john wesley united methodist · ____ youth...

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John Wesley United Methodist Church 270 Gifford St., Falmouth, MA 02540

Telephone: 508-548-3050 Fax: 508-540-7273 Email:

“The Wesleyan”

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

“No discipline is enjoyable while it is happening—it’s painful! But afterward there will be a peaceful harvest of right

living for those who are trained in this way.” Hebrews 12:11

Don’t we all know this to be true! Whether it is the discipline we need in order to adhere to an exercise program or to eat right or to kick a bad habit, it can be painful! And yet, if we are able to keep to the discipline, we often feel so much better. And this is the same when it comes to our spiritual life. When we are able to maintain disciplines that keep us growing in our Christian faith, we feel close to God, we find peace and balance and joy in life, and we learn how best to follow God’s will for our lives. And so, The Leadership Team, the new decision making body of our church, will be embarking on a study together called “Christian Disciplines,” designed to strengthen our foundations in Christ and deepen our relationship with him. We believe this will enable us to better discern God’s will for our church, and be more equipped to follow the direction God is leading John Wesley.

And because I believe it is important for all of us to grow in our faith, I will share with you each month the particular “discipline” that The Leadership Team will be studying. At our May 1st meeting, we will be looking at the discipline of Quiet Time – the need to be alone with God. Now you have heard me say this before, but as the authors of our study write, “When we really want to get to know someone, there is no substitute for spending quality time together. The same is true of our relationship with God.” And yet, why does this seem so difficult for us sometimes? Well, probably for a variety of reasons, but let me share with you two that I think most apply. One reason is that it is hard to find time in our busy schedules. For many of us, our days are filled. And yet, we find time to eat, to watch our favorite television show or sporting event, to get our hair cut, go to the doctor, socialize, and any number of other things we seem to fit in during a day. So isn’t it really more a question of priority, than of time? Ask yourself, where does God fit in your schedule?

The second reason it seems difficult, is that we often don’t know what to say to God. Trust me, this gets easier over time. But let me suggest the following steps. Start by saying “thank you” for something. We all have much for which we are grateful, so just begin with, “Thank you Lord, for…” Then, think about what is most on your mind that day. Maybe it’s a decision you have to make, someone you’re worried about, the list of things you have to get done, whatever. Just talk to God about it. Why is it bothering you? What do you need? How can God help you? Next, think about people you want to pray for. List their names, talk to God about why they are on your prayer list. And finally, just be quiet for a few minutes, and see what God might be saying to you. You may hear God through a feeling of peace you have, thoughts that just come to mind, or getting a sense of something you should do. And then…make a commitment to take those same steps the next day.

The Bible says that when Moses came down from the mountain after spending forty days and nights with God, his face was radiant. So radiant that people were in awe. Imagine what that time with God did for Moses! Now your face might not be radiant after spending some time with God, but, I can assure you, as the above verse says you will have “a peaceful harvest of right living.” So go, find some “Quiet Time” with God. ~ Pastor Rebecca

May, 2017

Worship Sunday, May 21st – Prayer & Praise Sunday!

We will have special guests share about their faith journey, as well as wonderful music to lift our spirits and praise God! This will be at both the 8:30 and 10:30 services.

Looking ahead – Our next Christian Holy Day is Pentecost, on Sunday, June 4th this year. This is the day we celebrate that God sent the Holy Spirit on the disciples, with “tongues like flames of fire,” and from that time on, the disciples courageously went out and told the world about Christ. As part of our celebration, we will all wear our red t-shirts, symbolizing the red fire, and the passion we should have as Christians to want to tell others about Christ!

Check out our newly refurbished candelabras! This pair was badly in need of fixing and polishing, and thanks to the diligent effort of our Worship Ministry Chair, Betty Smith, they were sent out and delivered in time for Easter Worship service. Witnesses saw Betty following the FedEx truck through town a couple of days before so that she could be sure the delivery of these beautiful candelabras would be made in time for the service! Now that’s dedication! (And no restraining order was filed against Betty by the FedEx driver!)

We Always Need Your Help! John Wesley UMC can always use volunteers. If you're thinking you'd like to become more involved

with the church, volunteering might be just what you're looking for. There are so many options. Please give consideration to the following and check off any that interest you.

