regular meeting minutes camp hill borough council … · to do about a $2,000,000 project for about...

Post on 08-Jul-2020






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7:00 P.M.

Call to Order Bonnie Bentz Pledge of Allegiance Richard Guerin Moment of Silent Reflection Alissa Packer Roll Call Carl Schultz Leigh Twiford Erin Vroman Zach Williard Ms. Twiford called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM. All Council members were in attendance except for Mr. Williard.


Ms. Packer made a motion to approve the May 13, 2020 Borough Council Meeting Minutes. Ms. Vroman seconded the motion. The motion passed with all in favor. Ms. Packer made a motion to approve the May 28, 2020 Borough Council Meeting Minutes. Mr. Guerin seconded the motion. The motion passed with all in favor.


Mayor Simpson gave his report during the Public Safety part of the meeting.


Ms. Twiford gave an update on the Chick-fil-A argument. May 22nd Camp Hill Borough attorneys, Ron Lucas and Josh Bonn filed a brief to Cumberland County with regard to Michael Serluco doing business as consolidated properties versus the Borough of Camp Hill, docket number 202000747. On May 28, McNees, Wallace and Nurick filed a brief on behalf of consolidated properties. Judge Placey will hear the arguments from the attorneys on June 19, 2020 at 9:00 a.m. The judge will make his decision after he hears the arguments. It may be weeks or months until the Borough learns of the decision.

Ms. Twiford led a discussion on the Merion Road Walkway. A preliminary estimate of $300,000 was given. Mr. Schultz suggested that it be assigned to a committee and to get more information on the project. Mr. Dennis stated that he and Mr. Hess met with Tri-County to have a pre-grant application meeting, relative to the Eisenhower walkway, as well as Creston Road improvements. One of the improvements that HRG is researching right now would be to make a “do not enter” for traffic on Creston Road into the neighborhood and then to create a concrete surface into the right of way to allow people to walk into that neighborhood safely. There are

some issues relative to working with Penndot. The Public Works Committee will work to get more information on these projects.


Brett Miller thanked Council for having the engineer take a look at the path. She noticed the lot was still for sale where the potential path can go. She stated that she is glad that the Borough is looking at not only the path, but at the Creston Road intersection as well. Jennifer Hoover stated that she agrees with Ms. Miller and she thanked Council for having the projects at Creston Road and the Merion Road walkway sent to the Public Works Committee. She stated that while it sounds like a lot of money for the projects, she encouraged everyone to take it in larger context as a percentage of the total budget. She stated that the number in the larger scope of things is worth the investment to provide safety to students and pedestrians. She suggested adding additional references and citations back to relevant Borough code or statutes on the procedures on the agenda for this meeting. She thanked the Chief and the Mayor for expressing their commitment on behalf of the department to assure safety and for their responsiveness to her questions. Ms. Hoover stated that she noticed that there was no statement on the Borough website, the police website, or on social media in light of tragic events, so she encouraged the statement be added to the websites. Chris Courogen thanked Chief for his message and for being transparent. He asked how many people would benefit from the path, as that is a lot of money to spend there. He asked why it is not required of residents to put sidewalks in in front of their homes. Mr. Courogen also stated that he felt the grant funding that is being awarded to the church is a misuse of tax dollars, since they don’t pay taxes, they should not benefit from the resident’s taxes.


Mayor Simpson thanked residents that sent emails to the Police Chief and himself over the past couple of weeks, as they asked good questions. He stated that the police station is currently reviewing the Use of Force Policy and he stated that it is pretty sound, but they do need to add duty to intervene if another officer is doing something they shouldn’t, so that is in the works. Ms. Vroman added that the next Public Safety Committee Meeting will be held on Zoom on June 25th at 4:30 p.m.


Mr. Dennis stated that he will keep Council informed on the funding of the Merion Road and Creston Road projects. There is a 20% match that can be used towards the construction. The Borough will continue to work with the engineers and with Penndot on these projects. He spoke on behalf of the parks and recreation department as the county will move to green on Friday. He stated that the turf and basketball courts will be open at the parks on Friday. Signs will be updated at the parks. The cleaning of the playground equipment will be done by Tuesday, allowing it to be open starting Wednesday of next week. No bathrooms will be open at

the parks for now, but there are porta johns at the parks in the meantime. He stated that the pool will be opening on June 19th, with precautions in place.


Ms. Bentz made a motion to approve the payment of checks for May 2020 in the amount of $521,790.91. Mr. Guerin seconded the motion. The motion passed with all in favor.


