kovarik.hist ej.shortlecture.may14.2014

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Lecture slides for a history of environmental journalism as myth-busting, for the University of Ljubljana, May 14, 2014.



Exploring the lost history of the environment

Prof. Bill Kovarik

Myth / history * recent myths * journalism myths Enviroment & history * Franklin 1739 * Snow 1854 * Lippmann 1924 Trends * recent issues

Your ideas and questions

Sleep of history produces myths

Mass media and Environmental Conflict

Environmental conflict not new

Environmental news coverage is as old as the news

Can’t say science and technology were unquestioned until the late 20th century

Co-author of 1996 book


Author of 2011 book Revolutions in Communication,

examines the history of communication within the larger framework of technological change.

Major theme: Circumventing media technologies are deployed when needed

Social construction of technology is more important in communication than determinism (McLuhan). So …

The medium is not always the message People often create their media to carry the

messages they prefer

A modern myth

Medved said:

"The (whale oil) story should reassure present-day pessimists of the near miraculous power of technological advancement and pursuit of profit to save the environment."

History lesson: The oil industry came from the free market and it was good. We didn’t need government regulation then, and we don’t need it now.

Whale oil myth

Before oil (1854)

These are the fuels that were forced off the market by taxes in 1862.

History lesson: The oil industry did not come from the free market.

Environmental concerns are new

Environmentalism = substitute for religion *

Green power = black death (DDT) *

Climate science is new, untested, untried, and we can’t make policy based on it.

Environmental journalism is new


* for another lecture

More Modern Myths


Calder – “The thing that has amazed me as a lifelong journalist is how the most elementary principles of journalism seem to have been abandoned on this subject.”

Narrator - In fact the theory of manmade global warming has spawned an entirely new branch of journalism.

Calder – “You’ve got a whole new generation of reporters – environmental journalists.

“If you’re an environmental journalist, and if the global warming story goes in the trash can, so does your job. It really IS that crude.”

Is environmental science and controversy new?

Is environmental journalism “new” ?

How does the history of environmental journalism help us understand environmental controversies in the past?

“Forgotten History of Climate Science” Adam Frank, NPR – May 13, 2014

Climate science and climate change are older than the atom bomb, older than the discovery of penicillin and the older than recognition of DNA. It's older than trans-Atlantic jet flights, digital computers and moon rockets. Climate science and its conclusions are now venerable, established science.

To claim anything else is to rewrite history.

Partisan press & the environment

Benjamin Franklin, Andrew Bradford, 1739, Philadelphia Sanitation and public health

John Snow, Edwin Chadwick, 1854, London Sanitation and cholera

Walter Lippmann, Carr Van Anda, 1924, New York City Leaded gasoline

-- Benjamin Franklin, editor of the Gazette, and neighbors, petition Pennsylvania Assembly to halt waste dumping in Dock Creek and move tanneries away from Philadelphia's commercial district.

-- William Bradford, editor of the Mercury, writes of this as “A Daring Attempt (attack) on the Liberties of the Tradesmen of Philadelphia."

Example 1 Philadelphia 1739

+ Benjamin Franklin

1739 -- Benjamin Franklin and neighbors petition Pennsylvania Assembly to stop waste dumping and remove tanneries from Philadelphia's commercial district. Foul smell, lower property values, disease and interference with fire fighting are cited. The industries complain that their rights are being violated, but Franklin argues for "public rights." Franklin and the environmentalists win a symbolic battle but the dumping goes on.


Tanners object and parade through city when they win. Andrew Bradford, editor of the Mercury, responds: “They must be fine nos’d (nosed) that can distinguish the smell of

Tannyards from that of the Common sink of near half Philadelphia…”

Franklin argues for “public rights.” It wasn't a question of the liberties of the tradesmen but rather "only a modest Attempt to deliver a great Number of Tradesmen from being poisoned by a few, and restore to them the Liberty of Breathing freely in their own Houses."

Example 2 : Sanitation, London

Reformers had to fight the London Times and other very conservative media

Times preferred cholera to government regulation

John Snow 1854

+ Aug 1, 1854 London Times

Michael Faraday handing his

“card” to Father Thames 1858

(Secchi card / disk)

Example 3 : Leaded gasoline

Even in the 1920s, at the height of the Progressive Era, the partisan press reflected broad disagreement on environmental issues.

