volume 1 issue 21

Post on 07-Aug-2015



News & Politics



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MONDAY | JUNE 02, 2014 Title Code: DELENG18579 • RNI NO: DELENG/2014/54666 • Postal Registration No.: DN/325/2014-2016 • VOL. 1 • NO. 21 • Page 12 • Price `10

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We wish this century be

for Asia and Africa


Narendra Modi

Golden words by the Prime Minister of Mauritius, H.E. Dr. Navinchandra Ramgoolam while congratulating the 15th Prime Minister of India, H.E. Shri Narendra Modi following

the extraordinary and hard-earned triumph of his party at the recent legislative elections.

Shri Narendra Modi made history on Friday 16th May, 2014 with an astounding victory in the general election, and was sworn in as India's 15th Prime Minister at an open-air ceremony attended by over 4,000 guests on 26th May, 2014.

The Prime Minister of Mauritius, Dr. Navin Ramgoolam, GCSK, FRCP, arrived in India to attend the swearing-in ceremony of the Prime Minister of India with bags full of love and blessings for this great leader on behalf of the Government and people of Mauritius.

Dr. Ramgoolam was welcomed with full honors at the New Delhi International Airport by the Head of protocol, Ms. Ruchira Kamboj.

Pakistani Prime Minister, H.E. Nawaz Sharif, Sri Lankan President, H.E. Mahinda Rajapaksa, Afghan President H.E. Hamid Karzai and Mauritius Prime Minister H.E. Dr. Naveen Chandra Ramgoolam

shook hands with Prime Minister Narendra Modi, President H.E. Pranab Mukherjee and new members of new Council of Ministers and conveyed well wishes.

This is the first time that SAARC Heads of Government were invited to the swearing-in ceremony of an Indian Prime Minister.

In his message, Dr. Ramgoolam stated that “these elections in the largest democracy of the world are yet again a testimony to the exceptional robustness of Indian democracy”. Mauritius applauds and commends India for upholding her acclaimed democratic credentials to which Mauritius feels particularly attached, he added.

He recalled that the special relationship between Mauritius and India “epitomizes our strong kinship, cultural and cooperation links since the arrival of the first indentured labourers from India to Mauritius more than one and a half centuries ago”. He also underlined that over the years, Mauritius and India have carefully cherished this unique and time-tested rapport and developed a close and productive partnership in every sphere, be it political, economic, cultural or strategic.

"Your electoral victory is a defining moment in the contemporary history of your great country. You embody the politics of hope and delivery to your people in their aspirations for development and prosperity."




H.E. Shri Narendra Modi, Prime Minister of India warmly meeting H.E. Dr. Navinchandra Ramgoolam, Prime Minister of Mauritius

Thinking Transformation, Making A Commitment To The Continent

pg 02


AU Day observed in Accra

Africa’s devt banks root for joint efforts to help reduce poverty

African Union (AU) Day has been observed in Ghana, with a call on African

leaders to reflect on the challenges confronting the continent and chart an effective path towards resolving them.

Apart from the day being observed as a public holiday, there was no official event to commemorate the occasion, compelling some Ghanaians to ask African leaders to involve the people in the affairs of the AU.

Some of the people said the AU was known to the leaders who gathered in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, regularly to toast champagne and discuss issues of very little relevance to the people.

Another school of thought said although the AU, formerly the Organisation of African Unity (OAU), did not look at bread and butter issues, it helped to accelerate the liberation struggle.

“Today, almost all countries in Africa are free, except the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic,” one commentator argued.

Speaking to this reporter on the significance of the AU Day, a Senior Lecturer at the Legon Centre for International Affairs (LECIA), Dr. Yaw Gebe, charged African leaders to wake up and live up to the content of the manifestos that brought them to power.

“Our leaders must wake up

and live up to the manifestos that brought them to power, so that the people will have a change system in terms of their welfare,” he said.

He said the continent was continuously being crippled by a myriad of challenges which must constitute the menu for a proper reflection on how far the ideals of the AU could be placed on a pedestal that would speed up the political and economic unity of the continent.

African leaders and civil society groups, he said, must, in an engaging manner, brainstorm on how best the ideals of the AU could be fine-tuned to achieve maximum impact for generations yet unborn.

Dr. Gebe admitted that the quest to attain the vision of the AU had been fraught with a number of challenges in terms of security, conflicts and diseases, a situation which had made it difficult to appreciate the essence of the organization.

“Essentially, we need to think through and reflect on all the problems I that we continue to encounter and I chart a way forward from there,” he added.

Africa, he said, was a continent in dire need of political unity and economic development, adding that in spite of the strides being made, it appeared that the problems of Africa continued to compound and stressed the need for individuals on the continent to

reflect on how much contribution they were making towards its development.

"Do we go to work on time or do we go to work and pretend to be working? While counting the cost of sitting at home on a holiday, we should know that through our own actions and inaction we are crippling the efforts of our governments,” he said.

The AU, he said, must move away from being a union of political leaders to a union of African people.

"We need to educate the people to believe in themselves for them to know that we are ready and willing to help in the transformation of our countries and the continent as a whole," he said.

He decried the high level of economic waste in the system and held that until that was effectively checked, the gains made by the country and the continent would whittle away through wasteful spending and rot.

Dr. Gebe also advocated are adjustment of some institutions of the AU, saying the AU Parliament in South Africa must be reformed to become really representative of the people of the continent in the election of members through universal suffrage.

The future of the AU, he said, was bright but noted that more could be achieved if the pillars of African integration were made to function effectively.

The Chief Executive Officer of Development Bank of Rwanda (BRD) Alex Kanyankole said BRD positioned itself in order to access affordable funding for on lending to private sector. The African experience has been one of accelerated economic growth with few jobs created and negligible poverty reduction. Speaking during the association’s annual general assembly at the Kigali Serena Hotel AfDB Annual Meeting Village, Prof Samuel Wangwe, a policy researcher from Tanzania, said the best way to alleviate poverty and ensure sustainable economic growth was to increase productivity levels and create more jobs.

“The employment challenge in Africa today is the large number of self-employed poor, working in the agricultural and non-agricultural sectors, mainly in the informal sector,” he said.

He challenged development finance institutions to design innovative financial instruments, expand productive capacities through capital accumulation and form strategic alliances to address these challenges. He pointed out that the development financial institutions agreed to improve their capacities and also boost funding for projects in infrastructure, green technologies, agricultural productivity and export trade, saying these sectors are critical to achieving Africa’s development goals.

He said BRD works with other

development financial institutions to leverage on funds, which are targeted at financing sustainable development projects locally.

“This way, we can be able to raise low-cost funds and do onward lending to the private sector,” he explained.

He added that the approach allows the private sector to also engage in infrastructure projects. However, Patrick Dlamini, the Chief Executive Officer of the Development Bank of Southern Africa (DBSA), noted that many private sector projects in Africa are still unbankable. Dlamini called on bankers to sensitise the private sector to help them develop bankable projects, saying this is the only way to empower the business community. The development bankers also agreed to fast-track funding of infrastructure projects to spur continental growth.