Immediate Need to Help the Missions/Outreach Ministry: (Contact Karen Camp: 508-539-9091)

____ Chair, co-chairs, or team to coordinate the Alternative Gift Market in November. Much of the

work has already been done—we just need coordinator(s).

Opportunities to Help in the office: (Contact Laura: 508-548-3050)

____ Answering the telephone on days when Laura is out.

____ Folding bulletins on days when Laura is out (usually on a Friday).

____ Computer work - creating the weekly Sunday Bulletin when Laura is out.

Opportunities to Help With Children and Youth Activities: (Contact Allison: 508-548-3050)

____ Sunday School Substitute Teacher (K-2, 3-6 and 7th & above)

____ WoW Substitute Teacher (in the rare occurrence Allison is unable to teach)

____ Nursery Attendant (when Attendant needs assistance and/or is out)

____ Vacation Bible School (August, various capacities to serve)

____ Youth Group Meetings (Sunday, 4-5 pm to be another adult there)

____ Youth Group Off-Campus (service projects, social events, etc.)

____ Youth Group Overnights (Mission Trip, Winter Retreat)

____ Church-Wide Events (Egg Hunt, Halloween, etc.)

Opportunities to Help With Fundraising Events:

____ Spring Plant Sale volunteer (various capacities to serve)—Tom Hoke: 617-834-8124

____ Spring/Fall Rummage Sale volunteer (various capacities to serve)—Aline Ward: 508-444-6038

____ Christmas Fair volunteer (various capacities to serve)—Aline Ward: 508-444-6038

____ Monday Morning Crafter—Linda Duane: 508-457-4407

Other Church Opportunities:

____ Coffee Hour Host—Linda Duane: 508-457-4407

____ Transportation Volunteer (bring someone to church of doctor)—Karyn Briggs: 315-750-0682

____ Friendly Visitor (visit homebound members)—Karyn Briggs: 315-750-0682

____ Small Group Leader (lead an Adult group study on your schedule)—Jenn Linton: 508-548-2792

____ Join the Nursing Home Ministry—Pat Dinsmore: 508-540-2183

____ Join the Church Music Ministry (Choir, Handbells, Children’s Choir)—Kari Fietek: 508-548-3050

____ Be an Usher, Greeter, or Prayer Team member—Church Office: 508-548-3050

See anything you like? Give us a call and we'll answer any questions you have and help you find the

right opportunity for you! (508) 548-3050. You can drop this form in the box outside the office.

Name: ___________________________ Phone: ______________ Email: ____________________

Why Read the Bible for Yourself ? Last time, we looked at the most common reason people give for reading their Bibles: for wisdom and encouragement in our daily lives. Among the top reasons Scripture itself gives for reading the Bible is knowing the truth. Jesus himself, when confronted by a religious sect, the Sadducees, about their theological doctrine, replied, “You are in error because you do not know the Scriptures” (Matt. 22:29). Throughout his ministry, Jesus was constantly teaching his followers –not just new parables and ways to live, but interpreting for them passages of Scripture that had already revealed God’s heart and purpose, and teaching how he himself was living out those Scriptures.

We have wonderful sermons to listen to and devotional books to read, and we can surround ourselves with Christian media all day if we choose to. These can help us to stay connected to God… as long as we know the Scripture well enough, for ourselves, to test what is being said and confirm that it is in line with Scriptural truth. The apostle Paul, speaking to his spiritual son Timothy, warned him that “the time will come when people will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they … will turn their ears away from the truth and turn aside to myths” (2 Tim. 4:4). Whether it’s a point of doctrine or knowing what God has told you about how precious you are to him, it’s important for us to go directly to the Source for our information.

