umr bovine bruc

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    United StatesDepartment ofAgriculture

    Animal andPlant HealthInspectionService

    APHIS 9145013


    Uniform Methods and Rules,Effective October 1, 2003

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    The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) prohibitsdiscrimination in all its programs and activities on the basis ofrace, color, national origin, sex, religion, age, disability,political beliefs, sexual orientation, or marital or familystatus. (Not all prohibited bases apply to all programs.)Persons with disabilities who require alternative means forcommunication of program information (Braille, large print,

    audiotape, etc.) should contact USDAs TARGET Center at (202)7202600 (voice and TDD).

    To file a complaint of discrimination, write USDA, Director,Office of Civil Rights, Room 326W, Whitten Building, 14th andIndependence Avenue, SW, Washington, DC 202509410 or call(202) 7205964 (voice and TDD). USDA is an equal opportunityprovider and employer.

    Mention of companies or commercial products does not implyrecommendation or endorsement by USDA over others not mentioned.USDA neither guarantees nor warrants the standard of any productmentioned. Product names are mentioned solely to report

    factually on available data and to provide specific information.

    Issued October 2003

    This publication supersedes Brucellosis Eradication: UniformMethods and Rules, Effective February 1, 1998, APHIS 9145011,which was published in March 1998.

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    Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

    Chapter 1. General ProvisionsCattle and Bison . . . . . . . 10

    Part I. Definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

    Accredited veterinarianAdjacent herdAnimal classificationcattle and/or bisonAnimal health veterinarianApproved action planApproved intermediate handling facilityApproved Brucella vaccineApproved testAreaAuctionAuctioneerBison

    BrucellosisBrucellosis-exposed cattle and/or bisonCattleCertificateCertified Brucellosis-Free HerdDirector, National Animal Health ProgramsClass Free State or AreaClass A State or AreaClass B State or AreaCommission firmCommission salesCooperative StateFederal Brucellosis EradicationProgram

    Dairy cattleDealerDeputy AdministratorDesignated Brucellosis EpidemiologistDirect movementEpidemiologistEpidemiologyFeedlotcattle and/or bisonFinished-fed cattle and/or bisonFirst-point testingGreater Yellowstone Interagency Brucellosis Committee(GYIBC)

    HerdHerd blood testcattle and/or bisonHerd known to be affectedcattle and/or bison

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    Herd not known to be affectedHerd of origin of cattle and/or bisonIndividual herd planLivestock marketMarket Cattle Identification (MCI) test cattle or bisonMarket Cattle Identification (MCI) reactorsOfficial brand inspection certificate

    Official brand recording agencyOfficial eartagOfficial sealOfficial testOfficial vaccinate (adult)Official vaccinate (calfhood)ParturientPermitPermit for entryPersonPostparturientPresumptive testQuarantined feedlot

    Quarantined pastureRecognized slaughter establishmentS-brand permitS-branded cattle or bisonSpecifically approved stockyardStateState animal health officialState-approved livestock marketState-Federal laboratoriesState or Federal representativeSuccessful case closureSuccessful traceback of Market Cattle and/or BisonIdentification (MCI) reactors

    Supplemental testsTest-eligible cattle and/or bisonUntested test-eligible cattle and/or bisonVeterinarian-in-ChargeVeterinary ServicesVeterinary Services representativeWhole-herd vaccination

    Part II. Procedures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27

    1. Administrative Procedures . . . . . . . . . . 27A. Supervision of the Cooperative StateFederal

    Brucellosis Eradication ProgramB. Entering PremisesC. Providing Services to Livestock OwnersD. Reporting Brucellosis ActivitiesE. Notifying the Community of Brucellosis-Affected

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    Herds, Quarantined Feedlots, and QuarantinedPastures

    F. Herd DepopulationG. DealersRegistration and RecordkeepingH. Exceptions to the DeadlinesI. Administrative Review of Program Activities

    and Progress

    J. Appointing Designated Brucellosis Epidemiologists2. Procedures for Vaccination . . . . . . . . . . 31A. Whole-Herd Vaccination Plan (Adult Vaccination)B. Official VaccinatesC. Identifying Vaccinates

    3. Testing Requirements .. . . . . . . . . . . . . 36A. Cattle and BisonB. Identifying Tested AnimalsC. Requesting a RetestD. Retesting Affected Herds

    4. Laboratory and Testing Procedures .. . . . . . 38A. LaboratoriesB. Diagnostic Reagents for BrucellosisC. Using the Tests & Recording ResultsCattle

    and Bison

    5. Procedures for Moving Restricted Cattleand Bison . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48

    A. PermitsB. Movement of Restricted Animals

    6. Procedures for Handling Affected orRestricted Herds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53

    A. QuarantinesB. Quarantined FeedlotC. Quarantined PasturesD. Approved Bison Quarantine FacilitiesE. Individual Herd PlanF. Herd DepopulationG. Retesting ReactorsH. Reclassifying ReactorsI. Cleaning and DisinfectionJ. Identifying Reactor Cattle and BisonK. Identifying Exposed Cattle and BisonL. Identifying Suspects

    M. Identifying Untested Test-Eligible Cattleand BisonN. Identifying Spayed Heifers

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    7. Epidemiologic Procedures. . . . . . . . . . . 66A. Epidemiologic ServicesB. Adjacent Herds & Epidemiologic Traced Herd

    TestingC. Individual Herd PlanD. Traceback and Investigation of ReactorsE. Traceback and Investigation of Suspects

    F. Classification of Cattle and BisonG. Reclassifying ReactorsH. Specific Assignments and Responsibilities of a

    Designated Brucellosis Epidemiologist

    Part III. Participation in Area Plans . . . . . . . . . . 77

    1.Certification of Areas (Cattle and/or Bison). 77A. Obtaining Initial Certification StatusB. Maintaining Certification StatusC. Terminating Certification StatusD. Reinstating Certification StatusE. Federal Quarantines Within Class A States

    F. Two Areas in a State

    Chapter 2. Bovine Brucellosis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81

    Part I. Certified Brucellosis-Free Herds of Cattleor Bison . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81

    1. Qualifying Methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81A. Brucellosis Milk Surveillance Test (BMST)B. Complete Herd Blood TestC. Purchasing a Certified Brucellosis-Free Herd

    2. Conditions for Certifying the Herd . . . . . 82

    A. Animals Included in CertificationB. Duration of StatusC. Testing PeriodD. Animal Infection RatesE. SuspectsF. Herd Status If Infection OccursG. Movement of Cattle and Bison Into a Certified

    Brucellosis-Free HerdH. Movement of Cattle or Bison Onto Premises With a

    Certified Brucellosis-Free HerdI. Recognition of Certified Brucellosis-Free Herds

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    Part II. Class Free Status . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85

    1. Size of Area . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85

    A. Legislative AuthorityB. Regulatory AuthorityC. Resources

    D. Method2. Duration of Status . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85

    3. Standards To Attain and Maintain ClassFree Status . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88

    A. SurveillanceB. Herd Infection RateC. MCI Reactor Cases Closed SuccessfullyD. Complying With This Uniform Methods and Rules

    4. Movement of Cattle and Bison on Change ofOwnership Within and From Class Free States or

    Areas for Certain Purposes . . . . . . . . . .. 93A. Cattle and Bison Exempt From TestingRequirements

    B. For FeedingC. For Immediate SlaughterD. For BreedingE. Calves From Affected HerdsF. Rodeo Bulls

    Part III. Class A Status . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96

    1. Size of Area . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96A. Legislative Authority

    B. Regulatory AuthorityC. ResourcesD. Method

    2. Duration of Status . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97

    3. Standards To Attain and MaintainClass A Status . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98

    A. SurveillanceB. Herd Infection RateC. MCI Reactor Cases Closed SuccessfullyD. Complying With This Uniform Methods and Rules

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    4. Movement of Cattle and Bison Within and FromClass A States or Areas for Certain Purposes . 103

    A. Cattle and Bison Exempt From TestingRequirements

    B. For FeedingC. For Immediate SlaughterD. For Breeding

    E. Calves From Affected HerdsF. Rodeo Bulls

    Part IV. Class B Status . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108

    1. Size of Area . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108A. Legislative AuthorityB. Regulatory AuthorityC. ResourcesD. Method

    2. Duration of Status . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109

    3. Standards To Attain and MaintainClass B Status . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110

    A. SurveillanceB. Herd Infection RateC. MCI Reactor Cases Closed SuccessfullyD. Complying With This Uniform Methods and Rules

    4. Movement of Cattle and Bison Within and FromClass B States or Areas for Certain Purposes. . 115

    A. Cattle and Bison Exempt From TestingRequirements

    B. For FeedingC. For Immediate Slaughter

    D. For BreedingE. Calves from Affected HerdsF. Testing at First Point of ConcentrationG. Rodeo Bulls

    Part V. States or Areas not having at least Class B status (NoStatus) . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . 121

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    This publicationBrucellosis Eradication: Uniform Methods andRules (UM&R)includes the minimum standards of the CooperativeStateFederal Brucellosis Eradication Program. These UM&Rcontain minimum standards for certifying herds, classifyingStates and areas, and detecting, controlling, and eradicating

    brucellosis, as well as minimum brucellosis requirements for theintrastate and interstate movement of cattle and bison.

