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Department of Treasury and Finance Application for Registration As an approved Contractor for Building Construction and Maintenance Services September 2019 Procurement, Risk and Contract Management Branch

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Page 1: Application for Registration as an approved contractor for ... · Web viewApplication for Registration as an approved contractor for Building Construction and Maintenance Services

Department of Treasury and Finance

Application for RegistrationAs an approved Contractor for Building Construction and Maintenance Services

September 2019Procurement, Risk and Contract Management Branch

Page 2: Application for Registration as an approved contractor for ... · Web viewApplication for Registration as an approved contractor for Building Construction and Maintenance Services

© Copyright State of Tasmania 2019

Excerpts from this publication may be reproduced, with appropriate acknowledgment, as permitted under the Copyright Act.

EnquiriesContract Management UnitProcurement, Risk and Contract Management BranchDepartment of Treasury and Finance21 Murray StreetHOBART TAS 7000Telephone: (03) 6166 4220 or (03) 6166 4219Email: [email protected]

Department of Treasury and Finance


Page 3: Application for Registration as an approved contractor for ... · Web viewApplication for Registration as an approved contractor for Building Construction and Maintenance Services

Document PurposeThis application is to be used for registration as a prequalified contractor in the Department of Treasury and Finance’s Prequalification Scheme for Contractors. This scheme applies to contractors wishing to prequalify for construction works with an estimated maximum construction cost up to a value of $50 million.The purpose of this document is to obtain sufficient information required to assess applicants across each category in the scheme.It is recommended that applicants refer to the document titled Guidelines for Registration as an Approved Contractor for Building Construction Services, before submitting an application. application document is compiled with text boxes to allow for electronic submission or, alternatively the application document can be printed and information entered manually.A contractor may submit supplementary information, but such information must directly address the criteria for registration. Marketing publications are not required and will be returned to the applicant.Should additional information be required for assessment purposes, a request will be made directly to the contractor.

The completed application for registration can be submitted by post or email.Post:Contracts Officer

Contract Management UnitProcurement, Risk and Contract Management BranchDepartment of Treasury and FinanceGPO Box 147HOBART TAS 7001

Email: [email protected] Treasury will acknowledge receipt of all applications by email. If you do not receive email confirmation of receipt within four business days, it is recommended that you contact the Contracts Officer, Contracts Management Unit via phone (03) 6166 4220 or (03) 6166 4219 or via email [email protected].

Important Note: For prequalification under the National Prequalification Scheme for Non-residential Building (the NPS), please refer to the information contained on the Australian Procurement and Construction Council website at NPS applies to non-residential building projects with a construction cost estimate of $50 million or more.

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Application DeclarationIn submitting this application the contractor is deemed to have made the following Declaration:I / We hereby:1. Apply to the Department of Treasury and Finance for registration as an

approved contractor for government building construction services contracts.

2. Declare that the particulars in all the documentation are true and correct in every detail.

3. Acknowledge that the Department of Treasury and Finance will undertake credit checks as part of the assessment process.

4. Confirm that none of the proprietors, directors, trustees, managers or their spouses is or has ever been bankrupt, or a director, manager or secretary of a company that is being or has been wound up (whether voluntarily or otherwise), and that the business is not trading under: an arrangement and/or restructuring; or receiver and management; or official management; or an arrangement with creditors without sequestration.

5. Undertake to comply with and ensure that all employees, subcontractors and agents comply with the provisions of the Work Health and Safety Act 2012 and the Work Health and Safety Regulations 2012, and all other Acts, regulations, local laws and bylaws, Codes of Practice and any other instructions made under any Act or subordinate legislation, whether State or Federal which are in any way applicable to the performance of the contractor’s services.

6. Undertake to advise the Department of Treasury and Finance of any changes to the circumstances of the information contained in this application during the duration of the prequalification period should prequalification be granted in any category.

7. Undertake to provide details of any adverse change affecting the financial position contained in this application and/or supplied by the company accountant as soon as practicable after the change in circumstances become known during the registration period.

8. Acknowledge that prequalification does not guarantee that a contractor will be invited to undertake work for the Tasmanian Government.

Signed……………………………………………………………………………………………Name (Print)…………………………………………………………………………………...

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Position…………………………………………………………………………………….……Company…………………………………………………………………………………..……Date ……………………………………………………………………………………………A person duly authorised to sign for and on behalf of the company must sign this statement.

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Tender Pending Yes (Please advise date required) __________________ No

Business InformationCompany Name

Business Trading Name

Business Address

Postal Address

Australian Business Number (ABN)

Australian Company Number (ACN)(if applicable)

Contact InformationContact Officer

Position Held

Telephone Number Mobile Number

Email Address

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Associated CompaniesList all associated, subsidiary and holding companies including trusts. Include company/business name and address.

