restore pitchdeck

Post on 06-Sep-2014






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Team: Made for Silicon Valley Startup: Restore – The Social Volunteer App

Our team is a group of 4 like-minded people from Bay area who met through Venture Lab. We come from a variety of differing industries and educational backgrounds. For the first assignment we all met in person, discussed our personal stories, and set up our expectations for this class. We decided to use Google Docs to collaboratively create 17 possible startup ideas. After we all reviewed each idea offline and commented in the Google docs, we “virtually” met using Google+’s Hangout feature to clarify each idea and shortlist just 3 ideas. Again, we met virtually using Google Hangout to discuss these ideas as a group. We then shortlisted our top two ideas to pursue and assigned the owners to create a Business Model Canvas. After further review based on the implementation feasibility, class duration, and time commitment, we decided to proceed with a great non-profit idea… RESTORE, The Social Volunteer App. With changing our communities in mind, we collaboratively created the latest Business Model Canvas, Customer Discovery Questions, and Low-Fidelity Mockup/Prototype. We hope this looks like something you would use!


* Simple


Made for Silicon Valleyand other local communities everywhere!

Stanford E145

Welcome to Restore


* App takes you right into the map, skipping the standard signing screen per Apple's design guidelines.

* Adopted Instagram-style pictures on map with icon overlay.

* No signup needed until user goes to "Profile" or volunteers while looking at a specific project

* "Add a Need" is where user takes a picture and geotags it to the map, along with adding a few specifics of what the need/project is.




Profile List

Add a Need

Welcome to Restore


* When adding a need, user takes a picture of it

* picture screen includes the photo and small map of the current location





Welcome to Restore


* After taking a picture, the user can add some additional information






House Exterior


Helping StudentsExpected Hours 4.0

Material Needed Trimmers, rake, mower

Add the Need

Welcome to Restore


* App takes you right into the map, skipping the standard signing screen per Apple's design guidelines.

* Adopted Instagram-style pictures on map with icon overlay.

* No signup needed until user goes to "Profile" or volunteers while looking at a specific project

* "Add a Need" is where user takes a picture and geotags it to the map, along with adding a few specifics of what the need/project is.




Profile List

Add a Need

Need: Graffiti Clean Up

Estimated Hours: 2

Materials: Paint, Roller Brushes, Good Attitude!


* After zooming into community and clicking on a project's picture, app flows to this screen.

* Larger picture of need with smaller (actionable) map on right side.

* Below picture and map are a few further descriptions of the project.

* User can volunteer on the bottom of the screen using the "Volunteer" button.






Need: Graffiti Clean Up

Estimated Hours: 2

Materials: Paint, Roller Brushes, Good Attitude!


* If user hasn't signed up yet, when user clicks "Volunteer", the option to sign up pops up.

* User can sign in with Facebook OAuth or Email Address.







Email address

Sign up to Restore with

Thanks for volunteering!

Your community can't wait for you to make a difference! Confirm you will Restore this area below.


* User is required to confirm they want to volunteer with the project one time.





Thank you for

Restoring your community


* After confirming, user can share on Facebook (or their desired social network) that they have volunteered.

* Eventually they will be able to recruit friends to help them and schedule a time that works for their group.



Share on Facebook


* User can login to various social networks and add their friends.

* User can see past projects completed and status of their submitted Projects









Find Friends

IMGMatt Londre

mlondre8 Friends

Matt Londre



Privacy Policy

Terms of Service

About Restore


Submitted Projects

Past Restore Projects


These are two templates for our Customer Discovery Survey. We are lining up a number of interviewees and will have many completed surveys within the next few days. TARGET: Volunteers • How often do you volunteer? • Where have you volunteered and why? • Is there anything that would help you volunteer more? • Do you get credit for volunteering and from who? • Have you ever volunteered just because you wanted

to...for no credit/bc you had to? • How do you find where to volunteer? • Do you share your volunteer experiences with your

social networks? why/why not • Does your community or surrounding living area need

community help? paint, clean etc • Do you like the idea of being able to take pictures of

eye sores or projects in your community that need to be fixed or cleaned up?

• Who do you think would like this application? friend, mom, teacher, org etc

• Would you take pictures of things in the community that need fixing? would you fix them?

• Can you give us any advice or ideas for this application?

• Customer discovery survey: RESTORE

TARGET: Community Service Directors at Churches, Schools, etc. • How many volunteers do you help support? • How many hours do each of your volunteers help each

year, on average? • How do your volunteers find where to volunteer? • Is there anything that would help your volunteers help

more? • How do you give keep track of credit (hours worked) for

volunteers? • Would a mobile app and companion web app help

organize people's volunteer time? • How do people get credit for volunteering without a

sign-off from a supervisor? • Do you like the idea of people taking pictures of needed

projects in your community that need to be fixed or cleaned up, posting them to a a map, and having others volunteer to help the situation?

• Who do you think would like this application? friend, mom, teacher, org etc

• Can you give us any advice or ideas for this application?

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