tavares high school - lake.k12.fl.us  · web viewthe following scholarships are still available:...

Post on 30-Aug-2018






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Today is Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Students interested in going on a field trip to Marine Lab in Key Largo next school year, come by Mrs. Farner’s class during Learning Opportunities for more information and to sign up.

The Chorus Department will have its annual end of the year spring concert this Thursday in the THS Auditorium starting at 6:00. There is no admission required to attend the concert. Come out for an evening of great music from both the classical and contemporary periods.

Are you singer? Is performing something you love do? Do you think you’re the next Tavares Idol? If so, then make sure you attend an informational meeting during Learning Opportunities on Friday where we will discuss the audition process and how to prepare to be the next Tavares Idol. Auditions will be held after school on Monday with the show being on May 5 at 6:00 PM in the THS Auditorium. Tavares Idol is being sponsored by the THS Chorus and Theatre Department. See Mr. Batko if you have any questions.

Do you want to see snow? Do you want to see ice? Do you want to see FIRE? Don’t miss the THS 2018 Fire and Ice Prom! Tickets are on sale in Mrs. Croker’s office, during both lunches, and in the guidance office all day on Friday. Tickets are $65 for seniors, $70 for juniors, and $75 for students who do not go to THS. Make sure to get your guest waivers in to an administrator before Thursday. Cash only. No checks will be accepted. Tickets will not be sold at the door.


Seniors, if you have applied to attend Lake Tech next year after graduation, please see Mrs. Croker before this Thursday for an opportunity to qualify for the Principal’s Scholarship.

Scholarship interviews continue through the 27th. Seniors will be given a pass in advance to report to the guidance office and can use this pass to return to class. We will make every effort to minimize classroom interruptions . Thank you in advance for sending students promptly to the guidance office.


SENIORS, Award Night is May 1st. If you have received any institutional scholarships and would like to be recognized at the ceremony, please see Mrs. Paulling or Mrs. Croker before April 23rd.

Senior Checklists will go out during Senior Week. Final transcript requests can be made on that form. They will be due May 4th. All seniors must complete a checklist to be cleared for graduation.

Lake Sumter State College is offering a free four day summer bridge program for graduating seniors interested in a Bachelor’s program with a STEM Major.Applications can be done on line at LSCC.EDU/STEM . See Mrs. Croker for more information.

Students, if you are interested in a Broadcasting Career, there is a management training program in the area looking for candidates. Please see Mrs. Croker for more information.

Any 10th grade student who would like to Dual Enroll next year should see Mr. Stevens in guidance for a PERT test form.

Florida Elks Youth CampSummer Counselor in Training and Counselor Positions AvailableApplications are available in Guidance.


Florida Farm Bureau Youth Speech ContestApplication must be completed to participate in the contest on May 2, 2018

Michael Yasick ADHD ScholarshipDeadline is May 31, 2018

Waste Management Corporation of America$1,000.00 scholarship for seniors that reside in Minneola, Mascotte, Howey in the Hills and AstatulaDeadline is April 30, 2018

TENAJ Salon InstituteScholarships for CosmetologyApplications are in Guidance

Beta Theta Fi Fraternity ScholarshipMale Students planning to enroll at FSUApplications are in Guidance

Florida A & M University Alumni Association ScholarshipSeniors attending FAMU in the FallDeadline is May 2nd, 2018

LSSC has scholarships availableApplications are on line and info is available in the guidance office

Give Kids A Chance ScholarshipDeadline April 30th

Horatio Alger Scholarship ProgramSeniors interested in a Technical EducationApplication Opens March 15, 2018

Lake County Farm BureauDeadline April 30, 2018Open to Juniors and Seniors

Applications are in the Guidance OfficeAdrian Rubin ScholarshipAmount $1,000.00Deadline January 1, 2019

Seniors, Scholarship Deadlines are rapidly approaching. Please stop by the Guidance Office if you have not already done so to pick up your applications. The following Scholarships are still available: Lehner, Scott Strong , Jones Brothers, SunTrust ,Fred Griffin, Edwin Budge Mead, Alpha Delta Kappa, Linda Kohlmeyer, Florida Elks, Eustis Elks, LCAEOP.