In post-modern times, it’s popular to think that we each can find our own truth without any kind of external authority. Certainly, the Holy Spirit speaks the truth directly to our souls. But did you know that the Sword of the Spirit described as part of our spiritual armor is the word of God (Eph. 6:17)? We need both the Spirit in our hearts and the Word of God in our minds, in order to stand firm in our faith. Then we will know the truth, and that truth will set us free (John 8:32). ~ Jenn Linton

May, 2017

In 1969, Jackie DeShannon wrote and sang "Put a Little Love in Your Heart." It goes something like this: "Think of your fellow man, lend him a helping hand, put a little love in your heart. You see it's getting late, oh please don't hesitate. Put a little love in your heart. And the world will be a better place, and the world will be a better place. You just wait and see." That says it all. Every single person can make a difference. You might say "what can I do? I'm too old or too young, I don't have any extra money, I'm not talented, I can't commit to anything else. And I say "do you have a heartbeat, can you drive, do you enjoy people, do you like to converse with people, prepare a meal for someone?" Fellowship Ministry is looking for YOU. We want to have a "go to list" of people before the need arises so we can respond quickly and efficiently. How about a fleet of drivers to provide rides to Drs appointments, church, treatments, meal-makers to cook a dinner for someone going through a hardship, i.e. an injury, hospitalization, new baby. Pay a visit to someone in the hospital or house bound, a phone call or a note. You could be their lifeline, their connection.

Let us know how you would like to help your fellowman. Contact Karyn Briggs at (315)750-0682.

Share a little love from your heart!

May, 2017


There will be no Youth Group on Mother’s Day, Sunday, May 14th or during Memorial Day Weekend, Sunday, May 28th. There still will be Sunday School both days.


As some of you may have noticed, our Nursery has taken on a new identity during the month of April. The paint, décor, toys and walls have all been transformed! Overall, the Nursery has become, in sorts, a Garden. Although our babies won’t know the spiritual connections that are included in this room, we hope others do (and can even share them with their kids). The Garden is so important, it is where we originated, what we’re destined and what we’re yearning to get back to. We’re told in Genesis 3:8 that Adam and Eve walked with God in the cool of the day. They were in the very presence of God. And thankfully because of Jesus, we too can walk with God in the cool of the day. We hope this is a reminder to all our children when they see the nursery, as they enter under the life-sized tree, that they can personally walk with the One True Living God all the days of their life…in the Garden. The Nursery project was spearheaded and improved by Julie Immelt-Whelden! Julie brought her time, talent and treasures to enhance our Nursery. She is the one who painted, ordered, cleaned and organized this room. Without her, the Nursery would not be what it is today. Please thank and show your appreciation towards her. Julie, we are indebted to your faithfulness and service to this church and to God. From the bottom of our hearts, thank you! Thank you also to Jack Gardner, Larry Ward and John Mincieli for knocking out book shelves, making a guardrail and so much more!


Youth Group Sky Zone “Glow” Outing: (Friday, May 19th from 5:30-9:45 pm) On Friday, May 19th, our Youth Group (5th grade and up) will be going to Sky Zone (indoor trampoline park in Kingston) to hang out and jump around on their trampoline and foam pits! We’ll meet at the church at 5:30 pm, jump from 7:00-9:00 pm and then be back at the church by 9:45 pm for pick-up. Cost is $25/student which included 2 hours of glow-in-the-dark jumping, DJ, a glow in the dark t-shirt, grip socks, pizza, transportation and more. In order for students to jump, electronic waivers must be signed by their parent/guardian. Friends are welcome to join! Please let Allison know if your student will be joining by Thursday, May 18th. A male and female adult chaperone are needed for this outing, please contact Allison if you’d like to chaperone/drive.

Flocking Flamingo Fundraiser! Flocking sign-ups will begin Sunday, May 21st It’s baaaaack!!! The Flock of Flamingos are flocking Falmouth (and Mashpee) again this June! If you weren’t here last year or didn’t see them around town, a flock of over 50 pink Flamingos fly from house to house every single day in June (a total of 30 different houses) in order to raise funds for the Youth Group’s Annual Summer Mission Trip!

Last year was our 1st time with this fundraiser and it was an absolute hoot! We cannot wait to see where the flock goes this June! Here’s how it works:

$10 to flock someone’s house $10 to remove the flock from your house $10 to insure you won’t be flocked

As you can see, it’s very simple. Our Youth Families will be responsible for flying to flock from house to house.

