self improvement tips for your personal development

Post on 11-Feb-2015






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Self Improvement Tips

for your Personal


Start from being a kid the personality of an individual depends on its environment. It also depends on the people who raise them. People can also change the personality of an individual like in school and in work. If you have a good personality, you will definitely have lots of friends who like you much. If you have a bad personality, people will not get close to you. If you notice that there is something wrong with your attitude or personality, you should do something to improve your personal development. If you have lot of friends, you definitely have a good personality. Growing up is a part of everyone’s life, there are people who grows old, but their personality don’t grow up. If you want to improve yourself, read the tips below.


Here are some Tips on

How to Improve your self

Don’t Delay

If you are planning to do something, do it and don’t hesitate or be lazy. You definitely don’t want to regret something in your life. For example, you just got home from your job, and you still have something to do at home like, washing plates or cleaning your house. If you don’t do it, you will definitely be lazy on doing it. Isn’t it better if you do things that you need to finish? In that way, you don’t need to think about it and you can relax your mind. You will have more problems if you leave other things undone.

Forget Goals

Most people say that you need to set your goal to have a good future. But some people say that setting a goal is not healthy. If your goal can make you happy, you definitely won’t notice other things that can possibly make you happy because you are focused on one thing. When you achieve your goal, you will definitely have different feeling because there are times that your goal is not like what you expected to be and sometimes it won’t satisfy you. All you need to do is enjoy your life, do what you think that is good and grab every opportunity that comes into your life.

Face your Fear

There are definitely things that you feared most or you don’t want to do. If you don’t want to do a certain thing, you definitely lack of courage or lack of confidence. For example, you don’t want to go into a gym because people will stare at you. Don’t be scared or shy, you need to do it. Sooner or later, you will get used to it and you will be confident on doing it. You don’t need to pull yourself down, all you need to do is raise your head and be confident on everything that you do. Break the walls around you, don’t build walls. If you live in a fearless life, you can definitely make your life easily and less problems.

Try other things

If you have a daily routine or pattern in your life, why not try changing them? Try other things that you don’t usually do. Do something unusual. For example, you always eat a certain meal on a restaurant, why not trying other meals? It is a good way to experience other things. If you don’t try other things, you won’t know other good things and you will stock on the usual thing that you do. It’s just like reading books; if you focus on a certain genre, you won’t know the other genre’s that will also interests you. Doing other things that you don’t usually do can also expand your knowledge. Don’t you want to expand your knowledge or experience?

New language

Learning new language can also help on self improvement. Learning how to speak English fluently can also help on self improvement. If you know how to talk to others and you understand them, you will definitely learn new things. If you learn other language, you will definitely want to visit lots of places. For example, you learn how to speak French, you definitely want to go to France and talk to people in France. Learning how to speak and talk to other people will give you a good impression to other people like when people talks to you, if you don’t talk back to them, that is already a bad impression.

Accept things

If something bad happens to us, sometimes we try to change it or fix it. Sometimes if we cannot do anything to it, we don’t stop thinking about it and we just fall to depression. If you accept everything that happens into your life, you will definitely be happy. If you can’t change a thing that happens in your life, just accept it. Nothing will happen if you just think about it. Accepting can help you to manage the situation. For example, you only have little money left and it is still one week before salary comes. Instead of getting depress about it, all you need to do is think of a way on how you will be able to live for one week with that amount of money.

Be kind

If you are kind to other, you will definitely have lot of friends. Being generous is not all about lending money, it also about helping others. If you help others, they will definitely give you something in return. For example, there are people who ask for your help, and you helped them. If the time comes that you are the one that already need their help, they will definitely help you. If you show bad attitude on other people, they will surely show bad attitude on you.

Have Fun

If you are a hard working person, you still need to have a break. I’m not saying you will take a break on your working hours. You need to do something that will remove your stress from work. You can do it if you have free time after your work. Having fun can definitely bring you into a good mood. Most people when they are tired, they are easily getting angry. So it is very important to take a break, you spend your whole life working. You need a time to enjoy. For example, you are done in your work; you can go into a bar or treat yourself on some restaurant. You can also go out and have fun with your friends or workmates.

Having a good attitude or personality can help you on your daily living. As I’ve mentioned above, if you show a bad attitude to other, they will surely show a bad attitude on you. If you don’t help others, they won’t help you either. If you want to know more about improving personality or self improvement you can follow us on Twitter and Facebook.

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