    This publication is divided into two chapters that are furthersubdivided into parts. Chapter 1 deals with general provisionsfor cattle and/or bison. Part I of chapter 1 containsdefinitions. Part II covers procedures used in the CooperativeStateFederal Brucellosis Eradication Program, and part IIIexplains participation in area plans.

    Chapter 2 deals with all of the classifications of herds andareas for bovine brucellosis: Certified Brucellosis-Free Herds(part I), Class Free Status (part II), Class A Status (part III),

    and Class B Status (part IV).

    The provisions of these UM&R were approved by the U.S. Departmentof Agriculture (USDA), Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service(APHIS), Veterinary Services (VS). These UM&R may be amended inthe future by replacing pages or by adding new pages.

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    Chapter 1, General ProvisionsCattle and Bison

    Part I. Definitions

    Accredited veterinarian

    A veterinarian approved by the Deputy Administrator of VS, APHIS,

    USDA, in accordance with provisions of part 161, title 9, Code ofFederal Regulations (CFR). The veterinarian is accredited toperform certain functions of Federal and cooperative StateFederal programs. The accredited veterinarian is authorized toperform specified activities under the Cooperative StateFederalBrucellosis Eradication Program.

    Adjacent herd

    A herd of cattle and/or bison that occupies a premises thatborders a herd known to be affected with brucellosis (thisincludes herds separated by roads or fordable streams) or apremises located within a specified area of a herd known to be

    affected or a premises that was previously occupied by a herdknown to be affected within a stated period of time. Theapplicable period will be determined by the designatedbrucellosis epidemiologist. In all States, the specified areawill be at least 1 mile from the fenceline perimeter of the herdknown to be affected unless the designated brucellosisepidemiologist approves a variance.

    Animal classificationcattle and/or bison

    1. Negativecattle and/or bison are classified as brucellosisnegative:

    a. when their blood serum has been subjected to officialserologic tests and the test results fail to discloseevidence of Brucella infection, and

    b. if blood, milk, or tissues are subjected to bacteriologicmethods for cultivating field-strain Brucella and noneare recovered. In short, for an animal to be classifiedas negative, all procedures that are performed must failto disclose evidence of brucellosis.

    2. SuspectCattle and/or bison are classified as suspects whentheir blood serum has been subjected to official tests and

    the test results suggest infection but are inconclusive. Ifbacteriologic methods to cultivate Brucella from blood, milk,or tissues were used, they did not yield field strainBrucella.

    3. ReactorCattle and/or bison are classified as reactors whentheir blood serum has been subjected to official tests andthe test results indicate that the animal has been exposed toand infected with Brucella. Cattle and/or bison are also

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    classified as reactors in the absence of significantserologic test results when other diagnostic methods, such asbacteriologic methods, result in the recovery of field-strainBrucella organisms, or a significant rise in the serologictiter occurs, or when other epidemiologic evidence ofinfection is demonstrated.

    Animal health veterinarian

    A veterinarian employed on a full-time basis by the State animalhealth official, APHISVS, the county, or other localmunicipality and given the authority to perform activities in theCooperative StateFederal Brucellosis Eradication Program.

    Approved action plan (also see Individual herd plan)

    The document describing the steps and timetable that will befollowed by State or Federal animal health personnel to determinethe status of a herd suspected of being affected with brucellosisbecause of positive brucellosis milk surveillance test (BMST) or

    market cattle inspection (MCI) test results or epidemiologicevidence of direct or indirect contact with an infected animal.

    Approved intermediate handling facility

    A premises specifically approved by both the Deputy Administratorof VS, APHIS, USDA, and the State Veterinarian for the purpose ofreceiving and handling cattle and bison for release to recognizedslaughtering establishments or quarantined feedlots.

    1. Cattle and/or bison may be held at an approved intermediatehandling facility for a maximum of 7 days and must not changeownership during that time.

    2. No cattle and/or bison except those moved directly from afarm of origin may be permitted to enter an approvedintermediate handling facility unless they are accompanied bya permit or S-brand permit.

    3. Cattle and/or bison transported in vehicles closed withofficial seals are prohibited from entering such a facility.

    4. No cattle and/or bison may leave an approved intermediatehandling facility unless they are accompanied by a permit orS-brand permit that lists a recognized slaughtering

    establishment or quarantined feedlot as the point ofdestination.

    5. To qualify for and retain approval, a facility must beseparate and apart from livestock handling facilities forbreeding cattle and bison and meet the same standards forfacilities and records as a specifically approved stockyard.

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    6. Serviceable equipment for cleaning and disinfecting must befurnished and maintained with adequate disinfectant.

    7. Each entrance and exit to a facility must prominently displaya sign stating, ALL CATTLE AND/OR BISON ENTERING THISFACILITY MUST GO DIRECTLY TO SLAUGHTER OR TO A QUARANTINEDFEEDLOT.

    8. Any document relating to animals that are or have been in thefacility must be maintained by the facility for at least 1year.

    9. State and USDA representatives must be granted, at reasonablehours, access to all documents required to be maintained, andthey have the authority to reproduce such documents uponrequest.

    Approved Brucella vaccine

    A Brucella abortus product that is approved by the Deputy

    Administrator of APHIS VS for use in the Brucellosis EradicationProgram and produced under license of USDA for injection intocattle and/or bison to enhance their resistance to brucellosis.

    Approved test

    A test that has been reviewed and approved by the DeputyAdministrator of APHIS VS for use as an official, presumptive, orsupplemental test.


    That portion of any State, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico,

    the U.S. Virgin Islands, or Guam that has a separate brucellosisclassification.


    A public sale of livestock to the highest bidder.

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    A person who sells or makes a business of selling livestock atauction.


    All animals in the genus Bison, regardless of age or gender.Brucellosis

    An infectious disease of animals and humans caused by bacteria ofthe genus Brucella. The disease is characterized by abortion andimpaired fertility in its principal animal hosts. Usually,Brucellaabortus is associated with the disease in cattle and/orbison, Brucellasuis with the disease in swine, and Brucellamelitensis with the disease in sheep and goats. Underappropriate conditions, however, brucellosis may be caused in onespecies by a Brucella organism normally associated with otherhost species.

    Brucellosis-exposed cattle and/or bison

    All cattle and/or bison, regardless of the blood test results(except for brucellosis reactors), that are part of a knownaffected herd or are in a quarantined feedlot or a quarantinedpasture or that have been in contact with brucellosis reactors inmarketing channels for a period of 24 hours or more or for aperiod of less than 24 hours if the reactor has recently abortedor calved or has a vaginal or uterine discharge. Brucellosis-suspect cattle and/or bison are also considered to be exposed.


    All bovine animals (dairy and beef) in the genus Bos, regardlessof age or gender.


    A. An official document issued by a VS representative, Staterepresentative, or accredited veterinarian at the point oforigin of a shipment of cattle or bison. It includes all ofthe following:

    1. The official eartag number for each animal, or each

    individual animal's registration tattoo, registration

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    brand, or the registration number of a breed associationrecognized by VS;

    2. The number of animals covered by the document;

    3. The purpose for which the animals are to be moved;

    4. The points of origin and destination;5. The consignor; and

    6. The consignee.

    B. Ownership brands may be used as identification oncertificates for cattle and bison being shipped interstate toStates where official tests for brucellosis and otherofficial tests are not required, provided that the ownershipbrands are registered with the official brand recordingagency in the State of origin and that the cattle and bisonare accompanied by official brand inspection certificates.

    Certified Brucellosis-Free Herd

    A herd of cattle or bison that has qualified for and has beenissued a Certified Brucellosis-Free Herd certificate signed byboth the appropriate State animal health official and by theAPHIS, VS, Area Veterinarian-in-Charge (AVIC).

    The Certified Brucellosis-Free Herd status is valid for 12 monthsunless evidence of brucellosis is disclosed or the herdparticipates in a whole-herd vaccination plan. In the last case,the herd status is suspended until postvaccination testingconfirms the herd's negative standing.

    Director, National Center for Animal Health Programs (NCAHP)

    The veterinarian in the NCAHP, VS, APHIS, USDA, who is respon-sible for staff field support activities associated with theFederal Government's participation in the Cooperative StateFederal Brucellosis Eradication Program.

    Class Free State or Area

    A State or an area within a State that meets the classificationstandards for Class Free brucellosis status and that has been

    certified as fulfilling the requirements of this status oninitial classification or reclassification by the State animalhealth official, the APHIS AVIC, and the Deputy Administrator ofVS, APHIS, USDA. Included among the requirements for Class Freestatus are that the cattle and/or bison herds in the State orarea within the State must have remained free from infectionswith field strains of Brucella abortus for at least 12 months.All cattle and/or bison herds in which field-strain Brucella

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    abortus was known to exist must be legally released fromquarantine before the area or State can be certified. Inaddition, all herds of other species of domestic livestock inwhich field-strain Brucella abortus has been found or suspectedmust be tested negative, slaughtered, or quarantined, leaving noknown focus of infection in any domestic species uncontrolled atthe time of certification. The percentage of cases successfully

    closed for the previous 12 months must be at least 95 percent.Class A State or Area

    A State or an area within a State that meets the classificationstandards for Class A status and that has been certified asfulfilling the requirements of this status on initialclassification or reclassification by the State animal healthofficial, by the APHIS AVIC, and by the Deputy Administrator ofVS, APHIS, USDA. Two of the requirements for Class A status arethat the infection rate for cattle and bison herds may not exceed0.1 percent during the previous 12 months and that the successfulcase closure (SCC) percentage for the previous 12-month period

    must be at least 95 percent.

