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Frederick P. Rose Architectural Fellowship Program Application Kit for a Fellowship Beginning September 1, 2009 with Bickerdike Redevelopment Corporation, Chicago, Ill.

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Frederick P. Rose Architectural Fellowship Program

Application Kit for a Fellowship Beginning September 1, 2009 with Bickerdike Redevelopment Corporation, Chicago, Ill.

Application Due Date: May 1, 2009

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About the Rose Fellowship.......................................................................................................2

About Bickerdike Redevelopment Corporation.........................................................................5

Draft Fellowship Plan for Bickerdike Redevelopment Corporation..........................................9

Instructions for Application....................................................................................................12


Application Form

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The mission of the Rose Fellowship is to inspire and nurture a new generation of architects as lifelong leaders dedicated to creating sustainable communities for people at all income levels.


1. Fellows master skills in design, community planning, and project management by doing valuable work for host organizations.

2. Fellows promote the principles and best practices of community architecture in a variety of venues, including teaching, conference presentations, and publications.

3. During and following the fellowships, the host organizations increase the quality of design of housing and community facilities, incorporation of green building standards, and community involvement in planning and design.

4. The Fellowship is a transformative experience for fellows.

5. Fellows continue to work in the field, promoting the principles and practices of community design following their fellowships.

6. Fellows and host organizations influence stakeholders, industry associations, policy makers, and leaders in the field of community development to adopt new policies in support of excellent community design.

7. The general public becomes aware of these successes via media coverage and publications.


Since its inception in 2000, the Rose Fellowship has achieved dramatic results in neighborhoods across the country. The 29 Rose fellows sponsored to date have used their design and organizational skills to help their host organizations create or preserve over 4,400 sustainable, affordable homes and 43 much-needed community facilities for low-income people in underserved communities. Under the program’s innovative structure, the Rose fellows live where they work, forging community ties, developing leadership skills, and expanding the capacity of their local host organization to execute projects with the best possible designs, meaningful community engagement, and the most advanced green building features.

Fellows and host organizations promote the principles and best practices of community architecture in a variety of venues, including teaching, conference presentations, and

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publications. They have initiated the adoption of improved design standards and best practices by their state and local governments and industry organizations.

The Fellowship honors the late Frederick P. Rose, a prominent developer and philanthropist who believed strongly in the value of quality design and the spirit of public service. The program is administered by Enterprise Community Partners, a leading national nonprofit housing and community development organization.


The Rose Fellowship is founded on partnerships among fellows, their nonprofit host organizations, and Enterprise.

Fellows are chosen competitively from among the best and brightest emerging architects in the country. They work for three years as part of the host organization’s staff, assisting with real estate development tasks such as neighborhood planning, site acquisition, site planning, architectural plans, pro formas, financing applications, and public approvals. Fellows are expected to help their host organizations improve standards and practices for quality design, sustainability, and community engagement. Most fellows participate in the Intern Development Program (IDP), which leads to professional licensure. An effective host organization has a pipeline of real estate development projects that offers the Rose fellow ample opportunities to master the skills required to be a successful community architect. The host provides mentorship and guidance, supporting the development of the fellow’s career by providing the necessary assignments, work environment, supervision, and fringe benefits. While fellows have completed the designs of some small-scale projects independently, work on larger projects is usuallylsupervised by the host organization’s project architects. Typically, a project architect becomes a fellow’s primary mentor and IDP supervisor, although in some situations that role is played by another architect as a volunteer.

Enterprise provides a grant for the fellow’s stipend as well as an annual allowance of $3,600 for training and conference fees, travel costs, and IDP fees. The stipend for the Bickerdike fellow will be $45,000 per year, plus the allowance. Enterprise staff and consultants provide technical support, training, and opportunities for fellowship and peer-to-peer learning. Meetings of all Rose fellows are convened twice yearly, and many fellows also represent the Fellowship at national meetings and conferences focused on community architecture and green building.

