately 200,000 people, including eight years working primarily with older adults at a large Presbyterian church. My husband grew up in the Episcopal Church, and I frequently attend mid-week Eucharist at an Episcopal church, so my roots are firmly planted in the rich soil of Wesleyan theology but have been and still are fed by the broader ecumenical tradition of the Church.

My husband Scott Marchant is an electrical engineer with Goodyear, He will unfortunately have to stay in NC because of work, but he is excited about visiting as often as possible. We have been married almost 31 years and have two adult children, Sergei and Natasha, whom we adopted from Russia in 2001 when they were 13 and 8 years old, respectively. Hopefully they will be able to come to the UK at some point for a visit. My father enjoys traveling and plans to come visit, maybe at Christmas, depending on the Covid-19 situation.

I have just finished writing my first book,

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A Call Out for Crockery…and other things!

When our new minister, Donna arrives, she will be moving into the manse in Bushey Mill Lane, Watford where the furniture and fittings will have remained in situ from the previous occupants.

However, there will be an absence of other, useful items: crockery, cutlery, pots, pans, glasses and all such related items. If you can help at all by donating any new (or nearly new) items that you think would be useful, please get in touch with David Edney who will be happy to arrange delivery / collection.

Please contact David via email:

[email protected]



After Neil’s hosts his final session on Saturday 25th July, we will continue our informal, weekly gatherings on Zoom in August. It’s a time to catch up with friends, share thoughts and enjoy fellowship together. Jean has kindly offered to take over leading these sessions that will also include a time for Bible Study and discussion.

Sessions will resume on a regular, weekly basis, fromWednesday 5th August

at 11am

If you would like attend (the more the merrier!), please email us and we’ll

make sure you receive the Zoom link:[email protected]

Page 6: August - September 2020 MESSAGE · Christians are story-telling people whose lives have been shaped by the biggest story of all, of God’s immense love for us and all creation. Hearing

Happy 60thWedding Anniversary

Huge congratulations toPam and Mike Hussey

as they celebrate 60 years ofmarriage on 10th September


Page 7: August - September 2020 MESSAGE · Christians are story-telling people whose lives have been shaped by the biggest story of all, of God’s immense love for us and all creation. Hearing


A Message from Bishop Alan: Living God’s Loveused with kind permission from Bishop Alan Smith (St Albans Diocesan Bishop),

forwarded by Rosemary Fletcher who included it in the Jul/Aug Methodist Reporter and by Katie Scott who did the leg-work in seeking permission to reproduce the article here

We’ve been praying as a diocese that ‘we might live God’s love with generosity and joy, imagination and courage’. Well over the past month we’ve had many opportunities to do just that. Who would have thought that within days of the lockdown many of our churches would be providing weekly online

worship with hymns, prayers, readings and sermons, often recorded remotely from different houses and spliced together on a home computer?

And in those parishes where the broadband is poor or where lots of people aren’t online, armies of volunteers have distributed – with proper health safety precautions of course – printed materials for the housebound and the

self-isolating so they can join in prayer and worship.

Over these past few weeks everyone – ordained and lay - has had to learn new skills and new ways to worship and to care for members of our congregations and parishioners. We’ve had to reach out to the bereaved on the phone or online who are not only grieving the death of a loved one but who in some

cases can’t even go to the funeral. Other people have been picking up prescriptions, running parish pantries or shopping for the housebound. There are new foodbanks at Flamstead and Farley Hill. You will know of other local examples in your parish.

It’s now becoming clear that life is not going to return to normal for many months, perhaps even years, so we are going to need even more ‘imagination and courage’ as we live out our

Christian duty. But we are also going to need more ‘generosity and joy’.

One of the choices that every human being faces in a crisis is whether to give into fear and pull back from others or whether to use it as a new opportunity to reach out to people.

