
Post on 14-Nov-2014






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The Keys to Faculty Development

By Dr. Pelham MeadCollege of Mount Saint Vincent

Space is always at a premium at colleges and universitiesAs difficult as it is the choice of where to establish an office for faculty development is criticalThe office should be near the classrooms or within easy access to the classrooms to allow for rapid support when needed.



Dr. Mead’s desk

Working table

HP BxW Laser


HP Lasercolor printer



Christine’s desk

Desk 2

Files, shelves, work area

Wall Blackboard with samples of profs work

Book shelf Professional library

Work area for MACs and scanner,CD-3 copier, TV/VCRr, Apple Wireless space station

TV /DVDwall hung

Electric Movie screen

Wireless station


Desk 3



TLC Room Diagram

Wireless signals

Color Printer


Establishing an Office-2

• Consider the wiring and access to LAN connections. You must have a LAN connection for each computer or at least one connection for a printer and one for a wireless station.

• Size or space sufficient to having several professors learning at one time.

• Storage is important to lock up equipment

Consider the Wireless Solution

LAN wireless, linksysAnother wireless station using linksys

Provide the best support tools

Support Tools that work.

1. High capacity laser color printer ($3200. networked)

2. Flat bed scanners (range from $70-$400 each)

3. 35mm slide scanners ($1600.)

4. High speed black and white laser printer (networked)

5. IMAC and MAC4 computers to allow work with iMovie editing and digital movie clips ($1900.)

6. Emergency portable LCD projectors ($1800-$2500)

7. Emergency Laptop Computers ($750-$1800)

8. Emergency VCR/DVD player ($100-300)

9. Emergency LCD bulbs ($445 plus shipping each)

10.Graphic Tablets and stylus ($100-199)

11.CD labeling machine and labels ($75-199)

2nd Key to Success

Making an offer

• Professors are paid a stipend of $1800 to participate in the 45 hour faculty development course.

• This $1800. is usually the amount needed to buy a laptop computer, which is what most professors do.

The Loaner laptop offer

A new laptop allows professors to replace

the out of date desktop computer they


Portability is important in being able to use it

at home and office.

A new laptop works well with LCD projectors and encourages faculty to do Powerpoint presentations

in the classroom

Purchase a Toshiba with

Centrino technology or

other laptop with wireless features

TLC office

Hello Professor Smith, I have a new laptop computer, and a stipend to offer you to take the 45 hr. Teacher Learner Center course. You accept ,Ok, then we will see you next Monday? Thanks.

The third key to success-flexibility

• Customize the program to fit the needs of the professors.

• Offer personal mentoring, rather than group instruction

• Don’t expect professors to do the training for nothing. Give them a stipend for their efforts.

• Be flexible, everyone learns differently, so provide backup instructors and online support, if necessary.

TLC officeOur faculty development course runs for one semester or 45 hours. It provides 90 minutes a week tutoring each professor, and they are to match the 90 minutes with 90 minutes of homework. We call this the 90/90 program.

We provide additional instruction for beginners who are struggling to learn the software and computer basics. We use faculty mentors to work an additional hour with TLC Professors.

Two of our best TLC Ambassadors were helped this way and they caught up to everyone and passed them. Now they are teaching other professors. Advantages

• Provides a backup for any class• Allows for mass e-mailing• Online grading-automatic• Stores documents• Automatically uploaded all classes and

students for all professors• Provides TLC online classes• Digital Drop Box• • Cost factor $7500 a year

ONLINE Workshop Web Sites

• (mirror Site)

•• We provide a main Workshop online

web site and a mirror site• Professors publish also..•


• •


Sixth Key to Success

The TLC Curriculum Outline

1-Powerpoint XP unit-6-7 weeks

•9 slide project-basic

•15 slide project including transitions

•25 slide project including cartooning and motion-3D (Crystal Graphics plug-in)

•Graphics and pictures

•Sound and movie clips

•50 slide final project

2-MS Publisher XP unit-3 wks.