The three parties must agree at the outset to a fellowship plan which defines the expected outcomes at the end of the three-year fellowship, along with a more detailed list of planned activities with a one-year horizon. This fellowship plan is incorporated in Enterprise’s grant agreement that awards the stipend and expense allowance to the host organization.

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Application due date May 1

Finalists selected by Advisory Committee and hosts June 1 (approx.)

Hosts complete interviews with finalists and select fellows June 25 (approx.)

Fellowships begin September 1

Orientation meeting for all new fellows and supervisors TBD in the Fall

For more information about the Rose Fellowship, see

For more information about Enterprise, see

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Bickerdike was founded in 1967 by local residents, organizations and religious institutions struggling against disinvestment, abandonment and arson. Our work began with the development of infill affordable homes and has since expanded to include a multifaceted community development strategy. Through affordable housing development and preservation, property and asset management, economic development with a focus on job creation, comprehensive community planning and engagement, grassroots leadership development and organizing and youth engagement, we improve the quality of life for, and with, low and moderate-income residents of Chicago’s West Town, Humboldt Park, Logan Square and Hermosa neighborhoods.

While the current challenging conditions of our economy have threatened the well-being of our nation, city and communities, along with neighborhood residents and institutions, Bickerdike remains a solid, steadfast, and mission-driven organization. We are one of the oldest and most established Community Development Corporations (CDCs) in Chicago. Our work impacts thousands of residents annually, through:

Innovative Affordable Housing Development: Bickerdike has developed 1,063 units of safe, quality affordable housing. We provide nearly 2,500 residents with rental and co-op housing, and an additional 146 families with homeownership opportunities through our single-family and two- to four-flat homes. Our latest development, Rosa Parks Apartments, is a 94-unit, multifamily rental development and is Bickerdike’s first extensively green development.

Preservation through Property and Asset Management: Bickerdike’s rigorous, resident-involved property management ensures our 867 rental and co-op units in 114 buildings remain high-quality, affordable housing. Additionally, we aggressively pursue a menu of asset management strategies, including refinancing, recapitalization, strategic capital improvements planning and implementation, and exiting investment partners to maintain the strength of our real estate portfolio.

Technical Assistance and Resources for Community Residents: As a Housing Resource Center (HRC) delegate agency for the City of Chicago, Bickerdike provides technical information and assistance, referrals, and informational workshops for hundreds of local landlords, renters and community organizations. And through our Home Repair for Accessible and Independent Living (H-RAIL) program, we make carpentry repairs and accessibility adaptations to approximately 38 seniors’ homes annually.

Economic Development with a Focus on Jobs : Bickerdike creates jobs and training opportunities for local residents through our wholly owned subsidiary, Humboldt Construction Company (HCC), which serves as general contractor for all Bickerdike developments. In addition, we generate local jobs through our El Mercado development with anchor tenant, Cermak Produce, which offers culturally relevant fresh foods and groceries.

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Comprehensive Community Planning and Project Implementation : As lead agency for the Humboldt Park New Communities Program (NCP), Bickerdike facilitated investment of over $46 million in the greater Humboldt Park community over the last five years. The Humboldt Park NCP, comprised of over 65 community organizations and institutions along with neighborhood residents, just completed development of its second five-year Quality of Life Plan, Humboldt Park: Staking our Claim, The Next Five Years: Raising the Stakes. Having successfully implemented over 60 projects in the first plan, this plan includes 58 projects which address a broad array of community priorities such as housing, youth engagement, public safety, prisoner re-entry, employment, education and health and will be implemented over the next five years.

Leadership Development and Grassroots Organizing : Bickerdike cultivates leaders in every area of our organizational structure so Bickerdike’s community-based board, staff, tenants and community residents can work together in advocating for policy and systemic change at the neighborhood, city and state level.

