why build an email list?

Post on 05-Dec-2014






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Why build an email list?

11 Reasons Why Building an Email List Should Be Your #1 Priority

PAM NEELYbuild your list, build your business

Some people say:

“It’s SOOO much work building an email list.

Do I HAVE to?”

PAM NEELYbuild your list, build your business

“Aren’t social media and search engine traffic enough?”

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Oh… sure.

Skip the list.

PAM NEELYbuild your list, build your business

Only build an email list if you want…

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A business that can’t be taken away from you…

by Google, Facebook, or anyone else.

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A business that generates steady profits…

like an ROI of 4300%*

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*The Direct Marketing Association’s 2013 Statistical Fact Book shows marketers getting 4300% on their email marketing campaigns.

A business that creates loyal, enthusiastic customers

Who tell others about how awesome you are.

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PAM NEELYbuild your list, build your business

Oh – and you don’t have to be a big company to need an email list

All these people and businesses need email lists:

• Bloggers• Affiliates• Consultants• Freelancers• Authors• Artists• Musicians & Bands

PAM NEELYbuild your list, build your business

• Coaches• Location-Based Businesses• Professional Services Firms• Agencies• Non-Profits• SAAS• Online Stores

If you weren’t already sold on building your email list, here’s 11 reasons

PAM NEELYbuild your list, build your business

why building your list should be your

PAM NEELYbuild your list, build your business

#1 priority

PAM NEELYbuild your list, build your business

#1 You could rebuild your entire business with just your email list

If you lost everything

• Your social media accounts• Your search engine rankings• Your blog• And even your website

PAM NEELYbuild your list, build your business

You could rebuild your entire business with just your email list

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#2 You own your email list. No one can ever take it away from you.

PAM NEELYbuild your list, build your business

No one can control what you can and can’t do with it, either.

You don’t own your social media accounts

They’re built on rented land.

PAM NEELYbuild your list, build your business

#3 An email list is the cheapest way to communicate with your audience.

PAM NEELYbuild your list, build your business

For $30 a month, AWeber will let you send unlimited messages to a list of up to 5,000 people

PAM NEELYbuild your list, build your business

Send one email a week to your list, and that’s 20,000 messages for $30

A cost of $0.0015 per message.

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#4 People prefer email for commercial messages. People buy from emails.

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PAM NEELYbuild your list, build your business

- ExactTarget’s 2012 Channel Preference Survey

“77% of consumers told us that they prefer to receive permission-based marketing communications through email.”

#5 Sending email updates is easy, fast and affordable.

PAM NEELYbuild your list, build your business

Email service providers give you hundreds of pre-designed templates to choose from

Just drop your text and images in, hook up the links, and you’re done.

PAM NEELYbuild your list, build your business

#6 Sending regular email updates is the best way to build trust.

PAM NEELYbuild your list, build your business

Without trust, people won’t respond to even the most amazing offer

Most people online are already pretty spooked

PAM NEELYbuild your list, build your business

#7 Email marketing can be tracked down to each user’s click.

PAM NEELYbuild your list, build your business

Email messages can be tested, segmented and personalized

Almost no other marketing tactic offers as much tracking & personalization capabilities.

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#8 Email can generate massive amounts of revenue within hours.

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#9 Email has the highest return on investment of any marketing technique.

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4300% ROINeed I say more?

PAM NEELYbuild your list, build your business

OK, I’ll say more:

PAM NEELYbuild your list, build your business

This chart from McKinsey & Company shows how email is 40 times more effective than Facebook or Twitter.

#10 Email gives you a way to drive traffic to any page you want.

PAM NEELYbuild your list, build your business

#11 Your email list is an asset that can be sold.

PAM NEELYbuild your list, build your business

Know how direct marketing and Internet companies get valued for sale?

PAM NEELYbuild your list, build your business

It’s not the warehouses, inventory, or a great website.

The value of the company comes from the list. The money’s in the list.

PAM NEELYbuild your list, build your business

Without a list, if you sold your business, you wouldn’t get very much for it.

With a list? Well, tack some zeros on to that sale price.

PAM NEELYbuild your list, build your business

So why build an email list?

Because you want results.

PAM NEELYbuild your list, build your business

PAM NEELYbuild your list, build your business

Get results for your site. Go to PamNeely.com.See how easy it is to build an email list.

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