Ms. Bentz stated that the Public Works Committee met yesterday and discussed three items. The planting plans for the compost areas has come to agreement and will be planted in the fall. The request for medallions to be placed on the columbarium was discussed and is being researched. The pesticide use in the Borough is being experimented with different kinds of weed killers that do not include glyphosate. Mr. Robbins is currently evaluating the best possible options with his crew. Ms. Bentz made a motion to approve the sanitary and storm sewer cleaning and inspection

contract. HRG has reviewed and recommends approval of Application for Payment #3 in the

amount of $21,447.16 to Pipe Services Corporation with a remaining work order balance

available of $469,272.90. Mr. Guerin second the motion. The motion passed with all in favor.

Ms. Bentz made a motion to approve the 2019 Sewer Rehab project. HRG has reviewed and

recommends approval of Application for Payment #3 in the amount of $57,072.44 to Wexcon,

Inc. with a remaining contract balance of $15,323.75. Mr. Schultz seconded the motion. The

motion passed with all in favor.

Ms. Bentz made a motion to approve the 2019 Stormwater improvements contract. HRG has reviewed and recommends approval of Application for Payment #4 (Final) in the amount of $2,250.00 to MacMor Construction LLC with zero balance remaining. Mr. Guerin seconded the motion. The motion passed with all in favor.

COMMUNITY & BUSINESS RELATIONS Mr. Schultz stated that there will be a Community and Business Relations Committee Meeting on June 12th at 5:30 p.m. He stated that there was a very small number of businesses that closed and there are some new businesses that will be opening up soon. There is additional COVID funding available for small businesses that the Downtown Association will be working on making sure Camp Hill businesses can benefit from that. He made a statement in regards to the statement about the funding for the church that the programs is geared to provide improvements to the street. Mr. Stinnett added that it would violate the church’s right to not grant the funding.


Ms. Vroman stated that things have been constantly changing but that Ms. Logar has done a great job of running with it. Ms. Logar made a comment that the Box Lunches will be starting in July. The musician will be playing, but it will be “bring your own lunches.”


Mr. Guerin shared that nineteen permits needed to be approved on Monday morning, so things are moving there. He stated that the committee will be starting the public meetings for the zoning revision and continue work on the SALDO.


Ms. Packer shared that Council put together a policy manual to better define how Council will work together and how Council will work with the Borough manager and Borough staff. They wanted to create a document that laid out expectations for each other, so that they can all work well together. When it is agreed upon it will be passed as a resolution. The goal is to bring it to Council to be passed as a resolution in July. The manual can be amended as needed and is there to be a guide for Council. Mr. Schultz added that it is the goal to continue transparency with the public. Ms. Vroman asked what the plan is for recording meetings. Mr. Dennis shared that there is an individual that will be recording the July Council Meeting and he will be posting to the Borough Youtube page.


Mr. Guerin shared that the track and turf will be used for sports practices starting June 15 th. He shared that the SALDO review will be continuing at the next Planning Commission meeting.

COMMENTS FROM COUNCIL Mr. Guerin thanked both Chief Simpson and Chief Margeson for all of their work and for their efforts in evaluating our police policies and procedures. Mr. Schultz stated that it is great that the SALDO review will be continuing. He stated that it would be appreciated if Mr. Guerin could give updates in case others are not able to attend the meetings. Ms. Vroman said thank you to the residents who gave public comments and thanked the residents who attended the meeting. She also thanked Chief, Mayor, Mr. Robbins, Mr. Miller, Mr. Dennis, and Ms. Logar for all of their hard work over the past few months. She asked the

public that if they do plan to congregate as a community for a cause if they could communicate to Council by emailing so that all of Council receives the email.


Chris Courogen asked for the cost amount for the video recording of Council meetings and stated there may be a cheaper option. In response to his earlier comment regarding the church that is receiving the grant, that he feels that resident tax dollars shouldn’t go towards any non-profits or to help downtown businesses. Brett Miller clarified that the Merion Road Path was being referred to Public Works and not Public Safety and asked when the next Public Works meeting will be happening. Ms. Twiford confirmed that it is Public Works. Ms. Bentz stated that she will schedule a meeting and will post the date. Ms. Miller stated that she is concerned about the lot still being for sale. Mr. Dennis shared that he did talk to the property owner, so he knows of the Borough’s interest and intentions. Jennifer Hoover asked if the videos of the Council Meetings will be live or archive videos and she asked how quickly the videos would be posted. Mr. Dennis clarified that the videos would be archive and will be posted 24-48 hours after the meeting. She stated that regarding the continuation of SALDO, the legal briefs filed by Council pointed out several things and she would just encourage the briefs to be reviewed during the continuation of SALDO. She stated that regarding the procedures manual, if there can be an explanation as to why or why not there is an additional reference back to statute of Borough code that would be appreciated. Mr. Stinnett stated that we already do have the statute of Borough code, so that is already in place and being followed, so he would recommend that Council not include that in the procedures manual.


