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Post on 06-Dec-2014






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2. A phrasal verb is a combination of a verband a single-word or multi-wordprepositional phrase that form a completesemantic unit as a phrase. It is usually two-word phrases consisting of :verb + adverb or verb + preposition 3. Break in: force entry to a buildingEx: Somebody broke in last night and stole ourstereo. 4. Fall Down: fall to the groundEx: The picture that you hung up last nightfell down this morning. 5. Get up: get out of bedEx: I got up early today to study for myexam. 6. Make up: apply cosmetics toEx: My sisters made me up for my graduationparty. 7. How to Learn Phrasal Verbs: 1. Read and listen. When you see or heara phrasal verb you dont know, write itdown. Copy the whole sentence.Understanding the context how thephrase is used with the other words in thesentence is what will make it possible foryou to use the phrase yourself in thefuture. 8. 2.Find out the meaning in that specificcontext. This is where a teacher or nativeEnglish speaker can save you time,because there is often more than onemeaning for each phrasal verb or look itup in a dictionary and decide whichdefinition fits best in context. 9. 3.Practice it in conversation and/orwriting. Get feedback from a teacher ornative English speaker about whether ornot youre using it the way nativespeakers do. 10. 4.Study your list of phrasal verbs andkeep adding to the list. If you find aphrasal verb from your list used in a newway, write down the new example 11. Importance of knowing phrasalverbs and their meanings.o Having a rich Phrasal verb vocabulary enables you tospeak English effortlessly. In order to understand, speak,read and write good English, one needs to be skilled inthem.o Many competitive exams test the knowledge of Englishand the knowledge of these verbs holds greatimportance. Every aspirant must be aware of them.o Such verbs and their meanings are used very frequentlyin the English language. They are used in the informalsense in everyday language, opposite to the moreformal verbs. To speak English fluently, one must have acommand over English. 12. 1. Why do you think phrasal verbs are importantto learn in this english class?2. What do you think is the better wayTo improve your knowledge about phrasalverbs?3. Make a list with all the phrasal verbs you learnin today class and try to explain each one usingyour own words. Then compare your meaningswith those of your classmates. 13. Assignment:In a group of 7 people make a drama inwhich you use many phrasal verbs as youcanand add some new ones.Representing them through actions.

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