kwajaleln hourglass

Post on 11-May-2022






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The Organlzatlon of Petroleum Exportlng Countrles abandoned ltS $29 offlClal base prlce to­day, wlth fOUl of the 13 mem­bers dlssentlJ g ln a vote that lndlcates a potentlally dlsas­trous SpIlt In the cartel

Nlne members at the 2~-day meetlng gave up the reference prlce for a nrlrrowed range of lower prlces for varlOUS grades of 011 The changes brlng the prlce of 011 from OPEC natlons more ln Ilne wlth what lS belng pald for crud~ In world markets

Hardllners Algerla, Llbya and Iran formally dlsassoclat­ed themselves from the OPEC agreement to abandon the offl-

clal reference prlce of $29 Gabon abstalned

"Theoretlcally there lS no marker (prlce) any more," Indo­neSlan Mlnes and Energy Mlnlster Subroto told reporters at the concluslon of the often acrlmo­nl0US meetlng

The new prlce spread agreed on by the other nlne members was $2 40 a barrel There used to be an offlclal spread of $4 between a barrel of the cheap­est heavy crude and the hlghest­quallty Ilght crude

Cheaper heavy crude 011 re­malned at $26 50 per barrel, but the hlghest-quallty extra­Ilght grades came down from $30 50 to $28 90 011 lndustry analysts and offlclals sald the

Ambassador Meets With President

new prlce 11St would effectlve­ly lower the average OPEC prlce by about $1 a barrel

The cel1lng was theoretlcal, however It lS preclsely the dlssenters who produce the ex­tra-llght 011s, although other members sald the maverlcks would be forced to come down ln prlce to remaln competltlve

Subroto, current OPEC presl­dent, noted all the same that Arablan 11ght crude, WhlCh hcld been the reference 011 under the old system, now wlil cost $28 per barrel

"The conference was not a fallure, but I must admlt lt was not a success," he sald "We regret that unanlmlty can­not be achleved "


By HELEN THOMAS UPI Whlte House Reporter WASHINGTON (UPI) -- Jeane

Klrkpatrlck, endlng weeks of speculatl0n about her future ln Presldent Reagan's second term, announced today she would qUlt her post as U S ambassador to the Unlted Natlons and return to a career as a teacher and wrlter

Klrkpatrlck announced her de­C1Sl0n to reporters at the Whlte House after a long-expect­ed meetlng wlth Reagan She sald she was "grateful" for the last four years but could "best serve the presldent" by return­lng to prlvatr Ilfe

Convicted Ki Iler Executed In Florida


Davld Raulerson was executed to­day In Florlda's electrlc chalr for klillng a Jacksonvllie po­llceman durlng a 1975 gunflght after a restaurant robbery In WhlCh a waltress was raped

Raulerson dled shortly after 7 a m from 2,000 volts of cur­rent flowlng through Old Sparky, the electrlc chalr at Florlda State Prlson

Raulerson's faml1y made thelr flnal V1Slt late Tuesday, and a mlnlster kept the born­agaln Chrlstlan company through the early mornlng hours Prlson offlLlals sald Raulerson, 33, decllned a flnal meal of steak and eggs and drank only a glass of orange JUlle

Raulerson was descrlbed as "tense" by offlclals durlng hlS flnal hours

"It has been an extraordI­nary honor to speak for free­dom In that world forum," she sald of the U N post

Reagan had lndlcated he would sound Klrkpatrlck out on alternatlve Jobs In the admln­lstratlon durlng thelr meetlng Klrkpatrlck would not say whether another Job was offered but sald she had prepared her statement Tuesday

When asked lf she was dlS­apPolnted at not belng offered a top-level forelgn P011Cy Job for the second term, Klrkpatrlck replled wlth an emphatlc, "No, no, no, no, no I'

"If I had wanted a top for-

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elgn P011Cy Job In the second term," she sald, "I would have remalned as permanent U S rep­resentatlve to the Unlted Na­tlons "

She emphaslzed she was on leave from a professorshlp at Georgetown UnIverslty In Wash­lngton, WhlCh was pald for by '11 endowment

"I do not feel In conSClence I can contlnue to tle up those scarce resources of the unlver­sIty" whlle contlnulng to serve as ambassador, she saId

Klrkpatrlck sald she would be compelled to reslgn the chalr lf she stayed In govern­ment

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Anti-Abortionists Hold Peaceful Protest

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Hatfield Cia ims "Votes Are H re For Military Freeze"


ate ApproprIatl0ns CommIttee Chalrman Mark Hatfleld sald De­fense Secretary Caspar Welnber­ger cannot be a "draft dodger" ln the deflclt-cuttlng war, warnIng taxes must be ralsed un­less mIlltary spendIng lS curb­ed

HatfIeld's comments today came after Welnberger met wlth Senate Republlcan leaders to dlSCUSS the deflclt amld an In­creaslngly polarlzed atmosphere between the Reagan admlnIstra­tl0n and the Congress over how much to spend on the mliltary next year

Welnberger, wlth Presldent Reagan's support, lnslsts the mliltary budget must be shelter­ed from the deflclt-reductl0n effort so as not to upset forth­comIng arms talks and to pro­tect defense lndustry Jobs

But the Senate Republlcans are trYlng to wrIte thelr own budget that would slIce $50 bll-110n off the $230 bIlllon defl­Clt ln fIscal 1986, startIng Wlth an across-the-board spend­lng freeze that would Include defense

"The votes are here for a total mIlItary freeze," saId Hatfleld after the meetIng Wlth Welnberger "If we don't do thdt now we mlght as well face the lnevltablilty of a tax In­crease ln the very near future

"Baslcally the (deflcH) problem lS of such magnItude that It calls for a total mobll­lzatlon," Hatfleld sald "Cas­par Welnberger cannot be a draft dodger "

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Jack Stewart, the father of the offlcer Raulerson kliled, wltnessed the executl0n whlle a group of more than 60 Jackson­vllJo pollcemLn, some wearlng T-shlrts wlth a drawlng of the electrlc chalr and the words "Crank Up Old Sparky," stood Vlgl1 In a pasture across from the prlson

LITTLE ROCK, Ark -- More than 350 people braved the freezlng raln Sunday state Capltol protestlng the 1973 Supreme Court declslon legallzlng abortlon peaceful protest was the seventh annual march sponsored by the North Pulaskl

ln a march to the on demand The Rlght to Llfe

(UPI Photo)


News Briefs TORUN, Poland (UPI) -- Prosecutors

representlng the famlly of a murdered pro-Solldarlty prlest contended today the plot to klll the clerlC was hatch­ed outslde Poland and the lnstlgators ,ave yet to be unmasked

Auxlilary prnsecutor Jan Olszewskl, representlng the famlly of the Rev Jerzy Popleluszko at the murder trlal of four secret pollce offlcers, told a court the prlest's death "wasn't ln Poland's lnterests "

* * * WASHINGTON (UPI) -- Presldent Rea-

gan today promlsed Israell Defense Mlnlster Yltzhak Rabln a $400 mlillon lncrease ln mliltary ald next year and left hanglng a declslon on addl­tlonal help for Israel's sagglng econ­omy

The Whltr House announced Reagan wlil ask Co gress to lncrease mll1-tary asslstance for Israel from the $1 4 blillon for the 12-month perlod beglnnlng Oct 1

* * * WASHINGTON (UPI) -- U S Defense

Secretary Caspar Welnberger has de­clded to defer at least untll thlS summer the procurement of advanced medlum-range alr-to-alr mlss1les, In­tended to be the supermlss1le of the 1990s

A Pentagon spokesman early today conflrmed that Welnberger's lnten­tlons were relayed ln a memo to U S Secretary of the Alr Force Verne Orr and U S Secretary of the Navy John Lehman

The memo concerns the advanced medlum-range alr-to-alr mlss1le, AMRAAM, lntended to be the supermls­slle of the 1990s for the U S Navy and the U S Alr Force, WhlCh can be flred from a Jet flghter and flnd and destroy an enemy plane by ltself