Ms. Vroman made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Ms. Bentz seconded the motion. Ms. Twiford adjourned the meeting at 8:16 PM.


JUNE 24, 2020 8:00 A.M.

Bonnie Bentz

Pat Dennis Richard Guerin

Mike Hess Sam Robbins

Eric Stump Zach Williard

Ms. Bentz called the meeting to order at 8:00 a.m.

PUBLIC COMMENT Mick Reinhard, 456 Creston Road: Mr. Reinhard stated that he is against the Creston Road

Project. He feels it would cut off the roadway too much for cars as well as for emergency vehicle access. Dennis Hoffer, 2845 Cumberland Boulevard: Mr. Hoffer stated that he notices a lot of cars

speeding in this area and shared that he and his family were almost hit while walking on Creston. He feels that the South to North option is not going to help the safety issue there except for maybe the curb area. He stated that he has an issue with the sidewalk and no parking, as there are no other sidewalks in that development besides along Country Club Road. The other issue he sees is with the elevation on Creston Road. He asked if it was going to be lowered since there is a six (6) or eight (8) inch curb. He said that he redid his landscaping specifically to make sure his house does not flood because of the elevation. His neighbor mentioned to him about trying to get the access to this part of the road closed, making it a dead-end, so he was curious if that could be an option. He feels that if the Creston Road improvement is completed without any protection along the bypass, it’s still not going to eliminate vehicles jumping curbs or people walking along the shoulder. Mr. Williard mentioned that they discussed the option of making Creston Road a dead-end in Public Safety about two years ago and it was pushed back by fire and police, because it cuts off safety access. Mr. Dennis followed up by stating that they are looking for the safest and the most sellable option to present to Penndot. Sherry Bowman, 498 N. 25th Street: Ms. Bowman thanked the Committee for reviewing this.

She stated that residents need a safe passage and that she is in support of the path idea as it would not disrupt the traffic flow. She suggested the lot be made into a park and have the path going through it for pedestrians. She encouraged the Committee to go deeper into the path idea. Brett Miller, 848 Wynnewood Road: Mr. Miller stated that safety has to be number one. She stated that the area in the Borough is a gem, as this is probably the only Borough school district where it is completely walking and no school buses. She feels that safety should be invested in. She appreciates both options. She stated that Penndot is happy to work with the Borough on safety issues and that money is available in a variety of different grants. She said she knows that people in Camp Hill care about their kids and safety.

Mike Patterson, 448 Creston Road: Mr. Patterson asked if there were incidents at this corner. He thought the best idea would be to put in sidewalks and stated that making Creston a one-way out is probably not the answer, as that will force more traffic to 25 th Street or require them to go up to Country Club Road and sit at the light. He would suggest a left turn onto the bypass from Creston to avoid more traffic throughout the neighborhood. Don Hoffer, son lives on corner of Creston Road: Mr. Hoffer asked what the purpose of

sidewalks would be if there was a trail put in. Mr. Williard and Mr. Guerin answered that it would be one or the other and that was the premise of the meeting, to decide which route to go.



Engineers Mike Hess and Eric Stump gave their report on where they are at in the process and their recommendations for the projects. Mr. Hess stated that the study is still pretty preliminary at this point. They have put together some mapping and are getting lined up to do surveys. They have not gotten to the point of doing traffic counts/traffic studies yet. They do have some recommendations for this option, based on field view and their experience with working with Penndot. Mr. Stump stated that option one would be to make Creston a one-way road and to narrow the roadway to provide space for a sidewalk on one side of the road. Mr. Stump stated that HRG suggested making Creston ingress only. The suggestion for the ingress direction is to provide safety, as well as to give a cheaper option. The safety comes into play when you’re sitting at the stop sign trying to cross two lanes of traffic out of Creston, especially when traffic is moving pretty fast. He stated that removing the exiting traffic as opposed to entering traffic will provide a safer option, so Penndot may sway towards that option. If cars are egressing out of Creston Road it would require the left turn lane to be removed which could give a cost of around $60,000 - $80,000 to make that adjustment. Mr. Stump noted that this would still allow emergency vehicles to get into the neighborhood easily. Mr. Williard stated that he preferred changing it to egress only.