•Create a Newsletter applied to a course being taught

•Create a tri-brochure dept. brochure

•Publish a simple web site

Curriculum continued

3- Frontpage XP- Web Publishing unit and Dreamweaver-4 wks.

•Compare and contrast pros and cons of both programs Frontpage XP and Dreamweaver MX

•Publish 3 page web in Frontpage XP-tables.

•Publish layered 3 page site in Dreamweaver

•Animation in Dreamweaver

•DHTML –marquee, hover buttons and other Frontpage extras

4-Adobe Photoshop 7.01

•Basics, editing, layers

How do we handle Professors with some experience?

Answer: We start at a higher level of skill. For instance if they are somewhat experienced with powerpoint, them we show them 3D in Powerpoint, special effects, Cartooning, sound, movie clips and making animation.

How does this apply to TLC Ambassadors?

The Ambassador curriculum is customized to what the Professor wants to do. Most of the Professors work on Adobe Photoshop advanced skills and Dreamweaver for web publishing. Some do Authorware also.

Relate the curriculum to

presentations & web based materials.





Computer cart



The Computer Cart


1-Lock box to hold remotes, printer, light

2-Larger wheels at the back to help roll better

3-Shelf to hold portables

4-Non-skid top for laptop

5-AC wire wrap up holder

6-Night light based screwed into top

7-Handle for moving

8-Scanner can be added

9-Document camera can be added

10-Surge protector on the side of the cart

11-No keys or locks for classrooms makes the cart a necessity.

Wireless Smart Classrooms

Graduation in the TLC does not mean moving on and not coming back. For

us it is just the beginning of many years of “lifelong learning.”

When they graduate they are just beginning a habit Of life-long learning

You must keep them involved in the instructional program as support, as role Models, as a board of consultants, as recruiters and as life long learners.

Graduates of the TLC or Teacher Learner Center become

TLC Ambassadors

Ambassadors are given free laptops if they continue with instruction of two sessions, one-hour a month.

Ambassadors are used as speakers at conferences

Ambassadors help to recruit fellow professors to TLC

TLC Ambassador Dine and plan

• To keep TLC Ambassadors active and involved we offer “dine and plan” sessions at night every other Month.

• We serve them international style dinner (Cambodian, Filipino and Tex-Mex).

• Then we present educational or information material.

• Afterward we seek their input for planning future projects or changes.

• We use them as a board of advisors.

Keeping TLC Ambassadors

• We have kept 30 out of 37 (81%) professors involved in the TLC program because we change the curriculum each year to include more programs and harder programs.

• Because we loan laptops• Great Dine and Plan dinners.• Unlimited personal support, research,

scanning, burning cds, loaning movie cameras and digital cameras, tripods

Newsletters help communicate

No body is going to sell your program to the faculty and college unless you do it.

Let the rest of the college know what you are doing.

Keep it positive.

Proclaim the successes of those faculty already enrolled in the program

Announce workshops, online sites, projects, grants, etc.

Smart Classroom guide 2003-2004

Prepared by the Teacher Learner Center

Prepared by Teacher Learner Center Director: Dr. Pelham Mead

College of Mount Saint Vincent

Brochures for Smart Classrooms

And wireless technology were distributed to 250

faculty, adjuncts, staff and administrators to keep them informed and to

educate them how to use the wireless smart


10th & Final Key to Success


Instant Service with a smile

Drop everything and help out service

Keys to Success Summary


1-Try to select an adequate training facility and office

4-Customize the program to the needs of the faculty


3-Stay flexible with program and people

6-Provide a follow-up -

training program

5-Easy Goals to achieve

2-Make an offer they

cannot refuse

Keys continued

10- Instant service-a mindset


tell the entire college

8-Graduation Follow-up-

Ambassador Program


well equipped spaces

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