Directors and ManagersList all Directors and Managers.

Other BusinessesList any other affiliated contractor, business and/or company that any person referred to above has involvement with – include name, position held, business/company and address.

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Other RegistrationsList details of any registration held with other Authorities

Industry AssociationsList membership of industry associations – MBA, HIA, etc

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Registration Categories and Required LicencesThe contractor shall:

nominate the category(s) and the financial level (above $100 000) by inserting in the space provided, the maximum amount for which registration is requested. Contractors should note that agencies are only required to use prequalified contractors for contracts with a value of $250 000 or more;

provide relevant licensing information for each requested category of registration; and

demonstrate the capacity to undertake work in each category to the financial level requested.

Following review of the application and supporting documentation, Treasury reserves the right to vary the registration period and financial level.Definitions of each category can be found in the Guidelines for Registration as an Approved Contractor for Building Construction Services.

CategoriesMaximum Financial Level

Requested Financial Level

Requested Project Cost

Building Works – Institutional $50 million $ ………………………………...

Building Works – Residential $25 million $ ………………………………...

Building Services Provider Licence NumberRequested Component Cost

Mechanical Services $5 million $ ………………………………...

Mechanical Services Licence Number

Electrical Services $3 million $ ………………………………...

Electrical Contractors Licence NumberBuilding Systems – Monitoring and Control $3 million $


Fire Services $2 million $ ………………………………...

Fire Services PermitRequested Annual

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Facilities Management and Maintenance $5 million $ ………………………………...

Note: Companies must be registered practitioners in Tasmania. Licence numbers are verified and compliance checks are undertaken with the Department of Justice.

TasBuildTasBuild Licence Number

Note: This number will be verified with TasBuild to ensure it is current. By making an application you are consenting to Treasury releasing your name to TasBuild for this purpose.

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Quality AssuranceThe Department of Treasury and Finance requires that for higher financial levels of registration, contractors maintain as a minimum, an accredited second party certified quality system that satisfies the key system elements of AS/NZS ISO 9001:2015. These elements are listed in Guidelines for Registration as an Approved Contractor for Building Construction Services.The levels of registration for which second party quality assurance is mandatory include:

All contractor categories where the construction cost level exceeds $1.0 million.

The levels of registration for which third party quality assurance is mandatory include:

Building Works - Institutional over $10 million; and Building Works - Residential over $10 million.

Does the contractor have a quality assurance system in place? (NB: evidence may be requested).

Y / N

Does the contractor currently hold quality assurance certification? Y / N

What is the level of quality assurance accreditation achieved?(Second or third party certification)

Second Party Certification

Third Party CertificationIf third party certification is held,

please provide certification category

(AS/NZS ISO 9001:2015)Applicants holding second or third party certification must provide a certificate of compliance with this application.

Accreditation expiry dateQuality Auditor Name:Auditor’s Address:

A Quality Assurance Manual for Contractors, a Checklist and a list of Second and Third Party Quality Assurance Auditors can be found at:

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Please contact the Contracts Officer, Procurement, Risk and Contract Management Branch if you have any queries regarding the quality assurance process.

OrganisationPlease provide a description of the applicant company history, management, and location of offices in Tasmania.

History(Contractor to provide a brief history of the company)

Management Structure (Describe the organisation structure and how responsibilities are allocated)

Office Locations(State location of company office(s))

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PersonnelManagementPlease complete the following table for all Directors, Managers, and other key management personnel.

Name Position Qualifications

Building Services Provider / Practitioner’s Licence Number / Electrical Contractors Licence (if applicable)

Years of Experience

Foremen and SupervisorsPlease complete the following table for all foremen, and key supervisory personnel.

Name Position Qualifications

Building Services Provider / Practitioner’s Licence Number / Electrical Contractors Licence (if applicable)

Years of Experience

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Construction and Office PersonnelComplete the following table for all full time and permanent part time construction and office personnel, and apprentices.

Trade/OccupationNumber of personnel

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Project Experience and PerformanceAll applicants must list recent projects to demonstrate the capacity to undertake work in each category to the financial level requested. Appendix A may be used to provide the information required.Projects must be listed in each category for which registration is being sought. Projects should have been undertaken in the past two years. Projects undertaken in the past five years may be taken into consideration at the discretion of the assessment panel.Where a project is relevant to more than one category, list it under each category. The largest two projects undertaken in each category should be described in the following detail:

Registration Category; Project Title; Construction Cost or Component Cost as appropriate; Year Project Completed; Description of Project including any special issues; and Name and telephone number of the client’s project manager.

