want to start relieving carpal tunnel syndrome almost ... file · web viewwant to start relieving...

Post on 29-Mar-2019






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Want to start relieving carpal tunnel syndrome almost immediately…Even if you’re been suffering for years, had surgery and tried almost everything under the sun?

“Amazing New “Cold Laser” Therapy That Was Envisioned By Albert Einstein Is FDA Approved For Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. 75.6% Of Patients Showed Improvement, No Documented Side Effects…And Gets

Results FAST!”Discover how scientists have perfected incredible space-age technology that taps into

the natural healing power of light and focuses it into a “cold laser” that’s as safe as a flash light and is working practically miracles for carpal tunnel sufferers all over the world. Now YOU can experience what 75.6% of carpal tunnel sufferers in a well documented FDA study experienced… RELIEF!

PLUS… Cold Laser Helps More Than Just Carpal Tunnel!Top Pro Athletes Like 6 Time Tour de France Winner

Lance Armstrong and Pro Sports Teams Like the New York Jets Use It To Get Their

Million Dollar Athletes Back On The Field Fast For Everything From Back Injuries, To Knees, Ankles, and

Shoulders. Read On To Discover If Cold Laser Therapy Is Right For You And… Best Of All…

You Can Check It Out For FREE!

By Dr. Kirk Gair, DC, IDE

Dear Carpal Tunnel, Back Pain, Headache, Knee Pain, Neck Pain, or Shoulder Pain Sufferer,

If you would like to know why so many carpal tunnel sufferers and injured athletes are calling cold laser therapy nothing less than a miracle… and… how you can check it out… absolutely free… this may be the most exciting and important message you ever read!

It may also be the longest report you ever read.1


Because it is about a very important subject: Your health.

And the decision you are about to make may have a dramatic effect on how you live the rest of your life…

With Pain Or Without

That decision that has that much power is: will you or will you NOT try cold laser therapy.

Personally, I think that decision is a simple one. In this report I will give you valuable information… and… an incredible FREE offer to… hopefully… make this decision a simple one for you too.

Quite frankly, this decision may be the most important one you ever make. So you need ALL this information.

If you are serious and motivated to discover if you are a candidate for cold laser therapy… and… if cold laser therapy can end your pain – I don’t think you’ll mind the length one bit.

But you can’t put this off. You gotta take a look at this right now, while this report is still on your computer. In fact, I recommend that you print it out right now and take it with you to read.

This is advanced notice that if you do not make your decision within the next 10 days from when you downloaded this report, the free “cold laser” pain solution opportunity I have reserved for you will be given to someone else… and… this special and unique offer is gone… forever.

More importantly… because you went online and downloaded this report… you also have an amazing option at a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity most pain sufferers will never even now about.

This is a rare and risk-free opportunity to finally find out if you are a candidate for cold laser therapy and how to possibly solve your pain fast. Don’t let this opportunity slip through your fingers without at least seeing what it is all about.

Here’s what this is all about:

Whether you’ve just started getting carpal tunnel symptoms and they’re not that bad (like your hands falling asleep in the middle of the night)… or… you’ve been suffering for years with unbearable, numbness tingling and pain that’s ruining your life (and you’ve already had surgery)… or… you have nagging back or neck pain…or…you have a shoulder, knee, or ankle injury…or…anywhere in between… I’m about to make you the happiest person on the planet!

I’m serious. What I’m going to reveal in this report has the potential to solve your carpal tunnel pain, or your shoulder or knee pain, or your headaches… no matter how bad… in some cases almost immediately. And, as soon as you discover this secret for yourself…

You’re Gonna Wonder Why You Ever Had To Suffer At All!


Listen: I’ll bet you the biggest steak dinner in Texas, you’ve tried all the so-called “miracle” drugs, wrists splints, physical therapy and wonder treatments and got little or no results. You’ve probably tried just about everything under the sun… and… you’re still looking for real, lasting relief.

If you are an athlete or weekend warrior, you may be frustrated that you can’t perform 100%, or you have a nagging recurring injury.

Many of my patients told me how frustrated they were. All the time, effort and money for nothing. They were just about ready to give up when they found me. I was there last resort after doctors told them they would just have to, “live with the pain.” Or you were told to just rest and ice it.