New Times

NYFA 2014: Thinking Transformation, Making A Commitment To The Continent

The third edition of the New York Forum Africa took place in Libreville between

the 23rd and 25th May 2014 in the presence of 800 Gabonese delegates and numerous experts from around the world. During the official closing session, President Ali Bongo Ondimba said that hard work is "fundamental". For taking charge rather than remaining submissive. Because "the future of Africa lies in the hands of young people and their potential for hard work". The contracts demonstrate this point. We are already looking forward to the NYFA 2015 next year.

Ali Bongo Ondimba used his NYFA closing speech as an opportunity to assess the forum's impact on transformation in Gabon. Over the course of three days, delegates from 58 countries held some 500 bilateral meetings and nearly 30 thematic workshops. This led to the signing of 5 contracts

(direct investments and committed development funds) worth around one billion euros, and the creation of thousands of indirect jobs.

During the 72 hours of the NYFA, numerous critical negotiations took place and the following contracts were signed (to the value of 1 billion euros): • Gabon-France (€165 million

on sanitation and road infrastructure - the Gué-Gué catchment area, the construction of 11km of concrete infrastructure to drain rainwater, the construction of 13km of roads to open up under-integrated areas, the renovation of areas used for waste bins and garbage trucks and the construction of public toilets - and the renovation of route nationale 2 between Ndjolé and Medoumane).

• Gabon-African Development Bank – Plan to set up a business incubator to support SMEs.

• Gabon-Morocco (Microsoft IT Academy with the target of certifying 5,000 people/year).

• Gabon Oil Company-Samsung (Port-Gentil refinery, 400 direct jobs, 3,000 indirect jobs).

• Gabon Iron Ore (mining of an iron ore deposit near Kango, 100 direct jobs).

Sharing the ExperienceAlmost all of this year's debates

were centred around education, experience-sharing and the virtues of learning. Target: young people! Garry Kasparov, former world chess champion, was present to stress the importance of thinking before acting. His vibrant speech before the New York Forum will not be soon forgotten, nor will the matches he played with several school children at the same time. Basketball star Dikembe Mutomba, the centre player mentor, also said a few words, paying homage to the virtues of hard work.

By Francis L. Sackitey, Ghana

President of Rwanda, H.E. Mr. Paul Kagame and President of Gabon, H.E. Mr. Ali Bongo Ondimba

Alex Kanyankole, Chief Executive Officer of Development Bank of Rwanda (BRD)

MONDAY | JUNE 02, 2014

WassupAfRIcA 03South Africa tourism numbers reach record high: Close to 10 million

Africa is a gem on the scape of earth, truly with so many potential and treasures

in hand, who knew that once delineated as ‘Dark Continent’, would come out as a golden stretch of opportunities for world to witness. Finally, the day came to celebrate the establishment of African Union, erstwhile known as Organization of African Unity along with developments, growth and future of Africa and its people.

May 25, 2014, Africa Liberation Day is annually celebrated by and for Africa in many parts of the world. The proud citizens of Africa enthusiastically commemorate the

South Africa welcomed a total of 9,616,964 tourists in 2013, up from the 9,188,368 tourists that visited South Africa in 2012. Tourist arrivals to South Africa in 2013 showed positive growth from all regions.

The latest release from Statistics South Africa (StatsSA) indicates that international foreign arrivals to South Africa reached its highest levels ever, namely 14,860,216 in 2013. This 10.5% increase in international foreign arrivals (over 13,451,565 in 2012) translated to 9.6 million international tourist arrivals. All international tourist arrivals combined increased by 4.7%, while the overseas tourist arrivals sub-category increased by 7.1%.

“South Africa’s tourism sector continued to show positive growth in 2013, reaching a record high of 9.6 million international tourist arrivals. Overall, South Africa recorded 428,596 more tourists in 2013 than we did in 2012,” announced South African Minister of Tourism, Mr. Marthinus van Schalkwyk.

“Following excellent growth in 2012, when tourist arrivals to South Africa grew by 10.2%, which was more than two and a half times the global average, we are pleased to report that tourist arrival numbers to South Africa grew by a further 4.7% in 2013.

“South Africa’s tourism industry continues to show good growth and we remain confident in the ongoing performance and sustainability of the sector,” said Mr. Van Schalkwyk.

South Africa’s international tourist arrivals grew at an annual average growth rate of 7.4% between 2011 and 2013, well above the global average of 4.5% during this period.

“We are pleased to report ongoing good growth from the majority of our European markets, with double digit growth in 2013 for three of our largest markets in the region, Germany (14.2%), France (10.3%) and Italy (10.6%),” noted Mr. Van Schalkwyk.

A total of 304 090 German tourists visited South Africa in 2013, firmly entrenching its status as South Africa’s third largest source market for overseas tourist arrivals. Tourist arrivals from France, South Africa’s fifth biggest overseas source market, grew to 134,840, while Italian tourist arrivals reached 67,790.

In total, South Africa recorded 417,582 North American tourists in 2013, up from 393,446 in 2012. South Africa’s second largest market, the USA, accounted for 348,646 tourist arrivals in 2013, reflecting 6.7% growth on the 326,643 Americans that visited South Africa in 2012.

“The US market remains a major focus of our global marketing efforts and we are heartened by the continued good growth we have seen out of this market in recent years,” said Mr. Van Schalkwyk.

Asia, and Central & South America continued to record good growth on top of the exceptional levels witnessed in 2012, in which these markets grew by 34% and 37% respectively.

A total of 435,076 Asian tourist arrivals were recorded in 2013, a 9.2% increase on 2012 numbers.

Central and South American tourist arrivals numbers grew by 8.0% to reach 129,463. Brazil remains by far the biggest market out of this region growing by close to 5.6% to reach 82,802 tourist arrivals.

In conclusion, the Minister said that ongoing growth in all the markets in which South Africa actively markets the destination was proof that the country’s carefully considered marketing strategy was delivering the desired results.

Eturbo News

FRoM page 01

new partnership which fuses the achievements of several decades of collaboration and which unlocks new economic occasions in line with the new prospects of India.

After his meeting with the Indian Prime Minister and the President of India, Shri Pranab Mukherjee, Dr. Ramgoolam held a press conference during which he defined the new economic cooperation projects between the two countries and new arrangements regarding the Double Taxation Avoidance Treaty.

To this effect, he proclaimed that both the Prime Minister’s Office of India and that of Mauritius will set up a special unit which will be in charge for a systematic exchange of financial information. Moreover, Mauritius has decided to automatically transfer to the Indian authorities all data on entities desiring to register in the country and seeking to invest in India.

Dr. Ramgoolam also elucidated that Mauritius will guard the repute of its financial sector which he said is on the white list of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, thus authorizing its credibility. To this regard, Mauritius will

enlightened measures to boost the substance of companies craving to occupy in the financial sector of Mauritius. Thus, Mauritius will confirm that the three well-defined criteria namely business purpose of the entity wishing to register in Mauritius, its commercial value and its economic substance, are treasured.

The Prime Minister also recommended his counterpart that India can use the financial sector of Mauritius to mobilize funds on favorable terms and conditions for funding major infrastructural projects.

Deliberations between the two leaders also engrossed on the present prospects in the wake of the exploitation of the ocean economy by Mauritius. Dr. Ramgoolam pointed out that the vast Exclusive Economic Zone of Mauritius exemplifies enormous potentials of economic exploitation in terms of hydrocarbons, nodules and pharmaceutical derivatives. Security in the Exclusive Economic Zone of Mauritius was also talked over.