Government Project ExperienceThis section is for the applicant to include a schedule of the projects undertaken for government over the past five years. Appendix B may be used to provide the information required.For each project please list the following information:Project Title;Construction Cost or Component Cost as appropriate;Year Project Completed; andName and telephone number of the agency project manager.

RefereesThis section is for the contractor to nominate at least three referees that have direct experience with the projects listed in this application. At least one referee must be able to comment on the ability of the contractor in each category for which registration is being sought. Referee Name and Position

Company Name/ Government Department

Telephone Number

Project(s) known to the referee

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Financial and resource capacity (mandatory schedule)The applicant must provide a schedule containing sufficient information to enable full and proper assessment of the applicant’s financial capacity, liquidity and general resource capability.The following information must accompany the prequalification application:

audited or un-audited copies of the financial statements (including notes) for the last two financial years including:

trading/profit and loss account; balance sheet; signed auditor’s report; (if applicable) signed director’s report (where the applicant is a corporation); forecast of the current year’s turnover and estimate of trading results; non-reporting entities, as defined in Statement of Accounting Concepts

1 “Definition of the Reporting Entity”, must supply details of Financial Statements for the last two financial years; and

annual turnover for the last two financial years and forecast for the current year.

Please indicate whether the applicant organisation is any of the following:Sole TraderPartnershipJoint VentureLimited Liability Company

Has there been a change in ownership of the applicant’s organisation within the last 3 years?

Yes No (If YES, please provide details):

PartnershipWhere the applicant organisation is a partnership, please provide a list of all current partners:

Full Name Address

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Joint VentureIf the organisation is a joint venture arrangement sufficient information should be provided to enable verification of the legal entity. Assessment will require details of the joint venture partners separately, eg financial information required.

CompanyWhere the organisation is a company, please complete the information below.Please indicate if the applicant company is:PrivatePublicHoldingSubsidiaryTrust CompanyDate of incorporationState of registration

If registered outside Tasmania, please indicate if registered as a recognised company in Tasmania: Yes NoTasmanian Corporate Affairs Register No.: ……………………………Is the business registered for GST?

Yes NoIn what other types of business is the applicant financially engaged?

Please list details of all current directors, managers and company secretaries:

Full name Position

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Please list full details of the applicant organisation’s auditor/accountantName of firm:Contact Name:Address:Telephone:Mobile:Email Address:

Please list full details of the applicant organisation’s banking firm:Name of Bank:Bank Contact Officer:Address:Telephone:Email Address:If required, are you willing to provide written authorisation for your banker to supply the Department of Treasury and Finance with a reference regarding the applicant company’s financial position?

Yes NoValue of bank guarantees currently issued: $

Amount of overdraft, if any: $

Please provide the following information with this application: description and value of securities lodged to obtain overdraft; latest financial statements (audited and un-audited), including any

accompanying notes to the accounts; list of any doubtful or irrecoverable debts; information on bank guarantees/insurance bonds currently held; and

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details of any judgement debts or court orders that have been registered or issued against the company within the last twelve months, or are likely to be issued as a result of past trading.

Occupational Health and SafetyAll contractors engaged in Government building contracts must comply with and ensure that all its employees, subcontractors and agents comply with the provisions of the Work Health and Safety Act 2012, the Work Health and Safety Regulations 2012, and all other Acts, Regulations, local laws and bylaws, and Codes of Practice and any other instructions made under any Act or subordinate legislation, whether State or Federal which are in any way applicable to the performance of the contractor’s services. Prior to the commencement of works, the successful contractor will be required provide its Safety Management Plan and any site-specific workplace health and safety details and plans to the contracting Agency.

General Comments in support of applicationThe contractor may make additional comments to augment information already provided in the application:

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APPENDIX A – Project Experience and PerformanceProvide examples of two projects in each category undertaken in the past two years.REGISTRATION CATEGORY

Project Title

Overall Project Value


Value of works contractor undertook

$ Year Project Completed

Description of Project

Name and telephone number of client’s Project Manager to be used as a referee for the project

Completion Date achieved (Yes/No)

Liquidated Damages applied (Yes/No)


Project Title

Overall Project Value


Value of works contractor undertook

$ Year Project Completed

Description of Project

Name and telephone number of client’s Project Manager to be used as a referee for the project

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Completion Dateachieved (Yes/No)

Liquidated Damages applied (Yes/No)

APPENDIX B – Government Project Experience Provide a list of projects undertaken for state government departments over the past five years

Project Overall Project Value


Value of Works

Contractor Undertook


Year Project


Agency’s Project


Department of Treasury and Finance