low-voltage high performance compact all cascode cmos current mirror

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Low-voltage high performance compact allcascode CMOS current mirror

A. Garimella, L. Garimella, J. Ramirez-Angulo,A.J. Lopez-Martın and R.G. Carvajal

A high performance and compact current mirror with extremely low

input and high output resistances (Rin� 0.01O, Rout� 10 GO), high

copying accuracy, very low input and output voltage requirements

(Vin, Vout�VDSsat), high bandwidth (200 MHz using a 0.5 mm CMOS

technology) and low settling time (25 ns) is proposed. Simulations and

experimental results are shown that validate the circuit.

Introduction: To improve the accuracy and performance characteristics

of the basic current mirror, the active scheme shown in Fig. 1a can be

used [1]. It includes two auxiliary amplifiers A1 and A2. Amplifier A1

together with a flipped voltage follower (FVF) [1] formed by M1 and

M1C implements a double nested shunt feedback loop that lowers

input resistance by the gain of amplifier A1 to a value:

Rin¼ 1=(gm1gm1Cro1CA1). The cascode regulating amplifier A2 at

the output side has two purposes: (i) to boost the output impedance

by a factor A2 to a very high value Rout¼A2ro2gm2Cro2C; and (ii) to

satisfy the condition VDS1¼VDS2 to improve accuracy and linearity.

A1 and A2 were implemented in [1] using common source PMOS

amplifiers with gain A1, A2� gmro This implementation required

threshold voltages jVTPMOSj> VTNMOS to maintain the active transis-

tors in A1, A2 in saturated mode. This condition is difficult to satisfy

in some deep submicrometre CMOS technologies.

Fig. 1 Double nested regulated cascode mirror scheme; implementation ofauxiliary amplifiers A1 and A2; all cascode mirror

a Double nested regulated cascode mirror schemeb Implementation of auxiliary amplifiers A1 and A2c All cascode mirror

All cascode mirror: Fig. 1c shows a compact high gain implementa-

tion of the current mirror scheme of Fig. 1a using NMOS cascode

amplifiers for A1 and A2. These amplifiers use as reference voltage

Vref, the lowest rail voltage, which is in this case equivalent to the

level shifted voltage at the positive input terminals of A1 and A2 in

Fig. 1c. The auxiliary amplifiers have in this case gains A1,

A2�(gmro)2 that lead to extremely low input resistance Rin¼

1=[gm(rogm)3] (�0.01 O) and extremely high output resistances

Rout¼ ro(rogm)3 (�10 GO) at the mirror’s input and output node,

respectively. Because of these characteristics we denote the circuit

of Fig. 1c all cascode mirror (ACM). This circuit has only low

impedance nodes (with the exception of the dominant pole nodes

VY, V0Y and VZ in each feedback loop). For this reason it can have

simultaneously very high bandwidth and high phase margin. The

input resistance is so low that, if a typical single feedback loop is

used, it would only be achievable by using an extremely high gain

amplifier �(gmro)3 with the associated stability problems that can only

be circumvented at the expense of severely reducing the bandwidth. If

required, the circuit of Fig. 1c can be compensated using very small

valued capacitors CC, C0C and CC00 connected at the high impedance

(dominant pole) nodes VY, V0Y and VZ, although the need for compen-

sation can be obviated if gmMA1,2 is much lower than gmM1, gmM2. This

is easily achieved by using scaled down versions of M1 and Ibias for

MA1, MA1C and I0bias (e.g. by a factor 10). This has the advantage of

essentially reducing the silicon area and power dissipation require-

ments of A1, A2. A limitation of this implementation is that the

minimum input and output voltages are relatively large compared to

those of the conventional FVF mirror: VinMIN¼VGSA1, Vo


VGSA2þVDSsatM2C and for this reason the circuit is not appropriate

for utilisation in the low supply environment required by modern

CMOS technologies. It is also difficult to maintain M1C in saturation

unless a level shifter is used in the FVF feedback loop.

Fig. 2 Low voltage all cascode mirror implementation, and equivalentcircuit and symbol of floating gate transistor

a Low voltage all cascode mirror implementationb Equivalent circuit and symbol of floating gate transistor

Fig. 3 Simulations

a Output characteristics of ACMb Output characteristics of LVACMIin parametrised from 20 to 100 mA in 20 mA steps

Low voltage implementation of ACM: Fig. 2a shows a low-voltage

implementation of the all cascode mirror (denoted LVACM). It uses a

floating gate transistor MAi in each of the auxiliary amplifiers Ai. The

floating gate of MA1 (MA2) is coupled to node VX (V0X) and to VDD

through small valued capacitors Ca and Cb, respectively. Assuming

zero net charge on the floating gate of MA1 and MA2 (a condition

easily achieved using the layout technique described in [2]), it can be

shown [3] that VX¼VGSMA1�Vbat where Vbat¼ (Cb=Ca)[VDD�

VGSMA1]. A similar analysis leads to V0X¼VGSMA2�Vbat. Notice

that the floating gate transistor in conjunction with Ca and Cb acts

as a floating battery (as illustrated in Fig. 2b) that reduces the voltage

at node VX(V0X) with respect to VGSMA1 by the value Vbat. The ratio

Cb=Ca can be calculated so that VX (V0X)’VDSsat. This leads to an

essential reduction in the minimum input and output supply require-

ments. The capacitive divider formed by Ca and Cb reduces the

effective open loop gain of A1 and A2 by the factor k¼Ca=(CaþCb).

