what kind of natural resources are we short of in your region and country?

Post on 01-Jan-2016






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What kind of natural resources are we short of in your region and country?

Natural resources

There are some natural resources short of because they are really useful for men.

This kind of natural resources are called non- removable. It can become wipe out. It takes a long time to create natural resources, however, human beings waste them very fast.


• I’m going to talk about the natural resoreces that are needed in Spain, some of them we are very short of especially in our region.

• First let’s talk about the shortage of oil…

Why are we short of oil?

• Because:

• It’s a non-renewable resource, so we can only use it once

• It is used to make lots of different things like petrol, plastic, electricity, etc. And these things are use more and more as years go by

• We used to think that it would never run out

The price of oil goes up every day

• This chart shows the price per barrel of oil. We can see that it reached it’s highest point in 1980, but now a barrel of oil costs 100$.

• this means that it now is 18 times the price it was in 1998

Where can we find oil in Spain?

• Here is a map, in which we are able to see where there is oil in Spain.

• North coasts• The Golf of

Valencia• South Andalucía


• Now I’m going to talk about the need for natural gas in Spain.

How much gas is there in Spain?

• In 2005, 2.357 GWh of natural gas were produced in Spain, but if we compare this figure to 368.466 GWh which was the amount that was imported into Spain in the same year.

Oil and Gas

As you can see at the map, there are not too much oil and gas in Spain. And we use so much oil, so we have to bring it from other countries.


Oil and gas are not our biggest problem. Where we live there are not enough water. We have serious problems with it. I’m going to show you why is it.


• In this map you can see places where usually the rain falls.

• The north of Spain is a really wet place.

• On the other hand, where we live, the south-east never rain.

Torrential rains

Torrential rains caused by the heat accumulation in the water masses during the summer, use to appear in autumn.


• Temperature is other big problem.

• Hot never help with drought.

• Temperatures in Murcia are between 26ºC and 30ºC

Our river

There is a river where we live, and we should take the water from it. It is called Segura but the water is



As you can see, in Murcia there aren’t enough water but there are too much golf resorts.


Finally, our government take part in this problem. It made a program to solve the problem, but we hope the final decision. People wants use water from other Spanish river.

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