how to use facebook ads to scale your amazon ecommerce business without losing thousands of dollars

Post on 21-Jan-2018






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How to Use Facebook Ads to Scale Your Amazon eCommerce

Business Without Losing Thousands of Dollars


•How to create an awesome quiz.

•How to create both Facebook Engagement and Dark Posts.

•The Ultimate “3C” System to Scale your Amazon ecommerce business.

What You Will Learn

• Engineer (Mechatronics) turned Entrepreneur since 2014.

• Helped aspiring and established entrepreneurs built businesses of their Dreams.

• Current - Amazon eCommerce business consultant passionate in helping companies grow and scale their Amazon business FAST.

Who is Eugene Cheng?

•NO MORE creating endless amount of content for your Facebook page, website, etc.

Finally…you can wave goodbye to…

•NO MORE creating endless amount of content for your Facebook page, website, etc.

•NO MORE giving away products for FREE or huge discounts in exchange for sales.

Finally…you can wave goodbye to…

•NO MORE creating endless amount of content for your Facebook page, website, etc.

•NO MORE giving away products for FREE or huge discounts in exchange for sales.

•NO MORE throwing $$$ down the drain with poor quality Facebook ads.

Finally…you can wave goodbye to…

It’s Getting Crowded In Here…

Let me share with you 3 winning case stories…

Case Story #1

Case Story #2

Case Story #3

The 4 Myths of Facebook Ads

Myth #1 - Facebook Ads Doesn’t Work


Myth #2 - Amazon Ads is The Same as Facebook Ads

Myth #3 - Paid Advertising = MASSIVE Budget

Myth #4 - Don’t Need to Use Facebook Ads to Grow My Business

Before I Reveal the Strategy…

The Ultimate “3C” System

The Ultimate “3C” System•Choose target influencers. (i.e.

bloggers, magazines, associations, etc)

The Ultimate “3C” System•Choose target influencers. (i.e.

bloggers, magazines, associations, etc)

•Craft gamified lead magnet. (i.e. Quiz) and Create Facebook Engagement and “Dark" posts.

The Ultimate “3C” System•Choose target influencers. (i.e.

bloggers, magazines, associations, etc)

•Craft gamified lead magnet. (i.e. Quiz) and Create Facebook Engagement and “Dark" posts.

•Craft an optimized Amazon product listing and a compelling e-mail marketing campaign.

Why a Quiz?

•Engaging, irresistible and evergreen.

•Provides personalized results.

•High viral coefficient.

•Produces high qualifying leads.

•Faster and effective.

When I See a Quiz in My Newsfeed…

Hmm…what should i do?

When I See a Quiz in My Newsfeed…

Nah…Not interested. 18% Sure. Challenge accepted! 82%

Types of Effective Quizzes•Personality - What kind of dog owner are


Types of Effective Quizzes•Personality - What kind of dog owner are


•Knowledge - How well do you know your dog?

Types of Effective Quizzes•Personality - What kind of dog owner are


•Knowledge - How well do you know your dog?

•Comparison - Should you feed your dog kibble or raw food?

Types of Effective Quizzes•Personality - What kind of dog owner are


•Knowledge - How well do you know your dog?

•Comparison - Should you feed your dog kibble or raw food?

•Diagnostic - How likely will your dog get arthritis?

How to Create a Quiz?

•Create a checklist of questions about your product/niche.

•Write a compelling quiz title.

•Call to Action (CTA).



Quiz Results

•Display results instantly OR via email.

•Display a Call to Action button to the next step.

•Display a Share button.

Fishing bloggers, studios, other influencers.

One of each quizzes you want

to split test.

One for each specific ad creative

you want to split test.

Facebook Campaign Structure

Facebook Ads

Facebook Ads (Engagement Post Setup)

Facebook Ads (Engagement Post Setup)

Facebook Ads (Engagement Post Setup)

Facebook Ads (Engagement Post Setup)

Facebook Ads (Engagement Post Setup)

Facebook Ads (Engagement Post Setup)

Facebook Ads (Engagement Post Setup)

Facebook Ads (Engagement Post Setup)


United States

Facebook Ads (Engagement Post Setup)


United States

1400% !!!

Facebook Ads (Engagement Post Setup)

Select Automatic

Facebook Ads (Engagement Post Setup)

Facebook Ads (Engagement Post Setup)

Facebook Ads (Dark Post Setup)

•Target influencers. (i.e. bloggers, magazines, associations, etc)

•Share quiz to their audience.

Facebook Ads (Dark Post Audience Setup)

Facebook Ads (Dark Post Audience Setup)

Facebook Ads (Dark Post Bid Amount Setup)

Facebook Ads (Dark Post Audience Setup)

•$2.18*(4/1000) = $0.0087/day $0.26/month

•Say 100 influencers 100* $0.26= $26/month

Facebook Ads (Dark Post Audience Setup)

Facebook Ads (Dark Post Audience Setup)

Facebook Ads (Dark Post Audience Setup)

Thank You!Comment ‘WIN’ below if you are

excited to implement this strategy for your Amazon eCommerce business.

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