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For the Intelligence process, the Intelligence Evolution and the

Improvement of Quality and Perspective of Action

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The Self and the Absence of Time

If someone claims that the Absence of Time is a completely normal matter whose comprehension bears enormous practical and tangible results, he will be neither believable nor perceivable.

If someone insists that the Absence of Time is and has always been a state united with Time, then again most would consider this allegation odd, without basis and with no whatsoever practical result, without any essence.

If again, someone keeps insisting in supporting that the Absence of Time is the basis of Creation with perspective and that the specific theory applies everywhere, for any type of creation, whether concerning humans or occurring in nature and the universe, then he will be considered by the majority as a charlatan or insane.

However, all the above allegations are absolutely true and anyone can determine the truth, not only by reading this book but by observing his own life, the life of those around him as well as everything related to Creation and to Perspective within Life.

The Interrelation of Causality with Our Intelligence Evolution

The majority believes that our Intelligence evolution is mainly related to education, specialization, gathering information that beyond any doubt is valuable. Knowledge and experience are considered to be the primary elements for our Intelligence evolution, in the way they are stored in our memory or anywhere else (e.g. magnetic media, internet, books) or acquired within the frame of training.

But in its basis, our Intelligence evolution depends on a life attitude, a spontaneous manner of the action of the mind that is associated with the continuous comprehension of information that is constant and unchangeable through time and space. This specific information is Principles which in the field of the exact sciences are named Laws. The perception of Causality, of Principles, of their relation to events and situations, leads us to the next level of information perception, the one of Rules – Axioms, which in the social field we name Values. Subsequently, this exact flow of information brings about the reliable perception of Attributes – Characteristics, which in the social field become perceivable as Skills.

The Evolution of Intelligence: Α Transition to the Relativity and Timing

Through two events of enormous importance, which constitute a solid basis for further developments, the twentieth century marks the transition from the times when the possession and use of information, knowledge, was of great value as it monopolized the interest of humanity, to the times of Relativity and Timing of information. In the following centuries concern is radically displaced from information and knowledge to the Intelligence Process, in other words to anything that constantly and incessantly creates the new rhythm of the unknown until before, reliable and substantial information and not to the final information itself. This implies a turn towards the constant Perception / Consciousness / Comprehension of the individual operations of the Intelligence Process, which we defined as Relativity and Timing of information.

The first event starts form Einstein’s discoveries, and others’ following his path, providing the basic Principles and various Axioms (Rules) about the behavior of light and quantum physics.

The second event is related to information technology, networks, the internet, global data banks and the rapid transmission of information. All these developments convert very quickly what has been considered for many centuries precious, the element of knowledge acquisition, to a routine.

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Incomplete Dialogues with Acknowledged Personalities

Dialogues concerning the mental constitution, the order of the mind, Intelligence Evolution and Intelligence Process which do not have any continuation, they have not been completed. The main reason is that these dialogues concern comments, clarifications and additions on expressed opinions of people who are not alive. Besides, very few dialogues are really completed, providing something new and substantial to those who converse; most of the times, each stands by their previous opinions, misinterpreting and limiting information, so that it matches what they already know, even when the new proves its value through time.

Through the dialogues we seek the comprehension of our considerations; the ones regarding knowledge and the effective management of the basic factors that contribute to the evolution of the mind as well as the ones that cause limitations and mind disorganization. At the same time, the various additions, clarifications and diversifications – on views expressed by the people with whom we develop this peculiar dialogue – were made so that their opinions as well as our answers/views could become easier understood.

Intelligence Process and Limitless Intelligence

The comprehension of the intelligence process and of the intelligence evolution in practice requires the constant and deep understanding of three points:

A) Time and Absence of Time are a common, constantly united state. Anything related to matter and energy inside what we perceive as space and time – and so the human – is affected by this unified state of Time and Absence of Time.

Β) The Absence of Time – constant and unchangeable information though time – is what we call in natural science Principles. The basic Principles are common in social science – social cognitive field – as well as in natural science. We just give them different names, while they provoke the same results.

C) Intelligence Process is not exclusively a human case· occurs everywhere, in the entire universe, it occurs constantly and it has created humans and their brain.

