article_transformation to oneness

 by Charlottemarie “Mystery of Life, vibrant in every atom… Mystery of Light, glowing in every Being and Creature... Mystery of Love, closer than my breath embracing all in Oneness. In the inf inite stream of unity, may all who dwell, know themselves as Love and feel as One with each other . Not too long ago the ideology of unity imbibed the concept of co-existing ideals, beliefs and tolerance. Things have changed dramaticall y. W e are now rapidly awakening from the core of our cells to the subtle dimensi onal fields of energy . The concept of unity no longer exists as an externalized structure but has shifted to a subtle vibrational holographic field of Love generated from the H eart, a new lens of consciousness from which all form and actio n is born. As the expansive , ever changing momentum o f the universe(s) influences the landscape of our reality through subtle vibration, humanity is organically u shered into the experience of Self as the microcosmic particle of the macrocosm. It is here where Love canno t help but be the dictating force of on eness. Love, the cosmic glue that permeates and unifies all existence is the dri ving source of our evolution as it activates vibrating portals of consciousness in the heart. Love in i ts purest expression exceed s romantic entertainment. Authentic Love t akes on a new hue of meaning from the depths of our hearts and souls. So strong a current, the mind cannot help but surrend er . Ever changing, yet the same, Love, the only constant that remains true to the nat ure of Source. Love, the vib rant breath of life that spe aks through the Being. Love, cast your fragrance of eternal light through the fated winds of life. I yearn for one drop of your sweetness that burns illusion to cinder so my Heart can taste freedom.  Many ancient teachings including the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali are guides to understanding and mastering the mind to the source conscio usness. Practices like yog a and meditation serve as tools of awareness and activation where one experiences individual consciousness merging with sup reme consciousness. There is a pathway of applying thought, I call, “Conscious Alchemywhere one observes thought, feels the vibration of thought and transforms the kaleidoscope of perceptions to one singular vibrational t hought wave of love. It is here where unity and oneness is expe rienced.

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Post on 08-Apr-2018




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