Continued on next page

"Focus on the Family" Challenge (Mother's Day to Father's Day)

Starting Mother's Day (Sunday, May 14th) through Father's Day (Sunday, June 18th) we are encouraging all of our families (with or without children) to focus on the spiritual welfare of one's family by doing activities, devotionals and games together as a family. There will be a calendar published which will identify a reasonable "challenge" to do each day. It is our hope that these intentional activities will bring your family closer to God and to each other. Let the fun begin!

Recap: Community-Wide Easter Egg Hunt

On Saturday, April 15th, we hosted our Community-Wide Easter Egg Hunt and it was a blast! About 175-200 people from the community joined us as. Toddlers through 4th graders hunted for over 1,750 eggs! Kids also participated in games (such as Pin the Tail on the Easter Bunny, Cross Toss, Egg Toss and an Obstacle Course), activities (such as making Easter story snack bags, coloring, etc.) and crafts (such as bunny ear and wreath making stations). Make sure you take a look at all the pictures on Facebook. A special thank-you to ALL of our adult volunteers who made this event possible, especially Kim Black, Richard Bolinder, Karyn Briggs, Lynne & Henry Brown, Russ Brown, Giesele Castronova, Amy Clatanoff-Brown, Lisa Colgan, Tom Hoke, Julianna

Hoke, Diane Huban, Milt King, Carrie & Tim Leonard, Jenn Linton, John & Rebecca Mincieli, Cherylann Randall,

Rick Smith, Debbie Sutherland, Mel Trott and Laura Ware. And to those who donated candy! Our Youth Group were awesome egg-stuffers, egg-placers/droppers, activity leaders, Easter Bunny (Moriah and Tyler) and more! Thank you Brian, Hanna, Karlee, Matty, Miah, Milo, Miranda, Morgan, Moriah, Nathan, Sean and Tyler!

May, 2017

Morgan Batchelder

We’re excited to announce that 5th grader, Morgan Batchelder is our May 2017 Children & Youth Spotlight honoree! Morgan has been very active in our Youth Group, ever since she entered 5th grade last summer. She often joins us on our off-campus social events, such as White Water Rafting, service projects like MLK Day of Service and local church projects like volunteering to help at Vacation Bible School, stuff and distribute Easter Eggs and so much more. If you’ve interacted with Morgan at all, within minutes you will pick up on how bright and sweet she is. Morgan is diligent in everything she puts her hands to do, perceptive of other people’s feelings and super positive. It has been such a joy getting to know Morgan, and we hope others get the privilege to, as well! Congratulations Morgan!

May, 2017

May, 2017

May, 2017

We are in process of connecting with to set up the paper work for the child we will be sponsoring with the Sunday School. She is Maydoly, 6, from Ecuador. Be on the lookout for displays in the Sunday School wing and on the Missions’ bulletin board in the Fellowship Hall.

We are still looking for a chair for the Alternative Gift Market, and they are very interested in our UMCOR USA water program(s).

Upcoming events for “Change the World” are: May –, June – youth group scholarships, and July/August – Human Trafficking through UMCOR.

We are having JWUMC pens made to be distributed to visitors and other outreach areas.

We are having food pantry cloth bags with the JWUMC logo for you to use to help remind you to bring food for the food pantry at the Falmouth Service Center. The theme used to be “Food on the 4th” as that is when we would deliver the collection. The bags are to remind you to bring donations at any day or time!

The handyman team is made up of 10 volunteers who are ready to assist you! Give Jack Gardner a call: 508-420-0173.

Rebecca has given away 3 totes of emergency supplies to those in need so far.

We voted to give to the Pastor’s Discretionary Fund from our distributions!

We are going to be holding a Fall Golf Tournament fundraiser on Saturday, September 16th, with a 9am shotgun start. Keep an eye out to help us by golfing, getting sponsorships, or getting prize donations. THANK YOU!

The next meeting will be May 22nd. We’d love to have you join us! ~ Karen Camp

Please join us in the Lyman Lounge on the 4th Monday of

the month at 7pm. We’d love to hear your ideas!

Announcements Scholarship Applications available. Scholarships in the amount of $500 – $2,000 are awarded annually to applicants pursuing higher education, including college and certified non-college education programs. Applicants must be members of, or have an affiliation with, John Wesley United Methodist Church. Forms available in the office.