Action and Outstanding Performance

Action that is related to outstanding performance, perspective and sustainability is evoked and controlled by information not related to our knowledge and experiences.

There is new – until lately unknown – reliable and substantial information, which does not occur from our knowledge, experiences, senses or emotions. The manner of perception of the unknown and substantial information that leads to action and through it essential innovation and discoveries are made, is known to us from the exact sciences and technology.

However, this manner is the one in which the new and substantial information is perceived, in every conceptual field such as, social, management, the relations of humans between them and with the environment. In every case the unknown and substantial occurs in the identical manner always and everywhere; through the comprehension of the Principles….

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Dialogues 2012 – 2013 / Dialogues 2013 – 2014 / Dialogues 2014 – 2015

We live in a world where matters are governed by Principles and not by our desires and goals. Event with stability and perspective are a result of Principles. The comprehension of Principles leads to understanding and causing events that are stable and have an evolutionary perspective in every cognitive field. Non comprehension (consciousness - awareness) of Principles and of the flow of information from Principles to the events – deviation from Principles – means that the desired event will not occur or if caused it will be of large energy demands and unstable.

We should not consider, even because of ignorance or of delusions imposed by desires or of doubt, that while Principles and Values – Axioms – Rules determine the development of the events in all universe, they do not exist or even if they do they act as Ethics especially for the social cognitive field, for human relationships, Management etc. In any case, Principles function as determinant information that regulates the stability and evolutionary perspective of the events. They are the basis for our Intelligence evolution.

Time, Intelligence Process and Outstanding Performance

Logic is the past (time) and Intelligence is related with the new /unknown substantial information from which comes the event that has stability and evolutionary perspective. In many cases an event occurs through the combination of the new, unknown and substantial information with existing information and events. An event that didn’t exist in the past (time) becomes reality and acquires stability and evolutionary perspective through Intelligence.

The majority of humans use their Logic (knowledge and experiences) to resolve problems and manage situations. They try, based on the past and on the information they have from the past, to understand the future. This means that they try to solve the problem mainly by using that which has created the problem, which is the past that includes the inability to perceive the present and the difficulty to adjust accordingly.

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Truth, Beauty and their Absolute Relation with Intelligence and Creation

Through the comprehension of some words, of some notions comes an inestimable practical value; a spontaneous life attitude is created, specific behaviors that determine our life.

The strange thing about those words is that the comprehension has no beginning and no end. Those notions have an incredible range that renders them constantly understandable.

The way and the level of comprehension respectively determine the way and the level that the notions practically affect our life. This effect can be powerful and unconscious at the same time. It can lead us in a non-obvious way through perceptions and behaviors which are unconscious.

In this book, there is a presentation of some of those words, the most important ones. As with all our books it supports the understanding of a reliable Primary Basis of Thought, which is the most simple and essential factor for our Intelligence development and for the continuous improvement of the quality and prospect of action.

Investment Decisions with Quality and Perspective, in Absolute Relation to the Integrated Intelligence Process

It concerns those who manage portfolios, make investment decisions on behalf of others or for themselves, as well as those who choose and delegate to others the management of their funds or need consulting in order to decide on their investments.

The readers will find that what we develop are extremely useful for making investment decisions in any sector, such as investing in real estate, ideas, business and other activities.

The specific view is substantiated with examples from the field of investments. Essentially, we refer to the obvious, to the fact that the constant improvement of the comprehension of the overall and its relation to the partial is the way to the developments prospect.

In this book we present a radically different approach concerning investment decision making in order for you to estimate its value compared to those already used in global market.

The Destructure of Intellectual Process via Analytical Thought

We develop a dialogue with extracts from the book Thinking, Fast and Slow by Daniel Kahneman, in order for the simple comprehension of the enormous problems caused globally to the quality of the Intelligence Process, to Intelligence Evolution and so to the quality and perspective of action because of analysis and analytical thinking. It focuses on thought, perception and problems of great extent and serious consequences due to the tortuous understanding of information by the majority. It is a book that concentrates on the manner that the human mind operates.