Some sided with industry, others with workers and public health science

“Suppose it’s Halley’s Comet.Well first you have a half-page of

decoration showing the comet, with historical pictures of previous

appearances. If you can work a pretty girl into the decoration, so much the

better. If not, get some good nightmare idea like the inhabitants of mars watching it pass. Then… a two

column boxed ‘freak’ containing a scientific opinion which nodoby will understand, just to give it class…”

-- Unnamed NY World editor, around 1912 (Emery,


Science writing was yellow journalism

Carr Van Anda

New York Times editor 1906 – 1932

Positivistic, pro-industry approach to science coverage

Excellent science editor • New focus on science in Times

• Corrected one of Einstein’s equations (poor transcription)

• Translated Egyptian hieroglyphics

+Walter Lippmann - NY World (Pulitzer) Championed the cause of

the “radium girls” in 1928

Scientific controversy exemplified the difficulties of the informed democratic people ;

Science also represented a powerful institution that could stem the tide of totalitarianism

Ethyl leaded gas conflict 1924-26

Media reported “mystery gas” killing workers at Standard Oil refinery in Oct. 1924

Standard claimed there were no alternatives

NY World reported that alternatives existed, quoted scientists more than industry

Ethyl conflict source reliance

Ethyl conflict source reliance

Pulitzer’s World

Environmental issues are clearly

part of the news agenda in 1928

Note the tie between history and the future

Example 4 (Consensus / air pollution )

By the mid to late-20th century environmental protection was not partisan. Notice the Los Angels “Smog War Demanded” headline coming up.

“We celebrated great victories in the 1970s and '80s... And here we are 30, 35 years later and we're fighting the same battles.” -- David Suzuki, May 13, 2014

Air pollution 1939 St. Louis

St Louis Post Dispatch crusades against “smoke nuisance,” wins 1941 Pulitzer

Air Pollution, Donora Pennsylvania Twenty died, 600


Oct. 30, Donora, Pennsylvania


Dec. 4-8 1952

Four thousand people die in the

worst of the London "killer fogs." Vehicles

use lamps in broad daylight, but smog is so thick that busses

run only with a guide walking ahead. By

Dec. 8 all transportation except

the subway had come to a halt.

1953 -- New York smog incident kills between 170 and 260 in November.

Los Angeles 1954

Heavy smog conditions shut down industry and schools in Los Angeles for most of October.


Why wait till 1955? We may not even be alive


St Louis 1958

Life Magazine info-graphic on Air pollution, 1963

Robert F. Kennedy 67-68 campaign

Recent trends in EH and EJ

US public opinion isolated

Public opinion divorced from science

Environmental news declining


Partisanship in US public

US public opinion vs science

Is human activity contributing to climate change? From: Scientific Consensus on Climate Change (Oreskes 2004). 

Trends: Environmental news declining

Trends: Environmental Pulitzers

































Q: Should we quote both sides in climate controversy?

Pro: Debate is healthy. If evidence is unbalanced, that will become obvious over time in the marketplace of ideas.

Con: In a story about evolution, should journalists quote a creationist? In a story about the Earth, is it our journalistic duty to quote a flat-earth-society idiot? That’s “false balance.”



And one very sobering trend ….

Trends: Global Witness Report, March 2014

Ken Saro Wiwa

1995 -- Nov. 10. Nigerian government executes journalist and environmental activist Ken Saro-Wiwa and eight other environmentalists.

They had been active in fighting pollution from Shell Oil Co. in the Ogani homeland. International protests of Shell activities continues.

Continued fighting by the “kill-and-go” armies and Shell’s guards leaves Ogoni region in ruins

W. Eugene Smith, photographer, killed by chemical company thugs some years after taking this photo in 1971

Conclusions Environmental journalism is not new; the issues and conflicts have been interesting to writers and observers for as long as there has been a mass media.

Forms, names, shapes and approaches may change, but the basic issues are the same

Recent trends: The urgency and significance of issues Financial instability of modern media Fossil fuel disinformation campaigns misinforming the American public

+Allan Nevins (1890 – 1971)

Allan Nevins American journalist, worked with Walter Lippmann at Pulitzer’s World newspaper

“History is never above the melee. It is not allowed to be neutral, but forced to enlist in every army…”

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