* * * WASHINGTON (UPI) -- The Senate

Tuesday unanlmously conflrmed Whlte House Chlef of Staff James Baker as treasury secretary, clearlng the way for hlm to complete a Job swap wlth Donald Regan

The roll-call vote, the flrst of the year ln Congress, was 95-0

* * * ROME (UPI) -- Italy urged the 14-

member European Space Agency today to accept an lnvltatlon from Presldent Reagan to collaborate In bUlldlng the world's flrst permanent space statl0n The agency lS meetlng for two days to set lts program for the next decade

* * * BEIRUT, Lebanon (UPI) -- Hundreds

of armed Moslem mliltlamen set up checkpolnts In Belrut today and searched cars and pedestrlans At the same tlme, the Lebanese mll1tla lead­ers ]olned Prlme Mlnlster Rashld Karaml and Syrlan leaders In Damascus for talks on securlty matters

* * * NOUMEA, New Caledonla (UPI) A

leader of an organlzatlon seeklng In­dependence from France sald today an effort would be made to talk to rank­and-flle mliltants ln an effort to re­duce vIolence ln New CaledonIa The organlzatlon's search for a negotlated settlement wll1 be explaIned at a con­ference next month

* * * ROCHESTER, N Y (UPI) -- A frater­

nlly at the Unlverslty of Rochester has been told to apologlze for a tasteless advertlsement Posters for a party at SIgma Chl announced "For the prlce of feedlng an Ethloplan vIllage, you can go to a party at Slgma Chl " The school Inter-Frater­nIty Councl1 Tuesday told the frater­nlty to apologlze to the Red Cross

* * * CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla (UPI) -- The

Pentagon has conflrmed the space shut­tle DIscovery was brought home a day ea'~j after completIng Its secret mIlItary mlSS10n because of bad weath­er expected at the FlorIda shuttle­port

Three-Day Trip Ends

Perez De Cuellar Calls Peace Mission Fruitful

BANGKOK, Thalland (UPI) -- U N Secre­tary-General JaVIer Perez de Cuellar ended a three-day peace mlSS10n to HanOI today, saylng hlS trlp was "frultful" and made "slgnlflcant progress" on lssues between Amerlca and Vletnam

Perez de Cuellar flew to Bangkok to con­tlnue hIS "shuttle dlplomacy" ln talks wlth Thal offlclals and leaders of the antl-Hanol Cambodlan reSIstance

Before leavlng HanOI, Perez de Cuellar and Forelgn Mlnlster Nguyen Co Thach told a news conference that thelr three rounds of talks were "frultful " The U N leader, however, cautIoned agalnst "expressl0ns of premature satIsfactIon "

Thach called on the UnIted States to play a more actlve role In seekIng a peace­ful resolutl0n of VIetnamese-occupIed Cam­bodIa

"If the UnIted States can make a war here, they can easlly make peace here," saId Thach

Mother Faces Charges

4-Year-Old Boy Drowns In Murder-Suicide Attempt

SANTA MONICA, CalIf (UPI) -- A Japanese woman, homeSIck and despondent over marltal problems, faced murder charges today ln the death of her 4-year-old son who drowned durIng her apparent murder-sulclde attempt

Fumlko KImura, 32, a Japanese cltizen llvlng ln Tarzana, Callf , a suburb of Los Angeles, was In serIOUS condltlon today at St Johns HospItal Her 6-month-old daugh­ter, Yurl, was ln crItIcal condItIon at nearby UCLA MedIcal Center

Kazutaka Klmura, 4, dIed at Santa Monlca HospItal Tuesday evenlng desplte the ef­forts of rescuers to reVlve hIm, pollce sald

The woman allegedly took both chlldren and walked Into the sea ln an attempt to drown herself and the youngsters, pollce saId

"She WIll be charged WIth homlclde and attempted homlclde" If she survIves, Sgt Gregory Slaughter saId

Former Mortician Held Bodies In Garage

NEWPORT, Ore (UPI) -- A former mortl­Clan has agreed to plead gUllty to 60 charges of theft, attempted theft and abuse of corpse charges ln connectlon wlth the dlscovery of 16 unembalmed bodIes ln hlS garage

Another 39 bodles lnvolved ln the case have not been located, and one man has flIed a $500,000 lawsult on the grounds hlS wlfe's body lS mlsslng

LIncoln County Dlstrlct Attorney Ulys Stapleton sald Dale Patrlck Omsberg, 34, Llncoln Clty, would change hIS plea from lnnocent to gUllty on 29 charges flIed last October and also plead gUIlty to 31 second­degree theft charges to be flIed ln Clrcult court today

Stapleton sald Judge Charles Llttlehales would lmpose a sentence today, but he would not say what lt would be

TOUrist Enters White House UninVited Inauguration Day

WASHINGTON (UPI) -- A lapse In the secu­rlty around the Whlte House on Presldent Reagan's Inauguratlon Day allowed a tourlst to mlngle wlth a U S Marlne orchestra and wander wlthln yards of where the presldent later took the oath of offlce

Spokesman Larry Speakes, concedlng "there was a ml!:>take made," Tuesday sald Robert Latta, 45, of Denver, got through the Whlte House securlty net Jan 20 ln the mldst of 33 members of the Marlne orches­tra

He saId Latta left an overnlght bag on the ground floor of the Whlte House and walked wlth the mllltary offlcers to the second-level state floor before he was ar­rested He was lnslde the Whlte House com­plex 14 mlnutes before belng arrested

Suit Filed In W.Va. Against Union Carbide

CHARLESTON, W Va (UPI) -- A multlblillon­dollar SUlt was flIed agaInst UnIon CarbIde Corp Tuesday, alleglng neglIgence at Its West Vlrglnla plant has caused emotlonal stress and dlmlnlshed property values for thousands of resldents near the faclilty

Two women named as plaIntIffs sald they were motIvated purely by fear for the safe­ty of the famIlIes ln the aftermath of the Bhopal, IndIa, dlsaster, where a carblde leak last month kliled 2,500

"Money was not a factor ln thIS whatso­ever," sald SheIla Thompson "I dId lt be­cause I don't want It (Bhopal dIsaster) to happen to my famlly "

Charleston lawyer Monty Prelser flIed the SUIt on behalf of Thompson and Robert and Hazel Buraette ln U S Dlstrlct Court

FDA Approves First Drug .. To Treat Genital Herpes

NEW YORK (UPI) -- The U S Food and Drug Admlnlstratlon Tuesday announced lt has ap­proved the flrst prescrlptlon drug to treat genltal herpes A drug known as oral acyclo­VIr wlil be marketed under the trade name ZOVlrax by the Burroughs Wellcome Co ThlS new treatment can be used for arrest­Ing an eXlstlng outbreak and for suppres­Slon of recurrlng lnfectlon EarlIer forms of the drug were only useful for lnltlal outbreaks of Infe~tlon Zovlrax can only be taken for a maXImum of SlX months It wll1 be avaIlable ln the Unlted States by a doc­tor's prescrlptlon after Feb 11









Range Operation A range operatlon lS scheduled for

Frlday, Feb 1 In connectIon WIth thlS operatlon

a cautIon area wlil eXlst ln the ocean wlthln a 200-nautlcal-mlle radlus of KwaJaleln There lS no KwaJaleln Atoll cautlon area for thlS operatlon and there are no take cover reqUIrements The mlSS10n hazard tImes are from 2 a m through 4 p m FrIday, Feb I, or untll the restrIctlons are llfted

3ee the map below showlng the ocean cautlon area



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FinanCial News

30 Industrlal s 20 Trans 15 Utllltles 65 Stocks

Dollar closlng In Tokyo was ~54 25 yen and In Zurlch was 2 6710 SW1SS francs CLOSING METALS Gold off 0 35 at 302 90 Sllver off 0 02 at 6 21

off 4 74 at 1287 88 up o 67 at 615 04 up o 10 at 149 00

off o 91 at 520 78 Volume 170,020,000 shares SEE LISTINGS IN GRACE SHERWOOD LIBRARY


Brady's People • • Name your problem

--------------- by James Brady

On the south sIde of a street on the west sIde of Man­hattan a gray awnIng proclaIms happIness

"AdVIce on all problems," the awnIng promIses, and a smaller, more dIscreet SIgn urges the troubled passerby to consult WIth Madame LIsa, "reader and adVIser "

No half SolutIons here If you have a problem, see Madame LIsa She WIll lIsten, read your palm, read the cards, per­haps even read the tea leaves or the entraIls of chIckens and WIll proffer counsel Who else not runnIng for electIve offIce offers unIversal relIef?