Mr. Hess shared that the main issue with the suggestion to purchase the Merion Rd. vacant property to turn into a walkway is the slope on the property. The walkway would need to be ADA compliant, which is limited with how to do that because of the slopes. One way to deal with it would be less grading, which would require landings and hand rails. The ADA handrails are about $100/foot along both sides, so it can get pretty expensive. Another, less expensive option would be to add more fill. This would be HRG’s recommended suggestion. A pipe would need to be installed along here for drainage, but it would not require landings and hand rails. This would cost about $105,000 for construction. The property is $130,000. With design and permitting fees the total cost would be at about $250,000 - $275,000. Mr. Guerin asked about lighting. Mr. Hess said that they could add the lighting and will get the cost estimates to the Committee.

Ms. Bentz asked about the option of doing a mulch trail to help with costs. Mr. Hess said they would need to work in coordination with Penndot and see what they allow because it would connect to their right of way. He stated that Penndot will see this as more of a sidewalk than a trail, since the “trail” doesn’t connect to another trail. Not using a hard surface will make it harder to make the trail ADA compliant, but this idea can be researched. He stated that they went with an asphalt cost estimate, since it is slightly cheaper than concrete.

Ms. Bentz asked how large the land was and if it was big enough to label the Merion Land as a park. Would we then be able access monies to help with the installation of a park walkway? Even if it is labeled as a park which we can do, Mr. Dennis said that because the walkway ends in a street and basically doesn’t connect to another sidewalk or trail, we would not get any grant monies to offset the cost.

Mr. Hess stated that based on site photos and some of the mapping that was done, there is a possibility of wetlands on the east side of the property. If there are wetlands, it may adjust the layout of the trail and may adjust some of the costs. Mr. Hess stated that a little bit of impervious will be added to help with stormwater, but they can also use an infiltration trench.

Mr. Dennis shared that there was a pre-submission meeting with HATS about the possibility of receiving grant money for the Creston Road project. Mr. Dennis stated that there is pre-construction funding and post-construction funding. He is not sure if there are grants available that would apply to the path option, but that it could be explored to see if there is anything available for that. The grant application for Creston Road would need to be submitted by the end of July. Grants would be announced in September and then funded in October. This grant application would compete with other Borough grant applications.

Ms. Bentz asked about the section on the plan for Creston Road improvements where the curbing extends. Mr. Stump clarified that the grass would be extended a little further from the fence line to provide more visibility of people walking or biking along the road.

Ms. Bentz asked if the corner bump out is installed, instead of installing a sidewalk on Creston, could crossing stripes be used instead denoting the walking area along with some sort of rumble strip to separate the cars from the walkers. Would that provide enough safety? Mr. Stump responded that it would provide some considerable cost savings and that it would provide some safety. Mr. Stump and Mr. Hess stated that they can get the pricing options for this option as well.

Mr. Hess stated that a scoping meeting with Penndot would be helpful to get some feedback, since Penndot owns the curb and sidewalk in this area.

Mr. Guerin asked about a timeline for both of the projects. Mr. Stump mentioned that they could do a different form of analysis now on traffic in lieu of a formal study when school is in session and when traffic goes back to normal numbers post COVID.

Mr. Hess and Mr. Stump stated that if the Creston Road option was chosen and funded by HATS the timeline would have to follow the grant program timeline, which is typically a 12-mos design with federal funding, which would start in October. He stated that the Merion Road option could be a little quicker since they would not need to follow a grant program timeline. Mr. Hess stated that they would have to a Highway Occupancy Permit to connect to the underpass but other than that they would not have to follow grant timelines or have to get a lot of permits.

It was concluded that Mr. Dennis, Mr. Robbins, Mr. Hess and Mr. Stump would set up a preliminary meeting with Penndot. HRG will get lighting costs for the Merion proposal, the cost cuts of putting in painted crossing strips and a separator such as rumble strips in instead of the sidewalk on Creston, soft surface path options for Merion, cost and sketch ideas for one way out only on Creston, no right hand turn sign onto Creston, and creative ways to provide a pedestrian barrier for walking along the bypass from Creston to the tunnel. The traffic study will be conducted as well. The HATS grant funding process will continue for the Creston Road project.