    Class B State or Area

    A State or an area within a State that meets the classificationstandards for Class B status and that has been certified asfulfilling the requirements of this status on initialclassification or reclassification by the State animal healthofficial, by the APHIS AVIC, and by the Deputy Administrator ofVS, APHIS, USDA. Two of the requirements for Class B status arethat the infection rate for cattle and bison herds may not exceed1.00 percent during the previous 12 months and that the SCCpercentage must be at least 90 percent during the previous 12


    Commission firm

    A person, partnership, or corporation that buys and sellslivestock as a third party and reports details of thetransactions to the seller and/or to the buyer. The termincludes such persons or organizations whether or not they chargea fee for the service.

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    Commission sales

    Sales conducted by a third party who reports details of thetransaction to the seller, the buyer, or both.

    Cooperative StateFederal Brucellosis Eradication Program

    The Cooperative StateFederal Brucellosis Eradication Program,also referred to as the Brucellosis Eradication Program or simplythe Program for convenience in this publication, is administeredunder a memorandum of understanding between the appropriateagency in each of the States and USDA. This Program includes allof the activities associated with detecting, controlling, andeliminating brucellosis from domestic livestock in the UnitedStates. The minimum standards for operating a Cooperative StateFederal Brucellosis Eradication Program within a State arecontained in this publication (APHIS 91-45-013), BrucellosisEradication: Uniform Methods and Rules. These UM&R arereviewed by representatives of the livestock industry and theappropriate State and Federal agencies annually and are revised

    as needed and published by USDAAPHIS.

    Dairy cattle

    Bovine animals of a recognized dairy breed.


    1. Any persons who engage in the business of buying and/orselling livestock in commerce, either for their own accountor as an employee or agent of the seller or buyer; or

    2. Any person who engages in the business of buying and/or

    selling livestock in commerce on a commission basis.

    The term dealer does not include persons who buy or selllivestock as part of their own bona fide breeding, feeding,dairy, and/or beef operation or who receive livestock exclusivelyfor immediate slaughter on their own premises and who do notengage in the business of buying, selling, trading, ornegotiating the transfer of livestock.

    Deputy Administrator

    The Deputy Administrator of VS, APHIS, USDA, or any other VS

    official to whom appropriate authority has been delegated.

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    Designated Brucellosis Epidemiologist

    An epidemiologist who has demonstrated the knowledge and abilityto perform the functions required under the standards of thisUM&R and who has been selected for this position by the Stateanimal health official and the APHIS AVIC. Initial training andcontinuing education requirements are outlined in VS Memo 551.10.

    The regional epidemiologist and the VS brucellosis staff mustconcur in the selection and appointment of the designatedbrucellosis epidemiologist.

    Direct movement

    Movement permitted in which the animals are not unloaded en routeto their final destination, except for slaughter cattle or bison,which may be unloaded at only one approved intermediate handlingfacility while en route to slaughter.


    A veterinarian who has received a master's degree in epidemiologyor who has completed a course of study in epidemiology sponsoredor approved by VS.


    A branch of medical science that deals with the incidence,distribution, and control of disease in the animal and humanpopulation.

    Feedlotcattle and/or bison

    A confined drylot area for finish feeding of cattle and/or bison

    on concentrated feed with no facilities for pasturing or grazing.Only animals that have met all of the required testingprovisions at origin and destination are allowed in thesefeedlots. Animals in such a feedlot are considered to be a herdand must be handled like those in any other herd if brucellosisis suspected or diagnosed.

    Finished-fed cattle and/or bison

    Cattle and/or bison that have been on feed for a sufficientperiod of time to achieve the flesh condition desired byslaughter establishments.

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    First-point testing

    Subjecting all test-eligible cattle and bison that are movingwithin trade or marketing channels to an official test forbrucellosis at the first point of concentration. Points ofconcentration are livestock markets, specifically approvedstockyards, buying stations, assembly points, or feedlots

    receiving cattle and/or bison directly from farms.Greater Yellowstone Interagency Brucellosis Committee (GYIBC)

    A committeecomprised of representatives from the States ofWyoming, Montana, and Idaho, and the United States Departments ofthe Interior and Agriculturewhose mission is to facilitate thedevelopment and implementation of brucellosis management plansfor elk and bison in the area in and around Yellowstone NationalPark while protecting the public interests and economicviability of the livestock industry in the three States.


    1. All animals of the same species, such as cattle and/or bison,under common ownership or supervision that are grouped on oneor more parts of any single premises (lot, farm, or ranch);or

    2. All animals of the same species under common ownership orsupervision on two or more premises that are geographicallyseparated but in which the animals have been interchanged orhad contact with animals from different premises. It will beassumed that contact between animals of the same species onthe different premises has occurred unless the ownerestablishes otherwise and the results of the epidemiologic

    investigation are consistent with the lack of contact betweenpremises; or

    3. All animals of the same species on common premises, such ascommunity pastures or grazing association units, but owned bydifferent persons. Other groups of animals owned by thepersons involved that are located on other premises areconsidered to be part of a herd unless the epidemiologicinvestigation establishes that animals from an affected herdhave not had the opportunity for direct or indirect contactswith animals from that specific premises.

    The animals in State-approved or federally approved quarantinedfeedlots and quarantined pastures are not considered to be aherd.

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    Herd blood testcattle and/or bison

    The herd blood test must include all cattle or bison 6 months ofage and older, except steers, spayed heifers, official Strain 19calfhood vaccinates of the dairy breeds under 20 months of age,and official Strain 19 calfhood vaccinates of bison or beefbreeds under 24 months of age. The presence of the first pair of

    fully erupted permanent incisor teeth is evidence that an animalhas reached 24 months of age. Official Strain 19 calfhood-vaccinated cattle or bison under these ages must be included inthe herd test if they are parturient (springers) or have alreadycalved.

    Herd known to be affectedcattle and/or bison

    A herd in which any animal has been classified as a brucellosisreactor and which has not been released from quarantine.

    Herd not known to be affected

    A herd in which no brucellosis reactor has ever been found or aherd in which one or more animals have been classified asbrucellosis reactors but which has since been released fromquarantine.

    Herd of origin of cattle and/or bison

    A herd of cattle or bison or any farm or other premises where thecattle or bison were born or where they have been kept for 4months or more before the date of shipping, provided that cattleand/or bison from other premises have not been assembled on thefarm or premises within 4 months before the date of shipment.For the purposes of this UM&R, herd of origin has the same

    meaning as place of origin, premises of origin, and farm oforigin.

    Individual herd plan (Also see Approved action plan)

    A written herd-management and testing plan that is designed bythe herd owner, the owner's veterinarian if requested, and aState or Federal veterinarian, to control and eradicatebrucellosis from an affected herd. A similar plan fordetermining the true status of animals suspected to harborBrucella abortus and for preventing exposure to brucellosiswithin the herd is also within the meaning of the term. These

    plans must incorporate the most appropriate veterinary and herd-management procedures to control the spread of brucellosis withinthe herd and thereby eradicate the disease from the herd.

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    Livestock market (Also see Specifically approved stockyards)

    A place where livestock are assembled for sale. The animals maybe sold by auction, consignment for commission, or by other meansof transferring ownership. For the purposes of this UM&R, theterm livestock market includes both specifically approvedstockyards and State-approved livestock markets.

    Market Cattle Identification (MCI) test cattle or bison

    MCI test cattle or bison are all cows and bulls 2 years of ageand older slaughtered at a recognized slaughter establishment,and all test-eligible cattle or bison moving through livestockmarkets or stockyards. Also, they are those test-eligible cattleand/or bison being assembled at farms or ranches and beingprepared for movement to markets, stockyards, slaughterestablishments, or other sales, such as consignment or dispersalsales. These cattle and/or bison are to be identified by eartagand/or backtag to the herd of origin before being moved or at thefirst point of concentration (such as a livestock market or

    slaughter establishment) that they reach in marketing channels.

    Market Cattle Identification (MCI) reactors

    For purposes of State or area classification, MCI reactors aredefined as MCI tested cattle or bison evaluated using the testingand classification procedures described elsewhere in thisdocument or have been classified as reactors by a designatedbrucellosis epidemiologist.

    Official brand inspection certificate

    A certificate issued by an official brand inspection agency in

    any State in which these certificates are required for movinglivestock.

    Official brand recording agency

    The duly constituted body elected or appointed that is delegatedor granted authority by a State to administer laws, regulations,ordinances, or rules pertaining to the brand identification oflivestock.

    Official eartag

    A VS-approved identification eartag (metal, plastic, or other)that conforms to the nine-character alphanumeric National UniformEartagging System. It uniquely identifies each individual animalwith no duplication of the alphanumeric identification,regardless of the materials or colors used. The term includesthe special orange-colored eartag series used to identifycalfhood vaccinates.