When AmerIcans used to be troubled In the old days, they went to the doctor, a general practItIoner accustomed to dealIng WIth everythIng from hangnaIl to appendICItIs The kIndly old fdmIly phYSICIan would take your temperature, lIsten to your heart, poke you In the rIbs, examIne your tongue, and prescrIbe aspIrIn

Today everyone IS a speCIal­ISt There are heart men and nose men and foot men and gall bladder men dnd men who spe­CIalIze In Ingrown haIrs Your average dentIst these days IS

lIttle more than a referral serVIce He looks Into your mouth and gIves you an address on the other SIde of town where someone else WIll pull your tooth or drIll your root canal

The corner gas statIon once handled everythIng from body and fender work to patchIng a slow leak There was always a handyman In the neIghborhood who could paInt your shutters and splIce a WIre, a kId who could mow the lawn and put up your screens The local lawyer would wrIte you a WIll or nota­rIze a lease

The only generalIst today IS Madame LIsa who WIll be de­lIghted to adVIse you on Just about anythIng Roger Staubach may InSIst that Rolalds spells "relIef " WhICh IS fIne If you have a gassy stomach and no comfort whatsoever If you have come down WIth earache or POl­son IVy

One other thIng no warnIng from Madame LIsa that she frets and agonIzes about malpractIce SUItS

Your average lawyer or doc­tor or plumber today won't draw up a contract or set a broken arm or Install a washer WIthout conSIderIng the pOSSIble legal

ramIfIcatIons MalpractIce SUItS have become as common­place as teen-aged acne A grease monkey won't charge your battery If you don't In­demnIfy hIm agaInst a laWSUIt

Not Madame LIsa She takes on all your problems and copes WIth them She demands nothIng but your money She IS lIke the "new season" In teleVISIon She IS there and you tune her In It IS up to us to deCIde, as we walk away, whether we have gotten our money's worth

I lIke somethIng else about Madame LIsa Her only advertIS­Ing IS done on an awnIng and on the door of her storefront headquarters She doesn't buy radIO commerCIals or TV tIme or take out clever ads In the magaZInes or full pages In the newspapers She may not even, for all I know, have a lIstIng In the Yellow Pages What would she say? Under what cate­gory would she be lIsted? '~o It yourself"? Or "help wanted"?

She employs no door-to-door salesmen or telephone huck­sters No bus or subway plac­ards No endorsements by Tony Randall or by Lorne Greene and hIS pet dog None of the Gabor SIsters has testIfIed that Ma-

dame LIsa has brought them hap­pIness There are no money­back offers, no half-prIce cou­pons In the Sunday papers Whatever Madame LIsa charges, the serVIce IS the same And you deal WIth her, In person, and not WIth a factory repre­sentatIve to be named later

I don't mean to suggest that palm readers and seers can solve all our problems I don't thInk that they can But I've got to lIke thIS Idea of dIrect actIon that we haven't been In the AmerIcan market­place In years If my Chrysler goes on the frItz, It'S hIghly unlIkely I can SIt down and talk to Lee Iacocca about It I don't even know the name of the man who runs the Frlgldalre company If my refrIgerator goes Into termInal defrost I know my congressman's name But where the hell IS he when my mall doesn't get delIvered? I have a doctor but he doesn't make house calls

Madame LIsa IS there, under her awnIng, promISIng to con­SIder, not some, but "all" my problems

Copyrlght 1984 by Klng Features Syndlcate Inc

The enigma of acid rain: a matter worthy of investigation By JOHN CHAMBERLAIN

One of thl thIngs held agaInst Anne Burford as head of the EnVIronmental ProtectIon Agency was her statement that she wanted to talk to some chemIsts before commIttIng her­self to envIronmental cures that mIght bl worse than the dIsease

There were zealots who want­ed qUIck changes In the Clean AIr Act that would put MIddle Western utIlItIes out of bUSI­ness If they contInued to burn coal and thIS despIte the fact that thl utIlItIes have been puttIng less and less sul­fur dIOXIde Into the aIr over the years under the present law

When WIllIam Ruckelshaus took over fOl the ousted Anne Burford, the zealots hoped for a qUIck legIslatIve answer to the problem of aCId raIn, WhIch the conventIonal WIsdom attrI­butes to WIndblown sulfur drIft­Ing over the Northeastern states and nllghborlng Canada and kIllIng the fISh In the northern lakes

But Ruckelshaus dallIed as Anne Burford had dallIed before hIm He, too, wanted to talk to chemIsts Now he has reSIgned as EPA boss The consensus In WashIngton IS that he has done a good Job In cleanIng up mana-

gerlal IrregularItIes In EPA But the extremIst observers of hIS departure may be slow to forgIve hIm for the heInous SIn of wantIng InformatIon before recommendIng congressIonal ac­tIon

It IS a SIngular thIng that we have so many people who thInk a Congress heaVIly weIght­ed WIth lawyers can properly frame envIronmental bIlls WIth­out waItIng for SCIentIfIC eVI­dence But It can be saId for Ruckelshaus that, as he leaves, the E{,A has at least begun a large survey of lakes across the country to understand the true Inwardness of the aCId raIn controversy

The AllIance for Balanced En­vIronmental StudIes, a WashIng­ton-based organIzatIon, recent­ly sponsored a JournalIstIc tour of the aCId raIn faCIlI­tIes In New York state's AdI­rondack MountaIns The Idea was to keep pace WIth what the new EPA InvestIgatIons mIght d]s­close WhIle the study has been far from completed (eventually 1,200 lakes In three watersheds WIll be surveyed), some tempo­rary answers JustIfy both Anne Burford and WIllIam Ruckelshaus In theIr go-slow response to the demands for qUIck legIsla­tIve cures

The JournalIstIc group VISIt­ed LIttle Green Pond and Bone Pond, WhICh are In the same wa­tershed a few mIles from the re­sort communIty of Saranac Lake Though the ponds are only a few hundred yards apart, one IS aCIdIfIed and one IS not

ChemIsts, WIth theIr mystI­cal notatIon, speak of pH lev­els that gIve the gradatIon between amounts of aCIdIty and alkalInIty LIttle Green Pond has always had an "acceptable" pH ratIng whIle Bone Pond has not To explaIn the dIscrepancy, Robert Newton, a SmIth College geology professor, suggested the SOlI structure was a major factor

Bone Pond water comes large­ly from raInfall that IS draIn­ed from a surroundlng ~urface that IS heaVIly blanketed wlth decaYlng leaves The bottom of Bone Pond Itself conslst~ of a layer of organIC ~edlment that IS very Impermeable ThIS ISO­lates Bone Pond from the more alkalIne ground water aqulfer that would normaJly "neutralIze" the water In the pond WIth LIt­tle Green Pond, the ~ltuatlon IS dIfferent It~ waters come not only from dIrect raInfall and surface runoff but also from the deep aqUIfer that spIlls up through a natural gravel-sand bottom to gIve an "acceptable pH level" that WIll support fISh

In 1982 a SIgnIfIcant exper­Iment was made A soda ash "mItIgatIon" treatment of Bone Pond raIsed ItS pH level and It now supports brook trout