PUBLIC COMMENT Brett Miller, 848 Wynnewood Road: Mr. Miller stated that she noticed that a lot of kids are being driven to school, using the Creston Road/ Bypass. If there was a safer way to walk to school, walking could be encouraged, allowing for less car traffic. She stated that Safe Routes to School provided funding to Penndot in the past for the walkway under the bypass onto Cumberland Blvd. She stated that it was encouraged to continue to provide safe routes for schools and that Penndot will want to work with them. She encourages the option for the path on Merion, as well as the no turn on Creston. Jennifer Hoover, 127 S. 31st Street: Ms. Hoover asked that if a sidewalk was installed on

Creston if it would be the Borough’s responsibility for maintaining, which Mr. Dennis and Mr. Robbins clarified that it would be. She stated that $130 to purchase the lot for sale on Merion seemed like nothing compared to the 1.8 million in the account that it would come out of. She encouraged the purchase of the lot to provide a safe option to the residents. Bruce Mclamahan, 2825 Merion Road: Mr. Mclamahan stated that he has lived at this location for 8 years and has lived in the neighborhood for 30 years. He stated that there have been very few accidents on Creston Road and that it has been fairly safe besides the issue on Cumberland Boulevard where the person was not crossing safely. He stated that he is in support of the Merion Road bypass and he suggested more enforcement on Creston Road to help with the issue of people speeding in that area.


Ms. Bentz adjourned the meeting at 9:05 a.m.


JUNE 25, 2020 4:30 P.M.


Steve Margeson Chris Miller

Sam Robbins Carl Schultz

Mark Simpson Erin Vroman

Zach Williard

Ms. Vroman began the meeting at 4:30 p.m.


There were not public comments made at this time.



Ms. Vroman began the discussion by asking Mr. Dennis if there was any allotted amount of money, any grant money, or a budget in place for the bike improvements. Mr. Dennis stated that funds were allocated during the budget process for several smaller projects, including the pork chop on 19th Street at $50,000, the Eisenhower Walkway at $60,000, and $50,000 for biking and walking improvements as a general denomination, putting the total at $160,000 last year. Mr. Dennis stated that the estimates came in at $100,000 for the pork chop project on 19th Street, instead of around the $50,000 amount that they originally thought it was going to be. The price differences were due to some stormwater mitigation efforts that were not originally planned for, the paving, and generally the numbers were just not what they were expected to be. This is being worked on with HRG to try to get the costs down. Mr. Dennis shared that he would like another 30 days to work with Mr. Robbins and HRG on pricing for this project before they would be able to discuss it again. He shared that $50,000 was in the budget as a placeholder for year one. He informed the Committee that no money is allocated for years going forward yet, but Council is going to reestablish that. Mr. Dennis stated that the Eisenhower Walkway project is moving forward. He stated that they are currently waiting for Penndot approval, as no particular plan has not been approved yet. Mr. Dennis said that the plan with this project is to replace the chain link fence with either a jersey barrier and sidewalk or some other restrictive way to keep cars off, which they are waiting on Penndot to give the ok on. The completion goal of that project is to be done before the end of

