ascension of the lord—year 16th 17th may 2015 st macartan

4 Drake St, Mornington - PO Box 41 Mornington 3931 Parish Office: Ph: 5975 2200, Fax: 5977 2050 Email: [email protected], Web: Parish Priest: Fr Joe Bui Duc Tien ([email protected]) Assist. Priest: Fr Paul Newton (0418 294 847, [email protected]) Secretaries: Francesca McLoughlin, Marie Mills, Catherine Larken (9am-3:30pm Monday to Friday) Ascension of the Lord—Year B St Macartan’s Catholic Parish Bullen THIS WEEK PARISH EVENTS Sunday 17th May 5pm Youth Mass (all welcome) followed by light meal and Youth Group Monday 18th May 1pm Canasta Cards (CC) 4:30pm St Vinnies Conference (CC) 7:30pm RCIA (CC) Tuesday 19th May 9.30am Minister Unto God Prayer Group (CC) 4pm High Spirits (CC) Wednesday 20th May No Lile Macs Play Group this week. 10am Legion of Mary (CC) 7pm—9pm St Mac’s Café (CC) Thursday 21st May 9.30am Craſt Club (CC) 5:00pm Men’s Social Group (CC) Friday 22nd May Aſter 9:15am Mass Eucharisc Adoraon in Adoraon Chapel (CC) 10am Macartan Club General Meeng (CC) 11am Liturgy Team Meeng (SR) 1pm Solo Cards (CC) 4pm-5.30pm Junior Youth Group (CC) Saturday 23rd May 9am-12pm Mini Fete (CC) Sunday 24th May 10am—1pm MInI Fete (CC) 5pm Youth Mass (all welcome) followed by light meal and Youth Group 16th-17th May 2015 MASS TIMES: Saturday: Vigil 6pm. Sunday: 9am , 11am & 5pm (Youth Mass) First Sunday of the Month: 4pm Filipino Mass. Weekdays: Mon-Sat :9:15am RECONCILIATION: Aſter 9:15am Mass on Wednesdays and Saturdays BAPTISMS: Aſter 11am Mass on the 1st and 3rd Sunday of the month. Next Bapsmal Meeng—8pm Wednesday 3rd June in the Community Centre. Please call the Parish Office (Ph: 5975 2200) to register. I am with you always, even to the end of me

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Page 1: Ascension of the Lord—Year 16th 17th May 2015 St Macartan

4 Drake St, Mornington - PO Box 41 Mornington 3931 Parish Office: Ph: 5975 2200, Fax: 5977 2050

Email: [email protected], Web: Parish Priest: Fr Joe Bui Duc Tien ([email protected])

Assist. Priest: Fr Paul Newton (0418 294 847, [email protected]) Secretaries: Francesca McLoughlin, Marie Mills, Catherine Larken

(9am-3:30pm Monday to Friday)

Ascension of the Lord—Year B

St Macartan’s Catholic Parish Bulletin


Sunday 17th May

5pm Youth Mass (all welcome) followed by light meal and Youth Group

Monday 18th May

1pm Canasta Cards (CC)

4:30pm St Vinnies Conference (CC)

7:30pm RCIA (CC)

Tuesday 19th May

9.30am Minister Unto God Prayer Group (CC) 4pm High Spirits (CC)

Wednesday 20th May

No Little Macs Play Group this week.