ThIS IS the sort of patIent InvestIgatIon and experIment that should precede legIslatIon Between "soda ash mItIgatIon" of lakes and a compulsory leg­IslatIve order to MIddle West­ern electrIC utIlItIes to stop burnIng coal there could be a matter of a few bIllIon dollars, to be assessed on rate payers and tax payers as well as on unfortunate Investors

The Hourglass lS an unofflClal publlcatlon authorlzed under the prOV1Slons of AR 360-81 It lS publlshed by Global Assoclates Monday through Frlday (exc1udlng holldays) at the dl­rectlOn of the commandlng offlcer, U S Army KwaJaleln Mlsslle Range, ~~arshal1 Islands, un­der contract DASG60-8Z-C-0063 ThlS lS an offset publlcatlon, wlth a dally Clrculatlon of 1,950 The Vlews and oplnlons expressed hereln are not necessarlly those of the Department of the Army Communlcatlons should be addressed to the Hourglass, Box 23, APO San Franclsco 96555, or call 83539 (AUTOVON 254-3539) Materlals appearlng In the Hourglass may not be re­prlnted wlthout the approval of the commandlng offlcer, U S Army KwaJal~ln Mlsslle Range All want ads and notlces must be submltted on GA Form 8020 R-4 by 12 30 p m the worklng

Commandlng Offlcer Pub11C Affalrs Offlcer Edltor

Col Wl1llam A Spln Jlm Wlttmeyer

Courtney Danko Patncla Everett

Jeanne Vlncent Ruth Horne

day prlor to publlcatlon

Feature Wnter Copy Edltor Sports Wn ter


Jourdan sald he thought the undulatlng motlon occaslonally exhlblted by hlS nudl­branch was a movement the creature made when SWlInml ng away from a predator

(Photo by NATE JACKSON, Kentron Photo Lab)

Kwaj Diver Discovers Rare Find Off Carlson By PATTY EVERETT

On a recent dlve off the western reef of Carlson, Ken Jourdan surfaced wlth a spectacular marlne speClmen that, even af­ter plckllng and sendlng off to Hawall for study by marlne experts, stlll remalns an enlgma

Saturday, Jan 16, Jourdan and Walt Chldsey were maklng a nlght dlve when Jour­dan spotted a velvety, plnklsh-red creature ln a sand pocket at a depth of approxlmate­ly 60 teet Dellcatelv edged ln a whlte lacy substance, the anlmal appeared elther to be looklng for food or to be eatlng, Jourdan sald

The dlver scooped the creature lnto a bucket used to collect flSh, and later set lt loose ln hlS ~OO-gallon outdoor aquarl-urn

Jourdan and hlS famlly observed the nu­dlbranch -- llterally, a "naked-gllled" creature -- for a llttle more than a week Occaslonally It undulated across the safe­ty-glass tank In a roillng S~lm -- a move­ment ln contrast to a nudlbranch's normal crawl When the anlmal began to turn brown around lts once-whlte, feathery gllls, pre­sumably from lack of food, Jourdan plckled lt ln alcohol and sent lt to Scott Johnson, a marlne 200log1st and former KwaJaleln res­ldent

Although the two of them have ascertaln-

Honor Roll Omission A seventh grader's name was omltted

from the llst provlded to the Hourglass by Kwalaleln Junlor-Senlor H1gh School In addltlon, Jennlfer Homan made the Hlgh Honor Roll, wlth a 4 0 grade pOlnt average

RFWAV food store


ed that the plnk gelatlnous-textured mass that measures 20 lnches long by 10 or 11 lnches wlde lS a nudlbranch -- a type of mollusk or sna1l-l1ke anlmal normally characterlzed by a soft, unsegmented body that has no shell or a very small one -­nelther has been able to determlne the exact SDeCles

Accord1ng to Johnson, co-author of "Hawa1lan Nudlbranchs," the 1nvertebrate lS slmllar to the spectacular Span1sh Danc­er, WhlCh 1S of the genus Hexabranchus But certaln mark1ngs m1sslng from Jourdan's nu­dlbranch leave at least a lltt1e doubt In addltlon, the unusually large Slze of the speclmen causes conslderable questlons

The reason that the flnd was so unusual, sald Jourdan, lS that the Spanlsh Dancer -­the largest of the nudlbranchs -- normally measures a maXlmum length of a foot The average length of other spec1es of nudl­branchs, he sdld, lS about 25 to 30 mllll­meters, or about an lnch long In the many years of dlvlng ln the KwaJaleln Atoll, Jourdan sald that the largest Spanlsh Danc­er John~on found measured only 8 lnches ln length

Nudlbranch~ -- some of the most beautl­ful of marlne anlmals -- can be found worldwlde, usually ln shallow waters They arc carnlvorouS and feed on such creatures as anemones, corals and sponges

On This Date In History In 1933, Adolf Hltler became chancellor

of Germany, appolntlng an all-Nazl Cablnet In 1948, the Vlet Cong attacked the

South Vletnamese capltal of Salgon, tem­porarlly occupylng the U S Embassy and flrlng on the Presldentlal Palace

In 1979, the Iranlan government an­nounced lt would allow an eXlled Shllte Moslem leader, the Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomelnl, to return to Iran The Unlted States responded by orderlng the evacua­tlon of all Amerlcan dependents

In 1984, one U S Marlne and flve oth­er people were kliled ln she111ng around Belrut

Surf And Sun AS OF 12 0' J1.. M Wednesday, Jan 30, 1985 Ddlly ralnfall 0 00 Monthly total 2 28 Yearly total 2 28 TOMORROW ON KW~JALEIN Sunrlse 7 10 a m Sunset 6 55 p m ~oonrlse 2 44 p m ~oonset 2 49 a m : j If' de 1 07 am, 3 l' -1 48 pm, 1(1 T ,cc 6 51 am, 2 2'-8 37 pm,

,OR TCITAI r OflECAST rAl L 84700

4 2' 9 '

HawaIIan Controversy

A Sanctuary For Humpback Whales?

By RONALD TOOT LAHAINA, Hawall (UPI) -- Hawall's larg­

est vlsltors, the humpback whales, are sWlmmlng lnto lsland waters on thelr annual pllgrlmage from the north, obllV10US to a debate among thelr land-bound nelghbors on a proposed ocean sanctuary for the sea mammals

The ldea of chrlstenlng waters around the Hawallan Islands as the natlon's flrst humpback whale preserve may be on the verge of becomlng a reallty -- to the cheers of envlronmentallsts and the howls of boat­ers and flshermen

The plan has survlved years of local op­posltlon, acrlmonlOUS publlC hearlngs, pro­tests from state polltlclans, and, most re­cently, a strateglc move by a skeptlcal governor

Whale researcher James Hudnall flrst proposed a refuge ln waters around the lS­land of Mau] seven years ago He remalns the proJect's strongest proponent

"A whale sanctuary lS partlcularly ap­proprlate ln Hawall waters, where we have one of the great habltats ln whlch whales mate, calve, and nurse thelr young," he sald

But the ldea has been conslstently fought by Hawallan flshermen, boaters and other water sports enthuslasts, who fear lt wll1 eventually add another l3yer of regulatlon to thelr llvellhoods and rec­reatlon

"When the federal bureaucracy gets In­volved ln management, there are more and more condltlons placed upon lt because of demands by envlronmentallsts," sald Wads­worth Yee, chalrman of the Western Paclflc Flshery Management Councll_

Yee predlcted a court battle between the state and federal governments as a last­dltch effort to hold up at least part of the project

The humpback whales of the North Paclf­lC -- untll recently estlmated at 800, but now known to number more than 1,500 -- be­gln arrlvlng ln the warm waters off the Hawallan Islands each fall Lone scouts lead the way for the rest of the herd

There, especlally ln the waters around the lsland of Maul, they spend the wlnter matlng, calvlng and ralslng thelr young When sprlng comes, the whales begln the return trlp to waters south of Alaska