the year. Since HRG hasn’t received the ok from Penndot, HRG has not given a formal estimate yet. Mr. Dennis stated that they had also talked about another pork chop at the Beverly Park area, depending on how Mission BBQ impacted traffic. Since COVID hit and then the engineer left, there hasn’t been much feedback relative to Mission BBQ traffic. He stated that the money has been allocated to do the traffic study, which will be conducted shortly that will also involve public input. Ms. Vroman stated that she would like to see some of the projects that have been budgeted for started. She asked how to move forward with the projects. Mr. Dennis stated that HRG is working on finalizing the plans for Eisenhower. The pork chop is being worked on with HRG to get the cost down to be able to bring back to Committee. If the number for the 19th Street project comes in at $80,000 - $85,000 he stated that there are reserves to fall back on. If the Committee decides to not do the pork chop there are other projects that can be done instead with that money. Mr. Schultz asked if the budget changed due to COVID. Mr. Dennis stated that the only thing that would change is if Council decided to limit the amount of $1,200,000 from general fund that is normally transferred each year. Mr. Dennis shared that the Borough generates about $225,000 per year in the Liquid Fuels fund and there is about $600,000 in reserves in that account currently. These projects are solely funded by a state grant or a transfer from general funds, so the only way that it would be affected is if the cash flow was stopped. Mr. Williard stated that the short answer to getting these projects started would be to come up with priority projects. Ms. Vroman stated that she would like to see crosswalks go in, rapid flashing beacons go in, sharrows painted on prominent bike avenues, and the bike lane on Chestnut built out to Trindle Road, in conjunction with the Market Streetscape. She mentioned that there is also a recommendation in the study to move the stoplight from 29th Street and Market Street to 30th Street and Market Street. Mr. Dennis stated that the Committee will need to figure out which types of crosswalks and the locations of the top priority crosswalks so that estimates can be given. He stated that these can either be budgeted for and done next year, or they can use some of the reserves and start them now. If state aid is used, the corners will need to be ADA compliant. The Committee discussed options of building crosswalks without ADA ramps. Ms. Vroman stated that the park study shows where we need crosswalks. She said she would like to focus on high traffic areas. Mr. Dennis stated that they can be simple painted (24 inches) or continental lines. Ms. Vroman said that according to the study there are 130 places that need to crosswalks. Ms. Vroman stated that she would like the Committee to pick through them. Mr. Schultz stated that he would like to do the continental lines, which Mr. Robbins stated are about $12,000 for a standard continental. Mr. Dennis stated that they would need Penndot’s approval. Mr. Williard agreed that they could start by picking some of the highly safety related, high-traffic crosswalks that do not need ADA ramps. Mr. Dennis stated that once they get the final numbers from the pork chop, the Committee can look at what is still available to use to do sharrows. He mentioned that they could also dip into Liquid Fuels to do sharrows now. Ms. Vroman said she would like to spend the allocated money in the budget and would like to allocate more for next year. Mr. Dennis shared that there is

$60,000 allocated in this year’s budget in the liquid fuels account now for crosswalks. Most of it will be eaten up by Chestnut Street and 32nd Street. Matthew Byers with the Bike Friendly Committee stated that he thinks that crosswalks are a great way to spend the money. They provide safety for pedestrians and give a good calming to drivers, informing them that there could be pedestrians or bicyclists. He stated that he would point back to the study and the BFC (Bike Friendly Committee) where they ranked the crosswalks, as well as connecting the east and west at Logan/Lincoln across the bypass. Mr. Schultz suggested they all put together their wish list and kick it around. Mr. Dennis and Mr. Williard agreed that that would be a good way to start. Bob Diehl volunteered Bike Friendly Camp Hill to give a top 20 crosswalk list in a somewhat priority order. The Committee will then discuss how much they want to spend once they have the list. Ms. Vroman asked if the bike committee how they felt about sharrows. Matthew Byers stated that the best thing you can do is to put in separated bike lanes, but that sharrows are better than nothing and should be considered. He stated that connectivity is very important with the sharrows.


Ms. Vroman asked Chief Margeson if foot/bike patrols are a thing that is being done. Chief answered that it is a thing that is done, but it is limited and there is limited manpower to do this at this time. Most of the patrol through the area is done by vehicle and officers will get out if something is going on. They are trying to reinvigorate their bike patrol, specifically in the parks. Staffing, scheduling, vacation time all affect the manpower to do this more. There are three (3) officers who are trained and have equipment for this. Chief stated that the benefit of foot/bike patrols is that when an officer is on a bike they are able to have closer contact and can interact much easier than in a car, however, cars are so much more mobile and allows officers to get across town much faster. Chief stated that they do want to try to get out more now that parks and pool are open. Ms. Vroman stated that she would like to see more foot patrol during downtown events, as that can offer a huge interaction opportunity.

DISCUSSION ON “COFFEE WITH A COP” OR “OFFICERS IN THE PARK” SCHEDULE Ms. Vroman asked Chief about restarting “Coffee with a Cop.” Chief stated that now that coffee locations are back open they will restart that. Ms. Vroman asked if there could be better communication and promoting of this event. Chief shared that there was pretty good success with this leading up to things closing. He stated that it has been very well received by proprietors and customers and that it puts a face and a name and cuts back on the intimidation factor. Chief stated that this will be advertised on the Borough and department websites and Facebook pages. Ms. Vroman also suggested advertising at the library. Ms. Vroman suggested doing a day or so in the park to get younger kids out meeting the cops. Chief had planned to have summer in the parks, but now that things are open again they can start planning again. The School Resource Officer, Joe Capers will start going into the parks within the next week or so. Chief informed the Committee that there would be no National Night out this year.


