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itos Angeles IDimes M E D IA GROUP

Sold To: LA City Clerk - CU00066787 200 N Spring St Ste 395

Los Angeles,CA 90012

Bill To: LA City Clerk - CU00066787 200 N Spring St Ste 395


The Uly of los An~s Glli!rs il lfWMd piY<Iblf " t!'C' diKmwlll of It>~ Oty (ouool to ont.,­Pfi'SOI'.S mille 1!11!1 or !111M up tc ~"~~mumtotal!um of $50,1.'00 for mfcm!otl!ln tue~mg to dl• <tfntlficauon and i9l'ttlll!nsloll cf ~~ Pf!lon cr per100S re5pa~U!Ie fur the act nf l'llltd« 1911m1, COS.\\f GO!a.Aill. In lbe City af l4S ftr.qe!e. 011 friday, Febn:i!IY 27, 20U9, 1t appro~.~tnatt'lf 9:3i a.m .. ~ 43-;Hf old tamlle vendi'!', Ccsme GOfllalu, wM sllot and kimtc~ In lAPO rtpc~ WM an anempltd ltlbbefy. eos­ltavfs be~lnd ~ w~ and three 1oung ch 1ldt1n. LAI'O llu i$Sued a wmant IG< the anN of ~n« of tile SL!.p-. Werrl!f F!a...O . .<ro, wllo 11 be!It'ted 10 llave !!tel till! ~kited 5tam 1o Mmco Of South At!~l. L~PO i! lUI Sl!IVC!inq for tht suijll!(t{5) and tntourage l•itr.eslit5 to roo. forwatd, evm afllll!y:nously, to asw lb!m ln tlltlr 11\~t"laliofl. !"' P'lf!CI\ or pmor:~ resJY.Insible ftif tilts crime tejlt!'reli ~n cnqolng !Neat to ~~~ s.ff:y of tbt !JfOCit of lll'l ,l,i~gt!H. lrleu v.~hdriWII cr poak! by Cil't Ccundl ilttloo, tillS o4for d rt'liatd shil!l tffilliNII! oo, it'd 1\irie no #ect afiu, MAR(\11. lOlS. The ~!OVhiO<II of PiY"'fnl iPd 4JI !!!her com!llmtior~ s~an be ~emed by Chaptar 12 of Olvblool 19 of tlw ~..A( Ca6!, as amet'ted by OrdillaP.te Nos, 1Sli1S7 and 166666. Tht1 o!rer !ball be gtnn upon the rot~ditlc!l tllic all danar.n pro~ Wlflnued ~pf!atton wnbln ~ cnmin~ jijS!ll:e 1J5tt111 reliWe Ia thrs £.i!f .wi! Is net JVaitable til pi.blit cfflces or enployees ell!>! Lty, tlltlr f.ltnHin. ~nons In Q'll etlfotarnetl( Gf peoons whese. mi5CO!dJ« prompted th~ rewd lf you have any id!!!Tllatio<> lf'illlding 1M ( iH!, •uw ca!llhe lll! Ar.t}!lH Pil!itt

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2645001 - Los Angeles Times

t!os Angeles IDimes M EDIA GROUP



I am a citizen of the United States and a

resident of the County aforesaid; I am

over the age of eighteen years, and not

a party to or interested in the action for

which the attached notice was published.

I am a principal clerk of the Los Angeles Times,

which was adjudged a newspaper of general

circulation on May 21, 1952, Cases 598599 for

the City of Los Angeles, County of Los Angeles,

and State of California. Attached to this

Affidavit is a true and complete copy as was

printed and published on the following

date(s): Sep 02,2014

I certify (or declare) under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing is true and correct.

Dated at Chicago, Illinois on this 1- day of e> 20Ji:L.