DurIng thelr Hawallan vacatlon, the humpbacks are monltored by researchers, stalked by shutterbugs and ogled by hordes of tourlsts aboard passlng crUlse ShlPS The lncreaslng fasclnatlon wlth the arrlval of the whales has worrled some

"You've got whale watchers, researchers, hoble cats, wlndsurfers, para-sallors, Jet skls, kayaks, and commerClal flshlng ves­sels all out there," sald Ray Sautter of the Natlonal Marlne Flsherles Servlce, WhlCh enforces current laws agalnst whale harassment and WhlCh would also pollce the sanctuary

"There are more people out on the same amount of water," he sald

The whales, WhlCh can grow nDre than 60 feet long and welgh ln excess of 30 tons, can be easlly spotted from the shore

Among the most anlmated and acrobatlc of whales, humpbacks may slap a fllpper or tall agalnst the water wlth a loud report or leap almost entlrely clear of the water They are probably most famous for thelr hauntlng, ethereal "song," a complex pat­tern of sounds ln eplsodes lastlng from SlX to 40 mlnutes

Researchers have reported that all the whales ln a glven populatlon slng the same song each year When the whales return the followlng year, the song has been modlfled sllghtly, and the new verSlon has agaln been learned by all members of the herd

Nearly everyone agrees they should be protected, but dlsagree on how

The humpbacks, as a marlne mammal and an endangered specles, already are protect­ed from harassment under federal law Boaters, as well as SWlmmers and dlvers, are not a1]owed to approach wlthln 100 yards of the whales ln most waters and wlthln 300 yards ln areas where the whales calve

Calvin Smith Takes 100m In Austra lia Games

MELBOURNE, Australla (UPI) -- The world's fast(st runner, Amerlcan Calvln Smlth, easll\ won the Australla Garnes 100m event at Olynplc ParK today

Smlth, of Alabama, had a slow start but surged to the lead at the 60m mark and went on to Win by l~ meters ln a tlme of 10 53 second"

ThlS was "ell oulslde hlS 1983 world record of 9 43 seconds

But the qUlet-spoken speedster was pleased wlth hlS flrst outdoor run ln flve months

"I Just wdnted to run as fast as POSS1-ble tonlght My start was an 0K start and all I concentrated on from then on was to pump my arms hard," Smlth sald

Paul Slngleton, 22, of Sydney, shot to an early lead but was overhauled by Smlth and placed sEcond wlth a tlme of 10 69 seconds

Earller, Sydney schoolboy Mlles Murphy, 17, clocked dn outstandlng 46 39 seconds to break the Australlan under-18 400m mark

Skating Championships Under Way In Kansas City

KANSAS Cll Y, Mo (UPI) -- Todd Eldredge and Katle Woud skated to flrst-place fln­lshes ln the Novlce Dlvlslon compulsory flgures Tuesday to hlghllght the openlng day of lhe U S Flgure Skatlng Champ lon­ShlPS

In Junlor palrs competltlon, the M1Chl­gan duo of DEveny Deck and Luke Hohmann breezed through ltS prescrIbed short pro­gram to open up a s11m lead over 13 other teams

East Coast JunIor lce dancers Tracy Snladach and Charles Slnek also clalmed flrst place followlng compulsorles, but by the sllmmest of marglns over the Mlchlgdn team of JOdlE Balogh and Jerod Swallow

The tlve-day natlonals competltlon, WhlCh concludes Saturday, has drawn 202 contestdnts In thr~e dlvlslons, lncludlng the senIors, or (hamPIOnshlP dIvlslon

EldrEdge, 13, who skates for the Phlla­delphla Skdt] ng C1Llb dnd Humane Soclety, look thl bll\CI medal ln the Men's Novlce Dlvlslon at the 1984 natlonals ln Salt lake Clly

KANSAS CITY, Mo -- A malntenance man qlves Kaycee the Penguln a rlde early Jan 27 as he prepares the Kemper Arena for the U S Nat10nal F1gure Skatlnq Cham­p10nshlps WhlCh started Monday Kaycee the Pengu1n 1S the offlclal mascot of the champlonshlps (UPI Photo)


Goal1e Greg Hoggatt (left), Jay Horne (center) and Derek Koller (rlght) defend the Alabama goal aga1nst the efforts of Er1c Wedge of Pr1nceton Alabama w111 be 1n act10n today aga1nst Ar1zona 1n Junlor soccer on Brandon Fleld at 5 15 p m

(Photo by NATE JACKSON, Kentron Photo Lab)

KRC Sponsors Event

New Record Set In Ride And Park

By CHARLIE KELLER Bob Sholar and Ed Goff set a new record

for the 10 l7-mlle Rlde and Park event held Sunday, Jan 27 Thelr wInnlng tlme was 44 33, breaklng the record set last year by Carla McGrew and Kal Kalahlkl

Elght more teams JOlned Sholar and Goff for thlS thlrd annual Kwalaleln Run­nlng Club-sponsored Rlde and Park, wlth the followlng results Robert Mowry/Kurt Faut John Genls/Roger Bruley Nate, Carolyn Homan/Kenny Jourdan John Mlillcan/Ken Wlillams Crls Llndborg/Erlc Llndborg John Grandfleld/Charlle Keller Alan Anderer/Rlchard LaRoche Jennlfer Homan/Brent Wlillams

49 01 50 36 51 l3 51 29 54 40 55 10 58 53

1 05 20

Last-Second Basket Lifts Boston Celtics

NEW YORK (UPI) -- Larry Blrd proved that emlnent phllosopher YOgl Berra rlght once agaln Tuesday nlght

For the second stralght game, Blrd sank a shot wlth no tlme remalnlng to 11ft the Boston Celtlcs to vlctory

"It was an lncredlble shot," sald Bos­ton coach K C Jones after hlS all-star forward hlt an elght-foot basellne to glve the Celtlcs a 131-130 vlctory over Detrolt "Larry lS awesome and I'm glad he's on my team "

The basket, WhlCh capped a 32-polnt performance, was a blt of deja vu On Sun­day, Blrd hlt an off-balance fade-away Jumper to boost the Celtlcs to a last-sec­ond 128-127 trlumph over Portland that hlghllghted a season-hlgh 48-polnt game

"I couldn't belleve lt happened on Sun­day," sald Jones "Then tonlght, lt was sort of llke he teased everybody when hlS shot rolled around the rlm and then fell

" ln ISlah Thomas had glven the Plstons a

130-129 lead WIth four seconds remalnlng when he hlt an l8-footer After a tlme out, Dennls Johnson lnbounded the ball to Blrd, who drove toward the basket and lofted hlS game-wlnnlng shot wlth one sec­ond left

Elsewhere, the Los Angeles Lakers crushed Portland 122-106 Denver hammered Phoenlx 128-100, Atlanta defeated Indlana 115-106, Mllwaukee topped Golden State 108-101, and San AntonlO outgunned New Jersey l30-127

Terminators Cut Off First Blood 9-0

By RUTH HORNE The Termlnators blanked the Flrst Blood

9-0 ln adult soccer Tuesday on Brdndon Fleld

Steve Dlhel scored a hat trlck for the Wlnners, R1Cky Manatu put In two goals, and Mlke QUlrk, Bob Sholar, Scott Webster and Tony Medelros added one gOdl elch

A smotherlng defense by Mdrk Spllttb­toesser and the performance by Frank Pedro as goalle for the Termlnators slymled all efforts by the Flrst Blood to score

Basketball Roundup By RUTH HORNE

The Bare Necesslty smothered the PInk Panthers 39-12 Tuesday ln Women's Dlvlslon basketball

Joan Boyd led the Wlnners wlth SlX goals for 12 pOlnts, Pam Barton dnd Glee Jewell each contrlbuted elght pOlnts, and Klm Morltomo added seven

Mlka Spiittstoesser put ln a good per­formancp for the Panthers wlth 10 pOlnts

* * * KIm's Kamlkazes swept over the Spartans

III 32-16 Tuesday nIght on the Basketball Court ln the second Women's Dlvlslon gdme