If you did not order a red t-shirt last year, you may want to come to the office and check out the sizes that we have left, especially if you will be volunteering at the upcoming Plant Sale. We have crew necks and v-necks in a variety of sizes, prices ranging from $8 - $11 (check or exact cash), depending on the size. See Laura for more information.

If you see Denis MacDonald around the church at any point, be sure to thank him for collating and folding all of the Easter Worship service bulletins. That was a big job, and he did it beautifully! Thanks, Denis!

Cape Cod Healthcare will have a Blood Drive here at JWUMC on Monday, May 15th from 12noon until 6pm. All of the blood donated stays here on the Cape and Islands to assist our families, friends and neighbors.

Sunday, May 7th – Special Coffee Hour to welcome Kari Fietek as our new Music Director, thank Ted Burt, Mike Bonnett and Tom Hoke for stepping in to lead our choirs, and to celebrate our entire Music Ministry, with Roy Campbell, our Adult, Bell and Children’s Choirs.

Pastor Rebecca and John will be visiting Rebecca’s parents in Indiana May 10 -13th.

(No. 2—May, 2017)

What Ever Happened to the East Falmouth Church?

This is a story about the East Falmouth Methodist Episcopal (M.E.) Church that was active until about 1934. This covers a period of over 100 years with validation from the archives and other sources. The story is not complete and makes some assumptions. More research may lead to a better narrative. In the years before 1850, East Falmouth Methodists met in a school. During the period of 1852 to 1859 the church was supported by pastors from Falmouth village (maybe circuit riders?). The church prospered so that a building was dedicated in 1859, and the church supported its own preachers from 1860 to 1888. The building was located on what is now East Falmouth Highway (Route 28) near Davisville Road between the highway and the East Falmouth Cemetery. The land and part of the cost of the church was donated by Captain John Tobey. We have a record of the church being rededicated in 1906 after major renovations required by nearly 50 years of service. And based on reports in the Falmouth Enterprise, the church remained active in the community well into the 1920s. Starting about 1927, however, services were no longer held at East Falmouth, although some staff were retained. The congregation worshipped at the Main Street Church in Falmouth. In December of 1931, lightning struck the steeple causing minor damage. But following a fire at the church in 1934 the congregation merged with the Main Street church, leaving the building unused. The community hall, a separate building on the property, was sold and moved to another site in 1935. Maintenance of the church building continued, but vandalism took its toll (“damage done there by boys” and “Halloween damage”). It is sad to read the Trustees’ discussions of necessary maintenance to a building that was no longer in use. In 1941, it was decided to “board up the windows of the East Falmouth Church”. By 1943, the Trustees were contemplating selling the church building itself if a buyer could be found to move it off the site so the church could retain the property, including the cemetery. They also decided to move the bell and the furnace, two important assets, from the East Falmouth Church to the Main Street church. There is a record of preparing the steeple at the Main Street church for the bell. But this leads to a mystery – during construction of the John Wesley church in the 1950s, the plan was to move this bell from the Main Street church to John Wesley, but the move did not occur. In fact, it is believed that the bell was given to another church in the New England Conference, but no record of this has been found. Jumping forward to the year 1960, an unofficial title search has found that the part of the land between the cemetery and the highway was deeded to Fruean Electrical as payment for work done at the John Wesley church during its construction in the mid-1950s. The deeded land now holds two office buildings housing realty and financial services companies. The cemetery behind the new buildings still belongs to John Wesley Church. ~ Ken Peal

May, 2017

Check your Sunday Bulletins and our website for additions and changes to the monthly calendar -


1 2 3 4 5 6

7am AA 10am Crafters

6:30pm Leadership Team

7am AA 6:30pm Mother's

Recovery 6:30pm Fal. Chorale

7am AA 12Noon Food for the

Soul 4:30pm Children's

Choir 5:45pm Bell Choir

7pm Yoga with Grace 7pm Brazilian Bible

Class 7pm AA

7am AA 1pm Sewing 101 5pm Coalition for

Children 6pm AA Women

7pm Brazilian Church

7am AA 2pm AA Women 4pm Fal. Chorale 5:30pm AA Study

1pm Fal. Chorale Setup and Concert

7 8 9 10 11 12 13

8:30am Communion Service

9:30am Sunday School 10:30am Worship/WoW 1pm Fal. Chorale Setup

and Concert 4pm Youth Group 6pm Girl Scouts

6pm Brazilian Church 6pm Narcotics Anon.