Mayor Simpson shared that they are back to fire department trainings. The police department was going to do a Jr. Police Academy, but unfortunately had to cancel for this year. Ms. Vroman asked for suggestions on ways that the fire department can be promoted for recruitment. Mayor Simpson answered that he has been with department for 26 years and they have done a number of different outreach promotions, such as going to schools, putting stuff on Facebook, open house nights, etc. He stated that it’s tough because there are so many opportunities for kids these days, but he is always open for suggestions. Mr. Schultz asked how much of a threat the man power is to the department. Mayor Simpson answered that it is a national threat, as manpower numbers are way down. He stated that staffing wise, they can always use more, but they have a good group of guys. He stated that it might come down to paying fire fighters. Mayor Simpson informed the Committee to contact him if someone is interested joining or volunteering. Mr. Robbins gave two updates. He stated that approval was received from Penndot for the larger no turn sign and it will now be positioned closer to make it more visible. He also shared that the school sign has been signed by the Borough and they are ordering the supplies to put the light up at Chestnut. The plan is for it to be done before school starts. Mr. Williard asked if there can be any additional interactions with schools and the police to help create trust and relationships with the police and kids/community. He said that given the small size and community-oriented nature of Camp Hill Borough, we are uniquely positioned to take advantage of strong police/children relationship that can pay dividends for our community in the future. Chief stated that they had police tours set up before COVID and have talked about extending that to the elementary schools. Mr. Williard asked if the Chief could work on putting a more formal plan together on different ways the police can interact with school age children and hold programs to build long term relationships. Ms. Vroman suggested them taking part in the 7th grade Career Choices.


Beth Kozicki said she would advise the Committee to also consider kids in strollers when discussing the ADA ramps at crosswalks. She also shared that her son is a junior firefighter and he would be happy to talk to anyone about what the experience has been like for him. Bob Diehl thanked the Committee for discussing these projects. He stated that it would be nice for the Bike Committee to see the plans from HRG in terms of any projects relating to improving biking/walking early on in order to weigh in on the plans. He added that the crosswalks will be looked at by the bike committee for recommendations.


Ms. Vroman adjourned the meeting at 5:39 p.m.



JUNE 26, 2020

8:00 A.M.

Bonnie Bentz

Pat Dennis

Leigh Twiford

Zach Williard


No public comments were made.



The Borough is conducting some additional revenue and expenditure forecasts due to Covid19. In a review of the revenue forecast Mr. Dennis adjusted the decrease in line item 310.210 on the “General Fund Revenue Page,” under “Local Enabling Taxes” from 25% down to 15%. Mr. Dennis stated that the Borough was hitting $1,450,000 in 2020. A 15% reduction of that amount gives a revenue loss of $217,000. Mr. Dennis shared that he talked to Benecon regarding disbursements for surpluses. Benecon said that dollar amounts are not being dramatically impacted but that timing of disbursements are being somewhat impacted. Mr. Dennis originally had $0 on the budget for the reimbursement of insurance, so he added back in about the average of what the Borough has gotten over the past few years, which is about $150,000. Ms. Twiford asked Mr. Dennis where the Borough is at in paying legal fees. Mr. Dennis stated

that he pulled all of the invoices from 2017 to date and is going to go line by line through them to

get a hard number on them. He will have the number to the Committee by Monday. He stated

that the number will most likely end up being at a couple of hundred thousand. The Borough has

spent $57,000 in legal fees this year to date. Mr. Dennis has $100,000 in legal fees budged

each year for 2021, 2022, and 2023.

Ms. Bentz asked about the camp fees line item, that showed a revenue of $55,000 when it had

been originally projected at $210,000. Mr. Dennis clarified that it will actually be more like

$190,000 in the hole, since the $55,000 has to be refunded due to the cancellation of camps.

Mr. Dennis stated that most camps had to cancel and that the pool is seeing a decrease in

numbers. The pool has made $600 in daily admission to date since the pool has been open,

and is at about $50,000 in pool pass sales. He said the pool usually makes about $140,000 in

revenue. Pool loss projection is probably around $30,000 - $40,000. If no more revenue is made

it may be more like $75,000 in loss. Between camps and the pool, it will be around $200,000 in

the loss for recreation, but the Borough does have income loss insurance so he will file a claim

for that.

Mr. Dennis stated that he will do what the Committee wants as far as cutting budgets or using

reserves to even out the loss for the year. Mr. Dennis stated that they know what the big ticket

items are that will need to be paid, which allows them to budget with those in mind. Mr. Williard

stated that he would recommend keeping the capital improvement fund of $1,200,000 so it is

there if needed and so that it is not sucked back into the budget for other expenses. He stated

that the current line of thinking is the Covid19 revenue losses are expected to be one- or two-

year impacts, and not ongoing forever. He stated that it is good to have that set aside for capital

projects because it may be hard to get it all back in the future.