That’s the situation in 2 Corinthians chapter 8 when there was a famine in Jerusalem. St Paul appealed for help. The

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Christians in Macedonia were themselves facing a ‘severe ordeal of affliction’ and must have been tempted to put themselves and their families first. Yet they responded with generosity and joy. St Paul tells us:

“In the midst of a very severe trial, their overflowing joy and their extreme poverty welled up in rich generosity. For I testify that they gave as much as they were able, and even beyond their ability. Entirely on their own, they urgently pleaded with us for the privilege of sharing in this service to the Lord’s people. And they exceeded our expectations: They gave themselves first of all to the Lord, and then by the will of God also to us”.

The inspiration for those first Christians was the conviction that still has the power to inspire today. As St Paul put it “For you know the generous act of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though he was rich, yet for your sakes he became poor, so that by his poverty you might become rich”.

During these challenging times I want to appeal to you to be generous. Generous in giving your time and energy to reach out to neighbours; generous in your giving to charities both here and overseas where many communities are facing far greater challenges than we are.

I also want to appeal to you to support your local church. Due to careful stewardship and planning we are not facing an immediate financial crisis in the next few weeks.

However, like all charities we are facing huge challenges which will hit us very hard over the coming months.

Nearly all the parish share is used to pay clergy stipends. We have furloughed some lay staff in Holywell Lodge already, and delayed repairs to vicarages. However, we believe it’s absolutely crucial to maintain the number of clergy who are key workers and who are working with you to make an incredible contribution during this pandemic.

Some of you are not in a position to contribute – perhaps your business is closed or your earnings are very diminished. We all understand that – and indeed we want to try to help and support you in any way we can. However, those of us who are on stable incomes may not be spending as much as we might normally.

Knowing that I cannot go on the holiday I’d planned in June this year, I’ve pledged

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Rev Sonia Hicksthanks to Katie Scott for also spotting this in the Methodist Reporter

The 2020 Methodist Conference has designated:

The Rev Sonia Hicks to be President of the Methodist Conference 2021/2022

The Rev Hicks, previously a Minister in the Watford Circuit, has served as a Circuit Superintendent in three connexions: Britain, the Methodist Church in the Caribbean and Americas and the Methodist Church in Ireland (MCI), said:

Sonia’s commitment to oppose all forms of injustice began as a member of the Youth Exchange to Zimbabwe. She has since been Convenor of the World Relief and Development Committee for MCI, and has served as a Trustee for both All We Can and Christian Aid Ireland.

The Rev Hicks has also served on the South East District Synod Planning Group, on the Methodist Diaconal Order Leadership Group and on the Ministerial Candidates and Probationers Oversight Committee.

to give the money I would have spent to churches in the diocese. If you are able, would you see if you can either begin to give on a regular basis by standing order or direct debit? If you do that already, might you be able to increase how much you give, doing it through Gift Aid so your church treasurer can reclaim the tax.

Whatever your situation, all of us can reach out to do our bit during this crisis, whether it’s getting on the phone or doing a good turn. Will you join with me in prayer, that whatever our circumstances we may live God’s love ‘with generosity and joy, imagination and courage’?

Will you join me in saying the ‘Living God’s Love’ prayer every day?

Living God, draw us deeper into your love;

Jesus our Lord, send us to care and serve;

Holy Spirit, make us heralds of good news.

Stir us, strengthen us, teach and inspire us

to live your love with generosity and joy,

imagination and courage;

for the sake of your world

and in the name of Jesus, Amen.

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Are you having a laugh!maybe these will bring a smile…

For those of my generation who do not, and cannot, comprehend why Facebook exists, I am trying to make friends outside of Facebook while applying the same principles.Therefore, every day I walk down the street and tell passers-by what I have eaten, how I feel at the moment, what I have done the night before, what I will do later and with whom.I give them pictures of my family, my dog and of me gardening, taking things apart in the garage, watering the lawn, standing in front of landmarks, driving around town, having lunch and doing what anybody and everybody does every day.I also listen to their conversations, give them “THUMBS UP” and tell them I “LIKE” them.And it works just like Facebook, I already have 4 people following me:2 police officers, a private investigator and a psychiatrist.