Ronell Kuratsu scored 12 pOlnts for the Kamlkazes, followed by Debble Amante wlth elght, and Nancy Patton and Mlchelle Thorn­ley wlth four each

For the Spartans, Kathl BarbiC put In SlX pOlnts, and M1SSY Falrcloth added four

High Rollers In the Tuesday Nlght Men's Bowllng

League Hlgh Game Russ Kees, 246 Second-HIgh Game Russ Kees, 222 Hlgh Serles Russ Kees, 649 Second-Hlgh Serles 8111 Hale, 580

Sports On The Radio Saturday on AFRTS 1224 AM radlO you can

hear college basketball actlon as Vlrglnla Tech meets Memphls State Game tlme lS 7 30 a m

Sunday, Feb 3, more college basketball actlon alrs on AFRTS as Notre Dame plays the Unlversity of Callfornla at Los Ange­les You can hear that game at 8 a TIl

Llsten to AFRTS for all the sports news -­from around the lsland and across the na­tlon

Basketball schEdules are ready and aval]able for plckup at the SpecIal Ser­Vlces OffIce and lhe Gear Locker


Ann £llI1ders

Dear Ann Landers May I reply to "Clndy In Chlca­go"? She's the teen-age glrl who dldn't have tlme to spend wlth her father after her parents dlvorced

I wlsh I had her prob­lem My parents spIlt when I was 9 The court declded my father should be able to see me every Saturday For about SlX months he mlssed only a few Satur­days Then the VlSltS dWlndled to about once a month Now I see hlm once a year, at Chrlstmas My blrthdays mean nothlng to hlm He even mlssed my graduatlon

For years I dldn't make any plans for Saturdays, hoplng he would come by unexpectedly I crled my­self to sleep more nlghts than I care to remember I have stopped waltlng and crylng, but the hurt never goes away

Clndy should see her father whenever she can She wlll never regret glvlng more than she got -- Phlladelphla

Dear Ph1ladelph1a Your letter 1S sure to h1t some fathers where they llve You were wonderful to wnte

Dear Ann The letter from the wlfe of a man who drlves a tanker got to me I am the mother of a l-year­old and I cannot count the tlmes I wlshed I had a glant hand that could reach out from under my bumper

and get the "blg guys" off my tall

They have passed me on narrow brldges, and leaned on thelr horns llke crazy when I went under 55 mph

"No Name In Callfornla" sald her husband and hls buddles are waltlng to "get" some Jackass Well, Ann, I saw It happen One of the blg boys followed a motorcycle for 10 mlles The motorcyle slowed down Whether he was gOlng to turn or was havlng problems wlth hls blke wlll never be known The blg guy was on the blke's bumper and wouldn't let up untll the blke and the drlver were under hls rlg

I wlsh there were some way to make the blg guys understand that other vehl­cles have Just as much rlght on the hlghways as they do I pray that not all truckers have turned so cold-hearted -- Llttle Gal In Sherldan, Ind

Dear L1ttle Gal Truck­ers used to be known as "the km ghts of the road " What has happened? Many readers are compla1n1ng about "the blg guys " It makes me sad Any answers out there?

For a copy of Ann Land­er's booklet, "Love or Sex and How To Tell the Dlffer­ence," mall 50 cents and a long self-addressed enve­lope wlth your request to Ann Landers, POBox 11995, Chlcago, III 60611

Your Individual Horoscope

====== Frances Drake =====::::::::~==


ARIES (Mar 21to Apr 19)

A pnvate meetmg IS romantic Good news comes about a career mat ter Lucky developments reqUIre ac bon and dIScretIOn TAURUS (Apr 2OtoMay20)

Sex appeal IS tugh You'll attract new admirers You'll be happy about today's career happenIngs Togetherness reigns supreme GEMINI (May 21 to June 20)

You're m a flirtatious mood The m­vestment picture bnghtens for you Partners are m agreement about the use of Jomt assets CANCER (June 21to July 22)

Busmess could lead to romance Chansmabc, you'll take the world by storm today A partner has some hap­py news for you LEO (July 23 to Aug 22)

Good will you've put out m the past returns to you tenfold Some career luck comes now, but watch self­mdulgence tOnight

~toSePt 22) iI:! A pep talk to a cluld does wonders

Romance IS m the offmg for those ehgible Do not mIX busmess and pleasure, however LIBRA (Sept 23 to Oct 22)

You'll arnve at an Important domesbc decISIOn Luck comes to a fanuly member Work contmues to be enjoyable and producbve SCORPIO (Oct 23toNov 21)

You'll knock 'em dead today, especially m the romance depart­ment Good news puts you m a celebrabng mood after dark SAGITrARIUS (Nov 22toDec 21)

Judgment IS shrewd m fmanclal matters You can mdulge yourself m somethmg nice for the home Accent quality when shoppmg CAPRICORN (Dec 22toJan 19)

Self-<:onfldence unproves now Your buoyant manner makes thmgs fall m­to place You may go out dancmg En­JOY recreabon AQUARIUS (Jan 2OtoFeb 18)

Good news should be kept conflden­bat for now Shoppmg IS a plus The evenmg accents good bmes, but watch careless statements PISCES (Feb 19toMar 20) = The social pace continues on an upbeat note You may buy yourself some new clothes Fnends extend themselves for you

YOU BORN TODAY need to like your work to be happy You're qwte the master at self-promobon and are dramabc by nature Work mvolvmg the mtellect usually appeals to you, though you're also cut out for the theater Never rest on the status quo Always be willmg to try somethmg new to make the most of your abJhbes Wntmg, teachIng and mUSIc are fields for wtuch you have a natural affmIty BIrthday of Norman MaIler, writer, Jackie Robmson, baseball star, and Tallulah Bankhead, actress

e 19S5Klng Features Syndicate Inc

Martha's Vineyard An Official Vineyard As Of Feb. 3

BOSTON (UPI) -- Martha's Vlneyard, the resort lsland off Cape Cod known as a summer hldeaway for celeb­rltles, lS JOlnlng the llkes of Bordeaux, Burgundy and Napa as an offlclal Wlne­maklng area

The deslgnatlon, by the Federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Flrearms, means a bottle of Wlne made In Massachusetts from lsland grapes may now carry the deslgnatlon "Martha's Vlne­yard" on ltS label It be­comes offlclal Feb 3

It was approved at the request of George and Catherlne Mathlesen, owners of the Chlcama Vlneyard, who clalm to be the flrst and only wlnemakers on the lsland

They hope It wlll estab­llsh thelr vlneyard wlnery as a vlneyard of reknown

But Boston Wlne consul­tant Henry Keller says It lS all flash and no substance because government regula­tlons are not expllclt enough for offlclal Wlne clrcles

He sald the government's deslgnatlon does not follow the same scrupulous stan­dards that apply In Europe, where the areas of Burgundy, Bordeaux and Cognac mean Wlne quallty

Keller sald the lsI and lS not sUlted for grape growlng

"In my Judgment, my per­sonal Judgment, they've not got the best grapes down there," Keller sald "The

SOlI lS too sandy "

Mary Decker Wins

"Mr.Nice Guy" Award

RADNOR, Pa (UPI)-­Amerlcan track star Mary Decker dld not flnlsh her race In the Olymplcs last summer, but she lS the flrst woman to Wln TV GUlde mag­aZlne's "Mr Nlce Guy" award, glven annually to a sports flgure for boorlsh behavlor

The magazlne sald Sunday Decker won for her behavlor followlng her colllslon wlth Brltlsh-South Afrlcan runner Zola Budd In the 3,000-meter race at the Summer Olymplcs The aCCl­dent ended Decker's partlcl­patlon In the race Budd flnlshed, but dld not Wln

'~ecker vlllfled Budd, blamlng her for the mlshap and lmplylng she dldn't have enough world-class experlence to be runnlng In a race of such lmportance," the magazlne sald

