science fod’s. 1. which word describes every object and substance on earth?

Post on 01-Jan-2016






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Science FOD’s

1. Which word describes every object and substance on Earth?

1. Matter

2. What is matter made up of?

2. Elements

3. How many known elements are there?

3. Over 100

4. What is the smallest part of an element called?

4. Atom

5. What is the result when you combine two or more elements to make a new substance?

5. Compound

6. How would you show the compound of water?

6. H2O

7. How would you show the compound of salt?

7. NaCl

8. What is the smallest part of a compound?

8. Molecule

9. What state of matter is made of molecules tightly packed together with a definite shape?

9. Solid

10. What state of matter is made of molecules not tightly packed together that take the shape of their container?

10. Liquid

11. What state of matter is made of molecules spread fairly far apart and have no definite shape?

11. Gas

12. What word describes things we can change about matter and still have the same matter we started with?

12. Physical Change (Crumbling Paper)

13. What word describes things we can change about matter that results in a new type of matter?

13. Chemical Change (Burning paper)

14. How can we make molecules move faster?

14. Increase temperature

15. What happens to solids when heat is added?

15. They melt and form a liquid

16. What happens to liquids when heat is added?

16. They evaporate and form a gas

17. What happens to gas when heat is removed?

17. They condense and form a liquid

18. What happens to liquids when heat is removed?

18. They freeze and form a solid

19. What is created when different types of compounds are joined together but can be separated again?

19. Mixture

20. What is created when different types of compounds are joined together and become a new substance?

20. Solution

21. How can we separate materials in a solution?

21. Heat and evaporate one substance to leave the other behind

22. Which term describes a systematic process to investigating a question?

22. Scientific Method

23. Which word describes using senses to collect information about the environment?

23. Observation

24. Which word describes using prior knowledge and experiences to generate conclusions?

24. Inference

25. Which word means a fair test driven by a hypothesis?

25. Experiment

26. What defines what is to be investigated in an experiment and is often written as a question?

26. Purpose

27. What is it called when you read, get advice, or make observations about a project?

27. Research

28. Which word means an educated guess about what will happen in an experiment?

28. Hypothesis

29. What is the list of items used in an experiment called?

29. Materials

30. What are the step by step directions to follow in order to conduct an experiment?

30. Procedure

31. Which word means change?

31. Variable

32. Which variable do you change in setting up an experiment?

32. Independent Variable

33. What variable changes as a result of the experiment?

33. Dependent Variable

34. What parts of the experiment are kept the same so they don’t interfere with the results?

34. Constants

35. How many independent variables can you have in an experiment?

35. One

36. How many dependent variables can you have in an experiment?

36. Unlimited, it depends on how many things change in the experiment

37. What is a graph, chart, or table used to display results called?

37. Data

38. What is the summary that supports or contradicts the hypothesis?

38. Conclusion

39. What type of measurement is used in all scientific experiments?

39. Metric System

40. Which type of data use descriptions and observations to show results?

40. Qualitative Data

41. Which type of data use numbers and graphs to show results?

41. Quantitative Data

42. What is the light we see called?

42. White Light

43. What is white light actually made of?

43. A combination of different colors all mixed together

44. What term describes the different colors that get separated into a rainbow?

44. Visible Spectrum

45. What is the order of colors in the visible spectrum?

45. Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, Violet (ROY G. BIV)