Dr. Ramgoolam extended an invitation to his Indian counterpart to make an official visit to Mauritius.

Dr. Ramgoolam conveyed his peculiar trust in the strength, vitality and essential nature of this partnership and assured Shri Narendra Modi of his determination to expand and consolidate it further for the benefit of both countries. The Prime Minister also stated that he

is looking forward to work closely with Shri Narendra Modi in the same spirit of reliable friendship, empathetic and goodwill that have always considered the relations between the two nations.

During a tête-à-tête at the Hyderabad House in New Delhi, Dr. Ramgoolam recommended to his Indian counterpart, that both Mauritius and India engage in a

occasion in India also, on Sunday when all the African Diplomatic Missions came together to celebrate the past, present and future of Africa at The Grand Hotel, New Delhi.

2014 is the “Year of Agriculture and Food Security”, highlighting the ongoing efforts and future anticipations for Africa in the agro and other areas. During the ceremonious moment, the Chief Guest, Secretary (West) Shri Dinkar Khullar together with esteemed Ambassador of Ethiopia, H.E. Ms. Gennet Zewide; Ambassador of The Republic of Zimbabwe and Dean of The Diplomatic Corps in India, H.E.

Mr. Jonathan Wutawunashe and Ambassador of the Democratic Republic of the Congo Dean of the African Heads of Missions, H.E. Mr. François BALUMUENE inaugurated a Special Africa Day Supplement produced by THE TIMES OF AFRICA.

The auspicious occasion was an indispensable platform accentuating the achievements and unity of the continent. The Dean of African Heads of Missions, H.E. Mr. Francois Balumuene while addressing the invitees asserted, “We wish that this century be for Asia and Africa an era where the people of the two continents could work together and ensure that

2014 be the year of agriculture and food security, we seek to cooperate so as to build a better life for our peoples.”

The Dean also showed his great trust and anticipation from the new Indian government and stated, “India, regarded as the biggest democracy on earth, has proved it once again with the recent general elections for the Lok Sabha, has indeed a big role to play. With the line of credit initiated by Shri Atal Bihari Vajpayee government, implemented effectively with Dr. Manmohan Singh government, will certainly reach a new height with the coming Shri Narendra Modi Sarkar.”

The Diplomatic Missions also honoured African students residing and studying in India with certificates for their achievements subsequent to address of Mr. Okito Kongo Christophe, President of Association of African Students in India.

The occasion was graced by High Commissioners, Diplomats and other eminent personalities from missions and Corporate sector of India. THE TIMES OF AFRICA was the Official Media Partner for this event.

No doubt, Africa day possesses a very special place in each African’s heart. The day is the time to pay tribute to martyrs who fought for the continent’s political and economic liberation.

We wish this century be for Asia and Africa, says François BALUMUENE

African Heads of Missions at 51st Africa Day in New Delhi, India

H.E. Shri Narendra Modi, The Prime Minister of India

mONDAY | JUNE 02, 2014

In Arabic, the country is known as Al-Jaza’ir, which is short for Al- Jumhuriyal

Al-Jaza’iriyah ad-dimuqratiyah ash-sha’biyah. While the majority of the population who are Arab (or mixed Arab and Berber) identify with the common Algerian culture, the Berber tribes, particularly in the more isolated southern mountainous and desert regions, retain more of the indigenous Berber culture and identity.

It borders Tunisia and Libya to the east; Niger, Mali, and Mauritania to the south; Morocco and Western Sahara to the west; and the Mediterranean Sea to the north. It covers a total of 919,595 square miles (2,381,751 square kilometers), making it the second largest country in Africa (after Sudan), and the eleventh largest in the world.

Algeria’s economy is based primarily on oil and natural gas.

The nation has the world’s fifth-largest reserves of natural gas and is the second-largest exporter. It also has the fourteenth-largest reserves of oil. Currently 22 percent of the population are farmers, but their production accounts for only 6 percent of the country’s economy.

The center of commercial life in Algeria is the souk, large, open-air markets where farmers and craftspeople sell their products. One can buy locally produced meat, fruits, vegetables, and grains—oats, barley, grapes, olives, citrus fruit—as well as woven rugs, jewelry, baskets, metalwork, and other crafts. Souks are held regularly.

The largest industry in Algeria is the production and processing of oil and gas. Services (trade, transport, and communications) also are important. Other


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industries include agriculture, construction, mining, and manufacturing. Algeria’s main exports are oil and gas, followed by dates, tobacco, leather goods, vegetables, and phosphates. The primary trading partners are Italy, France, Spain, Brazil, the Netherlands, and the United States. Imports include raw materials, food, beverages, and consumer products. However, the government imposes strict regulations on imports in an effort to make the country more self-sufficient.

Central RegionCentral Algeria does not

specifically mean the centre of the country, but in the case of Algeria, where the capital city is located. Algiers is therefore situated in Central Algeria, along the Mediterranean Coast. Cities such as Bouire, Tizi Ouzou, Medea, Blida and Boumerdes are all located in Central Algeria. Algiers is not only the capital city of the country, it is also the largest city and a vital harbor, making it the heart of the Algerian economy and the gateway to trade in the country. Central Algeria is a region that is home to many of the vital cities in Algeria, and is popular with tourists and visitors.

North East Region The North East region of

Algeria is diverse and fascinating to say the least. With its majestic rugged coastline, high plains, breathtaking mountain ranges, picturesque farmlands and sunny beaches, tourist flock to the various cities and towns located here. Algeria has many noteworthy sites and historical attractions scattered across its wonderful landscapes, and in the North East region, visitors will find a new


Official Name: The people’s Democratic Republic of Algeria

Head of state (President): H.E. Mr. Abdelaziz Bouteflika

Capital: Algiers (4.3 million)

Location: Northern Africa, bordering the western part of Mediterranean Sea.

Time Zone: GMT + 1

Climate: Arid to semiarid, mild, wet winters with hot and dry summers along cost; drier with cold winters and hot summers on high plateau.

Area: 2, 381, 741 sq. km.

Population: 39, 1 million.

Languages: Arabic (official), French (lingua franca), Tamazight and other Berber dialects.

Religions: Sunnit Muslim (state religion) 93%, Ibhadhi Muslim 6%, Christian and Jewish 1%.

Government type: Republic.

Independence: 5 July 1962.

Currency: Algerian dinar (DZD).

GDP (nominal): 256.7 USD billion.

GDP per capita: 5,659 USD

Inflation rate (consumer prices): 8.8%

Natural Resources: agriculture, petroleum, natural gas, iron ore, phosphate, uranium, lead, zinc.

Main Economic Sectors:1. Agriculture: wheat, barley, oats, grapes,

olives, citrus, fruits, sheep, cattle.

2. Industries: petroleum, natural gas, light industries, mining, electrical, petrochemical, food processing.

Import: 55 Billion USD (Wheat, cars, machinery tools, packaged medicines etc.)

Export: 66 Billion USD (Crude Petroleum, Petroleum Gas, refined petroleum, ammonia, phosphate etc.)discovery in every destination.

Traveling through this region is a great experience, presenting an opportunity to explore the true beauty of the country.

Significant cities such as Timgad, Djemila, Annaba, Constantine, Batna and Setif are all located in Algeria’s North East region. The fourth largest city in Algeria is Annaba and it is situated in the Annaba Province.