"Unmlstakably, the col­llslon rUlned Decker's chances But what never seemed to occur to Decker was that It rUlned Budd's, too," the magazlne sald

Thought For The Day Phllosopher and theolo­

glan Relnhold Nlebuhr sald, "Man's capaclty for Justlce makes democracy posslble, but man's lncllnatlon to lnJustlce makes democracy necessary

If you have not recelved YOllr Hourglass by 5 30 pm, please call 84190

By ERMA BOMBECK When I thought of the "empty nest" -­

as I started to do three days after the blrth -- I fantaslzed about what It would be llke

You could open up a door and know It was a bedroom because you could see a bed The closets would hold a few empty hangers and an extra blanket for cold nlghts There would be nothlng to trlp over, nothlng growlng under the bed, and nothlng to spray for

It has been flve years Slnce the nest emptled and home stlll looks llke a garage sale that was moved lndoors because of raln It's as If the klds never left

Cardboard boxes marked "MISCEL" splll out of every closet, skl poles hang out from under the bed, backpacks, sleeplng bags and torn luggage llne the shelves

Somewhere It lS wrltten that someth~ng bad wlIl happen to a mother who throws away a yearbook, a report card, or a blue­book full of wrong answers Those are thlngs that are supposed to comfort us In our old age If we llve through the flre

We are the keeper of the hard shoes they may need In case a frlend gets mar­rled We store the drum set that the apart­ment manager objected to because It left oll stalns on the carpet We are the watch­dog of the deflated basketballs, the whoople cushlons, the strlngless tennlS rackets, the pressed corsages and the memorablila of the last 20 years or so of thelr llves

A son dropped In the other nlght ~lth a contrlbutlon for hls storage room "You thlnk you can hang onto thls scuba stuff?"

"You don't deposlt one more thlng untll you wlthdraw somethlng," I sald "Your grade school trophles were asklng for you today They want to llve wlth thelr Daddy "

"1 don't have room for them I told you my apartment lS too small "

'~ow about the large basket wlth the stuffed cobra nlbbllng on the mongoose?"

"Is It botherlng anyone In the utlilty room?"

'~ou could at least take those cartons of records you stored In the pantry "

"Why would I want them? They're old and scratched "

"Then toss thel'l out " "Are you crazy? They're classlcs'" I took a deep breath and prepared to

dellver one of my better speeches "You know I love you," I sald

"I hate It when you start a speech wlth that "

"But thls lS the end of an era You are an adult now who controls hls own destlny and wlth It comes the responslblllty for your possesslons If they are an lmportant part of your llfe, weave them In the fab­rlC of your eXlstence If they're not, pltch'em I'm ready to pass the torch"

"My torch' Where dld you flnd It?''

Scientists Study Turtles' Frenzied Nesting

SYDNEY, Australla (UPI) -- Every year on a remote coral lsland off the far north Queensland coast, hundreds of turtles crawl ashore to lay thelr eggs

A normal occurrence most years, but thls year turtles are comlng ashore llter­ally by the thousand -- more turtles than anyone can remember

On Ralne Island one nlght recently, a team of SClentlsts counted 11,467 green turtles

The number of female green turtles on or about the coral reef was estlmated at about 50,000, and the total wlthln a radlus of about 18~ mlles at 100,000 to 150,000

The mass nestlng began last October and lS Just flnlshlng

A team of Australlan SClentlsts observ­lng the frenzled nestlng have been trylng to flnd out why the phenomenon occurs






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boo-boo filer 56 Indlan 10 Away from 9 - Paulo 40 Compass 57" -lS the wmd

12 Debtor's pt hell" 11 Hebrew lfiluals 41 Anagram (Shennan) measure

13 Llke a for seal 58 Appomt- 16 Speck geometrlc 43 Brought ments 20 Nasty soM about 59 SpOiled cluld

14 Clty north- 45 Capncorn DOWN 21 Charts

I ~~~~~=====~~~~~=~[~~~~~~~~6dl~;:~;;~~~~ west of or CanLer 1 Sloths 22 Wdd ox IJ Muruch 47 Timetable 2 CostE>llo 23 Kansas rant Parker and Johnny Hart 15 AUSSle abbr 3 Play on blossom

r=--------,=~----~::uT r;~~""""'~~ vagabond 48 Command words 27 Ramy day ~ 17 Born to 4 Tea cakes rarlty • I~ ~t,..t,..ING 18 Undlvlded Dobbm 5 Decreased 29 Comfort

\...tC~~ Pt--AT~ 19 Type of 49 Rural 6 - of Court 30 Faded away H I ....-;0'-: II~ check or headgear (London) J2 Profound 0AIN~I' 'y cement 54 Panslan 7 Glrl's 34 Ghastly

rlVJI ..... 21 Subdue donkey name 37 Elevated Pf?OJe;c, 24 - cadabra Avg soluoon tune 23 mm 39 Seer's

25 Babylon- M B LeA M p cards Ian god GE AN OVA 42 Dlvmg

26 Part of P R A5 R I T acronym amm SE E HHEAVEN 44 "Odeona

28 Surfelted E E A [ L A T GrecIan-" U:~===:::=::::::~~=====~-!!!.~~~~~==~=~===~~==77~~1 31 "On X I C A 45 Dlssolve B C Johnny Hart Golden AG C I D ER 46 Frog genus

.. DO H 0 50 Teruus need WHAT D:l YOU RE£:attMEND R:;R ( (1981fllm) E6Y ~N~ I v~E E~6 51 Plth ,

A @.)v lilAT "'5 r:V<::.:Wr.'I"'b p 33 Female NILE EVE SID 52Platos r n nt\ t;;. O'-llnf'l _ parent DE RENT ST "H"

35 Bangkok ~ 53 One of the native 's Solut~o-n Kennedys


OFFICIAL NOTICES FOR SALE ADULT EVENING BEGINNING SWIMMING LESSONS wLll be taught at the FamLly Pool startLng Feb 4 Classes are beLng taught by Ann Brown from 6 30-7 15 on Mondays, Wednes­days, Saturdays, and Sundays untLl Feb 17 Class SLze LS lLmLted There wLll be a slLght fee Call 82847 Lf Lnterested

(SpecLal ServLces)

THE ADULT POOL LS scheduled to be rehabLlL­tated begLnnLng Feb 4 DurLng that tLme the FamLly Pool wLll be opened addLtLonal hours for all Lsland resldents' use Be­glnnLng Feb 4 addltl0nal tlmes are Mon­day-Thursday, 6-8 30 am, buddy system, 11 30 a m -12 30 pm, buddy system, 12 30-1 30 pm, llfeguard on duty, Satur­days (except Feb 9 and March 9), 6-9 am, buddy system, Sundays, 6-9 am, buddy sys­tem (SpecLal Servlces)

THE FOLLOWING IS A LIST OF LOST AND FOUND ltems currently belng held at the Central Pollce Statl0n Items may be clalmed by caillng the CPS and maklng arrangemeDts to meet wLth the Found Property custodlan In accordance w1th the prOV1Sl0ns of LEOI 190-17 and 190-18, those ltems of found prop­erty valued at $25 or less and all blcycles left unclalmed for 30 days wLll be sold at auctl0n Alcohollc beverages and tobacco, monles and ammunltl0n wlll not be sold at publlC auctlon The next auctl0n wlll be held on Feb 2, at 10 am, at the rear of the Central Pollce Stat10n Found Property 1 wallet 1 cooler 1 sum of money 1 pocket knlfe 1 pr prescr1pt1on

glasses Blcycles 9439 9287 8713 8201 8425

4802 7636 8941 8646

1 SWlm goggles 1 dental reta1ner 1 ID bracelet 1 set of keys 3 T-shuts

B5053 4892

A2981 3 wlth no de­

cal (EC Servlces)