Or you were told just to not do that activity that you loved to do anymore. Maybe that you were too old and needed to slow down. Maybe you are tired of popping Motrin all the time.

Most likely doctors have told you that too. Or maybe you’ve heard this one, “We’ve done all we can do – you need surgery.”

While we’re on the subject of surgery,here are some SHOCKING FACTS

about Carpal Tunnel Syndrome:

The U.S. Department of Labor has concluded that carpal tunnel syndrome is the “chief occupational hazard of the 90’s - disabling workers in epidemic proportions.

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome effects over 8 - million Americans.

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is the #1 reported medical problem, accounting for about 50% of all work related injuries.

Only 25% of all Carpal Tunnel Syndrome patients were able to return to their previous professions following surgery.

Up to 36% of carpal tunnel syndrome patients require unlimited medical treatment.

Surgery for carpal tunnel syndrome is the second most common type of surgery, with well over 230,000 procedures performed annually.

With over 230,000 surgeries performed every year and only 25% able to return to their previous profession… it doesn’t look like that’s the answer. Even worse, if you are one of the unlucky ones, surgery could be a crippling mistake.

And the statistics for back pain are not much better. Up to 90% of patients who have surgery have the same or worse pain 1 year after their procedure.

And how many times do athletes hear that their season is over because of an injury.

In many cases, Cold Laser can be the answer to these problems.


Magic Wand…

Well, what if there was a magic wand that could erase most… if not all… of your carpal tunnel pain, or back/neck pain? Or that it could get that shoulder or knee working again? And, what if that magic wand could get rid of your your pain… for good... without popping handfuls of toxic drugs or having risky, ineffective surgery?

Better yet, what if that magic wand could do it… in many cases… almost instantly?

Well, guess what? There is no magic wand. But there is a carpal tunnel beak-through that research has shown to have a 75.6% patient improvement rate with carpal tunnel syndrome that can possibly…

Have You Out Of Pain In A Matter Of Minutes!

Don’t laugh. It’s 100% true. I know because that breakthrough is cold laser therapy, I have the documented proof… and… I see nothing short of miracles happening to my patients just about every day.

And if you have a condition other than carpal tunnel, this laser can get great results for you also. That’s why pro athletes use it, and why so many local schools send me their injured athletes.

Before we go any further, here’s a little warning: Not everyone has “miraculous” results.

There is no such thing as “sure thing” when it comes to treating conditions that affect the human body. If you are looking for a 100% guaranteed cure… you won’t find it in this report… or anywhere else.

Anyone that tells you they have a guaranteed cure… for anything… is a liar.

Antibiotics don’t work for some people. Everyone responds differently to diet and exercise. And not everyone seems to respond to the laser.

A very small minority say the cold laser gave them no benefit at all. But with a well documented 75.6% patient improvement rate…that’s 3 out of every 4 people… I think you’d have to agree the odds are well in your favor. So if you can live with those impressive odds… let’s get started with…

The Fascinating Cold Laser Story:

Albert Einstein proposed it way back in 1917. It sounded like something straight out of a science fiction novel. The use of low-level focused light waves as a therapy to heal tissue. But, just like most of his brilliant ideas… Einstein was WAY ahead of his time and everyone laughed at him.

Think about this…when Einstein envisioned lasers to heal people, it was just 11 years after the Wright brothers flew the first plane…most people still used horses for travel and thought the car was crazy… and it would be another decade before the first TV show was even aired!

It’s important to note… MOST of Einstein’s brilliance was thought to be foolishness by the scientific community of his time. And nothing has changed.


Scientific breakthroughs – especially in health care – are often violently opposed by the status quo. That is unless some big-wig corporate fat cats stand to line their pockets with silver.

Anyway, it was 43 years after Einstein’s prediction that he was proven right and low-level light was first developed into a therapy.

In 1960, Hungarian surgeon, Endre Mester, first reported his experience using laser light to treat non-healing infections and inflammations (swelling) in rats.

Mester’s reported a 70% success rate treating these infections which led to the development of a science he called “laser biostimulation,” or the stimulation of the local immune system.

Today there is an entire science field devoted to this subject call photobiology -- The study of how light effects living things.