Known for its exciting and varied nightlife, and being home to some of the best beaches in the country, Annaba is a popular destination. Batna Province nestles the quaint city of Batna, with numerous religious buildings and a warm atmosphere to welcome visitors. When it comes to historical destinations, visitors should look no further than Djemila which is famous for its museums, stunning collections of artifacts and the most well preserved Roman ruins in North Africa.

Visitors to Algeria will find modern facilities, beautiful historic attractions, breathtaking cities and memorable scenery in the North East. It is a region that combines the wonders of nature and the lifestyle of a modern society perfectly. Discover the North East region, and find the heart of Algerian beauty.

North West Region Founded in 1851, the town

of Ain Temouchent, in the Ain Temouchent Province, is blanketed with fragrant orchids, massive vineyards and fascinating gardens, making this town one of the most picturesque destinations in the region.

Approximately seventy kilometers from Oran, a major city in the North West Region, lies Sidi Bel Abbes, which is also known for

its breathtaking landscapes and is a commercial and educational centre within the region.

Oran is a vital industrial and commercial centre for the region and with its success in these industries, a bustling city has emerged. Visitors to Oran can therefore look forward to stylish art centers, great nightlife, beautiful seaside resorts and quality restaurants.

Saharan Algeria Region Covering a vast area in the

south of Algeria, the Saharan Algeria Region consists of desert terrain as far as the eye can see, with lush oasis towns and villages scattered throughout the region like precious gems in the sand.

The magnificent limestone plateau in Saharan Algeria known as the M’zab valley is considered to be of such historic significance that it has been designated as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Exploring the

ancient fortress cities in the M’zab valley is like taking a step back in time where life continues at a pace much different from the world’s modern cities.

Another UNESCO World Heritage Site located in the Saharan Algeria Region is the Tassili n’Ajjer National Park, which is well worth visiting. The town of Illizi is both the capital of the Illizi Province in the Saharan Algeria Region and one of the gateways to the Tassili n’Ajjer National Park.

MONDAY | JUNE 02, 2014

Zimbabwe is soon expected to boost its steel production following an agreement

with an Indian firm to reopen the country’s biggest steel processing plant. NewZim Steel plant – formally Ziscosteel had been idle since 2011 mainly due to differences over ownership of mineral claims between the Zimbabwe Government and India’s Essar Group.

However, subsequent negotiations between Essar Group, which bought majority shares in the plant and the Zimbabwe Government have seen the two resolve their differences, and are now ready to resume operations at the processing plant.

Essar Group owns 54 percent in the NewZim Steel, while the Zimbabwe Government has 36 percent shareholding rights. The remaining10 percent is owned by other minority investors. According to the agreement announced in early May, Essar Group will among other things build a new 500,000 tonne steel

BUSINeSSBuzz 05Zimbabwe, India revive steel production deal

Vodafone appoints Angela Mensah-Poku as Head of Vodafone Business Solutions

Orange launches its third incubator partnership on the continent

plant over the next two years.Under phase two of the project,

production at the new steel plant is expected to increase to about 1.2 metric tonnes per year. The estimated cost of the proposed plant is US$650 million.

“After a significant review, we came to the conclusion that the plant will need a substantially new rebuild,” Essar Africa director, Firdhose Coovadia told a press conference.

The reopening of the plant will not only revive the local steel industry, but is also expected to create new employment, as well as benefit other downstream industries including transport and agriculture sectors.

According to the Zimbabwe Industry and Commerce Ministry, the country steel consumption is about 100, 000 tonnes a year. This therefore, means that the reopening of NewZim Steel plant will enable the country to rank in millions from exports.

Essar Group is a global steel producer. It began its steelmaking

business by setting up India’s first sponge iron plant in Hazira, a coastal town in the western Indian state of Gujarat. The company

went on to build a pellet plant in Visakhapatnam, and eventually a fully integrated steel plant in Hazira.

After the CTIC incubator in Senegal and the Ebène project in Mauritius, Orange announces the opening of the first start-up incubator in Niger. Orange Niger and its local partners have helped to set-up CIPMEN, a small- and medium-sized business (SME) incubator designed to encourage the creation of new and innovative companies in the country.

In sub-Saharan Africa, 85% of SMEs fail within the first two years, but 80% of companies that undergo an incubation process are still operating after five years.

CIPMEN was designed to support small- and medium-sized enterprises from their launch phase until they reach a level of maturity and turn enough profit to fend for themselves in the long term. The purpose of CIPMEN is to help innovative SMEs grow on a market where many companies fail to see the light of day, and to bridge the gap between the informal sector and the larger national and international

the Head of Corporate Sales and Vodafone Global Enterprise West Africa, a portfolio which included managing large multinational customers.

Angela joined Vodafone Ghana in 2009 from British Telecom, UK, and has since taken on many challenging roles. As Head of Fixed services, Angela turned around Vodafone Ghana's largest Unit to ensure efficiency transformed network optimisation in high value areas.

She also created and launched the Vodafone Global Enterprise channel during her tenure as Head of Sales in 2012, growing multinational accounts to include several high profile companies.

Under her leadership as Head of Corporate Sales and Vodafone Global Enterprise West Africa, Angela, grew revenue and added further mobile customers to the base.

Angela's experience includes, business-to-business strategy, sales and new business development and strategic business planning. In her new role she hopes to empower

more SMEs to grow and increase efficiency by providing them with innovative products and world class service.

She holds an MSc in Information System and Economics and a BSc in Politics and Law from Brunel University, UK. She is also an alumna of the London Business School.

Congratulating her on the appointment, the CEO of Vodafone Ghana, Haris Broumidis, said,

'Since joining Vodafone, Angela has repeatedly demonstrated her capability to drive business transformation and growth through the various roles she has held. Her experiences will

companies. Niger offers few suitable support mechanisms for upcoming businesses, despite the central role that companies play in creating jobs for young people, helping to form a middle class, and in creating and redistributing wealth.

The incubator will help companies in future-oriented sectors such as

Information and Communication Technologies, renewable energy and the environment.

The project, initiated by Orange, is a pilot program which should enable the launch of other regional initiatives in Niger. To find out more: http://www.cipmen.org

Modern Ghana

be invaluable as weembark on creating an improved customer experience for everybody on our network including Corporate and SMEs. We wish her the very best in her new role.'

Modern Ghana

Vodafone Ghana has appointed Angela Mensah-Poku to the role of Head of Vodafone Business Solutions, a specialist unit within

Vodafone Ghana that caters for SME's, corporate organisations and Global Enterprise. Prior to her appointment, Angela, was

Angela Mensah-Poku, Head of Vodafone Business Solutions

mONDAY | JUNE 02, 2014

Economic activity between Africa and Asia is thriving like never before. Commerce between the two economies is not new: India's trade with

Africa's eastern and southern regions dates back to at least the days of the Silk Road, and China has been involved on the continent since it started investing there, mostly in infrastructure, during the postcolonial era. But currently, relatively as a result of speeding up of commerce between developing countries throughout the world, the scale and pace of trade and investment flows between Africa and India are brilliant.

India has been an open country since its independence with her neighbors and friendly foreign ties has been a supremacy for it. India as a nation has endlessly been touched to the visions and desires of African peoples and has shown its inclination to play a part in all of its struggles viz. against colonialism, apartheid, poverty and disease.

