vitamin of a to z

Post on 13-Jul-2015






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Vitamin of “A” to “Z”

Its lack causes the following problems:

· Problems in visual accommodation

· Disturbances in color perception

· Dry eyes

· Photophobia (light sensitivity)

· Night blindness

· Problems in skin cells

· Drop in resistance the immune system

· Disorders related to metabolism of the skin, etc…

Its lack causes the following problems:

. Memory loss

. Muscle Weakness

. Loss of appetite

· Inflammation in nerves

· Palsy members

· Depression

. Loss of energy

· The deficiency (beriberi), etc…

Its lack causes the following problems:

. Lesions on the tongue, lips and face

· Cataract

. Inflammation esclerocorneanas

. Anemia

· Stomatitis

. Inflammation of the gums

· Facial seborrheic dermatitis, etc...

Its lack causes the following problems:

. Its deficiency in the organism causes a disease

known as pellagra

· Spots on the skin

· Fatigue

. Irritability

· Insomnia

. Depression Nervosa

. Diarrhea

· Dermatitis, etc...

Its lack causes the following problems:

. Dandruff (seborrheic dermatitis)

. Anemia

· Lesions in the mouth and tongue

· Gingivitis

. Nausea and vomiting

.Irritability, etc...

Its lack causes the following problems:

. Macrocytic anemia

. Elevated homocysteine levels.

. Lack of vitamin B9 in pregnant women can cause

birth defects in baby

Its lack causes the following problems:

. Anemia

· Neurological

· Blood disorders, etc...

Its lack causes the following problems:

. Scurvy

· Bleeding gums

. Anemia

· Depression

· Hemorrhage

. Vitamin D deficiency results in loss of bone

mineralization and causes disease in bones - rickets

in children and osteomalacia in adults - and possibly

contributes to osteoporosis.

. A lack of vitamin “E”, there is the possibility of a

contribution to infertility in men and facilitates the

occurrence of miscarriage in women.

Its deficiency in humans is rare, occurring only in

premature babies and in patients with syndrome of


. Vitamin K deficiency can pose a risk of

uncontrolled bleeding, cartilage calcification,

severe malformation of developing bone or

deposition of insoluble calcium salts in the

walls of arteries.

Aula de Língua Inglesa

Tema: “Vitaminas de A a Z” –

A Importância das Vitaminas

Elaborado por:

Professor Jakson Gama

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