Since 1967, more than 2,000 clinical studies have been published worldwide on cold lasers. Many of the studies are positive… but… many were small and not designed well enough to stand up to the scientific standards we have today.

Overwhelming Proof

Recently, however, all that has changed.

One of the most difficult things I know is getting a patent and market clearance from the FDA for anything related to health care.

Well, in February, 2002 the first patent and market clearance was given to a cold laser for the non-surgical treatment of carpal tunnel syndrome.

The patent and market clearance were granted after a cold laser manufacturer conducted double studies with General Motors and Baylor College of Medicine as part of their trials.

One of the numerous positive results was an amazing 75.6% of patients with carpal tunnel syndrome showed improvement.

And listen to this: the study showed the cold laser even worked on patients that already had surgery.

And with so many modern medical “cures” causing worse problems then the conditions they were initially intended to treat… one of the most important benefits was…

No Documented Side Effects!

Not one.

The only warning was not to shine the laser directly in the eye for a prolonged period of time.


Cold lasers are now being widely used in professional sports such as the USPS tour de France. Lance Armstrong, who captured his

unprecedented 6th tour de France victory, received cold laser treatment…and the NFL football team



Respected Members of The Medical ProfessionEmbraced This Technology!...


What Is Cold Laser?

Light comes in a variety of forms. The light that we see is the visible part of the spectrum of electromagnetic radiation. Just picture a rainbow. The light that is visible to us is a specific range of colors in that spectrum… but not the whole spectrum.

Other parts of the spectrum are not visible. Such as the ultraviolet light that tans (or burns) your skin.

Low-level laser light is compressed light of a wavelength from the cold, red part of the spectrum. Hence the name “cold laser.”

The cold laser is very different from natural light. When natural light hits your skin it produces heat that can damage your skin. Additionally, even though the sun is 93 million miles away, it has enough power to damage your DNA and create skin cancer.

Mild amounts of sunlight are absorbed and your body will make Vitamin D and also melanin, which causes a tan. Plants can convert sunlight into food.

Want to prove how important sunlight is to living things? Get 3 houseplants, and place 1 in the dark, one in constant, hot sunshine, and 1 in mild sunlight, and you will visible see how powerfully light can affect living tissue.

Since a cold laser is one color, it travels in a straight line, is a single wavelength and its beam can be concentrated in a small area… it can penetrate the skin without heat, damage to your skin… or… any known side effects.

Two Types of Lasers

This is very different from what most people think of when they think of a “laser.” I know I used to think of lasers I saw in the movies that burn holes or blow up things. That’s half correct.

In reality, there are two types of medical lasers: High power and low power. High power lasers are used to cut through tissue while low-power lasers stimulate tissue repair and healing.

Cold Laser TherapyCold laser therapy is an application of red and near infrared light over an injured area to improve soft

tissue healing and relieve both chronic and acute pain. Non heat producing or “cold” laser light energy directs light energy to the body’s cells without injuring them.

On the contrary… “cold” laser light dramatically boost the bodies natural healing response.


Since near infrared light waves penetrate the deepest of all the visible light waves… cold laser therapy optimizes the positive healing effects in the body. Such as:

Relieves acute and chronic pain Increases the speed, quality and tensile strength of tissue repair Increases blood supply Stimulates the immune system Stimulates nerve function Develops collagen and muscle tissue Helps generate new and healthy cells and tissue Promotes faster wound healing and clot formation Reduces inflammation (swelling)

Let’s Summarize:

In a nut shell, when red and near infrared light are focused in a “cold laser” and applied through the skin to an injured area… the bodies natural healing response is stimulated… and… in many cases… it heals faster and better than without the laser.

In plain ol’ English… Cold Laser therapy is safe and effective for decreasing pain and healing many conditions. Carpal tunnel syndrome is one of them. Shoulder pain and frozen shoulder, knee pain, ankle sprains, headaches, and neck and back pain are others that usually respond well also.

What Are Cold Laser Treatments Like?

Most cold lasers look like a flash light and emit a red beam of light. That beam of light is placed over the cause of your pain for anywhere between 3 and 15 minutes. The laser does not produce heat and is painless. Most patients say they do not feel anything at all. A few have reported a slight “tingling” sensation.