Both these frugalities are presently on an expedition towards economic liberation and till now founding a new world order. Africa hugging one fifth of the world’s land area, encircling 54 sovereign nations and nourishing a population of about 1.032 billion, has for many decades been the foremost concern of India’s foreign policy.

Today, Africa delights a positive trade equilibrium with India. India's total merchandise trade has augmented over three-fold from $252bn in 2006 to $794 in 2012 - both exports and imports have multiplied during this period as per the Export-Import Bank of India (Exim Bank). Exports from Africa are usually raw materials, counting oil and minerals, while exports from India tend to be manufactured and finished goods, including transport equipment, industrial machinery and phar maceuticals. Nigeria, South Africa, Kenya and Tanzania are the utmost crucial termini for Indian merchandises in Sub-Saharan Africa.

The most dynamic product forging the commercial rapport between Africa and India and, therefore, deserves superior courtesy is Oil. Mining and hydrocarbons are crucial drivers of India’s rendezvous with Africa. Africa’s nuclear energy latent is also pouring India’s curiosity in the region. India is discovering uranium mining prospects in Niger and Namibia.

Worth to mention, Africa is an equally imperative spring for India of treasurable metals and gemstones, particularly gold and diamonds. Moreover, India is the world’s leading processor of diamonds, accounting for 85 percent in terms of volume on the total world market. Precisely, Gold outlines India’s economic affairs with South Africa, the latter being the world’s leading supplier of gold.

Now revolving the topic, some studies propose that India has executed better than China in terms of hiring local Africans for their commercial ventures. The conversation also widens out to whether India’s commitment is constructive in terms of curing Africa’s

fRaNkLY SPeAKING06Indian Players in African Ring

H.E. Mr. MoncEf Marzouki President of the Republic of Tunisia

Mr. noEl n TaTaChairman, CII African Committee

By kirit soBti, editor, iateditor@indoafricatimes.com

Three Indian firms and one Zimbabwean investor have opened shop in Rwanda. The companies with interest in the education, information communication technology, health and energy sectors are targeting to create over 70 job opportunities initially. They are Mahatma Gandhi University, Lab Systems and Novel Energy Limited from India and Zimbabwean-based firm, A.N Chaudhary Medical Services. The investors were attracted to Rwanda by the Rwanda Development Board (RBD) India representative Clarence Fernandes. A.N Chaudhary Medical Services’ Amar Chaudhary said that the firm would focus on providing health services in rural areas of the country “in order to make Rwanda a self-sufficient country.”

Chaudhary was part of the 22-man delegation from India who attended the ‘Rwanda Calling 2014’ International Business Forum that showcased investment opportunities in the country at the Kigali Serena Hotel. The ‘Rwanda Calling’ initiative that is being promoted by RDB aims at attracting investors from across the world to Rwanda.

Yogendra Yadav, a forensic services manager at Lab Systems, said they will support the fight against Internet and mobile phone crimes. “Rwanda and the region at large don’t have any facilities to document forensic evidence of such crimes that would help in administration of justice,” he explained.

Varun Gupta, a business development officer at Mahatma Gandhi University, said they will establish a branch of the university in Kigali. “When we start operations, our students will be able to benefit from the rich university exchange programmes with our two Indian and US-based campuses to acquire hands-on skills,” he said. Last year, Rohan Developers Pvt Ltd, a Mehta Group company based in India, announced plans to inject billions of dollars in the real estate industry. Also, government last year signed a $371m (about Rwf241b) energy agreement with Indian-based company, Punj Lloyd, to generate 100MW from peat energy in the Eastern Province.

Indian, Zim companies open shop in Rwanda

Some studies propose that India has executed better than China in terms of hiring local Africans for their commercial ventures

historic reliance on Western donors, which tie the hands of African policy-makers.

During the recent visit of H.E. Mr. Debnath Shaw, High Commissioner of India to Tanzania this topic was also debated at a conference organized by a leading chamber of India. An executive said “India, as a country, as manpower goes for services and assistance unlike China which goes for investment analyzing resources and its exploitation.

We have a long list of Indian players who are active on the African fields.

One of those zones is agribusiness. India has specific acquaintance of a variety of capacities that Africa would gain from tapping into to aid address its food security challenges, counting small-farm mechanization. Indian investment in agriculture also has the potential to directly lift production.

Another sector in which Africa could predominantly gain from support with India is in its

flourishing ICT sector. Furthermore, India’s

Indian Technical and Economic Cooperation (ITEC) programme is a predominantly valuable framework in which ICT skills transfer can take place. The ITEC programme has been under way since 1964, directing on training, specific projects, deputation of Indian experts abroad, study tours and donating of equipment

– for example, ITEC has provided 1,350 Ghanaians with training in India. Across the continent, the programme is proving beneficial in a range of areas that have a

predominantly encouraging viewpoint in Africa.A programme called The Local Enterprise and Skills

Development Programme (LESDEP), is a specialized employment creation programme that seeks to provide the requisite skills, tools and training for the youth which eventually renders them self-employed and self – sufficient.

Since its inception, LESDEP has created a staggering number of 2 lakhs direct and indirect jobs with a good number of youth benefiting in diverse ways across Africa from the programme.

Information Communication and Technology is another area that could be of definite aid to Africa through online education. India is a world leader in this field, alongside countries like the United States, and the industry is predictable to be worth $1 billion by the end of the decade. In Africa the call for added education and the rapid development in Internet penetration attached with the absence of skilled teachers and training set-up means that the conditions are perfect for large-scale evolution of Internet-based courses.

It is domineering that India has a long history of economic bonds with the African continent, which has given rise to the fruition of a noteworthy Indian diaspora, which should be documented in any economic analysis of India-Africa relations. Nevertheless, some experts claim that the significance of the diaspora in outlining economic ties will be

throughout africa - at building sites, on the street, and at ports and airports - the Indian presence is growing.

partial in the future.In a nutshell, India’s economic

partnership with African countries has been vibrant, encircling beyond trade and investment to technology transfers, knowledge sharing, and skills development. The economic associations should be drew closer on its own terms, and its exclusivity should be documented.

We are happy to see more investors trusting Tunisia and participating to the success of our democratic transition. This trust we owe it first to the Tunisian people’s resilience and aspiration to live in a corruption-free environment.

Over the years, India & the African countries have not only intensified bilateral economic exchanges, but have also worked closely to address major global issues like food security, adoption of clean technology, etc.

MONDAY | JUNE 02, 2014

TRAVeL&touRIsm 07

Zambia, along with its neighbor Zimbabwe, is home to the splendid Victoria Falls, styled as “The Smoke that Thunders” and

more lately known as curtain of falling water. The falls are one of the 7 Natural Wonders of the world, flowing from the Zambezi River.

Its columns of spray billowing into the air can be seen from far away, and on the contrary side of the falls is another sheer wall of basalt, rising to the same height and enclosed in a mist-soaked rain forest. A track along the edge of this forest provides one an almighty view to last a lifetime.

Some of the best visions are from Livingstone Island where visitors can take an exciting swim in a natural rock pool on the edge of the falls Devil’s Pool. Other events at the falls comprise scenic flights above the waterfalls; water activities such as white-water rafting, river boarding, kayaking, and jet boating; abseiling and high-wire; river

cruises and canoeing; as well as elephant rides, walking with lions, horse riding, and game drives in Mosi-oa-Tunya National Park.

