little carrot and the spirit of the lake james jiang

Post on 03-Jan-2016






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Little Carrot and the Spirit of the Lake

James Jiang

Mr. and Mrs. Carrot have a daughter whose name is also Carrot. One day, the Carrot Family went to a national park in a car to have a picnic.

However, they lost their way.

They quickly drained their gasoline and ended up in a place where they had never been to, and never saw on TV as well.“Where are we?” said little Carrot.

Carrot walked around, and found it was a town of nobody. “It is so unusual” Said Carrot, “where are we?”

As she walked and walked, the night fell, Carrot found a very bright city.“There are definitely people there”, said Carrot, “Maybe I can get some help”

However, Little Carrot had a very unpleasant welcome. She was caught by Lady Geek, and forced to work for her in her bath house. “You have to work in my bath house, otherwise, I won’t let you back” Yelled Lady Geek

The first customer appeared to be very tough. He was the monster of the lake. “Eh… I’m not taking him” said the Lady Geek, “You, Carrot, take him!”

“But he stinks.” begged Carrot.“Doesn’t matter! Give him a bath!” ordered Lady Geek.

“I will never do this again!” Carrot roared as she started to clean the Lake Monster.But she found it was impossible. The monster kept leaking stinky stuff out of his body no matter how many times Carrot tried to clean him.

However, as Little Carrot kept washing and washing, she found a hole on the Lake Monster’s stinky body, and all those stinky things were leaking out from this hole.Carrot reported this to the Lady Geek. The whole bathhouse stopped working and began to pull the skinky things out of the Lake Monster. .

“That’s probably why we are never able to clean him” Said Little Carrot. They pulled and pulled. Eventually a wasted bike came out, along with other trashes and garbages.

Old bikes, used paper, chemical wastes from the factory. Anything we throw away were found in Lake Monster’s body. “No, I’m not Lake Monster” said him, “I’m the spirit of the Lake. ”

“Thank you Little Carrot,” said the Spirit of Lake ”I’m sorry that I couldn’t talk before. I lost my mind because of the stinky wastes there in my body. Now I feel much better, thanks again Little Carrot.”

All of sudden, before Carrot can say sorry back to the Spirit of the Lake, she was sent back to the national park with his parents. “We are back?” Said Little Carrot.“What are you talking about?” said Mom ”we are always here.”“But… What about the Spirit of the Lake?” Asked Carrot“Oh my Little Carrot, you just had a dream honey. ” Said MomBut only Carrot knew that it was not the dream. She can still remember the stinky smell of the Spirit of the Lake, as well as the garbages she saw in his body. “Let’s go Carrot” said Dad with his hand ready to throw the cigarette into the river. “Stop Dad!” yelled Carrot, “that’s gonna hurt the spirit of the Lake!”“OK OK,”said Dad ”I apologize to the Spirit of Lake”“That’s my Dad” Little Carrot smiled as she saw the Spirit of the Lake smiled under the water… --END

Ideas and Images borrowed from the Japanese Anime “Spirited Away” by Hayao


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