10am Legion of Mary (CC)

7pm—9pm St Mac’s Café (CC)

Thursday 21st May

9.30am Craft Club (CC)

5:00pm Men’s Social Group (CC)

Friday 22nd May

After 9:15am Mass Eucharistic Adoration in Adoration Chapel (CC)

10am Macartan Club General Meeting (CC)

11am Liturgy Team Meeting (SR)

1pm Solo Cards (CC)

4pm-5.30pm Junior Youth Group (CC)

Saturday 23rd May

9am-12pm Mini Fete (CC)

Sunday 24th May

10am—1pm MInI Fete (CC)

5pm Youth Mass (all welcome) followed by light meal and Youth Group

16th-17th May 2015

MASS TIMES: Saturday: Vigil 6pm. Sunday: 9am , 11am & 5pm (Youth Mass) First Sunday of the Month: 4pm Filipino Mass. Weekdays: Mon-Sat :9:15am

RECONCILIATION: After 9:15am Mass on Wednesdays and

Saturdays BAPTISMS: After 11am Mass on the 1st and 3rd Sunday of the month. Next Baptismal Meeting—8pm Wednesday 3rd June in the Community Centre. Please call the Parish Office (Ph: 5975 2200) to register.

I am with you always, even to the end of time

Page 2: Ascension of the Lord—Year 16th 17th May 2015 St Macartan

Recently Deceased: Fr Noel Kierce, O.Carm Anniversaries: Rosa Simaz, Maria Simaz, Jack Crapper, Fiona Perry Pray for the sick and their Carers, especially: Brenda Robinson, Roldan Son, Bella Smith, Noah Guest, Joe Camilleri, Olivia Grover, Roy Cahill, Douglas Waldie, John Morgan, Merla Calubiran, Edith Masseig, Lucy Knight (NZ), Rev Craig Larsen SM, Simon Lane, Cheryl Ver-coe, Phyllis Harvey, Ingrid Messner, Charlotte Beck,

Benediction after 9.15am Mass every Friday

Our Lady's Novena during 9:15am Mass every Saturday

First Reading Acts 1:1-11

A reading from the Acts of the Apostles

In my earlier work, Theophilus, I dealt with everything Jesus had done and taught from the be-ginning until the day he gave his instructions to the apostles he had chosen through the Holy Spirit, and was taken up to heaven. He had shown himself alive to them after his Passion by many demonstrations: for forty days he had continued to appear to them and tell them about the kingdom of God. When he had been at table with them, he had told them not to leave Jeru-salem, but to wait there for what the Father had promised. ‘It is,’ he had said, ‘what you have heard me speak about: John baptised with water but you, not many days from now, will be bap-tised with the Holy Spirit.’ Now having met together, they asked him, ‘Lord, has the time come? Are you going to restore the kingdom to Israel?’ He replied, ‘It is not for you to know times or dates that the Father has decided by his own authority, but you will receive power when the Ho-ly Spirit comes on you, and then you will be my witnesses not only in Jerusalem but throughout Judaea and Samaria, and indeed to the ends of the earth.’ As he said this he was lifted up while they looked on, and a cloud took him from their sight. They were still staring into the sky when suddenly two men in white were standing near them and they said, ‘Why are you men from Gal-ilee standing here looking into the sky? Jesus who has been taken up from you into heaven, this same Jesus will come back in the same way as you have seen him go there.’

The Word of the Lord

Responsorial Psalm Ps 46:2-3. 6-9. R. v.6

(R.) God mounts his throne to shouts of joy: a blare of trumpets for the Lord.

1. All peoples, clap your hands, cry to God with shouts of joy! For the Lord, the Most High, we must fear, great king over all the earth. (R.)

2. God goes up with shouts of joy; the Lord goes up with trumpet blast. Sing praise for God, sing praise, sing praise to our king, sing praise. (R.)

3. God is king of all the earth. Sing praise with all your skill. God is king over the nations;

God reigns on his holy throne. (R.)