For more information, see

Bickerdike’s Commitment to Fellowship GoalsThe following narrative was provided by Bickerdike Redevelopment Corporation:

Bickerdike is excited to be considered as a host organization, and we believe our mission and work match well with the goals of the Rose Fellowship:

1) Fellows master skills in design, community planning, and project management by doing valuable work for host organizations. The Rose fellow will be an integral member of Bickerdike’s multifaceted team, which includes representation from our Housing and Economic Development department, Humboldt Construction Company (general contractor), Bickerdike Apartments (property management) and our grassroots organizing department, in addition to external partners and consultants. As such, he/she will assist us in carrying out our acclaimed, holistic approach to community development, bridging the areas of project financing, design, construction, and property and asset management. Further, as detailed below, the fellow will assist Bickerdike in moving forward with the incorporation of green technology into all future developments. By working with a variety of entities involved in different stages of development, Bickerdike offers the fellow a unique chance to gain valuable exposure to all facets of development from the vantage points of developer, owner, general contractor and property manager. He/she will master an array of skills and develop an inimitable perspective on architecture and affordable housing.

2) Fellows promote the principles and best practices of community architecture in a variety of venues, including teaching, conference presentations and publications. As a leading CDC, Bickerdike is involved in various development and policy tables, and the fellow will have the opportunity to participate in community and city-wide events, including those where the opportunity to share best practices and other information will

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exist. Bickerdike will encourage the fellow to seek out additional opportunities for teaching, conference presentations and publications.

3) Host organizations increase the quality of design, incorporation of green building standards and community involvement in planning and design. Bickerdike is known for its unique, holistic approach to community revitalization. We pride ourselves on innovation and advancement and are constantly seeking to incorporate new, cutting-edge approaches into our work. We dedicate ourselves to continuous learning and to improving the quality of design in our housing.

With a total of 201 units under production and/or in design, and an additional 29 units in the pipeline for rehab, Bickerdike is working to incorporate comprehensive “greening” into our affordable housing developments. Rosa Parks Apartments, an eight-building, 94-unit, multifamily rental project currently being constructed in the Humboldt Park neighborhood, features energy efficiency and environmentally friendly design features, such as increased insulation, vegetated roof, low VOC paint, Energy Star® appliances, geothermal heating and cooling, solar-heated water system and bamboo flooring. The largest of Rosa Parks’ eight buildings will receive Silver LEED certification.

Bickerdike’s second extensively “green” rental development will be Zapata Apartments, a 75-unit mixed-use project sited in the Logan Square community. Zapata will bring much-needed affordable rental housing to an area that continues to be hard hit by a loss of rental housing to condominium conversion and loss of multifamily units to foreclosure. We anticipate that the fellow will be heavily involved with development and design of this project, including closing on financing and management of the construction process, taking part in active community outreach, as well as engagement in the actual “green” building certification process (Chicago Green Homes, LEED or Energy Star).

4) The fellowship is a transformative experience for fellows. Bickerdike’s unique and encompassing approach to affordable housing and community development, grounded in democratic process, resident empowerment and community engagement, offers fellows the exceptional opportunity to be involved in all facets of housing design and development. Our award-winning track record of success, active development schedule and involvement of local residents will allow fellows to fully experience housing development and construction beyond the design process, and bridge the gap between theory and practice, while truly meeting the needs of a community. The fellow will develop a range of community-based design and development skills, while positively impacting the lives of local residents and playing a major role in helping Bickerdike advance as a foremost CDC.

5) Fellows continue to work in the field, promoting the principles and practices of community design following their fellowships.After work with Bickerdike, a fellow will have the skills necessary to carry out the principles of grassroots participatory planning, holistic design, and sustainability, and will have developed relationships with architects, local leaders, advocates, and government officials. The fellow will take these skills and experiences with him/her and

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help break down barriers to affordable housing, particularly in regards to the incorporation of green technology in affordable housing. 6) Fellows and host organizations influence stakeholders, associations, policy makers and leaders to adopt new policies in support of excellent design. As one of Chicago’s premiere CDCs, and as a nationally recognized leader in affordable housing development and preservation, Bickerdike has a history of successfully educating and influencing stakeholders, policy makers, and leaders at all levels of community development. We advocate for productive resources and solutions, which not only support excellent community design, but that also directly benefit low- and moderate-income residents.