Ms. Bentz asked about the “Capital Improvement Revenue” on the Capital Fund page which

outlines the projects that will use the Capital Fund amounts. Mr. Dennis stated that it will cost

$2,100,000 for the whole project. He informed the Committee that the Borough has $750,000 of

that subsidized from a grant from DCED. Council had agreed to put in $100,000 for that grant

application, making that $850,000. The Borough has a million dollar MTF grant out through

Penndot that has a 30% match if it is received, which would come to $400,000. The two grants

together would come to about $1,800,000 that they would cover. That would allow the Borough

to do about a $2,000,000 project for about $400,000.

The Creston improvements would not be impacted by the grants above. Mr. Dennis stated that

that project will go through the Harrisburg Area Transportation Study. This grant application is

due by the end of July.

Mr. Dennis stated that the engineering figures were affected by land development, which in this

case the numbers are affected more dramatically because of Chick-fil-a.


Mr. Dennis asked about guidance for budgeting for other upcoming Committee projects. Mr. Williard said that Capital Project requests typically come in in August and that should provide enough time to get a timeline in place once projects have gone through the discussion of wish lists in the Committees. Mr. Williard stated that they have two (2) CIP Meetings in the current draft timeline. Mr. Dennis suggested having three (3). The meetings will be held on August 13, August 19, and September 4. Mr. Dennis will provide the draft budget in the meantime for Council to review. Ms. Bentz shared that she would like discuss a focus on the houses to the left side of Country Club Road and of the safety of people walking to school at the next Public Safety Meeting.


Mr. Williard asked Mr. Dennis where things are at with interest rates at Centric Bank. Mr. Dennis

stated that he has emailed the contact there twice and has not heard back, but he will call her

again today. Mr. Williard clarified for the Committee that the Borough’s fund balance is all

invested in Centric Bank. There will be a line item in the budget for interest earned. Last year

the line item went up significantly due to the renegotiated interest rates and this year it will go

back down due to falling interest rates, so he would like to know where it is at heading into the

budget discussions. Mr. Williard stated that there are no longer any loans with the banks, there

are only two (2) bonds.


Mr. Dennis informed the Committee that he has two emails out to get this information and has not heard back as of yet. Mr. Dennis stated that the EIT collections have been coming in at the same amount as previous years.


No public comments were made.


Mr. Williard adjourned the meeting at 8:53 a.m.

Community and Business Relations

July 1, 2020

In attendance: Carl Schultz, Richard Guerin, Leigh Twiford, Pat Dennis, Mary Beth Brath, Diane Krulac

(Cocoa Creek Chocolates), Beth Kozicki

Façade Grant Request

Mary Beth reviewed Cocoa Creek Chocolates façade grant request. Committee is in favor.

Council will vote at July meeting.

Wayfinding and Other Signs Discussion

How to get a proof with colors for committee to review. Pat and Mary Beth will ask Simone to

print several colors including blue (like the school district)

Locations – Simone plan has 14 locations, but idea is to place a few (4?) initially

Hang signs on poles or PPL light poles? Poles need to be break away. Pat will research costs

PennDot – Pat will contact PennDot to determine which signs can be removed from Market

Street to reduce eye-clutter

Pat will provide to the committee a proposal for locations, size and items to appear on 4 signs by

July 20)

Revised Market Streetscape Project Schedule – Gibson Thomas

Construction must begin by Spring 2021

Our grant expires 2022, although we can apply for an extension if necessary

Goal is to put out bids Feb/March 2021 and start construction in the spring

Gibson Thomas to review concepts/plans with council in August

Gibson Thomas to review concepts/plans with public in August and in November

Drawings will be posted on walls of borough hall so that public can review (one at a time and

with social distance) and comment.

Sidewalk Replacement

Decision to use one contractor for all sidewalk replacement for consistency.

Pat will get an estimate for cost/square yard. Approximately 14,495 square yards of sidewalk

need to be replaced (highlighted in red on Simone plan)

Council may consider a 10% reimbursement to business owners for using our contractor rather

than having the option to find their own contractor

Sidewalk replacement is included in the $1.7million cost of the project, but our grant only covers

approximately $700K.

Sidewalks will need to be replaced at the beginning of the project

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