College Covered.Com powered by Discover Student LoansScholarship Amount up to $10,000Applications are in Guidance.

Seniors who are planning to attend LSSC in the Fall, please stop by guidance and pick up the Tavares Lion Club Scholarship application. Also, the LSSC website has scholarship application as well. See Mrs. Croker for any questions.

Men of Principle Scholarship Eligible male students accepted to FSU

Scholarship amount $500.00Applications are in Guidance.

Scholarships at a GlanceEligible seniors interested in careers in the beauty industryApplication Deadline varies

Lake Sumter State College ScholarshipsEligible seniors planning to attend LSSC in the Fall of 2018-Presidents’s Scholarship of $1.200 for students with a 3.0 GPA-Trustee Scholarship of $2,400 for students with a 3.5 GPA-William/Johnson Scholarship of $1200 for eligible minority students with a 3.0 GPA- LSSC Opportunity Scholarship provides a tuition waiver of up to 12 credit hours for students with a 3.0 GPAAll applications are on line at www.lssc.edu under the news heading and click on High School Scholarship Application.

University of Florida First Year ScholarshipsEligible students planning to attend UNFApplications are in the Guidance Office.

AaronStrong Perserverance ScholarshipEligible seniors who have faced adversity .Scholarship Amount is $718.00Application Deadline is Saturday

Florida Southern College Orchestra and String Scholarship Audition Information is available in Guidance.

The University of Florida and Florida State University have partnered with the Coalition for Access, Affordability and Success. This is a new on line platform to assist with the college application process. You may access these tools at www.coalitionforcollegeaccess.org.

Florida Credit Union is offering two scholarships for graduating seniors. Parents and or students must be a member of the Florida Credit Union.




Mount Dora Center for Arts is looking for volunteers to help with their summer art camp. See Team Guidance for an application.

Word of the Day

autophyteBon Appetit Word of the Day:When you see phyte in an English word your mind should go green, because the word surely has something to do with plants (owing to Greek phyton, "plant"). You may also know that auto means "self," but this doesn't quite showcase what an autophyte is. It's a plant (like most green plants) than can make its own food. The other kind would be heterophytes, or parasitic plants that dine out on other plants' food.

On This Day in History

1590 - The Sultan of Morocco launched his successful attack to capture Timbuktu.

1644 - The Ming Chongzhen emperor committed suicide by hanging himself.

1684 - A patent was granted for the thimble.

1707 - At the Battle of Almansa, Franco-Spanish forces defeated the Anglo-Portugese.

1792 - The guillotine was first used to execute highwayman Nicolas J. Pelletier.

1831 - The New York and Harlem Railway was incorporated in New York City.

1846 - The Mexican-American War ignited as a result of disputes over claims to Texas boundaries. The outcome of the war fixed Texas' southern boundary at the Rio Grande River.

1859 - Work began on the Suez Canal in Egypt.

1860 - The first Japanese diplomats to visit a foreign power reached Washington, DC. They remained in the U.S. capital for several weeks while discussing expansion of trade with the United States.

1862 - Union Admiral Farragut occupied New Orleans, LA.

1864 - After facing defeat in the Red River Campaign, Union General Nathaniel Bank returned to Alexandria, LA.

1867 - Tokyo was opened for foreign trade.

1882 - French commander Henri Riviere seized the citadel of Hanoi in Indochina.

1898 - The U.S. declared war on Spain. Spain had declared war on the U.S. the day before.

1901 - New York became the first state to require license plates for cars. The fee was $1.

1915 - During World War I, Australian and New Zealand troops landed at Gallipoli in Turkey in hopes of attacking the Central Powers from below. The attack was unsuccessful.

1925 - General Paul von Hindenburg took office as president of Germany.