IT IS IMPERATIVE THAT NUMBERS AND OCCUPANT names appear Lng on hous1ng exter10rs be plaLnly v1sLble from streets and f1re lanes In the event of a f1re, rap1d quar­ters ldent1flcatl0n may save valuable mln­utes Ln contaln1ng the f1re Tenants are respons1ble for ensurLng that the quarters ldent1flcatlon number and name 1S not ob­structed by shrubbery, patl0s, or has not been removed If these slgns are mlss1ng, call 83550 for a new slgn lnstallatlon

(Fac1lLtles EngLneerlng)

ATTENTION WINDSURFERS The buddy system lS requLred Page 87 of the Telephone Dlrec­tory s~ows the wlndsurfLng areas (Safety)

ADULT EDUCATION THE AEROBICS CLASSES taught by Terrl Ea­kLns wll1 be offered on Mondavs Wednes­days, and Saturdays beglnnlng Feb 4 Reg­lstratlon fee, $1 Call Eula, 82800, or stop by the Adult Ed Center for more lnfo

REGI~TRATION IS STILL BEING ACCEPTED at the Adult Educat10n Center, Rm 1, George Seltz School, for the followlng non-credlt courses H1gh School Algebra, Patchwork QUlltlng, Yoga, Celest1al Navlgatlon, Typ­lng, Aeroblcs, Troplcal Garden1ng, Begln­nlng HawaLlan QUlltlng, Eclectlc Cooklng, and Beglnnlng Dravnng For further lnfor­mat Lon call or come by the center dur1ng the followlng tlmes Tuesdays, Wednesdays, FrLdays, 8 a m -1 pm, Wednesdays, 3-6 p m


~************************** * * :: I F YOU MUST WEAR SHOES" t : DON'T LET YOURSELF GET : : "RUN DOWN AT THE HEELS'" :

* * * NEW HEELS AT THE * : COBBLER SHOP : : ONLY $3.40 :

* * * ONE-DAY SERVICE' * * * ~*************************~

PIONEER CASSETTE TAPE DECK, CT-FI250, $250, Lazy-Boy recllner, brown, flSh mo­bLle, large wLth 3 tlers, skates, llke new, sz 9, helmet shells, all Slzes Tr 850, Frlday, 7 30 a m -4 30 p m

TV STAND, $5, women's 10-speed blke, $20, 30-quart dehumldlfler, $50, candlemakLng klt, $10, flberboard mlcrowave table, $10, full-length mlrror, $5, 100 sq feet of whlte floor t1les, $25 Call 83825

ADDITION TO TR 601, 14'x43' Approved for company transfer ImmedLate occupancy, $3,000 Call John, W99106, H83825

PCS PATIO SALE, Frlday, Feb 1, Tr 605. 7 30 a m -1 p m Sewlng supplles, clothes and many other ltems

ONE PENN 10-0 REEL AND 135-LB ROD wlth 100-lb lLne and some gear, FU]L 10-speed wLth accessorles, needs some work Call Mark at 83383 or 81181

TWO NEW 150' ANCHOR LINES, braLded nylon lead core, ~" dlameter, $100 each, two 7-lb foldlng anchors, $30 each Call John, 82547 after 6 p m

FUJI S-12S 10-SPEED BIKE Ln excellent con­dltl0n $350 fLrm Call 83736 after 4 30 p m

TWO SEARS 3-SPEED 16" OSCILLATING FANS, llke new, $50 each, antLque-wood rocklng chalr, $20, KLrby uprlght vacuum, $85, set of men's rlght-handed golf clubs, $20, 50 ft water hose, patLo chalrs 82791

TWO SCUBA REGULATORS, used, $30 each, lronlng board, $10, new Sun Pac auto flash unLt, $20, 4 gal brown palnt, $4 each, 1 gal varnLsh, $5, plywood and bUlldlng materlals Call 82791

LOST PRESCRIPTION SUNGLASSES In vLcLnLty of hospLtal, Macy's, snack bar SLIver frames wlth gray tLnt Please call 83051

GRAY SWI~~ING TRUNKS, Slze 12 months Lost at Camp HamLlton, Sunday, Jan 27 Call 82504

FOUND FEMALE TABBY KITTEN near Yokwe Yuk Club She's about 6-8 weeks old and has a short tall Phone 82352 or stop by Qtrs 228A

WANTED INTERESTED PARTY THAT CALLED about 3-plece sUlt for young adult, please call Have found trousers -- were on separate hanger Call 84550

PATIO CARPET Astroturf-type preferred Call 82200 after 5 p m

WEIGHT BELT Call Ma] Mlyake, 82349

HELP WANTED HOURGLASS NEEDS TYPISTS Island's news­paper currently has openlngs for part­tlme typlStS -- one to work approxlmately 20 hours per week and one to work as back­up ln absence of typLng staff Must have good command of EnglLsh language and be able to type 50 wpm accurately for long perlods of tlme To apply, contact Global Personnel, corner Nlnth and Lagoon, 83388

KWAJ ISLAND NURSERY SCHOOL lS now accept­lng appllcatl0ns for employment Please call Cathy at 82158 for more lnformatl0n

SERVICES OFFERED SINGLE-STATUS, NON-SMOKING INDIVIDUAL wlshes to trailer-, house-slt durlng Feb­ruary or March Wlfe wlshes to vlsit lS­land I wlll take excellent care of your pets/plants Call V1C Chunn, W81549, 83556

COMMUNITY ACTMTIES DON'T FORGET TO GET YOUR TICKETS FOR THE Sweetheart Banquet, sponsored by the Wom­en's Protestant Chapel FellowshLp, Satur­day on Macy's front porch The banquet is on Feb 9, 7 pm, Yuk Club Taro Room

SIGN-UPS FOR THE SWIM MEET held on Feb 9 between the PLranhas and Barracudas wlll be taken at the Thursday practlce, Jan 31

THE VFW POST 10268 WILL HOLD THE ANNUAL awards presentatlons and recognltlon cere­monles for the VOlce of Democracy contest at the Vets Hall, Frlday evenLng, Feb 1, at 7 30 All are Lnvlted to attend

A GENERAL MEMBERSHIP MEETING OF THE KWAJ­aleln Scuba Club wlll be held tonlght at 7, at the YY Theater Refreshments Pro­gram Dlsplay of C Marhefka's shells Re­cently certlfled dlvers, please attend

CONCERT FOR YOUNG MUSICIANS at the MP Room on Feb 10 To slgn up or for lnfor­matlon, contact Jennlfer Brooks, 83672, or Sara Slevers, 83691

THE MICRONESIAN HANDICRAFT SHOP wLll hold a pre-lnventory sale from 7-8 30 pm, on Thursday, Jan 31, at the termlnal A wlde selectlon of handlcraft wlll be avallable ':'here wlll be a "speclal bargaln" table

CRIBBAGE BUFFS Change of start tlme for tournament on Feb 3 and 10 Was noon -­now 1 p m both days Last day to slgn up lS Thursday, Jan 31 Call 83663 or 99487, or stop by Vets Hall

DUE TO INVENTORY, the Bargaln Bazaar wlll be closed Thursday, Jan 31

?N Did you know?

You can earn college cred Its for what you a Iready know, and for th e Army schools

u attend?

Tonight At The Movies Yokwe Yuk - Closed Rlchardson - 1001 Rabblt Tales

7 30 ------------------ G Tradewlnds - Revenge Of The Nerds

4 50 5 35 6 00 6 25 7 15 8 05 8 55

10 15 11 00 11 50

4 40

5 30 6 15 7 05 7 55 8 '5

10 25

8 00 ------------------ R

Tonight On Television Kwajalein General Hospltal Backstage Goodnlght Beantown Rlpley's Belleve It Or Not Remlngton Steele Trauma Center "Rattlers" Davld Letterman Donahue (Soclal Rule) "Rattlers"

Roi-Namur Donahue (Black Famlly

Umt) General Hospltal Rlpley's Belleve It Or Not Remlngton Steele Trauma Center "Rlta Hayworth "The Love

Goddess" Davld Letterman

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