
Post on 21-Dec-2014






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Strobe photography basketball gym Turner AMAT


Studio Lights in the Gym:

A Joint Proposal forthe Athletic Department, Journalism Departmentand Academy of Media Arts and Technologyat R.L. Turner High School

PurposeIn large arenas across the country, the use of large strobe lights is common practice for photographers in order to obtain greater detail and clearer images of the professional athletes they are paid to shoot.

This proposal aims to justify equipping the large gymnasium at R.L. Turner High School with professional strobe lights for use by photographers at athletic events. For the photography students of The Academy of Media Arts and Technology (AMAT) this setup would provide them an opportunity to learn concepts of studio and sports photography in one unique setting. Photographers for the newspaper and yearbook can also make use of the lighting setup for shooting sporting events and pep rallies. The Athletic Department benefits by obtaining high-quality photos they can archive and disseminate to the campus and local media.

Explaining Sports Photography

Most gyms and arenas provide less-than-ideal conditions for photographing sports. Trying to shoot under low-light conditions and setting cameras to capture the high-speed action can be a daunting task.

In earlier times, most photographers’ only option was to use a strobe light attached to the camera. While effective, it also created harsh highlights and dark backgrounds.

Explaining Sports Photography

As film chemistry advanced, many photographers switched to high-speed films designed to deliver action pictures under low-light conditions. This technique is still used today.

While aesthetically better than on-camera flash, the images suffer from a loss of quality, often referred to as graininess, giving less detail and murkier colors than with flash photos.

Explaining Sports Photography

In the 1960s and 70s, magazines such as Sports Illustrated began to experiment with flash photography. In order to present clear, detailed photos without the effects of on-camera flash, photographers would mount large strobe lights in four corners of the arena.

These lights, more commonly used in portrait studios, are accompanied by power units that produce a flash powerful enough to be seen on the gym floor. The strobes were triggered by a radio control from the camera. Now photographers could shoot detailed pictures of their subjects without worrying about the gym’s lights being too dim.

Explaining Sports Photography

In this picture, one of the flash units can be seen behind the players. In this case, the strobes were mounted in the balcony.

With further experimentation, many photographers found that placing lights in the rafters produced more realistic results.

Most newer professional arenas now have built-in lighting accessible to professional photographers.

Explaining Sports Photography

Some contemporary examples of indoor sports photography.

Cost Analysis

Estimated cost of a lighting system for the gym will be approximately $3,000-$4,000, depending on the brand of equipment purchased, accessories, and possible setup expenses. Considering that this project will directly benefit three different departments within the school and can be used as a teaching tool, the expense can be justified. Financing the project can be coordinated among the Athletic Department, Journalism Department and AMAT.


Athletic Dept.: Able to provide quality photography to any photographer covering any athletic event in the gym, and non-athletic events such as pep rallies, conferences, and community events.

Journalism Dept.: Photographers can cover events in the gym and be assured of obtaining high-quality photos for publication.

AMAT: Can use the gym as a “lab” for study of the technical effects of strobe flash photography.

Final Word

This can be considered a pilot project for the school district. Its success can determine whether the district will consider the same installation for the other three high schools of the district.

By allowing outside press photographers access to the equipment, R.L. Turner can increase its profile in the Carrollton community and beyond.

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