lesson from butterfly

Post on 11-Sep-2014






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Happy Eidul Fitri Mubarakah. Greeting to all moslem brothers and sisters in the world. I heard this at one of lectures.I think it is worth it to our knowledge and will be another "hikmah" (wisdom of life) of these months of Ramadan and Syawal.


Lesson from Butterfly

A Greeting To Our Moslem Brothers:“HAPPY EIDUL FITRY”


It looks beauty when we see they fly or perched on the leaf

With their



And colors on their wings

Where did they

come from?

We all know butterfly

came out from cocoon that made

by the caterpillar

In this phenomenon, Allah want to show us meaning of Ramadan values


From Ugly

To Beauty

Caterpillar is scary creature for most people.

We don’t want to touch

or even to see



For most people, caterpillar will make them itchiness.

Some people feel disgusted

with caterpillar


People - as their act while

meet caterpillar -

judged it was ugly creature.

How about butterfly?

We are all agree, it is a beautiful creature

With their colorful wings

And amazing pattern.

Allah gives Ramadan to us

To bring people chance to revolution their life.

In eleven month

We was contaminate with our circumstances

Or even ourselves to make lot of sin to life.

Ramadan bring us shiam


Which is same as cocoon do

To convert ourselves become new person

New human

New baby born

We become different person by akhlak al karimah – good


Where people really give great



From Earth Character

Become Heavenly Character.

Caterpillar is creating as earth creature

Which cannot go far from their

resources – food, job, etc.

Caterpillar just thinks how to search and fill their ‘stomach’ from their area.

It is different with butterfly

They spread out to other area.

They can reach far away from their home.

They can see more than caterpillar see.

Butterfly not just sees what they want to eat

But also where they will place their next generation.

Allah teaches us to be able to transform from who have earth character

Such as selfish

Too materialistic

Stomach orientation

Into heaven character

Such as wise


And able to make quantum leap of their da’wah

(convey the message of goodness).

We can see caterpillar such as a selfish creature

Which looking for leaf and eat it

Sometime one leaf is not enough

They have to become greedy to fill what they want and full it

Sometimes people loose control on what their

orientation in life

With Ramadan, Allah give a chance to convert ourselves

Become visionary,


And also concern to spread out to other world what we obtained as a true Moslem.

We DO NOT just think in a small

area and short term

But globally and for future

For our replacement

To the next



From Vandalize

To Constructive

No one will being in fresh or fine when caterpillar come to it

When caterpillar come to fruit

The fruit will rotten

When caterpillar

comes to leaf

The leaf will full with holes

When they come to wood

The wood becomes crumbly

It is totally different with butterfly

Butterfly arrives to flower

And then fruit will come out from the flower

Butterfly come to leaf

Then the leaf looks beautiful

Allah want us to change our habits who full with destruction

To nature

To environment

Even to ourselves

And change into

constructive behavior

Built something useful

Grow and nurture others

Because it is Moslem all about

Become helpful for other Moslems, people and other creatures

B’Coz, Islam is for "Rahmah lil 'Alamiin“ – Merciful for the



From Far away from

Become near with them

As first value, no people want to near by caterpillar

But, see what happen when the caterpillar make a revolution to their life…

Become butterfly

No people want to far away from it

For some people, they hunt the butterfly to be their collection

Because of its beauty and flying back and forth

Ramadan is a month to

transform our bad behavior into akhlak al-karimah, good attitude, good


Allah galvanizes us in a full month training

Become different people

Who loved by our brother, sister, parent, son and daughter, family, friend, and even our enemies

Because we transformed our unworthiness behavior

Into “Jannah” (Heavenly) behavior

Nobody wants to go far away from people who have “jannah” behavior.

Thence, please, let us make this Ramadan to remove our sinfulness and

replace with heavenly character

I wish... We can get the most from this



“Wa Allahu A’lam”Only Allah Knows


HappyEidul Fitri


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