46. What object is often used to break white light apart into the visible spectrum?

46. Prism

47. Which color has the longest wavelength?

47. Red

48. Which color has the shortest wavelength?

48. Violet

49. How does light travel?

49. In straight paths called rays

50. How long does it take light from the sun to reach Earth 150 million km away?

50. Less than 8 ½ minutes

51. What term describes light hitting an object and bouncing back?

51. Reflection

52. What term describes light hitting an object and bending to go off in another direction?

52. Refraction

53. What term describes when light passes through the object it hits?

53. Transmit

54. What term describes when light is taken into the object it hits and stored as heat energy?

54. Absorb

55. What objects allow lots of light to pass through them clearly?

55. Transparent

56. What objects only allow some light to pass through, scattering the image?

56. Translucent

57. What objects do not allow any light to pass through?

57. Opaque

58. What is used on many optical tools to enlarge or clarify an image?

58. Lenses and Mirrors

59. Who was the first person to use a telescope to study the sky?

59. Galileo

60. What lensmaker made the first simple microscope?

60. Anton van Leewenhoek

61. Who first observed that light travels at different wavelengths and bends at different angles to produce the visible spectrum?

61. Isaac Newton

62. Who first used a compound microscope to study?

62. Robert Hook

63. What is sound?

63. A form of energy

64. How are sounds produced?

64. Through vibrations

65. How does sound travel?

65. In waves

66. What is a wave?

66. A disturbance moving through a solid, liquid, or gas

67. What is the high point of a wave called?

67. Crest

68. What is the low point of a wave called?

68. Trough

69. How are wavelengths measured?

69. From crest to crest

70. What material can sound waves travel through?

70. All matter – solids, liquids, and gases

71. What material does sound travel fastest through?

71. Solids, because the molecules are closest together

72. What material can sound waves not travel through?

72. Vacuum

73. What term is given to the number of waves that happen in a certain period of time?

73. Frequency

74. What term describes the “highness” or “lowness” of a sound?

74. Pitch

75. How is pitch determined?

75. By the frequency of vibrating objects

76. Which type of vibrations produce a higher pitch?

76. Faster vibrations

77. How does a person produce sound?

77. Vibrations of vocal chords

78. How do musical instruments produce sounds?

78. Vibrations of strings or columns of air

79. What term is used for animals that rely on sound to find objects for directions or food?

79. Echolocation

80. What term describes an electronic tool that is used to detect and locate objects in air or space?

80. Radar

81. What term describes an electronic tool that is used to detect and locate objects underwater?

81. Sonar

82. What is the smallest part of all living things?

82. Cells

83. Where do cells come from?

83. Existing cells

84. What are the 4 main parts of an animal cell?

84. Nucleus, Cell Membrane, Vacuoles, Cytoplasm

85. What shape do animal cells tend to be?

85. Spherical

86. What are the 6 main parts of a plant cell?

86. Nucleus, Vacuoles, Cytoplasm, Cell Membrane, Cell Wall, Chloroplast

87. What shape do plant cells tend to be?

87. Rectangular

88. What parts of a plant cell are not found in an animal cell?

88. Cell Wall and Chloroplast

89. What are the five groups of living things organized into?

89. Kingdoms

90. What are the 5 Kingdoms?

90. Monera, Protist, Fungi, Plant, and Animal

91. Which type of plants have stems, roots, and leaves with tube-like structures that carry food and water?

91. Vascular

92. What part of the plant carries food and water from the roots to the leaves in vascular plants?

92. Xylem

93. What part of the plant carries food and water from the leaves to the other parts of a vascular plant?

93. Phloem

94. Name some vascular plants.

94. Flowers, Trees, Grass, Bushes

95. What makes nonvascular plants different from vascular plants?

95. Nonvascular plants don’t have specialized parts.

96. Name a nonvascular plant.

96. Moss

97. Which type of plants are most common?

97. Vascular

98. Which type of animal has a backbone?

98. Vertebrate

99. Which type of animal does not have a backbone?

99. Invertebrate

100. What are the groups that vertebrates are classified into?

100. Mammals, Birds, Fish, Reptiles, and Amphibians

101. What are the groups that invertebrates are classified into?

