your spacious self webinar

Post on 08-May-2015






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Your Spacious SelfStephanie Bennett Vogt

“The busy mind is so grateful to stop and taste eternity.” –Joan Borysenko

Get comfy… have water… turn off devices…Warm up… my story… taste of clearing… tools… questions…

Here’s the thing about clutter and clearing…

It has no sense of humor.

Cartoon by Hugh MacLeod

Raise your (virtual) hand if you…

Maybe it’s not the physical stuff that challenges and torments you…

Raise your hand if …your clutter looks more like this…

Juggling a million things at once…


Non-stop wondering… or worrying…or judging…“I should… you should… I can’t… I shouldn’t…”

Worried about someone or something…Fear for the future…

Groan or cringe every time…

Or does your clutter look like this…?

Can’t seem to finish anything……home repairs, upgrades, check-ups, tolerations, personal projects…

No time for yourself.Feel like time is passing you by and you have nothing to show for it…?

Feel that self-care is…an extra-curricular activity…?

…or, something you do when you’re sick……or everyone else is taken care of?

That was fun…here’s what I really want to know…Aware of how you feel right now? Heart rate…? Energy level… ? Thirst…? Thoughts…? Emotional weather…? Energy in the room...? Aware of being aware…?..... How’s your breathing?

It’s not about the stuff, nor the stress…

My Hero’s Journey …“The call to adventure is the point in a person’s life when they are first given notice that everything is going to change, whether they know it or not.” –Joseph Campbell

1. Cleared…and came face to face with my


2. Re-membered…what I had forgotten.

3. Found the world’s best teachers…and studied with them.

4. Began to connect the dots…that led back around to…


And a whole new love I never knew I had in me…


How are you feeling now?Same or different as before?

Home tour

One Minute “Goodie Bag”


T = Thank

What IS working in your life?Focus on THAT.

“Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life…It can turn a meal into a feast, a house into a home, a stranger into a

friend…Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today…Gratitude makes things right.”

–Melody Beattie from The Language of Letting Go Journal

R = Reduce & Repeat

Fight or flight

To bypass the stress response, follow the

“Rule of One”

Clear (put away, round up)… ONE… thing …pile…area… for ONE MINUTE…


For resisting patterns you’d like to change…

Address… ONE… issue… toleration… habit… for ONE MINUTE…EVERY DAY…for

ONE Week



When all else fails…SWEEP (with awareness).

Sweeping moves stuck energy. Anchors intentions. Quiets the mind.

“Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can.”

–Arthur Ashe

U = Unplug

Allow…things to be just as they are.

Accept…Mystery as a legitimate state of being

Detach.Reframe “I am” with “This is…”

“You are the sky…Everything else – it’s just the weather.”

–Pema Chödrön

E = Elevate

Do what you love.Love what you do…without apologies.


Restore. Renew. Replenish.

Drink water…drink water…drink water…Clearing is dehydrating.

Eat (real) food“Eat food. Not too much. Mostly plants.”

–Michael Pollan

How are you feeling now?Same or different as before?

Clearing is a practice.Support your practice.

Talking about clearing… IS clearing.

Join together with others.

On Site and Online

When we tend our homes in small ways…

We take care of ourselves.

When we nourish ourselves…

We bring ourselves back into balance.

When we restore balance…

We bring peace to the world.

Clearing lightens. Clearing with awareness…EN-LIGHTENS.

HAPPY Clearing!

Webinar produced and presented by Stephanie Bennett Vogt

All Rights Reserved

Thank you!

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