(Translation of a poster found in a church in France)

When you enter this church it may be possible that you hear ‘the call of God’. However, it is unlikely that He will call you on your mobile. Thank you for turning off your phones. If you want to talk to God, enter, choose a quiet place and talk to Him. If you want to see Him, send Him a text while driving away.

Do you sometimes get pestered by unwanted telephone calls from people who want to either sell you something or get you to take part in a survey? If you see a number on your phone you don’t recognise, try answering the phone with, “Hello, thanks for ringing. You’re on the air now!” Most of them will hang up.

“I don’t care what is written about me, so long as it isn’t true.” (Katharine Hepburn)

Have you noticed that a turtle only makes progress when it sticks its neck out.

A Senior’s Versionof FACEBOOK


Page 11: August - September 2020 MESSAGE · Christians are story-telling people whose lives have been shaped by the biggest story of all, of God’s immense love for us and all creation. Hearing

Why my soul survivesHe is with me in the morningHe is with me in the nightHe is with me in the peace And in the fight He is with meIn the terrorSpilling words to calm my fearAnd remind me of his sovereignPresence nearThat is why my soul survives © Ruthie Thomas


Page 12: August - September 2020 MESSAGE · Christians are story-telling people whose lives have been shaped by the biggest story of all, of God’s immense love for us and all creation. Hearing


Mini Missionariesinspiration from the younger generation

A group of 17 children aged 8-13 in Durham have been coming up with creative ways to share their faith and the love of God to their peers. The Children’s Council of the Church of England Diocese of Durham has been awarded £6,800 by the All Churches Trust. The award is for a project titled ‘Homegrown’ in which they will become ‘mini missionaries’ sharing their faith and the love of God with other children and young people across the region. The 18-month project has the potential to

reach out to thousands of children and families in communities across the diocese. It is hoped that the project will further empower the children to take charge of the planning and preparation of mission events in their own home churches and to run the events themselves with support from others. The first event will be a silent disco followed by a family fun event in the summer.

Sharon Pritchard, Children’s Ministry Adviser for the Diocese of Durham told Premier:

“Homegrown is a child-led project which will create events and activities for children, young people and families to share God’s love in the communities we live in. “Their eagerness to share God’s love within their own communities is inspiring and we hope ‘Homegrown’ will be a blessing to all who are involved.”

Find out more about this amazing group of young people by visiting the website of the Diocese of Durham:

Sharon concluded by saying:

“I am hugely grateful for the support that AllChurchesTrust have given us with this project, the funding will allow the Children’s Council to engage

in mission events in their home churches, and to bring the love of Jesus to their own communities.”

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Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson: I put my faith in God and good things will happen

from The, Dec 2019

Former professional wrestler and now a certified blockbuster movie star Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson is a blessed man, and he knows it.In a video interview, Johnson revealed that the hardest part of his career has been that he doesn’t know what the future holds. Uncertain and afraid, he turned to God. He relied on his faith and his family to sustain him.

Johnson had a rough childhood. He had been arrested nine times by the age of 17. Luckily, his childhood football coach reached out to him and asked him to join the football team, so he would stay out of trouble.

He played football at the University of

Miami for four years. After winning a national championship on the 1991 Miami Hurricanes football team, he joined the Calgary Stampeders in the Canadian Football League, but was thrown for a loop when he was cut from the team in 1995.

With no future to consider, Johnson found himself living with his parents. His life was in shambles. He clung on to his faith in God through the darkest moments of his life back then, he realized that he had to work even harder to reach the next dream. And he landed on professional wrestling.

“In 1995 I had $7 bucks in my pocket and knew two things: I’m broke and one day I won’t be.”