In addition, depending on your injury, you may be recommended for specific soft tissue (muscle) therapies to help release scar tissue, or rehabilitative exercises, chiropractic treatment, or even nutritional treatments. It is all customized to your specific problem and your specific inury.

You see, the problem with a lot of laser centers right now is that the doctors are not properly trained. They think they can just stick a laser on an area and it will magically heal.

If it were that easy you could just go down to the grocery store and stick your hand under a bar code scanner and you would be fixed!

It’s a little more complicated. The doctor must know where to put it, for how long, on what settings, and what combination of other therapies are needed.

I have completed basic and advanced laser training, and was the first doctor in the immediate area to bring these specific methods, which are the ones used on those pro athletes mentioned earlier, to West Covina.


How Many Treatments Do I Need?

That all depends on your individual case and must be determined by a laser trained and qualified physician. The length of treatment recommended in the FDA study is 15 visits for carpal tunnel. Many people say they feel substantial relief after just a handful of treatments. Some after just one.

Others may take more depending on what their condition is. For example, a low back problem usually takes more treatment than 15 visits if it has been a problem condition for many years and if there are complicating factors, like degeneration, obesity, or diabetes.

Many of our young athletes have what seem to be “miracle cures.” Many times I have had an athlete come into my office on crutches with a knee injury that looked like it would end their season, only to walk out without the crutches and get back to their team the next week.

The good news is… this treatment is not something you have to continue to do for the rest of your life. So it is not a big commitment.


QUESTION #1: How do I find out if I am a candidate for Cold Laser Therapy?

QUESTION #2: How much is it going to cost me?

Here’s the answer to #1: If you could be here with me right now, I could show you, through computerized testing and examination procedures, EXACTLY what’s causing you problem and if you are a candidate for cold laser therapy.

I can also tell you if you have a condition that requires treatments that I do not provide and recommend the appropriate type of doctor for you.

I could show you and explain to you in plain and simple English (no medical mumbo-jumbo most doctors give you) what’s going on and how you can get better as fast as possible. How you can finally start getting your life back.

Here is an important point…I do not accept everyone as a patient, and I NEVER try to convince or “sell” you on the idea that you need care. Why?

I like having a very high success rate, and I like to get people better as quickly as possible. This only happens when I take on the right kind of patients, which means that based on their condition I have a good chance of fixing their problem.

By doing that, not only to I get great satisfaction, but I also create patients who end up telling all their friends and family about my office.

That does not happen when a doctor convinces people who are not good candidates to get treatment that won’t help them.


And when they try a cheesy, high pressure sales tactic, that only makes you, the patient, see that doctor as a money hungry, unethical scumbag, and you leave with a strong distaste not only for that doctor but for the whole profession.

Here’s A Sampling of What You Would Discover If You Were Here With Me Right Now:

1. A consultation with me, Dr. Kirk Gair, to discuss your problem and answer ALL your questions you may have about your condition and the cold laser. You will be taken by the hand and ALL your questions and concerns will be answered before you leave.

2. A complete cold laser qualification case history and questionnaire to help determine if you are a candidate for cold laser therapy.

3. A specialized Carpal Tunnel/Cold Laser Qualification Evaluation.

4. A surface EMG to help pin-point what’s causing your problem. This is computerized, “space-aged” technology being used by NASA. It will help determine if you will be helped by my program. This is NOT the needle EMG and is painless!!! I have given you a sample printout of this powerful technology with this report.

5. A written “Recommended Action Plan” giving you the results of your examination, tests, if you qualify for our cold laser program and what your options are. If at this point our evaluation reveals a condition that is better treated by other means, we will refer you to the appropriate Doctor, or you can choose one of your own liking.

6. I could also show you the cold laser and demonstrate how it works. You could “see it for yourself.”

How would you like to take part in that amazing evaluation for yourself? You can… without spending a single penny.

Here’s how…

Since I Can’t Possibly Do That Evaluation And Show You If Cold Laser Therapy Will Work For You Without You Actually Being Here… I’m

Willing To Give You That Exact Cold Laser Qualification Evaluation With All The Stuff Listed Above ($245 value) ABSOLUTELY FREE!

Here’s what to do now: Just call my office at 626-338-3600 and tell our staff that you want your “FREE cold laser qualification evaluation” with Dr Gair that you saw in the special online. It’s absolutely free with no strings attached. There is nothing to pay for and you will NOT be pressured to become a patient. I don’t need to pressure or beg.