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    Official seal

    A serially numbered metal or plastic strip consisting of a self-locking device on one end and a slot on the other end,that formsa loop when the ends are engaged. An official seal istamperproof and cannot be reused if opened. It is applied to thedoors of a transport vehicle by a representative of the APHIS

    AVIC or the State animal health official. A serially numbered,self-locking button that cannot be reused may be substituted forthe metal or plastic strip type of seal.

    Official test

    An approved test that has been developed to aid in determiningthe presence or absence of blood components associated with fieldstrains of Brucella abortus, B.abortus Strain 19, nonspecificagglutinins, etc. An official test typically has a higherspecificity than a presumptive test. Results from official testsare used to classify animals as negative, suspect, and/orpositive and include the card, complement fixation, rivanol,

    standard tube, standard plate, and PCFIA tests and thefluorescence polarization assay. Official tests are also knownas confirmatory tests.

    Official vaccinate (adult)

    A bovine or bison female that, as part of a herd that wasapproved for whole-herd vaccination, was inoculatedsubcutaneously with an approved Brucella vaccine at an age olderthan that permitted for calfhood vaccination. The animal wasinoculated by a State or Federal representative or an accreditedveterinarian using the approved procedure. The animal must havebeen tested negative within 10 days before vaccination. At

    vaccination, the animal must have been properly identified as anadult vaccinate and must have been reported on the appropriateform to the State or Federal animal health agency in that State.

    Official vaccinate (calfhood)

    A bovine or bison female that, as a calf, was inoculatedsubcutaneously with an approved Brucella vaccine between theappropriate age limits by a State or Federal representative or anaccredited veterinarian using the approved vaccination procedure.The animal must have been properly identified as vaccinate byofficial eartag and vaccination tattoo and must have been

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    reported on the appropriate certificate to the appropriate Stateor Federal animal health agency for that State.


    Visibly prepared to give birth or within 2 weeks before givingbirth.


    An official document (VS Form 127 or comparable State form) thatis issued by a State or Federal representative or by anaccredited veterinarian. The permit is required to accompany allbrucellosis reactors and those brucellosis-exposed cattle and/orbison that are being moved under official seal during theirmovement to the specified destination. (See chapter 1, part II,section 5, Procedures for Moving Restricted Cattle and/or Bison.)

    Permit for entry

    A premovement authorization for cattle and/or bison to enterother States or areas. The permit for entry is obtained from theanimal health official of the State of destination and declaresthe conditions under which movement may be made. It may be oralor written. (See chapter 1, part II, section 5, Procedures forMoving Restricted Cattle and/or Bison.)


    Any individual, corporation, company, association, firm,partnership, society, joint stock company, or other legal entity.


    Having already given birth.

    Presumptive test

    An approved test that typically has higher sensitivity thanofficial tests and is frequently used to screen large numbers ofsamples at a lower cost. Samples positive on a presumptive testmust be retested using an official test. Animals testingnegative on presumptive tests are considered negative.Presumptive test are also known as screening tests. The standardplate, BAPA, and RAP are examples of presumptive tests.

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    Quarantined feedlot

    A confined area under State brucellosis quarantine that has beenapproved by the State animal health official and the APHIS AVICand is maintained for feeding cattle and/or bison of unknown orbrucellosis-exposed status, with limited provisions (see chapter1, part II, section 6B) for pasturing or grazing. All cattle

    and/or bison, except steers and spayed heifers, leaving aquarantined feedlot must go to an approved slaughterestablishment for immediate slaughter or to another quarantinedfeedlot. All cattle and/or bison in a quarantined feedlot areconsidered to be exposed to brucellosis.

    Quarantined pasture

    A designated, confined grazing area under State quarantine,approved by the State animal health official, APHIS AVIC, and theDeputy Administrator of VS, APHIS, USDA, which is established touse available forage for cattle and/or bison of unknown orbrucellosis-exposed status. The cattle and/or bison must

    originate from the State in which the quarantined pasture islocated. A quarantined pasture cannot be approved for periodsexceeding 10 months. All cattle and/or bison in a quarantinedpasture are considered to be exposed to brucellosis.

    Recognized slaughter establishment

    Any slaughter establishment operating under the provisions of theFederal Meat Inspection Act (21 United States Code 601 et seq.)or a State meat-inspection act.

    S-brand permit

    An official document that may be required for certain animalsthat are moved to a quarantined feedlot, a quarantined pasture, aslaughter establishment, or an approved stockyard for sale to aslaughter establishment. Its purpose is to control the movementof untested test-eligible cattle and/or bison and brucellosis-exposed cattle and/or bison to restricted destinations. (Seechapter 1, part II, section 5, Procedures for Moving RestrictedCattle and/or Bison.)

    S-branded cattle or bison

    Brucellosis-exposed or untested test-eligible cattle and/or bison

    that have been identified by branding the letter "S" with a hot

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    iron at least 5 cm 5 cm (2 2 inches) in size high on thetailhead (over the fourth to the seventh coccygeal vertebrae).

    Specifically approved stockyard

    A stockyard specifically approved for receiving brucellosis-restricted cattle and/or bison. A specifically approved

    stockyard may be approved to handle all classes of cattle and/orbison including brucellosis reactors or brucellosis-exposedcattle and/or bison.


    Any State of the United States, the District of Columbia, PuertoRico and U.S. Virgin Islands.

    State animal health official

    The chief State official responsible for disease control anderadication programs affecting livestock and poultry.

    State-approved livestock market

    Any livestock market that has been approved by the State tohandle cattle, bison, and/or swine under conditions required bythe Cooperative StateFederal Brucellosis Eradication Program.

    StateFederal laboratories

    State and /or Federal Laboratories approved by both the state andUSDA/APHIS/VS and authorized to perform specific brucellosisserologic tests based on having adequate laboratory facilities,testing protocols, and competent personnel as determined byproficiency testing. The laboratories may also have thecapability to perform viability testing of approved vaccinesand/or isolate Brucella species from milk, blood, and tissues.

    State or Federal representative

    A veterinarian or other person employed in animal health work bya State or political subdivision of the State or by APHIS, VS.This person is authorized by the State, political subdivision, orAPHIS to perform animal health activities under a memorandum ofunderstanding with USDA.

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    Successful case closure (SCC)

    Cases completed on MCI reactors successfully traced to herds oforigin. Once the trace is successful, a thorough epidemiologicinvestigation must be completed. Based on that investigation, adecision must be made whether or not to test the herd of origin.If a herd test is conducted, the case is successfully closed. If

    the herd is not tested, the case is considered successfullyclosed if the justification is in compliance with this UM&R.

    Successful traceback of Market Cattle and/or Bison Identification(MCI) reactors

    A successful traceback of MCI reactors occurs when the herd oforigin, as defined, is located and a herd blood test is conductedwhen necessary. When all animals at the premises of origin weresold for slaughter, a successful traceback can also be claimed.Tracebacks to dealers, commission firms, or other intermediarypoints are not considered successful unless all possible herds oforigin are located and the herds are tested.

    Supplemental tests

    An approved test that has been developed to aid designatedbrucellosis epidemiologists in better interpreting the results ofofficial tests, allowing trained and qualified epidemiologists adegree of variance from the diagnostic criteria included in thisUM&R. Of these, only the card test is an official test, and itis official only when used as the sole test on a blood serumsample. Other test procedures include the concentrationimmunoassay test (CITE) and the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay(ELISA). Other supplemental tests may be added as needed, bemade available, and may require proficiency testing. Only the

    designated brucellosis epidemiologist may use and interpretresults of supplemental tests.

    Test-eligible cattle and/or bison

    All cattle and bison 18 months of age and over (as evidenced bythe loss of the first pair of temporary incisor teeth), exceptsteers, spayed heifers, official Strain 19 calfhood vaccinates ofthe dairy breeds under 20 months of age, and official Strain 19calfhood vaccinates of bison or beef breeds under 24 months ofage. (Presence of the first pair of fully erupted permanentincisor teeth is evidence that the animal has reached 24 months

    of age.) All cattle or bison that are parturient (springers) orpostparturient are test eligible regardless of age.

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    Untested test-eligible cattle and bison

    Test-eligible cattle and/or bison that have not been tested forbrucellosis to fulfill brucellosis movement requirements.


    The veterinary official of VS, APHIS, USDA, who is assigned bythe Deputy Administrator of VS to supervise and perform theofficial animal health work of APHIS in the State or Statesconcerned.

    Veterinary Services (VS)

    The division of USDA's Animal and Plant Health Inspection Servicein charge of animal health activities within the United States.

    Veterinary Services representative

    A veterinarian or other person employed by VS, APHIS, USDA, who

    is authorized to perform specific activities.

    Whole-herd vaccination

    The vaccination of all female cattle and/or bison 4 months of ageor over (including animals older than the age for officialcalfhood vaccination), when the entire herd is authorized by theState animal health official and by the APHIS AVIC to bevaccinated with an approved dose of an approved Brucella vaccine.

