how to start a profitable blog

Post on 23-Jan-2018



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How to Start a Profitable Blog: 6 Things You Need to Do

Starting a profitable blog is not as easy as making a sandwich.

80-90% of the startup bloggers would quit they blogging journey before their first anniversary or within 3 – 4 months if they did not see any income from their blog.

It’s because they just keep on writing and publishing on they own social media pages.

You cannot earn money or get traffic just by doing this.

First, be patient and learn from your failure. Check out the top blog in your niche. Find how they are successful in it and don’t just stop here. Try out all other marketing strategies that give you result.

Second, you need to outreach your content, connect with the influence and build an email list.

But, How to start a profitable blog to make money

Ok, let me give you some tips on starting a profitable blog and make money from it.

Here we go…

Effective Ways to Build a Profitable Blog:

1# Build Your Email List

Why I said, build your email list in the first place? Well, the email list is the most important thing for the blog.

The more subscribers you have, the more traffic and money you can make.

Imagine if you have 1,00,000 email list and publishing a blog or offer. Think about how much traffic and money you can get from it.

Great, need help to get more email newsletter subscribers.

Let me give you one tip to convert your visitor into email subscribers.

Well, What is that?

Offer freebie. Every user loves to get free especially newbies blogger.

That is what every ProBlogger’s will do to build they email list.

Few tips to boost your email sign ups from the blog post.

Offer freebies like e-books & infographics etc. it will attract many people to signing up to your email lists.

The another simple way. Convert your blog post into an ebook

Place your e-book on their homepage, sidebar or below the content. Use CoSchedule headline analyser to check how powerful your book title are.

Use content upgrades on your blog post. The content upgrade can help you to build up the right audience on your email list.

2# Advertising Do and Don’t

If you ask every successful blogger, they plan to make money from their blog by Adsense or Direct Advertising.

Selling the ad slots or monetizing by Adsense is not a bad idea.

However, for some niche site, it’s a bad idea.

Why if they are paying you 1000 or 2000$ depend on your site traffic. think about how much they can make from it.

Copyblogger makes over 15,000$ by selling they ad spot. However, in spite of selling the ad spot, they place they own product ads.

Guess what! They made 50,000$ in revenue after placing they own product Ad.

Here is a snapshot of it from SmartBlogger.

So, Should we advertise only our product?

The answer is no. It will not work for all niche.

It depends on your audience.

3# Affiliate Marketing

Wait, You have suggested not to advertise others product?

Yes, but there is some product which you cannot make on your own. But, your audience will be in need of it.

Example: Webhosting or tools like Ahrefs, SEMrush.

Affiliate Marketing is a great strategy that can help you to earn huge money. However, it is not possible for a startup blog to make money that much.



So, At beginning focus on building email and outreach.

It is possible only if you rank for the keyword or if you have big mail list.

Check out Pat Flynn from, who earn 166,123.99$ in April 2016. And 124,184.70$ revenue is from the affiliate.

4# Offer Services, Consultants or Coaching

Offering Services, including coaching and consultants are great ideas to earn money.

Your blog is will be an ID of what you are and what you can do.

If your blog is about photoshop tutorial and with impressive design work in it.

I will not say no to give them a design work.

If you have, know about SEO That Works 2.0 course by Brian Dean.

I am not sure how many user have registered for it. However, according to his Facebook group for SEO That Works students. There are over 1,358 Members.SEO That Works 2.0 Facebook group

The course price was around 2000$. With 1,358 students he made 2716000$. It is not an exact price. His course was about 2 or 3 different package. It is an approximate price.

However, it will not work out if your email list is much smaller and with zero trusts.

5# Launch Ebook or product

E-book and product are a great source of a blog to make money.

Beginning a blogger you know what your audience are in need it. Launch a product or e-book that they will buy.

Launching an e-book is easier than launching a product. You need to work in months or even a year to develop a product.

However, I’m sure both will make money for you.

If you have, seen Pat Flynn last income report. He made around 10,995.79$ per month just by selling his e-book.

Some tips to make quick sales

Start an affiliate program for the product that you have made and give high commission.

Launch a giveaway with some top blogger with similar niche. It helps you in promoting your product.

6# Build Relationship

Building relationship is the goal for one to build a successful blog.

Reach out to the influenced person in your niche. Connect with them through email then the social site.

Join and Help others through discussions forum or facebook groups. Give a regular interaction.

Use Twitter. Find and follow all the influence person in your niche.

Email is also a great way to connect with influence person. Remember to add a great subject to steal their attention.

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