7am AA 10am Crafters

7am AA 5:15pm SPR Ministry

6pm Fal. Chorale 6:30pm Mother's


7am AA 12Noon Prayer

Meeting 4:30pm Children's

Choir 5:45pm Bell Choir 7pm Adult Choir

7pm Yoga with Grace 7pm Brazilian Bible

Class 7pm AA

7am AA 4pm Fal. Eats

Together 5pm Coalition for

Children 6pm AA Women

7pm Brazilian Church

7am AA 2pm AA Women 3pm JML Nursing

Ministry 5pm Girl Scouts

5:30pm AA Study

14 Mother’s Day 15 16 17 18 19 20

8:30am Communion Service

9:30am Sunday School 10:30am Worship/WoW

4pm Youth Group 6pm Brazilian Church 6pm Narcotics Anon.

7am AA 10am Crafters

12Noon CCHC Blood Drive

7am AA 7:30am Men's

Breakfast 3pm Finance Ministry

6:30pm Mother's Recovery

7pm Fal. Chorale

7am AA 12Noon Prayer

Meeting 4pm Worship Ministry

4:30pm Children's Choir

5:45pm Bell Choir 7pm Adult Choir

7pm Yoga with Grace 7pm Brazilian Bible

Class 7pm AA

7am AA 5pm Coalition for

Children 6pm AA Women

7pm Brazilian Church

7am AA 1:30pm Atria Nursing

2pm AA Women 3pm Royal on the

Main 5:30pm AA Study 5:30pm Youth Sky


8:30am Homecoming


21 22 23 24 25 26 27

8:30am Communion Service

9:30am Sunday School 10:30am Worship/WoW

2pm Fal. Orchestra 4pm Youth Group 6pm Girl Scouts

6pm Brazilian Church 6pm Narcotics Anon.

7am AA 10am Crafters 3pm Trustees

7pm Missions/Outreach

7am AA 10:30am Sight Loss

6:30pm Mother's Recovery

7pm Fal. Chorale

7am AA 12Noon Prayer

Meeting 4:30pm Children's

Choir 5:45pm Bell Choir 7pm Adult Choir

7pm Yoga with Grace 7pm Brazilian Bible

Class 7pm AA

7am AA 9am Plant Sale Setup

6pm AA Women 7pm Brazilian Church

7am AA 9am Plant Sale 2pm AA Women 3:15pm Royal

Megansett 5:30pm AA Study

9am Plant Sale 2pm Plant Sale


28 29 Memorial Day 30 31

8:30am Communion Service

9:30am Sunday School 10:30am Worship/WoW 6pm Brazilian Church 6pm Narcotics Anon.


7am AA 6:30pm Mother's


7am AA 12Noon Prayer

Meeting 4:30pm Children's

Choir 5:45pm Bell Choir

7pm Yoga with Grace 7pm Brazilian Bible

Class 7pm AA

John Wesley United Methodist Church

270 Gifford Street

Falmouth, MA 02540 (508)548-3050


Dated Material

Rev. Rebecca Mincieli, Pastor

Allison Deyo, Dir. Of Children & Youth

Laura Peterson, Office Administrator

Kari Fietek, Dir. Of Music Ministries

Roy Campbell, Accompanist

Debra Sutherland, Nursery Attendant

Happenings in May

How lovely is the month of May As sunbeams glisten on Great Bay! Songbirds are singing merrily As sailboats head out to the sea.

A time of year when flowers grow After winter’s harsh winds and snow.

All nature seems to come alive, The lawns are green, baby birds thrive.

How glorious to be a part Of God, our Father’s wondrous art! As we celebrate Mothers’ Day,

We thank God for them as we pray. Let’s not forget Armed Forces Day

As we give thanks this month of May. For those who fought to keep us free,

Who lost their lives for liberty, We give thanks Memorial Day

Honoring those who passed away. So let us all rejoice this May

For blessings when, to God, we pray.

~ Joy Stosz April, 2017

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