Added striking parks that are must-visits embrace the South Luangwa National Park that some doyens have christened one of the greatest wildlife sanctuaries in the world. The concentrations of game around the Luangwa River and its lagoons are among the highest found anywhere in Africa, and the park is well-known for its seclusion and natural exquisiteness.

The now illustrious “walking safari” initiated here in the early 1950s and is still one of the premium means to practice this pristine wilderness first-hand. And the beauty of the Lower Zambezi National Park lies in its state of absolute wilderness. Situated opposite the Mana Pools Reserve in Zimbabwe, the entire area on both sides of the river is a massive wildlife sanctuary.

Curtain of Falling Water

ZAMBIACanoeing trips are untaken by the lodges,

and river guides will take visitors down remote channels between the islands for exciting, close-up encounters with the hippos and elephants. Turning out the natural beauty to be discovered in Zambia is the largest man-made dam in Africa formed at Lake Kariba.

The lake is a playground for all kinds of

boating and water sports, and appeals vast quantities of game.

Fortified with marinas, an airport and a harbor, the lake is fast becoming a tremendously popular resort destination with well-established extravagance lodges and hotels, self-catering chalets and campsites, houseboat holidays.

mONDAY | JUNE 02, 2014


Mineral Lick blocks are recommended in salt deficiency cases. Major

content of lick is Sodium Chloride which is most essential electrolyte. It also contains trace minerals like Iron, Copper, Cobalt and Iodine.

These blocks are supposed to be hanged in front of animals by inserting rope in the hole of lick. Mineral blocks are very important to the health and performance of all livestock. Deficiency of salt leads to muscle cramps, decreased feed intake, licking and chewing various objects such as plastics, chappal etc. The lick is supposed to be hanged in front of animals by inserting rope in the hole of lick as shown in the picture. By research we can say that, animals has instinct to find there own food to cure there deficiency. The normal sodium chloride level in animals is near about 139mEq/lt and when it falls below 135mEq/lt then that animal starts licking the cattle lick.

Mineral licks are very important to the health and performance of all livestock. Without essential vitamins and minerals, major health problems

arise that could've been avoided by supplementing animals with loose mineral or a salt block.

Salt deficiencies is more troublesome in cattle, as they always need salt every day for: (Na) osmotic pressure maintenance, acid-base balance, body-fluid balance, nerve transmission and active transport of amino acids, as well as cellular uptake of glucose carrier protein, and Na, as a part of salt, is a major cation of extracellular fluid and provides the majority of alkaline reserve in plasma. Chlorine is necessary for activation of amylase, formation of gastric HCl acid, and is involved in respiration and regulation of blood pH. Deficiency of salt include muscle cramps, rough coat, decreased feed intake, licking and chewing various objects, as well as decreased production. Dairy cows get hit the hardest first with salt deficiency, and may collapse and die if they have been salt deficient for a long period of time.

Salt acts on thermoregulatory center situated in hypothalamus. So it helps in maintaining the temperature of animal to optimum level.

It also helps to maintain the osmotic pressure inside and outside of the cell membrane. So as to absorb the nutrients into the cell and it energizes the animal.

We at Rajan Healthcare can also make the lick as per customer requirement e.g. if you want it in different shape, size, and colors or if you want to add any other ingredients other than following, we can also provide this under your brand name too for marketing.

ContentsSodium Chloride : 80.00%Iron : 00.13%Iodine : 00.003%Copper : 00.035%Manganese : 00.20%Cobalt : 00.002%

Availability:1Kg, 2Kg, 5Kg, 10Kg, 20Kg

Contact for further details:Rajan Healthcarerajanpharma43@gmail.com

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SALT BLOCKS: Improving The Performance of Livestock

MONDAY | JUNE 02, 2014

TRysomethINGNeW 09

ingredients •Corncobs(tender):-2 •Beatencurds:-1cup •Greenchilies:-4 •Garammasala:-½tsp •Gingerpiece:-1inch •Cuminpowder:-1tsp •Cuminseeds:-1tsp •Salt:-Totaste •Chilipowder:-Totaste •Turmericpowder:-½tsp •Corianderleaves:-Fewsprings •Oil:-3tbsp•Water:-1cup

tools: •Spatula•Deepbottomedpan•Servingbowl

Curd and corn curry is a delicious recipe which you can serve with roti or steamed rice.

Professional Beauty MumbaiProfessional Beauty Mumbai is a 2 days event which is being held from 2nd June to the 3rd June 2014 at the Bombay Exhibition Centre in Mumbai, India. This event showcases products like related to hair, skin, makeup, nails, and furniture etc. in the Cosmetics and Beauty Products, Fashion Accessories industries. Date: 02-03 Jun 2014 Venue: Bombay Convention & Exhibition Centre (BCEC), Mumbai, India

Educatus Expo MuzaffarpurEducatus Expo Muzaffarpur is a 2 day event being held from 4th June to the 5th June 2014 at the Hotel Park Muzaffarpur in Muzaffarpur, India. This event showcases products like Engineering Colleges, Management Colleges, Medical Colleges, Banks and more etc. in the Education & Training industry. Date: 04-05 Jun 2014 Venue: Hotel Park Muzaffarpur, Muzaffarpur, India

The Lifestyle Show ChennaiThe Lifestyle Show Chennai is a 5 day event being held from 5th June to the 9th June 2014 at the Chennai Trade Centre in Chennai, India. This event showcases products like automobiles, electronic items, lighting products, furniture, home accessories and much more etc. in the Apparel & Clothing, Industrial Products, Fashion Accessories industries. Date: 05-09 Jun 2014Venue: Chennai Trade Centre, Chennai, India

Prompt Property FestivalPrompt Property Festival provides unique opportunity to meet the leading Builders & Flat Promoters to develop partnerships and obtain the latest trends in the property market. It will be held at Chennai Trade & Convention Centre, India being organized by Prompt Publications. Date: 06-08 Jun 2014 Venue: Chennai Trade & Convention Centre, Chennai, India

INTECINTEC is one of the leading industrial equipments and machinery sector trade shows in India. The event places prime importance on highlighting all the latest technological advancements and sophisticated innovations related to this sector. Informative business conferences and technical seminars are organized regularly during this five day event, which is hosted at the Coimbatore Trade Fair Complex. Eminent industry specialists and business policy makers are present here as well and profitable brand building strategies are also discussed at the show. Date: 06-10 Jun 2014Venue: CODISSIA Trade Fair Complex, Coimbatore, India

Times Education Boutique – NoidaTimes Education Boutique - Noida is a 2 day event being held from 7th June to the 8th June 2014 at the Noida Expo Centre in Noida, India. This event showcases products like enhancing your business prospects and help you in promoting your institution on a big measure, issues related to admissions, results and performance, potential & interests etc etc. in the Education & Training industry.Date: 07-08 Jun 2014Venue: Expo Centre Noida, Noida, India


Success springs from calmness of the mind. It is a cold iron which cuts and bends hot iron.

tHougHt oFtHe WeeK

Curd and Corn Curryindian cuisine

1. i need some information मुझे कुछ जानकारी चािहए|

2. When the film will begin? िफलम कब शुर होगी?

3. i’m going to library. मंै पुसतकालय जा रहा हँू।

4. Please book my ticket. कृपया मेरी िटकट बुक करंे।

5. Please donate for this noble cause. कृपया इस उततम काय के िलए दान करंे।

Handy Hindi

prepration Method1. In a processor, grind chilies and ginger together. 2. Take curd and water in a bowl and beat it till it

becomes smooth. 3. Finely grate the corn. 4. Heat 3 tbsp. of oil in a pan and put cumin

seeds. 5. Add corn and stir-fry for five minutes. 6. Mix ginger paste, all the spices and salt in it.