Not at all. I have a very busy practice already, almost 100% by word of mouth. I honestly don’t need any more patients. My schedule is close to capacity already. You will be given the information you came in for, told if you qualify for my cold laser program or what your best option is. From there it’s up to you.


But if you want to give my system a try (as long as you qualify and we have an opening) you can take it for a test spin without risking a single penny! Here’s how:

I’m Also Gonna Give You An Iron-Clad, No-Risk, No-Hassle,No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee!!!

Because I know I don’t have a magic wand and there are no 100% cures out there, I go one step further. You see, I can not guarantee results. It is actually illegal for a doctor to guarantee results.

But I can guarantee your satisfaction. If you qualify for care and are accepted and you are not happy for any reason within the first 30 days, and I mean ANY REASON, I’ve give you ALL your money back... no questions asked! I dare you to find any other doctor that is willing to match this offer. No one else dares to match this offer because they know it would put them out of business!

In some cases, your treatment may be covered by insurance. We can check that for you after your evaluation if you are interested, and we will give you the breakdown of what they cover and what they don’t.

If you don’t have coverage, we have many great, easy payment options where you can spread out your payments in monthly installments. But first, we need to see if you are even a good candidate.

Now, I can not tell you if you will qualify for my cold laser program, but you do you have absolutely nothing to loose and possibly everything to gain.

But you must do this right away. As I mentioned above, I have a very busy practice already. Once the word got out about my cold laser, pain sufferers and athletes started coming out of the woodwork.

Now that I’ve written this report and put it up on the internet, I honestly don’t know how long this offer will last. I could literally get swamped with calls overnight and have to shut it down. I can only accept a very limited amount of new patients every month.

I always want to make sure you get the individual attention your case requires so you get better as fast as humanly possible. For that reason… this offer could be suspended or cancelled at any time. Most likely I will be forced to start a waiting list.

But I will guarantee you an immediate appointment if you call within the next 10 days. After that, your spot will be released to someone else.

So don’t delay. Any “thinking it over” and you could be shut out. It’s scary how fast word about my laser program is traveling. If you are even the slightest bit interested in what I’ve said in this report and finding out if cold laser therapy can end your pain and suffering… call 626-338-3600 right now, while it is still on your mind and I still have openings.

You’ve spent so much time suffering already. Why not take 15 minutes of your time and find out the REAL cause and the REAL solution to your carpal tunnel syndrome… and make your life so much easier and better?

This is how you can finally take away the pain and open so many doors in your life that were slammed shut due to this crippling condition. Finally achieve all the things you easily could have without the pain and suffering of carpal tunnel syndrome constantly holding you back.


Here’s Something To Consider:

When you experience my cold laser system, see how quick and easy it can be to finally get out of pain… it’s the most wonderful feeling in the world. If you continue doing what you’re doing and it fails… like most carpal tunnel treatments out there… it can rip your heart out and destroy your life.

Your clock is ticking. Time is the most precious thing on earth. All the money in the world can not buy back any of the time you’ve already lost from pain and suffering. Not even one measly second. What makes you think things will change unless you have the courage to do something new, something radically different? That something new… something radically different is the opportunity you have in front of you right now.

That something new… something radically different is cold laser therapy.

Is it worth 15 or 20 minutes of your time to see what I have to offer? Are you kidding me? If my cold laser system only works half as well as I know it does… it can mean a whole new life for you. When you finally get rid of the pain that has been holding you back, success and happiness can come flooding into your life. Occurring literally overnight.

Without taking this step, you may struggle forever. And still never discover the secret solution to your carpal tunnel. You can go to 50 other doctors and read 500 books and listen to all the “experts” in the chat rooms… and still not even come close to the awesome potential and power I’m about to hand you.

I can’t even begin to understand why anyone (who is serious about solving their carpal tunnel syndrome and living a happy pain-free life) would not JUMP on this opportunity - - immediately. So many people have been helped already and are pain-free today. It makes no sense for you to continue to suffer when you don’t have to.

So what’s it gonna be?

I’ve shouldered ALL the risk and you don’t risk a single penny.

Call now. Don’t get left out. And start a brand new life WITHOUT pain… in as little as a couple treatments.