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    Part II. Procedures

    1. Administrative Procedures

    A. Supervision of the Cooperative StateFederal BrucellosisEradication Program

    The Cooperative StateFederal Brucellosis Eradication Programmust be supervised by full-time animal health veterinariansemployed by the State or the Federal Government.

    B. Entering Premises

    Persons working on the Brucellosis Eradication Program mustbe authorized by the State to enter premises to carry outProgram procedures. While on those premises, they must usesanitary procedures to minimize the risk of physicallytransmitting the disease to other premises.

    C. Providing Services to Livestock Owners

    Program services may be rendered without expense to thelivestock owner; however, owners are responsible for handlingtheir animals. Program administrators may contract withaccredited veterinarians, paraprofessionals, other State andFederal agencies, or the management of privately owned firms,as needed, to assist State and Federal animal healthpersonnel in collecting blood, milk, or tissue samples, inidentifying animals, and in performing other specifiedactivities.

    D. Reporting Brucellosis Activities

    All brucellosis activities that are conducted privately, orunder agreements with Program officialssuch as performingvaccinations or serologic tests for brucellosismust bereported immediately to cooperating agencies and to the herdowner.

    E. Notifying the Community of Brucellosis-Affected Herds,Quarantined Feedlots, and Quarantined Pastures

    State or Federal officials of the Brucellosis EradicationProgram will notify herd owners in the immediate communityabout the presence of cattle and/or bison herds that have

    been placed under quarantine for brucellosis. Programofficials will also notify herd owners in the immediatevicinity when the officials approve the establishment ofquarantined feedlots and quarantined pastures. Herd ownersare to be notified by means of an educational letterdelivered in person or by mail within 30 days of the datequarantines are issued. The purpose of this notification isto emphasize to owners the importance of taking appropriate

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    actions to protect their cattle and/or bison against thepossible spread of brucellosis as the result of the presenceof an affected herd in their community. Herd owners are alsoto be notified within 30 days by an educational letterdelivered in person or by mail when the herd is released fromquarantine or the approval of the quarantined feedlot or thequarantined pasture is terminated.

    F. Herd Depopulation

    State or Federal officials of the Brucellosis EradicationProgram will review cattle and/or bison herds with a highrate of brucellosis infection or chronic infection of longduration to determine the desirability of depopulating theherd with indemnity to the owner. In States that previouslyhad been free of brucellosis, all affected herds must bereviewed for possible depopulation with indemnity in order toreduce the risk of spreading the disease to other herds.

    G. DealersRegistration and Recordkeeping

    1. The following dealers (individuals or other legalentities) of cattle and/or bison must be registered orlicensed with the appropriate State agency:

    a. Dealers who purchase, deal in, or sell cattle and/orbison;

    b. Dealers who act as commission representatives orbrokers; and

    c. Dealers who operate or conduct an auction where cattleand/or bison are sold.

    2. These dealers must maintain records required by the Statelicensing agency to make it possible for State authoritiesto trace back exposed and/or reactor animals to the herdof origin or other point of original infection.

    3. Registering dealersAfter giving due notice andopportunity for hearing to the dealer involved, the Stateanimal health agency must have the authority to deny anapplication for registration or to suspend or cancel theregistration when it is satisfied of either or both of thefollowing:

    a. There is adequate evidence to establish that the dealerhad the intent to violate or circumvent recordkeepingrequirements of this section and/or other animal healthregulations;

    b. The dealer has repeatedly demonstrated an unwillingnessto keep records making it possible to trace back to thepoint of origin those exposed or reactor cattle or

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    bison he or she has handled.

    4. Keeping recordsEach registered or licensed dealer mustkeep records on all test-eligible cattle and/or bisonpurchased for resale sufficient to enable the State animalhealth agency to satisfactorily trace back those animalsto their herd of origin. The records must be kept for a

    minimum of 2 years.5. Dealing with violationsProvisions must exist so that

    State animal health officials can institute any action atlaw or in equity that appears necessary to enforcecompliance with dealer registration and recordkeepingrequirements under this UM&R. Possible actions includethe authority to subpoena appropriate records and/orpersons who allegedly violate these minimum standards.The appropriate State officials must also have authorityto petition the local court that has jurisdiction for anorder to enforce these subpoenas.

    6. Reviewing laws and regulationsStates with existing brandinspection laws, rules, and/or regulations may not need todevelop new laws and regulations governing dealerregistration and recordkeeping if brucellosis-exposedand/or reactor cattle and/or bison are being traced totheir herd(s) of origin or point(s) of original infection.Representatives of the Director, NCAHP, VS, APHIS, USDA,will evaluate the scope of the State brand inspectionlaws, rules, and regulations and their effectiveness inaccomplishing the traceback objective. Based upon thisreview, the Director of NCAHP will determine if new lawsor rules are needed to satisfy these objectives.

    H. Exceptions to the Deadline(s)

    Program officials must follow deadlines for the herd plan,investigation, and testing (see chapter 2, parts IIIV)except when a designated brucellosis epidemiologistdetermines that there are extenuating circumstances. Theextenuating circumstances must make it impossible to meet thedeadline established for a particular herd. The designatedbrucellosis epidemiologist must immediately set a newdeadline in consultation with the herd owner or his or herrepresentative, to accomplish the required testing at theearliest opportunity. The new deadline must be consistent

    with the principles of brucellosis eradication.I. Administrative Review of Program Activities and Progress

    An administrative review of a State's brucellosis program mayinvolve any or all of the following:

    1. VS personnel will conduct ongoing reviews at the local and

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    national levels by receiving and examining routine writtenmonthly, annual, and other statistical and narrativereports that have been prepared and submitted by Stateand/or Federal animal health officials in each of theStates;

    2. The Director of NCAHP, VS, will monitor the results of

    existing State policies and procedures for controlling anderadicating brucellosis by examining factors such as theprevalence of infection in that State;

    3. Representatives of the Director of NCAHP evaluate theinformation provided by the various States in specialreports regarding the authorities and the policies forimplementing the various minimum standards of these UM&R;

    4. Regional Directors, regional epidemiologists, and staffpersonnel of VS will visit the various States to observeprogram procedures and to make general or specific programevaluations; and

    5. Special evaluation teams comprised of several individualsrepresenting State, Federal, and/or industry and academicinterests will make visits to designated States in orderto make limited or comprehensive reviews of theBrucellosis Eradication Program.

    J. Appointing Designated Brucellosis Epidemiologists

    A designated brucellosis epidemiologist must be selectedjointly by the cooperating State animal health official andthe APHIS AVIC and approved by the regional epidemiologistand the brucellosis staff of the NCAHP, VS, APHIS. Only

    those persons with the prerequisite brucellosis epidemiologytraining, experience, and interest will be appointed to thisposition.

    2. Procedures for Vaccination

    A. Whole-Herd Vaccination Plan (Adult Vaccination)

    Under this plan, a blood test of samples from each animal inthe herd is followed by vaccination of the nonreacting femalecattle and/or bison. The animals are to be vaccinated within10 days after the blood test is completed. All animals

    included on the blood test must be identified with officialeartags or other UM&R-approved identification. Allbrucellosis reactors must be isolated until removed from thepremises. A whole-herd vaccination plan will be used inClass Free States or areas only if the chief State animalhealth official and the Deputy Administrator of VS, APHIS,USDA, specifically approve it on a herd-by-herd basis.

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    1.Affected herdsIn affected herds, the individual herd planmay include whole-herd vaccination in addition to otherrecognized procedures for controlling and eliminating thedisease. Whole-herd vaccination may be initiated onlywhen the herd owner receives written permission from theState and Federal officials directly responsible forProgram activities in the State where the herd is located.

    All animals that are vaccinated as adults under thesecircumstances must be identified using an official eartagand a brand or tattoo (see the section IdentifyingVaccinates). The initial herd blood test followingwhole-herd vaccination should be done in 2 months or asearly as possible in order to make it easier to eliminatefield-strain infection (see chapter 1, part II, section7E, subparagraph 1). Test and slaughter procedures foraffected herds must resume within 6 months after theinitial whole-herd vaccination. Testing will take placeat the intervals agreed to in the individual herd plan.During the 48 months following the initial whole-herdvaccination, replacement animals that have a negative test

    within 10 days before entering the herd may be adult-vaccinated if this is needed and if the procedure isincluded in the individual herd plan.

    a. Beef cattle and/or bison herdsBeef cattle and/or bisonherds that are affected with brucellosis and that haveparticipated in a whole-herd vaccination plan (AVherds) may be released from quarantine after at leastthree consecutive whole-herd blood tests that failed todisclose reactors. The first test must be 3060 days,the second test 180210 days, and the third test 365days or more after all reactors have been removed fromthe herd. All calves in an affected herd are included

    under the herd quarantine restrictions. These calvesmay be moved only if they comply with the movementrequirements outlined in chapter 2, parts II.4, III.4,or IV.4, as applicable for States in each brucellosisclassification. These requirements are the same asthose for release of quarantine in other brucellosis-affected herds. An additional herd blood test isrecommended 612 months or more after the herd has beenreleased from quarantine.

    b. Dairy herdsAll of the requirements for beef herdsand/or bison also apply to dairy herds participating in

    a whole-herd vaccination plan (AV herds). Inaddition, dairy herds must be negative on the last herdbrucellosis milk surveillance test (BMST). Any AVdairy herd in this plan that is released fromquarantine but that continues to be suspicious on theherd BMST must be evaluated by the designatedbrucellosis epidemiologist and monitored with furthertesting whenever necessary to ensure that there is no

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    evidence of infection with field strains of Brucellaabortus.