We will easily understand that Analysis, which is a result of bipolar perception (perception through opposites and scales) imposes great limitations on our Intelligence evolution and hence on the quality and prospect of action. Senses and emotions have established the bipolar perceptual system. However, it is about time to focus our attention on the Total (Spherical) Perceptual System with which in some cases we operate unconsciously. The transition from the bipolar to the overall perceptual system will create new information with inconceivable speed regarding the quality and prospect of perception and action.

Hopefully one day this book will be read by those who are concerned with the field of education, implement and evaluate, by instructors and mainly by those who are being educated and by the ones that contribute financially and support in any way this institution.

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Sports and Intelligence Those who are related to sports, either as athletes or as sports factors and fans, they perceive sports as a vehicle of emotional expression and form an idealized image. So, they keep striving to achieve the goal of each occasion, they experience emotions due to the persons’ or groups’ preeminence (athletes and fans) against opponents and consume themselves to similar, conscient or unconscient assertions.

Under these circumstances, a secondary meaning is given to the positive proffer of sports, pertaining to health and socialization. Finally, we realize that the following two facts are the dominant:

Α) The financial, that administers the fans need for emotional expression and the athletes ambition for distinction –mainly via the form of pursuit of power(of dynamism), of lead and preeminence – with a view to maximize the earnings, often without rules and limits, at the expense of the perspective and sustainability and

Β) The emotion itself, which most of the time is out of control to whom are related with sports (fans, factors and athletes).

Furthermore, for all those who are concerned with sports, a precious unperceived function exists. The possibility for all those who are involved in sports of loosing the sense of time for what they love and do. The loss of the sense of time for what we love constitutes the basic element for our Intelligence evolution and, therefore, for a life with beauty and completion.

The INTELLIGENCE PROCESS: Information Relativity and Timing

The majority considers that Intelligence is a process that takes place inside the human brain. There are few who have realized the undoubted fact that we and our brain are the result of the Intelligence Process. There are few who have understood that the Intelligence Process is a situation, an act of connecting the Self with the Whole.

In the first part of the book, there is a presentation of the Intelligence Process from the time it began until today, with the consideration about the way that information and Intelligence affect energy and matter.

In the second part of the book, there is a presentation of the relation of the Intelligence Process to the human.

This book is timely identified to the establishment of the IPC network and constitutes the source for the rest of the books and communicative texts. It has been continuously enriched and it will not be published unless our potentials for development and evolution regarding the Intelligence Process, Relativity and Timing will be exhausted.

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Latest Update 06/ 01/2015



PAGES [A/4] (approximately)






1 The Self and the Absence of Time 200 proofreading

texts in Translation Aug. 2013

2 The Interrelation of Causality with Our Intelligence Evolution

190 proofreading

texts in Translation Dec. 2013

3 The Evolution of Intelligence: Α Transition to the Relativity and Timing

150 proofreading

texts in Translation Oct. 2014

4 Incomplete Dialogues with Acknowledged Personalities

700 proofreading

texts in Translation Jun.2014

5 Intelligence Process and Limitless Intelligence

80 For final editing Translated

For final editing Jun. 2013

6 Action and Outstanding Performance 100 For final editing in Translation Jul. 2013

7 Dialogues 2012 - 2013 180 proofreading

texts - Jul. 2012

8 Dialogues 2013 - 2014 330 proofreading

texts - Jul. 2013

9 Dialogues 2014 - 2015 - is in progress - Jul. 2014

10 Time, Intelligence Process and Outstanding Performance

150 proofreading

texts in Translation Feb.2012

11 Truth, Beauty and their Absolute Relation with Intelligence and Creation

180 For final editing in Translation May. 2012

12 Investment Decisions with Quality and Perspective, in Absolute Relation to the Integrated Intelligence Process

- is in progress in Translation Nov. 2014

13 The Destructure of Intellectual Process via Analytical Thought

170 proofreading

texts in Translation Dec. 2014

14 Sports and Intelligence - is in progress in Translation Dec. 2014

15 The INTELLIGENCE PROCESS: Information Relativity and Timing


proofreading texts

In constant evolution

in Translation Jan. 2013




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