One Last Thing - It’s Really Important!...

Please remember… I can not possibly accept everyone on my program. Now that hundreds of people have requested this report and it’s up on the internet I could easily get swamped very quickly. If that happens, I will have to stop the offer and start a waiting list. I did not write this report to get rich. I have a very busy practice already. No. I wrote this report because I honestly want to make a difference for so many carpal tunnel sufferers in the world. And I’m always amazed at how quickly and easily someone's life can completely turn around. Now with this report, I get the message out to many more people. It’s exciting.

If you want to find out if you qualify for this amazing cold laser program… call right now. After all the carpal tunnel sufferers I have treated not one has ever asked for a refund. That’s pretty phenomenal… and it proves this is the real deal… not just smoke and mirrors. This is very important. Call today.


One more thing about this program…

You may be used to other carpal tunnel treatments and pain or injury treatments out there. Ones that put you through painful test, grueling exercises and make you do a lot of “stuff.”

If that’s what you are looking for -- you will be disapointed with my cold laser pogram. Frankly, treatments are short and you don’t have to do anything at all (besides sit there and talk to me!) You don’t even feel anything – that is until the pain stops. Some people are in and out of my office in 3 minutes total time! Others may be longer.

If you are asking yourself what this is worth… let me ask you…what is anything really worth? Especially the specialized information and technology I am providing which bases it’s value on the potential joy having such information and technology will bring to your life. Or the potential lost happiness you may suffer by NOT having it. By NOT having it… you may spend the rest of your life suffering.

You can buy a set of encyclopedias for about $1,500 and there’s a LOT of information… but it won’t help your carpal tunnel syndrome one bit. Or, you can try my cold laser program and it may solve your pain and suffering forever.

How much is that “worth”?

Don’t agonize over this decision like a death row inmate agonizes over the menu at his last meal. It really isn’t that difficult. Any price I could have put on this evaluation would truly be insignificant when compared to the potential reward. And you get it all FREE.

Ok, one last thought…

It doesn’t matter if your problem is new… or you’ve been suffering for years and tried dozens of other things with little or no results. It doesn’t matter if it is cubital tunnel. It doesn’t even matter if you’ve had surgery. None of that matters one bit. The only thing that matters is your burning desire and urgent need to finally make it happen. Finally solve your problem.

Now that this is open to everyone on the internet, thousands and thousands of carpal tunnel sufferers will read this report, all fully aware of the imense potential. Everyone who has an open mind and is willing to honestly look at the facts understands the power of this cold laser system is nearly infinite.

Everyone knows how this cold laser system can instantly change your life in so many amazing ways… literally overnight. Yet most won’t act. Most will pass it up and keep struggling. Why anyone does that is always a mystery to me. But there are an elite group of you that are willing to jump in with both feet and sieze this opportunty. This group will, without a doubt, rise above the rest and finally get what they’ve always dreampt about.

I have a feeling YOU will be one of them.

Remember, I can only accept a very limited number of you for this free evaluation and on my program… and when those spots are taken, they are gone. I don’t know if I will ever offer this again. At any price. I will most likely start waiting list… but you may have to pay the regular $245 fee if that happens.

I can only guarantee you a spot for the next 10 days.


Please don’t wait. Don’t miss out.

Don’t let something silly like that happen. You already know this is totally worth it. So give us a call 626-338-3600. Be sure you ask for Dr Gair’s Free Laser Evaluation.

I’m already expecting your response.

Yours in health,

Dr. Kirk Gair

P.S- If you are still unsure, look around my website, www.LaserPainReliefInfo.com There, you can see the Laser in action, read newspaper articles, see videos (high speed connection is

needed), and also read Testimonials from actual patients (I don’t pay actors or make up fake names like some companies do!)

P.S.S- If after that you are STILL unsure, please call my office and ask for my FREE TESTIMONIAL CD. This way, you can pop the CD into your player and hear my patients actually tell their own story in their own words. There are no scripts, and they are unrehearsed. Just real patients caring enough about other people to take time out of their busy schedules to share their Amazing, Life-Changing Stories with YOU so that you might put aside your skepticism for a moment and try the Laser, hoping that you might get the same results they did.

©2008 Dr Gair Publications


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