    2. Herds not known to be affectedPersons who own cattleand/or bison herds that are at high risk of becominginfected with brucellosis may also request whole-herdvaccination. An individual herd plan that specifies the

    whole-herd vaccination procedures to be used must bedeveloped and agreed to. The plan should also includeother recognized procedures for preventing theintroduction of brucellosis into the herd and forcontrolling its spread if it does occur. Whole-herdvaccination may be initiated only if the owner receiveswritten permission from the State and Federal officialsdirectly responsible for Program activities in the Statewhere the herd is located. As part of this plan, alleligible calves must be calfhood-vaccinated and identifiedas described in section C, Identifying Vaccinates.

    All female cattle and/or bison vaccinated as adults under

    these circumstances must be identified using an officialeartag and a brand or tattoo as described in section C,Identifying Vaccinates.

    B. Official Vaccinates

    1. Official calfhood vaccinateTo be an official calfhoodvaccinate, the vaccinated bovine or bison calf must be

    a. Female and

    b. Vaccinated with an approved Brucella vaccine and

    c. Vaccinated by a State or Federal animal healthrepresentative or an accredited veterinarian and

    d. Permanently identified as a calfhood vaccinate asdescribed in subsection C, Identifying Vaccinates,and

    e. Reported at the time of vaccination by submitting acompleted VS Form 124 or VS Form 126 or comparableform to the appropriate State or Federal animal healthagency in that State and

    f. Vaccinated between 4 months and 1 year of age (120through 365 days) and

    g. Given a subcutaneous 2-mL dose of Brucella abortusStrain 19 vaccine containing at least 2.7 billion andnot more than 10 billion live organisms (the optimumdose is 5 billion live organisms administered while thecalf is at the optimum age of 5 months) or

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    h. Given a subcutaneous 2-mL dose of Brucella abortusStrain RB51 vaccine containing at least 10 billion andnot more than 34 billion live organisms, or

    i. Vaccinated before December 31, 1984, and have met theage and vaccine dose requirements for official

    vaccination in the State where it was located at thetime of vaccination.

    2. Official adult vaccinateTo be an official adultvaccinate, the vaccinated animal must be

    a. Part of a herd approved for whole-herd vaccination atthe time of vaccination, and

    b. Female cattle and/or bison vaccinated at an older agethan the maximum age approved for calfhood vaccination,and

    c. Tested negative within 10 days before vaccination, and

    d. Vaccinated subcutaneously with an approved 2-mL dose ofBrucella abortus Strain 19 vaccine containing between300 million and 1 billion live organisms. (The optimumdose is 500 million live organisms.) If the animal wasvaccinated before August 15, 1983, the vaccine musthave contained between 300 million and 3 billion liveorganisms, or

    e. Vaccinated subcutaneously with an approved 2-mL dose ofBrucella abortus Strain RB51 vaccine containing atleast 1 billion live organisms, and

    f. Vaccinated by a State or Federal animal healthrepresentative or by an accredited veterinarian asinstructed by the State animal health official and theAPHIS AVIC, and

    g. Identified as an official adult vaccinate as describedin Section C, and

    h. Reported on the appropriate forms as an adult vaccinateto the State or Federal animal health agency for thatState.

    C. Identifying Vaccinates

    1. Official calfhood vaccinatesCalfhood-vaccinated animalsmust be permanently identified as vaccinates by tattoo andby official vaccination eartag. If the animal is alreadyidentified with an official eartag before vaccination, anadditional official eartag is not required. Vaccination

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    tattoos must be applied to the right ear. For Brucellaabortus Strain 19 vaccinates, the tattoo will include theU.S. Registered Shield and V, which will be preceded bya number indicating the quarter of the year and followedby a number corresponding to the last digit of the year inwhich the vaccination was done. For Brucella abortusStrain RB51 vaccinates, the tattoo will include the U.S.

    Registered Shield and V, which will be preceded by aletter R and followed by a number corresponding to thelast digit of the year in which the vaccination was done.Official vaccination (orange) eartags must be applied tothe right ear. The eartag will include the State prefixand a V, followed by two letters and four numbers thatindividually identify each vaccinated animal. States inwhich a complete series of official vaccination eartags(VAA through VZZ) is used in less than 15 years will use asupplemental series of official vaccination eartags toavoid duplicating animal identification. The supplementaleartag series will use the two-digit State prefix,followed by the letters T or S, followed by two

    letters and four numbers. After 15 years, the State willagain use the V series of official vaccination eartags.Consequently, beginning January 1985, the letters V,T, and S as the first letter in the three-letterportion of the eartag are reserved for exclusive use inofficial vaccination eartags.

    Individual animal registration tattoos or individualanimal registration brands may be used for identifyinganimals in place of official eartags if the cattle and/orbison are registered by breed associations recognized byVS. Official calfhood vaccinates are allowed to beretattooed by an accredited veterinarian designated by the

    State Veterinarian, or by a Federal or Staterepresentative, provided that:

    a. The identification of the vaccinated animal(s) isverified by official records maintained in State orFederal offices and

    b. Prior approval for retattooing is obtained from theState Veterinarian and

    c. The retattooing produces the original tattoo given atthe time of vaccination.

    2. Official adult vaccinatesAnimals that have beenvaccinated over calfhood age as part of authorized whole-herd vaccination plans must be permanently identified asvaccinates as follows: Adult-vaccinated cattle and/orbison in these herds must be identified by either an open-ended V hot brand high on the hip near the tailhead, orby an official AV (adult vaccination) tattoo in the

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    right ear. For Brucella abortus Strain 19-vaccinatedanimals, the AV in the tattoo is to be preceded by anumber indicating the quarter of the year and followed bya number corresponding to the last digit of the year inwhich the vaccination was done. For Brucella abortusStrain RB51-vaccinated animals, the AV in the tattoo isto be preceded by the letter R and followed by a number

    corresponding to the last digit of the year in which thevaccination was done. The brand or tattoo is in additionto the official eartag identification. If the cattle orbison are registered by a breed association recognized byVS, individual animal registration tattoos or individualanimal registration brands may be used for identifyinganimals in place of official eartags. Large-numbered,unique, plastic bangle tags are recommended to be used inaddition to the above identification and are to becorrelated on test records with the official eartag.

    3. Testing Requirements

    A. Cattle and Bison

    1. Herd blood testHerd blood tests must include all cattleand/or bison 6 months of age and older except steers,spayed heifers, official calfhood vaccinates of the dairybreeds under 20 months of age, and official calfhoodvaccinates of beef breeds and bison that are under 24months of age. Presence of the first pair of fullyerupted permanent incisor teeth is evidence that theanimal has reached 24 months of age. However, officialcalfhood vaccinates that are parturient (springers) orpostparturient must be included in the herd blood testregardless of age.

    2. Herd blood test for release of quarantine andpostquarantine testThe herd blood test that is performedto qualify a herd for release of quarantine and the testthat is performed 6 to 12 months after a quarantine hasbeen released must include all nonneutered cattle and/orbison (females and males) 6 months of age and older,including cattle and/or bison that have been officiallyvaccinated for at least 6 months. The purpose for thisrequirement is to establish baseline titers for each ofthese animals so that when they are retested, thedesignated brucellosis epidemiologist can evaluate theprobability of their being infected with field strains ofBrucella

    .3. Market Cattle Identification (MCI) blood tests

    a. Slaughter establishmentAll cattle and/or bison (cowsand bulls) 2 years of age and older are to be blood-sampled at each recognized slaughter establishment.The blood samples must be tested for brucellosis.

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    60 days after the last reactor has been removed andslaughtered. To qualify herds for release from quarantine,as indicated in chapter 1, part II, section 6A, a secondnegative herd blood test is necessary 180210 days after thelast reactor has been removed, and the third test (releasingtest) must occur 365 days or more after all reactors havebeen removed. Testing at 30-day intervals after the first

    negative herd test is strongly recommended to detect any

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    additional infected cattle and/or bison as soon as possible,in order to minimize the spread of disease within the herd.

    4. Laboratory and Testing Procedures

    A. Laboratories

    Blood samples are to be tested for brucellosis only incooperative StateFederal brucellosis laboratories or bypersons who are authorized by Program officials to conductthe standard agglutination tests, the buffered acidifiedplate antigen (BAPA) test, or the card test. All samplesinitially tested at other than an approved cooperative StateFederal brucellosis laboratory must be promptly submitted, bythe person authorized to do the testing, to an approvedcooperative StateFederal brucellosis laboratory, where theresults will be confirmed. A cooperative laboratory systemwill be maintained with States, universities, and industry toreview the training and performance of laboratory personnelregularly and to assist laboratories in developing systems of

    continuing quality control for all laboratory tests andculturing procedures. StateFederal laboratories will beevaluated by a review committee that includes qualifiedepidemiologists, at least once in each 3-year period.Individuals conducting onsite testing will be proficiencytested annually to determine their competence to performapproved procedures.