Second Reading Eph 4:1-13

A reading from the letter of St Paul to the Ephesians

I, the prisoner in the Lord, implore you to lead a life worthy of your vocation. Bear with one an-other charitably, in complete selflessness, gentleness and patience. Do all you can to preserve the unity of the Spirit by the peace that binds you together. There is one Body, one Spirit, just as you were all called into one and the same hope when you were called. There is one Lord, one faith, one baptism, and one God who is Father of all, over all, through all and within all. Each

Page 3: Ascension of the Lord—Year 16th 17th May 2015 St Macartan

one of us, however, has been given his own share of grace, given as Christ allotted it. It was said that he would: When he ascended to the height, he captured prisoners, he gave gifts to men. When it says, ‘he ascended’, what can it mean if not that he descended right down to the lower regions of the earth? The one who rose higher than all the heavens to fill all things is none oth-er than the one who descended. And to some, his gift was that they should be apostles; to some, prophets; to some, evangelists; to some, pastors and teachers; so that the saints togeth-er make a unity in the work of service, building up the body of Christ. In this way we are all to come to unity in our faith and in our knowledge of the Son of God, until we become the perfect Man, fully mature with the fullness of Christ himself. The Word of the Lord

Gospel Acclamation

Alleluia, alleluia! Go and teach all people my gospel. I am with you always, until the end of the world. Alleluia!

Gospel Mk 16:15-20

A reading from the holy Gospel according to Mark

Jesus showed himself to the Eleven and said to them, ‘Go out to the whole world; proclaim the Good News to all creation. He who believes and is baptised is saved; he who does not believe will be condemned. These are the signs that will be associated with believers: in my name they will cast out devils; they will have the gift of tongues; they will pick up snakes in their hands, and be unharmed should they drink deadly poison; they will lay their hands on the sick, who will recover.’ And so the Lord Jesus, after he had spoken to them, was taken up into heaven: there at the right hand of God he took his place, while they, going out, preached everywhere, the Lord working with them and confirming the word by the signs that accompanied it. The Gospel of the Lord

Communion Antiphon Behold, I am with you always, even to the end of the age, alleluia.


“The Master is here and wants to see you” (John 11:28)

We are pleased to announce that the Adoration is to continue each Friday from 10.30am-10pm. Everyone

is welcome to attend. Those interested in being part of the adora-tion roster for one hour, please contact the Parish office on 5975

2200. O Come, let us adore Him!

CHAPLAINCY SUNDAY APPEAL - The Melbourne Archbishop’s Charitable Fund is conducting an appeal this weekend to support the vital work of Catholic Chaplains in our community. You are invited to offer prayers and a financial offering to assist chaplains to provide hope to those suffering from loneliness, physical illness and HIV/AIDS as well as those facing youth detention, a prison sentence or long bouts of time at sea away from church support, family and friends. The presence of Catholic Chaplains is a crucial witness to our faith, a crucial dimension of our service of love and a vital testimony to the value of life in all its stages.

For more information, please go online to

Page 4: Ascension of the Lord—Year 16th 17th May 2015 St Macartan

SOCIAL JUSTICE GROUP—NEW MEETING TIMES! Meetings will now be held on the first Wednesday of the month in the Sacristy Room. NEXT MEETING WEDNES DAY 3 JUNE, 10am—11am. For more information, please call Wally Sharman on 5975 1159.

SACRIFICIAL GIVING (2nd Collection) Weekly Pledge: $5,606;

Average p/w for March: $4210


Last weekend: $1345


HIGH SPIRITS The High Spirits program caters for any

Catholic children who are attending non-Catholic schools and would like to prepare for their Sacraments. For more details,

please email [email protected]

LITTLE MAC’S PLAYGROUP [email protected]

For pre-school children and their car-ers. Held in the Community Centre eve-ry Wednesday (during term time) from

9:30am—11:30am. Gold Coin donation. All welcome.


Volunteers are urgently needed for the Pi-ety Stall for the evening Mass on the Sec-ond Saturday of the month, as well as the Third Sunday 9.00am Mass. Volunteers have generously given their time in the past and for the Piety Stall to continue serving the needs of the Community we need new volunteers. This only requires a maximum of 10 minutes of your time after Mass. Please contact the Church Office or Lucia Keightley 5975 6008


raised a total of $576.00. Thank you.