“At that time, I was little unsure of what

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For whom should we pray?taken in part from an article on

was actually gonna happen, you know, so I just have to, you know, put my faith in God and continue to work hard and hopefully good things will happen,” he said.

This was a really good decision. An eight-time WWF/WWE champion, “The Rock” was considered the best professional wrestler of all time. But it did not mean

Our default is to pray for ourselves first, asking God to bless and protect us. Are we too selfish? There is nothing wrong with praying for ourselves. However, the Bible says we should not pray only for ourselves. There are a few more people for whom we should intercede. You might be surprised.Does the Bible tell us for whom we should pray? The Bible does give us at least eight people for whom we should pray. We should pray for…

One another – James 5:16; Romans 1:9

We have the responsibility and privilege to fight for one another through the medium of prayer. We should bring one another’s needs – especially the need for physical and spiritual healing – before the

the money was just rolling in. In 2002, capitalizing on his newfound fame, Dwayne transitioned to Hollywood. He has appeared in many movies, including The Fast and the Furious.

“I have my own special relationship with God, you know, and I certainly feel very blessed. I count my blessings every day,” he added.

Father. Brothers and sisters should love another enough to pray for one another.

Pastors and spiritual leaders – Ephesians 6:19-20; Colossians 4:3

We should pray for our pastors and spiritual leaders. Pastors/spiritual leaders need God’s wisdom to discern the right opportunities to preach the gospel boldly. As a pastor, also I need God’s people to pray that God would strengthen me to endure temptations and discouragement. We should pray for pastors/spiritual leaders because they are charged to care for our souls. If pastors and spiritual leaders go, so goes the care for our souls.


Page 15: August - September 2020 MESSAGE · Christians are story-telling people whose lives have been shaped by the biggest story of all, of God’s immense love for us and all creation. Hearing

The sick – James 5:14-15

The Bible encourages us to pray for the sick. One of God’s names is Jehovah-Rapha, the God who heals. We have the privilege of bringing sick people before a holy and mighty God to ask for divine and immediate healing. We cannot and should not demand, but humbly ask, believing he can and will. He is sovereign. He can either say yes or no. Praying for the sick demonstrates our faith in a God who can do the impossible.

Political leaders – 1 Timothy 2:1-3

We have a responsibility to pray for, not prey on our political leaders. No matter your political affiliation, if you are a Christ-follower, you are commanded to pray for political leaders. We should ask God to give them wisdom, strength, endurance, patience and integrity. If we berate our political leaders, then I believe we grieve the Holy Spirit, and we should repent. Whether they realize it our not, God uses political leaders to secure our religious freedom.

Our enemies – Matthew 5:44; Acts 7:59, 60

Jesus says we should pray for our enemies. Now, praying for people who

hate us is a difficult one for all of us. Why should I pray for someone who hates me and desires to injure me? Well, aside from it being a value of living in the Kingdom of God and our obedience to Jesus, forgiving and praying for our enemies is mysteriously tied to God forgiving and blessing us.

Everybody – 1 Timothy 2:1

Paul gives believers this command so they wouldn’t leave anyone out. Praying for everybody includes family members, neighbours, teachers, friends, and anyone else in our orbit.

Ourselves – Genesis 24:12; Matthew 14:30; Luke 23:42

It is perfectly fine to ask God to bless us, give us success, save us, remember us, direct us, guide us, protect us. So, yes, we can pray for ourselves, asking God to bless us with a spouse, a new house, a different job, guidance, and wisdom. When we pray for ourselves, let’s make sure we are praying like James instructs us – with the right motives (James 4:3).

One of the best ways to make sure we are systematically praying for each of these people is to create a prayer list. This list should include names

of specific people and specific prayers for them.

Praying for others is a privilege and responsibility. Let’s honour God by having enough faith to bring people before the throne of grace that they might find mercy in their time of need.

For whom, on this list, do you need to spend more time praying?