101. Sponges, Cnidarians, Annelids, Mollusks, Echinoderms, and Arthropods

102. How much of the Earth’s surface is covered by oceans?

102. About 70 %

103. What is the shallow part of the ocean floor that is close to the edge of the continent called?

103. Continental Shelf

104. What is the land from the edge of the shelf descending to the deep water of the ocean basin or floor called?

104. Continental Slope

105. What is the gently sloping area made of sediment washed down from the slope called?

105. Continental Rise

106. What is the vast open floor of the ocean called?

106. Continental Plain

107. What are underwater mountains called?

107. Mid-ocean ridge

108. What are deep narrow valleys in the ocean floor called?

108. Trenches

109. What is ocean water made up of?

109. Gases (air) and dissolved solids like salt

110. What can affect the salinity of ocean water?

110. Rates of evaporation and runoff from nearby land

111.What are the basic motions of ocean water?

112. What causes ocean currents?

111. Currents, waves, and tides

112. What causes ocean currents?

112. Wind patterns and differences in density from salinity and temperature changes

113. What is one well-known current?

113. Gulf Stream

114. What do currents affect?

114. Mixing of ocean waters, Plant and animal populations, Navigation routes

115. As you get deeper into the ocean, what factors increase and decrease?

115. Temperature and Light decrease and Pressure increases

116. Which organisms drift about in the nutrient-rich areas of the open ocean?

116. Plankton

117. Which type of plankton are animals?

117. Zooplankton

118. Which type of plankton are plants that produce much of the Earth’s oxygen and serve as the base of the ocean ecosystem?

118. Phytoplankton

119. Which animals can swim and control their own movements?

119. Nekton

120. Which organisms live in or on the ocean bottom?

120. Benthos

121. What are some resources found in the ocean?

121. Food, Fossil fuels, Minerals, Petroleum, Ores, and Salt

122. What are some of the negative effects people have on oceans?

122. Pollution, Sewage, Oil Spills, and Overfishing

123. What model shows the continued process of change in the Earth and its rocks?

123. Rock Cycle

124. Which 2 factors inside the Earth cause rocks to change into other types of rocks?

124. Heat and Pressure

125. Which 2 factors at the surface of the Earth cause rocks to change into other types of rocks?

125. Weathering and Erosion

126. What are the 5 properties that you can look for in determining types of rocks?

126. Composition, Grain Size, Texture, Color, and Fossils

127. Which type of rock is formed from layers of sediments being cemented together?

127. Sedimentary

128. Which type of rock is formed from the melting and cooling of lava and magma?

128. Igneous

129. Which type of rock is changed from heat and pressure?

129. Metamorphic

130. How old is the Earth?

130. 4.6 billion years old

131. What are the remains of plants and animals preserved into rocks called?

131. Fossils

132. What are fossils indicators of?

132. Past climate and geography

133. What is the breaking and wearing away of rocks into smaller pieces by wind, water, ice, and chemical changes?

133. Weathering

134. What is the moving of weathered rocks and soil by wind, water, or ice?

134. Erosion

135. What are the large continent-sized blocks that move slowly about the Earth’s surface called?

135. Plates

136. What causes plates to move?

136. Heat

137. How often are plates moving?

137. All the time

138. What are the plate boundaries called where most earthquakes and volcanoes occur?

138. Faults

139. What are boundaries called where plates move towards each other?

139. Convergent

140. What are boundaries called where plates move away from each other?

140. Divergent

141. What are boundaries called where plates slide past each other?

141. Sliding

142. Which layer of Earth is made of rock and soil?

142. Crust

143. Which layer of Earth is made of solid rock and some partially melted rock?

143. Mantle

144. Which layer of Earth is made of melted rock such as iron and nickel?

144. Outer Core

145. Which layer of Earth is made of solid rock because of heat and pressure compacting it?

145. Inner Core

146. Which two things increase with depth beneath the surface of the Earth?

146. Heat and Pressure

147. What term describes the clearing away of forestland for farming, which also causes erosion?

147. Deforestation

148. What legislation was made to help prevent or slow down the effects of erosion?

148. Land Reclamation Act

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