MINI FETE SALE All proceeds to one needy family in Morning-

ton plus donation to Fr Joe’s

Foundation HOPE.

WHEN: Saturday 22nd May from 9am—1pm and after 6pm Mass, and on

Sunday 23rd May from 10am to 1pm.

WHERE: St Macartan’s Community Centre

Drake Street, Mornington

FOR SALE: As new designer garments for la-dies, gents and children (a few St Mac’s uni-

forms), toys, homewares, jewellery.

Prices range from $2.


Contact Anne on 0403 025 697 or Geraldine on 0425 738 998

KNITTING REQUEST…… for scarves and

beanies for the homeless and disadvantaged. Any colour, any style for men, women and chil-dren. In addition, the request is still there for acrylic wool squares (10” x 10” (25cm x 25cm) for shawls. St Vinnies’ Main Street shop often has wool for sale mid week. Any enquiries, call Mary on 5975 1133 or 0437 102 483.


As a follow up to the Adult Ed program, there will be a monthly discussion offered on the Sunday Gospel readings. Discussion will focus on the Sunday Gospel reading before and after each of the evenings. All welcome on the following Monday evenings in the Parish Centre starting at 7.30pm: May 25 / June 22 /

August 3 / September 7.

Page 5: Ascension of the Lord—Year 16th 17th May 2015 St Macartan

CHOIR – IMPORTANT NOTICE!! St Macartan’s Choir practice on Thursdays in the church after 9:15am Mass. New

Members of all ages are most welcome to join. En-quiries – Louise 5975 2773.


Meet on Tuesdays at 10am in the

Community Centre. We will be continuing to study the Acts of the Apostles and

everybody is warmly invited to join us.

God bless!

St Vinnies is calling for volunteers to work in their shops in Main Street (Ph. 5975 4166) and Tyabb Road (Ph: 5976 8526). Please contact the store managers, Mon-day—Friday, for further information.






$20.00 PER PERSON includes door prize and High Tea (tea/coffee and cakes)

Come along and help raise vital funds for Cancer Research, prevention and support

for those affected by cancer.

Please RSVP Francesca on 0432 299 361

(for catering purposes)

We look forward to seeing you there!

Can You Please Help?

Asylum Seeking Family of six from Afghanistan need a double/queen bed and mattress and a

small refrigerator. If you have one not being used, would you please consider giving it to a family not

permitted to work to provide for


Please ring us, Janet and Chris Smyth, 5975 0559

Thanks a million


Lajna Imaillah Victoria, women’s auxiliary of

Ahmadiyya Muslin Association, is organising an event to bring women of all faiths, including par-

liamentarian and civics, toether to engate in a meaningful dialogue and infuse mutual under-


between their beliefs.


VENUE: Bait ul Salam Ahmadiyya Centre, 6 Lei-sureland Drive, Langwarrin.

This event is for ladies only, and is an opportunity to accept the hospitality of the Muslim ladies who

shared afternoon tea with us recently.

Please come!

RSVP by 2nd June to Julie Seal—phone 5975 1752 or email [email protected]




A guest speaker will explain how men can help with housework! Smelling salts will be available.

Venue: St Mac’s Community Centre

Time: 5pm til 6:30pm

Donation: $2.00 (ifaccompanied by parents, FREE)

BYO: Necessities of life

Degustation provided.

Need a lift? Please contact Kevin 5977 2548 /

Kerry 5976 6215 / Michael 0400 151 300

Page 6: Ascension of the Lord—Year 16th 17th May 2015 St Macartan

ST MACARTAN’S PARISH SOCIAL GROUP MASQUARADE BALL—Saturday 20th June 2015, 7pm—11:30pm at Civic Bowling Club,

Dunns Rd, Mornington. $50pp includes 3 course meal. Drinks at bar prices. Dress code: Dinner or Ball Formal, just add a mask! Groups of 1, 2—10 warmly welcome. We express our sincere thanks to all who have assisted with our Raffle prizes; our anony-mous donor; Max Paganoni, Red Hill Estate Winery; Danielle Fields, MP Experience Tours, Amy & Matt McKenzie-McHarg, Quercus Restaurant; Margaret Land; Gavan & Judy Ho-

gan, 5 Senses Coffee; and Ian McCann, Mornington Cinemas. Please support these won-derful companies when the need arises. This year, we have decided that, in recognition of their wonderful work within our Parish, a portion of the proceeds is to be donated to

the St Vinnies Conference, Mornington.