435 N. Michigan Ave.

Chicago, IL 60611

2645001- Los Angeles Times

PLACE IN FILES Form 63-A-SM-9-74 R



To be attached to Council File No. \a- C>O \ o- S \-,


La Ciuda.d de los A~eles ofrece una recompensa pngadera a Ia discre<:i6n del Concejo de Ia Ciudad a una o mAs peoona:s por Ia swna o hasta una cantidad en conjunlO de SSO,OOO por infonnaci6n que conduzca a Ia identificaciOn y detcrtci6n de Ia persona o pcr.:;onas respoosables por Ia muertc de, COSME GONzALEZ, en Ia Ciudad de los Angeles. El Viemes 27 de febn.-ro de 2009, aproximadamente a las 9:31 a.m., un vendedor de tamales de 48 aOOs de edad, Cosme GonzAlez. fue asest.nado a tiros en lo que LAPD reports fue un intento de robo. Cosme deja atnis una esposa y tres niOOS pequellos. LAPD ha emitido una orden de arresto a uno de los sospechosos, Werner Francisco, quien se cree ha huido de los Q1ados Unidos a Mexico o Sudaaltrica. L.APD estA aUn busca.ndo al sospcchoso(s) y anima a los te.stigos a preseotarse, incluso de manera anOnima, para asistirlos en su Urvestigaci6n. La persona o petsOOBS n:sponsables de este delitcJ representan una amenam constante para Ia seguridad de los habilmltes de Los Angeles. A menos que se n:lire o se pague Ia acci6o por medio del Concejo de Ia Ciudad, esta oferta de recompensa tenninari. y no tendril ning(m efccto posterior al 2 DE MARZO DE 2015. Las provisiones de pago y toda.s las otras considernciones serfut regidas por el Capitulo I 2 de Ia DivisiOn I 9 del C6digo LAAC, como enrneodado rar las Onietlllll1llS Ntous. t S81 51 y 166666. Este ofrecimiento debe otorgarse tms cwnplir Ia condici6n que todos los demaodantcs proporcionen colaboracKm continua dentro del sistema de jll5ticia criminal relaci.onad? con est.e caso y no d1sporuble a los oliciales pUblicos o empleados de Ia Ciudad. sus fami~ personas que ejecutan Ia ley o pmonas cuya ma1a conducta originant esta recompensa. Si usted tiene eua.lquier informaciOn sobre este caso, por favor llame el ~to de Policfa de Los Angeles a1 (I) -877-LAWFULL en cualquier momento durante las 24 boras del dfa

C. F. No. 10-0010-;!!_...,.,,



STATE OF CALIFORNIA, County of Los Angeles,

I am a citizen of the United States and a resident of the County aforesaid; I am over the age of eighteen years, and not a party to or interested in the above-entitled matter. I am the principal clerk of the printer of the

Daily News a newspaper of general circulation published 7 times weekly in the County of Los Angeles, and which newspaper has been adjudged a newspaper of general circulation by the Superior Court of the County of Los Angeles, State of California, under the date of May 26, 1983, Case Number Adjudication #C349217; that the notice, of which the annexed is a printed copy (set in type not smaller than nonpareil) has been published in each regular and entire issue of said newspaper and not in any

::~it!~:5.#f.=~.OC .. ~Pl ... ~~~.'.~:i.~~---~~~~~:

all in the year 20 lf ...... . I certify (or declare) under penalty of perjury that the forgoing is true and correct.

Dated at W. oodland Hill. s, p . . . L£.11~ A) d l' t/

Cahforma, th1s .. L ......... day of •... ~ .•.. -.; 20 ... f- ·····

s:r~cJtc Signature""' '

Proof of Publication of

.. $..?ll !.!!.P .... i.e.w¥.:J. .... Na.t!.~~ ...... . (DAILY NEWS)

$50,000 REWARD NOTICE ·················The City of Los Angeles offers a·······················

reward payable at the discretion of the City Council to one or more persons in the sum or sums up to an aggregate maximum total sum of $50,000 for information leading to the identification and apprehension of the person or persons responsible for the act of murder against, COSME GONZALEZ, in the City of Los Angeles. On Friday, February 27, 2009, at approximately 9:31 a.m., a 48-year old tamale vendor, Cosme Gonzalez, was shot and killed in what LAPD reports was an attempted robbery. Cosme leaves behind a wife and three young children. LAPD has issued a warrant for the arrest of one of the suspects, Werner Francisco, who is believed to have fled the United States to Mexico or South America. LAPD is still searching for the suspect(s) and encourages witnesses to come forward, even anonymously, to assist them in their investigation. The person or persons responsible for this crime represent an ongoing threat to the safety of the people of Los Angeles. Unless withdrawn or paid by City Council action, this offer of reward shall terminate on, and have no effect after, MARCH 2, 2015. The provisions of payment and all other considerations shall be governed by Chapter 12 of Division 19 of the LAAC Code, as amended by Ordinance Nos. 158157 and 166666. This offer shall be given upon the condition that all claimants provide continued cooperation within the criminal justice system relative to this case and is not available to public officers or employees of the City, their families, persons in law enforcement or persons whose misconduct prompted this reward. If you have any information regarding this case, please call the Los Angeles Police Department at 1-877-LAWFULL, 24 hours. C. F. No. 10-0010-s13

Publish September 4, 2014


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