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I’m glad to be back in church – even if there’s hand sanitiser instead of holy water

taken from an article by Adrian Chiles for The Guardian, 8 Jul 2020

Football, pubs and churches are all now available to us again. While I love all three, they also, respectively, cause me stress, temptation and guilt.

I did not go to mass at the weekend because, as with pubs, I thought it might be a bit of a melee. I imagined feisty parishioners clamouring at the door being spoken to severely by sunglassed, earpieced bouncers. No, I left it until Tuesday to allow calm to prevail. My church’s website advised me places were limited to 48. Pre-booking online was advised but the IT for that was still in development, so I decided to take my chances for the 11.30 kick-off.

I get my fruit and veg from a stall opposite the church. I always chat to the Brentford fan who works there – an enormous, and enormously nice man. Brentford were playing that evening – a match of great importance to supporters

of my team, West Brom, who are rivals for promotion. My man was nowhere to be seen.

“He never works matchdays,” his mate said. “Too nervous.”

I laughed.

“I’m serious,” he said.

I told him to pass on a message that I was on my way to church to pray that Brentford lost.

There was no queue outside the church. A masked usher led me in, to the free-standing, no-touch hand-rub dispenser. Where once I would splash myself with holy water, I waved my hands in front of the machine, but gel came there none. Someone suggested I tried kneeling, but before I did so a splurge emerged. Rubbing my hands, partly in anticipation, I was led to my pew. It felt great to be back.

The sculpture in the corner caught my eye, as it always does. It is of a woman praying. It stops me in my spiritual tracks every time. I thought of her there alone, in prayer, behind the locked door of the church for all those months.

The bell rang and Father Michael appeared. I have always had a soft spot

The sculpture of a praying woman at Adrian’s church. Photograph: Adrian Chiles

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for him. Just before I became a Catholic, 13 years ago, I bumped into him one day in the street.

“Ah, hello Adrian,” he said. ”And how is your supernatural life this morning?”

I burbled something but was stumped for an answer to the question. It is one I’ve asked myself most mornings since, and I remain generally stumped.

The mass was great. I enjoyed it much more than the football and, in a different way, just as much as the pub. When the time came for us to go up to receive the blessed sacrament, an usher sprang up at the front to point us in the right direction, rather in the manner of a traffic policeman in an old Italian film. We formed queues on either side of the aisle; at the head of each was the station at which the priest would administer the host. These stations were about three

metres apart, so the task at hand required some agility from Father Michael. He was equal to the task, darting between the two, sidestepping rather in the manner of a goalkeeper trying to distract a penalty taker. Never was he not in place as, upon a precise signal from the masked Italian traffic cop, we presented ourselves at the required position. The coordination between priest, cop and congregant was something to behold.

I hadn’t realised how much I had missed receiving the blessed sacrament. I felt, well, blessed I suppose, to be receiving it now.

My anti-Brentford prayers were not answered, by the way. They went and won. Serves me right for being so mean of spirit to my nice fruit and veg man, who will doubtless do me a particularly good deal on my groceries today.


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Across1 Small church to copy large place of worship (6)4 Jewish sectarian — power to come up in that man (8)10 Assembly of clerics not promising to accept new reference (7,3,5)11 Line of monarchs not initially to be relied upon (5)12 See 1D13 See 1D15 Short item: ‘Saint embraces child endlessly’ (7)17 Real Cockney backing exercises for dance (3-4)19 Gaunt witch has sentry abandoning uniform (7)20 Bishop’s son enthralled by large gem (9)22 Charges round Lake and runs off (5)24 Possible problem in the church tower to be cracked? (4,2,3,6)25 Poet made real in translation (2,2,4)26 Our group certainly backed admitting Liberal preacher (6)