1926 - In Iran, Reza Kahn was crowned Shah and choose the name "Pehlevi."

1928 - A seeing eye dog was used for the first time.

1938 - "Your Family and Mine," a radio serial, was first broadcast.

1940 - W2XBS (now WCBS-TV) in New York City presented the first circus on TV.

1945 - U.S. and Soviet forces met at Torgau, Germany on Elbe River.

1945 - Delegates from about 50 countries met in San Francisco to organize the United Nations.

1952 - After a three-day fight against Chinese Communist Forces, the Gloucestershire Regiment was annihilated on "Gloucester Hill," in Korea.

1953 - U.S. Senator Wayne Morse ended the longest speech in U.S. Senate history. The speech on the Offshore Oil Bill lasted 22 hours and 26 minutes.

1953 - Dr. James D. Watson and Dr. Francis H.C. Crick suggested the double helix structure of DNA.

1954 - The prototype manufacture of the first solar battery was announced by the Bell Laboratories in New York City.

1957 - Operations began at the first experimental sodium nuclear reactor.

1959 - St. Lawrence Seaway opened to shipping. The water way connects the Great Lakes and the Atlantic Ocean.

1961 - Robert Noyce was granted a patent for the integrated circuit.

1962 - The U.S. spacecraft, Ranger, crashed on the Moon.

1967 - Colorado Governor John Love signed the first law legalizing abortion in the U.S. The law was limited to therapeutic abortions when agreed to, unanimously, by a panel of three physicians.

1971 - The country of Bangladesh was established.

1974 - Portuguese dictator Antonio Salazar was overthrown in a military coup.

1976 - Portugal ratified a constitution. It was first revised on October 30, 1982.

1980 - In Iran, a commando mission to rescue hostages was aborted after mechanical problems disabled three of the eight helicopters involved. During the evacuation, a helicopter and a transport plan collided and exploded. Eight U.S. servicemen were killed. The mission was aimed at freeing American hostages that had been taken at the U.S. embassy in Tehran on November 4, 1979. The event took place April 24th Washington, DC, time.

1982 - In accordance with Camp David agreements, Israel completed its Sinai withdrawal.

1983 - Soviet leader Yuri V. Andropov invited Samantha Smith to visit his country after receiving a letter in which the U.S. schoolgirl expressed fears about nuclear war.

1983 - The Pioneer 10 spacecraft crossed Pluto's orbit, speeding on its endless voyage through the Milky Way.

1984 - In France, over one million people demonstrated to show they favored the decentralization of education.

1984 - David Anthony Kennedy, the son of Robert F. Kennedy, was found dead of a drug overdose in a hotel room.

1985 - "Big River (The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn)" opened at the Eugene O 誰 eill Theatre on Broadway in New York City.

1987 - In Washington, DC, 100,000 people protested the U.S. policy in Central America.

1987 - Peter O'Toole opened in "Pygmalion" on Broadway.

1988 - In Israel, John "Ivan the Terrible" Demjanuk was sentenced to death as a Nazi war criminal.

1990 - Sandinista rule ended in Nicaragua.

1990 - The U.S. Hubble Space Telescope was placed into Earth's orbit. It was released by the space shuttle Discovery.

1992 - Islamic forces in Afghanistan took control of most of the capital of Kabul following the collapse of the Communist government.

1996 - The main assembly of the Palestine Liberation Organization voted to revoke clauses in its charter that called for an armed struggle to destroy Israel.

1998 - U.S. first lady Hillary Rodham Clinton on was questioned by Whitewater prosecutors on videotape about her work as a private lawyer for the failed savings and loan at the center of the investigation.

2003 - Winnie Madikizela-Mandela, the anti-apartheid leader and ex-wife of former President Nelson Mandela, was sentenced to four years in prison for her conviction on fraud and theft charges. She was convicted of 43 counts of fraud and 25 of theft of money from a women's political league.

2007 - The Dow Jones industrial average closed above 13,000 for the first time.

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