7) The general public becomes aware of these successes via media coverage.Bickerdike will recognize our partnership with Enterprise in organizational materials throughout the year, including our website, annual report and membership newsletter. Bickerdike also strives to maintain visibility for our work through local and national awards. We are happy to dialogue with Enterprise staff regarding additional publicity opportunities, participating in conjunction with our housing development efforts.

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1. Vision for the FellowshipWith the development of Rosa Parks Apartments as Bickerdike’s first comprehensively planned green development, we have learned much about energy efficiency, sustainability and “greening”. Moving forward, however, the Rose fellow would assist in creating an “integrated green strategy” for the organization, taking into account not only future housing development, but organizational and property management practices. This strategy would guide our green features in Zapata Apartments and the next planned development, as well as the preservation and rehab of our existing housing stock.

As we integrate the use of new technology and methods into our development, we have found it essential to prioritize the capacity building of our property management staff and operations. To this end, the Rose fellow would interface with our property management team to enhance capacity and depth of involvement in the design phase of buildings and at the project concept stage. We would also like the fellow to help educate our residents about new, environmentally friendly systems and materials, as well as encourage their participation in appropriate use and care, and in such things as recycling, which is essential to meeting our mission and goals.

We believe that the fellow will add value to the process, assisting in the refinement and expansion of our efforts in each. In particular, the fellow would assist Bickerdike by providing a design framework and perspective, and helping us incorporate lessons learned into the design of future developments.

After three years of work with Bickerdike, we hope the fellow will have helped us: integrate design framework in our planning and development of best practices, incorporate green technology in our housing developments, design plans for a second extensively green development, build capacity of our property management department, and move forward with an integrated greening plan for the organization.

2. Expected outcomes of the Fellowship a. We and our community will have improved our performance and commitment to

sustainable development and quality design in the following ways: develop 198 units of affordable housing in the first year identify next affordable housing project, BRC Integrated Green Strategy: operationally, in new development, in

preservation efforts.

b. We will have improved our performance and commitment to community and resident involvement in building design and neighborhood planning in the following ways:

formalize process for tenant representative(s) during the Design Phase,

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broaden base in support for affordable housing, expand green education program for staff, residents and community.

3. Involvement of project architectsThe following architects are willing to supervise for IDP:

Dennis Langley will supervise work on 1704 Humboldt Building, and Fritz Biederman will supervise work on Zapata Apartments. A third architect, who is yet to be determined, may also supervise work on Chicago Avenue Development.

4. First-Year Activity Plan

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Fellow Workplan: Activities, Targets and Milestones for First Year (September 1, 2009 - August 31, 2010)Real Estate Projects

Project Name, Location, Sponsor Form and Scale if housing include number of units Site Control Fellow's Target, Year 1 Milestones, Year 1

Supervising Architect and/or Site Planner

1704 N. Humboldt Building*, 1704 N. Humboldt Blvd, Chicago, 60647Bickerdike Redevelopment Corporation

Rehab of 29-unit courtyard building in phases

Bickerdike currently owns and manages this property. It is 97% occupied.

Participate in the closing of financing; assist with construction management (CM); work with Asset Management and Property Management for tenant relocation

Nov/Dec: Close on Financing Dec-Aug: CM Dec-Aug: Tenant Relocation

Dennis Langley of Weese Langley Weese

Zapata Apartments*, 3228-34 W. Armitage Ave, 3425-35 W. Armitage Ave, 3503 W. Armitage Ave, 3734 W. Cortland Ave Bickerdike Redevelopment Corporation

Design and construction of three multi-family rental buildings and one mixed-use building

Bickerdike owns three of the four sites. The fourth site is under option contract negotiation.