Down1,13A,12A Hymn writer in church starts to consider idea lauding European country’s great leader (5,7,9)2 American cheers speed going round US city, no matter what (2,3,4)3 Praise former bits of the old liturgy (5)5 Is longing to make her snug, possibly (7)6 Minister, unusually genial and daring in terms of attire (9)7 A little opening for Rector in Slough (5)8 Senior official made an assessment and cursed (9)9 Terrible groans from church instruments (6)13 Moved easily round aromatic plant, heading off for part of garden (6-3)14 Version of schematic questions for examination (9)16 Inclined to plead? Beginning to rant in plea contrived with fury (9)18 Mail A&R about power shown by musical performer (3,4)19 Assistant — the fellow recording Queen (6)21 Information to be extracted from Latin teleology (5)22 Monk in Avignon following about and about (5)23 Fairground stall lately emptied without making a fuss (5)




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Page 20: August - September 2020 MESSAGE · Christians are story-telling people whose lives have been shaped by the biggest story of all, of God’s immense love for us and all creation. Hearing

Pioneer Community Workeran exciting new ecumenical project within South Bedfordshire

The Houghton Regis Community Development Charity is seeking candidates for an exciting new position creating a community on a large housing development in Houghton Regis.

All details can be found, including an application form, by clicking on the link below. I am happy if anyone would like to chat with me for more details.


God bless,

Debbie - Pioneer Community Worker in Houghton Regis

Here’s a link to the role advert, which you can find on the web page below along with other details.

Hot and Cold A member of a certain church, who had previously attended services regularly, stopped going. After a few weeks, the minister decided to visit him. He found the man at home all alone, sitting by a blazing fire. Guessing the reason for his minister’s visit, the man welcomed him awkwardly, and led him to a comfortable chair near the fireplace and waited. The minister made himself at home, but said nothing. In the grave silence, he contemplated the dance of the flames around the burning logs. After some minutes, he took the fire tongs, carefully picked up a brightly burning ember

and placed it to one side of the hearth all alone. Then he sat back in his chair, still silent. The host watched all this in quiet contemplation. As the one lone ember’s flame flickered and diminished, there was a momentary glow and then its fire was no more. Soon it was cold and dead.

Not a word had been spoken since the initial greeting. But now the minister chose this time to leave. He slowly stood up, picked up the cold, dead bit of coal and placed it back in the middle of the fire. Immediately it began to glow once more, with the light and warmth of the burning coals around it. With that, the minister smiled at his host, and quietly let himself out. Crossword Solution (no cheating!)


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Useful links with up-to-date informationIncluding live-stream and recorded services

The Methodist Church website - check here for regular updates:

The United Reformed Church website - check here for regular updates:

BBC Radio 4 recorded Sunday services aired live at 8.10am on Sundays

BBC TV / BBC iPlayer recorded Sunday services aired live at 8.10am on Sundays

West Herts and Borders Methodist Circuit - for information about churches in our Methodist Circuit with links to their websites

HertsHelpNeed help and don’t know where to turn? Have a question or problem?

Call 0300 123 4044 or email [email protected]

HertsHelp is a network of community organisations in Hertfordshire working together.

They are there to listen and help you find independent support, guidance and information you need to get the most out of life.

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Page 22: August - September 2020 MESSAGE · Christians are story-telling people whose lives have been shaped by the biggest story of all, of God’s immense love for us and all creation. Hearing


All church services are suspended until further notice.

Regular Groups and Meetings on Church PremisesAll church groups, activities and meetings are suspended until further notice.

- - - RESCHEDULED EVENTS FOR 2021 - - -We have rescheduled these two events for around the same

time next year so please put these dates in your diary - it is good to have something to look forward to!