SIX WONDERFUL RAFFLE PRIZES…….. 1st Prize: $200 voucher for Max’s Restaurant at Red Hill, plus $300 voucher for ac-commodation at Max’s Retreat Cottage, Red Hill Estate. 2nd Prize: Voucher for a 4 hour leisure transport of the delights of the Mornington Peninsula for 8 people, your choice of venues. 3rd Prize: Voucher for dinner at Quercus Restaurant, Pitt St, Mornington, includes complimentary bottle of wine. 4th Prize: Pamper basket for the ladies 5th Prize: Gourmet Hamper of taste tempting 5 Senses Coffee 6th Prize: Six tickets for Mornington Cinemas. TICKETS ON SALE THIS WEEKEND IN MAIN FOYER (if printer achieves deadline) $5.00 for one ticket / $20.00 for 5 tickets!

Parish Footy Tipping Competition 2015 ROUND 6

Round 6 just proves you cannot trust favourites. Only 4 tippers chose the Saints and likewise Greater Western Sydney Hope the Barden household survived the loss by the Hawks and Tigers or rather one should say the victory by Greater Western Sydney who are coached by an ex Western Bulldog player. He also played with Richmond. Would they not like him there now? Timekeeping at the VAFA game between St.Mary's/Salesian Vs Whitefriars was exciting as St Mary's scored 8 goals in the final quarter to come from seven goals down to win. However, despite the excitement one learnt that a similar result had happened and Western Bulldogs had lost from what one would have called an impossible point. One just has to concede and be comfortable that 9th May was the day for the Saints. Recommended reading would be an article by Greg Baum in the Age about the 10 commandments of the AFL and another article on 12th re the mental issues an AFL player may face and the support needed to allow those players to fulfil their dream and occupation. The ideas can easily be transferred to people in all occupations. Our leader is still Delina Frank who is one ahead of John Finn. The top nine averaged 4 for the round. In fact, only 30% of tippers scored 5 or more. Top tipper for the round was Carolyn Meier with 7. Paul Girolomi scored a six. Kevin Groves, Tony Bary and Didier Le Meire managed a 5. The answer to the question re the Sandover Medal was Haydn Bunton Snr and Haydn Bunton Jnr. Did you know that in 1928 Fitzroy and Geelong played a game and both had the same number of scoring shots? They both had 29. However Geelong scored 19-8 -129 while Fitzroy scored 2-27-29! Four free vouchers are available for MCG TOURS. If anyone interested?. Spen-cer Meier says the Guides are top class.

