are herbal medicines effective in relieving arthritis joint pain and inflammation

Are Herbal Medicines Effective In Relieving Arthritis Joint Pain And Inflammation?

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Post on 27-Nov-2015




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Herbal medicines are effective in relieving arthritis joint pain and inflammation with lasting effects. You only need to be regular in taking your daily dose for results to show in about four months.


Page 1: Are Herbal Medicines Effective in Relieving Arthritis Joint Pain and Inflammation

Are Herbal Medicines Effective In Relieving

Arthritis Joint Pain And Inflammation?

Page 2: Are Herbal Medicines Effective in Relieving Arthritis Joint Pain and Inflammation

Are herbal medicines effective in relieving arthritis joint

pain and inflammation? There is no doubt about it. What

modern medical science is discovering today has been

known to ancient ayurveda sages since millennia. Herbs

such as rasna, swarna bhasma, nag bhasma, kesar,

kuchla, amla, ginger, rigni, suranjan, kalonji, kali mirch and

pipal have been used to treat inflamed arthritic joints and

bring relief without any side effects.

Relieve Arthritis Joint Pain And Inflammation

Page 3: Are Herbal Medicines Effective in Relieving Arthritis Joint Pain and Inflammation

Ayurveda combines herbs either to nullify bad effects of

one or to enhance its action.

These herbs are now combined in a powerful combination

sold as Rumatone Gold capsules and Rumatone Gold

oil. Herbs have their own individual effect and also work

sympathetically with other herbs used in the formulation.

Here is how this herb for arthritis work:

Relieve Arthritis Joint Pain And Inflammation

Page 4: Are Herbal Medicines Effective in Relieving Arthritis Joint Pain and Inflammation

1. Rasna improves vata and kapha doshas and has been

used since ages to treat arthritis, swelling, cough,

bronchitis, obesity and fevers.

2. Saffron is helpful in treating hardened arteries, asthma,

gas, insomnia, cancer and other ailments. It is a tonic and

rejuvenating agent helping improve conditions of patients

stricken with arthritis.

Relieve Arthritis Joint Pain And Inflammation

Page 5: Are Herbal Medicines Effective in Relieving Arthritis Joint Pain and Inflammation

3. Shudh Kuchla is an age old remedy for arthritis besides

being useful for intestinal problems, blood circulation,

respiratory diseases and vomiting. By pacifying kapha it

helps bring relief in arthritis.

4. Sonth or dried ginger is anti-inflammatory, digestive and

an analgesic, reducing inflammation of joints and bringing

relief in arthritic conditions.

Relieve Arthritis Joint Pain And Inflammation

Page 6: Are Herbal Medicines Effective in Relieving Arthritis Joint Pain and Inflammation

5. Suranjan is anti-rheumatic, astringent and analgesic,

reducing pain and swelling of joints in arthritic conditions.

6. Swarna bhasma is prepared from gold and has wide

ranging therapeutic effects including boosting immunity,

strengthening muscles, as a nerve tonic and to prevent

symptoms of ageing.

Relieve Arthritis Joint Pain And Inflammation

Page 7: Are Herbal Medicines Effective in Relieving Arthritis Joint Pain and Inflammation

7. Moti Pishti is made from pearls and rose water, useful to

decrease pitta, to strengthen muscles, improve

metabolism and revitalize the body with sufficient amount

of calcium.

8. Nag Bhasma is based on lead and is ideal to treat

rheumatoid arthritis, diarrhea, diabetes and obesity. It

balances vata, kapha and pitta, thus improving overall

metabolic activities.

Relieve Arthritis Joint Pain And Inflammation

Page 8: Are Herbal Medicines Effective in Relieving Arthritis Joint Pain and Inflammation

9. Chopchini is also known as china root and calms down

vata dosha. It improves digestion and removes toxins

thus helping improve health of those affected by arthritis.

10. Kalonji is well known for the benefits it gives in cases of

inflamed joints and pain caused due to arthritis. Kalonji

improves the immune system and helps reduce arthritis

over time.

Relieve Arthritis Joint Pain And Inflammation

Page 9: Are Herbal Medicines Effective in Relieving Arthritis Joint Pain and Inflammation

11. Pipal is derived from the Pipal tree, worshipped by

hindus. It reduces the effect of pitta and kapha and is

used to treat diarrhea, neuralgia, pain and inflammations,

making it ideal for use in arthritis.

Arthritis is a musculoskeletal disease comprised of

different conditions and it can affect anyone, regardless of

age or sex.

Relieve Arthritis Joint Pain And Inflammation

Page 10: Are Herbal Medicines Effective in Relieving Arthritis Joint Pain and Inflammation

It is usually manifested in the form of osteoarthritis,

rheumatoid arthritis or juvenile arthritis. Osteoarthritis is a

progressive degeneration of cartilages resulting in

inflammation and pain. Patients affected by rheumatoid

arthritis show inflamed membranes of joints, stiffness and

damage. Juvenile arthritis is the result of immune

disorders manifesting itself in children below 16 years of


Relieve Arthritis Joint Pain And Inflammation

Page 11: Are Herbal Medicines Effective in Relieving Arthritis Joint Pain and Inflammation

Herbal medicines are effective in relieving arthritis joint

pain and inflammation with lasting effects. You only need

to be regular in taking your daily dose for results to show

in about four months.

For maximum benefits consume two capsules a day and

use the herbal oil for massaging inflamed joints.

Relieve Arthritis Joint Pain And Inflammation

Page 12: Are Herbal Medicines Effective in Relieving Arthritis Joint Pain and Inflammation

Relieve Arthritis Joint Pain And Inflammation

Buy Rumatone Gold Capsules and Oil