    B. Diagnostic Reagents for Brucellosis

    Brucella antigens used for diagnosing or detectingbrucellosis in domestic livestock will be distributed only toState and Federal animal health personnel and to accredited

    veterinarians who have been approved by State and Federalprogram officials to conduct specific tests.

    C. Using the Tests and Recording ResultsCattle and Bison

    1. Tests on blood serum

    a. Buffered Acidified Plate Antigen (BAPA) PresumptiveTestmay be used to classify cattle and/or bison asnegative. The test is recorded as either negative orpositive. A test is positive when any agglutination isobserved.

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    b. Rapid Automated Presumptive (RAP) Testmay be used asan approved presumptive test in accordance with thepublished protocol. The test result is recorded aseither positive or negative.

    c. Card testmay be used to classify cattle and/or bisonas negative on surveillance samples collected at

    slaughter, on routine samples collected on farms, andon tests of suspicious and affected herds. The testresults are recorded as either negative or positive.The card test is to be used as an official test toclassify cattle and/or bison as reactors under thefollowing circumstances only:

    (1) When conditions and time are such that no othertest is available; or

    (2) When the owner and/or his or her agent request itbecause of time or situation constraints; or

    (3) In stockyards when the State animal health officialspecifically designates the card test as theofficial test. No other test except the BAPA is tobe used in stockyards as an official test in thoseStates. (The CITE test can also be used on allcattle and/or bison as a supplemental test wheneverthe card test is used.); or

    (4) In stockyards when the State animal health officialdesignates the card test as the official test, thecard test will be the only official diagnostictest; and the CITE test, standard plate test (SPT),or rivanol test may be used as supplemental tests

    at the stockyard. Cattle and/or bison that arepositive to the card test must be classified asreactors or suspects if supplemental testscompleted support suspicious or reactorclassifications.

    (5) To test MCI test samples. Cattle and/or bison thatare tested under the MCI program using an approvedpresumptive test (BAPA or RAP) and that are foundto be positive on the presumptive test must beretested using the card test, the SPT, the tubeagglutination test, or other official tests. If

    there is no further testing, all samples that arepositive on the card test or SPT or tubeagglutination test will be reported as MCI reactorsand traced to the herd of origin. However, thedesignated brucellosis epidemiologist canreclassify MCI reactors for purposes of State orarea classification, provided additionalinformation and tests are available that support

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    such action.

    (6) Results of the card test may be used to supplementthe results of other tests conducted in thecooperative StateFederal brucellosis laboratory togive the designated brucellosis epidemiologistadditional information when classifying cattle and

    bison. Card-positive cattle and/or bison may beclassified negative only by a designatedbrucellosis epidemiologist, provided thatsupplemental tests are negative and additionaldocumented information supports such actions.

    d. Standard Tube Agglutination Test (STT) or StandardPlate Test (SPT)The blood titers of cattle and bisontested by the STT or SPT methods are interpreted intable 1.

    Note: These interpretations do not apply to officialStrain 19 adult-vaccinated cattle or bison until after the

    STT or SPT titer resulting from vaccination has revertedto negative.

    Table 1Interpretation of standard tube agglutination test (STT) and standard plate test (SPT) results______________________________________________________________________

    Test results Test interpretation

    1:50 1:100 1:200 Non-Strain 19- Strain 19-vaccinated vaccinated

    ______________________________________________________________________- - - Negative NegativeI - - Suspect Negative

    + - - Suspect Negative+ I - Suspect Suspect+ + - Reactor Suspect+ + I Reactor Suspect+ + + Reactor Reactor


    Key: - =no agglutination; I =incomplete agglutination; +=complete agglutination.

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    e. Rivanol testThe rivanol test is an official testwhen conducted in cooperative StateFederalbrucellosis laboratories. However, the designatedbrucellosis epidemiologist can reclassify MCIreactors for purposes of State or areaclassification, provided that additionalinformation and tests are available to support

    reclassification. The rivanol test is interpretedin table 2.

    Table 2Interpretation of rivanol test results______________________________________________________________________

    Test resultsNon-Strain 19- Strain 19-vaccinated vaccinated Test interpretation


    I 1:25 or I 1:25 or lower. (But within 5 Negativelower months after adult vaccination

    of cattle or bison, a +1:50 titeror lower titer is considerednegative.)

    Not +1:25 to +1:50, provided the Suspectapplicable CF test is performed and is

    interpreted as negative or suspect,as described in paragraphs f andg in this section.

    +1:25 or +1:25 or higher, provided the CF Reactorhigher test is not performed or when the

    CF test is interpreted as a reactor,or I 1:100 on the rivanol testregardless of CF test results.

    _________________________________________________________________Key: I =incomplete agglutination; +=complete agglutination.

    f. Manual complement-fixation (CF) testThe CF test is anofficial test when it is conducted at a cooperativeStateFederal brucellosis laboratory using manualmethods approved by the National Veterinary ServicesLaboratories (NVSL) of APHIS, VS. The manual CF testis interpreted in table 3.

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    Table 5 PCFIA

    Non-Strain 19 vaccinates Strain 19 vaccinates(6 months of age and older1,2) (test-eligible)

    _______________________________________________________________________________Negative Suspect Reactor Negative Suspect Reactor


    S/N values S/N values S/N values Same values Same values Same valuesgreater than less than or less than or as Negative as Suspect as Reactor

    0.6. equal to 0.6 equal to 0.3 Non-Strain Non-Strain Non-Strain 19

    and greater 19 vaccinates 19 vaccinates vaccinates

    than 0.3

    i. Fluorescent Polarization Assay (FPA) - The FluorescentPolarization Assay (FPA), can be used as a presumptiveor supplemental test. It is used as an official testwhen conducted in an approved cooperative State-Federalbrucellosis laboratory. However, the designatedBrucellosis epidemiologist can reclassify MCI reactors

    for purposes of State or area classification,providedthat additional information and tests are available tosupport reclassification. This test is interpreted intable 6.

    Table 6. FPA

    Non-Strain 19 vaccinates(6 months of age an older


    N S P

    Strain 19 vaccinates(test-eligible)

    N S P

    Negative21 Negative < 11 Suspect 11-20 Positive >21

    j. Supplemental testsSupplemental tests are other teststhat have been developed to aid in determining thepresence or absence of blood components associated withfield strains of Brucellaabortus, Strain 19,nonspecific agglutinins, etc. Of these, only the cardtest is an official test, and it is official only whenused as the sole test on a blood serum sample. Other

    test procedures include mercaptoethanol (ME), Coombs,heat inactivation (HI), acidified plate antigen (APA),rapid automated presumptive (RAP), fluorescentpolarization assay (FPA), enzyme-linked antibody (ELA),concentration immunoassay test (CITE), field enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), and D-Teccompetitive cELISA. Other supplemental tests may be

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    added from time to time. Only the designatedbrucellosis epidemiologist may use and interpretresults of supplemental tests.

    2. Semen plasma test

    The semen plasma test is approved as an official test in

    bulls that are used for artificial insemination when thetest is used in conjunction with an official test on bloodserum. The classification of these animals must be basedon the maximum agglutination titer of either the bloodtest or the semen plasma test.

    3. Brucellosis milk surveillance tests (BMST)

    a. Standard BRTThe standard BRT is performed on pooledmilk from dairy herds and represents all of thelactating cows that contributed milk to that sample.

    The BRT samples are to be tested in approved

    laboratories according to the standard test procedurespublished by VS.

    A modified BRT procedure is available for use on pooledcream samples from dairy herds selling creamcommercially.

    (1) Collection proceduresSamples of pooled milk frompipeline segments, bulk tanks, or milk cans are tobe collected in at least four rounds per year atmilk receiving stations, dairy processing plants,or individual dairy herds in each State. Allcommercial dairy herds will be tested in at least

    three of the four BRT rounds per year in Class Aand B States and at least twice in Class FreeStates. States may increase the frequency of milkcollections to improve the effectiveness of thissurveillance method. Records should be kept foreach collection point on each collection indicatinghow the samples were handled by the dairy plantafter the samples were collected at the farm andbefore subsamples were collected for the BRT.

    (2) BRT test procedures and adjustmentsTo provideadequate surveillance for brucellosis in large

    dairy herds, the sensitivity of the BRT must beadjusted according to the size of the herd tocompensate for the dilution of milk from infectedanimals with milk from large numbers of noninfectednegative animals. Increasing the sensitivity ofthe BRT increases the probability that brucellosiswill be detected during the early stages of thedisease in the herd.

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    The number of lactating cows represented in thecomposite herd milk sample has a significantinfluence on the sensitivity of the BRT.Consequently, the first step in conducting the BRTis to determine the approximate herd size in orderto adjust the sensitivity of the test.

    (a) Estimate approximate herd size by:

    (i) Dividing the average milk production percow in the State into the total poundsof milk that the dairy processing plantreceived from each herd; or

    (ii) Reviewing recent blood test records forthat herd and adjusting for theestimated number of nonlactatinganimals; or

    (iii) Asking owner, county agent, or dairyfield representative.

    (b) Use fresh milk samples from herds milking 150or more cows. Milk samples preserved witheither formalin or potassium dichromate areacceptable for herds smaller than 150 head.