Page 7: Ascension of the Lord—Year 16th 17th May 2015 St Macartan

Readers 16th-17th May 23rd-24th May

6pm J Raccanello, P Williams T Dakin, G O’Loghlin

9am H Britton, I Ellwood S Meier, K Ronchi

11am I Hackett, T Roberts C Holmes, S Moon

Sp. Ministers 16th-17th May 23rd-24th May

6pm A Fisher, F Raccanello, C Williams B Peach, K Raccanello, M Turner

9am S Barrett, B Ellwood, P Girolami, B Southam, T Thomas

A Hancock, P Hancock, J Lewis, M Lewis, M Ronchi

11am G Lane, M Lane, J Seal, E Spaziani, J Spaziani

M de Jong, S Goddard, J Hughes, E Spazi-ani, J Spaziani

Music 16th-17th May 23rd-24th May

6pm Chris & Singers Veronica & Co

9am Adriana & Choir Chris & Singers

11am Billie & Co Adriana & Choir

AV Ops 16th-17th May 23rd-24th May

6pm James & Ben Barrett Graeme & Di Wilson

9am Marlene & Terry S. Trish M. & Bryan H

11am Chris Curtain Vron

P’point Prs 16th-17th May 23rd-24th May

6pm Wendy Vron,

9am Terry Wendy

11am Vron Terry

Altar Servers 16th-17th May 23rd-24th May

6pm E Hinson, A Hinson, L Siedlecki B & B Hansen, C MacPhie

9am C Sayah, C & J Sengstock, L Pingiaro, J Cornick

C Rauter, D LeMiere, L Buchanan

11am L & S Wells, L McLean, D & S Leong U Chiezey, S Body, C Astorino

Count. Team 18th May 25th May

J Azzopardi, T Keating, M Andrew J McIean, P & K Stokes, T Walker

Cleaning 21st May 28th May

P Harper, C Whelan, M Williams A Barnard, L Strippel, I Winkels

Flowers 21st-28th May 21st-28th May

B Allen, M Barlow B Allen, M Barlow

Piety Stall 16th-17th May 23rd-24th May

Sat: S Finn Sun: T Thomas, K Beshara (9am) M & G Lane (11am)

Sat: M Quinsicara Sun: D Wooding, G Scott (9am) B Sexton, D Sanger (11am)

C Liturgy 16th-17th May 23rd-24th May

9am: F Torrington, C McLean 11am: M Casamento, Sr Gen

9am: K Sengstock, B Crea (Big Macs) 11am: S Nugent, M Kiernan

Tea Trolley 17th May 23rd-24th May

C Donovan, B Scantlebury, R & C Scantlebury

J Chandler


Page 8: Ascension of the Lord—Year 16th 17th May 2015 St Macartan


A Club for Retirees and Senior Parishioners

General Meeting held 4th Friday of month in Comm. Centre after 9:15am Mass & Benedic-tion. Guests/potential New Members always welcome. Calendar of Events for this Week:

Monday 18th May

Walkers: 9:00am – Contact: Mary 5975 5764

Golf: 12:30 pm – Contact: Dermot 5988 4076

Canasta: 1:00pm – Contact: Betty 5975 8497

Wednesday 20th May

Golf: 12:30pm – Contact: Dermot 5988 4076

Thursday 21st May

Film Society Morven Manor 1:30pm – Contact: Phil 5975 5360. This month’s film is The Glenn Miller Story – Parishoners welcome

Friday 22nd May

General Meeting in CC after 9:15am Mass

Golf: 12:30pm – Contact: Dermot 5988 4076

Solo: 1:00pm – Contact: Elaine 5977 1334

St Macartan’s Primary School Marie Slattery (Principal) Ph: 5973 4550

Padua College - Christopher Houlihan (Principal) Ph: 5976 0100

Maintenance Co-Ordinator Max Fletcher (0417 307 845) Terry Walker (0412 661 123)

Parish Pastoral Council Brian Scantlebury (5977 0279)

[email protected]

High Spirits Co-Ordinator - Judy Hogan [email protected]

Macartan Club Joan Baillie (5975 6817)

Children’s Liturgy Co-Ordinator Catherine Larken, [email protected]

Little Macs Playgroup [email protected]

Donna (0419 941 900) Carlene (0406 313 994)

May Caretaker John Spaziani (0419 598 911)

Parish Care Contacts Joan Clements (5975 2427)

Music Co-Ordinator Veronica Ryan (5975 6981/0418 358 213)


Open 7pm—9pm

EVERY Wednesday in the Community Centre.

FREE cuppa and food / good music and great company.


We look forward to seeing you there!


EVERY Saturday at 7:30am

in the Community Centre

Open to men of all ages.

Bring nothing except your appetite!!