Review of plans and specs and provide feedback to architect; assist with construction management (CM); meet LEED standards; participate in building community base for project support

Sept: Plans and Specs March: Close on Financing March-Aug: CM May: Initial LEED submission

Fritz Biederman of Lisec & Biederman

Chicago Ave Development*, Between Kedzie and Pulaski, Bickerdike Redevelopment Corporation

RFP to be published in February 2009 No - City-owned lots

Develop preliminary project design; assist with the pro-forma/financing applications; present project concept at community meetings; participate in building community base for project support

Jan. Site Selection Feb: Working Drawings and Pro-forma March: Community Meetings April: Funding Applications


Other Projects for Host, Community or Industry

Project Description Host Organization's Target Fellow's Target, Year 1 Milestones, Year 1 Expected Collaborators

Assist in the concept development and design of an Artist's Coop on Paseo Boricua*

Create a development package suitable for soliciting funding opportunities

Create project drawings; identify sites; develop pro forma; identify funding opportunities; present project concept at community meetings; participate in building community base for project support

Oct: Site Selection Nov: Working Drawings and Pro-forma March: Community Meetings April: Funding Applications

Division Street Business Development Association

Affordable Green House*Create a model for a replicable green single-family home product

Assist with CM and model creation; learn the development process from a homeownership perspective

Sept-Aug: CM Jan. Site Selection March: Close on Financing for Round 2

Pete Landon of Landon Bone Baker Architects

Develop an Integrated Green Strategy for the organization.

Have a concrete plan to apply to future new construction and rehab projects

Apply research of green elements on Rosa Parks Apartments to a model for future developments and on-going operations, including BRC staff and tenant education

Sept-Nov: Develop plan for construction components Nov: Apply plan to Artist's Coop Feb: Apply plan to Chicago Ave Development June: Develop plan for staff and tenant education

All BRC Departments

Blueprint Reading Workshops

Increase blueprint reading and general architectural knowledge among asset management (AM) and property management (PM) staff

Develop a blueprint reading curriculum and hold workshops with AM and PM staff

Sept: Develop curriculum Oct-Dec: Hold workshops

BRC Asset Management and Property Management

Potential Projects for Years 2 and 3Restructuring, Recapitalization and Rehab of Existing BRC Developments (up to seven developments with 657 units)Continuation of Ongoing Projects/Developments (marked with *)

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Applicants are strongly encouraged to contact Rose Fellowship Director in advance of submitting their application. Katie Swenson can be reached at [email protected] or (781)235 4189.


Please review the entire Application Kit before completing the application form, with particular attention to the fellowship plan.

SUBMISSION DEADLINE Completed applications, resumes and portfolios of work must be received by 5 p.m. EST, May 1, 2008 at [email protected].

Sealed transcripts, letters of recommendation, and design studio critiques must be received by 5 p.m. EST, May 1, 2009. Please send via mail to: The Frederick P. Rose Architectural FellowshipAttn: Kathy L. HolmesEnterprise Community Partners10227 Wincopin Circle, Suite 500Columbia, MD 21044Tel: 410-772-2411

QUESTIONS ABOUT THE APPLICATION FORM AND PROCESSPlease direct your questions about the application process to Kathy L. Holmes at 410-772-2411 or [email protected].

QUESTIONS ABOUT THE FELLOWSHIPPlease direct any questions about the Rose Fellowship, fellowship plans, or available opportunities to Katie Swenson, Director of the Rose Fellowship, at (781) 235-4189 or [email protected].


Portfolio of Work: Applicants are expected to provide a portfolio of work with up to 10 examples of their highest quality work for review. The portfolio must be in electronic format, sent via email along with all other application materials. The portfolio must contain no more than ten 8 x 10 inch ‘slides.’ Samples relevant to community development and community design are encouraged.

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Resume: The resume should describe the applicant’s employment history, academic history, community involvement and leadership, and honors and awards. It should include all full-time positions you have held, summer jobs held in college, relevant part- time work, all community leadership positions and community work. It is important to include dates, firms/employers, locations, titles, and responsibilities. The resume may be tailored to best reflect your individual skills, interests, honors, and activities.

Sealed Transcripts: Applicants must submit sealed transcripts from all colleges and universities attended via U.S. mail to the above address.