    (c) Adjust the volume of the milk sample for herdsize according to table 7.

    Table 7Correct volume of milk samples, in milliliters, by the size of the herd contributing to the sample,for the brucellosis ring test

    ______________________________________________________________________Number oflactatinganimals Sample size

    _____________________________________________________________________1150 1 mL151450 2 mL451700 3 mL


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    In herds with more than 700 lactating cows,segment the herd into subunits (25 to 75 cows)and collect composite milk samples from eachsubunit from the milk pipeline. Herds withfewer than 700 lactating cows may also besegmented using the 1-mL test method for each60-cow composite milk sample.

    (d) Add 0.1 ml of gravity cream (24 drops) frombrucellosis-negative cows to each BRT tuberegardless of the volume of milk used. Obtaingravity cream by using BRT-negative milk from aherd that has at least 50 cows in order to avoidindividual differences in creaming quality. Donot pasteurize or clarify the milk used toobtain the negative cream.

    (e) Add 0.03 ml (1 drop) of BRT antigen per test,regardless of the volume of milk.

    (f) Interpret test results as positive or negative.In the standard 1-mL ring test, the result ispositive when the blue color of the cream layeris as dark as or darker than the color of theskim portion of the milk. In the 2-mL and 3-mLtests, the result is positive when the bluecolor of the cream layer is darker than thecolor of the skim milk portion of the sample.

    b. Serially diluted BRTThe serially diluted BRT procedureis used by designated brucellosis epidemiologists toevaluate the level of antibodies in the milk ofindividual cows. This test is commonly performed on

    separate milk samples from individual quarters.

    If a composite sample of milk from individual quartersis used, it is important that equal quantities of milkfrom each quarter be added to the composite sample.Unprocessed raw milk from a herd of brucellosis-negative cows must be used for diluting the testsamples and for obtaining negative cream. The negativemilk must be obtained from a herd with 25 or more cowsto compensate for variations among individual animalsin the creaming factors of the test milk. This specialtest is often combined with bacteriologic attempts to


    from aseptically collected milksamples.

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    c. The heat-inactivated ring test (HIRT)This test is anapproved supplemental test procedure for milk and/orcream samples whose results from the BRT aresuspicious. The interpretation of HIRT results must bemade in conjunction with other epidemiologic factors bya designated brucellosis epidemiologist.

    The sensitivity of the HIRT must be adjusted using thesame procedures as the BRT.

    d. The California BRTThe California BRT was developed toreduce the resources necessary when segmenting largedairy herds. It is performed on pooled milk from dairyherds and represents all of the lactating cows thatcontributed milk to that sample.

    The California BRT samples are to be tested in approvedlaboratories. Collection and test procedures are thesame as the Standard BRT (e.a.) with the exception ofthe amount of milk, which is described in table 8.

    Table 8California BRT. Correct volume of milk samples, in milliliters, by the size of the herd contributingto the sample.


    Number of lactating animals Sample size_________________________________________________

    6150 1.0151250 1.5251350 2.0351500 2.5

    501700 3.07011,000 3.51,0011,500 4.0


    4. Milk ELISA Tests

    a. I dexx Her dChek Mi l k Ant i body Test Thi s i s an of f i ci alt est whi ch may be per f ormed on pool ed mi l k f r om dai r yher ds and r epr esent s al l of t he l act at i ng cows t hatcont r i but ed mi l k t o t hat sampl e. The number ofl act at i ng cows r epr esent ed i n the composi t e her d mi l ksampl e must be f ewer t han 1, 000 ani mal s. Thi s t est mayal so be used t o eval uat e i ndi vi dual ani mal s. Mi l ksampl es shoul d be col l ect ed usi ng t he same pr ocedur esas t he br ucel l osi s r i ng t est .

    5. Procedures for Moving Restricted Cattle and/or Bison

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    A. Per mi t s

    1. Permit (cattle and bison)An of f i ci al document ( VS Form 127 or comparabl e St at e f orm) , i ssued by a VSr epr esent at i ve, St at e r epr esent at i ve, or accr edi t edvet er i nar i an, t hat must accompany cer t ai n r est r i ct ed

    ani mal s. A per mi t does not i ncl ude a Per mi t f or Ent r yor S- br and per mi t . The per mi t must l i st one of t hef ol l owi ng t ypes of i dent i f i cat i on f or each ani mal :

    a. Of f i ci al eart ag, or

    b. USDA backt ag, or

    c. I f t he ani mal i s r egi st er ed by a br eed associ at i onr ecogni zed by VS, t he

    ( 1) I ndi vi dual ani mal r egi st r at i on number ,

    ( 2) I ndi vi dual ani mal r egi st r at i on t at t oo, or

    ( 3) I ndi vi dual ani mal r egi st r at i on br and.

    I t must l i st any react or t ag number ( s) , owner ' s nameand addr ess, l ocat i on of or i gi n and dest i nat i on, numberof ani mal s cover ed, and t he pur pose of t he movement .No di ver si on f r om t he per mi t t ed dest i nat i on i s al l owed.I f a change i n dest i nat i on i s desi r ed or becomesnecessar y, a new permi t must be obt ai ned. The copi es

    must be di st r i but ed as i ndi cat ed on t he per mi t .

    2. S-brand permit (cattle and/or bison)A document t hat i sr equi r ed t o accompany t he movement of cer t ai n rest r i ct edani mal s. I t shows:

    a. t he or i gi n,

    b. t he dest i nat i on,

    c. t he number of r est r i ct ed cat t l e and/ or bi son,

    d. t he pur pose of t he movement ,

    e. t he USDA backt ag numbers ( when appl i ed ser i al l y, onl yt he begi nni ng and t he endi ng number need be r ecorded) ,and

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    f . a st at ement cer t i f yi ng t he S- br and i dent i f i cat i on.

    I t must be pr epar ed at t he poi nt of or i gi n by anaccr edi t ed vet er i nar i an, a r epr esent at i ve of t he St at e orFeder al ani mal heal t h of f i ci al s, or a desi gnat ed of f i ci alat a quar ant i ned f eedl ot . A copy of t hi s S- br and per mi tmust be i mmedi atel y sent t o t he St ate ani mal heal t h

    of f i ci al , wi t h t he or i gi nal accompanyi ng t he ani mal s. Theor i gi nal must be del i ver ed at t he dest i nat i on and kept att hat l ocat i on f or a mi ni mum of 6 mont hs.

    3. Permit for entry (cattle and/or bison)A pr emovementaut hor i zat i on f or ani mal s t o move i nt o a St at e, whi ch mustbe obt ai ned f r om t he St at e ani mal heal t h of f i ci al i n t heSt ate of dest i nat i on bef ore t he ani mal s are moved. Theaut hor i zat i on f or ent r y wi l l st at e t he condi t i ons underwhi ch t he movement may be made. These condi t i ons may be i naddi t i on t o t he r equi r ement s i n t hese UM&R and t he Code ofFeder al Regul at i ons. The aut hor i zat i on may be wr i t t en ororal .

    B. Movement of Rest r i ct ed Ani mal s

    1. React or sAl l cat t l e and/ or bi son t hat t est posi t i ve t o t hecar d t est on f ar m or r anch or at st ockyar ds must becl assi f i ed as r eact or s unl ess suppl ement al t est s ar econduct ed. Appr oved suppl ement al t est s f or use atst ockyar ds onl y ar e t he st andar d pl at e t est , r i vanol t est ,and CI TE t est . Al l ot her suppl ement al t est i ng must beconduct ed at St at eFeder al br ucel l osi s l abor at or i es.React or s must not be moved wi t hout a permi t unl ess t heyar e accompani ed di r ect l y to t hei r dest i nat i on by a St at eor Feder al ani mal heal t h repr esent at i ve.

    Reactor cat t l e and/ or bi son must r emai n on t he pr emi seswher e t hey ar e f ound unt i l a St at e or Feder al per mi t f orsl aught er i s obt ai ned ( see sect i on A1, Per mi t s, i mmedi atel y pr ecedi ng) . The ani mal s must not be di ver t edf r om t he per mi t t ed dest i nat i on. The r eact or ani mal s canbe t agged and br anded ei t her on t he f arm or at a St ate-appr oved or f eder al l y appr oved st ockyar d. React or si dent i f i ed at l i vest ock mar ket s may onl y move t o sl aught er

    or r et ur n t o t he her d of or i gi n f or f ur t her eval uat i on.

    a. Movement t o sl aught erReact or ani mal s must be t aggedand B- br anded ei t her or f ar m or r anch or at aspeci f i cal l y appr oved st ockyar d bef ore movement t osl aught er . They must move t o a r ecogni zed sl aught erest abl i shment or t o an appr oved st ockyar d f or f ur t her

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    movement t o a r ecogni zed sl aught er est abl i shment wi t hi n15 days of bei ng t agged and br anded. Thi s t i me per i odmay be ext ended 15 days f or r easons mutual l y accept abl et o t he St at e or Feder al of f i ci al i n char ge. When movedt o appr oved st ockyar ds or i nt er medi at e handl i ngf aci l i t i es, t he r eact or s must be segr egat ed f r om al lot h

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