In practice k can take values of the order of k¼ 0.5 so that this

attenuation does not essentially affect the performance of the

proposed mirror. Once the voltage at VX and V0X reaches a value

VDSsat the voltage at the floating gates of MA1 and MA2 reaches the full

operating value VGS that turns A1 and A2 on. With this they apply

their regulating effect that leads to very low input impedance and very

high output impedance. This takes place even if the cascoding

transistors M1C, M2C operate in triode mode with VDSM1C and

VDSM2C close to zero. For this reason VinMIN, Vout

MIN in the circuit of

Fig. 2b take values close to VDSsat. This is essentially lower than for

the circuit of Fig. 1c, which requires a minimum output voltage

VoutMIN¼VGSþVDSsat. This can be confirmed in the SPICE simulations

of Fig. 3. Regulated cascode mirror implementations using cascode

ELECTRONICS LETTERS 8th December 2005 Vol. 41 No. 25

auxiliary amplifiers (mainly folded cascode opamps) have been

reported in the past that lead to similar high output impedances (but

higher input impedance) as the LVACM (see e.g. [4]). However most

reported approaches require relatively complex circuitry with essen-

tial additional power dissipation and silicon area requirements and

introduce pole zero doublets that can seriously affect stability or

introduce long-settling components in the transient behaviour.

Simulation results: The ACM and LVACM circuits of Figs. 1c and 2a

were simulated in CADENCE DFWII using 0.5 mm CMOS AMI-

MOSIS technology parameters with nominal threshold voltages of

0.73 and �0.95 V for NMOS and PMOS transistors, respectively. Bias

currents with values Ibias¼ 25 mA, I0bias¼ 5 mA, a single supply voltage

VDD¼ 3V, and a load resistance RL¼ 5 kO were used. Capacitors had

values Ca¼ 750 fF, Cb¼ 250 fF. Transistor dimensions (in mm) were:

W=L¼ 50=1.2 for M1, M1C, M2 and M2C and W=L¼ 5=1.2 for transis-

tors in A1, A2. Cascode current sources were used to implement Ibias

and I0bias with PMOS transistors with dimensions W=L¼ 100=1.2 and

W=L¼ 10=1.2, respectively, No compensation capacitors were

required. The floating gate model reported in [5] was used to simulate

floating gate transistors. Fig. 3 shows the simulated DC output

characteristics of the ACM of Fig. 1c and the LVACM of Fig. 2a with

Iin parametrised from 20 to 100 mA in 20 mA steps. From simulations,

the output resistance was determined to be 8 GO, at a current level of

50 mA. The LVACM minimum output voltage was approximately

0.15 V. The copy error was below 0.1%. The bandwidth from AC

simulations was approximately 200 MHz (with negligible peaking in

the frequency response) and the 0.1% settling time was 25 ns.

Measurement results: A test chip including the ACM and LVACM

circuits of Figs. 1c and 2a was fabricated in AMI 0.5 mm CMOS

technology. The chip used the same dimensions and was tested under

similar biasing conditions as for the simulations discussed above.

Fig. 4 shows the experimental DC output characteristics obtained

using a curve tracer. The measured input voltage at node VX had an

approximate constant value of 200 mV for the proposed LVACM and

750 mV for the ACM. It can be observed that the results of Fig. 4

show strong resemblance to the simulations shown in Fig. 3. This

verifies the proposed schemes.

a b

Fig. 4 Experimental output characteristics of ACM and of LVACM

a ACMb LVACMHorizontal axis 0.2 V=div., vertical axis 20 mA=div.

Conclusions: A new and very compact implementation of a high

performance current mirror has been introduced and validated with

simulations and with experimental results from a fabricated chip. This

circuit has extremely low input impedance (lower than any previously

reported approach), high bandwidth, extremely high output impe-

dance, low input and output voltage requirements and high accuracy.

Because of its characteristics it can be used for the implementation of

low voltage, low power, ultra-high-gain operational amplifiers with

very short settling time.

Acknowledgment: Financial support from the Spanish CICYT under

projects TIC2002-04323-C03-01 and TIC2003-07307-C02 is


# IEE 2005 13 August 2005

Electronics Letters online no: 20052918

doi: 10.1049/el:20052918

A. Garimella, L. Garimella and J. Ramirez-Angulo (Klipsch School of

Electrical and Computer Engineering, New Mexico State University,

Box 30001=Dept. 3-0, Las Cruces, NM, USA)

E-mail: jramirez@nmsu.edu

A.J. Lopez-Martın (Departamento de Ingenieria Electrica y

Electronica, Universidad Publica de Navarra, Spain)

R.G. Carvajal (Departamento de Ingenieria Electronica, Escuela

Superior de Ingenieros, Universidad de Sevilla, Spain)


1 Ramirez-Angulo, J., Sawant, M.S., Lopez-Martın, A., and Carvajal, R.G.:‘New compact implementation of high performance CMOS currentmirror’, Electron. Lett., 2005, 41, (10), pp. 570–572

2 Rodriguez-Villegas, E., and Barnes, H.: ‘Solution to trapped charge inFGMOS transistors’, Electron. Lett., 2003, 39, (19), pp. 1416–1417

3 Ramirez-Angulo, J., Choi, S.C., and Gonzalez-Altamirano, G.: ‘Low-voltage circuits building blocks using multiple-input floating gatetransistors’, IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. I, 1995, 42, (11), pp. 971–974

4 Razavi, B.: ‘Design of analog CMOS integrated circuits’ (McGraw-Hill,Boston, MA, 2001), Section 9.4, pp. 309–313

5 Ramirez-Angulo, J., Gonzalez-Altamirano, G., and Choi, S.C.:‘Modelling multiple-input floating gate transistors for analog signalprocessing’. IEEE Int. Symp. on Circuits and Systems, Hong Kong,1997, pp. 2020–2023

ELECTRONICS LETTERS 8th December 2005 Vol. 41 No. 25

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