analysing report format for poor nodularity

Complaint No: _______________ Complaint Received Date: ________________ Product Name: ________________ Lot Number: _____________________ Material Delivered Date: _____________ Quantity Supplied: _________________ Customer Name: _________________________________________________________ Nature of Complaint: _____________________________________________________ 1. Establishing the Team Based on nature of complaint form active team, team members from various departments (Production, Quality & Marketing). 2. Problem Description Poor Nodularity due to low recovery of Magnesium. 3. Corrective Action Before planning our representative must know about customer practice. a. Collect FeSiMg sample from customer from analysis. b. Collect process data’s from customer i. Heat No ii. Base metal composition Minex Metallurgical Customer Complaint Analysis/ Handling

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Page 1: Analysing Report Format for Poor Nodularity

Complaint No: _______________ Complaint Received Date: ________________

Product Name: ________________ Lot Number: _____________________

Material Delivered Date: _____________ Quantity Supplied: _________________

Customer Name: _________________________________________________________

Nature of Complaint: _____________________________________________________

1. Establishing the Team

Based on nature of complaint form active team, team members from various departments (Production, Quality & Marketing).

2. Problem Description

Poor Nodularity due to low recovery of Magnesium.

3. Corrective Action

Before planning our representative must know about customer practice.

a. Collect FeSiMg sample from customer from analysis.

b. Collect process data’s from customer

i. Heat No

ii. Base metal composition

iii. Quantity treated

iv. Treatment type

v. Treatment or pouring temperature

Minex Metallurgical Co. Ltd.Customer Complaint Analysis/ Handling Report

Page 2: Analysing Report Format for Poor Nodularity

vi. Holding time

vii. Amount of treatment alloy added

viii. Microstructure of Ductile Iron produced

4. List the possible Causes

Following factors are affecting the Nodularity of Ductile Iron.

a. Chemical Composition of treatment alloy (FeSiMg)b. Size of Treatment Alloy (FeSiMg)c. Base Metal Compositiond. Excess or Insufficient addition Nodular Alloye. Base metal Temperature or Treatment Temperaturef. Treatment Time or Long holding Time and Metal Filling

Timeg. Slag in Molten Metal

5. Define the Route Causes

Analyze possible causes one by one and state the Route causes for Poor Nodularity.

i. Chemical Composition of treatment alloy (FeSiMg)

Mg and other elements percentage is correct (as per customer’s specification) go for next step.

ii. Size of Treatment Alloy (FeSiMg)

A wide alloy sizing gives dense bulk packing in the pocket. The alloy will then fuse and react (dissolve) slowly in a controlled manner with a minimum of pieces floating. Lumps floating and burning on the surface are a waste.

iii. Base Metal CompositionHigh Sulfur, Ti, Al, Sb, Pb, Bi and Sn (Very small amounts) in Base Iron and Low Residual Magnesium in ductile iron.

iv. Excess or Insufficient addition Nodular AlloyCheck the treatment alloys is added correctly or not. It should neutralize the effect of Anti-Spheroidising Elements (neutralized by rare earth addition) & high sulfur neutralized with Magnesium addition.

Page 3: Analysing Report Format for Poor Nodularity

v. Base metal Temperature or Treatment TemperatureHigher treatment temperature affects the recovery of Magnesium. Treatment temperature is based on the holding time.

vi. Treatment Time or Long holding Time and Metal Filling Time

Long holding time gives Magnesium fading in ductile iron.

vii. Slag in Molten MetalBefore adding the treatment alloy slag is removed from the molten metal (Magnesium react with slag its resulting poor nodularity).

6. Chose and Implement the Corrective action

After finding the Route causes, chose the corrective action to solve Route cause and Implement it.

Complaint Closed Date: _________________

Quantity of Rejected Material: ________________

Attach all the documents (data’s given by customer, chemical analysis report, if need third party analysis report & etc,). Send a copy of report to customer and top management.

Signature of Representative Respective Department Head

_______________. _________________.