Recommendations: Recommendations should be solicited from two people who can objectively comment on your performance in any or all of three areas: academic, professional, and community settings. Each completed recommendation form should be mailed to the above address. Letters from personal or family friends or from co-workers are considered inappropriate and are detrimental to the application.

Design Studio Critique: In addition to two recommendation letters, applicants must submit two critiques by past Design Studio Critics, Desk Critics, Architectural Employers or others in a position to be able to objectively comment on both your creative and technical design ability. Each critique should be one page in length and should discuss your architectural ability in a frank and honest manner. The critique should be mailed to the above address.


Criteria used to select fellows are as follows:

1. Substance and clarity of essays2. Quality of fellowship plan critique3. Past experience with relevant community work4. Evidenced commitment to public service5. Design ability6. Architectural experience7. Academic performance8. Quality and substance of recommendations9. Presentation and responses during interview

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Applying for Rose Fellowship with Bickerdike Redevelopment Corporation, Chicago, Illinois (Applicants may apply for one fellowship only)

Applicant Information

Name: Last Name First Name Middle Name

Address: Street

Address: City, State, Zip Code

Telephone: Fax:


Social Security Number:

Are you eligible to work in the United States? Yes No


College/University Degree Earned Date Awarded/Expected Overall GPA/Average

Additional InformationHow did you hear about the Frederick P. Rose Architectural Fellowship?

Academic & Community Honors/Awards/PrizesList any academic and/or community honors, awards or prizes. Include dates.

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Community WorkList any community work, extra-curricular activities, and professional affiliations. Include dates/titles/locations.

Design QualificationsList the status of your professional development as an architect:

Are you enrolled in NCARB’s Intern

Development Program (IDP)? yes / no Points Completed:

Have you completed the Architect

Registration Examination (ARE)?

yes / no Exams Passed:

Are you LEED accredited? yes / no

RecommendationsList the names of two people who have provided you with recommendation letters:

Name Organization Title/Position

Design CriticsList the names of two people who have provided you with design critiques.

Name Organization Title/Position

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Essay QuestionsSpecial attention should be given to the specific personal qualities, professional accomplishments, and community work that distinguish you from other well-qualified applicants. Please insert your responses after each essay question. Each essay should be no more than 1 page in length, using a size 12-point font and at least one-inch margins. Please include your name on each sheet.

1. What is the role of architects in architectural design and community development for low and moderate-income communities, especially with regard to design excellence, sustainable development, and resident engagement?

[insert 1-page maximum response in Times New Roman 12-point font]

2. What is your personal commitment to helping disadvantaged communities and individuals?  (You may use examples of paid work and volunteering.) What will the Fellowship offer you that you could not achieve in some other form of architectural practice? [insert 1-page maximum response in Times New Roman 12-point font]

3. Why is it important for you to become a Rose fellow? In part, please refer to any of your experiences with — and reasons for wanting to commit to — community development work, design excellence, sustainability, and resident engagement. What will your experiences as a fellow prepare you for in the future? [insert 1-page maximum response in Times New Roman 12-point font]

Response to Draft Fellowship Plan After reviewing the draft fellowship plan, please give a response in two pages or less. Portions of the fellowship plan will be negotiable after the fellowship is awarded. Consider the following when responding:

1. What is your overall impression of the fellowship plan in this application kit?2. What special approaches, if any, would you use in implementing the plan? 3. Do you bring any special background or expertise that will assist you in executing

this plan with this organization?4. Would you suggest any changes or refinements to the fellowship plan?

[insert response of two pages or less]

Signature of ApplicantI certify that the information submitted in this application is complete and accurate to the best of my knowledge.

Type in or insert electronic signature Date

See Transmittal Checklist on Next Page

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1. Mail the following: ___Sealed Transcripts ___Recommendations (2) ___Design Studio Critiques (2)

To:Attn. Kathy L. Holmes Enterprise Community Partners10227 Wincopin Circle, Suite 500Columbia, MD 21044

2. Email the following:

__ Completed application form (you may delete the rest of the application kit)__ Résumé__ Portfolio of Work

To:[email protected]

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