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Post on 27-Dec-2015






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Pure HeirHome Video Photos About SearchMusic

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Vaccine – Pure Heir288 views - 3 Months ago

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Home Video Photos About SearchMusic

On Flames


Home Video Photos About SearchMusic


Pure Heir EPIn The End Of The Day


Leave It Behind

On The Downlow Vaccine

On The Downlow

Angel In Disguise

On Flames

Home Video Photos About SearchMusic

Pure Heir

Home Video Photos About SearchMusic

The band that's straight to the point.

About an hour away from the the ironically world renowned city of Sydney Australia, a band forms in the Hawkesbury and Penrith Valleys to make music with influences from around the globe, for the purpose of making music for people to listen to whether it be myspace listened, radio aired, youtube viewed, pub or club staged, We let our music talk for itself just like the way it should.

Speaking of the group, Pure Heir is a raw and edgy outfit, comprising a tight sound with flowing grunge and pulsy beats, booming bass, and vocals to add the final icing to the cake. Pure Heir love to perform live and show what we can do. Our music is our life, and we experiment with different types of sounds for guitar and bass arising from our influences including popular house music all the way to industrial rock and metal. Intriguingly and arousingly brutal guitar dulled down by melodic vocal lines.Our songs are about meaning; about real people having issues with real people and we make no exception to singing about problems in the world, big or small.

Home Video Photos About SearchMusicVaccine – Pure Heir

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