Combine well and cook. 7. Put curd in it and cook covered till the corn gets

completely cooked. Then switch off the heat.

PicTurE of THE WEEk

Healthy reasons to eat KiWi

The Honorable panel at the podium (From L-R): H.E. Ms. Gennet Zewide, Mr. Dinkar Khullar, Secretary (West), Ministry of External Affairs, H.E. Mr. François BALUMUENE and H.E. Mr. Jonathan Wutawunashe launching the 51st Africa Day Special Supplement produced by THE TIMES OF AFRICA

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comoros is the second-largest producer of vanilla in the world? it is second only to Madagascar.

amazing facts: african People�The vast continent of Africa has the second largest

population in the world, at about one billion people.

�Over one thousand languages are spoken by the people of Africa.

�The largest religion in Africa is Islam, followed by Christianity.

��The oldest human remains ever discovered were found in Ethiopia. They are approximately 200,000 years old.

amazing facts: african animals�The world's largest land animal is the African

Elephant.�The world's tallest animal, the giraffe, lives in

Africa.�The fastest land animal in the world, the cheetah,

lives in Africa.�Africa is home to the world's largest reptile, the Nile

crocodile.�The gorilla, which can be found in the continents

jungles, is the world's largest primate.

amazing africa

mONDAY | JUNE 02, 2014


The fourth edition of the Ghana Meets Naija concert was held at the Accra International Conference centre with over 10 artists gracing the stage from Nigeria and Ghana.

Tickets were sold out days before the concert explaining the huge attendance at the auditorium which seats 1600 people, yet teeming fans had to be part of the experience from the aisles due to inadequate seats.

The amalgamation of popular music from the two familial nations with so much rivalry opened by Mz Vee and AK Songstress with a splendid dancehall performance reassuring the industry of a bright future for the music genre especially with the involvement of women.

The stage was illuminating with beautiful designs notably a replica of Ghana's Independence Arch with the black star on top.

Double, gave a short performance which ushered in DJ Black, the headline DJ for the night as Nii Ayi Tagoe held the fort at the forecourt of the auditorium concurrently.

The MC for the night, actor Chris Attoh, in the midst of beautiful ladies took charge

while dispelling a connotation of competition between the two countries emphasizing the objective of the concert which is for the love of music.

Guru took the stage with a rousing applause and sing-along as he introduced Lil Win who was ushered onto the stage by macho men while performing his part of their popular Azonto Boys song. They rocked the night especially Lil Win who couldn't help it but dance his heart out.

Selebobo from Nigeria opened for the Nigerian acts with his track, Yoyo, getting the crowd off their seats. He finally sang a piece of his new song Selfie which should gain the attention of VVIP.

Wizboyy got the Wizolingo going as the party mood was set. DJ Spin from Nigeria and DJ Solo from Ghana locked horns on the turntables as the crowd got a taste of both nations.

The mood was charged when Edem surprisingly joined the bill and performed his new song Koene after Castro had taken over the stage with his songs from the past to present.

The 'Limpopo' man, Kcee took his turn creating a rapport with the audience gaining a positive response. He worked the crowd

Ghana music reigned at Ghana meets Naija

Big Brother Africa

Last year’s winner, Dillish Pearl Mathews from Namibia took home

$300,000 (about Rwf207 million) as prize money.

Rwandans will feature in this year’s Big Brother Africa, a reality television show, for the first time since its inception 11 years ago.

Rwanda replaced Angola among the participating countries, joining seasonal participants Botswana, Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Malawi, Namibia, Nigeria, Sierra Leone, South Africa, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia and Zimbabwe. Each country provides a contestant 2014

to live in an isolated House while trying to avoid being evicted by viewers and ultimately winning a cash prize. This will be the nineth edition of the show.

The basis of the show is a group of people, termed as

‘housemates,’ living together in a specially constructed large house. During their time in the House, they are completely isolated from the outside world, meaning they have no access to phones, computers and other such gadgets; the only electronic appliances are for games or for occasional television whose channels are set on default. The contestants are continuously

monitored by in-house television cameras as well as personal audio microphones during their stay. Each series lasts 96 days.

At regular intervals, the housemates privately nominate a number of fellow housemates whom they wish evicted from the House.

The housemates with the most nominations are then announced, and the public votes online or via SMS for whom they would like to save.

Last year’s winner, Dillish Pearl Mathews from Namibia took home $300,000 (about Rwf207 million) as prize money. Other than the cash prize, winners and contestants get a chance of joining the entertainment industry in various capacities such as TV presenters, radio hosts among others.

National carrier RwandAir was among the sponsors of the last edition.

Entries are only open to persons over the age of 21, who are citizens of one of the participating countries; must have a valid passport and they have to be fluent in English.

New Times

to a dance marathon including a short dance competition he organised on stage rewarding the winner $200 in between his performance.

Then came the arguably best rapper in Ghana, Sarkodie who literally added heat to the already warm auditorium as the audience got ecstatic. A lady fan jumped onto the stage, as he performed with Castro, just to touch his feet to which he gave her a hug that almost got her collapsed to the ground in emotions. Sarkodie got emotional but wiped his face and the music continued.

The excitement was so intense during Sarkodie's performance that it got Bola Ray, CEO of organisers, Empire Entertainment, to shower him and his DJ with money during his performance as a display of appreciation.

The concert got to another level of hyper when Sarkodie performed Adonai with Castro. Symbolically, Castro passed a basket around to the audience for offertory as expressed in the song, surprisingly the audience responded to it and dropped money into the basket which was later showered on Sarkodie by a fan.

The final act from Nigeria was Davido who had his song, Aye, sang back-to-back by a seemingly worn-out crowd.

The concert came to an end with the final act, Shatta Wale who was ushered onto the stage with a very formidable security team made up of over a dozen military personnel, private security men in uniforms, personal bodyguards and a huge entourage with four huge dangerous looking guard dogs.

This year's Ghana meets Naija concert organized by Empire Entertainment would go into the history books as one of the best shows ever organized in Ghana.

Modern Ghana

Rwanda to participate in

MONDAY | JUNE 02, 2014


Promising youngster Jean Pierre Cyiza has won Rwanda’s first bronze medal at the ongoing 2014 Africa Youth Games in Botswana.

Cyiza clinched bronze after failing to qualify to the finals as he lost to South Africa’s Fuzile Azinga 2-1 in the semifinals at Botho University.

The Inkuba club-based boxer had inexperience to blame as he lost the first round 9-10. He bounced back to win the second round 10-9 before losing the final round 9-10.