Saturday 17th April 2021 - Simeon Wood Concert

Saturday 26th June 2021 - Canal Boat Trip

Prayer Linksonline resources for daily prayers

Pray with others, set up a video chat or just phone a friend. Keep in touch with our circuit ministers and our church trustees. You can also try these online resources:

United Reformed Church Daily Devotions

Methodist Church Prayer of the Day

United Christian Broadcasters

Prayerline - 01782 36 3000


Page 23: August - September 2020 MESSAGE · Christians are story-telling people whose lives have been shaped by the biggest story of all, of God’s immense love for us and all creation. Hearing


The Scroll Church OfficersMinister (from Sept 2020) Rev. Donna Fowler-Marchant ........221872

Trustees: Chair (from Sept 2020) Rev. Donna Fowler-Marchant ........221872 Vice-Chair Dr Jean Stevenson ..............020 8428 5199 Secretary & Lead Trustee Ireen Goulding................................263396 Treasurer Paul Spencer ...................................237275 Vestry Steward Michael Hill .....................................676052 Other Trustees Wendy Nugent ...............................241466 Katie Scott ......................................678683 Iren Jasko ........................................240796 Jim Clark .........................................234982 Thelka Williams ...............................672983 Charles Vinan ..................................721557 Margaret Ingram .............................227710 Catherine Baldwin ..........................222799

Communion Servers Margaret Ingram .............................227710 Jim Clark .........................................234982 Elisa Gusmão ..................................225572 Jane Vinan ......................................721557 Charles Vinan ..................................721557 Ireen Goulding................................263396 Iren Jasko ........................................240796 Dr Jean Stevenson ..............020 8428 5199 Katie Scott ......................................678683 Holly Hill .........................................676052 Bill Clayton......................................461448 Alice Blankson .....................07950 355781

Property Booking Holly Hill .........................................676052

Cradle Roll Holly Hill .........................................676052

Sunday School Co-ordinators Jane Vinan ......................................721557

Gift Aid Paul Spencer ...................................237275

Church Envelope Scheme Stella Lane ......................................243955

Safeguarding Officer Dr Jean Stevenson ..............020 8428 5199

Organists Sheila Moore ..................................467679 Mike Hussey....................................776765

Flower Rota Margaret Ferrier ..............................671588 Alison Friend ...................................672904

The Scroll Church Message Editor Catherine Baldwin ..........................222799

Leadership Team Rotas Michael Hill .....................................676052

(Weekly Notices David Faires ...................................244895)

During Pandemic time at home,eMail Weekly News Catherine Baldwin ..........................222799

Page 24: August - September 2020 MESSAGE · Christians are story-telling people whose lives have been shaped by the biggest story of all, of God’s immense love for us and all creation. Hearing

Friday 18th September 2020

Please pass all copy to Catherine Baldwin66 Bushey Mill Lane, Watford, Herts. WD24 7QR.

Tel: 01923 222799Email: [email protected]

Anyone can contribute an article, a reflection, an announcement, a report, an up-coming event.

Share your news in your church magazine!

Copy deadline for Oct/Nov church magazine issue:

@ScrollChurchThe Scroll Church E&OE

DISCIPLESHIP - covering all aspects of: Worship; Bible Study; Discipleship; MissionRev Donna Fowler-Marchant (from Sept 2020) - Jean Stevenson - Elisa Gusmão - Michael Hill - Katie Scott - Margaret Ingram

PASTORALRev Donna Fowler-Marchant (from Sept 2020) - Margaret Ingram - Katie Scott - Stella Lane

RESOURCES - including Finance & BuildingsIren Jasko - Paul Spencer - Jim Clark - Vernon Lane - Charles Vinan - Geoff Brown

SOCIAL & MISSION - including organisation & publicity for church eventsCatherine Baldwin - Elaine Faires - Frances Raymond - Wendy Nugent - Katie Scott - Minna Roach (catering)

CHURCH LEADERSHIP GROUPSHelping to organise and focus our church mission and vision


At the time of publication, all Scroll Church services andactivities are still suspended as a result of the latest

government advice on the Covid-19 virus.

Please keep up to date with the latest guidelines.

We will let you know when our church situation changes.

Please stay safe.