In boxing, all losing semifinalists are awarded bronze

Newly appointed Amavubi Stars head coach Stephen Constantine is fourth on the list of the highest paid Rwanda national team coaches with a monthly salary of $11,000 (about Rwf 7.6m), Times Sport has established.

The Englishman is behind Ghanaian Sellas Tetteh, who was receiving $20, 000 (about Rwf13.8m) between 2010 and 2011 same as Serbian

Branko Tucak (2008-2009) and Milutin ‘Micho’ Sredojevic, who was picking $16, 000 (approx. Rwf11m) per month from 2011-2013.

Amavubi Stars most immediate former coach Eric Nshimiyimana was getting Rwf4 million from March 2013 until this month when he was replaced by Constantine.

On top of the monthly salary and other benefits, Constantine,

Eleven runners for 2014 Commonwealth Games

Boxer Cyiza wins bronze for Rwanda

Constantine is fourth highest earning Amavubi head coach

medals unlike in some sports disciplines where they first have to battle for a third-place win.

“We are happy for the bronze medal position. Cyiza has been in good shape and this achievement is due to hard work and commitment,” head Coach Gashugi Kananura told Times Sport after the match.

Kananura described Cyiza as a promising boxer adding that, he would have won a gold medal if he had engaged in international warm-up matches before coming to Botswana.

“It’s just lack of experience that denied him passage to the

finals,” Kananura added. Gashugi said that Cyiza’s opponent has more exposure and experience in international competitions.

When asked about his performance, Cyiza said, “My mission was to win gold but a single mistake cost me reaching the final. I am happy for the medal won and I will continue to work even harder if given any other opportunity to represent my country again. ”

En route to the semifinal, Cyiza got a bye from the first round into the quarters. In the quarter final, he beat Mnell Mkambule from Swaziland.

Marathon 10,000m 5,000m 8oom

Men Disi Dieudonne, Jean Pierre Mvuyekure

Eric Sebahire, Syliaque Ndayikengurukiye, Felicien


Pontien Ntawuyirushintege

Emmanuel Ntakiyimana,

Thimothee Bagina

Women Epiphanie Nyirabarame

Claudette Mukasakindi, Clementine Mukandanga

Rwanda Athletics Federation has selected eleven athletes in

different categories to represent the country at the 20th Commonwealth Games scheduled for July 23 to August 3 in Glasgow, Scotland.

Sprint runners will not be represented on the team because none of them managed to attain the minimum required times, according to the federation technical director, Jean Pierre Ndacyayisenga.

“The eleven selected runners have already started individual preparations and training from different places and we hope they will represent the country well,” the officials told Times Sport.

He noted that the federation is confident the selected athletes can do a good job in Glasgow.

The Glasgow 2014 Commonwealth Games are set to attract over 6,500 athletes and officials from 71 nations and territories competing in 17 sports disciplines during the 11-day world class event.

New times

51 will be receiving $2000 (about Rwf1.4m) for every international match he wins including World Cup qualifiers, Africa Nations Cup qualifiers as well as Cecafa Senior Challenge Cup. He signed a two-year contract until May 2016.

The former coach of Malawi, Sudan, India and Cyprus will earn $1000 (About Rwf0.69m) for each warm-up game he wins

in addition to a personal car to facilitate his movements.

Constantine, who began his work last week, will make his debut in the Amavubi dugout this weekend when Rwanda host Libya in the first round return leg of the 2015 Africa Nations Cup qualifiers.

The first leg ended in a goalless draw last weekend in the Tunisian capital Tunis.

New Times

Stephen Constantine, Head Coach of Amavubi Stars

Jean Pierre Cyiza

mONDAY | JUNE 02, 2014


How was your experience at the 10th CII EXIM Bank Conclave?

At the outset, I would like to tell you that this is my first visit to India and my experience is quite good. I feel proud revealing that Somalia is very much appreciative of India’s role in post conflict recovery, growth and economic development of Somalia. I truly anticipate that this conclave will prove to be a boom for Somalia, for its structural growth and development. No doubt, this imperative platform provides a base for us to acknowledge how much India has achieved in its different sectors.

Brief us on the fruitful meetings you have had with Indian business community.

I had a couple of meetings with whom the talks are ongoing. I could very well judge from these meetings concerning the progress and implementation of Indian businesses in Africa. We are aware of the operations of Indian businesses in our neighboring countries like Ethiopia, Djibouti and Rwanda. Somalia also looks for India’s expertise to get amalgamated with the resources, manpower and infrastructure of Somalia. Furthermore, Somalia needs India’s experience for the reconstruction and rehabilitation of its infrastructure and industries destroyed in civic strife.

Which are the specific sectors of your country where investment would yield sugary fruits to the investors?

Somalia has many opportunities in store for investors, all we want is assistance and experience. The major productive sectors are agriculture, livestock and fisheries. India is aware

of the fact that we have a coast of over 3,000 km and it’s the longest coast in Africa. If this is utilized properly, India could play a very substantial role in building the coastal infrastructure, encouraging manpower to engage in distinct sectors and contribute in the

growth of Somalia.

What are the challenges faced by Somalia at present and how do you foresee the assistance of India in overcoming these challenges?

One of the major challenges is security in Somalia as it has been

witnessed that Somalians are intimidated and recruited as the members of terrorist groups that we have in Somalia. And, I would like to put some stress that India can help in bringing stability in our country through its vivacious endeavors of job creation. It’s actually imperative to

highlight the charisma of Indocorp India which has created more jobs for African countries.

How secure and peaceful is Somalia?

I agree that majority of investors are really concerned about security in Somalia, but insecurity is partly due to lack of employment, structural poverty which we have in Somalia. I think by encouraging Indian investors to come to Somalia, there will be an opportunity for our youth to get jobs.

It’s actually a very critical issue, the issue of unemployment. How the government is battling this issue?

Yes it’s a very critical issue. Job generation can actually help reduce insecurities and challenges being faced by the country. It can intensify the stability in Somalia, and also encourage investors to come in and invest in Somalia. Government is working hard to overcome this issue.

What are the major exports and imports of the country?

Our major export goods are livestock, bananas, hides, fish, scrap metal and the imported goods are manufactured products, petroleum products, foodstuffs, and construction material.

Somalia, officially the Federal Republic of Somalia, is a country located in the Horn of Africa. This country is largely grounded on livestock, remittance/money transfer companies, and telecommunications. Agriculture is the most imperative sector with livestock typically accounting for about 40% of GDP and more than 50% of export earnings. In an exclusive interview to Kanchi Batra, Sub-Editor, Indo Africa Times the Minister asserted his distinct fondness for the Indian companies to come and work in Somalia.

Owner / Publisher / Editor: Mr. Kirit Sobti from 3rd Floor, Plot No. 3, Block PSP-IV, Service Centre Opp. Sector-11 (Extn.), Rohini, Delhi-85Printed at LIPEE SCAN PVT. LTD. 89 DSIDC SHED Okhala Phase 1, New Delhi

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Hon. Buri M. HamzaMinister of State for Foreign Affairs, Federal Republic of Somalia

Somalia needs India’s experience for the reconstruction and rehabilitation of its infrastructure

"I would like to put some stress that India can help

in bringing stability in our country

through its vivacious endeavors of job creation.

It’s actually imperative to highlight the charisma of

Indocorp India which has created more jobs for African countries"

MONDAY | JUNE 02, 2014

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